AnglicanLife March April May 2022

Page 12

We Walk Against The Tide first his kingdom and his “ Seek righteousness, and all these

things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Matt 6:33

People often ask me why I went to work in Uganda? Was I ‘called’ there? How did I know God wanted me to go? Then the more pressing question sometimes follows.

How can I find my calling? What should I do next with my life?

It’s a tough and important question but before I don’t really answer it, allow me to share a bit of global perspective. My Ugandan friends follow Jesus, but rarely discuss what job, career or place they are called to. My nurse colleagues did not usually choose to be a nurse, because they didn’t have the privilege I had to agonise about whether to be a doctor, teacher or an engineer. They became nurses to provide for themselves and their families. And even more so for the 30 million Ugandans with little to no education who work the land for a living. They have neither the headspace nor the money to fret about whether they should quit their job and do mission work in New Zealand. So let’s be grateful for the privilege many of us have to choose much about the path of our lives. But this privilege can seem overwhelming, the range of options paralysing. And I think the often given, reasonable advice to find where your passion intersects with your skills can miss the heart of our problem.

I think obsessing over our future ‘calling’ is often a bad idea which isn’t really part of Jesus’ playbook. If we’re going to obsess over something, let it be what we know we are called to right now. God’s kingdom, God’s will.

first his kingdom and his “ Seek righteousness, and all these

things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.

The world around us has steamrolled our soul and has imprinted on us layer after layer of lies. That being busy is a virtue. That comfort and convenience is a worthy life goal. That constant anxiety is normal. So we live like frogs in boiling water, not realising how far off track we are because all the ‘normal’ people around us live the same lies.

Global Mission Partners “Hello NZ. Thanks for your continued support!” Christchurch doctor and missionary, Nick Laing, with some of his nursing colleagues in Uganda.


Global Mission Partners |

Words — Nick Laing, Dr and Missionary in Uganda

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