Frozen Cranberry Sorbet

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Frozen Cranberry Sorbet

' There is a local frozen custard stand that people in our area have been flocking to since I was a little kid. For the longest time, they only had one location, but opened a second one a handful of years ago. The custard is phenomenal, but what I really love is that they don’t close up shop after Labor Day; they stay open until Thanksgiving which you can check out some of those cooking videos, which means I can continue to get my frozen custard fix right up until the holidays. Last year, my Chief Culinary Consultant and I stopped for a little dessert right before Thanksgiving and they were out of his INGREDIENTS: beloved orange sherbet, but they did have a cranberry sherbet, ½ cup granulated sugar which he tried and absolutely loved. He talked about that ½ cupfor water sherbet months, so once cranberries were in the stores again, I snatched some up so I could make a frozen cranberry 12 ounces fresh cranberries treat perfect for this time of year. I chose to go with a sorbet Pinch of salt instead of a sherbet for this recipe, as I find sorbets to be ½ cup orangeWhile juice a sherbet isn’t as heavy as ice cream much lighter. recipes, it’s certainly more the creamy Thanksgiving 1 tablespoon Cointreau or on Grand Marnierside. liquor dinner is basically the king of all meals, right? I feel like no DIRECTIONS: matter how little I take of any one thing, I walk away from the stuffed. sugar and water in Ia absolutely, medium saucepan over the1. Combine table totally However, positively medium heat, Thanksgiving stirring untildessert. the sugar has incompletely cannot turn down With that mind, I dissolved. made this cranberry sorbet as a light and refreshing option to cap off the Thanksgiving dinner, in bring case toguests find Cover, the 2. Add cranberries and salt, and a low boil. traditional a bit too much loosening reduce thepies heattotobemedium-low, andafter cookalready for 10 minutes (the thecranberries good ol’ belt buckle. The combination fresh cranberries should be completely soft atofthis point). Remove and juiceheat give(leaving this sorbet slightly tartcool andthe incredibly theorange pan from the alid on) and cranberry refreshing flavor just like any other easy dessert recipes. My mixture to room temperature. tongue did a little jig when I tasted my first spoonful. It’s 3. Once cool, using a blender or food processor, puree together definitely a perfect light alternative for dessert; the the cranberry mixture (including any juices), orange juice and cranberries feel right at home next to the pumpkin, apple and Cointreau until completely smooth. Press the mixture pecan pies. through a fine-mesh sieve into a clean bowl. Cover and refrigerate at least 8 hours (or overnight) to chill completely. 4. Freeze the mixture in an ice cream maker according to the manufacturer's directions. Store in an airtight container in the freezer.

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