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Angie Gaines
A horse is poetry in motion. ~Author Unknown We have a ranch called Golden Curls Ranch located approximately 30 miles SE of Dallas. We raise, breed and train American Bashkir Curly Horses. We also adopt and gentle BLM Curly Mustangs who are in our opinion the brothers and sisters of the American Curly horses.We are so impressed with how intelligent and wonderful they are. Our five year old Curly Mustang mare, Golden Curls American Honey competed in the 2011 Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover. Visit us at www.goldencurlsranch.com for more information about our wonderful horses. Update, we have two new additions to our BLM Curly Mustang herd, Sparky, a bay,colt stud from the Black Rock East Mountains in NV and a five year old mare, Honey. Sparky and Honey have the true Curly personality with the wonderful Mustang spirit. They are a pleasure to be with in the saddle.