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Ángelo Romeo Martínez

New York, United States

A man of Mursi Ethiopian & Taíno Cuban decent with an urban gentleman spirit and personality. Yes I structure my eyebrows, get facials, manicures, pedicures and wear body has nothing to do with my sexuality or mannerisms, it's purely my vanity. No I do not walk with a switch in my hips and don't walk with a limp. When I sag it is not to look 'thuggish' but to advertise the goods...LOL. For the religious folks out there you should know that I am an atheist and very proud of it, I'd appreciate it if you could respect my right not to share your beliefs. Judge me. I find it funny how many people on here can only resort to saying 'dont judge me!' ... I welcome your judgements (don't mistake that for need). I think its important to know what people think of you, remember you by, associate you with. If nothing else, the criteria on which you decide to judge me will tell me more about you than you could ever learn about me on this page. What I am is a black gay man living in America, let me define mysel
