A Passion For Buying Designer Handbags A lot of women have a passion for shopping, especially when it comes to designer handbags. In some cases it is the label that is more important, than the style or look of the bag. Unfortunately, having expensive tastes for exclusive items means that you need to have the bank balance to be able to indulge yourself. One way round the expensive price tags, is to buy used or sale items that may be nearer your budget. A visit to designer outlets and some exclusive retailers when they have sales on can see prices reduced, sometimes quite drastically. The range available may be more limited, because they are sale items. So you may not be able to get the exact color or style you wanted. But it does mean you can often pick up a really good bargain without breaking the bank. The internet opens up a whole new market place where you can purchase designer goods. When buying online, it is important to choose your seller carefully. Find out about their returns policy to be sure that you can get your money back if the product arrives damaged, or is not what you thought it was. When you are purchasing a sale item, either online or in-store check the terms of the returns policy. The information should be clearly visible, but that is not always the case. Vendors may have different arrangements in place for the return of sales items. It is important to know before you buy if you will get your money back or if you have to take a credit note or goods to the same value. You might be amazed what you will find in a charity shop or second-hand dealer. Especially if you visit the ones in the more affluent areas of the town or city. Some of the more stores in the less up market areas, may occasionally get a genuine branded bag, but you would need to be in the right place at the right time to get the opportunity to buy. Spending some time going round the garage sales or auction houses in your area can see you finding some bargains. Auctions in particular advertise what they have for sale prior to the event, or go along to the viewing before the event. If you know your velvet bags and have researched the market, you will have a fair idea of how much you should be paying. The whole aim of buying sale or used designer purses and handbags is to get them at a price you can afford. There are so many horror stories about forgeries being passed off as the real thing, that you need to really know your product and what to look for. It pays to keep in mind that if the deal offered seems too good, you should be careful.