1 minute read

Christ is risen! He is risen indeed Alleluia!

Why did Christ die? What happened when he rose again? What impact does this have on us today? Are we spreading with contagious joy the Easter story? God’s redemptive plan? His outrageous grace? If Christ is the light of the world, and we have His light, are we hiding it or letting it shine?

Let’s celebrate our free gift of eternal life in Christ and go tell others about it, that they too may be transformed from death to life, from darkness to light, and from life in this world to life everlasting! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed Alleluia!


Cover Images — This cover was created using two separate images. The background image is a ‘mercy’ mosaic, depicting “I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink”. This is one of seven mosaic panels that hung above the west nave entrance doors of the Christ Church Cathedral. The mosaics tells the story in Matthew 25: 35-36 that when Jesus returns he will separate the sheep and goats those who do His will and those who don’t, those who have mercy on others, and those who don’t. In the 2010-11 earthquakes three of the seven mosaics fell and recently the remaining four were taken down. All seven are now in storage awaiting repair and reinstatement Credit — CCRL. The foreground image of the three crosses is by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

Diocese of

Editor Jo Bean editor@anglicanlife.org.nz

Design Leisa Jamieson jamiesonmessage@icloud.com

Contributing Writers Ven. Indrea Alexander, Jo Bean, Gareth Bezett, Edwin Boyce, CCRL, Ven. Canon Mark Chamberlain, Jo Cotton, Heather Fraser, Very Rev’d Lawrence Kimberley, Rev’d Chris Ponniah, Ewan Sargent, Emma Tovey

Advertising Enquiries Jo Bean editor@anglicanlife.org.nz

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