Anglican world issue 145

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Ministering to Madiba An exclusive reflection from Archbishop Thabo on his forthcoming book

Becoming Disciples, intentionally Work begins to make “Intentional Discipleship” a reality

Changing the World Anglican women unite at the UN – and go home inspired for change anglican world issue 145 june 2017


e d i to r i a l

Transformed as Disciples

A CHRISTIAN DISCIPLE is a person who accepts Jesus Christ as Saviour and assists in the spreading of the good news of Jesus Christ. Christian discipleship is the process by which disciples grow in the Lord Jesus Christ and are equipped by the Holy Spirit, who resides in our hearts, to overcome the pressures and trials of this present life and become more and more Christlike. In this edition of Anglican World we are taking a look at “Intentional Discipleship” – which was the theme at the 2016 meeting of the Anglican Consultative Council in Lusaka, Zambia. There is a special report from the first meeting of the international co-ordinating group set up to bring life to the vision. A delegation of Anglican women from around the world gathered recently at the UN in New York, for the 61st UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) and found the encounter “transformative” The article about their two week encounter explains why. Also in this edition, women in Argentina explain how the local branch of the Mother’s Union “My hope is that the vision for a has transformed their aspirations and deepened their faith. The Archbishop of Cape Town has been telling Anglican “Season of Intentional Discipleship” will World how his faith was deepened – by the memorable bear fruit in every province, diocese and experience of ministering to Nelson Mandela, in the last few of the former president’s life. Archbishop Thabo Makgoba parish in the Anglican Communion” years is bringing out a book on this shortly and has given Anglican World his reflections ahead of its publication. In this edition we also have a new feature, Province Profiles. Every issue of Anglican World will now give some history and points for prayer for two of the Communion’s Provinces. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. (Matthew 28:19-20) My hope is that the vision for a ”Season of Intentional Discipleship” will bear fruit in every province, diocese and parish in the Anglican Communion so that people of faith will be equipped to be powerful witnesses to Christ’s reconciling love in their everyday life. May the transforming love of Christ shine out from us all and transform those around us.

Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon Secretary General of the Anglican Communion



anglican world issue 145 june 2017



world Inside this issue ISSUE 145 JUNE 2017

Produced by The Anglican Communion Office St Andrew’s House 16 Tavistock Crescent London W11 1AP United Kingdom Registered Charity 7311767 Tel +44 (0)20 7313 3900 Fax +44 (0)20 7313 3999 E-mail Web Serving the Instruments of Communion: The Archbishop of Canterbury The Lambeth Conference The Anglican Consultative Council The Primates’ Meeting And approximately 85 million Anglicans and Episcopalians in more than 165 countries


Archbishop Josiah on discipleship and transformation 2




The latest from around the Anglican world 4 ¢ PROFILE

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba shares his reflections on his forthcoming book, Faith and Courage: Praying with Mandela 6

Ministering to Madiba An exclusive reflection from Archbishop Thabo on his forthcoming book

Becoming Disciples, intentionally Work begins to make “Intentional Discipleship” a reality

Changing the World Anglican women unite at the UN – and go home inspired for change anglican world issue 145 june 2017

President The Archbishop of Canterbury Secretary General The Most Revd Josiah Idowu-Fearon Editor Bernadette Kehoe Any comments, questions or contributions should be sent to The Editor at Subscriptions: E-mail aw.subscriptions@ UK £2.50 / US$4 / €3.50 for one issue. UK £10 / US$16 / €14 for four issues. See our website for how to subscribe to further copies of the magazine – visit resources/shop.aspx Design and Layout Marcus Thomas e-mail Printed by CPO, Garcia Estate, Canterbury Road, Worthing, W. Sussex BN13 1BW

All original material may be reproduced by Member Churches without further permission of the Anglican Consultative Council. Acknowledgement and a copy of the publications are requested. Permission to reproduce copyrighted work should be sought from the owner.


Cover photo


Mothers’ Union helps the women of Argentina to find their voice 8

Archbishop Thabo Makgoba CREDIT: ACNS


Province Profiles: Southern Africa and Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui 10


Anglican women unite for change at the UN in New York 18


The Communion at a glance 12


Tracing the steps of Celtic saints in north Wales 22


Straight talking and honest conversations by bishops in Yorkshire 14



Work begins to help us all become intentional disciples 16

Modern communication methods are “instruments of communion” 23


A look at the hidden – but vital – work of chaplains to seafarers 18



anglican world issue 145 june 2017


communion news


THANKSGIVING FOR ANGLICAN SISTERS IN AUSTRALIA Two Anglican schools in Australia have celebrated a century and a quarter of ministry by sisters of the Anglican Society of the Sacred Advent. “Mother Emma’s Day” is celebrated each year on 9 March, and this year students from St Margaret’s and St Aidan’s girls’ schools gathered at St John’s Cathedral in Brisbane to give thanks for the presence of the Order over such a long period of time and to pray that the work started by the Society may continue for years to come. From small beginnings in 1882, the Sisters established more than ten schools as well as orphanages, hostels, homes for girls, a hospital and a club for working and


Sr Gillian, Mother Eunice, Sr Sandra

factory girls. Much of this work was begun under the leadership of Mother Emma, who was Mother Superior of the order from 1906 until 1939. There are only three Sisters remaining and they live in semi-retirement, although they retain a keen interest in both

schools and the wider church. A spokesperson said: “ It was special to have Mother Eunice, Sr Sandra and Sr Gillian with us, along with Old Girls, members of school councils and the Sisters Trust, and even former residents of St Michael’s Home.”




Archbishop Justin and Archbishop Masimango met Tearfund staff in Goma

Burundi was the first destination in a week long visit to Africa by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The purpose of the visit was to spend time with the Primates of Burundi, Congo, Rwanda and Kenya; to hear about and see the work of the Church in each Province; to discuss future opportunities for the Anglican Communion in the world; and to

pray together. Archbishop Justin said: “Something I see every time I visit is that the Anglican Church here has lots of vigour, life and lots of spirit. It uses this spiritual force in its work tackling violence against women, in contributing to reconciliation, education, healthcare and development in the towns and villages where it works.”


COMMUNION CAN LEARN FROM PAKISTAN’S EXPERIENCE The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, has told the Church of Pakistan it has something to offer to the Communion because of its experience of being a minority church in a Muslim Country. The eight bishops of Pakistan, during a three day retreat in England, were questioning how their Church and the Anglican Communion could co-operate. Archbishop Josiah said their experience “could be passed



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on: to help other countries like Sudan, the latest province of the Communion as well as northern parts of Nigeria, Egypt and other Arab speaking countries.” A Pakistani cleric who is now based in Britain, Revd Rana Khan, assisted with the retreat. “We talked about our problems at home, with security being one of the main issues, because of attacks on Christians. But we also discussed the importance of theological

Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon with visiting Pakistani Bishops

education in Pakistan, womens’ empowerment, encouraging young people into leadership roles and how the church in Pakistan can be more mission oriented.”


NEW DIRECTOR FOR THE ANGLICAN CENTRE, ROME Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi, Primate of the Anglican Church of Burundi from 2005 until 2016, has been appointed as the Representative of the Archbishop of Canterbury to the Holy See and Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome. He succeeds Archbishop David Moxon who is retiring. Archbishop Bernard has extensive ecumenical experience having served as a member of the Central Committee of the World Council

of Churches since 1998, and co-moderator of the Permanent Committee on Collaboration and Consensus which brings together representatives of the Orthodox, Anglicans and Reformed Churches. He has also served on the Executive Committee of ACT (Action of Churches Together) International and participated in the creation of the new ACT Alliance which is the ecumenical branch of the WCC for Relief and Development. He has

Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi announced as new Director of Anglican Centre in Rome

also been active in seeking peace in war-torn Burundi and the Great Lakes region of Africa.

europe and middle east

THEOLOGIANS FROM AROUND THE GLOBE IN WEB LINK UP A three-day conference of international theologians has taken place – with the organisers in Jerusalem but the participants taking part via the internet.The intercontinental webinar of theologians from the global south was hosted from St George’s College, Jerusalem. Theologians from the Middle East, Nigeria, Myanmar, South Sudan, Egypt, Brazil and Tokyo were among those taking part. They had all prepared papers on reconciliation

and mission which will go towards a book on that theme ahead of the next Lambeth Conference in 2020. Nine papers had been circulated by the theologians for reading in advance so the webinar was a chance to discuss the contents and then offer suggestions for improvements before publication. The Co-Chair, Bishop Graham Kings, Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion, said he was delighted with the way technology had facilitated the theological discussions: “I was impressed with the vitality of the


webinar. The format worked very well indeed; we had a lot of fun and fellowship as well as banter – combined with serious discussion. “


CANADIAN PIONEER OF CHURCH COMMUNICATIONS AWARDED HONORARY DEGREE Archdeacon Paul Feheley, Principal Secretary to the Primate of Canada, has been awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity by the University of Trinity College in the University of Toronto. Archdeacon Paul has worked in communications for the Anglican Communion at the Lambeth Conference of Bishops, the Primates’ Meetings and the Anglican Consultative Council; he has also had a longstanding involvement with The Anglican, the award winning newspaper of the Diocese of

the National Church, and at local, national and international levels, in the furthering of the vision and mandate of the Anglican Church of Canada, particularly through involvement with communications within the global Church.”

Archdeacon Paul Feheley

Toronto and written extensively for religious and secular publications. The University said it was offering the degree in recognition of his “progressive leadership within

Archdeacon Paul described the degree ceremony as “an absolutely wonderful experience” but added: “Ministry never happens alone; this is an individual honour that really belongs to a whole company of people who have been so important; it is a moment in time where a body of work over the years, with lots and lots of pieces of accumulative ministry, has been recognised.”

anglican world issue 145 june 2017


p ro f i l e

“Ministering to Nelson Mandela deepened my prayer life:” ACNS

THE ARCHBISHOP OF CAPE Town speaks to Anglican World about the times he spent in prayer with Nelson Mandela – and how this affected his own spirituality. Archbishop Thabo Makgoba is writing a book about ministering to Nelson Mandela in the last few years of the former president’s life. It will be based mainly on the Archbishop’s own experience but will also incorporate the experiences of others who ministered to “Madiba.” “Faith and Courage : Praying with Mandela” is due out later this year.

call from his former PA who was mandated by Nelson Mandela to ask me to come and pay him a visit in his home and to pray with him because he was not well. So it started in the context of praying with him on a regular basis and sometimes on “sms ministry” – via text messages, sent via his wife. 3) What are your memories of these encounters?

The thinking is to paint Nelson Mandela’s spiritual life and place it in the context of South Africa which is said to be 90% Christian - against the backdrop of scholars arguing that he was a communist.

He was so humane, he made everyone feel important. He was present and engaging. We disagreed on a couple of things politically but with grace. He always said he was ready to meet his maker; he had negotiated the main stages of dying, so he was scared but also resolved to go and at peace. He was a person who took words and the meaning of words seriously. He always wanted me to leave the text of any prayer so he could read it by himself afterwards.

2) How did you start ministering to Nelson Mandela?

4) What will the book tell us about his faith?

I was humbled and privileged five years before he died; I had a

As one raised as a Methodist, and who married his second wife

1) Your forthcoming book on Nelson Mandela is bound to attract worldwide interest: please could you share the thinking behind it?



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in a Methodist church, he surely is Christian but was not bound by dogma for he sought to serve all of religion and none. I think in terms of various stages of faith, he was probably at the highest stage of faith. He didn’t worry about dogma, his great concern was about service: how do we live our faith in service to humanity and nature? Over the years he had had a number of Methodist and Anglican chaplains pray with him – so he prayed with the help of chaplains. He was not overtly religious but under apartheid Catholics, Muslims and Jews were viewed with suspicion: he was the first president to encourage inter-religious formation and he encouraged religions to be organised. 5) What impact did these meetings have on you?

I really felt extremely humbled and being in front of such a giant made me also take my prayer life quite seriously. From then onwards it helped me to think about every word that I say when I pray – its impact and meaning. So by ministering to Æ

Æ Nelson Mandela, my prayer life deepened. He has had a powerful effect on me in fact since I was about 21 and involved in student politics. I was intrigued as to why this apartheid government would feel scared of him? Why was he so powerful? So meeting him after so many years was very humbling. 6) He was revered for his ability to rise above bitterness – how was he able to display such forgiveness?

I don’t know. Personally speaking, sometimes when cab drivers cut me up I feel like bashing the bonnet of their car! So how he managed what he did.... it must have taken the highest level of emotional intelligence and love for humanity and the highest level of humility so that nothing more could humiliate him further : that is a mystery and also a gift from God. 7) What was it like to be in his company and what memories can you share of him?

The book covers this extensively: funny, humorous, serious, tense and a joy as well as a challenge. He was funny and full of humour – he would talk about where he grew up and the time he stayed with an Anglican priest in Alexander township. But he hadn’t disclosed he had a girlfriend and then he got thrown out of the rectory! Coincidentally, I was baptised in that same rectory! 8) Our world is currently very divided and in need of reconciliation – what can be learned from Nelson Mandela in this respect?

Walking the talk. Be driven by faith and courage which is the title of my book. Have a sense of right and wrong and for all that makes for the common good and respect for the other. Continuing Indaba means looking at each other eyeball to eyeball – making my heart touch your heart and my mind touch your mind. World leaders have gone into ideology more than the care of human beings. For instance we are watching Brexit sharply as it may push nationalism – which is not good in terms of global humanity.

Archbishop of Cape Town’s forthcoming book, Faith and Courage: Praying with Mandela is due out this year.

9) You said at Christmas you have a dream for South Africa in 2017: please elaborate:

A dream about civility, cooperation, mutual respect, equality of opportunity and a healthy nation. Working for the best interests of South Africa. South Africans have been protesting in the streets, saying the President and his system is robbing the majority of South Africans of the joy of constitutional provision of dignity and equality. My prayer is that we have a strong coalition that does not leave the poor behind. The poor still struggle with basic means of water and sanitation and they don’t have proper access to health facilities. 10) You’ve spoken out forcefully on the issue of water – why is this such a pressing matter for South Africa?

Climate change is a reality. Cape Town has a severe water shortage. Water and sanitation reveal past and current inequities and marginalisation of the already extremely poor. Water epitomises power – but the powerful have several bathrooms and many taps and pools and lawn sprinklers. The poor rely on communal taps and latrines. 11) The issue of crime is unfortunately associated with South Africa : what role can the church play in helping South African society?

I agree the Church could do more. It also needs to speak of injustices,


“He was a person who took words and the meaning of words seriously. He always wanted me to leave the text of any prayer so he could read it by himself afterwards.” inequality and continue to be involved in education. I recently took a group of visitors from New York to Nyanga township, one of the poorest and most dangerous areas of Cape Town. We went to the local parish which is working with the poorest of the poor, for instance in providing food for 250 people a day. The Church, by engaging with the community, can help find local economic solutions that will in turn help to combat crime. 12) What are your personal hopes?

My hope is to continue to be a pastor to this nation and to walk alongside all God’s people: black and white, rich and poor, as a reconciling presence that asks of the Church and of the nation, difficult and courageous questions. To be the best of who we can be as South Africans. We are a beautiful country : the people, resources, mountains – we just need to make that beauty envelop every step of our journey as South Africans. The Church gets clobbered by politicians but is still the greatest beacon of hope.

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f e at u r e


The Deborahs and a bus they hired to get to parenting meetings

Being empowered to lead The women in northern Argentina who are finding their voice MISION LA PAZ is a village in the Chaco forest of northern Argentina. It sits on the banks of the River Picomayo, which forms the border with Paraguay. When the gospel reached this remote area, there were a number of warring tribes – Wichi, Chorote, Chulupi – as well as hostile white settlers. A mission was started which incorporated all these groups and a few years ago a group of women, from the different ethnic groups, took the initiative to start visiting other villages and sharing their faith as Bishop Nick Drayson of



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the diocese of northern Argentina explains. “They took the name “the Deborahs” as a reminder that sometimes they can’t wait for the men to take the lead! The local area is still one of much conflict, especially over land rights. The Anglican church has been deeply involved in advocacy in support of the indigenous movement “Lhaka Honhat” (Our Land) which has managed to broker a deal between white settlers and the government to agree on a shared use of the area of forest along the river

“The Anglican church has been deeply involved in advocacy in support of the indigenous movement ‘Lhaka Honhat’”



and inland which is their traditional hunting ground. The Deborahs major on supporting families, which are under great threat as their culture is eroded.” The Deborahs are just one example of local women finding their voice and organising themselves into action. More broadly across the diocese, the Mothers’ Union has recently enjoyed dramatic growth. AMARE (the Argentine branch of the Mothers’ Union) has grown from 50 members to more than 1000 members in a few short years. “AMARE (which stands for Anglican Women’s Group Renewed in the Spirit) has given a voice and an identity to women in a culture which does not value them highly, as well as equipping them to put love into action in practical ways,” says Bishop Nick. Susana, a Toba woman who recently became a member, described the change she has experienced: “I used to stand at the back of church so I could get away quickly, and never wanted to take part. But now I am involved in praying for others and occasionally leading, since I have experienced God’s love for myself.” Bishop Nick, whose wife Catherine helps co-ordinate AMARE, adds, “It has been so important for the women to discover a ‘rule of life’ which involves not just meeting together but both practical action, and Biblical preparation.” Catherine says that as AMARE met the local women, they learned about their concerns for their families: “We saw the reality: the lack of parental leadership and their


Founding women of AMARE: Catherine Le Tissier, Mirna Paolo, Alberta Cristano.

confusion as they faced so many dramatic changes. Their once wellestablished, simpler way of life has been eroded by western influences, leaving them on the margins of society. For generations these huntergatherers lived relatively untouched in the Chaco forests. However, today many have moved to towns and live off government subsidies. There are few jobs and little incentive to work, and this often leads to alcoholism. Those who remain are threatened by deforestation as the agricultural industry clears massive pieces of land to grow soya. “Western education occupies so much of the children’s time that parents rarely teach life skills to their children, such as hunting or fishing, although some mothers do pass on artisanal skills. The towns are home to other problems such as raciallymotivated violence, drug use and prostitution. Whereas the indigenous culture valued family time in the evenings, the availability of electricity means television and internet have replaced this. Parents are finding themselves de-skilled and with little to fall back on.” In AMARE, women are encouraged to make a commitment to practical ways of showing love in the family, church and community. Some women visit and pray for the sick, minister in other communities and share with their families what they have learned. Some are involved in children’s or youth work and some younger people read the Bible to the elderly. Many offer hospitality. Some groups help their pastor or clean their church. Some are involved in helping those with marital or family problems and some groups have raised funds for building or repairing a church or


visitors’ room. Catherine has watched as women have found a new voice: “AMARE gives them a sense of belonging, purpose and identity in Christ, as members of the Anglican Church and also of the MU worldwide,” she says. “AMARE brings the women of the four different indigenous groups and the Spanish speakers together, uniting people across the diocese. We are seeing a shift from them being the receivers, the poor, the oppressed, to being women with something to give.” There are certainly many challenges – with 150 churches spread out over an area the size of France, all wanting visits. “Many of these villages are off the beaten track; when it rains, the roads become impassable, and in the dry season the sand makes progress impossible,” says Catherine. “Often, it is just plain risky. When a truckful of women and I visited a local Toba community, a mighty storm and heavy flooding meant that I alone could not have got us out.The prospects of either sleeping on the church floor for the next week or getting stuck trying to get home were not attractive. We were so grateful that God had a back-up plan in the shape of a local Toba lorry driver who fought the elements to get us home.” Catherine says that because of AMARE, there is a quiet revolution taking place. “The churches have tended to wait for mission partners to fulfil this role of visiting, encouraging and teaching but with AMARE this is changing as local women are becoming empowered to lead.”

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p rov i n c e p ro f i l e s

Anglican Church of Southern Africa: ACSA Southern Africa Church leaders and Bishop Ellinah Wamukoyo of Swaziland

THERE ARE AN estimated three million members in 28 dioceses across six nations: South Africa, Angola, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland and also the British Overseas Territory of St Helena and Ascension. The Church grew from a British military chaplaincy in Cape Town after the British took over the Cape in the Napoleonic wars. The first bishop was appointed in Cape Town in 1848 and the Province of Southern Africa was established in 1870. Early bishops were usually young Englishmen sent to the colonies; all of the bishops are now nationals of southern African countries; the first black archbishop was Desmond Tutu in 1986. There are two female bishops, Bishop Ellinah

“Big celebrations are planned in September for the 25th anniversary of the ordination of women in the Province”



anglican world issue 145 june 2017

Wamukoyo of Swaziland and Bishop Margaret Vertue. Big celebrations are planned in September for the 25th anniversary of the ordination of women in the Province. Among challenges faced by the Province are resources for the College of the Transfiguration, where student numbers are declining as a result of the costs of residential theological training. At the same time Portuguese-speaking dioceses - in Mozambique and Angola - are planning to establish a college to accommodate their growing numbers of students. In South Africa, the church is challenged by a political crisis brought about by tumult in the governing party and the need for a calm and considered transition to a new president after the 2019 elections. The Hope Africa ministry is working on programmes to combat domestic violence, to reduce the spread of TB in South Africa, to reduce gender-based violence and HIV and Aids among girls and young women in northern KwaZuluNatal province. It is also working to bring drought relief coupled


with a strategy for sustainable development through church and community mobilisation in Namibia. In Swaziland, it is creating strategies for sustainability through economic development and community capacity enhancement, and in Lesotho it is working on mobilising resources and capacity building for St James Hospital in the Maluti mountains. The Province has requested prayers for the work outlined above and also for the annual meeting of its Provincial Standing Committee, at which lay Anglicans, clergy and bishops from every diocese are represented, as it revisits a decision of the Provincial Synod last year on the issue of human sexuality and reflects on the Province’s response; for electoral colleges which will elect new bishops to replace retiring bishops in a number of dioceses, also for the Diocese of Niassa in Mozambique, which is considering the possibility of creating a second diocese to serve its people; for “Anglicans Ablaze” as diocesan conferences are held in Cape Town, Namibia, Lesotho, Johannesburg, Lebombo and other dioceses.

p rov i n c e p ro f i l e s

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui HKSKH

Choral Festival of the Diocese of Hong Kong Island in 2016.

HONG KONG SHENG Kung Hui (Province of Anglican Church of Hong Kong) is comprised of the Diocese of Hong Kong Island, the Diocese of Eastern Kowloon, the Diocese of Western Kowloon and the Missionary Area of Macau. The history of the Anglican Church in Hong Kong and Macau dates back to the mid-nineteenth century. The current Archbishop and Primate is the Most Revd Dr Paul Kwong. According to the statistics collected in 2015, the average weekly attendance at Sunday services was over 12,000 across the Province. Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui has always committed to the ministry of education and social services, with more than 140 schools and 230 social service units. In Lent this year, the Steering Committee of the Church launched a massive discipleship training programme for all the faithful. A large scale joint staff development day for all our church schools and social service units will be held at AsiaWorld Expo in May 2018. The Province has been planning to build a new community hospital, but, said a spokesperson for the Province,

“the progress has been disappointing so far due to the bureaucracy of the government and the objection raised by a few local concern groups.”

School Education Policy Paper, Social Service Policy Paper and Church Policy Paper adopted by the General Synods.”

The Province asked for prayers: “The prayers from the Anglican Communion are very important to the future of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, especially for our Archbishop Paul Kwong, Bishop Andrew Chan, and Bishop Timothy Kwok; for the ministry of Ming Hua Theological College and the Religious Education Resource Centre; for the new hospital project; and for the effective implementation of the Right top: Chrism Eucharist on Maundy Thursday 2017. Right: Youngsters play a ceremony of a development programme for the residents of Tung Chung.

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world view

The Communion at a glance AMERICA Episcopal Migration Ministries, the refugee resettlement agency of the US-based Episcopal Church, is calling for support for its “Stand to Support Refugees” initiative: a fundraising campaign to maintain a strong, viable ministry network to welcome those fleeing war, violence and persecution. The organisers say donations to “Stand to Support Refugees” will help strengthen important ministry to “some of the most vulnerable throughout the world.” The director of Episcopal Migration Ministries, Canon E. Mark

Stevenson, said :“The [President’s] executive order will disrupt the promise of hope and safety for the most vulnerable children, women and men, Episcopal Migration Ministries is committed to embracing the command of Jesus, and his definition of neighbour.” Like other agencies that resettle refugees and assist them with housing, job training and other services, Episcopal Migration Ministries receives the bulk of its funding from federal grants. Canon Stevenson said that as a result of the executive order, funding

is being dramatically reduced for the remainder of 2017, potentially resulting in significant negative impact to core ministries offered by Episcopal Migration Ministries.


EUROPE Another milestone in relations between Canterbury and Rome took place in the Vatican in March as a traditional Anglican Choral Evensong was celebrated for the first time in St Peter’s Basilica. Anglican and Catholic bishops and clergy – including one female chaplain, Revd Dana English from the Anglican Church of All Saints Rome – gathered together at the altar below Bernini’s great bronze sculpture encasing the relics of the Chair of St Peter. Sunshine streamed through the giant alabaster window depicting the Holy Spirit as a dove, while the renowned choir of Merton College, Oxford, sang motets by the English Renaissance composer William Byrd, as well as some more contemporary works and well-loved Anglican hymns. The director of Rome’s Anglican Centre, Archbishop David Moxon presided at the liturgy, which took place on the day that Pope Francis marked the fourth anniversary of his election to the pontificate. 12


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The Anglican Communion has announced that Sudan is to become a separate Province is its own right. Currently Sudan is within the Anglican Province of South Sudan and Sudan. The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Josiah IdowuFearon, described it as a “welcome

development” that will help connect Christians there with Anglicans in the worldwide Communion. The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will travel to Sudan for the inauguration of the new Province on July 30th. The Chair of the Anglican Consultative Council, the Archbishop and Primate of Hong Kong, Paul Kwong, expressed joy at the announcement: “I send my warmest and heartiest congratulations to the Church of Sudan on your inauguration as the 39th Province of the Anglican Communion. The birth of a new member province brings not only joy and excitement to the global Anglican family but also richness, encouragement and hope”.



To celebrate fifteen years since the consecration of Christ Church in Jebel Ali, to the southwest of Dubai, the Revd Tim Heaney and chaplaincy staff made a 240k roundtrip, visiting several other Anglican churches. Revd Tim is responsible for a Chaplaincy that covers six of the seven Emirates in the United Arab Emirates. (Abu Dhabi in the south is a separate Chaplaincy). There are four Church buildings and a total of six congregations (as two congregations meet in alternative buildings).

Christ Church was consecrated in March 2002; the congregation was small at first - Jebel Ali was in the middle of the desert, far from everywhere except Jebel Ali Village itself, but has since grown. There were official celebrations marking the anniversary but Revd Tim said the idea for the road trip came about as “we decided we wanted to do something a little bit different on the anniversary day itself.” The journey began at Christ Church and snaked its way northwards, taking in Holy Trinity, Dubai, the oldest building in the chaplaincy (1970) and St Luke’s Ras Al Khaimah, the newest (2012).



INDIA The Church of South India leadership has stated in unequivocal terms that it is committed to gender equity in society. Speaking on the occasion of the inauguration of a two-day orientation to representatives from the different CSI dioceses covering the five southern states in India, the CSI Moderator, the Most Revd Thomas K Oomen, said that the Church has always been committed to gender equity and will continue to do that in both society and

in the Church. The two-day orientation was on a Gender Equity Enabling Timetable (GEET) that addressed sexual harassment at the workplace, domestic violence and concerns leading to positive masculinities. Participants attending the orientation drawn from the diocesan women’s fellowships and men’s fellowships will take up this challenge and address it in their respective dioceses.

The Anglican Primates of Oceania, who have been meeting in Australia, have warned of the threat to their region from climate change. In a joint statement, the five Primates said “We agreed that as whole nations of ocean people lose their island homes, climate justice advocacy and action must become the most urgent priority for Oceanic Anglicans.” Archbishop Philip Freier, of Australia, Archbishop Clyde Igara, of Papua New Guinea, Archbishop Winston Halapua, and Archbishop Philip Richardson of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, and Archbishop George Takeli of Melanesia met in Tweed Heads, in New South Wales. They noted that they were four Provinces covering many nations, more than 1000 languages, with rich and diverse cultures. They said they were united through the interweaving of history and long friendships, but were coming together against a backdrop of disharmony: “We gather at a time when the rhetoric of nationalism, ridicule, fear-mongering, and hatred is so prevalent. In such a climate where “me first” or “we first” dominates, we affirm: “we together.” anglican world issue 145 june 2017

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Unity in diversity Honest conversations and careful listening at Bishops’ gathering in Yorkshire BEFORE WALKING THE road to his death, Jesus prayed that his people might be one. It is a prayer we find difficult to answer with our own commitment, but it haunts us and will not let us go. It is a challenge we cannot escape – even when we find any number of reasons to divide writes the Bishop of Leeds, the Rt Revd Nick Baines. So, Passiontide is perhaps the

“Perhaps the most important element was taking the time to explain our context – what the mission of the church looks like in the particular places and cultures we inhabit and serve.” 14


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ideal time to invite a number of bishops from around the world to come to England for a retreat. When the three dioceses of Bradford, Ripon & Leeds and Wakefield were dissolved at Easter 2014, a new Diocese of Leeds was created from them. The new diocese also inherited Anglican partnership links with Sudan, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, USA (Southwestern Virginia), and international ecumenical links with Lutherans in Sweden (Skara) and Germany (Erfurt). Three years into our new existence, I invited bishops from our links to join with the bishops in this diocese for a five-day retreat at Parcevall Hall in the beautiful Yorkshire Dales. This week was topped and tailed by events around the diocese at the weekends, and ended with a visit to Canterbury for a meeting with the Archbishop. And what did we find to talk about? Well, we designed a simple

programme shaped around prayer and worship, conversation and honest discussion. Perhaps the most important element was taking the time to explain our context – what the mission of the church looks like in the particular places and cultures we inhabit and serve. Sudan is not Virginia; Mara is not Sri Lanka; Faisalabad is not Huddersfield. So, we listened to each others’ stories and we asked questions. This contextualisation allowed us to explore the distinctives and commonalities of both church and society in each place. It also enabled us later in the week to describe to each other the polity of our particular Anglican Province or diocese. Now, this might sound a bit mundane. But, it formed the bedrock of mutual understanding on which we could then build the walls of deeper discussion. Understanding our respective realities meant that


further exploration of theology, spirituality and ethics fell into a perspective that made some sense. It also demonstrated that Anglicans use the same vocabulary to describe very different freedoms, structures and constraints. So, context was followed by theology, Bible and hermeneutics. In such conversations it becomes clear very quickly that there is no such thing as a ‘neutral’ reading of the Bible. We read the text through the lens of our particular culture and experience. Hence, listening to each other brought new and diverse readings of the text. The texts we discussed were: Matthew 15:21-30 (Jesus and the Canaanite woman), Titus 1:1-9 (characteristics of a bishop), and Isaiah 43:1-7 (God’s promise of protection and restoration). Let’s just say that if you read about Jesus calling a woman a dog through the experience and eyes of real racial discrimination in your own country, it ceases to be merely a theological point to interpret. The bishops were fiercely

honest about their reality, but paid close attention to the readings of others. The bishops discussed the texts in pairs, but then reported back to the whole group what the partner had said. This encouraged a different sort of attentive listening, understanding and empathy. Our interrogation of the text and one another went deep very quickly. Theology then opened the door to a day on prayer, spirituality and worship. In this context we also visited Bolton Priory where, amid the ruins of the Reformation in England, we recognised that the Church has never been a stranger to politics, violence, power and a challenge to faithfulness. Yet, the Priory is alive and thriving - Christian prayer, worship and witness going on and growing in the twenty first century - surrounded by the scars of past conflicts. So what? We could have left it there and gone home happy. But, all this conversation, prayer, food and relaxation together also opened the way to a day discussing the difficult issues of ethics: money,

“All this conversation, prayer, food and relaxation together also opened the way to a day discussing the difficult issues of ethics: money, power and sex.” power and sex. Four bishops from four corners of the world introduced how these matters look from the perspective of their particular church, society and theological context. Differences were identified and picked over. Patient explanation and descriptive analysis led to questioning. No easy compromises; no damascene conversions; no steering each other to change; just a respectful and attentive exercise in listening, hearing and understanding. On this basis we can begin to work out how to develop our future relationships - particularly how to enthuse a new generation for these link relationships of mutual learning and service. This is just a glimpse of our unity in diversity. But, committed to each other as brothers in Christ, we established a remarkable relationship of honesty and integrity that perhaps offers a hopeful model for the wider Communion.

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Living and sharing a Jesus-shaped life – discipleship plans emerge Members of the co-ordinating group met for the first time on retreat in England

A DESIRE FOR greater discipleship, in which every member of the Anglican Communion has a daily intention to follow Christ in every aspect of their lives, has been gathering strength since it became a resolution at ACC-16. The concept of a “Season of Intentional Discipleship” has led to discussion and action plans around the Communion. The resolution called for “every province, diocese and parish in the Anglican Communion to adopt a clear focus on intentional discipleship and to produce resources to equip and enable the whole church to be effective in making new disciples of Jesus Christ.” Archbishop Ng Moon Hing, Primate of South East Asia and the chair of a new coordinating group set up to move forward on the vision, has said the “best way to stay above water in the atmosphere of secularism, atheism and capitalism is to make disciples.” So, where to start? The coordinating group will be working closely with each province to support efforts to develop



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discipleship in local contexts. Members of the group, drawn from around the Communion, recently gathered for the first time for a retreat in England, with the aim of taking the vision forward. Archbishop Ng Moon Hing: “We were deliberating for the first day on the idea of living and sharing a Jesus-shaped life. This became our theme - what does it look like to live out and to share a Jesus-shaped life? It needs to cover the Five Marks of Mission - care for creation, caring about justice and social needs, as well as Bible reading and prayer; discipleship can mean different things in different parts of the Communion.” The Archbishop acknowledged that there was already good work happening around the Communion: “ There are a lot of exciting initiatives on discipleship. Our aim is not to re-invent the wheel. We want to encourage people and groups to share those initiatives with other provinces,” he said. Countries represented included Brazil, Democratic Republic of

Congo, Malaysia, South Africa, Canada and Argentina. The retreat involved brainstorming, sharing ideas, prayer and discussion and work will now continue separately until the group comes together again next year. The Rt Revd Nick Drayson, Bishop of Northern Argentina, welcomed the work of the group as a step in shaping people’s involvement and role in the church. “For the future, I hope the Season of Intentional Discipleship will change the culture of the Anglican Church in my province and in our dioceses. For too long in my part of the world the church has not created disciples. People don’t put the pieces together. A Jesus-shaped life means people expect that going to church actually changes their lives.” The Revd Tatiana Ribeiro, National Youth Co-ordinator in Brazil (Igreja Episcopal Anglicana do Brasil) was equally enthusiastic: “This is so important for the church in Brazil. For us to be recognised as part of the Anglican Communion. Being here has been


Members of the group spent several days sharing ideas

Archbishop Ng Moon Hing and Bishop Stephen Cottrell


like Pentecost – hearing all these different languages! But the same faith, the same hope – and the same challenges.”My hope is that through the Season of Intentional Discipleship lay members of the church will be more involved in church life. Discipling is for all people – and all people are disciples.” The resolution that was passed at the ACC in April 2016 was as follows: “The Anglican Consultative Council, in light of the Gospel and theological imperative to make disciples, recognises the need for every province, diocese and parish in the Anglican Communion to adopt a clear focus on intentional discipleship and to produce resources to equip and enable the whole church to be effective in making new disciples of Jesus Christ.” Director for Mission at the Anglican Communion, the Revd Canon John Kafwanka, explained the meaning of this: “The broad theme is a desire that we get to the point as a Communion where the culture and language of discipleship gets embedded in the culture and life of the church” he said. Canon John explained the word “intentional” is key – because when you are doing something with intent, there is a commitment to it and an investment in it: “We become a people that are always conscious of the context in which we live everyday – and how faith in Jesus has a transformative impact in our workplaces, social, professional and family life. Also

that our faith becomes central to who we are - not something we pick up as and when it is convenient.” The spark of Intentional Discipleship emerged out of a number of Anglican leaders talking about their own experiences in the world and of how the Christian faith is challenged today: Some leaders cited examples of places where Christians are in the majority but terrible things have happened (for instance, in Rwanda), and continue to happen (such as in South Sudan). The Archbishop of Canterbury reflected back on earlier generations in Britain where churchgoing was more prevalent but congregations weren’t being equipped to pass on their faith; people weren’t intentional with their faith. Other Anglican leaders cited lack of confidence among Anglicans to articulate their faith and inability to tell the Christian story to those who do not know it. Canon John said it is about recognising that faith is not a private enterprise: “The church is a place to equip us to go out. Church is a place where we share an aspect of what it means to be a Eucharistic community, a community that gives thanks to God for what God has done in Jesus Christ, a community in which we experience the love of Christ. It is a place to recharge but it’s not a place where we end. So, from the church door, we go out to live our faith. So when we talk about issues of corruption or child abuse or gender-based violence or climate change, the big question is what does it mean to us to be disciples

“The word ‘intentional’ is key – because when you are doing something with intent, there is a commitment to it and an investment in it.”

of Christ vis a vis these issues? Discipleship becomes very relevant in all these matters. In a world with such challenges, what does our discipleship call us to be?” He sees the Season of Intentional Discipleship as an opportunity to learn from each others’ context among Anglicans/Episcopalians, along certain principles: • The priority of reading the Bible • The centrality of commitment to prayer and prayer life • The need to reach out to community, both familiar and unfamiliar or uncomfortable places and circumstances. “Discipleship is not a course of study or a programme or limited to a period of time” he said. “It’s a life-long journey of loving Jesus and loving the world, in which we are continuously transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and God is honoured. That is the kind of culture we are seeking to embrace in the Anglican Communion – in our parishes, dioceses and provinces.”

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The hidden world of maritime chaplaincy SHUTTERSTOCK

A ministry of friendship PIRACY, SHIPWRECK, ABANDONMENT and separation from loved ones are just a few of the problems merchant seafarers face. Around the world, the Mission to Seafarers provides help and support to the 1.5 million men and women who face danger every day to keep our global economy afloat. The organisation works in over 200 ports in 50 countries caring for seafarers of all ranks, nationalities and beliefs. Through its global network of chaplains, staff and volunteers it offers practical, emotional and spiritual support to seafarers through ship visits, dropin seafarers’ centres and a range of welfare and emergency support services. Newly-appointed Assistant Chaplain, Thomas Ware, has been reflecting on what ship visiting means to seafarers...: Recently I spoke to a 28-yearold man from Cape Verde called Abraham who was missing his girlfriend and nine-year-old



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daughter. Most of these seafarers are young men in their twenties and thirties with wives and children and university degrees, and the best job they can get is working on ships bringing in the goods that maintain our lifestyle. My general first impressions are the strange beauty of the setting—a mixture of the sounds, smells and sights of heavy industry and the very compelling sky and sea—and the friendliness of the sailors I’ve met. At the port of Tilbury, to the north east of London, there is a little hut comprising a suite of two or three large rooms, a bar, a kitchen, a chapel and a few offices, which is the Tilbury Seamen’s Club. It is a place that merchant sailors can come while their ship is in port to relax, have a drink, use the free Wi-Fi and generally be away from the ships, which are claustrophobic even after a brief visit and must feel like floating prisons after several weeks aboard.

“The sailors might ask to be taken down to the supermarket to do a bit of shopping or they might simply want to chat to someone who they can confide in.” A team of four chaplains works out of the Tilbury centre: The Mission to Seafarers (me!), one Apostleship of the Sea (a Polish guy called Wojciech), one Sailors’ Society (a lovely Indonesian named Frans, who has been my mentor here so far) and the staff chaplain of the QVSR (Queen Victoria Seamen’s Rest), who is (obviously) by standing arrangement provided by the Deutsche Seemans mission, the maritime chaplaincy organisation of the German Protestant State Church. Æ


Tilbury Seafarers Centre Seafarers might be in port for a few days or just a few hours


Ship visiting is the mainstay of maritime chaplaincy, the original work of the Mission to Seafarers, and the most obvious thing that I will be doing this year. The role is pretty much as simple as it sounds— you visit ships! Ships come into the port every day—massive container ships, oil tankers, grain carriers, cruise liners, small vessels shuttling between the North Sea ports and so on—and they might be in port a few hours or a few days. There is generally a crew of about ten men, including officers, engineers, a cleaner and a cook (the most important man on the ship!) I say men, because so far I haven’t met a seawoman They are a broad mix of nationalities, but mostly Filipino, Indonesian, Somalian, West African, Chinese or Eastern European. In other words, they are a long way from home, doing a very testing and sometimes lonely job for months on end in a language they might not speak: generally, the ships function in (broken) English, the international language of the sea. So the role of the chaplains is to go on board the ships and speak to the sailors and try to address a few of their basic needs. The routine is quite surreal. You drive up to the side of a boat (imagine the whole thing in a very heavy industrial setting), march up the gangway and introduce yourself to the first sailor you meet, asking to be brought to the mess. You sit in the mess (generally a common room/dining room adjoining the kitchen) and get offered whatever

food they have on at that moment. And word will get around the ship that you are there. The sailors all know about the seamen’s missions, and they come to see you…sometimes as many as four or five (the rest are asleep!). Only a few of the newest ships have the internet on board and so the sailors only have the time in port to communicate with their families. The sailors might ask to be taken down to the centre, to the supermarket to do a bit of shopping or they might simply want to chat to someone who they can confide in. When I first went ship visiting in Scotland, with the Mission to Seafarers’ Scottish chaplain, a lovely man called the Revd Tim Tunley, it took me a while to work out what on earth we were doing there—or more to the point, why the church thinks it is a good use of resources to employ a full-time priest to sell phone cards when the Scottish Episcopal Church alone must have dozens of vacancies to fill. And then a young Filipino chap, probably not much older than me, sidled into the mess and greeted Tim with such unconcealed delight, and said “I’ve been all around the North Sea for the last few months and haven’t spoken to someone who wasn’t a member of the crew since the last time I was here and saw you!” And then the whole thing started to fall into place for me. This stuff is really


important; 90% of Britain’s goods are brought in by sea, including the vast majority of food, clothes and machinery. Fifty years ago the UK was a trading nation and everybody knew that, and the job of the merchant fleet was well publicised and largely respected. But now, shipping has faded from the national consciousness few people would be able to explain or even picture the process by which the food they eat, the cars they drive and the fuel they use are brought from their places of origin to the British consumer. And shipping, therefore, is a hidden industry, and by definition also a multi-national one, operating in the shadowy globalised and largely under-regulated world beyond national jurisdictions. And so the seafarers themselves get forgotten, even though they are doing us an absolutely vital service.

If you want to read more of Thomas Ware’s blog, visit: https:// ship-visiting

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p ro f i l e

Changing the world for all women and girls

Harriet Baka Nathan from South Sudan and Revd Terrie Robinson

THEY CAME FROM across the globe -- to change the world for women everywhere: a delegation of more than 20 Anglican women from diverse backgrounds and different countries united in their determination to make a difference. Their destination was the United Nations headquarters in New York which was hosting the 61st UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW), focusing on the economic empowerment of women in the changing world of work. They returned home energised and inspired to bring about change. The Anglican Communion group was joined by a delegation from the Episcopal Church, representatives from the Mothers’ Union and a group of young adults from two dioceses in Canada. Some were

“I firmly believe that the liberation of women is so closely tied to the liberation of men and boys”



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seasoned campaigners who had attended UNCSW before. For others, it was their first time engaging with such a global political powerhouse. Each had been selected by their province and asked to carry out research on the theme. They brought with them a range of experiences and skills: among their number were an eye surgeon, a business entrepreneur, students, nurses, and a lawyer. Some were lay, some ordained. All came with high hopes and expectations. “It’s quite exciting... and quite timely,” said Revd Laura Marie Piotrowicz from Canada as the conference got underway. “These issues are so important.” Noreen Njovu from Zambia felt discussion about women’s economic empowerment was long overdue. “Women have been oppressed for a long time,” she said. “This is a wake-up call. People now need to realise that a woman is the same as a man. When she does the same amount of work, she deserves to be paid the same.”

Mathilde Nkwirikiye – a lawyer from Burundi and a member of the Mothers’ Union – said she hope the Commission would support families because that was where women’s empowerment began. “If a father and a mother look at their sons and daughters equally, that is the beginning,” she said. Rachael Fraser, from the Scottish Episcopal Church, stressed that she was representing both sexes. “I firmly believe that the liberation of women is so closely tied to the liberation of men and boys,” she said. Khushbakht Peters, from Pakistan, said it would be important to realise the need to work with community leaders to bring about change, especially in her homeland where the culture was very strong. The Anglican group were among more than 3,900 people attending the two-week event. In total 580 faith-based organisations, non-governmental organisations and civil society groups were represented. Over the course of the two weeks, the group learned to



navigate the vast array of options and opportunities on offer. Key to this was the hardworking Anglican Communion Office at the UN team, co-ordinated by General Program and Administrative Officer, Rachel Chardon. UNCSW is a complex event. At its heart is the Commission of 45 member states which hears submissions and draws up and works on what will eventually become its Agreed Conclusions. Alongside this daily meeting at the UN, there were hundreds of parallel events on a huge range of topics which the delegates could attend. There were also opportunities to meet their countries’ UN missions and representatives. The overall aim was to influence the final conclusions drawn up by the Commission. The Anglican Communion office at the UN organised its own parallel events. Harriet Baka Nathan and Joy Eluzasi from South Sudan gave a presentation on how women of faith are building peace and economic empowerment in their war-torn homeland. Delegates also had the chance to hear from Fereshteh Forough, who runs an organisation educating female students in Afghanistan. And, in the second week, two delegates from Japan – Miki Hamai and Maya Kobayashi – spoke on Hiroshima as a place of pilgrimage. But as the event progressed, it was clear that much of the enduring benefit of UNCSW would be in meeting people, making contacts and friends and sharing experiences. There was space to attend services in the chapel and to share the Eucharist. But there was one experience no-one had bargained for: heavy

The Revd Laura Marie Piotrowicz

Members of the Anglican delegation

snow! New York was hit by a snowstorm on the first evening of the event. Much of the city shut down the next day – including the United Nations. This gave delegates the chance for an impromptu snowball fight on the normally-busy streets of Manhattan. By the second Friday, formal conclusions were crystallising and bags were being packed for homeward journeys. But the optimism of the opening days was undimmed by the exhausting demands of the event. In their formal statement on UNCSW, the Anglican Communion group described the event as ‘life changing’ and ‘an invaluable experience of spiritual and political benefit to us and our communities’. They said economic empowerment required women to be included in leadership and decision-making at all levels of society. The ability of women to earn a living wage was critical to their livelihood, independence and ability to provide for their families. “We return to our home settings transformed with a new passion, energy and many ideas to pursue gender justice, be it locally or on an international stage,” the statement read. The UNCSW’s Agreed Conclusions include commitments to ensure women’s full and equal participation and leadership in the economy as well as women’s right to work and rights at work. The Anglican Communion Director for Women in Church and Society, Terrie Robinson, attended the event. She was positive but

guarded about the outcome. “Agreed Conclusions on paper won’t change much. It is now up to governments and civil society to ensure they shape policy, legislation and action for women’s economic empowerment around the world. We now have to work faithfully and persistently to ensure that such good intentions enter the consciousness of our nations and communities and make a difference there. “Significant progress has been made but so many women and girls have been left behind. We must now expect, and work for, accelerated change,” she added. For many delegates, there was a more personal outcome: friendship and mutual support. “The strength we have had for each other while we have been in New York cannot be taken away,” said Sar Kabaw Htoo from Myanmar. “There were so many issues around the world but we are all trying to help our neighbours who are in need.” Noreen Njovu, said the group had learned from each other. “We realised that we have almost the same problems. It was interesting to learn how the others are trying to solve them.” And, given the unseasonal weather, Rachael Fraser used a particularly fitting analogy for her hopes: “If women are able to achieve equal opportunities in terms of economic status, then I think there will be a snowball effect in allowing so many other aspects of equality to be achieved.”

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Bardsey Island / Elin Badger-Watts and Tim Feak in north Wales

In the footsteps of celtic saints in Wales THE FIRST DIOCESE of St Asaph Youth Pilgrimage will take place in July with 12 young people from North Wales journeying in the footsteps of Celtic saints and pilgrims across the centuries. The youngsters, accompanied by six adults, will be following part of the North Wales Pilgrim’s Way, an ancient way marked route which links Basingwerk Abbey to Bardsey Island, off the North Wales coast. During medieval times, Basingwerk Abbey, now a ruin,

“The Christian community on Bardsey Island was founded by St Cadfan more than 1,500 years ago and continues to offer hospitality to travellers today.” 22


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served as a hospital to pilgrims going to Holywell. The Christian community on Bardsey Island was founded by St Cadfan more than 1,500 years ago and continues to offer hospitality to travellers today. For this modern-day pilgrimage, the St Asaph teenagers will start at Llanberis in Snowdonia and walk almost 50 miles over five days to Aberdaron, before sailing to Bardsey Island. The event is being planned by the under-25s officer for the Diocese of St Asaph, Tim Feak. He said it was much more than just a long walk: “It intentionally sets out to help young people put aside social media, phones, technology and the business and demands of modern life,” Tim explained. “We want to create a week of simplicity, reflection, challenge, fun and friendship, experiencing some of the world’s most amazing scenery. Along the route, we will stop at many ancient churches visited by

pilgrims throughout the centuries, with the young people stamping their Pilgrims Passport.” Ahead of the July event, the young pilgrims are doing ten mile training walks. Fourteen-yearold Elin Badger-Watts is looking forward to the real thing: “We’ve done one practice walk already and I can’t wait until we start the pilgrimage,” she said. “I’m excited about experiencing wonderful views and travelling the country. I’m also looking forward to listening for God in different ways; through wildlife, friendship and through my senses.” The route leads through woodland and over rivers, up mountains and along coastal paths, through wilderness and into villages. It celebrates the heritage of the Celtic saints whose stories are lost in the mists of time but whose memory reverberates in ancient churches and at holy wells along the way.

the last word


Communication, communion and koinonia WHEN ANGLICANS HEAR the word “communion” we often first think of “Holy Communion” and the profound experience of being in communion with the Risen Christ and with each other in the Eucharist. We then might think of the Instruments of Communion, those persons and structures that support, enable, and channel the gift of communion between the churches for witness and mission. In the Bible, communion, or koinonia, signifies a wide range of things that are characteristic of the Church as communion, including communication. For instance, letters were sent from one Christian community to another as a sign of their communion with one another. The letters of St Paul fall into this genre. Throughout the centuries, churches continued to send letters to one another. Hand-written and hand-delivered letters were evidently an effective communications strategy for supporting and expressing what it means to be Christian communities in communion with one other! It may be a leap to see handwritten letters and greetings

as integrally linked with the rapidly changing world of communication within the Church. What does communion have to do with communications strategies, press releases, websites, and social media? Within a biblically broad understanding of koinonia, modern day communications is a significant feature of what it means to be a communion of churches. It still includes letters, but more often news and greetings are expressed by various electronic and social media. Messages between churches are just as likely to be seen and heard as they are to be read, offering more ways for communication to serve churches in communion. By knowing what to celebrate, what to mourn, what is happening in other churches, Christians are more able to assist each other and to pray for each other. Communications is vital in the process of receiving, discussing and discerning decision and proposals from the wider church. For instance, the results of ecumenical dialogues between the Anglican Communion and our sister global communions is

entirely dependent on effective and appropriate communications strategies, which ought to begin as soon as a dialogue meets. As much as there are opportunities for modern communication to serve the communion of churches, there are just as many temptations to distort or deny communion through incomplete or inaccurate information : ‘alternative facts.’ When communication in the churches is used as a weapon, communion is diminished. Responsible communication within and between the churches supports responsible communion. Anglican World and the Anglican Communion News Service website ( model such responsible communion between the churches of the Anglican Communion; they merit recognition and support as (lower case) “instruments of communion”. Canon John Gibaut is the Director for Unity, Faith and Order for the Anglican Communion.

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