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IntervIew: Álvaro IntervIew: Álvaro HernÁndez HernÁndez

Author: Pedro Martínez Author: Pedro Martínez

Basketball is a won non-contact team sport on a rectangular court them. by two Have you championships in played your sports career? Name teams of five players Basketball began and with state its invention in 1891 inI Competitions I won each. several but at municipal level, in municipal Springfield, Massachusetts by Canadian physical education instructor James have won all the interprepas I have had, there have been three, I have also Naismith as a less injury-prone sport than football. The game became won one called municipal league that is made in Ciudad Deportiva, I have established and grew popular in asUABC the 20th century won one fairly called quickly UNINVITAVER whichvery is organized is in summer progressed, firststate in America and then world. and state level also time, at the level I have won throughout interprepasthe , national gaveIgnacio me once cup in Tijuana champagnat is in honor High of a Álvaro Hernández García called is a student who iswhich on the CETYS person who founded and inold thatand school tournament is held. At School basketball team; a heschool is 17 years playsthe basketball in this school national level I have won in the first place, I have been in and competitions located in Mexicali, Baja not California, Mexico. We interviewed him, here are and I have been runner-up and in third place but I have not won any, those his answers: that I have been runner-up are two National Olympics, on third one Where were youand born? I was born hereplace in the was city ofinMexicali, Baja California, interprepa another second a competition called Mexico ADEMEBA. What you studyaatlotthe I am currently attending sixth Dodo you spend of moment? time in basketball? How much and the why? Or semester why in high school here at CETYS University at Campus Mexicali. not? I currently spend 2 hours day,to10inathe week plus Currently 2 a day inplanned physical What do you plan to study or each dedicate future? work that would be in the gym, which would be 20 hours a week. to study in CETYS, I am seeing if in industrial engineering or mechanical engineering, I still can do not decide inbring? whichHealth careerand to choose. One of my What benefits basketball physically plans is, if I study industrial engineering, it would be to finish the carrierperson, In this point of health and the physical, before I was a very chubby andinthen do aImastery in structure in the CETYS andproblems I pretend facttowhen started playing basketball I had some to make my own company onwhen construction or public of being overweight, but I went toofahouses doctor with a nutritionist places more than nothing. If I study mechanical engineering, I willand and put me on a diet and with exercise that I do in basketball probably dodiet a specialty, I think right at there CETYSI and I plan with the I could lose weight, thisin moment can say that I to have several workshops. Besides studying these two specialties, am a thin person I do not have any health problems and also I would like to helps leave me for exchange, I wouldand liketo toavoid go to addictions Germany, basketball to have condition I would also like to go to know United States for the part of Seattle, Boston and like alcohol and drugs because I stay very busy training. Washington. What is the most difficult thing about basketball? For The you, hardest what is basketball? For me basketball more than consider it thing in basketball is not something thatanything I would Icall difficult as abut door that opens other doors, because when basketball they rather circumstantial, because there are playing times that you have tooffer go to youplay scholarships in different parts and you get better education, also since youa to other parts like Ensenada or Tijuana or you can go to play have that scholarship still playand basketball national, anywhereyou in Mexico that limits you a lot because sometimes in allyou themiss universities in the university thatthings you want go,would and you outings,orparties or important that to you likemaintain to do but a scholarship and you make that your parents pay less at the moment you can’t, to go to play, but also training restricts you a little by the university andgoing you do have tofriends stress them to girlfriend. pay in going out and outnot with your or your certain tuitions.

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IntervIew: Álvaro IntervIew: Álvaro HernÁndez HernÁndez

Author: Pedro Martínez Author: Pedro Martínez

What attitudes or disciplines do you acquire in basketball? In the attitudes and disciplines as I said, it take away from drugs like alcohol, tobacco things like that What are to themaintain most important rules of basketball? Basketball and because you have a good physique to be able to continue rules at a high points, say that only punctuality training and attendance can be level, besides thatI brings you values such asincompanionship, solidarity, respect considered, because if you go constantly to train and arrive on time, and also teaches you the value of never giving up, because when you are playing the who exercise youordo becomes a better athlete each basketballobviously you neverall know will win how far the game ends and if and you don’t time improving a little every time, another importanttorule give up you canyou go are up or win a game that is already lost. In addition thiswould I feel be, respect because you in a sport that you need towhen workI as a team that basketball has helped me in theare aspect of security because started to and if there is no respect in the team, obviously it can’t be a good team, play basketball I have become a safer person of my own, it helps me make ruleshas canmade be always give mature more than the and coach asksI started you, this important other decisions, me a more person I think to grow as a means person that if the coach asks you to give 40 laps you give 50 laps. In addition you always have to give an extra effort if you can give or do If you had extra to change about basketball, would training it be andbut why? thingssomething and not only stay with purewhat basketball also you I believe that the duration of tournaments, as I said before, to the can go to the gym or do other exercises. tournaments that I have been, have been quite long for example in the municipal Hernández in his short life as a student with only 17 years of age stage for 3Álvaro days in the regional stage lasting 4 to 5 days and has dedicated much time and effort to basketball which can has led to his in the national stage during 5 to 8 days, I think that the tournament assame an athlete is successful and progressive. be played career with the intensity in less amount of days, because those days you can lose them in school, with your friends or with a relationship that you have, I consider that if the organizers do the tournaments at the same time, I think you have a chance to do more things. Does a person's weight influence the sport? Explain why Referring to this sport the weight is very important, because it is a sport called sport burst, it is called like that because all the time you have to be running, if you are not a person who has good condition and is not thin, it would be difficult to be able to run one way and turn the whole game without stopping and obviously if you have a greater weight you will tire faster than a person who does not have weight comparing an obese person, in addition to this, in basketball you are more athletic than in other sports, usually almost all athletes who play this sport have a good physical or are thin.

What kind of training do you have to get better performance and better in sports? Which are? The exercises that I do are training from Monday to Friday from 6 to 8 in the afternoon, 2 hours a day and in addition to this I go with a physical trainer called Hector Vildosola, currently the coach of CETYS University, he puts me do gym exercises, lifting weights, exercises with league, things of agility and this has really helped me, since I have become faster and agile, besides I have gained 38 39 more condition.

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