If you were food, what food would you be?

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what food would you be?


if you were a food

what food would you be?


if you were a food

what food would you be?

MARKELLOS KOLOFOTIAS Markellos Kolofotias is a visual artist based in Athens, Greece. He holds an MFA from the Athens School of Fine Arts (2021) and a Diploma from the Faculty of Fine Arts, School of Fine and Applied Arts of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2016). In parallel of his studies he attended classes at the Facultad de Bellas Artes de San Carlos, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia in Spain, on an Erasmus scholarship (2015). His work has been presented in exhibitions such as: Stasis in Practice-7th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art (MOMus-Museum Alex Mylona 2020), Mind the Gap-Kodra Fresh (Action Field Kodra 2016), Metamorphosis-Inspire Festival ( Macedonian Museum of Contempοrary Art 2013)

if you were a food

what food would you be?


Chrysi Papadaki was born in Crete and is a senior at Athens School of Fine Arts. Her work is driven by repetition and obsession and her mediums are drawing, sculpture with dough and performance.

if you were a food

what food would you be?


Sofia Mylona is an Italian-Greek artist currently living in Thessaloniki. She is in her last year of studies in the Faculty of Visual and Applied Arts in Thessaloniki, captivated by the public space, social art and artivism. She likes politics, being part of collectives, the sun, the sea, magical realism, poetry, Samuel Beckett and Bomba Estereo.

if you were a food

what food would you be?


Thanasis Milonas was born in Kavala, Greece in 1996. He is a visual artist currently a senior in Athens School of Fine Arts. His main practice is based on painting however he is also interested in other materials, such as slides (35mm). He intervenes on slides with various methods creating a different story on each image.

if you were a food

what food would you be?

‘‘Plants have taken up space, the dishes look like they have always been there. Herbal, climbing, Mediterranean varie ties, plants are all over the table.

May the guests, enjoy the food’’

if you were a food

‘‘Και τα μαλλιά σου που ανέμιζαν στο αγέρι, μου κανες κλικ από το πρώτο λεπτό’’ ‘‘ΩΡΑΙΟ ΨΩΜΙ!’’ ‘‘Κύμινο, μοσχοκάρυδο και κόκκινο πιπέρι, ποτέ δεν είχε ταίρι’’ ‘‘Τα αποξηραμένα φρούτα και τους ξηρούς καρπούς που ταίριαζαν υπέροχα με το κρασί! Να μια σκέψη λοιπόν. Ήταν μια πολυ όμορφη ανάμειξη αυτή η βραδιά, από αυτές που μπορεί να το περιμένεις αλλά πάντα όταν πετυχαίνει είναι ευχάριστο!!! Σας ευχαριστούμε!’’

what food would you be?

if you were a food

what food would you be?

‘‘Μερικά απ’ τα κουλουράκια έμοιαζαν έτοιμα να φαγωθούν, άλλα πάλι έστεκαν ποζάροντας ναρκισσιστικά κ αδιάφορα. Ας μην μαλώσουμε όμως για τα κουλουράκια. Το θέμα ήταν το μεγάλο τραπέζι, όχι σαν αντικείμενο επιτέλεσης παθών αυτή τη φορά, αλλά πιο πολύ σαν έργο προσφοράς και θέασης. Ήμασταν κατά κάποιο τρόπο “διαθέσιμα”. Και εγώ ήμουν άλλωστε ένα από αυτά, με τη διαφορά ότι έφευγα καμιά φορά, περιφερόμουν που και που σχολιάζοντας τα υπόλοιπα, έτοιμο να φαγωθώ και σκεπτόμενο τι θα επέλεγα να ήμουν αν δεν ήμουν αυτό που ήμουν. Χαιρετώ γλυκά, ΄Ενα υλικό του τραπεζιού.’’

if you were a food

‘‘Η λεμονόπιτα. Θα μπορούσα να τη φάω ολόκληρη! Όλοι έτρωγαν πιπεριές Φλωρίνης με μακαρόνια και νομίζω αυτό κάτι πρέπει να μας πει… Τα κανταΐφια ήταν αφράτα και ζουμερά αλλά σε κανέναν δεν αρέσουν μαζί με μακαρόνια. Αν άρεσαν σε κανέναν θα το ξέραμε μέχρι τώρα.. Κάποιος δοκίμασε μακαρόνια με κανέλα και κάρυ. Έχουμε καταλάβει καιρό τώρα ότι αυτά δεν πάνε μαζί αλλά δεν πειράζει. Τρία πιάτα μακαρόνια σκέτα πάντως εγώ θα έτρωγα αν με πονούσε η κοιλιά μου…’’ ‘‘Τα ξαναβρήκαμε και ναιιιι είμαι πολυ χαρουμεν@’’

what food would you be?

if you were a food

what food would you be?

‘‘Δεν ξεχωρισα καποιο φαγητο διοτι πεινουσα πολυ οποτε ολα φαινονταν ωραια. Εν τελη ντραπηκα λιγο και εφαγα μονο απο ανθρωπους που ηξερα και φαγητα που ηταν “ευκολα” (τυπου τυρια). Περασα πολυ ομορφα πραγμα που δεν συμβαινει σχεδον ποτε σε τραπεζια πιο καθημερινα απο αυτο.’’ ‘‘Καταπληκτική δουλειά! Η διαχείριση της τροφής ως μέσο έκφρασης σε συνδυασμό με την άψογη οργάνωση και την ιδιαίτερα φροντιστική και φιλόξενη διάθεση από τους δημιουργούς και τους συντονιστές μου άφησε πολύ θετικές εντυπώσεις σ’ ένα πολύ πρωτότυπο κόνσεπτ και αναμένω να δω παρόμοιες δουλείες των παιδιών και μελλοντικά!’’

if you were a food

If you were food what food would you be? The Art Coud Greece team starts its activities in the city of Athens and it will be difficult to remain indifferent. Two of its members, Myrto and Angelos, start this journey, how else? with a dinner. We share food to feel comfort and enjoy our company (con + pan). It builds trust among people sharing the same food. Decisions and consensus can be achieved more quickly, people are more likely to respect each other, and it’s easier to work together. And what else would be better than Art and Food? We invite artists to create artwork based on the idea of food we just ask; If you were food what food would you be? We accept ‘food’ in the broadest sense: it might be man-made or natural…an object, setting, memory, dream, story, poem, drawing, conflict or border. 4 upcoming young artists will share their “food” with participants 25 participants will bring their own most favourite food ingredients The participants, perhaps unknown to each other, will try, share and communicate through the sense of taste. The furniture will invite participants to creatively express themselves in the space. Memories and food will be sheared.

what food would you be?

if you were a food

what food would you be?

In an old and neglected neoclassical house In its years of operation it has hosted numerous uses. printing house, butter company, signage and knitting factory, school and party headquarters the traces on the dilapidated architecture of the building. Over the years, these traces have been confused with the previous ones, with those who in the past built the building, lived or worked inside it.

if you were a food

If you were food what food would you be? In the controversial area of ​​Metaxourgeio in the center of Athens, Love and despair, fun and death, dreams and disappointments coexist. Νatives and immigrants, cultural nomads, Chinese traders, drug addicts amid prostitution and nightclubs.

what food would you be?

if you were a food

what food would you be?

The high ceilings, labyrinthine rooms, the worn walls, open ceilings, stairs and windows, terrace, balconies, inner courtyard Inside this shell, new users will meet and dine together 4 young artists will answer the question, if you were food, what food would you be? The guests will exchange their favorite cooking materials

if you were a food

what food would you be?

The event was conceived and curated by Myrto Patramani & Angelos Sotiriou. Warm thanks to Communitism for hosting The Dinner on Monday November 15th 2021.

ArtCloudGreece is a project of Siena Art Institute co-funded by Stavros Niarchos Foundation.

if you were a food

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