How to make $10’000 in 3 months starting from 0 (ZERO)?

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How to make $10’000 in 3 months starting from 0 (ZERO)? Hello my name is Peter Frits and first off all i want to thank you for downloading my guide. I’m gonna explain exactly how you can make money online on the internet with this system called Profit Clicking. Its that easy that everybody can do it even if you have none knowledge on the internet or with a computer.

STEP 1 Create a profit clicking account. Don’t forget to sign-up at this link :

$10 FREE SIGNUP LINK Otherwise you wont get your 10$ free.

STEP 2 Login to your account with your member id and password. You will be in the dashboard off profit clicking. This is how it looks like:

We first need to add payment processor account and fund our wallet. Go to my wallet on the right side. Then you will get the following window.

As you can see the payment processors are payza , egopay , liberty reserve , perfectmoney , solid trust pay. This means if you want to get your money you need to make a account on one of these processors. ( what I should do is make more then one so like 2-3 accounts so you can always fund your wallet or withdraw money to the place u want. Keep In mind: with liberty reserve you cant withdraw your money to your bank account so I shouldn’t work with them. I would prefer payza since its easy to use. I have already signed-up at all these so I cant do this again. But I’m gonna show you how to make a account. Click under the sign-up for a payza account. Then a window will pop-up and u will see this:

Click on sign-up now.

Choose your country and click on select under personal pro. Just full in all your personal details and select the following:

Occupation sales/marketing/advertising. If you are done with that click on next. Now link your bank account and get money on your payza account to invest in this great system. If you have money on your payza account you can go back to profit clicking and click on my wallet

Then simple click add funds. A new window will pop-up Enter the amount to deposit so enter the money how much u want to get into your profit-clicking account. I will do 500$ so I put in the box 500 and click on fund this amount.

Then under it a box will pop-up from payza click on buy now.

As you can see full in your email and password and click on pay now.

Return to your my wallet refresh it ( f5 ) then u will see wallet balance: for me its $500 because that’s what I did fund. Because u have got already 10$ free from the system every package is 10$ worth. You can fund your wallet to buy more ad packages and make money ( this is what I should do ). If you want to purchase ad packages that you received from the system and the money that you funded in your wallet self go to Purchase ad packages ( the green button ).

When you have clicked that u getting the following window:

Ok so what u see if your ad package account balance is for me $4,327.65 Every package costs 10$ so I can buy more than 400 packages! I’m going to do is buying 100 package just to show u guys how it works. So I type in the box 100 and clicks proceed with my order.

Click on yes, Confirm my purchase like I see I did bought 100 packages with a value off $1,000.00

Then return to your dashboard and u can see that u bought the ad packages.

As you see I bought already 5,355 packages because I’m rich thanks to this system!  Ok lets move on. Now we have bought successfully our ad packages. Try to buy as much ad packages as you can that’s how more money u going to make ! As you can see u will earn Weekday earnings per position ( per ad package ) 2% Weekend earnings per position 1.5% ( per ad package ).

WHAT? Lets see this right. If I invest 500$ I’m going to make over 10$ a day and that’s in a month 300$ In 45 days its more then 500$ and then I’m on a 300$ free autopilot? Yes that’s right. Lets face it in this time ( with the economic shit ) a good job delivers u 2k$ a month. If you invest 5k = 5000$ u will make a 3000$ a month ! After 45 days u have your investment out and you are on a free 3000$ a month that’s better then a good job ! Imagine what u can do with this money u can keep it as extra u can reinvest it u can do whatever u want with it. What I want to say is set your goals what do you want to make a day a month? Is it this 3000$ extra a month? Maybe a 500$ or maybe like me a 10.000$ month.

STEP 3 Ok what we need to do to get our money every day we need to view only 3 ads a day that requires in total 60 secs ( its not much work but it has to be done to get your money and we want money ofcorse ) Click on the green button act now:

Then a pop-up will open

As u can see this is the time that u need to view the add its only 16 secs ! At the left site on top u can see how much ads you have viewed today. If you have viewed 3 ads then your task is done. Ofcorse you can view more ads a day then you will be save for the next days. For example u view 6 ads then u save for the next 2 days. If you view 9 ads then for the next 3 days etc… If you are done simple close the window and you can go back to profit clicking.

Click stop viewing ads and you are done. So simple u need to view 3 ads a day to get your money its that easy ! Your money will be added and updated every day. Sometimes it can take longer than 1 day this is because they have more than 20 million members so imagine how much work it takes to update everything. But don’t worry about this the next day your money will be added and the money from the day before so u won’t lose anything.

As you can see im using this system now a little time and here are some statics of me:

As u see these are my statistics from 7 sep 2012. Total profit to date $69,321.51 ! Pure profit  Here some screenshots from my payouts:

My bank ( ING ) Totaal bijgeschreven means total credited. So they pay ! 

As you see I did get paid already $69,000.00 and I’m still buying ad packages and still earning daily by daily more and more ! On the website there are a lot features you can also talk to ( moderators , admins ) These are people that are running the site. Simple scroll down in the blue part live video conference 24/7 then login with your name and u will be in a chat room people are talking so u can ask anything away ! So I hope you learned something from this and now you can see that making money online is not difficult to discover it that’s the part but simple with my help now you can make money online and live your life like I do now. I can travel where I want because I love to see different places I just bring my laptop with me to see sometimes how it goes with my profits and that’s all. Everybody want to be financial free and the best to do it is on internet with not much work.

Its up to you do you want to make $500 month maybe $3000 month or like me $10.000 a month. I would like to hear it from you , Thanks for reading this guide don’t forget to contact me because I want to stay in touch with the people that are reading this guide and that want to make money online. I have got more methods then this and I want to teach you the ultimate way to life how u want.

Don’t forget to sign-up at this link :

$10 FREE SIGNUP LINK Otherwise you wont get your 10$ free.

Contact Details: E-Mail : CLICK TO CONTACT Don’t forget to contact me and again many thanks !

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