Weekend Fantasy Collection

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Angie Santiago & Carol D’souza

Amsterdam A/W 2018


Design Statement Our mission is to create clothing for women who want to experience an exotic trip that combines looks that can work for both day and night. Beyond the lack of consistency for weather, Amsterdam has so many activities to offer this woman. From biking around the city for sightseeing, to visiting coffee shops, and even experiencing the museum life of both art and even the art of sex, our ideal customer can get lost in Amsterdam and live life on the edge.

Customer Profile - Woman (18-30) - Freelance photographer & blogger - Edgy, grunge, dynamic - Loves to travel - Is open with her sexuality - Enjoys biking, going to coffee shops, and visiting sex museums - Enjoys capturing real moments - Believes in practicality with style - Listens to: Kendrick Lamar, King Krule, Arctic Monkey

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- Turtleneck for cool weather

- Waterproof plastic

- Interchangeable sleeves

- Transparency for ungarments

- Buttoned up crotch

- Can wear for multiple outfit types

- Removable hoodie

- Easy to layer over or under

- Interchangeable pant legs

- Wide sleeves

- Sexy aesthetic for a night

- Comfortable jeans with

- Reversible from water-


hardware influences

proof to fur

- Works as a statement piece

- Can be Bermuda shorts or

in an outfit


Thank You | Dank Je

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