Trunnion Cryogenic CSTY Literature

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“Quality equates to the sum of Applied Science” Serving the most rugged applications in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin Brochure CSTY Series – February 2019



CSC Valves Canada Inc. offers the capability for cryogenic testing through our joint venture plant. Our facilities offer the latest technology in cryogenics, along with an implemented quality plan to ensure reliable product and longevity in service.

Call toll free regarding your cryogenic service applications. 1-888-803-5817

From production of our valves to installation and service, we employ personnel with the latest training and industry knowledge.

Serving the most rugged applications in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin Brochure CSTY Series – February 2019



TABLE OF CONTENTS The Company & Range Chart .………………….……..………….2 Design Features ……...…………..…………………….……………3 Exploded View ……...…………...…..………………....…………...4 Trim Chart ….………………………………………….………………5 Dimension Charts…………………………...…..……….…………..6 Contact Information ..…………………………..….....……………..8

“Quality equates to the sum of Applied Science”




THE COMPANY CSC Valves Canada Inc. is a Canadian company engaged in the engineering design, manufacture and sale of quality valve products. The firm was formed, recognizing the need for flexibility of valve products given the myriad of applications. Hence our commitment to offering customers choice of components and design concepts based on their application criteria.


NPS 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30"

DN 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750

150 ◊ ◊ ◊ * * * * * * * * * * * * *

300 ◊ ◊ ◊ * * * * * * * * * * * * *

32" 34" 36"

800 850 900

* * *

* * *

ASME CLASS 600 900 ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1500 ◊ ◊ * * * * * * * * *

2500 ◊ ◊ * * * * *

* * *





100% forged construction of all pressure containing components ensures elimination of porosity associated with castings.

Standardized blow-out proof stem design with maximum allowable stem torque in compliance with the latest API 6D standards.

LOW TEMPERATURE DESIGN Major components are cryogenically pre-treated and fit tested at service temperature to ensure proper operation.

SEAT DESIGN Seats are constructed from 316 SS and fitted with a CPTFE insert for reliable performance in extremely low temperature conditions.





External Trunnion Parts




TRIM CHART CSTY Series Materials of Parts


Part Name

1 Body 2 End Connection 3 Ball 4 Stem 5 Seat Insert 6 Seat Ring 7 Trunnion Plate 8 Bonnet 9 Firesafe Packing 10 Mounting Plate 11 Pin 12 Flat Key 13 Thrust Bearing 14 Thrust Bearing 15 Trunnion Bearing 16 Spring 17 Polymer Seal 18 Stud 19 Hex Nut 20 Socket Head Cap Screw 21 Injection Fitting 22 Firesafe Gasket 23 Drain Fitting 24 Vent Fitting 25 Trunnion Pin Applicable Service Applicable Media Conditions Applicable Temp. Design and Manufacturing Pressure Test Operation

Cryogenic Service ASTM A182 F316 ASTM A182 F316 ASTM A182 F316 ASTM A182 F316 PCTFE ASTM A182 F316 ASTM A182 F316 ASTM A182 F316 Graphite ASTM A182 F304 SAE 1035 SAE 1045 PTFE ASTM A182 F304 Metal Packed PTFE INCONEL X-750 PTFE + INCONEL X-750 ASTM A193 B8M ASTM A194 8M ASTM A193 B8 ASTM A182 F304 Graphite + 304 ASTM A182 F304 ASTM A182 F304 ASTM A182 F316 Liquefied Gases -250C to 120C API 6D, API 607, ASME B16.34, CSA Z245.15 API 6D, API 598 Wrench Locking, Gear Operated




ASME Class 150-2500 Full Port Dimension Chart

Pressure Class 150



Nominal Diameter NPS DN 2" 50 3" 80 4" 100 6" 150 8" 200 10" 250 12" 300 14" 350 16" 400 18" 450 20" 500 24" 600 26" 650 28" 700 30" 750 32" 800 36" 900 2" 50 3" 80 4" 100 6" 150 8" 200 10" 250 12" 300 14" 350 16" 400 18" 450 20" 500 24" 600 26" 650 28" 700 30" 750 32" 800 36" 900 2" 50 3" 80 4" 100 6" 150 8" 200 10" 250 12" 300 14" 350 16" 400 18" 450 20" 500

d (mm)

L D Height Weight Pressure Nominal d L (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Class Diameter (mm) (mm) RF RTJ H H1 NPS DN RF RTJ 50 178 191 150 ⌂ 88 19 300 2" 50 50 216 232 75 203 216 190 ⌂ 117 28 3" 80 75 283 298 100 229 241 230 ⌂ 137 50 4" 100 100 305 321 150 394 406 280 ⌂ 178.5 160 6" 150 150 403 419 201 457 470 345 ⌂ 222 270 8" 200 201 502 518 252 533 546 405 ⌂ 265 415 10" 250 252 568 584 303 610 622 485 ⌂ 308.5 660 12" 300 303 648 664 334 686 699 535 ⌂ 334 890 14" 350 334 762 778 385 762 775 595 ⌂ 375 1080 16" 400 385 838 854 436 864 876 635 ⌂ 410 1480 18" 450 436 914 930 487 914 927 700 ⌂ 458 1970 20" 500 487 991 1010 589 1067 1080 815 ⌂ 534 3000 24" 600 589 1143 1165 633 1143 870 ⌂ 582 3612 26" 650 633 1245 684 1245 927 ⌂ 605 4402 28" 700 684 1346 735 1295 984 ⌂ 672 5112 30" 750 735 1397 779 1372 1060 ⌂ 704 6667 32" 800 779 1524 874 1524 1168 ⌂ 796 8627 36" 900 874 1727 50 292 295 165 ⌂ 91.5 38 900 2" 50 50 368 371 75 356 359 210 ⌂ 119 65 3" 80 75 381 384 100 432 435 275 ⌂ 150 118 4" 100 100 457 460 150 559 562 355 ⌂ 192.5 250 6" 150 150 610 613 201 660 664 420 ⌂ 235 430 8" 200 201 737 740 252 787 791 510 ⌂ 280 680 10" 250 252 838 841 303 838 841 560 ⌂ 320 985 12" 300 303 965 968 334 889 892 605 ⌂ 350 1287 14" 350 322 1029 1038 385 991 994 685 ⌂ 395 1640 16" 400 373 1130 1140 436 1092 1095 745 ⌂ 439 2268 18" 450 423 1219 1232 487 1194 1200 815 ⌂ 490 2830 20" 500 471 1321 1334 589 1397 1407 940 ⌂ 573 4400 24" 600 570 1549 1568 633 1448 1016 ⌂ 612 5455 26" 650 617 1651 684 1549 1073 ⌂ 670 7610 28" 700 665 1753 735 1651 1130 ⌂ 710 8420 30" 750 712 1880 779 1778 1194 ⌂ 780 9230 32" 800 760 2032 874 2083 1314 ⌂ 840 13000 36" 900 855 2286 50 368 371 215 ⌂ 105 57 2500 2" 50 42 451 454 75 470 473 265 ⌂ 149 168 3" 80 62 578 584 100 546 549 310 ⌂ 178 230 4" 100 87 673 683 144 705 711 395 ⌂ 227 685 6" 150 131 914 927 192 832 841 485 ⌂ 267 993 8" 200 179 1022 1038 239 991 1000 585 ⌂ 323 1781 10" 250 223 1270 1292 287 1130 1146 675 ⌂ 381 2280 12" 300 265 1422 1445 315 1257 1276 750 ⌂ 432 3000 360 1384 1407 825 ⌂ 453 3816 406 1537 1559 915 ⌂ 530 6195 454 1664 1686 985 ⌂ 569 9075 NOTE: ⌂ Bonnet Length may vary given Service Temperature Application. Please Consult CSC Valves.

D (mm) 165 210 255 320 380 445 520 585 650 710 775 915 972 1035 1092 1149 1270 215 240 290 380 470 545 610 640 705 785 855 1040 1086 1168 1232 1314 1461 235 305 355 485 550 675 760 -

Height Weight (mm) (kg) H H1 ⌂ 88 22 ⌂ 117 38 ⌂ 137 60 ⌂ 178.5 180 ⌂ 222 295 ⌂ 265 450 ⌂ 308.5 700 ⌂ 334 1160 ⌂ 380 1340 ⌂ 410 1610 ⌂ 458 2200 ⌂ 549 3460 ⌂ 590 4017 ⌂ 682 4974 ⌂ 720 5681 ⌂ 737 6837 ⌂ 804 8700 ⌂ 105 57 ⌂ 130 87 ⌂ 158 193 ⌂ 197 340 ⌂ 250 570 ⌂ 294 912 ⌂ 334 1325 ⌂ 368 1620 ⌂ 408 1990 ⌂ 461 2611 ⌂ 506 3880 ⌂ 616 6296 ⌂ 635 7280 ⌂ 685 9166 ⌂ 722 11277 ⌂ 755 12300 ⌂ 846 17500 ⌂ 123 140 ⌂ 171 216 ⌂ 206 328 ⌂ 263 1030 ⌂ 330 1570 ⌂ 388 2550 ⌂ 440 3872 -




ASME Class 150-2500 Reg. Port Dimension Chart

Pressure Class 150



Nominal d d1 L D Height Weight Pressure Nominal d d1 L Diameter (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) Class Diameter (mm) (mm) (mm) NPS DN RF RTJ H H1 NPS DN RF RTJ 3" X 2" 80 50 75 203 216 190 ⌂ 88 28 300 3" X 2" 80 50 75 283 298 4" X 3" 100 75 100 229 241 230 ⌂ 117 45 4" X 3" 100 75 100 305 321 6" X 4" 150 100 150 394 406 280 ⌂ 137 95 6" X 4" 150 100 150 403 419 8" X 6" 200 150 201 457 470 345 ⌂ 178.5 170 8" X 6" 200 150 201 502 518 10" X 8" 250 201 252 533 546 405 ⌂ 222 313 10" X 8" 250 201 252 568 584 12" X 10" 300 252 303 610 622 485 ⌂ 265 470 12" X 10" 300 252 303 648 664 14" X 10" 350 252 334 686 699 535 ⌂ 265 521 14" X 10" 350 252 334 762 778 14" X 12" 350 303 334 686 699 535 ⌂ 308.5 760 14" X 12" 350 303 334 762 778 16" X 12" 400 303 385 762 775 595 ⌂ 308.5 834 16" X 12" 400 303 385 838 854 16" X 14" 400 334 385 762 775 595 ⌂ 334 930 16" X 14" 400 334 385 838 854 18" X 16" 450 385 436 864 876 635 ⌂ 375 1120 18" X 16" 450 385 436 914 930 20" X 16" 500 385 487 914 927 700 ⌂ 375 1480 20" X 16" 500 385 436 991 1010 20" X 18" 500 436 487 914 927 700 ⌂ 410 1620 20" X 18" 500 487 487 991 1010 24" X 20" 600 487 589 1067 1080 815 ⌂ 458 2270 24" X 20" 600 487 589 1143 1165 30" X 24" 750 589 735 1295 984 ⌂ 534 3730 30" X 24" 750 589 735 1397 36" X 30" 900 735 874 1524 - 1168 ⌂ 672 6740 36" X 30" 900 735 874 1727 3" X 2" 80 50 75 356 359 210 ⌂ 91.5 44 900 3" X 2" 80 50 75 381 384 4" X 3" 100 75 100 432 435 275 ⌂ 119 85 4" X 3" 100 75 100 457 460 6" X 4" 150 100 150 559 562 355 ⌂ 150 169 6" X 4" 150 100 150 610 613 8" X 6" 200 150 201 660 664 420 ⌂ 192.5 280 8" X 6" 200 150 201 737 740 10" X 8" 250 201 252 787 791 510 ⌂ 235 520 10" X 8" 250 201 252 838 841 12" X 10" 300 252 303 838 841 560 ⌂ 280 790 12" X 10" 300 252 303 965 968 14" X 10" 350 252 334 889 892 605 ⌂ 280 960 14" X 10" 350 252 322 1029 1038 14" X 12" 350 303 334 889 892 605 ⌂ 320 1070 14" X 12" 350 303 322 1029 1038 16" X 12" 400 303 385 991 994 685 ⌂ 320 1250 16" X 12" 400 303 373 1130 1140 16" X 14" 400 334 385 991 994 685 ⌂ 350 1367 16" X 14" 400 322 373 1130 1140 18" X 16" 450 385 436 1092 1095 745 ⌂ 395 1840 18" X 16" 450 373 423 1219 1232 20" X 16" 500 385 487 1194 1200 815 ⌂ 395 2177 20" X 16" 500 373 471 1321 1334 20" X 18" 500 436 487 1194 1200 815 ⌂ 439 2390 20" X 18" 500 373 471 1321 1334 24" X 20" 600 487 589 1397 1407 940 ⌂ 490 3560 24" X 20" 600 471 570 1549 1568 30" X 24" 750 589 735 1651 - 1130 ⌂ 573 5200 30" X 24" 750 570 712 1880 36" X 30" 900 735 874 2083 - 1314 ⌂ 710 9900 36" X 30" 900 712 855 2286 3" X 2" 80 50 75 470 473 265 ⌂ 105 127 2500 3" X 2" 80 42 62 578 584 4" X 3" 100 74 100 546 549 310 ⌂ 149 195 4" X 3" 100 62 87 673 683 6" X 4" 150 100 144 705 711 395 ⌂ 178 270 6" X 4" 150 87 131 914 927 8" X 6" 200 144 192 832 841 485 ⌂ 227 586 8" X 6" 200 131 179 1022 1038 10" X 8" 250 192 239 991 1000 585 ⌂ 267 1010 10" X 8" 250 179 223 1270 1292 12" X 10" 300 239 287 1130 1146 675 ⌂ 323 1760 12" X 10" 300 223 265 1422 1445 14" X 10" 350 239 315 1257 1276 750 ⌂ 323 2010 14" X 12" 350 287 315 1257 1276 750 ⌂ 381 2680 16" X 12" 400 287 360 1384 1407 825 ⌂ 381 2860 16" X 14" 400 315 360 1384 1407 825 ⌂ 432 3530 18" X 16" 450 360 406 1537 1559 915 ⌂ 453 5030 20" X 16" 500 360 454 1664 1686 985 ⌂ 453 5205 20" X 18" 500 406 454 1664 1686 985 ⌂ 530 5380 Note: ⌂ Bonnet Length may vary given Service Temperature Application. Please Consult CSC Valves.

D (mm) 210 255 320 380 445 520 585 585 650 650 710 775 775 915 1092 1270 240 290 380 470 545 610 640 640 705 705 785 855 855 1040 1232 1461 305 355 485 550 675 760 -

Height Weight (mm) (kg) H H1 ⌂ 88 42 ⌂ 117 62 ⌂ 137 115 ⌂ 178.5 196 ⌂ 222 350 ⌂ 265 552 ⌂ 265 644 ⌂ 308.5 780 ⌂ 308.5 908 ⌂ 334 1105 ⌂ 380 1500 ⌂ 380 1600 ⌂ 410 1910 ⌂ 458 2940 ⌂ 549 4430 ⌂ 682 7520 ⌂ 105 56 ⌂ 130 97 ⌂ 158 220 ⌂ 197 436 ⌂ 250 650 ⌂ 294 1050 ⌂ 294 1230 ⌂ 334 1435 ⌂ 334 1700 ⌂ 368 1820 ⌂ 408 2550 ⌂ 408 2630 ⌂ 461 3630 ⌂ 506 5030 ⌂ 616 8730 ⌂ 722 15385 ⌂ 123 157 ⌂ 171 260 ⌂ 206 548 ⌂ 263 1100 ⌂ 330 1890 ⌂ 388 2850 -


For Inquiries: Ph: 1-888-803-5817 Email: Engineering/Research & Development Office: 9817-62 Avenue Edmonton, AB Canada T6E 0E4 Ph: 780-436-3552 Fax: 780-436-3553

“Quality equates to the sum of Applied Science” Serving the most rugged applications in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin Brochure CSTY Series – February 2019

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