How to Buy Authentic Coach Handbag From Coach Outlet When you own your first Coach handbag you fall in love, at least that's what happened to me back in the eighties. It was a small red leather bag. It was simple in construction, it was unlined but the red leather was very elegant and it had brass hardware, the size was just right and everyone admired it. It looked expensive. Coach bags have changed and come a long way over the years in the number of styles, sizes, textures and colors that are now available and best of all they have not compromised their high quality standards. Coach bags are not exorbitantly expensive, yet they are beautiful, sturdy, elegant, practical and classic, just like a well built automobile. Their success has of course attracted imitators. Imitation is the best kind of compliment, or is it? When you purchase a Coach bag you are looking for a well made handbag that says you are meticulous about your appearance, but that you are also practical.
You want to feel the luxurious leather, your hand is trained to reach in the right compartments for your keys, cellphone, PDA or lipstick. Now you need to add to your wardrobe a new handbag that makes a statement of your personality and you find an extremely inexpensive Coach handbag online or on a street corner. Thank your lucky stars?
Well, let's say you can't resist the appeal of such an incredible bargain and make your purchase. If you purchased it from the street corner vendor for around $40 then you can rest assured it is a fake, even looking at it with your eyes closed, period.
But if your purchase is online, how can you tell it is not an imitation until you receive it and find it does not live to your expectations??? I will not give you a long laundry list to memorize, because actually, you can spot a fake very easily. First look for dimension, this is one thing Coach excells in, the bags don't look flat like a pancake, the leather does not look flat, thin and cheesy, like a plastic tablecloth, Coach leather looks (and feels) luxurious. Look for closeup pictures that tell the story. Pay attention to the pictures of the leather trim, edging, piping, whatever you call it, Coach trim is nice, even, with beautiful stitching and thread, Coach trim is never skimpily thin, crooked, unevenly cut with tiny stitches made with thin, cheap thread. Coach lining is well placed and beautiful, it is never thin, and flimsy. Coach hardware is luxuriously thick, flawless and substantial in weight, it is never thin, cheap, skimpy metal. Coach hangtags are either leather or expensive and substantial metal. Leather hangtags are the same color as the bag, sometimes there are two leather hangtags in two of the colors of the bag. Coach bags have a serial number stamped on leather in a tag that is sewn to the inside of the handbags, again this tag is nice and thick, not thin as cheap plastic and is in the color of the bag or it's contrasting trim. Small items such as wristlets, key fobs, etc., do not necessarily have a serial number but you can bet they are as richly, luxuriously made as the larger bags in the series, and they better look it in the pictures! I like to include Coach bags in my store because they are beautiful, luxurious and yet they won't break anyone's bank. I scout for best prices, but I never buy the cheap imitations. The Coach handbags I sell are authentic Coach, 100% guaranteed. I love to give Coach bags, key fobs and charms as presents and I absolutely love to wear Coach products, I get lots of compliments. If you have purchased Coach imitations because of price, you have actually paid too much for what you get and besides, people savvy enough can easily tell when they look at your purse that it is not real thing. For More information visit: - Buy Authentic Coach Handbag or