How to Sell Your Digital Products
..…….. Using e-Junkie
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Click here to check out e-Junkie Now
Table of Contents Introduction.............................................................................................................................3 E-junkies Top Features...........................................................................................................3 Use E-Junkie to Create Purchase Buttons.........................................................................3 Secure, Expiring Download Links.......................................................................................3 Easily Identify Any Product Leaks......................................................................................4 Affiliate Program Management...........................................................................................4 Autoresponders and Follow Up Systems...........................................................................5 Tracking and Analytics.......................................................................................................5 E-Junkie Pricing Plans.......................................................................................................6 Registering for E-Junkie.........................................................................................................8 How to Setup a Product........................................................................................................11 Using the Autoresponder Feature.........................................................................................17 How to Work With Affiliates..................................................................................................20 Conclusion: Put Your Information Publishing Business on Autopilot.....................................24
*Disclaimer: There are affiliate links within this report; therefore, I may receive a commission through my referral links. In maintaining the integrity of my online business, I only intend to recommend the best resources possible to build your own online business.
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Introduction E-junkie is an online product delivery system that can greatly simplify a lot of the steps needed to run an online store. You can use E-junkie to sell both physical and digital products; though many of its real strengths come into play particularly with digital products. Let’s take a walkthrough of E-junkie’s top features, as well as the account setup process.
E-junkies Top Features Use E-Junkie to Create Purchase Buttons At its core, E-junkie is a payment processing system. One of its main features is allowing you to create buy now buttons very easily. You don’t need to go through a complicated setup procedure. You don’t need to deal with merchant accounts. You don’t need to get a Federal Tax ID number, you don’t need to register a business. E-junkie will process all your payments for you. You do need either a PayPal account, a 2CheckOut account, a Google Checkout account or a Clickbank account however.
Secure, Expiring Download Links Having static download links is extremely dangerous if you’re sending a digital product. If you’re selling an eBook for example, there’s nothing preventing people from posting the download link on a forum or email it to their friends, costing you hundreds or even thousands of dollars. Presented by
E-junkie’s expiring download links feature prevents this. Every time someone makes a purchase, they’re immediately taken to a download page and sent an email. The download link they get is only valid for a few hours. A few hours after they’ve downloaded the product, the link will automatically disable itself, preventing any unauthorized downloads.
Easily Identify Any Product Leaks If you should find your product posted on a torrent website, on a message board or shared in any other unauthorized manner, you can quickly track it down using E-junkie’s system. E-junkie has the ability to stamp every PDF download with a unique identifier. If you should find that download anywhere else on the internet, you can easily track it down back to its original purchaser and forward their details to the authorities.
Affiliate Program Management Another powerful feature of E-junkie is its affiliate management software. E-junkie can track an unlimited number of affiliate sales, attributing each sale back to their accounts. You can create affiliate links that go directly to the payment page, or buttons that link to your site or sales page.
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Autoresponders and Follow Up Systems E-junkie also has the ability to follow up with buyers. You can send product updates, followup and cross sells to any specific buyer group, or all your past buyers.
Tracking and Analytics Tracking is one of the most important components of ensuring that you have a positive return on investment, especially if you’re paying for traffic. E-junkie automatically integrates with Google Analytics, giving you important statistics like pageviews, bounce rate and visitor return rate. In addition, E-junkie will also integrate with the tracking systems of a number of PPC platforms, including but not limited to Google AdWords, Bing and AdBrite.
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E-Junkie Pricing Plans The amount you pay to use E-junkie depends primarily on the amount of storage space you need to use to store your files, as well as whether you want to self-host your downloads. Naturally, the less space you use, the less you have to pay. The pricing plans are as follows. These prices are valid at the time of this writing (September 2011) but subject to change. See E-junkie’s website for the most up to date prices.
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Registering for E-Junkie To register for E-junkie, first click on “Register” in the top navigation bar.
Fill out your account details in the “Register for Free Trial” section.
Go into your email and grab your activation code. Plug it back into the system.
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To switch your free trial to a paid account, go to “Seller Admin” and click “Start / Update Paid Subscription.”
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These are some of the most stand-out features of E-junkie. Of course, it has many other features you can and should explore.
Since E-junkie comes with a free 7 day trial, why not give it a shot for free? Click here
Read next how to setup your digital product....
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How to Setup a Product Setting up a product for sale in E-junkie is a fairly straightforward process. From beginning to setup to having your product up and ready for sale should take less than 30 minutes. Here’s how to setup a product in E-junkie.
Step 1: Go to Add Product In your “Seller Admin” panel, under “manage products,” click “add product.”
Step 2: Name Your Product Give your product a name.
Step 3: Choose Your Product Options Select or deselect the product option boxes.
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Here’s what each of these selections means: Single File Download / Redirection: Upon completion of the purchase, will your customer be given a single file to download, or will they be directed to a thank you page? Send Stored Codes / Send Generated Codes: Use this if you have a product that needs to be verified by entering a code, serial number or product ID key. If you sell a stored code, you’ll need to enter a series of valid codes into E-Junkie. You can store up to 10,000 codes. On the other hand, you can link E-junkie up to your code generator so that it’ll generate it on the fly whenever an order is completed. To do that, click “Send generated codes.” Package Files from Other Products: Sell more than one product at once. Inventory Control: Use this for limited quantity sales. Sales Tax, VAT: Check if you want to charge buyers tax Shipping/Buyer’s Address: Check if you want to record the buyer’s shipping address. Let Buyers Edit Quantity / Price: Check either option if you want to let the buyer choose how many they’re ordering or how much they’re paying. Variants: Different ways of using one “Buy Now” button to sell different products, have different pricing or display different product information. Send Transaction Data to URL: Use this if you have your own external tracking system. This option allows you to send all the purchase data using the URL, which can then be pulled by your system and recorded. Leave it unchecked if you’re not using a system that allows you to do this. Presented by
Step 4: Set Email Settings Set what kind of email you want your customer to receive upon completing their order.
Step 5: Click More Options Click “More Options” to further customize your product. Alternatively, you can just click “Submit” to finish the process.
Step 6: Set Item Expiration Date Presented by
Would you like your item to expire after a certain time? If so, set the date and time here.
Step 7: Set External Links Do you want your product hosted at an external location? If so, setup the download link here, along with any link validity settings.
Step 8: Thank You Page Code Is there any additional code you’d like to add to your Thank You page? If so, add that code here.
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Step 9: Upsell Code Would you like to upsell another product in your Thank You page? If so, add that code here.
Make sure you create the listing in Admin > Edit Listing before adding the upsell.
Step 10: Inserting the Code Into Your Website Once you’ve setup all your options, E-junkie will give you your “Add to Cart” button code. Simply copy and paste the code into your HTML.
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You’ve now learned how to setup a product in E-junkie, including all of the many available options. E-junkie makes it easy for anyone from the least technically inclined to highly sophisticated techies to sell products and track results.
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Using the Autoresponder Feature E-junkie makes it very easy to keep your buyers up to date on latest developments, on updates or on promotions through its autoresponder features. It’s important to note that the autoresponder feature is not free and does not come bundled with your package. That said, E-junkie’s rates are much lower than using a commercial autoresponder service if you have a small list. Here’s how to use the autoresponder feature...
Step 1: Click “Send Updates / Newsletter” Under “Manage Buyers,” click “Send Updates / Newsletter.”
Step 2: Select Whether It’s a Newsletter or Update A newsletter is simply an email message that’s sent using the system. An update on the other hand is sent out with a download link for the new product. In other words, use the “update” feature only if you’re upgrading an old product and want all your old users to be able to download it. Use the newsletter feature if you just want to send everyone an email. If it’s a product update, select the product you want to update. If it’s a newsletter, just select “Newsletter.”
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Step 3: Enter Your Subject and Email Copy Choose an attention catching subject. Write whatever you want to be included in the body copy. If you’re sending out a product update, the download link will also be included in the email.
Note: To comply with CAN SPAM, an unsubscribe link will be on the bottom of every email.
Step 4: Select Who it Goes Out To Select who it goes out to. You can select one or more buyer groups.
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Step 5: Calculate Costs, Pay and Send Click on “Calculate Costs” to have E-junkie calculate how much you need to pay to send the newsletter.
The cost structure is based on the amount of people you’re mailing and the size of any files included in the email.
Once you’ve made the payment for the email, your update or newsletter will be sent!
Using the update or newsletter feature, you’ll never be out of touch with your customer base. You’ve now learned how to access the update / newsletter interface, the difference between an update and a newsletter, how to send an update or newsletter and how the costs are determined.
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How to Work With Affiliates One extremely effective way of getting new customers is to have other people promote your product(s) for a commission. Here’s how to use E-junkie to do that. Note: You need to setup a product before you can setup the affiliate system.
Step 1: Click Affiliate Program Settings Under “Manage Your Seller Account” click “Edit Affiliate Program Settings.”
Step 2: Set Global Affiliate Commission Set the commission rate you want to pay your affiliates. You can also set specific commissions for specific products later.
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Step 3: Where to Send Users Setup where users should end up after they click on the affiliate link. This is on a global basis; you can set specific links for specific products later.
Step 4: Setup Affiliate Information Page This link points to the information page giving your potential affiliates details about your affiliate program.
Step 5: Affiliate Signup Link The affiliate signup link is the link you should place on your affiliate information page as well as anywhere else that may be exposed to potential affiliates. Users can sign up for your affiliate program by clicking on this link.
Step 6: Setup Product-Specific Commissions & Links
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Now that you’ve setup your program, it’s time to setup product specific settings. Go to “Setup product specific affiliate programs” under “Manage products.”
Click “Edit Affiliate Settings.”
Then setup the product-specific affiliate commission and landing page. If you want to link directly to the shopping cart, check the box below the URL box.
Step 7: Viewing Affiliates To see who’s sending you traffic, click “View / Edit Affiliates.”
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You’ll be taken to a screen showing you all the affiliates you have. You can grab their contact information if you want to make a special deal, you can setup additional commissions or you can delete them from your program.
Step 8: Paying Your Affiliates E-junkie does not automatically pay your affiliates for you. They’ll track all the sales for you, but you’re responsible for setting your own payment terms and making your own payments. To see how many sales each affiliates have made, click on “Pay Your Affiliates.”
That’s how to setup your affiliate program. You’ve learned how to setup the global payment percentage and landing pages, as well as product-specific commissions and landing pages. You’ve learned how to view your affiliate, give extra commissions, delete affiliates and pay your affiliates.
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Conclusion: Put Your Information Publishing Business on Autopilot Click here to set up your e-junkie account with your FREE 7 day trial For those who wish to have more free time, an information publishing business may be perfectly suited for you. An information publishing business can practically run on autopilot if you apply the right strategies.
A few tips to putting your info publishing business on autopilot:
1) Take advantage of available technology. Spend just five minutes searching online and you'll see countless programs and tools to help you automate many aspects of your business.
For example; you can either manually send out emails to your prospects and customers – or set up an autoresponder that automatically send emails on a preset schedule. My hosting company provides a very good, basic autoresponder that's super easy to set up. You can check that out here (and get access to a $1 trial period.)
And don't forget about the Word Press plugins that automate or reduce your work time. There are plugins that allow you to bulk upload and schedule new posts in advance -- which is great if you invest in some PLR content (check out my site, or pay a writer to write content in bulk. There are also plugins that automatically send tweets and Facebook updates to followers when a new post is published on your website.
Again, there's software as mentioned above (e-Junkie) that assists with automation. Your digital products are automatically delivered to your customers.
2) Generate an in depth knowledge base or FAQ. Spend some time creating an area on your website that answers your most frequently asked questions. Be sure your answers are clear and precise to avoid confusion. If you have one FAQ for multiple sites or you have a
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large knowledge base, create categories or groups to help visitors navigate quickly. If possible, also add a search feature to your FAQ.
Not only will having an in depth knowledge base save you countless hours in support time, but it will provide your prospects and customers with instant answers which will make them happy.
3) Outsource recurring tasks. Even when a business is automated, there are tasks that will need someone's attention, however, that someone doesn't have to be you. Business tasks such as content creation; product creation, customer support, project management, automation monitoring and even bookkeeping can easily be outsourced. While outsourcing may seem scary at first, once you get a good team in place and have a set schedule, you can focus your efforts on things you enjoy.
4) Build your sales strategy. From setting up an affiliate program to creating back-end offers, spend some time and map out how your sales funnel will work. If you offer an affiliate program, create tools and resources to help affiliates promote your business. When setting up products, see if you have another product that is complimentary to the first product. If so, offer the 2nd product at a discount as an upsell.
Include back-end offers in your email marketing campaigns for added income. Be sure to keep track of your offers, where they are located, when they expire, etc so you can quickly update them as needed.
Putting your information publishing business on autopilot isn't hard to accomplish. It just takes a little time initially to set everything up, hire a team (if you wish), establish a schedule and work through any kinks. After that, you'll be on your way to generating a bigger income with less effort.
Wishing you success! Rhonda White Presented by