Eagles' Wings Winter 2024

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Top ATAR achievers | Prep pastoral care Vision Valley | Learning to lead Chapel centenary | Japan music tour

Key dates 13 Jul Sunshine Coast Education Fair 25 Jul Moree Boarding Schools Expo 26 Jul Tamworth Boarding Schools Expo 2 Aug Jazz Under the Stars 6 Aug Australian Cotton Conference 11 Oct Speech Night 12 Oct Tri-Service Cadets Graduation Parade 13 Oct OBA Invitational Chess Tournament 18 Oct GPS Track and Field Championships 19 Oct Senior School Orientation Morning 9 Aug Churchie Rugby Luncheon 15 Aug Churchie Gala Concert 24 Aug Old Boys Day 6 Sep OBA Invitational Golf Tournament 11 Sep Mothers Spring Lunch 26 Oct Years 2 to 6 Orientation Day 29 Oct Reception and Year 1 Orientation Day 13 Nov Prep PYP and Art Exhibition 14 Nov Valedictory 15 Nov Churchie Cricket Luncheon 22 Nov ‘the churchie’ exhibition opens 25 Nov Prep Christmas Pageant 28 Nov New Old Boys Night 2 Dec Mount Isa Boarding Schools Expo 9 Dec OBA Invitational Tennis Tournament Anglican Church Grammar School Oaklands Parade, East Brisbane 4169 Queensland Australia Tel +61 7 3896 2200 www.churchie.com.au
image: Year 6 students Tom Loughrey, Angus Thompson, Henry Zhao and Michael
Matt Hade, Katie Trappett, Thomas Bird
Deb Winfield (The Layout Place) Visit churchie.com.au/eagleswings to update your subscription details and view past issues of the magazine.
Photo credits: Storen, Dionne Pettingill, Michael Marston (ePixel Images), Michael Warrington, staff, students and Old Boys of Churchie
Editorial team:
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The making of great leaders

Each year the Senior School invests a new group of around 16 senior students into the role of prefect.

From this group, the school captain is appointed. A well-established process also results in the selection and appointment of 11 house captains, chapel sacristans, a suite of house vice-captains to give expression to the four tenets in each house, and cocurricular captains to lead sports and activities.

The Prep School also appoints prep leaders at the start of each year. This is complemented by the appointment of house, activity and class captains, who serve their community in varying ways.

Beyond these formal leadership roles, there are myriad opportunities for boys to serve as leaders in our service and outreach programmes, both within and beyond the School community.

While the various positions require different tasks and responsibilities, there are immutable principles upon which our leadership is expressed. Leadership is not a popularity contest. Rather, it is a calling to do what one knows to be right, even when others don’t agree with you. In the tension between leadership and popularity, the leader must always choose leadership.

Leaders must be a constant source of positive encouragement to others, seeking to uplift and support their peers. Leaders are the custodians of school spirit and must search for ways to bring every student, team and class into a shared and united enterprise. They look to gather all into the shared vision of the School and help others to achieve their ambitions. Leaders are the standard bearers. While seeking to serve others first, they must strive for their personal best in everything they do as an example to all.

The following pages of this issue of Eagles’ Wings highlight many of the leadership opportunities in which our boys can do so much good for others. From serving in the tri-service cadets to leading in charitable pursuits, to encouraging their fellow students to reach higher than they initially thought possible.

Of course, the growth of leadership skills, while embryonic at school, can be given full flourish in the years afterwards. Indeed, we hope our students will develop a mature and enduring spirit of generosity towards

servant leadership throughout their lives. Examples of a lifetime of service are featured in these pages as we share honours bestowed on Old Boys from all walks of life.

We are confident that our students are well equipped to make a real difference in a world that will benefit from generous hearts willing to serve and encourage others.


Honouring the fallen

On Thursday 25 April, the Churchie community assembled in vast numbers for the School’s annual Anzac Day Ceremony to honour the 119 Old Boys and staff who lost their lives in service of our country, as well as all servicemen and servicewomen.

Reviewing Officer Lieutenant Commander Andrew Petrie (1999) addressed the service, where he asked us all to consider, ‘What will you do to help enhance this lucky country and our way of life?’

Thank you to our Tri-Service Cadets, musicians and Stage Crew for a moving and well-produced ceremony.

Lest we forget.


Top ATAR achievers

Churchie congratulates class of 2023 graduates Ben Rankin and William Zhai (pictured left to right), who achieved the highest possible ATAR of 99.95 following years of hard work and dedication to their studies.

‘A feeling of great joy and relief’ was how Ben Rankin described finally receiving the top ATAR score of 99.95. Ben had a tense additional five-day wait for the news while the QCAA corrected an error in processing his initial Mathematical Methods mark.

Upon receiving high results in his internal assessments, William said that he was ‘determined to perform well in the external exams and get the 99.95’.

‘I was expecting a high ATAR because I had put a lot of effort into all my assessment,’ William said, ‘but I was still really excited when I found out.’

Achieving the top ATAR has capped a very successful year for Ben and William, who both received numerous awards at last year’s Speech Night. Ben was awarded The C E Elliott Rhodes Scholarship Award –

Proxime Accessit to the Dux in QCE, as well as receiving several subject prizes and The Persse Memorial Challenge Cup for Open Tennis Champion. William was the recipient of The Tyrwhitt Memorial Cup – Dux of the School in QCE and multiple subject prizes, recognising his academic excellence across a breadth of subjects.

William was also recognised by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority at the QCE Achievement Awards, where he was presented with a Distinguished Academic Achiever award for demonstrating exceptionally high achievement across a diverse range of learning options.

Ben’s high ATAR earned him a prestigious UQ Vice-Chancellor’s Scholarship to study a Bachelor of Advanced Finance and

Economics, and he is considering studying a maths degree upon completion of his undergraduate studies.

William accepted the Melbourne Chancellor’s Scholarship to study a Bachelor of Biomedicine followed by a Doctor of Medicine at the University of Melbourne. William was also presented with the Dr Paul McCarthy Memorial Bursary, which is awarded to a recently graduated Year 12 student who is proceeding to study science and, ultimately, medicine.


Senior chaplain

This year the Churchie community gave a warm welcome to new Senior Chaplain
The Reverend Sharon Mitchell. While new to Churchie, Reverend Sharon is well known across the Anglican community and Anglican schools.

On Wednesday 7 February, The Reverend Sharon Mitchell was commissioned as Churchie’s new Senior Chaplain. Reverend Sharon brings a wealth of experience in teaching, service and chaplaincy to her role, most recently serving as Chaplain at The Glennie School in Toowoomba.

Ordained as an Anglican priest at St John’s Cathedral in 2011 with tertiary qualifications in theology, education, business and music, Reverend Sharon has worked across Anglican, Catholic and Education Queensland Schools since her career began in Charleville in the late 1990s as a business and music teacher.

Reverend Sharon loves working in a role that combines her passion for teaching with her faith. She has enjoyed getting to know the boys and encouraging them to reflect on their personal beliefs and thoughts on various issues.

Reverend Sharon looks forward to working on various initiatives under the spiritual awareness tenet as part of Churchie’s

strategic plan. This includes working with Head of Religious Education Heidi Lewis to develop and implement a new RE curriculum and working with Learning Support Coordinator Kelly Jackson and the working group to develop and implement Churchie’s Reconciliation Action Plan.

Already, Reverend Sharon has worked to increase the visibility of faith in the school

community by introducing a regular meditation morning in the Canon Jones Memorial Chapel for staff and parents. She has also worked with School Archivist Peter Collin on celebrations for the centenary of the chapel.

We welcome Reverend Sharon into our community and look forward to her steadfast support, inspiration and leadership.


Celebrating 10 years

This year Nansen House celebrated 10 years of service at Ronald McDonald House Charities South East Queensland (RMHC SEQ).

The successful, long-running house service activity started in 2014, initiated by Housemaster Mitch Rosenlund with the support of former Nansen House parent Adam Dando, then Board Chair of RMHC SEQ.

Initially, the boys attended the house at Herston, where they did crafts and played games with the families of sick or injured children. When the house at South Brisbane was complete, they began assisting there with morning tea.

Each fortnight, a group of predominately Years 8 to 10 Nansen boys visit the house to bake and serve a variety of sweet and savoury treats for guests staying at RMHC SEQ.

Over the years, the boys have also run food and toiletry drives for the charity. Late last year, they completed a ‘containers for change’ challenge, recycling bottles and cans to raise money for RMHC SEQ.

Nansen House’s support of RMHC SEQ is one of many long-term service partnerships at Churchie: Hillary House and Narbethong State Special School (over 14 years); Biggs and Gerald Houses and Meals on Wheels (35 years); and Kingsley House and cleaning Norman Creek (9 years). It is wonderful to see strong and enduring community partnerships, providing meaningful ways for boys to live the service tenet of the School.

Rising master

Sravan Renjith, a Year 10 student and member of the Churchie Premier Chess team, has recently achieved the prestigious title of FIDE International Master at the age of 15.

There are only 4,027 International Masters in the world, with fewer than 100 residing in Australia. This title is indeed prestigious and a wonderful acknowledgment, allowing Sravan to use the letters IM after his name for the rest of his life.

What sets Sravan’s achievement apart is the fact that he earned the IM title while competing against adult players within the Australian World Titling System, despite being classified as an under-18 player. For comparison, Churchie’s previous senior chess coach Alek Wohl achieved his IM title in Europe at the age of 31.

The IM title, awarded by the International Chess Federation (FIDE), stands just below the highly acclaimed titles of World Champion and Grandmaster. For any chess player, this recognition is indeed a significant accomplishment, as it is a lifelong distinction once earned. Prospective IMs must display exceptional skills and undergo rigorous testing through challenging tournaments.

Sravan’s IM title is a well-deserved recognition of his talent, hard work, dedication and discipline, and we congratulate Sravan on this accomplishment.


Distinguished doctors

Completing a doctorate is the pinnacle of professional learning and growth, and Churchie is proud to have three staff members who have completed their doctorates in recent years.

Acting Head of Senior School Dr Alex Krzensk completed his PhD in 2020 through the University of Oulu, Finland. His research determined that the development of academic resilience and self-regulated learning skills in the classroom statistically positively influenced students’ exam results. Dr Krzensk’s research has influenced feedback mechanisms at Churchie and informed aspects of A Learner’s Toolkit and digital literacy programmes.

Director of Staff Development Dr Vicky Leighton completed her PhD in 2022 at The University of Queensland. Dr Leighton investigated how the built environment influences teaching practices and student learning. She devised a tool that is now being used by teachers, learning environment professionals and researchers to evaluate the impact of buildings and space on teaching practices and learning.

Acting Dean of Studies (Years 7 to 9) Dr Emilia Sinton completed her doctorate at UQ in 2024. Her study revealed discrepancies between students’ perceived and actual understanding of mathematics vocabulary and offered insights for enhancing mathematics education and subject-specific literacy research. Dr Sinton’s findings have been incorporated into Churchie’s mathematics programme design, assessment and teacher pedagogy and have informed Churchie’s Literacy Across the Curriculum programme.

Churchie is proud to have staff who are committed to continuous professional learning and growth, and who share their knowledge and skills for the benefit of students and colleagues.

Supporting student wellbeing

Churchie’s Prep School Guidance Counsellor Susie Hill and Educational Psychologists Lisa Andersen and Freya Young work with teachers and parents to support student wellbeing and mental health.

Lisa and Freya work across three year levels each in the Senior School, moving with the cohorts each year to continue and strengthen relationships. In the Prep School, Susie works across all year levels, with Lisa providing additional support to Year 3 students.

In addition to one-on-one appointments with students, Lisa, Freya and Susie take a proactive approach to improving student wellbeing by working with the boys in group settings. Lisa and Freya have presented to Senior School cohorts about stress management, the importance of sleep, and managing social media, time spent online or on mobile devices. Susie runs classroom sessions with the Prep boys about wellbeing strategies for emotional regulation and decision-making.

Since beginning at Churchie in 2024, Freya has worked with Year 7 students to help manage their transition to the Senior School, with a particular focus on boarding students. During Term 1, Freya attended all Year 7 Outdoor Education programmes to get to know the boys and met with Year 7 boarders every Wednesday morning to help them settle into boarding life and provide a friendly face they could turn to for support.

We look forward to Lisa, Susie and Freya continuing to work proactively with students, parents and teachers to support student wellbeing and mental health.

Emila Sinton, Alex Krzensk and Vicky Leighton Susie Hill, Lisa Andersen and Freya Young

A place to belong


Danes, Jutes, Angles and Saxons are already well-known house names in the Prep School, seen out in force and full colour at the many Prep interhouse events. This year, the houses commenced a new era, with a new pastoral care system introduced to provide a nurturing and secure environment where boys can thrive, supported by their house mates and house staff.


Predominately focused on boys in Years 3 to 6, this new initiative has been driven by research and discussions with like-minded schools across Australia and seeks to deliver a world-class pastoral care system.

Head of Preparatory School Mark Wyer believes this new initiative will be of great benefit to all students.

‘Our house system framework ensures our boys are fully engaged in the life of the Prep School,’ Mark said. ‘It provides them with further opportunities to develop a strong sense of belonging to their school community.’

Upon joining Churchie, all boys in Reception to Year 6 are assigned to one of four Prep School houses, each named after bands of Norsemen associated with the ‘Viking’ invaders of the British Isles: Angles (blue), Danes (green), Jutes (yellow) and Saxons (red). Each house develops its own community and culture, with boys taking pride in the achievements of their house.

Under the new vertical house system, boys in Years 3 to 6 gather regularly for house meetings, led by four dedicated Prep School Housemasters: Tim Sutherland (Angles), James Harth (Danes), Symond

Russell (Jutes) and Jessica King (Saxons). Housemasters are jointly responsible for the personal, spiritual and service development of each boy, along with his core teacher. The housemasters have been getting to know each of the boys in their house and act as an additional point of contact for them in their journey through the Prep School.

House meetings provide a forum for pastoral care programmes to be implemented, equipping boys with the necessary skills needed to confidently navigate their time through their school years and beyond. The house meetings allow boys to get to know their peers in other year levels as they participate in a range of structured activities. They also provide an opportunity for older boys to act as mentors and role models for younger students. Boys have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills, engage in service learning and be supported with their spiritual development.

In addition to supporting the social and emotional development of students, houses play a pivotal role in fostering school spirit. Boys continue to participate in a range of interhouse activities and

competitions, where they learn, grow and compete alongside one another. By participating in these activities, boys improve their self-confidence, teamwork and social skills. They also develop good character and respect for friendly and healthy competition.

The introduction of a new pastoral care system to the Prep School represents a significant milestone in our commitment to our mission, the making of men, nurturing and inspiring boys to become men of character who will lead and serve in communities across the world for the common good.

The images featured here are some of the house meetings and interhouse events that support the new Prep School house system.


Mentor mates

Years 7 and 11 boys are enjoying a new mentoring initiative introduced this year by new Head of Year 7 Joe Hodges. Year 11 students have stepped forward to be mentors for Year 7s in their houses. The goal is that these friendships will continue and strengthen into next year.

On Wednesday lunchtimes, the groups focus on building connections through activities for their Year 7 mentees, including spelling bees, touch football, soccer, chess and board games. Mentors also assist the Year 7 boys with study and organisation tips.

As an Old Boy (2003) himself, Joe knew how impactful it would be for a new Year 7 boy to form a special connection with his older peers.

Year 7 student Hayden Hochen said, ‘The mentoring programme has helped me adjust to a new school and connect with some of the older boys and fellow Year 7s in my house.’

The initiative also helps Year 11 boys further develop their leadership skills before commencing formal leadership positions in their final year. Year 11 mentor Angus Storen said, ‘Participating in the programme has provided invaluable opportunities to hone my leadership skills, from coordinating group activities to offering guidance and support to younger students.’

Thanks to this initiative, our newest Senior School students are settling better into Churchie while the older students develop the necessary skills to become student leaders.

Sharing art practice

Churchie’s long-running emerging art prize ‘the churchie’ supports and shares the work of Australia’s emerging visual artists and also brings these artists together with students as part of the School’s Visual Art programme.

Artist Jordan Azcune won ‘the churchie’ People’s Choice Prize in 2016, and last term he hosted several workshops with Year 11 IB and QCE art students. As demonstrated by the ‘people’s choice’ accolade, Jordan is an artist whose work is contemporary while being accessible, interesting and enjoyed by the general populace.

During the workshops, students had the chance to develop their ideas with an established artist, as well as make their own wax and plaster artworks. Students were enthralled by Jordan’s fascination with and love of colour, optics and spirituality. Over two four-hour workshops, Jordan guided Visual Art students to find their own connections with these themes through experimentation and expression.

This year marks 37 years of the churchie emerging art prize, making it Australia’s longest-running prize for emerging artists. In 2024, the exhibition will be held at Metro Arts. Thanks to this new venue partnership, and the continuing support of our generous sponsors (such as major prize sponsor BSPN Architecture and principal sponsors Fardoulys Constructions, Chartwells and VAULT magazine), ‘the churchie’ continues to grow and support artists and students.

The finalist exhibition will take place at Metro Arts from Friday 22 November to Saturday 30 November.


Vision Valley

An excited, adventurous group of 50 Year 9 Churchie boys embarked on the inaugural Vision Valley Residential Programme in May. The four-week coeducational experience was the first Outdoor Education programme in partnership with Pymble Ladies’ College at their Vision Valley campus, a 100-acre facility situated north-west of Sydney, backing onto the spectacular Berowra Valley National Park.

Vision Valley enables students to live, learn and grow their connection to self, others and the natural environment around them in the absence of mobile phones.

The students were supervised during daily activities and on expeditions by Pymble’s experienced Outdoor Education staff, supplemented by Churchie staff who supported the residential element of the programme. While having separate accommodation, the boys and girls joined together for meals, learning, recreation, downtime and camping expeditions.

Based on research, the programme is intentionally designed for Year 9 students, being at a formative point of their lives, to build their social and emotional intelligence and to promote healthy and mutually respectful relationships.

Over the four weeks, students explored, discussed concepts and learned skills to help them discover more about themselves, each other and the natural world. Lessons included field studies, research action plans, permaculture, Australian literature and music, shinrin-yoku (forest bathing), traverse theatre, ecological innovations and agriculture. They also learned about Indigenous Australian culture, particularly within the Dharug context, including language, seasonal triggers, bush tukka and sustainable fishing practices.

The onsite programme incorporated adventure-based experiences, including high ropes, rock climbing, abseiling, canoeing, raft building, mountain biking, archery and orienteering. Highlights of the programme were two overnight expeditions and a solo overnight experience.

Throughout their time at Vision Valley, students continued their school studies across mathematics, English, humanities, science and language.

We hope this first Vision Valley is one of many for future Churchie Year 9 boys to experience something immersive and formative in an adventurous and coeducational context.


Home improvement

Year 7 boarders will have a stunning new home away from home thanks to a new, expanded Year 7 boarding residence. The new spaces will be warm and welcoming, with an emphasis on balancing personal space with areas to socialise and study.

This exciting development will see the refurbishment of both levels of the current Year 7 centre in the Donaldson building as well as a transformation of the historic Gerald wing extension of School House back into a boarding residence.

This expansion will include an additional nine beds for Year 7 boarders, as well as accommodation for residential staff in each building to provide and oversee the day-to-day care of students and the operation of the centre.

Individual bedroom pods will provide a comfortable sleep and study space for each boy, and modern bathroom facilities will be designed with privacy in mind. Each building will feature a common room, providing plenty of space for boys to relax and socialise with their new boarding brothers, as well as modern kitchen facilities, perfect for preparing a snack, enjoying some weekend cooking or celebrating a birthday. Study zones will be

included in each building, providing dedicated spaces for group study.

A warm and inviting colour scheme has been selected, along with comfortable, homely furnishings to help boys feel ‘at home’ during this important time. There is also space in each building for a Year 12 boarder who will be a role model, a big brother and a friendly face to help them settle into boarding life.

A reception area will be created in Donaldson to provide a centralised location for student support, as well as a dedicated location for parents to check in and collect their boys at the beginning and end of each term.

This refurbishment is the latest in a series of new and refurbished facilities to provide Churchie’s boarders with the best possible accommodation and support services, in line with the School’s firm, continuing commitment to a thriving boarding culture and world-class programme.

Individual bedroom pods will provide a comfortable sleep and study space for each boy, and modern bathroom facilities will be designed with privacy in mind.









Victorious volleyball

Churchie Volleyball secured 20 GPS premierships this season with 13 undefeated teams across all ages, including a back-to-back premiership for the First VI.

Volleyball at Churchie is one of our many thriving cocurricular programmes, with a strong and supportive community, engaged expert coaches (many of whom are Old Boys), depth across the age groups and a series of success stories that are the envy of any school sporting programme.

Volleyball’s outstanding performance throughout the 2024 season culminated in Churchie being the top overall programme

with 272 GPS points and an exceptional win rate of 81.7% across all A teams, from 5A to the Open First VI.

Standout performances were the Year 9 cohort, maintaining an undefeated record, and inaugural premiership wins in Year 5 for teams 5A and 5B.

Director of Volleyball Carrie Mill said the successes were due to a blend of player talent, coaching expertise and a culture of competitiveness and continuous improvement.

‘The idea of defending the GPS title also created a positive and competitive environment within the team. Players continually pushed themselves to improve and maintain their high performance. This healthy competition within the team fostered growth and development, leading to even greater success this year,’ Carrie said.

Connections across the age groups were a key strength of the season, with a mentoring dynamic between the First VI and the junior

teams that brought a lifted enthusiasm and expertise to training sessions.

Looking ahead to 2025, Churchie Volleyball is focused on maintaining its winning streak. The programme’s goals include working hard to defend the overall programme title as well as the First VI premiership for a third consecutive year.


Cricket on the rise

Churchie Cricket enjoyed a season of success in 2024, which is the result of several fruitful years of continuous improvement thanks to new initiatives focusing on enhancing player development and performance.

As a whole, the cricket programme ended the GPS season ranked second overall. The First XI secured its best finish in over a decade, coming in third place, and four teams secured first-place finishes in their divisions—5C, 9A, 10A and the Third XI.

The successes of 2024 reflect an upward trend in Churchie Cricket, demonstrating the impact of new initiatives and staffing investment. These include establishing wet weather training venues so teams can still train on rain-affected days, introducing new tours and matches, including cricket in Years 7 to 9 HPE classes, and hiring former Scottish cricketer and Churchie Old Boy Hamish Gardiner (2008) as a specialist fielding coach.

The Churchie Cricket New Zealand Tour last December was a highlight, where 21 players faced off against New Zealand’s top cricket schools, boosting their confidence and skills in preparation for the GPS season.

This year also saw the introduction of the Churchie 8s programme, which enables Year 4 students to become part of the cricket programme in preparation for commencing GPS Cricket in Year 5.

Director of Cricket James Patmore, the driving force behind the new initiatives since joining Churchie in 2022, notes, ‘These initiatives have resulted in boys

playing more matches, training at a higher intensity and enjoying more opportunities to develop and improve their skills.’

With so many standout performances throughout the 2024 season, the 2025 season promises to be one of great opportunity as Churchie aims to become the premier cricket programme in the GPS.


Learning to lead

Leadership roles provide a rich variety of opportunities for personal growth, a key tenet of Churchie. A positive experience early in life sets the foundation for developing confidence, communication and collaboration skills and a sense of service to others. Head of Preparatory School Mark Wyer discusses the development of leadership skills in our younger students.

When you are called to lead, you are called to serve. This is a powerful message we share with our boys, and it underpins our leadership philosophy in the Prep School. Leadership is a valuable skill that is beneficial in all aspects of life. In the Prep School, learning to lead and serve others is a philosophy we engender with all boys. We believe all students have the potential to develop leadership skills, and we encourage the boys to apply these leadership skills to initiatives that strengthen our school community.

In the Prep School, there are a variety of learning-to-lead opportunities to facilitate growth and development. In the first instance, we ask boys to lead themselves. We encourage them to do the little things well, such as wear their uniform correctly, tip their hat, use their manners, be on time to class and be prepared—all the

‘one percenters’ that make a significant difference. Once they have the ability to lead themselves, they have opportunities to lead others through introductory roles as class captains. This provides their first step in leading others and allows for growth and development in the leadership space. Further opportunities await in the cocurricular arena, with activity captains for sports and music—another opportunity to learn to lead. Within the new Prep School house system, we will provide additional opportunities for boys to develop their leadership skills. With a vertical system in place, the younger boys will be able to look to our older boys as leaders within their house, and this will be formalised through the opportunity to become a house captain or vice-captain.

Earlier this year we celebrated and inducted our 10 Prep School student leaders at our Leadership Assembly.

These fine young men embody the leadership philosophy of the Prep School. They have proven to their peers that they can lead themselves and have the ability to serve and lead others. In this way, the Prep School boys have inspired both themselves and their peers to explore further leadership opportunities that await them in the Senior School.

In a world where leadership skills are becoming increasingly important, we believe our boys deserve to be equipped with the leadership skills they need to make a positive impact on our school community and beyond the gates of Churchie. With an ever-evolving society, we can prepare our boys with the necessary skills to make a positive impact.

Pictured here are Prep School leaders, activity captains, house captains and class captains.


Magnus way

We were pleased to hear from intrepid Churchie Old Boy Rowan Porter (1985), who recently completed a journey to connect with the places and history of St Magnus, Churchie’s patron saint. We thank Rowan for writing this story for Eagles’ Wings.

To pilgrimage to Orkney, a group of islands off the tip of Scotland, is to both see and feel the history and geography of St Magnus’ life and legacy, experienced in the setting of the oral tradition of his people.

In 2017, as part of the 900th anniversary commemorations of the martyrdom of St Magnus, a 58-mile pilgrimage was inaugurated, ‘the Way of St Magnus’. Its five main sections offer very different landscapes and can be traversed by foot (3 to 5 days) or by bike (1 day).

The highlights were the first section’s visit to Egilsay Island, the scene of the Earl’s martyrdom, and the last section concluding at St Magnus Cathedral, where his relics were rediscovered during restoration in 1919, high in a pillar, adjacent to the altar. We carried gifts from Churchie on the pilgrimage for presentation at the Sunday morning service in the cathedral. These were a maquette of the Spirit of St Magnus sculpture in Magnus Quad and a replica of the Holy Martyr Magnus of Orkney icon from the school chapel.

Both were blessed by Churchie’s Senior Chaplains before the journey.

After arriving at Kirkwall’s airport, we crossed the Orkney seas to reach Egilsay. The ever-present wind caused white crests on the surface chop, conjuring stories of the infamous waters, including one from the Orkneyinga Saga where a mighty wave swamped Magnus’ boat and nearly capsized it, causing his fear of ill tidings.

On Egilsay, pilgrims are immersed in the events of Magnus’ martyrdom. His cousin, Earl Haakon, arrived with murderous intent at peace talks after Easter Sunday, 1117. Magnus prayed all night in an original church before walking to the beach where Haakon’s men descended with shouts, spears and swords.

Though small, it is the best beach in all of Orkney, according to a bartender in Stromness, but also a place of infamy. Earl Magnus died on barren ground which soon gave rise to green grass and wildflowers. Earl Magnus died on barren ground which soon gave rise to green grass and wildflowers.

Returning to the main island, the weather prevented us from walking the pilgrimage, so our guide drove us along the route. It is the path, researched from oral tradition, that St Magnus’ remains were carried to the Bishop’s Birsey Cathedral for burial.

When Magnus’ nephew, Earl Rognvald Kali Kolsson (c1103 to 1158) had achieved the initial construction of the St Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall, Magnus’ remains were exhumed and brought by way of the second to the fifth section of the pilgrimage.

We stopped at a spring by the road, where pilgrims stopped to drink this sacred water. This site is where Magnus’ bones were washed on the way to the cathedral in Kirkwall.

We washed the maquette in these waters, cleansing the sand from the Egilsay beach.

Arriving at St Magnus Cathedral in Kirkwall, we had a small group tour of the upper floors and an audio tour of the ground level.

Local parishioners hold St Magnus in high regard. As an earl, he was loved for his


compassion. As a martyr, he is an example of a Christian life lived well in time and place. He chose peace.

Our guide was puzzled by the eagle’s wings and the sword in the Spirit of St Magnus maquette. I relayed, to our Orkney friends, our school motto Alis Aquilae, on eagles’ wings, and the symbolism of the upturned sword being a cross, held in peace.

Magnus, like Christ, died at the crossroads, a turning point in human history. One path was the traditional ways of the Vikings ruled by man’s animal instincts, survival of the fittest, inherited from our evolutionary past. The other path was living according to God’s ways, allowing His selfless love to overcome differences and bring unity (peace). Magnus’ cause was championed by his nephew, Rognvald, who brought Christianity, canonisation and a cathedral to Orkney in his honour.

St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall Maquette and icon blessed at Churchie by Fr Bryan Gadd Rowan Porter at Mans Well Egilsay Beach St Magnus Church, Egilsay

Chapel centenary

This year marks 100 years since the construction of the Canon Jones Memorial Chapel, with celebrations befitting the chapel’s cherished place in our history as the spiritual heart of Churchie.

Canon Thomas Jones was one of the pioneering figures in the development of the Anglican Church in Queensland. From 1912 to his passing in 1918, Canon Jones took an active interest in Churchie’s formation.

After his death, a proposal was brought forth for a chapel to be built as a memorial. Fundraising began, and construction of the chapel commenced with the laying of the foundation stone by Archbishop Gerald Stone on 1 August 1923. The following year, the chapel was completed and consecrated.

The chapel was built in the Gothic scholastic architectural style. Architects HW Atkinson and AH Conrad designed a chapel that would resemble a small English parish church. The roof represents an upturned Viking longship to remind the boys of the School’s patron saint and the bravery, courage and Christian values St Magnus represented. The reredos was

developed over many years. Carved in silky oak, ‘Christ and Boy with Loaves and Fishes’ was added as the centrepiece as Churchie’s Founder Canon Morris’ parting gift to the School.

Today, the chapel is used by staff and students for prayer and worship in regular house and year-level services. Many Old Boys hold the chapel fondly in their memories, and it has played host to many weddings, baptisms and funerals over the years.

On Saturday 4 May, a special service commemorating the 100th anniversary of the chapel was held, recognising the important role this building has played in the spiritual life of the School.

Canon Thomas Jones

Japan tour

In December, Churchie musicians embarked on our first music tour to Japan, providing many enriching opportunities and memorable experiences both on and off the stage.

Starting in Osaka, the boys visited Osaka Music School to play in a state-of-the-art studio, followed by a performance at the Kozu Public School assembly just 30 minutes later.

The following two days were packed with activities of sightseeing and wonderful experiences as the students visited the Japan Universal Studios theme park and delved into the history of Japan at Osaka Castle and the Todaiji Temple.

The next stop was in Brisbane’s sister city Kobe, where students performed at Marist Brothers International School in collaboration with St Peters Lutheran College students who were also touring Japan. The group had an exciting day trip

to Kyoto where they fed monkeys at Arashiyama, toured iconic temples and saw the traditional Noh theatre.

Before leaving Kobe, the Churchie musicians performed for St Margaret’s Anglican Girls School’s sister school Konan Elementary and had the opportunity to collaborate with their Wadaiko club.

After taking the Shinkansen from Kobe to Tokyo, the students performed for Keio Senior High School and were treated to another amazing opportunity to interact and share cultures with Japanese students. The tour culminated in an amazing public performance at Tokyo Disneyland, and the students and staff finished with a wonderful feeling of success and achievement.

Being the first tour of this kind to Japan, we were proud to see the students making a positive impression through their manners and efforts. It was a wonderful example of how music can transcend language barriers. The boys received many invitations to return, which we plan to accept in 2027 for our next Japan music tour with Morris Wind Symphony and Big Band 1.


From the Chairman of the Churchie Foundation

Behind the scenes, the Churchie Foundation team has been busy designing and launching products to assist in communicating the role of the Foundation to current and prospective donors.

Thank you to my fellow board members who continue to freely give their time to ensure the values, prosperity and development of this great school are ongoing through the work of the Foundation. CHURCHIE

The new standalone Churchie Foundation website is now live, and the Churchie Foundation booklet was launched in both print and digital formats. The website and booklet are strong sources of information about the Churchie Foundation—from the history and impact of giving at Churchie, including capital campaigns, to current news and events. Both provide details about how you can invest in the spirit of Churchie by leaving a lasting legacy to ensure that the fabric of the School stays strong now and into the future.

Churchie has been very fortunate to receive many generous gifts and bequests over its long history. The 1912 Society exists to provide a structured framework to encourage and facilitate planned charitable giving from Old Boys, parents and friends of the School. A new booklet has been produced outlining The 1912 Society. It is available in digital format on the new Churchie Foundation website, and a printed copy is also available. Bequeathing to the Churchie Foundation keeps the Churchie spirit alive while providing tangible benefits to the School.

The Foundation hosted its inaugural Churchie Foundation Advisory Council Meeting on Thursday 19 October 2023. This was an ideal opportunity for the Foundation Board to receive feedback from its Governor and Senior Patron donors on the performance of the Foundation. The evening was a success and another meeting will be held in due course.

Our newest initiative is an annual Overseas Study Information Evening, with the event held on Tuesday 5 March in The Centenary Library lecture theatre. The session was well attended by current students and parents, as well as some Old Boys. A key focus of the evening was the Overseas Study Scholarships for Old Boys, provided for by the charitable trust of an Old Boy. Four Old Boys who are past recipients reflected on their scholarship experiences of studying in the USA or the UK.

The website and booklet are strong sources of information about the Churchie Foundation— from the history and impact of giving at Churchie, including capital campaigns, to current news and events.

Craig Spencer (1975) Churchie Foundation Chairman

Brand of brothers

Accompanied by their brothers David (1967) and John (1970), twins Graham (1971) and Ross Brand (1972) recently returned to Churchie to celebrate their 70th birthday. It was also a nostalgic visit to see a mosaic of the school crest, formerly a coffee table donated by the Brand family 55 years ago, which now adorns the Viking Café.

For David, Churchie was more like a second home than a school. He revelled in his studies and sports, which included winning a rugby premiership with the Fourth XV. After leaving, he pursued medicine at The University of Queensland and spent the first two decades of his medical career in rural areas. From 1998 to 2000, David served as the Federal President of the Australian Medical Association, followed by a decade as a consultant and lobbyist in Canberra, before returning to general practice in 2010. He continues to work part-time in Canberra as a GP.

John was School Vice-Captain. He participated actively in army cadets and sport, including playing in the First XV rugby team and rowing in the First VIII, which won Head of the River in 1969. He later ventured into management roles in the pharmaceutical and food sectors before joining the public sector. His career took him to various countries as a trade promotion diplomat, and he finished his career in New

Zealand as a Senior Trade Commissioner for Australia with the Australian Trade and Investment Commission. John retired to the Sunshine Coast in 2018.

Graham enjoyed rugby and rowing in the First VIII in 1970 and 1971, winning the Head of the River in 1971. Army cadets also played a big part in his school life. He later played rugby for Queensland, including the famous win over the All Blacks in 1980. Graham spent many happy years in the timber recycling industry, all while nurturing his passion for art, which began with school studies in geometric and perspective drawing.

Ross played rugby, rowed and as the Senior Cadet Under Officer led the School’s Anzac Day parade. While undertaking architectural studies at university, he was a boarding master in the Prep School. Ross was a co-founding partner of Brand & Slater Architects (now BSPN), and for 20 years he was the school architect, contributing to

numerous significant infrastructure projects. Ross retired in 2010, and BSPN has continued to be involved in several projects across the School, including sponsorship of the churchie emerging art prize.


From the President of the Old Boys’ Association

As we reflect on the past few months of activity within the Churchie Old Boys’ Association, I am pleased to report significant progress and exciting developments that are shaping our agenda for the year ahead.
Grant Menzies (1988) President

At the forefront of our focus is the uplift of our social media presence and our communications in general, including the relaunch of the Churchie Business Network and the expansion of our mentoring programme. We recognise the invaluable resource that our network of Old Boys presents. By revitalising our business connections, we aim to foster meaningful professional relationships and opportunities for our members.

Additionally, we remain steadfast in our commitment to fostering camaraderie and wellbeing among our members. Our Connect and Play initiative continues to bring Old Boys together through sporting activities, strengthening bonds and promoting regular

engagement. Our Viking Wellbeing programme has received renewed attention with a dedicated member of the executive appointed to oversee its management. We understand the importance of supporting the holistic wellbeing of our members and are committed to providing resources and initiatives that include and promote mental health awareness and support.

As a dad of two boys at Churchie, it was refreshing to learn that Old Boys make up 20 per cent of the current dads. We also learned the number of Old Boys spanning many generations that contribute to the cocurricular programme. In light of this, we are looking to celebrate their efforts as the year progresses.

In Term 1, I had the honour of addressing the entire boarding house at their formal dinner. It was an opportunity to reaffirm the integral role that boarders play in the fabric of our community. I emphasised the importance of legacy, tradition and the enduring bonds of friendship made in the boarding house that are carried on when they become Old Boys.

At the February meeting of the OBA, School Captain Noah Monahan and Head Boarder George Ward shared their vision for the year ahead. Their views and strategies provided valuable insights as we look for opportunities to engage the 2024 cohort throughout the year and as future Old Boys.

I thank Lieutenant Commander Andrew Petrie (1999) for his involvement as the

Reviewing Officer for this year’s Anzac Day Ceremony and commend him on how he fulfilled this honourable duty. Thanks also to 1960 Old Boy Brigadier John Jansen (Ret’d), who laid a wreath on behalf of Old Boys who are past servicemen. On a personal note, as a past Churchie Army Cadet, I am always impressed with the high standard of the Churchie ceremony and the strong Vintage Viking turnout. Furthermore, I was honoured to be able to represent the OBA and lay a wreath.

At the OBA Long Lunch in May, we provided a platform to delve deeper into the business aspects of our association. With esteemed Old Boys comprising panels and sharing their expertise, we embraced insightful discussions and opportunities for collaboration. The involvement of individuals such as Don Chandler (1982), Peter Evans (1969), Ben James (1986), Bruce Hatcher (1964), Anthony Lee (1997) and Jono Perry (1994) underscored the wealth of talent and experience within our community, and we were privileged to have them contribute to this significant annual event.

Already the year has been marked by progress, collaboration and a genuine sense of purpose within the executive of the Churchie Old Boys’ Association. As we continue to pursue our strategic initiatives and foster connections among our members, I am confident we will achieve great success in the year ahead. I extend my sincere thanks to our entire community of Old Boys for their unwavering support.


Achievements and honours

We proudly acknowledge the Churchie Old Boys who have been recognised with honours and representative positions this year.

Member (AM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division

Dudley Creagh (1952) for significant service to science, and to tertiary education.

Jeffrey Maclean (1974) for significant service to the community through a range of organisations.

Medal (OAM) of the Order of Australia in the General Division

David Stabler (1968) for service to orthopaedic surgery.

Public Service Medal (PSM)

Andrew Johnson (1984) for outstanding public service through leadership in developing and stewarding Australia’s capability in the environmental and physical sciences.

Emergency Services Medal (ESM)

Andrew McNeilly (1987)

Other achievements

Rob Chandler (1971) has been declared Mayor of the Barcaldine Regional Council. Rob is not new to this line of work having previously been a Councillor from 2000 to 2004 and Mayor from 2004 to 2020.

Jason Dunstall (1981) has been elevated to AFL Legend Status as the 32nd inductee. This is the highest honour for an individual in the sport and follows his induction in 2002 into the Australian Football Hall of Fame. For the Hawthorn Football Club, Jason was a four-time AFL premiership player (1986, 1988, 1989 and 1991) and captain from 1995 to 1998. He is also one of only six men in VFL/AFL history to have kicked more than 1,000 goals.

James Hall (1996) received a Gold Level Commendation as an Australian Army Chaplain for exceptional devotion to duty during multiple sensitive and catastrophic events.

Gus John (2019) was a member of the winning University of Cambridge Men’s VIII for the 2024 Oxford Cambridge Boat Race.

Emeritus Professor Graham Jones AM (1955) was conferred Doctor of the University (Honoris Causa) at the Griffith University graduation for Science and Engineering in December 2023.

Nick Marshall OAM (1994) has been elected as Councillor for the Gold Coast City Council.

Ben McDermott (2012) was awarded the Ian Healy Trophy for the Queensland Bulls Player of the Year for the 2023/24 season. He was also awarded the Queensland Bulls One-Day Player of the Year.

Charlie Moore (2023) has been named the National Under 20 5km Champion in athletics.

Graham Neilsen (1973) has been appointed Associate Professor, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Queensland, and Associate Professor, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Griffith University.

Thomas Pattison (2023) has been selected for his second Australian Swim Team to compete at the 2024 Junior Pan Pacific Championships in August.

Isaac Scott-Young (2011) has been appointed as Vice President Investment Banking at Goldman Sachs, New York.

Clint Steindl (2006) and Jarred Bairstow (2010) won the 2024 NBL Championship playing for the Tasmania JackJumpers. Further congratulations to Clint as captain and Jarred who received the Coaches’ Award.


OBA reunions and events

Upcoming reunions

Saturday 13 July: 10 year reunion

Saturday 27 July: 5, 20 and 30 year reunions

Friday 23 August: 50 year reunion

Saturday 24 August: 40 year reunion

Thursday 29 August: 70 year reunion

Friday 30 August: 75 year reunion

Thursday 10 October: 65 year reunion

Friday 11 October: 60 year reunion

Headmaster Dr Alan Campbell, Nick Stansbie, Grant Menzies (1988), George Ward, Marcus Pearce, Angus Stinson, Term 1 Boarding Dinner John Jansen (1960), Margie Jansen, James Jansen (2005), Anzac Day Ceremony Lawrie Cremin (1957), Tim Atherton (1970), Anzac Day Ceremony David Murray (1969), Igor Theodoridis (1968), Alex Cutts (1968), Anzac Day Ceremony Ian Lacy (1988), John de Bhal (2012), Jack Lambert (2019), Boston Freestone (2015), Overseas Study Scholarship Information Evening

Launch of A Running Life by Tony Booth

The launch of A Running Life
Diane Clark, Estella Uhlmann, Amy Anderton, Susan Uhlmann, Emma Turner Mark Dawson (1977), Brett Crew (1979) Lincoln Booth (1989), Tony Booth OAM, Peter Dornan AM Tony Booth OAM, Bill Morgan (1976)

James Bartlett (1950)

James ‘Jim’ Bartlett (1950) became a boarder at Churchie at eight years of age. In his final year, Jim was School Captain, the inaugural Goodwin House Captain, Captain of Swimming (Premiers), Captain of Athletics and finished the season as Captain of Rugby (Premiers).

Churchie: A Centenary Portrait (2011) stated, ‘Jim’s name will always provoke arguments as to whether he was the greatest athlete in the school’s history.’ Jim played in the First XV for three years, scoring 27 tries in the games for which records are available. In athletics, he won nine individual GPS titles including the 100 yards, 220 yards and 440 yards in his final year, and set school records that lasted for many years. In swimming, Jim won seven GPS titles.

Jim was also the senior cadet in 1950, and at a poignant Anzac Day service, he delivered the School’s Roll of Honour handed to him by Churchie’s Founder Canon Morris.

Shortly after finishing school, Jim ceased all sport and moved to the outback to pursue a career in aviation.

Jim was the much-loved husband of Nini (deceased) and is survived by his four children, Catherine, Douglas (1975), Jenny and Jamie (1984), and grandchildren, five of whom attended or are attending Churchie: Jack (2006), Mack (2010), Mitch (2016), Andy (2019) and Ollie (Year 12).

Robert Boughen (1946)

Dr Robert Boughen OBE (1946) was an accomplished professional classical musician and grand pipe organist. In his early career, he was a freelance performer and conductor. From 1951 to 1955, he was an RAAF reserve pilot with 23 SQN at Archerfield, and he was a member of the Royal Qld Aero Club for many decades.

For 41 years Robert was the Director of Music at St John’s Cathedral and was associated with Churchie for many decades as a visiting teacher in the music department. He designed the organ that is installed in Churchie’s Canon Jones Memorial Chapel and performed the opening concert on its completion.

Robert was a senior lecturer in music at The University of Queensland (UQ), the City of Brisbane Organist for many decades, and the musical designer and custodian of the concert organ in the Concert Hall of QPAC. He began to teach the organ at UQ in 1967, and in 1977 he was awarded a Churchill Fellowship to study the teaching of organ music in tertiary institutions in the United Kingdom, Europe and the United States. He worked in UQ’s Department of Music for many years until his retirement in 1994.

His two sons, Peter (1980) and David (1969), and grandson, Andrew (1994), are also Old Boys. Robert passed on 24 February peacefully at the age of 94.

We respectfully acknowledge the passing of the following Old Boys.

To help ensure Old Boys are recognised appropriately, please send notifications to oba@churchie.com.au.


James Douglas Bartlett (1950)

Years at Churchie

1941 – 1950

Peter John Beavis (1944) 1941 – 1942

James Philip Benjamin (1994) 1990 – 1994

Charles Wayne Briggs (1952) 1949 – 1950

Robert Keith Boughen (1946) 1943 – 1946

Barton Bulwinkel (1940) 1937

Menzo Peter Alting Du Cloux (1962) 1956 – 1958

David Blair Coates (1959) 1956 – 1959

Stephen John Conwell (1979) 1974 – 1975

Peter Alexander Cran (1961) 1956 – 1961

Brian Lisle Curley (1971) 1965 – 1970

Charles Samuel Werner Elliott (1975) 1967 – 1973

Kenneth Barron Fraser (1971) 1965 – 1971

John Julian Galloway (1957) 1954 – 1955

Peter Gordon Graham (1959) 1956 – 1959

Glen Owen Gray (1960) 1957 – 1959

Leslie Peter Greensill (1955) 1947 – 1953


John Galloway (1957)

Dr John Galloway AM was born on 9 October 1939. He enrolled at Churchie in 1954 as a day student in Magnus House and completed his Junior Certificate in 1955. In 1956, John started a course at Gatton Agricultural College, then worked in rural NSW as a jackaroo and later as an overseer.

John joined the ABC Rural Department as a full-time reporter based in Tamworth. He gained a BA at the University of New England (NSW) and later a PhD at Michigan State University. In the 1980s, John lectured at Macquarie University and later became a software developer.

John set up Netmap Analytics, which pioneered the use of big data to conduct cause and effect analysis to discover irregularities in data that enabled the apprehension of criminals, terrorists and fraudsters. In the last few years, John started a new company, Big Data Causality, with major clients in government, corporate and industry.

John was an Adjunct Professor of the School of Computing and Engineering at Western Sydney University and co-founded the Complex Systems Research Centre at the Sydney University of Technology. He was awarded Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2015 for significant service in technology, cybernetics and general systems theory.

John passed away suddenly on 3 January 2024 at his home in Mudgee, NSW. He is survived by his wife Wendy, son Scottie and daughter-in-law Lizzy, daughter Phoebe and son-in-law Charlie, and grandchildren Chloe, Jack and Poppy.

Obituary written by Graeme Adam (1958).

John Greenwood (1951)

The Honourable John Greenwood RFD QC graduated from The University of Queensland with degrees in Arts (1956) and Law (1957).

In 1952 he commenced national service training with the Australian Army Reserve and continued to serve until 1994. In 1973 he transferred from the Infantry to the Army Legal Corps and was later appointed a Defence Force magistrate. John was also a senior legal officer in the counter-terrorism exercises for Expo 88. He was honoured with the Reserve Force Decoration in recognition of his services.

John was admitted as a barrister-at-law on 8 July 1958 and was appointed Queen’s Counsel on 31 January 1980. As an active member of the bar and the profession, he served as Honorary Secretary from 1959 to 1961 and was a part-time lecturer in commercial law at The University of Queensland from 1962 to 1965.

From 1974 until 1983, John served in the Queensland Parliament in the seat of Ashgrove, and in the Cabinet from 1976 to 1980 as Minister for Survey and Valuation. He was one of Queensland’s delegates to the Australian Constitutional Convention in 1976 and 1983.

Following his term in parliament, John returned to the bar to continue his career as a barrister until his retirement in 2017. John passed away on 23 December 2023 at 89 years of age.

John Ward Greenwood (1951)

1946 – 1951

Ross Colin Johnson (1976) 1972 – 1976

Ian Edward Keys (1959)

1956 – 1959

Peter Keir Main (1952) 1951 – 1952

Paul Thomas Mapp (1958) 1950 – 1955

Eric John McKeague (1951)

1948 – 1951

Lawrence Saunders (1953) 1950 – 1952

Bruce Philip Schmidt (1963) 1956 – 1963

Peter George Stevens (1957) 1950 – 1957

Stephen John Robert Tait (1981) 1977 – 1981

Graham Christian James Uhlmann (1950) 1947 – 1948

Stanley Joseph Vaughan (1956)

1949 – 1951

Bruce Cameron White (1958) 1952 – 1956

Peter James Whitehouse (1958) 1957 – 1958

Lee Robert Wilson (1966) 1963 – 1966

Anthony Justin Young (1980) 1978 – 1980

William John Zahnleiter (1970)

1966 – 1970

We would also like to acknowledge the passing of past staff member Mrs Marion Dickson. Marion, who was tuckshop convenor from April 1986 to September 2001, passed away on Thursday 30 November 2023. Her three sons are Churchie Old Boys, Boyd (1979), Ashley (1981) and Geoff (1987).

Name Years at Churchie

A message from Churchie’s platinum sponsor

Experience our new chapter: Porsche E-Performance

Porsche Centre Brisbane and Porsche Studio Brisbane are thrilled to be partnering with Churchie for another year. With a current focus on a new era of electric performance embodying the soul of Porsche, we are proud to be welcoming the new Cayenne E-Hybrid, all-electric Taycan and all-electric Macan into the world of Porsche.

We are taking a step further toward the mobility of the future by embodying Pure Porsche E-Performance in our new model range. The Porsche E-Performance range is driven by our passion for sportscars, making electricity even more electrifying. Performance even more impressive. And the extraordinary even more outstanding.

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