Anglican World Issue 129

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World Magazine of the anglican coMMunion • issue 129 septeMber 2012

Embracing a new model of world mission A college for new bishops at Canterbury Cathedral Talking to the class of 2012

Prayer, partnership and politics How Brazil’s young Anglicans are changing their world

anglican world issue 129 september 2012


e d i to r i a l

Communicating the Communion

Several timeS a year i have the privilege of travelling across the anglican Communion to learn more about how anglicans and episcopalians are working with God to change lives and communities. i always return home brimming with exciting stories of effective mission and co-operation between people in Provinces and dioceses. the things i have seen and conversations i have had with laity and clergy on those visits always re-energise me in my such regular communication own work. this is why i am particularly delighted to see Anglican between family members World magazine relaunched. For more than 50 years, this strengthens relationships, it publication has delivered stories of anglican fellowship and collaboration for mission to Communion members prompts prayer and encourages right around the globe. the anglican Communion has been as a faith-based family, and Anglican World is mutual support. described perhaps a letter from and to family members; a letter filled with the highs and lows of living and working to bring about the Kingdom of God. Such regular communication between family members strengthens relationships, it prompts prayer and encourages mutual support. People have made no secret about how much they enjoyed and how much they miss the magazine. i was sad to put its production on hold for financial reasons back in 2007. Therefore I am delighted that the current Director for Communications, Jan Butter, has taken up the challenge of reviving this important magazine. Please do let us know your thoughts about this first edition. We hope you enjoy it and feel you would like to support its ongoing production by becoming a subscriber.

 Canon Kenneth Kearon Secretary General of the anglican Communion



anglican world issue 129 september 2012



world Inside this issue issue 129 septeMber 2012

Produced by The Anglican Communion Office St andrew’s House 16 tavistock Crescent London W11 1AP United Kingdom Registered Charity 7311767 Tel +44 (0)20 7313 3900 Fax +44 (0)20 7313 3999 e-mail Web Serving the instruments of Communion: the lambeth Conference the anglican Consultative Council the Primates’ meeting approximately 85 million anglicans and episcopalians in more than 165 countries President the archbishop of Canterbury Secretary General the revd Canon Kenneth Kearon editors Jan Butter and tarsila Burity any comments, questions or contributions should be sent to the editor at advertising michael ade Tel +44 (0)20 7313 3915 Fax +44 (0)20 7313 3999 Subscriptions: e-mail aw.subscriptions@ UK £2.50 / US$4 / €3.50 for one issue. UK £10 / US$16 / €14 for 4 issues. See the subscription form at the back of this issue or visit aw/subscription.cfm Design and layout Saskia rowley e-mail

¢ EditoriAl

Canon Kearon on communicating the Communion 2


World Magazine of the anglican coMMunion • issue 129 septeMber 2012

¢ Communion nEws 4 ¢ CovEr FEAturE

the Communion’s new model of mission 6

Embracing a new model of world mission A school for new bishops at Canterbury Cathedral Talking to the class of 2012

Prayer, partnership and politics How Brazil’s young Anglicans are changing their world

¢ ProFilE

Africa’s first Anglican woman bishop 9


Cover photo

¢ FEAturE

Our newest bishops go back to college 10


lusungu Chalika, paediatric nurse at st. Martin’s hospital, Mangochi PHOTO: US/LEAH GORDON

¢ world viEw

the Communion at a glance 12 ¢ FEAturE Our churches act to end

domestic violence 14

¢ rEsourCEs:

How can i help end domestic violence? 16 ¢ AngliCAn youth

¢ PAst, PrEsEnt And FuturE

meet the mission to Seafarers 19 Hiring an Archbishop 20 a personal view of aCC-15 21 ¢ thE lAst word

the archbishop of Canterbury 22

Young Brazilians combining prayer and politics 17

Printed by CPO, Garcia estate, Canterbury Road, Worthing, W. Sussex BN13 1BW Next issue December 2012 all original material may be reproduced by member Churches without further permission of the anglican Consultative Council. acknowledgement and a copy of the publications are requested. Permission to reproduce copyrighted work should be sought from the owner. ANGLICAN WORLD IS PUBLISHED QUarterlY BY tHe ANGLICAN COMMUNION OFFICE


Praying, Politics and Partnership anglican world issue 129 september 2012


communion news

papua new guinea

lAst ProvinCiAl visit: PAPuA nEw guinEA Dr Rowan Williams’ last Provincial visit before he steps down as archbishop of Canterbury will be to The Anglican Church of Papua New Guinea. archbishop rowan, accompanied by his wife Jane, will travel to various anglican dioceses including Port moresby. there they will see church missions and projects, including an HIV/AIDS education and prevention initiative run by the anglican StopaiDS Centre at Boroko. they will also visit the diocese of Popondota, home to the largest anglican membership in the Province. While there the Archbishop will of-


Abp rowan’s wife, Jane, will accompany him to Papua new guinea

ficiate at ceremonies including the inauguration of a local hospital, the opening of the melanesian Brotherhood headquarters and a visit to a local school. the couple will also call at Dogura, where the anglican mission in Papua New Guinea began. there they will see historic build-

ings such as the Cathedral and the Anglican Newton Theological College. they end their visit back in Port moresby before heading on to Auckland, New Zealand, to attend the 15th anglican Consultative Council which takes place between 27 October and 7 November.


EvAngElism And ChurCh growth thinking goEs onlinE


anglicans and episcopalians worldwide are sharing their experiences and insights of church growth and evangelism online after an official Communion project went digital. the evangelism and Church Growth initiative (eCGi) was launched at the 2009 ACC meeting to promote evangelism and church growth primarily through sharing experiences, resources, prayer and strategies among anglican Communion members. the project’s Core Group team launched the Anglican Witness Facebook page to do just

that. more than 500 people from almost every Province in the Communion are signed up. “What is really exciting is the way that people can engage with each other. Someone in one Province can ask about resources for a particular type of work and rapidly receive replies from a variety of different people in others,” said Stuart Buchanan, an anglican Communion Office staff member who supports the Core Group. “it really makes us feel that we are sharing in God’s mission as part of the body of Christ.”


nEw PrimAtEs For wEst AFriCA And irElAnd this September, two Provinces of the anglican Communion elected new Primates, the anglican Church of the Province of West africa elected the rt revd Dr Solomon tilewa Johnson as its ninth archbishop and Primate. He succeeds the most revd Justice Akrofi who has been in post since 2003. the synod also agreed a proposal to adopt a constitutional change that would see the creation of two internal provinces with two archbishops, in the style of the Church of england. the



two new internal provinces are the Province of Ghana, with the rt revd Daniel Yinka Saro as its archbishop, and archbishop Johnson will head up the Province of West Africa as well as acting as Primate. the most revd Dr richard Clarke, Bishop of meath and Kildare, has been elected archbishop of armagh and Primate of all ireland by the House of Bishops of the Church of ireland, following the retirement of Archbishop Alan Harper on 30 September.

anglican world issue 129 september 2012


the rt revd dr solomon tilewa Johnson and the most revd dr richard Clarke


Communion mEmbErs in nEw york to AddrEss violEnCE

Anglican women at the Csw

anglican women from around the Communion are preparing for their participation in the anglican Communion delegation to the 57th session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW57) in New york, 4 to 15 March next year. each woman, nominated by her Primate and equipped with local experience and insights, will have the opportunity to lobby her own and other governmental delegations at CSW and participate in themed events organised alongside CSW by non-governmental groups. The Anglican UN Office in New York will provide logistical support

as well as a programme of advocacy training and briefings. The priority theme for CSW57 will be ‘The Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls’. The role of CSW is to evaluate progress on gender equality, identify challenges, set global standards and formulate policies to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment worldwide. a strong anglican presence at CSW meetings means the values of our faith, together with local knowledge, will bring influence to bear at the global level and have a positive impact on the lives of women and girls everywhere.


JAPAnEsE Post-disAstEr ProJECt “AngliCAnism At its bEst” England’s Bishop of Woolwich has said the Anglican Church in Japan’s (Nippon Sei Ko Kai) post-disaster response to the country’s earthquake, tsunami and nuclear fallout in 2011 “embodies the strength of anglicanism at its best”. Following his visit with NSKK, Bishop Michael ipgrave said, “the work of Issho ni arukō (‘Let us Walk together’) — supported as it is by generous donations from anglicans overseas as well as across Japan, and powered as it is by the enthusiastic work of committed volunteers and staff — is necessarily small-scale, particularly when set against the enormity of the need in post-tsunami Tōhoku. “Nevertheless…its work embodies the strength of Anglicanism at its best – it is flexible, imaginative, relational, and community-focused, and its impact

bishop michael visited Japan

on individuals’ lives was very apparent to me even on such a short visit.” Immediately following the disaster NSKK delivered much-needed relief provisions to some of the 300,000 displaced people and survivors. it then set up Issho ni arukō which aims to help the marginalised and neglected – such as orphan children, the elderly, disabled and poor, and Filipino immigrants – in affected areas.


god not ‘loCkEd in buildings’ as Anglican World went to press, the anglican Province of Central africa (CPCa) and its dioceses in Zimbabwe were waiting to hear the results of a Supreme Court hearing which will decide the legitimacy of claims by excommunicated bishop Nolbert Kunonga that he owns all CPCa property in Zimbabwe. Bishop of Harare, the rt revd Chad Gandiya has written to supporters asking them to join anglicans there in a week of prayer and fasting during the hearing


bishop Chad in happier times.

period starting on 22 October. a recent example of what Anglicans in Zimbabwe are facing was during the Diocese of masvingo’s tenth anniversary celebrations when police with vicious dogs drove worshippers out

of churches in Chivhu. anglican priest Fr David magurupira told USPG: “Kunonga came with heavily-armed police and vicious dogs and drove away all anglicans from their church buildings. People were beaten. there was chaos, with people screaming, crying for help and running in all directions.” Dr Kunonga has been blamed for the attack. Having set up a breakaway church, the former bishop has been intimidating church-goers and seizing anglican properties, some of which have been turned into brothels or rented out as private schools for profit.

anglican world issue 129 september 2012


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From everywhere to everywhere The global financial meltdown means the Communion is embracing a new model of world mission based on mutuality. by jan butter

at tHe laSt Church of england General Synod a game-changing resolution was discussed and passed, yet few outside the meeting heard anything about it. Not until 3 August, almost a month later, did the Anglican Communion News Service reveal that england had made its “biggest change to mission policy in 50 years.” How could such a moment slip by unnoticed? and what was this change? the change was that the Church of england had agreed to radically alter its model of world mission. as laid out in its report World-Shaped Mission, Exploring new frameworks for the Church of England in world mission, the C of e has rethought its working relationship with other churches of the anglican Communion. it is asking its dioceses to commit to principles of partnership that encourage the continuation of a journey from former patterns of dependency and paternalism towards mutuality. this means that the traditional model of one diocese in the West simply giving money for a church project in the South no longer counts as genuine relationship. Now questions have to be asked about true partnership, about mutual benefit, about what else there is to give and receive other than money. How could such a major paradigm shift go largely unnoticed? Perhaps it is because this new model of world mission has been, and still is evolving across the whole of the anglican world, with this resolution as the latest stage of the transition. Zambian priest and the Anglican Communion’s Director for mission the revd John Kafwanka confirmed a gradual shift in the way Churches across the Communion think about collaboration for mission. “the tone [of world mission] was set by the work that took place during the missionary period and we hadn’t really made a break from that,” he explained. “You go back to 1910 World Missionary Conference in edinburgh and the tone was about the european church and the church in the West going to evangelise the rest.” John explained that, along with all the good that came from this missionary enterprise, it left a legacy that undermined the Church in the West and South. CAROLyN VANDERLIP / THE PRIMATE’S WORLD RELIEF AND DEVELOPMENT FUND



anglican world issue 129 september 2012

SallY KeeBle

Southern churches became too reliant on handouts from Western churches and rarely built local capacity to become self-sustaining. Also, Western churches risked neglecting domestic mission because of the misconception that ‘mission’ was done ‘out there’ rather than at home. Over time, this paternalism and dependency became entrenched, largely centered around the issue of money. “Where I grew up, money was not the issue. People never used much money, rather we traded, we had a kind of barter system and no one particular commodity was more important than others. Whether money or a crop of pumpkins, what everyone had was seen as an important resource. “What has happened [across the Communion] is that money has too often been seen as the only resource. When we ask, ‘What does the church need?’ the answer has often been ‘money’. Whoever had the money therefore had the power.” after the global economic downturn the answer to ‘Who has the money?’ was not so always easy to answer. In 2009, John shocked a conference of Anglicans and episcopalians of the americas gathered in Costa rica, by celebrating at least one aspect of the global financial crash. “I told them this financial downturn that has happened in the West, with all its negative implications, is best for mission in the anglican Communion because the church in the West are going to start asking completely different questions now about relationships. “if relationships had been more or less about money, and there’s no more money, does that mean there are no more relationships?” an anglican mission agency that has experienced this perhaps more than any other recently is the Mothers’ Union. robert Dawes, regional development manager at the Mothers’ Union (MU) global office in London said, “We had always done things in the same way and had grown organically. “We were giving out cash when people asked and, because of that, the power balance was skewed. People



“if relationships had been more or less about money, and there’s no more money, does that mean there are no more relationships?” the revd John kafwanka Director for Mission for the anglican communion

were trusting more in our budget lines than they were in God and themselves and their own abilities and resources.” robert said that although mothers’ Unions around the world had been doing lots of exciting work, things had reached a plateau where the traditional model of mission — based around funding — meant people were limiting themselves and their imagination. “When I talked with the ladies [MU members worldwide] we used the analogy of a marriage. it was a bad marriage. One of us was abusing the other. in some places the relationships were almost completely based on the money.” It was the financial crisis that caused the MU to focus on a new way of working. “Because of the way [the mU] was set up, it was already ahead of the curve: into participation, into grassroots, into relationships. We just needed to come back to that and think more seriously about how to do these things. “all our key programmes were [already] based on releasing people’s potential — literacy programmes, parenting programmes — creating space where people could empower themselves. So the change was nothing new, just a new way of deliberately expressing it.” this deliberate action involved getting mothers’ Union groups together to talk about how to break the dependency on handouts. Æ

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“how do you make it so each member counts? And changes their own community? if we can do that we can change the world.”

robert dawes regional Development Manager, Mothers’ union global office in london

Æ “We asked, ‘What is your vision for your Mothers’ Union?’, got them to write vision statements and then asked, ‘How are you going to get there?’ Then we started working in partnership with them to support those changes. “it takes a lot of money to help increase capacity in this way,” explained robert. “it can mean hosting three or four workshops... and [the outcome] is not as obvious as buying a well, but it does work: they then build their own schools, their own offices, projects and run their own programmes.” this new way of working led to a pilot project in Central africa where local members started a maternal and child programme supported in a range of ways by the MU global office and the Christian charity Tearfund. it also led to the mothers’ Union in Guyana asking for support to do youth work themselves, rather than having workers sent from abroad. the mothers’ Union in london responded by offering them a child protection expert to undertake capacity building with the whole church and the local police. robert said this new way of working is about unlocking potential. “We knew we have four million members... but how do you make it so each member counts? and changes their own community? if we can do that we can change the world.” Brazilian Paulo Ueti, said church projects still require



anglican world issue 129 september 2012

funding, but that money “is not supposed to be the basis for the relationship.” He says that in latin america it is vital to build bridges between various groups from all over the world to work on projects together. “this model of partnership and co-operation is very important because it helps the North to see people in the South differently because we do have capacities... it helps the people from the South to see themselves as a valuable people, people with capacity. We are not just the objects of the mission, but the subjects of the mission. We can do this together.” Paulo is regional facilitator for latin america and the Caribbean for the anglican alliance, relief, Development and advocacy which facilitates collaboration across the Communion. “People [in latin america] have knowledge to share, they have their own experience of God, and own spirituality that should be shared, not replaced,” he said. He said latin america can and is sharing with the rest of the Communion different theological perspectives about how Christians can embody the Kingdom of God in their local community and how to read the Bible from “a grassroots perspective.” The Revd John Kafwanka says such ‘out of the box’ thinking about mission will be increasingly welcome as financial resources continue to dwindle in the West. He suspects Western churches will increasingly look to successful examples of domestic mission in the South for solutions to challenges at home. “There is a recognition by the church in the West that it does not have the answer to every problem,” he said. “When you deal with that, you are moving towards where we should have been many years ago: relationships based on mutuality and collaboration, where churches can learn from each other and share their gifts. “as a church, as a Communion and indeed as a church worldwide, we are called in God’s mission to be partners with God and to be partners among ourselves. the only way we can exist and sustain God’s mission is to collaborate and to share with one another.”

p ro f i l e

The woman with four ears The Revd Ellinah Wamukoya, mother of four and Town Clerk of Manzini Municipal Council, was recently elected Bishop of Swaziland. Ellinah, 61, shared with anglican World her thoughts about becoming Africa’s first female Anglican bishop, and about her future ministry. Aw: how do you feel about your election? Ew: At first I just didn’t know what was involved. Now it’s overwhelming, particularly when you see the magnitude of the work, and when you realise that you have to give direction [to others] when you yourself are looking for direction from God. it’s like you have to have four ears: two to hear from God for yourself, and two to hear from God for the people of God. At the same time, it is also teaching me that when i feel empty and not so useful then i’m learning to be humble. Jesus Christ said to be humble, to keep in constant contact with his father, to be directed by him all the time, and that’s how i feel myself. it’s an opportunity to hear from God. Aw: were you expecting this? Ew: No, not at all. It came as a complete surprise. I never thought growing up that i would be a priest! i was thinking of other things. i was a teacher and from being a teacher i became an urban planner. i was in love with urban planning. But God being God my life just got turned upside down in late middle age. and then i found myself in the pulpit. AW: Now you’re the first female Anglican bishop in Africa... Ew: it’s scary because people are now writing to me asking certain things. it’s not just the Swazis who are looking up to me; it goes beyond the borders of Swaziland. You feel like you don’t want to let down your women folk. at the same time, more than being a woman, you are just a servant of God. Still, you’re a servant of God who has come from the women folk. it puts a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. Aw: what do you enjoy about being a priest? Ew: i love preaching and teaching. i love to see people being healed. the one thing i love in my life is to pray for sick people and people who are in distress and see their situations change. Aw: what are going to be the challenges in your new role? Ew: Helping us as Swazis to be revived spiritually. We are Christians but we need some time to be revived and


the rt revd Ellinah wamukoya

become more of a church in mission, seeing more souls being healed, and more souls coming to Christ. Also, seeing the financial situation of our diocese change. This economic meltdown has infiltrated the church. We need to see that our assets are put to proper use because we have stipendiary priests who have to be looked after, and they have church projects that need to be supported. We also need to make the church relevant to the young people as they seem to slipping through our fingers. I don’t know how we can do that — it’s something that we has a whole church need to look into. Aw: so you’re looking to recruit others to help you in your new role as bishop? Ew: i’m looking to get people to use their skills for the benefit of the church so we can involve everyone. Our church is rich [in skills], we have people who are learned and are leaders in their own field. I’m looking to see that those skills can be used for the benefit of the church. Aw: do you have anything to say to the Anglican Communion? Ew: i would like to ask us to pray for the church of Christ. as Christians we get bogged down by other issues and we forget the centre. Christ says we should seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness and then all these other things that we concern ourselves with — the social things, the political things, the issues that divide us and those that bring us together as the Communion — they will fall into place because Christ has given us direction. all of these other things are important, but the most important thing is not to forget our relationship with our lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

anglican world issue 129 september 2012


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Bishops go back to college bishops look on as Anglican Alliance staff explain their new website.

b y ja n b u t t e r

it iS PerHaPS the church’s bestkept secret that is not a secret: every year since 2003, around 30 of the Anglican Communion’s newest bishops have travelled to england’s Canterbury Cathedral to spend a week learning more about their episcopal calling. One term for a collection of bishops is a college, which here seems appropriate as the course’s programme includes lectures, workshops and discussion groups on such topics as the marks of mission, the life and role of a bishop, liturgy, mission, ecclesiastical law, and the anglican Communion. although some member Churches have their own new bishops courses, hundreds of people from more than 60 countries have attended the Conference for bishops in the early years of episcopal ministry over the years. “More than 200 Anglican Communion bishops have attended



the course, that’s about 25 per cent [of the current total],” explained ed Condry who has run the course since it began. “Our aim is that by Lambeth Conference 2018, more than half the bishops will have come on the course.” “It was established in 2003 at Canterbury Cathedral as part of our work supporting the ministry of the archbishop of Canterbury to foster unity within the Communion and also to contribute to theological education. the aim is to explore what it means to be a bishop and for the participants to experience the breadth of the Communion, to introduce to the participants each other’s contexts and challenges.” the course certainly does that. the bishops or bishops-elect not only learn together, they also eat, pray, worship and relax together at the study centre next door to an historic cathedral where the anglican Communion’s Compass Rose logo is embedded in the floor. the rt revd Condry — who

anglican world issue 129 september 2012

has recently become bishop of ramsbury — said the spirit of the course has always been one of friendship and fellowship: “i found the atmosphere positive and

We had participants from the whole shade of opinion in the communion and conversations were always agreeable and held in an atmosphere of mutual respect. encouraging. there was a great desire to work together across the Communion. We had participants from the whole shade of opinion in the Communion and conversations were always agreeable and held in an atmosphere of mutual respect.” One of Brazil’s newest bishops, the rt revd Francisco De assis

It has been an opportunity to build good friendships with colleagues, and to share anxieties about our new roles as bishops.

Da Silva, bishop of the Diocese of South Western Brazil, said the diversity of the group had been the biggest surprise. “the differences in cultures and theological perspectives of the attendees, this is so challenging but, at the same time, it made us feel one part of a rich, diverse Communion. “it has been an opportunity to build good friendships with colleagues, and to share anxieties about our new roles as bishops,” he said. “this course helps each of us to gain new skills and more knowledge of the whole Communion”. Bishop Da Silva, whose blog is called Reflections of a Baby Bishop added that he considered all he had learned to be “a treasure” that he would take with him to share with people in his diocese. One day of the course is spent in London. The bishops first visit the Anglican Communion Office. Year on year the new bishops are surprised to hear about the extensive range of work facilitated by its staff, and often move on to lambeth Palace, loaded up with useful resources and information. On the coach journey to Lambeth, Bishop of Northern malawi, Fanuel emmanuel magangani, said that for him the main purpose of the course has proved to be “the chance to get to know each other, to know that [he’s] not just a person in a diocese but part of the Communion. “it’s an opportunity to

the bishops and the now bp Ed Condry (back row, right) on their visit to meet Anglican Communion Office staff

practically feel and understand the notion that we are not consecrated for our own diocese but into the anglican Church,” he said. “Here we have practical experience of partnership, of belonging to the Communion; not a federation, not a church in the model of the roman Catholics, but a Communion where we agree to disagree. We know that we relate to God in a different way too. through this course we have learned that we are united.” Bishop mwita akiri, of tanzania’s Diocese of tarime agreed. “One of the best things about the Communion is when people come together... People might be surprised we could all meet in this way. We’ve been sharing experiences in our early episcopal ministries. each of us, from the North and the South, we’re gathering around a quest for mission, for sharing resources, for encouraging the people that we lead. all these kinds of shared challenges take away from those issues that might that divide us. We’re not running away from those issues, we know they are there, but this course has been a forum where we can feel more relaxed, seeing each other as brothers and sisters in Christ rather than people who disagree.” Once at lambeth Palace, in the wood-panelled Guard room, the

bishops and archbishop rowan Williams sat on chairs arranged in a large circle. Portraits of former archbishops of Canterbury gazed down on the bishops who were engaged in respectful but frank discussions. Bishops from 20 different countries including the Democratic Republic of Congo,

each of us, from the north and the south, we’re gathering around a quest for mission, for sharing resources, for encouraging the people that we lead. Japan, the West Indies, the USA, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka and, of course, England. as the bishops took tea afterwards, Bishop Yusuf Janfalan of Nigeria’s Ikara Diocese called the course ‘superb’. “I feel this is something i should invite others to attend,” he said. “it’s exciting [meeting other bishops]. this brings the Communion together, people from different environments, countries, coming together as one. it reminds me of the unity of the body of Christ. that’s amazing.”

anglican world issue 129 september 2012

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world view

The Communion at a glance Church welcomes moravian pastor in historic example of communion

Pilgrimage to uninhabited island

On Sept. 16, the revd Carl Southerland (pictured far left with the rt revd G. Porter taylor) was installed as rector of St. John’s Episcopal Church in North Carolina, USA, becoming the first moravian pastor of an episcopal parish since the two denominations inaugurated a full-communion

in July, thirty Scottish episcopalians took a boat to the small uninhabited island of ensay in north-west Scotland, for the annual pilgrimage to its 600-year-old chapel. the pilgrimage and service there was led by the Bishop of argyll and the isles, rt rev Kevin Pearson (pictured), who on his way back had to get off the boat and wade through the waters onto dry land, due to the surrounding high tide.


relationship in 2011. “it is an exciting day for the moravian Church and the episcopal Church,” said Southerland. “to come into the episcopal Church, i’ve felt so welcome. it’s been a real blessing for me, and i’m very excited to be here.” tHe SCOttiSH ePiSCOPal CHUrCH


An olympian welcome the Church of england’s ‘Ultimate Gold’ project encouraged churches to mobilise members and use buildings to welcome visitors to the 2012 Olympic Games. St John’s Church in london’s Stratford district was selected to particularly welcome anglican Communion visitors. it was one of 18 other churches and groups in the Diocese of london to put on several services and activities over the time of the Olympics.


2012 a year of celebration 2012 is a special year for many parts of the anglican Communion. the episcopal Church this year commemorates 150 years in Hawaii, and dioceses including trinidad & tobago and Jamaica & the Cayman islands celebrate 50 years of national independence. the Diocese of Sabah (malaysia) also celebrates a Golden Jubilee, and the Church in Brazil remembers 100 years of anglican presence in the amazon.

new women’s network steering group elected

Wajibika: taking personal responsibility Young Kenyans at the Kenya anglican Youth Organisation annual conference have taken a pledge to




promote peace in the electioneering period. At the launch for Wajibika initiative the young people promised to use their democratic rights and to vote for leaders based on their principles rather than their personality. there have been claims of candidates bribing young people to commit violent acts in past elections. Wajibika is a Swahili word for taking personal responsibility.

anglican world issue 129 september 2012


warm welcome for global president the mothers’ Union (mU) welcomed for the first time its Worldwide President, mrs rosemary Kempsell, to the anglican Province of Burundi in august this year. mrs Kempsell met with, among others, Provincial mU representatives and the First Lady of Burundi Denise Nkurunziza. She also visited a memorial in Buta and helped award 270 certificates to apprentices of the mU literacy and Development Programme.

Egypt’s President hears from Christian leaders in august, Primate of the episcopal Church in Jerusalem and the middle east Bishop mouneer anis, and other Christian leaders, met with egypt’s President to consider the country’s present and future. they discussed the President’s hopes for the new egyptian Constitution plus the leaders’ concerns over the country’s recurrent sectarian clashes, the economy and the education and health care systems. President mohammed mursi told the


the international anglican Women’s Network (IAWN) recently elected its new Steering Group for 2012 – 2015. The Network, which aims to encourage and strengthen the ministries, influence and participation of women throughout CHURCH OF NORTH INDIA the Communion, will be led by women from Scotland, North India (pictured), Canada, West Indies, the episcopal Church, australia and Southern africa.

assembled leaders that he appreciated the Church’s assurance of prayers for him.

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Silent no more the last time natalie collins’ husband beat her she ended up in a hospital where her son was born three months premature. Natalie remained with her violent partner for as long as she could, all the time wrestling with Biblical interpretations of marriage, divorce and forgiveness. But after her child was born, she left and filed for divorce. “i am from a Christian family and although my faith is one of the reasons i am a healed and whole person, it was also one of the reasons i felt unable to leave my abusive ex-husband,” she explained. “i believed i needed to forgive him and that if i just prayed hard enough, he would stop hurting me. “it was only after i escaped the abuse that i learned God did not require me to continue being abused. I learned that Jesus stood up for women who were outcasts; they were abused and broken and yet he restored them and transformed their lives. “this needs to be talked about and what forgiveness means needs to be explained because people don’t realise that it is not being a doormat. Sometimes the only answer churches give women is an offer to pray for them or counsel the abusive partner, an action which could create even more problems.” Such violence against women takes place every day in every country of the world. Despite its supposedly prophetic mandate, the Church has not always been the first to speak out against it. And when God’s people stay silent, the silence is profound. ann Glenesk, Glasgow Diocesan President of



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the mothers’ Union recently wrote in the Scottish episcopal Church’s Inspires magazine: “the historical reluctance of people of faith to acknowledge and speak out against the horror of domestic abuse has compounded the offence by leaving survivors isolated, protecting perpetrators and impairing healing.” According to UNIFEM’s Say NO – UNiTE to End Violence against Women initiative, between 15 to 76 per cent of women experience physical or sexual violence from men in their lifetime – the majority by husbands, intimate partners or someone they know. it takes many forms and occurs in many places – domestic violence in the home, sexual abuse of girls in or travelling to school, sexual harassment at work, rape by husbands or strangers, in refugee camps or as a tactic of war. the good news is that, over the past few years, there has been an increasing commitment from the anglican Communion to end such violence against women and girls. australia’s Diocese of melbourne has a Stop Violence Against Women project. The Church in Wales recently co-hosted a conference on the issue, Æ


natalie now works to end violence against women.


A conference on how burundian and rwandan Anglicans can prevent sexual violence ends in a march through bujumbura.

Æ and the Church of england has clear guidelines about preventing and addressing it. in india the church has run workshops for schoolgirls to give them a basic understanding of laws relating to the protection of women and the process of law. the archbishop and bishops of Southern africa have publicly committed to supporting their churches’ gender work. in rwanda, Burundi and Congo, where sexual violence as a weapon of terror has continued long after the signing of peace treaties, the anglican churches have gathered other church and faith leaders, government representatives, non-governmental agencies and United Nations bodies to work together to end to violence and abuse against women and girls. The Anglican Communion’s Women’s Desk Officer the revd terrie robinson said this growing movement can be seen at all levels, from grassroots to senior leadership: “at the last Primates’ meeting in ireland, the Primates committed themselves to action and wrote to churches of the Communion urging them to work towards restoring right relationship between men and women, boys and girls. “resolutions have been adopted by bishops at the lambeth Conference and the anglican Consultative Council. Networks such as the International Anglican Women’s Network and the International Anglican Family Network have raised up concerns about gender-based and home-based violence; the Family Network has facilitated regional consultations on violence and the Family for anglican practitioners and has even produced a model action plan which they have offered to all the churches.” She added that there are “many examples of brave and creative work going on in dioceses and parishes around the Communion”. Some of this work is helping men change their attitudes to women and getting them to speak out against abuse too. in the Democratic republic of Congo one project, started by the now Bishop of North Kivu Diocese, the rt revd muhindo isesomo, saw his ministry group travelling from army camp to army camp preaching the Gospel to soldiers. Bishop muhindo’s twin goals were sharing God’s Word and ending rape. “The [sermon] theme I was using was ‘Are you a problem, or a solution?’” he explained. “the results were very very fruitful.” in under two years, 15,000 soldiers had heard the Word of God, 13,000 responded and repented publicly of raping women and looting local communities. Natalie Collins is now employed by Christian alliance group restored that works to end violence again women. She told the recent Church in Wales conference: “violence, aggression and bullying, especially in relationships that should be characterised by love and care, are particularly horrible violations of the Christian principles of love and freedom from fear, and undermine personal and spiritual wholeness as well as personal safety, respect and self-esteem. “We want churches to send out the message that women can come forward and will be taken seriously and given the support they need.” it sounds like more and more churches of the anglican Communion are doing just that.

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r e s o u rc e s

How can I end domestic violence? Join in

read more

restored: Ending Violence against Women

breaking the silence, the church responds to Domestic Violence, by Anne O. Weatherholt. Morehouse 2008 Available at and elsewhere

a global Christian alliance to transform relationships and end violence against women. See restored’s pack for churches entitled ‘Ending Domestic Abuse’ and the ‘First Man Standing’ initiative. the White ribbon campaign a global campaign for men and boys who want to take more responsibility for reducing the level of violence against women. examples of national websites: Canada; Pakistan; Scotland www.whiteribbonscotland.

Involve your church and clergy cries of anguish, stories of hope a six part Bible study series, each on a different country and form of violence against women (includes videos and prayers). Domestic Violence handbook For clergy and pastoral workers Handbook published by the Joint Churches Domestic violence Prevention Programme (JCDvPP) in South australia.

pray Open our hearts to hear your call, to reach out to all who have been created by you; open the doors of our community to embrace women, men and children experiencing violence and oppression, to see their need, and to respond with love. lord, you are our refuge and strength, our very present help in trouble; stretch out your hand and bring these women, men and children close to you. Give us the spirit to break the silence; to stretch out our hands, giving courage, hope and peace. From ‘Overcoming Family Violence’ worship materials prepared by churches in australia for the Decade to Overcome violence.

iafn: Violence and the family: action plan for the churches to tackle Abuse newsletters/2011/march/index. cfm. Developed by the anglican Communion’s international Anglican Family Network (IAFN).



anglican world issue 129 september 2012

a n g l i c a n yo u t h

Praying, Politics and Partnership how young anglicans, with ecumenical partners, are on the frontline of politics in Brazil

b y ta r s i l a b u r i t y

BRAZIL IS NO stranger to youth activism. In the 1980s, youth movements including the Brazilian National Student Union (UNE) organised marches, strikes and protests against the ruling military regime. the Diretas Já (Direct Elections Now) movement in 1984 also witnessed wide student participation in demanding direct presidential elections in Brazil, and subsequently helping end its twenty-one year long dictatorship. this is not only true of historical movements like the ones above, but also for contemporary Brazilian youth groups such as the Ecumenical youth Network (REJU). its main goals since its conception in 2007 have included promoting both public youth rights and dialogue against intolerance. it has also worked to equip young people to engage in politics so they can change their country. anglican youth in particular have been involved with this ecumenical group’s initiatives. Daniel Souza, 25, the Network’s

first young National Facilitator, says anglican representation within reJU has grown to include members from at least three of the five major regions of Brazil. “We [anglicans] contribute towards the plurality of the Network, which reflects in many ways the dynamics of the anglican Church,” he said. “reJU members work towards an articulation between spirituality and rights, have a say in the agenda of reJU, and are taking our Network projects to the communities of which we are part.” examples of reJU projects have included educational film

screenings across Brazil and a campaign of letter writing to senators denouncing violence against youth. Other ventures include the recent Debate on environmental Justice organised by youth in Brasília (with the participation of politician and environmentalist marina Silva), theatrical and dance performances linked to the right to Culture and leisure campaign in rio de Janeiro, and in 2011 advocating for the religious Front against Homophobia. a current example of a reJU-supported project is the work at Ponto missionário da Liberdade (Anglican ‘Freedom mission church’) in Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Northeast Brazil. according to izaías torquato, popular educator and unordained pastoral minister for the church, the youth there have played a vital role in ensuring the government acknowledges the area as a vibrant, politically conscious one. mr torquato said that after two years of nurturing and identifying promising youth leaders within Æ

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a n g l i c a n yo u t h

these are young people from the outskirts of the city. their identity is defined by where they are from, but they have found in our anglican church the best space to all meet and live out their project.

izaìas torquato popular educator and unordained pastoral minister for the church




Æ the community, a group was established and young people began to get involved with the problems they saw around them. “it was discovered, after a series of conversations and meetings with residents, neighbourhood associations and families, that the most pressing issue their community faced was public policies concerning health,” he said. as a result, some teenagers gradually became involved with the local monitoring of Youth and Public Policies initiative. they started attending regional meetings hosted by international humanitarian agency World vision and reJU and, alongside other youngsters, are forming an autonomous Youth Council to call for changes to local health-related policies. they created a Youtube channel entitled tv agridoce liberdade (Bittersweet Freedom tv) and raised the funding for a short documentary on the pollution of the neighbouring river Jaboatão. “these are young people from the outskirts of the city,” said Torquato. “Their identity is defined by where they are from, but they have found in our anglican church the best space to all meet and live out their project. Some are from other churches or denominations but found that their own didn’t want anything to do with the political sentiment they shared”. Mr Torquato said he identifies with reJU’s ecumenical methodology and tries to encourage young people to get involved. “the relationship between people is what makes ecumenism here. it has so far drawn us closer to faiths like candomblé [an afro-Brazilian religion] and other Christian denominations. in practice, this is all done in an

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anglican way – without rejecting difference”, he said. the Brazilian anglican Primate, archbishop mauricio de andrade, can relate to reJU, having himself been involved in student movements outside of church in his youth. “these kinds of opportunities enable us to have a broader and global vision of what it means to ‘be church’,” he said. “It isn’t about the celebratory Sunday service, it’s about our day-to-day life. my participation strengthened that vision in me, and i am sure that young people who participate in [such] movements will integrate and manage to build a broader vision of what it means to ‘be church’ as well.” But as the revd tatiana Ribeiro, 31, explains, involving young anglican churchgoers in initiatives like reJU is not always easy. the current advisor to the National Integration Commission of the anglican Youth Union of Brazil (CIN-UJAB), she portrays the challenge as being less about young people, but rather the attitude of some older churchgoers. “It’s an arduous journey. We still hear older people saying: ‘young people in church should be praying, not getting involved in politics!’ We need to show them that youth can in fact unite prayer and politics.” Daniel Souza believes further dialogue within the Church is still required to change such attitudes: “a two-way conversion is needed, on behalf of youth and on behalf of church leadership also. the young person who converts needs to know that s/he is part of the church, and the leadership has to recognise youth as part of the church. i don’t know who would take the first step but it’s an important step to take”.

past , present and future

For those in peril on the sea this week we look at how the mission to Seafarers began, and what it does for seafarers in the 21st century ALySSA BISTONATH

by ben bailey m i s s i o n to s e a fa r e r s

it’s a little known fact, but did you know that over 90 per cent of what you use every day is brought to you by seafarers? From the fuel for our cars to much of the food on our table, it is seafarers who keep our world turning, providing us with all the modern comforts of life we take so easily for granted. it’s also a little known fact that the Church has been ministering to the men and women of the sea for over 150 years. as the Anglican Communion’s official missionary agency to mariners, the mission to Seafarers reaches out with a message of God’s love, hope and support in a harsh and often inhospitable environment in 258 ports around the world. loneliness is nothing if not a common experience, but few feel it more keenly that today’s seafarers. Wrenched apart from their families for months on end, seafarers are away for up to a year – and many do not set foot


reaching out

on dry land at all during that time. On some of today’s ships, a seafarer may be the only person who speaks his native language, struggling to communicate with crewmates from other nations. For those who have no access to email or telephone on board ship, bother seafarer and family can feel totally cut off. that’s where mtS comes in. as a Christian welfare agency with more than 156 years’ experience in seafarers’ welfare, mtS is there to support mariners in need. Our chaplains provide a friendly face; a warm handshake

and a listening ear so that lonely seafarers can unload their heavy cargo of worries. many seek support having received distressing news from their families. Others request our help following hospitalisation, unpaid wages or abandonment in a foreign port. Whatever the crisis, our network of Flying Angel Centres is on hand 24/7 to provide a range of services, from general hospitality to specialist support and advice. the mission to Seafarers is a friend to hundreds of thousands of seafarers every year, and in an emergency, we are often the only help on offer. No matter what the problem, be it piracy, shipwreck, loneliness or isolation, they know that can turn to the local mission for help. Chaplains offer impartial advice, financial support, advocacy and spiritual services, access to legal advice or simply a space to talk. To learn more, visit

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past , present and future

Eight steps to Canterbury When, earlier this year, Dr Rowan Williams announced he was stepping down as the archbishop of Canterbury, the search began for his successor. this is the responsibility of the Crown Nomination Committee, and


the selection process involves the British Prime minister and Queen. this is the light-hearted way the Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui (the Anglican/Episcopal Church in Hong Kong) explained the selection process to its members.


the UK Prime minister appoints the Chair of the Crown Nomination Commission.

the Prime minister chooses the candidate to recommend to the Queen for her approval

2 The CNC submits the names of the recommended candidate and second candidate to the Prime minister



Once the Queen has approved the chosen candidate and he has indicated the willingness to serve, the Prime Minister’s Office will announce the name of the archbishop-designate.

the College of Canons of Canterbury Cathedral formally elect the new archbishop of Canterbury.


the commission of diocesan bishops confirms the election results in a legal ceremony.

8 7 the new archbishop does homage to Her majesty.



anglican world issue 129 september 2012

the new archbishop is formally enthroned in Canterbury Cathedral.

past , present and future

Family that stays together,

prays together New Zealand priest the Revd Turi Hollis sheds some light on the upcoming global anglican Consultative Council gathering what is the ACC? In the New Zealand Prayer Book/He Karakia Mihinare one of the eucharist services begins with the words: E te Whānau a te Karaiti, ko tātou nei tāna tinana e mahi nei i te ao. (We are the family of Christ; we are his body at work in this world.) For me, then, the anglican Consultative Council (aCC) is a gathering of my anglican brothers and sisters, and friends, from across the world. How can a whānau exist if it does not get together when it can? why is it important to the man or woman in the pew? We live in a big world and it is not possible for all Anglicans to hui (gather, meet, conference) but the man and woman in the pews should not be forgotten. after all, they are also members of te Whānau a te Karaiti (the family of Christ) just as we are who have the privilege of being on the aCC. this is why, despite all the diverse theological, biblical and political views that can be found in any whānau, the aCC needs to maintain and sustain the bonds that tie our anglican whānau together. what has been a highlight during your time as an ACC representative?

the revd turi hollis

E te Whānau a te Karaiti, ko tātou nei tāna tinana e mahi nei i te ao. (We are the family of Christ; we are his body at work in this world.)

i can be very parochial and focussed on what is happening within aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia. The friendships that I now have with other ACC representatives from other Provinces continue to remind me that i am part of a wider community and being anglican is okay. Being able to talk directly with people like archbishop rowan at aCC14 was another highlight because he listened and seemed to hear me. what topics of note are coming up at this next one? the anglican Covenant is likely to be a topic of note, as well as the ongoing discussion about human sexuality...also, what can we expect following archbishop rowan’s retirement? the aCC needs to discuss the environment; globalisation; current conflicts and the threats of war; global poverty; and the plight of indigenous Peoples. all of these topics are very pertinent to the mission of the anglican Communion in the world. what should the Anglican Communion pray for this ACC? i ask the Communion to pray for it’s present and future life and a renewal of aCC’s vision of the mission of the Communion and Provinces in this world and to come up with some practical ways of working toward that vision. The Revd Turi Hollis is an Archdeacon for the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, based in the Maori Anglican diocese of Te Waipounamu (the South Island). He is also a PhD student at the College of St John the Evangelist in Auckland.

the 15th anglican Consultative Council (aCC-15) is meeting in Auckland, New Zealand between 27th October and 7th November 2012. This is an advisory body comprising lay and ordained delegates from all Provinces that consider the present and future life and work of the anglican Communion.

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the last word


the greatest privilege of being archbishop of Canterbury must be the opportunity for travel – because this is the way you hear the genuine good news of the Gospel in various settings. Over the last ten years i have been privileged to see on the ground what it is possible for our Church to do – the transforming effect of anglicans living lives of enthusiastic and dedicated discipleship. and when i am asked – as i often am – what sort of state i think the Communion is in, my instinctive reaction is not to talk about the ‘headline’ issues, including the controversies that divide us, but about where the transforming love of God in Christ is to be seen, in the most testing circumstances you could imagine. the stories i want to tell include the stubborn daily heroism of those who live not only in poverty but under different sorts of harassment and threat – the brothers and sisters, for example, in Zimbabwe, South Sudan, Pakistan, who continue to show endurance and generosity towards neighbours or governments who fail to protect them or actively work against them. they include the way in which minority anglican communities, sometimes numerically very small indeed, shoulder the burden of schooling and caring for great numbers of children in their countries, not least children who have been abducted and abused in war or children whose disabilities have left them ignored by their society – and i remember the work of the Church in Dr Congo with children who had been abducted by the militias and the witness of anglicans in egypt and Jordan and the Holy land in caring for deaf and blind



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children. i think too of the wonderful work done by so many Church schools in my own country, the doors of opportunity opened for children in deprived areas by loving and imaginative anglican teachers. One of the things i have loved most, in the UK and worldwide, has been seeing our schools at work. they include the empowerment of women by smallscale local agricultural and microcredit projects – the holistic mission of a church like the Province of Kenya, gradually giving dignity and hope to so many by work of this kind. in all this, what we are really talking about is the way in which our Church works to uncover the image of God in those around them. The Good News of Jesus is about how God restores to us the dignity and liberty lost by a history of failure and unfaithfulness – how he re-creates his image in us through his Son, ‘the visible likeness of the invisible God’ (Col.1.15). if we are asked what state our Communion is in, i hope and pray that it will always be this ‘state’ – the dignity of God’s children, received by us with overflowing gratitude and shared by us in mission and service. the vision of this is one of the great gifts i have received from the fellowship of the Communion; i thank God for it, and i thank him for the gift of all those who have shared it with me in this past decade.

+rowan Cantuar

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Embracing a new model of world mission

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A school for new bishops at Canterbury Cathedral Talking to the class of 2012

Prayer, partnership and politics

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How Brazil’s young Anglicans are changing their world

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