Annual Review 2011

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Annual Review 2011 Anglican Communion Office 1


Contents 3



The Anglican Communion Office


Anglican Alliance – Development, Relief and Advocacy




Continuing Indaba


The Networks of the Anglican Communion




Theological Studies


The Office of the Anglican Observer at the United Nations


Unity, Faith and Order



Cover photo: Children in nativity scene using Amazonian cloths and colours at St Luke’s Anglican Church, Marambaia, Belem. USPG/Leah Gordon 2


Foreword By Canon Kenneth Kearon, Secretary General of the Anglican Communion

2011 has been a dynamic year for the Anglican world and, by extension, for the Anglican Communion Office. Staff have worked closely with Provinces on a range of issues including responding to Spring’s triple disaster in Japan; the earthquake in New Zealand; the persecution of Anglicans in Zimbabwe; and the proposed aid cuts to Burundi to name but a few. We mostly do this from our office in London, England, but also we are privileged to travel to visit Anglicans and Episcopalians in many parts of our Anglican Communion. This year my visits included the Diocese of Harare in the Province of Central Africa; Rio de Janeiro’s City of God and the Diocese of the Amazon in Brazil; and Tanzania, where I spoke to the Provincial Synod.

This year also saw a Primates’ Meeting in Dublin, Ireland, and a meeting of the Standing Committee in London, England. Several of us from the office attended and addressed a meeting of Provincial Secretaries from around the Communion in Mexico City, Mexico, in August. I also represented the Communion at a meeting of the Conference of Secretaries of Christian World Communions in Washington DC, USA, which included a meeting with staff at the White House. Reviewing the reports from the different departments I am excited to see so much going on across the Anglican Communion and pleased that we are helping to make that happen.

Kenneth Kearon The Secretary General’s Office is responsible for the management of the work of the Anglican Communion Office and for carrying forward the meetings and programme of the ACC, the Primates’ Meeting and the Lambeth Conference.


Photo: USPG/Leah Gordon




The Anglican Communion Office By Jan Butter, Director for Communications

Officially the Anglican Communion Office (ACO) exists as the permanent secretariat for the Instruments of Communion: the Lambeth Conference, the Primates’ Meeting and the Anglican Consultative Council. But what does this mean in practice? Well, more than 20 staff from countries including Colombia, Japan, Wales, Zambia and Canada work out of the London office and locations including New York, Geneva, Kenya and Brazil to support the Anglican Communion as it carries out its part in God’s mission. Work supported by ACO staff includes facilitating and co-ordinating meetings, projects, committees, and networks in such areas as ecumenical dialogues; inter faith work; mission and church growth; development, relief and advocacy all at an international level. The ACO is also the place where news and information about the life and work of our global faith is gathered and shared.

Our London office, St Andrew’s House, is a place where members of the Anglican Communion from Nigeria to New Zealand come to stay at our Guesthouse, to take part in meetings, and also to catch up with the staff who are supporting them. You’ll read in the next section about the broad range of work undertaken by this office and will see in the finance section that most of the funding for it comes from inter-Anglican budget contributions. This is money given annually by Member Churches (according to their means) that allows our staff support Anglican Communion groups to carry out work requested by the Standing Committee, the Primates’ Meeting and the Anglican Consultative Committee. We are sure that, as you learn more about the wide range of work we do here and the positive impact it has across the Anglican Communion, you will consider it money well spent.





The Anglican Alliance

Development, Relief and Advocacy The Anglican Alliance Development Relief and Advocacy came to full life with the appointment of Sally Keeble as its Director and now has three permanent members of staff in London. It has held formal consultations with Anglican agencies and provinces in Africa (Nairobi, Kenya, April 2011), the Pacific (Honiara, Solomon Islands, September 2011), Latin America and the Caribbean (Sao Paolo, October 2011) and Asia (Hong Kong, November 2011). These identified nine priority areas for the Anglican Alliance development work: economic empowerment, climate change, food security, women’s empowerment, youth empowerment, community empowerment, peace and reconciliation, governance and migrants and refugees. It was agreed that global advocacy for the first two years should focus on food security and climate change and that regional advocacy should focus on migrants and refugees and peace and reconciliation. The consultations also agreed that members of the Alliance should work to relieve suffering in all disasters, whether due to 

Sally, the Director of the Anglican Alliance Development, Relief and Advocacy, speaks at the Latin American Consultation in Brazil.

natural causes or conflict, and that they should provide special attention to the relief needs of people who are differently-abled. The Anglican Alliance has submitted written evidence to the UK Parliament’s International Development Select Committee on Burundi and Sudan, and arranged for the Archbishop of Burundi to give oral evidence. It also succeeded in getting

Alliance in Asia. Bottom left is Alliance staff Tania Nino from Colombia who, with other Anglican Communion members, was in Thailand for an Episcopal Relief and Development consultation.



At regional level, the Anglican Alliance Africa facilitator organised the first African faith leaders meeting to discuss the food crisis in the Horn of Africa. It issued a call to action for African and global leaders to meet the needs of the hungry and provide long term food security.

Global friends. Attendees at the Anglican Alliance’s Asia consultation.

funding from the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission for a Commonwealth Professional Fellowship Scheme for church education administrators. At a local level, the Province of Central Africa organised an Anglican Alliance conference which brought together development professionals from all its dioceses. The Zambian Government were so impressed with the Anglican Alliance’s resource and information pack on the issue of ‘Food’ that it adopted the Food Pack and partnered with The Church of Zambia for its World Food Day celebrations. 8

The Anglican Alliance is fulfilling its mandate for capacity building by developing distance learning modules with the UK’s Open University that will be provided via the Anglican Alliance website.


Communications 2011 has been positive year for the Communications Department and for communicators around the Anglican world. There is still much to do to strengthen global communications and ensure every Province can tell its own stories, but this year we have made a strong start. One major highlight for us was hosting a training visit for the Bishop of Harare’s Press Officer, Precious Shumba, supported by Church House, Southwark and Rochester dioceses and Lambeth Palace. His packed agenda included media training; crisis communications training; event management training; briefings on the Anglican Communion and its communications; time with a working Diocesan Communications Office; and involvement in planning the communications around the Archbishop of Canterbury’s visit to Central Africa. “Everything I saw was just superb,” said Precious, “I learnt a lot.” This training visit was one part of an intentional effort to support Anglicans facing persecution in Zimbabwe. The Anglican Communion News Service (ACNS) proactively highlighted the increase in threats and violence and we even set up a Facebook page I’m Standing With Zimbabwe Anglicans that, to date, has 1,300+ members from around the world. It

Precious Shumba. Diocese of Harare communicator Precious Shumba spent a week in the UK building on his skills in such areas as media relations, crisis management and event management.

was warmly welcomed by Anglicans there including Zimbabwean Ratidzai Chakabvakure who wrote: “Thank you for all your support, may the Lord stand with us and strengthen us all the more...” The Department continued its strong coverage of other major Communion topics and moments including the Standing Committee meeting and the Primates’ Meeting in Dublin which had all its daily 9


traditional placement in Communion Provincial and diocesan publications. Over the month of July, for example, not long after the ACNS Facebook page was established, just 125 followers were resulting in 13,000+ post views.

Primates Press Conference. The conference on the final day of the Primates’ Meeting was facilitated by the ACO’s Communications Department.

bulletins translated into Spanish and French. This year’s Council of the Provinces of Africa (CAPA) meeting, the Anglican dioceses in Zimbabwe and The Anglican Church in Japan (Nippon Sei Ko Kai) are just some of those who used ACNS as their firstchoice news delivery service to the Communion. Of the 585 ACNS stories published in 2011, at least 75% were also disseminated via our @acoffice Twitter account with 2,300+ international followers, and our ACNS Facebook page. These Social Media platforms have significantly multiplied the impact and reach of our stories over and above the more


The Communications Department also spent much of this year strengthening the ACO’s capacity for delivering high-quality information to the Anglican Communion. Projects have included overseeing the implementation of a cutting-edge contacts database which doubles as a knowledge management tool that ACO staff and Provincial Secretaries can update themselves; initiating a corporate brand refresh that included the production of new corporate material, and House Style and Social Media guidelines; and working with ACO departments and Anglican Communion Networks to effectively communicate their life and work. This year the Director for Communication also joined the global board of the ecumenical charity the World Association of Christian Communications (WACC) and the steering committee of WACC Europe. This re-establishes a long-time tradition of ecumenical co-operation and collaboration by the Anglican Communion in the field of Church communications.


Continuing Indaba Continuing Indaba offers a vision for the

in Continuing Indaba is for individuals and churches to be transformed in the image of Christ.

Anglican Communion to flourish in our common life. It is relationship centred, beginning with people discovering common faith in different contexts (1 John 1:3). Relationships in Christ create safe space for difficult conversations on matters of significance and promote constructive change in accord with a deepening journey of faith. The aim of participation

In 2009 the Windsor Continuation Group reported to the Primates’ Meeting in Alexandria. They said: ‘We need to move from intransigence and the conviction that ‘our’ interpretation is the right one to a shared waiting upon God. There is something profoundly important about the Anglican Way here—a readiness to acknowledge that Christian disciples discern God’s truth by learning to wait upon one another and that it takes the whole Church to know the whole truth.’ In response, Continuing Indaba has established a model of ‘shared waiting on God’ for the Anglican Communion through developing relationships that create the space for dialogue to emerge that enables ‘the whole Church to know the whole truth.’ The model has been developed in consultation with theologians, both lay and ordained, who attended Theological Resource Hubs in Africa, Asia, North America, the West Indies and the UK and has been trialled in four Pilot Conversations. 

Indaba in Hong Kong. Participants of the Continuing Indaba project share a joke.



The Hubs enabled ownership so that Continuing Indaba emerges from within Anglicanism and is not imposed upon it. The Pilot Conversations have succeeded in applying the process to the life of dioceses from four continents. The process has changed lives and has been embraced by participating dioceses. People across the traditional divides of theology, culture and economics are embracing Continuing Indaba as a way of putting aside the desire to win an argument on issues, in favour of walking together to be transformed to the mind of Christ.

“Indaba is a wonderful gift to the Communion, bringing people together from every culture, race, language, and belief into one fold, acknowledging one another as children of one Father.� Bishop Matthias Medadues-Badohu, Presiding Bishop of Ghana

Evaluation of the Pilot Conversations points to the effectiveness and potential of Continuing Indaba. The pilot project found that the Indaba method and experience are worthwhile in strengthening understanding and supporting mutual mission, and in building bonds of affection across the Anglican Communion. The need now is great for developing the kinds of resources that can reinforce that experience and to help those who have participated to share and teach others. Indaba in Limuru, Kenya.



The Networks of the Anglican Communion Environmental ›› Health ›› Women’s ›› Peace and Justice ›› Youth ›› Refugee and Migrant ›› Family ›› Francophone ›› Legal Advisers ›› Indigenous ›› Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion ›› Inter faith Concerns ›› Safe Church Consultation

Through various means the themed Networks and the Anglican Communion Safe Church Consultation share news, ideas and information about models of mission, ministry and good practice, join together in the role of advocacy where there are common concerns, and provide information and briefings to the Instruments of Communion. Notable achievements during 2011 included: ›› An international meeting of the Anglican Communion Environmental Network in Peru, where participants developed an action plan for future activities and engaged with Peru’s own severe environmental issues; ›› A meeting of the International Anglican Youth Network in Hong Kong, where ministry with young people in the Communion was discussed and recommendations formulated for consideration at the next meeting of the ACC; ›› An international gathering of the Anglican Indigenous Network members in Australia where, among other issues, the challenge of empowering Indigenous leadership was discussed; ›› A focus on violence and the family and the potential of the church in ensuring universal

The International Anglican Family Network plan to encourage Anglican Communion Provinces to call for universal birth registration.

birth registration (as a social gospel issue) in the International Anglican Family Network; ›› A conference in Canada of the Anglican Communion Safe Church Consultation which continues to evolve as an effective mechanism for promoting and resourcing the protection of children and vulnerable adults in our churches and is beginning to extend its reach into a greater number of Provinces; 13




›› The setting up of a website for the Anglican Francophone Network which includes a growing library of French-language materials; ›› A conference in the USA of Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion which had as its theme sustainable development; ›› The appointment of a co-ordinator for the International Refugee and Migrant Network, hosted by Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui; A number of provincial initiatives facilitated by the Anglican Health Network, for example, delivering and evaluating the second phase of the micro health insurance network in the Diocese of Dar es Salaam in Tanzania. The Network for Inter faith Concerns (NIFCON) has continued its work in providing resources for the Anglican Communion in the area of engagement with other faiths. The group’s document Generous Love was translated into Urdu (a joint venture between a Church of Pakistan diocese and a 

Church of England diocese). NIFCON continues to publish the quarterly Christian Muslim Digest, which highlights publications of interest to those involved in inter faith work. In December 2011, NIFCON hosted a colloquium entitled Presence and Engagement, which identified strands in Anglican inter faith engagement over the last one hundred years. The papers from this conference will be published in 2012. The Women’s Desk Officer appointed to the Secretary General’s office in 2009 has continued to serve as a focus for information sharing and support for women, lay and ordained, throughout the Communion, and has drawn particular attention to the global phenomenon of violence against women and girls which remains a priority issue for many groups and Networks within the Anglican Communion, and which was a focus issue for the Primates’ Meeting in January this year. She has also served on the steering group of the We Will Speak Out coalition of churches and NGOs working against sexual violence.

Top left – The Revd Dr Jeremy Law presents the President of Madras Christian College, Dr Alexander Jesudasan, with a certificate from Colleges and Universities of the Anglican Communion (CUAC); Top right – Members of the Anglican Communion Environmental Network with local artisans during their visit to Peru; Bottom left – Archbishop of Southern Africa and Chair of the Anglican Communion Environmental Network the Most Revd Thabo Makgoba signs the ‘We have faith: Act now for climate justice’ petition calling for a renewed commitment to tackling climate change; Bottom right – The Revd Terrie Robinson, Anglican Communion Networks’ Co-ordinator and Women’s Desk Officer.



Mission The Mission Department continues to strive to hold the ‘big picture’ of Anglican mission and therefore focuses on holistic/ integral mission as expressed through the Marks of Mission. We work by providing space that fosters mutual learning, mutual sharing and mutual support through exchange of experience, skills and stories and good practice around the Communion. A key vehicle for this is the Evangelism and Church Growth Initiative (ECGI) that exists for those involved in evangelism and church growth work in congregations and parishes around the Anglican Communion. The Core Group of Animators comprising 12 people functions as a reference group and gives direction to ECGI work. Of its two annual meetings, the residential one often includes a mission event or field visit where the meeting is taking place. The two primary means of facilitating learning and sharing are the e-newsletter Witness6.7 published six times a year and the Facebook group (Anglican Witness)—all edited by staff at St Andrew’s House. The mobilising of resources for various kinds of evangelism and church growth models remains an ongoing task and an important contribution to the 16

The Mission department also supports and encourages diocesan links. L to R Archbishop Barry Morgan of Wales and Bishop Paul Sarker of Bangladesh.


Left: The Mission Department facilitated the Young Anglican group’s attendance at Edinburgh 2010 and subsequent book.

Communion, while bearing in mind that every context is different, but also knowing that the underlying principles are what often matters. Meanwhile, mobilising and energising grassroots participation in collaborative sharing of information, experience, strategy and other resources among those involved in evangelism and church growth in parishes, dioceses and the Provinces across the Communion is central to ECGI’s vision and objectives. A major project undertaken this year was the production of Life-Widening Mission: Global Anglican Perspectives, a book that emerged from young Anglicans’ participation in the Edinburgh 2010 Conference. The writers workshop hosted at Wycliffe College in Toronto in May enabled the authors to share their work and discuss the shape of the final product, which is to be published in 2012. It will be officially launche at the ACC-15 meeting in Auckland, New Zealand next year. As the title indicates, the book benefits from global perspectives of Anglicans/Episcopalians who come from the following Provinces in the Communion: Brazil, Canada, Central Africa, England, Hong Kong, Kenya, and Southern Africa; with the editor of the book coming from Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

A pause in the proceedings. (l to r) Brazil’s Revd Arthur Cavalcante and the ACO’s Director for Mission the Revd John Kafwanka.

The Mission Department continues to be a key player in the Mission Cluster forum which brings together the Networks Co-ordinator, the Anglican Alliance (which is part of the Mission Department mandate), Anglican Communion UN Office, and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Office for International Development. This forum provides an opportunity to share ideas and information, mutual support, and strengthening our work together to support the Communion in its Mission. The Mission Cluster reflects the holistic nature of Mission as expressed in and through the Marks of Mission. 17


Theological Studies Theological Education for the Anglican Communion (TEAC) continued working with the goals established during its first meeting in 2010. This saw expression in the consultation, held in Canterbury, for Principals of Theological Colleges. Priority for participation was given to principals of those colleges who head the only college in their Province.


The TEAC Steering Group held its annual meeting in Harare where, as part of the meeting, there was opportunity to engage with clergy and theological students in the Diocese of Harare, sharing expertise and teaching. It was also a time of accompaniment and solidarity with the Anglican Church of Zimbabwe. The Bible in the Life of the Church initiative was mandated by the Anglican Consultative Council in May 2009. It is a major project being undertaken over three years by the Anglican Communion and is now at its halfway stage. The Project seeks to discover how Anglicans read the Bible, recognising the very diverse contexts that are inevitably brought to this reading. With the support of the Department of Theological Studies, the project will unfold in a number of regional groups based around theological education institutions in Kenya, Southern Africa, South East Asia, Oceania, North America and Britain.


The Office of the Anglican Observer at the United Nations The Office of the Anglican Observer at the UN is based in New York and facilitates an interface between the Anglican Communion and the United Nations. The ACC has Category II Consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), which permits consultation with the UN Secretariat on matters of mutual concern, attendance at ECOSOC meetings and the submission of oral and written interventions relevant to the ECOSOC’s work. The Communion also has an accredited representative in Geneva supported by a small team of Anglicans who have a background in international issues. In February 2011 the work permit for the current Observer was not renewed and so her contract terminated after four years work in the office. Much was achieved during her period in the post. The Standing Committee meeting in March decided to request a review of the work of the office and its future, and this report will be given to the Standing Committee in May 2012.

This year the Anglican Communion said farewell to the first Anglican Observer at the UN, Archbishop Sir Paul Reeves who died in October.

of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. The Revd Cannon Jeff Gollier attended the Anglican Communion Environmental Network in Lima Peru and the International Water Institute’s World Water Week conference in Stockholm.

Despite the vacancy the Office of the Anglican Observer at the UN received 20 women and girls from around the world to attend the 55th session 19




Unity, Faith and Order The Department for Unity Faith and Order is responsible for strengthening relations among the Churches of the Anglican Communion and between those Churches and other Christian traditions. The Department staffs and services the Anglican Standing Commission on Unity, Faith and Order (IASCUFO) and acts on behalf of the Communion in multi-lateral ecumenical contexts, such as the World Council of Churches and the Global Christian Forum. It staffs all the bilateral ecumenical dialogues in which the Anglican Communion is engaged: with Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Roman Catholics, Lutherans and Methodists, and it is responsible for relations with churches in communion with the Anglican Communion, including the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht. IASCUFO met for the third time in Seoul, South Korea in December 2011. It is overseeing the process of reception for the Anglican Communion Covenant, and reviews ecumenical dialogues to ensure consistency among them. It is working toward producing a 

Director for Unity, Faith and Order Revd Canon Alyson Barnett-Cowan is greeted by Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana, Durrës and All Albania during the International Commission for Anglican-Orthodox Theological Dialogue (ICAOTD) meeting.

report for the Anglican Consultative Council in the fall of 2012 on the theological understanding of the Instruments of Communion. Preparations for discussion of faith and order and ecumenical issues at the ACC meeting in New Zealand will occupy much of the work of the Department in 2012.

Top left – Bishop in Jerusalem The Rt Revd Suheil Dawani who welcomed Anglican-Lutheran International Commission (ALIC) to the city for their meeting; Top right – IASCUFO members, with clergy and staff of the Church of Korea; Bottom left – Members of the Anglican-Methodist International Commission for Unity in Mission (AMICUM) in Cape Town, SA; Bottom left – Unity, Faith & Order staff member Neil Vigers.



Finances Unrestricted Income 2011 £1.4m Miscellaneous Income Investment Income Other Donations Compass Rose Donations

9% 85%

Inter-Anglican Budget Contributions

Total Income 2011 £2.42m Restricted Unrestricted

42% 58%



Total income 2005 -2011

3 2.5

Unrestricted Restricted

£ Millions


2 1.5 1 .5 0








Expenditure £2.45m Support Costs***



Governance** Continuing Indaba


Secretary General/ Instruments of Communion* Unity, Faith & Order Communications


UN Observer’s Office Theological Studies



Mission IT

* This includes facilitating meetings including the Standing Committee, the Lambeth Conference and the Anglican Consultative Council. ** This includes Staff support to the Trustee meetings and Trustees travelling expenses. *** This includes such things as offices expenses, maintenance of premises, utility costs, depreciation, audit fees, other professional fees, and exchange losses.



The Anglican Communion Office St Andrew’s House, 16 Tavistock Crescent, London, W11 1AP, United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0)20 7313 3900 Fax: +44 (0)20 7313 3999 Email:


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