AnglicanLife March April May 2022

Page 14

God’s Hands And Feet Discipleship is not passive, it's relational and active—speaking up for the least and lost in the world is true discipleship. Jesus transformed the lives of outcasts and sex-trade workers, the blind, the sick and the shunned, and it’s our discipleship journey to imitate Him. (Ed)

grew up in a very “ Dana poor family in Cambodia.

When she was 15 years old, Dana was working in a garment factory and was told by a colleague that, if she travelled to China, she would be able to get a job earning more than US$1000 a month. Feeling responsible for her family, Dana agreed to go.

Global Mission Partners

When I read stories like Dana’s, I often ask myself how I think God feels seeing His precious children in such circumstances. How much does His heart ache when he sees His daughters trapped, traumatised and hurting themselves like Dana was? Does He require me to do anything from my home and location in New Zealand? The answer is clear in His word. The Bible is filled with passages which instruct us to use what we have to look after the poor, needy and oppressed. This bold statement Jesus shared at the beginning of His ministry, sums up to me Jesus’ heart AND what He asks of me now as I seek to magnify Him.

Dana was taken over the border in February 2019 but discovered there was no work. Instead, over two years, she was sold twice to two different Chinese men to be their bride. Both of the husbands were violent, and one beat her so badly that she miscarried her baby. At one point, Dana was hurting herself by cutting her arm.

Let’s read these verses from Luke 4 (ESV):

Spirit of the Lord “ Theis upon me, because he


has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.

Dana eventually escaped the second marriage and got herself to a Police Station. After spending time in a detention centre(?!) Dana was returned to Cambodia in 2021.

Jesus did miracles, talked to outcasts and reached out to the marginalised. He modelled the approach of care and action that He wanted us, as His followers, to take up after Him. There are an estimated 40.3 million people in some form of slavery right now. That’s more than any other time in human history and that number is expected to keep growing as COVID threatens to make vulnerable families and humanitarian situations even more destitute. Some of you may be able to pray. Pray for those women and children like Dana who are currently living in slavery and are void of hope. Pray

Did you know? • In 2018 about 50,000 human trafficking victims were detected and reported by 148 countries. • 50 percent of detected victims were trafficked for sexual exploitation, 38 percent were exploited for forced labour.


• Female victims continue to be the primary targets. Women make up 46% and girls 19% of all victims of trafficking. • Globally, one in every three victims detected is a child.

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• The share of children among detected trafficking victims has tripled, while the share of boys has increased five times over the past 15 years. (Source: UNODC Human Trafficking FAQs)

Words — Don Lord, ED of Hagar NZ

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