Portfolio - Anggakara

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When I was a kid, my sister led me to believe that I came from Mars and my parents found me in the middle of banana tree field. Thus, I grew up feeling a bit isolated, spending most of my time being curious on how human works

until I discovered the greatest discovery of mankind..

I started to connect better with people and from then on, my curiosity led to observation.. and the observation led to connection..

it is my lifelong passion to observe the way people interact with their surroundings, and to explore on the disconnections between what we think they do and what they really do

My passion has led me to explore a range of professional and academic directions


bachelor of accounting

finance trainee

brand executive

creative agency strategic planner

Master in Innovation and Design Strategy

Creativity Facilitator/ Consultant

I’ve helped brands resolved their consumer’s pain points.. *projects in DDB where I was the brand owner to inspiring

an NGO that aspired to provide engine of fun for children living in refugee centers

an oatmeal brand that wanted to create a nation-wide movement for heart disease awareness* a soda drink that wanted to engage consumers in a more active lifestyle* an automotive lubricant that wanted to look more American* from “funny”

“some clients are great, but of course there are those funny few.. :)”

read publication

..and try to make sense of Jakartan’s passion for food 70% of Jakartans live to eat, not eat to live. That’s why we’re interested to look at the relationship between Jakartans and their food, as it can be a good indicator of where society is going and where consumers are heading. We collected hindsights from the past and insights from the present to see the trails of what is likely to happen in the society. Some extra-kilos later, we manage to collect hundreds of signs and cluster them into predictions about the future in the category of taste preference, social interaction, environmental responsibility, and lifestyle. We launched the result of this study at 2011 TEDx Jakarta. a project initiated by DDB Indonesia - Pathfinder (Brand Planning Division)

my role: project lead researcher keywords: research expert interviews shadowing guerilla testing surveys

brainstorming concept development

watch the user journey

see creative process

try the wireframe

I’ve utilized creative tools to help people with incontinence adapting with their new life I was involved in a project with Coloplast to provide innovative solutions to improve user’s quality of life. Through a unique creative process (see video), the group discovered that the core issue for people with incontinence problem lies on their effort to deal with emotional pain. 500 post-its, 47 coffees, and 5 brainstorming sessions later, we came up with a solution to reframe the relationship between Coloplast and their users. Simply put: from user to lover (see user journey video). To envision the ecosystem of this framing, I prototyped some possible touch points e.g. an app and a welcome pack for discharged patients. a project for CBS Applied Creativity and Design Thinking class with Sven Timo Borg, Christina Valdorf, Annabell Gast, Malene Rolsted and Jessica Ibsen

keywords: interaction design prototyping wireframing narratives personas

applied creativity creative brainstorming applied neurocreativity concepts

play idea chain

experiment with brevity

..and create tools to facilitate creative ideation & design process I believe that play is a great way to motivate people, and so I created the Idea Chain. It is a deck of playing cards used to jumpstart creative brainstorming. I use insights gathered from the neuroscientific and psychological foundations of creativity, as a basis to design the game mechanism. Recently, I ventured on a journey to rethink the way creative organizations (especially the more “traditional” ones) approach creative briefings. To find the answer to the question “what makes a meaningful briefing?,” I’ve had dialogues with a dozen of creative professionals, and also utilized research findings on creative brainstorming. It resulted in brevity, a site where I document insights and methods to support a more meaningful briefing.

my role: concept developer visual & web designer keywords: applied creativity creative brainstorming creative briefing

game design research experience prototyping expert interviews

watch what keeps..

watch utopia

I’ve explored teen angst and consumerism through short movies The idea of learning new skills sparked in the summer of 2004. Me and a couple of friends were thinking on making movies, because none of us have any experience on it and we thought that it can be a cool summer project. Cut to one year later, our movie was screened as the opening movie for Jakarta LGBT film festival. I see movie as a perfect medium to convey my point of view in life and to share my findings on various observations I see in daily life. My summer projects up to now include some short films, video art, and a failed attempt on acrobatic yoga.

my role: director, producer, editor keywords: films storytelling

Strategic Concept

..and designed a board game to facilitate worldbettering innovations & communications I believe that the g-spot* of innovation lies in the intersection between creativity (creating the wow-factor) and compassion (deep understanding of people’s life context). Good Guys Come First (GGCF) is a board game that gets you to that g-spot! It guides creative professionals to generate ideas that have a positive impact on people’s lives. I took insights from behavioral economics and case studies from impactful service design as a base for the content of the game. In relationships, good guys might finish last. However, as a brand, being the good guys can actually make you come first in the hearts and minds of people. *that stands for the goodness spot, by the way..

my role: designer concept developer keywords: gamification behavioral economics business strategy

Copenhagen Service Jam

Jakarta Service Jam

above all, I am passionate on sharing my knowledge to others I am the happiest when I create stu that have a positive impact in people’s lives. One way to do it is by helping people and organizations develop creative capabilities. I have facilitated design and creativity workshops in numerous universities and companies across Denmark and Indonesia. My favorite topics, so far, are hacking creativity, creative brainstorming, and design thinking. I have initiated and facilitated 2013 Jakarta Service Jam and 2014 Copenhagen Service Jam, which is a part of the Global Service Jam event. some clients: Volvo, DDB, DigitasLBi, Mediacom, Bank Mandiri, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen University

my role: creative facilitator keywords: facilitation techniques creative exploration tools creative convergent tools knowledge sharing presentation service design tools prototyping

I ponder and wonder I explore and discover I create and share… …and that’s why me + creative strategy = great fit

If you think that some of my terrestrial flair can add value to your company, do let me know.. Ciao for now!

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