2020 Yellow Dog Flyfishing Travel Guide

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Yellow Dog at 20 Years........................................ 4 “The Plan” by Jim Klug........................................ 6 Where Are the Prices?.......................................... 7 Attitude and Gratitude by Tom Bie....................... 8 Belize Gillnet Ban 2019...................................... 27 Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation ..................................28 By The Numbers: 20 Years.................................51 Casting Tips & Advice for the Traveling Angler..................................................61 Ten Questions About Planning a Trip to Patagonia............................................. 78 The Seasons of Argentina and Chile.................89 The Waypoints Podcast......................................95 20 Years of Yellow Dog Catalogs.................... 105 The Straight Scoop on Travel Insurance........... 118 Travel Tips for the Adventurous Angler............ 131 Top Family Destinations....................................134 Top Couples Destinations.................................136 The Political Platform and the Poling Platform...........................................138

Yucatan ....................................................... 10 Belize............................................................20 Bahamas......................................................30 Cuba.............................................................40 Seychelles ...................................................46 Christmas Island..........................................52 Costa Rica....................................................56 Guatemala & Honduras...............................58 Other Saltwater ...........................................60 Day Trips......................................................62 Australia.......................................................64 Bolivia..........................................................68 Jungle Fishing .............................................70 Argentina ..................................................... 74 Chile.............................................................82 New Zealand ...............................................90 Iceland ........................................................96 Mongolia .....................................................98 Freshwater Exotics .................................... 100 Kamchatka ................................................ 102 Canada ...................................................... 106 Alaska......................................................... 110 US West ..................................................... 120 Louisiana ................................................... 132

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Photo credits throughout the catalog include Bryan Gregson, Jim Klug, Ian Davis, Will Phelps and Matt McCormick. The vast majority of the photos used throughout the catalog are shot by the Yellow Dog team. A very small number of un-credited, non-Yellow Dog images in this catalog were provided directly by lodges or occasionally by Yellow Dog clients. Catalog layout and design by Scott Morrison of Morrison Creative.

Cover: 20th Anniversary Artwork by Ian Davis






Throughout this year’s Yellow Dog travel planner you will find two important symbols associated with select lodges. This first is the YDCCF icon, which recognizes those lodges that participate in the YDCCF Matching Funds program. The second is the KICK PLASTIC logo, which identifies the operations that have made a commitment to no longer rely on single-use plastic and plastic water bottles.



he 2020 season marks our 20th year in business – a milestone that we celebrate with pride, humility and gratitude. At a time when less than one-inthree new businesses in the U.S. reach the ten-year mark (with longevity statistics for travel-related businesses even tougher), it’s rewarding to be celebrating our 20th anniversary. From our early days of booking a handful of destinations in Belize to becoming the largest and most diverse booking agent in the world of fishing travel, our journey would not have been possible without the steadfast support and involvement of our customers and clients. When we first opened our doors at Yellow Dog, we were literally a team of one (actually, two … if you count the dog). In the beginning, we focused exclusively on flats fishing in Central America, offering a small collection of only four lodges. Our first tiny, tri-fold brochure included a cover photo graciously “sold” to us by our friend Brian O’Keefe for the bargain price of one dollar. Since those early days, we’ve grown and expanded our offerings in a steady, balanced and professional way, building our company and our client base through hard work, innovation and a commitment to delivering the finest customer experiences in the industry.

We know that customers who feel taken care of not only stay with us, but tell their friends about us. We value wordof-mouth referrals from our clients who have worked with us, and we appreciate the fact that this is the highest compliment we can receive. If you have referred someone to us in the past, we thank you. We also believe that when we do the right thing as a business and consider the world outside our own doors, it leads to growth. Giving back to the environment, working to protect the fisheries that matter to anglers, speaking out for access and public lands, and – above all – taking exceptional care of our clients … these are the fundamental ingredients that have allowed Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures to succeed and thrive for 20 wonderful years. (You can read more about the Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation on pages 27-29.) To commemorate our birthday milestone, we’re dedicating this 20th anniversary celebration and the year ahead to YOU – our customers and friends. Thanks for getting us here and thanks for trusting us with your travel and your valuable fishing time. We look forward to working with you over the next twenty years, because when it’s all said and done, “no one ever regretted a life of adventure.”

THE TIMELINE OF YELLOW DOG FLYFISHING ADVENTURES... 1994 – Jim Klug starts “Yellow Dog River Products” – a fly fishing sales rep company working throughout the northern Rockies.


1995 – Jim Klug and Ian Davis (who at the time owned Breckenridge Outfitters in Colorado) begin fishing together on a regular basis on Andros Island in the Bahamas.

1999 – Klug, working in St. Paul, Minnesota as National Sales Manager for Scientific Anglers, begins planning for the creation of a new travel and booking company.

2000 – Klug leaves S.A. and returns to Bozeman, opening Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures, LLC. Initial offerings were limited to four lodges in Belize.

2001 – Klug first hits the road for the consumer show tour and numerous speaking engagements, promoting the new company at events throughout the country. This show tour would become a staple for Yellow Dog’s winter season and continues to this day.

THE TIMELINE OF YELLOW DOG FLYFISHING ADVENTURES... 2002 – Yellow Dog hires its first paid employee.

2005 – Ian Davis leaves Breckenridge Outfitters, moves to Bozeman, and partners with Yellow Dog, immediately launching a comprehensive Bahamas program.

2005 – Yellow Dog recruits and hires its first dedicated program director to manage the Yucatan program.

2006 – Yellow Dog launches the Alaska and US West programs. 2006 – Klug and Chris Patterson form Confluence Films, a Yellow Dog-supported production project that would go on to produce the fly fishing films, Drift, Rise, Connect, Waypoints and Providence.

2007 – Yellow Dog launches a new South American program.

2008 – Yellow Dog launches the Seychelles program.


WHO’S GOT YOUR BACK WHEN THINGS GO WRONG? 2. L ets talk for a moment about having a plan. What’s the “plan,” you ask? The PLAN is what saves a trip when things go wrong. The thing you fall back on when something goes awry or when problems emerge. It’s the answer to the terrifying question of “whatnow?” when you’re hit with the unexpected – often times when traveling far from home. The PLAN is what turns a bad situation into something positive. Your ace-in-the-hole. Your lifeline for answers. So what’s YOUR plan? What’s going to save your trip or fishing adventure the next time something isn’t going as expected? What do you fall back on and whom do you call?

When you head to a new lodge, you likely won’t know much about the guide team. Are you fine with simply “rolling the dice” on who you’re going to fish with, or would you prefer to book with an entity that can pair you up with a vetted guide who offers the best fit and is able to deliver the type of on-water experience you’re looking for? Think about this: you can easily have two different anglers who visit the exact same lodge during the exact same week – with very different outcomes. Having the right guide and the right connections based on your needs and priorities makes all the difference on the water.

There may be a lot of ways to book and arrange trips these days, but unfortunately not every option includes access to a PLAN. Finding the best booking option can at times seem like a challenge, especially when lodges, guides and part-time “hobby” agents have all upped their games with flashy websites, big promises and offers for direct bookings. When you work with Yellow Dog, however, you’ll always have access to a PLAN – your own agent, working 24/7 on your behalf, to make your fishing trip as enjoyable, safe and productive as possible. In the age of glitzy marketing, suave social media and up-start companies promising instant gratification and “easy” answers, the idea that you’re fine booking a trip on your own – without utilizing the services of an established agent like Yellow Dog – may seem attractive. There are a few important things to consider, however, and it all begins with having a PLAN.


Let’s say it’s a Saturday evening and you’re en route to a destination in Central or South America. There are problems with your flights – due to weather or an unexpected maintenance cancellation. Are you okay with waiting until Monday morning for real-life assistance, or would you prefer to contact someone who will answer the phone (regardless of the hour or the day) and help you get back on track?

THE TIMELINE OF YELLOW DOG FLYFISHING ADVENTURES... 2009 – Yellow Dog’s Ian Davis creates the “Pink Boat Project” – a hot pink drift boat that tours the country to raise awareness and funds for breast cancer. The boat is named “Judy” after Ian’s late mother.


2010 – Yellow Dog buys an office building in downtown Bozeman (a historic structure that was originally built in 1904).

2011 – Yellow Dog launches a Kamchatka program. 2011 – Yellow Dog launches Bolivia, Brazil and jungle fishing programs.

2012 – Yellow Dog introduces an official “office intern” program to address the demands of lawn mowing and post office runs. Quality of coffee immediately improves.

2014 – Yellow Dog launches an Iceland program. 2014 – Yellow Dog completes the second expansion and remodel of the office complex, adding new offices and two levels of work areas. 2014 – The book project, “Fly Fishing Belize” by Jim Klug is published and released.

3. While trip packages can indeed be expensive, the money you pay for an adventure may not be the most valuable “investment” you’re committing. Chances are good that the most valuable thing you’re bringing to the booking process is your TIME. If you’re like most people, you have a limited number of days to fish, travel and vacation each year, which means that you want to make each and every day count!

4. When you book with Yellow Dog, we’ll work on your behalf, at all times, to make your next fishing adventure exceptional. And best of all? Having access to this PLAN is free! You never pay more to use our services than if you were to book directly with a lodge or outfitter. You get hands-on assistance, valuable insider information, detailed pre-trip planning materials and the highest levels of support — all at no additional cost to you.

When arranging your next adventure, ask yourself, what is your PLAN? What happens if and when you need help or assistance when things get tricky? Who do you call when you have specific questions or requests? Yellow Dog delivers the “inside track” when it comes to researching, preparing and setting yourself up for successful travel, and when you book with us, you can rest assured that you’re working with a team that is committed to delivering a fantastic customer experience while at the same time helping with any unexpected problems that arise.


So Where Are The Prices?


ne question that we get every time we publish a new catalog and travel guide is, “Where are the prices?” After all, there were years when we used to include general rates with every lodge that was featured in this publication, giving readers a general idea of what a typical trip package might run. We’ve had to remove these prices from our catalogs and instead keep them current, detailed and fully spelled-out on the Yellow Dog website. As we’ve grown and expanded our offerings over the years, there is simply not enough room to include all the different (and ever-changing) price options for each destination that we work with and feature. Since lodges change and adjust their prices at random times throughout the year, the only way

to ensure accuracy is to continuously update this information online. Rates can and do fluctuate depending on the length of a trip, the time of year, double versus single occupancy, neap tides versus spring tides … you get the idea. To make it all clear and easy – and to find exactly what you’re looking for – visit www.yellowdogflyfishing.com for full details on each and every destination that we work with. We promise that you’ll find the most up-to-date rates, clear listings of inclusions and exclusions, and all of the information you need to plan and research your next adventure. And when you’re ready to get things rolling, give us a call here at Yellow Dog, where we promise that you’ll never pay more to use our services than if you were to book directly with a lodge, outfitter or third-party agent.

THE TIMELINE OF YELLOW DOG FLYFISHING ADVENTURES... 2015 – Yellow Dog officially launches a comprehensive Cuba program, offering six different destinations throughout the country.

2016 – Yellow Dog launches a new “YD Ambassador Program” with an initial team that includes Jeff Currier, Jako Lucas, Oliver White and Wil Flack.

2018 –The third generation of Yellow Dogs – Daisy and Greta – arrive as Christmas puppies.

2016 – The Yellow Dog non-profit – the 2018 – Yellow Dog’s Klug Yellow Dog Community and Conservation wins the American Fly Foundation – is formally launched. Fishing Trade Association’s “Lefty Kreh Industry 2016 – Yellow Dog launches New Leadership Award.” Zealand program.

2019 – Yellow Dog launches a new Australia program, including both fresh and saltwater offerings.

2020 – Yellow Dog celebrates 20 years, with over 225 lodges and destinations in 28 different countries … and counting.



Thoughts on twenty years of flyfishing travel In my early 20s, I flew to Japan to surprise my sister, who was living there teaching English. All I had was a small piece of paper with notes and her address on it, written in Japanese. I didn’t speak the language, and smartphones were still more than a decade away, so I was forced to trust the people I came across, who kindly added their notes to my notes, then directed me or escorted me to the correct train or bus. Each stop brought me through smaller and smaller towns, and the people along the way became correspondingly more friendly. Six hours later, only a few blocks from my sister’s place, I ran into a drunk businessman fresh off sake happy hour. He not only walked me to the correct building, but insisted that I accept, as a gift, the watermelon he’d just purchased. When I gave him a puzzled expression, he pointed to my hat—from a fly shop in Portland called Kaufmann’s Streamborn—as if to imply that a piece of fruit the weight of a car tire was a perfectly logical gift among fellow anglers. He would not take no for an answer. At my sister’s apartment, I don’t know which surprised her more, that I’d just traveled from Oregon unannounced and found my way to her door outside of Kyoto, or that I greeted her holding a 20-pound watermelon. One of the special aspects of flyfishing travel is that it brings you to places that many people visit (Cancun, New Orleans, Honolulu), before transporting you to places that many people don’t visit (Punta Allen, Hopedale, Christmas Island). It is these secondary outposts, the barely-there fishing villages, that truly define the unique nature of these destinations. In countries around the globe, as in North America, there is frequently an inverse relationship between size-oftown and friendliness-of-inhabitants. The vibrant culture and nightlife in cities like Havana or Buenos Aires shouldn’t be missed, but it’s the one-woman bakery owner/muffin maker/drink mixer in a one-shop town that will leave the most lasting impression. And for the past 20 years, the folks at Yellow Dog have not only excelled at getting their customers to these sometimes-remote locations, but, once there, have long encouraged and fostered the building of relationships between guests and hosts. Nurturing these connections takes time, as does building a business. An often-quoted statistic in the US is that more than half of new businesses fail within the first year. After ten years, two out of three have gone under. If a travel company has survived two decades, as Yellow Dog has, then it’s done many things right, both at home and abroad. It’s easy to please clients when the fishing is fantastic. But finding the right mix of staff, trip hosts, guides and lodge personnel,


and cultural, historical, culinary make-up of host resorts and communities ensures happy clients even if fishing isn’t fantastic. And that’s an achievement. When non-fishing friends of mine come home from their vacations in Mexico or Belize and describe the joys of never having left their all-inclusive resort, I try not to judge. In part because, let’s face it: The all-you-can-eat-and-drink wristband, combined with a pool and a freshly raked playa in front of the hotel, still beats Minneapolis or Montreal on a January morning. But as flyfishers, we understand that tank-tops and fanny-packs in the customs line are all part of the pass-through experience in order to reach the really good stuff—the authentic, endearing nature of a remote fishing community and the people who live there.

It is these secondary outposts, the barely-there fishing villages, that truly define the unique nature of these destinations. You may receive a gift yourself one day, from a fishing guide or other resident in one of these compelling little towns. It might be a productive fly rather than a watermelon. It could be some homebaked cornbread for lunch, or simply a kind gesture during a day on the water. But whatever that gift is, reciprocate. Recognize and cherish the special worldwide community that flyfishing has become, and that flyfishing travel helped build. Reciprocate for 20 years, and you will see both fishing and friendships prosper. And if nothing else, remember Anthony Bourdain’s travel advice: “Drink heavily with locals whenever possible.” —Tom Bie Tom Bie is the founder, publisher and editor-in-chief of The Drake Magazine, fly fishing’s grassroots journal that over the past 22 years has become a powerhouse in the industry.










LA YUCATAN PENINSU pper and more

permit, snook, jacks, sna TARGET SPECIES: Bonefish, tarpon, HUB: Cancun (CUN) and Merida (MID) SEASON: Year-round MAJOR AIR ntries. passport. No visa required for most cou DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid LANGUAGE: Spanish peche tumal (State of Quintana Roo) and Cam Che n), ata Yuc of te (Sta rida Me : AL CAPIT (State of Campeche) insula imately 2,000,000 on the Yucatan Pen COUNTRY POPULATION: Approx CURRENCY: Mexican Peso (MXN)


he fisheries of the Yucatan Peninsula – home to impressive numbers of bonefish, permit, snook and tarpon – are amongst the most productive in the Western Hemisphere. They are also incredibly easy to access, creating trip opportunities that allow you to maximize your time on the water and minimize your time on the airplane. The vast estuaries and flats systems found throughout the Yucatan provide the infrastructure for the region’s pristine and highly productive fishery. When conditions are right, an angler can target bonefish, tarpon, snook, permit and more all in a single trip. Dozens of other species are also available for the adventurous angler. Jacks, barracuda, sharks, snook, snapper, grouper and other flats and reef species all offer outstanding action on a fly or light tackle set-up every month of the year. This kind of angling opportunity and diversity can only be found in a few locations throughout the world. The Yucatan fisheries that Yellow Dog represents are basically divided into two categories: the southern flats fisheries that include Ascension Bay, Espiritu Santo and Chetumal Bay; and the tarpon and snook fisheries of the northern Yucatan Peninsula that include Campeche, San Felipe and Isla Holbox. There is also a unique live-aboard trip to a remote and isolated fishery called Arrecife Alacranes—Scorpion Reef. This untouched atoll offers

amazing opportunities for large permit and some of the biggest bonefish found anywhere in the Caribbean. Some of the flats in the Yucatan—especially in Ascension Bay, Espiritu Santo and Chetumal Bay—are hard-bottomed and ideal for wading. In these fisheries, crystal-clear waters offer anglers a great opportunity to wade and sight fish for cruising and tailing bonefish and permit. If you are specifically targeting permit or tarpon in deeper water, however, or if you are fishing over soft bottom, you will oftentimes be fishing from the bow of a local panga or flats skiff. As an overall fishing destination, we love the Yucatan for a variety of reasons. First off, it is almost always easy and quick to travel to the area, with reasonably-priced, direct flights to both Cancun and Merida from several major U.S. cities. The second thing that we love is that compared to other top Caribbean fishing and vacation destinations, the Yucatan offers the best overall value in the entire world of saltwater flats fishing. And finally, this is the perfect destination for all types of anglers—from first-time flats fishermen and intermediate anglers looking to improve their saltwater game, to seasoned veterans looking to focus on the southern Yucatan’s prolific numbers of permit. With a healthy diversity of species and all types of different fishing scenarios, the Yucatan truly offers something for everyone.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com




Ascension Bay, Yucatan Peninsula

Espiritu Santo Bay, Yucatan Peninsula

Accommodations: Spacious, oceanfront rooms with air conditioning, tile floors, large private baths and queen beds.

Accommodations: All accommodations are single or double cabanas that offer an incredible ocean view and access to miles of white sand beaches within steps of the front door.

Ideal For: First-time saltwater anglers, seasoned anglers who want to focus on permit, groups, fishing families and couples. Type of Fishing: Flats fishing with a great combination of fishing from a skiff and wading for bonefish and permit. Tarpon and snook are also available. Special Features: Private and secluded, Casa Blanca sits on the northern tip of a small, coastal island called Isla Punta Pajaros, located in the southern waters of Ascension Bay. Completely surrounded by the Ascension Bay marine ecosystem, Casa Blanca has long been recognized as the most famous and established fishing lodge in the Yucatan. These waters are home to impressive numbers of bonefish, snook and permit, along with the occasional tarpon. Included in your stay is a private and direct round-trip air charter from Cancun to the lodge’s airstrip – a transfer that replaces the long and bumpy ride down the dirt road to Punta Allen. The lodge also boasts a 100-yard long concrete pier, where some of the best fishing for tarpon, jacks and permit happens takes place at night – complete with cold drinks or a cooler of beer under the lights! With 11 comfortable, spacious and air-conditioned rooms, Casa Blanca can accommodate up to 18 anglers at a time.


Ideal For: Couples, intact groups of friends, families and permit junkies. This is an excellent option for anglers looking to combine great fishing with a very private and secluded tropical beach vacation. Type of Fishing: A combination of fishing from a Dolphin skiff and occasionally wading for bonefish and permit. There are also great snook opportunities in the backcountry lagoons. Special Features: Located approximately 120 miles south of Cancun on the private and secluded island of Punta Pajaros, Playa Blanca offers the same type of high-caliber fishing program as its sister lodge to the north, Casa Blanca. Anglers can fish Espiritu Santo Bay for large schools of permit and bonefish, and have exclusive access to the Santa Rosa Lagoon system, home to strong numbers of resident snook and tarpon. An excellent option for anglers looking to combine great fishing with the key elements of a very private and secluded tropical beach vacation. Overall, this area receives very little fishing pressure, making it the ideal destination for anglers who prefer fishing in solitude.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

















Ascension Bay, Yucatan Peninsula

Ascension Bay, Yucatan Peninsula

Accommodations: All rooms feature two king beds, huge private bathrooms, air conditioning, spacious bathrooms and roomy sitting areas. Arguably the nicest accommodations in the area.

Accommodations: Several accommodation options, including the private Robinson House and the classic SeaClusion House, which means that groups of all sizes can be accommodated.

Ideal For: Couple, families and intact groups. Ideal for those new to flats fishing and also experienced anglers that love permit fishing.

Ideal For: Anglers looking for long days on the water, intact groups of friends, and those looking for one of the best values in the area (with the bar tab included!)

Type of Fishing: A combination of fishing from pangas (skiffs) and wade fishing in either the Boca Paila Lagoons to the north or the expansive waters of Ascension Bay to the west. Two guides per boat!

Type of Fishing: If you’re a beginner saltwater angler, this is one of the best places in the world to catch your first bonefish, and for more seasoned anglers, this is one of the world’s top locations to target permit as well as resident tarpon and snook.

Special Features: Situated on a beautiful, expansive beach on the outskirts of the small fishing village of Punta Allen, Grand Slam is a fishing-focused and family-friendly operation that provides immediate access to all that the Ascension Bay area has to offer. With easy flights in and out of Cancun, guests can arrive and depart on any day of the week, and trips of any length can be arranged. Packages include a private boat transfer from Tulum directly to the lodge, eliminating the long and bumpy drive from Tulum to Punta Allen. Guests start each morning by walking to the lodge dock, stepping directly into the fishing boat, and heading out for a full day on the water.

Special Features: Situated in the heart of the 1.3-million-acre Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve, Pesca Maya offers one of the best values found anywhere in the region. Totally surrounded by the waters of Ascension Bay and in close proximity to the Boca Paila lagoons, the lodge offers immediate access to hundreds of square miles of flats. The lodge’s giant palapa is Pesca Maya’s social hub – home to the main bar, dining area, tackle shop and common area. Guests can arrive and depart on any day of the week for trips of any length. With access to so much great water, it is not uncommon to see bonefish, permit, tarpon, snook, and barracuda all in the same day.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com phone 406.585.8667••www.yellowdogflyfishing.com toll free: 888.777.5060





Accommodations: The lodge features four, double occupancy cabins flanked by a two-story main lodge building, and each guestroom has a private bathroom, two fullsized beds, air conditioning and a small deck with a hammock.

Accommodations: Guests stay on a liveaboard sportfishing boat that features air conditioning and two full bathrooms. The boat has two double cabins in the hull and a pull-out sleeper in the galley. Camping on the beach is also a great option.

Accommodations: A basic, no-frills lodge operation located in the center of the small fishing village of Punta Allen. Double occupancy rooms and air conditioning.

Ideal For: This small lodge is ideal for anglers seeking a fishing-focused atmosphere, an enormous fishery, and one of the finest guide teams in the region.

Ideal For: Adventurous anglers that love distant waters, wade-fishing, and fishing scenarios that focus on quality over quantity.

Punta Allen, Mexico

Type of Fishing: A combination of fishing from pangas (skiffs) and wade fishing in either the Boca Paila Lagoons to the north or the expansive waters of Ascension Bay to the west. Special Features: Located on the outskirts of the small Mexican fishing village of Punta Allen on the edge of Ascension Bay, La Pescadora Lodge offers one of the best values in the entire Yucatan. La Pescadora is an intimate, family-run operation that has developed a well-earned reputation for delivering great results with permit. Packages and itineraries of any length can be accommodated, and anglers can arrive and depart on any day of the week.


Arrecife Alacranes, Mexico

Type of Fishing: A super-remote destination that offers anglers the chance to wade fish for large bonefish and permit on flats that see very little pressure. Special Features: Located 70 miles off the northern coast of the Yucatan, the Alacranes Reef (aka “Scorpion Atoll”) is the largest offshore coral structure in the Gulf of Mexico. The far-off nature of the atoll and the pristine condition of the fishery gives anglers a similar experience to what is found in destinations such as Christmas Island or the Seychelles— all in a location that is easily accessed from the United States! These five night live-aboard packages allow a small number of anglers to experience this incredible fishery with only a handful of trips each year.

Punta Allen, Mexico

Ideal For: Fishing-focused anglers that care more about long days on the water and great guides than the amenities or extras provided by a lodge. Type of Fishing: Panga fishing and occasional wade fishing for bonefish, permit, snook and tarpon. Special Features: This small lodge operation – located in the heart of the friendly fishing village of Punta Allen – provides guests with welcoming service, comfortable accommodations and one of the best values and price points in the entire Yucatan. This is a great option for anglers looking to fish the legendary flats of Ascension Bay and Boca Paila Lagoon without breaking the bank, and you can always expect clean rooms, delicious food and an experienced, professional guide staff. One of the features that we love about this operation is that each guide boat always includes two licensed captains per panga: a one-to-one guide-to-client ratio.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com




Accommodations: The new lodge has four spacious, double occupancy rooms, air conditioning, a main common area, a large deck overlooking the reef.

Accommodations: Individual cabanas with private bathrooms, large ceiling fans and palapa roofs.

Accommodations: The main guesthouse features six double-occupancy rooms, an angler’s bar and main dining room.

Ideal For: Intact groups of friends, single anglers, and those looking for long days on the water coupled with one of the very best overall rates in the Caribbean.

Ideal For: Intact groups, couples, fishing families and anglers who appreciate long days on the water.

Punta Herrero, Mexico

Xcalak, Mexico

Ideal For: Permit-focused anglers as well as those looking for strong overall diversity of species. Type of Fishing: The shallow flats, channels and lagoons of Espiritu Santo Bay are home to tarpon, permit, bonefish, snook and barracuda, and anglers can often sight fish in crystal clear on some of the most pristine flats found anywhere in the region. Special Features: The relatively new ESB Lodge is positioned in the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve near the sleepy southern fishing village of Punta Herrero— home to less than 100 residents. First opened in 2017, the lodge offers immediate, easy and direct access to some of the finest permit fishing in the world. Packages include a charter flight from Cancun to an airstrip located just south of the lodge.

Type of Fishing: This area is home to endless flats and healthy populations of bonefish, permit, tarpon, snook and many other species, and the lodge offers anglers easy access to the waters of Chetumal Bay— the largest bay in the entire Yucatan. Special Features: One of the most established and well-known operations in the region, CDC is a small, fishing and dive-focused lodge situated in the small village of Xcalak (Ish-ca-lack), just north of the Belizean border. CDC Lodge is best described as a laid-back, off-the-grid operation that offers diving, fishing, and exploring opportunities at an incrediblyenticing price point. After a long day on the water, guests can relax on the lodge’s main deck and enjoy fresh appetizers and cold drinks from the all-inclusive bar.

Xcalak, Mexico

Type of Fishing: With direct access to the waters of Chetumal Bay, oceanside flats and backcountry lagoons, this is a solid option for those seeking a large diversity of species, including permit, bonefish, tarpon, snook and more. Special Features: Located on a remote beach north of the Mayan village of Xcalak, Xflats at Tierra Maya is a relatively new fishing-focused program and one of the best overall values in the region. One thing that we really like about this program is the overall caliber of the guide staff. This operation may be the “new kid” in town, but they’ve recruited and hired some of the most experienced and solid guides in the area. There is also a main dock and “home flat” directly in front of the lodge that offers shots at jacks, bonefish and the occasional permit.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com phone 406.585.8667 •• www.yellowdogflyfishing.com toll free: 888.777.5060










Northwestern Yucatan The “Island of Tarpon” is located on the northwestern part of the Yucatan in the small fishing village of Isla Arena. This small lodge offers anglers the opportunity to target tarpon in the 5-to-25-pound range, with larger fish occasionally found. This is a great option for a productive introduction to tarpon fishing and those looking for consistent action. '6/%4

Holbox, Mexico Situated off the northeastern tip of the Yucatan Peninsula, the small barrier island of Holbox is known as one of the Caribbean’s truly outstanding tarpon fisheries, where anglers can find tarpon of all sizes throughout the year. This is a small, out-of-the-way island destination with beautiful, white sand beaches and a laid-back fishing village vibe.









San Felipe, Mexico A productive and consistent small-scale tarpon operation located on the northern part of Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula in the small, relaxed, undeveloped and largely unvisited fishing town of San Felipe. This is a fishery that provides excellent opportunities to catch large numbers of juvenile “baby” tarpon that generally range from five to 15 pounds. The fishing usually focuses on the early morning and evening hours, when the tarpon are most active. '6/%4

Campeche, Mexico The picturesque city of Campeche was designated a United Nations’ World Cultural Heritage for Humanity (UNESCO) site in 1999, making it a very unique and special place to visit. With an untouched and undeveloped mangrove coastline stretching north from Campeche for 100 miles, the fishing for tarpon in the five- to 20-pound range can be fantastic. This is an area that delivers not only strong numbers of fish, but great sight fishing opportunities as well.


Frontera, Mexico A tarpon-focused outfitting and guide program based in the southern Mexican state of Tabasco, this program is a far cry from the polished and established lodges of the Yucatan. For those who want to experience full immersion in the “real” Mexico, with an authentic, off-the-grid travel experience and access to incredible baby tarpon fishing, this is a very special option. The tarpon fishing in this area is all about numbers, and anglers can expect to catch dozens of small tarpon over the course of a standard day.


Campeche, Mexico Located in the beautiful and historic city of Campeche, Tarpon Town Anglers offers a variety of different lodging options, trips of any length, and consistently good action for shallow water tarpon and snook. The owner of Tarpon Town also runs our Scorpion Atoll program, which means that these trips can easily be combined for a unique and custom trip itinerary. Year-round fishing for juvenile tarpon with access to a large variety of cultural and non-angling activities.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


the next generation

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more mit, snook, barracuda, jacks, snapper and per on, tarp h, efis Bon : IES EC SP ET TARG SEASON: Year-round (BZE) MAJOR AIR HUB: Belize City, Belize ntries. passport. No visa required for most cou DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid Creole LANGUAGE: English and Caribbean CAPITAL: Belmopan 0 COUNTRY POPULATION: 390,00 to US$1.00 fixed) CURRENCY: Belize Dollar (BZ$2.00


hether you’re looking for a hardcore, fishingfocused adventure, a first-time saltwater experience, or the perfect couples or family vacation, Belize is a destination that truly offers something for everyone. Seemingly created and designed with fly fishermen in mind, the tiny country of Belize is home to some of the finest saltwater fishing opportunities on earth— from the bonefish-filled northern waters that surround Ambergris Caye all the way south to the legendary permit flats of Punta Gorda.

The entire coastline of this beautiful Central American country is home to a broad range of species as well as a large variety of fishing situations. Bonefish, permit, tarpon, snook, snapper, jacks, barracuda and numerous other species are found all throughout the coastal waters of Belize, with scenarios that range from crystal-clear, white sand flats to shallow-water lagoons, to some of the largest “classic-style” tarpon flats found anywhere on the planet. It is this overall level of angling diversity that truly sets Belize apart from every other Caribbean fishing destination.

With a total population of only 390,000 people, Belize is a small country by Latin American standards—approximately the same land size as the state of Massachusetts. Tucked just below the Yucatan Peninsula, Belize is the smallest country in all of Central and South America, and the only country where English is the official language. The amazing thing is that almost 50 percent of the country has been protected as parkland or nature preserve, which partly explains Belize’s reputation as a pristine eco-paradise. No other Central American country offers such an intriguing mix of tropical jungles rich with wildlife, mysterious Mayan temples, world-class diving, and fishing experiences beyond compare. Yellow Dog was founded in the country of Belize 20 years ago, and we feel confident that no other company knows Belize better than we do! We have a diverse line-up of lodges, outfitters and guides, and we can line up the best guides, pick the right dates, and create the perfect itineraries and trip packages to match exactly what you’re looking for.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com




Accommodations: Spacious, air-conditioned guest rooms are located directly on the beach with panoramic views of the huge home flats and nearby reef. Three large, multi-bedroom villas are also available for families or small, intact groups of friends.

Accommodations: Amenities include private cabanas, a large pool and deck area, a great beach bar, full PADI dive center and numerous options for non-anglers.

Turneffe Atoll, Belize

Ideal For: Ideal for anglers of all skill levels, as the fishing is consistently good and numerous species are available yearround. The best option in Belize for anglers who love to wade and sight fish pristine, isolated waters. Type of Fishing: Flats fishing with a great combination of fishing from a skiff as well as wading. The Atoll is home to exceptional populations of bonefish and permit, and anglers can find snook and resident tarpon throughout the year as well as larger tarpon during the spring and summer months. Special Features: Located 35 miles off the coast of mainland Belize, Turneffe Flats Lodge is strategically located to take advantage of more than 250 square miles of world-class flats, reefs and lagoons. The lodge is surrounded by a huge “home flat,” offering immediate access to wade fishing on your own before and after each day of guided fishing. Options for nonanglers include a full PADI dive and snorkel center and an ecofocused, fully guided “Atoll Adventure” program.


Turneffe Atoll, Belize

Ideal For: Permit and bonefish-focused anglers, families, intact groups of friends, kids, non-anglers, and divers. Type of Fishing: A diverse combination of fishing from Dolphin skiffs and wading hard-bottomed flats for bonefish and permit. There are also some tarpon and snook opportunities that can be found throughout the season. Special Features: The resort is located on a pristine, private island – 35 miles off the coast of mainland Belize on the southern tip of Turneffe Atoll. The close proximity of wadable flats and fishing areas means that anglers can be fishing within minutes of leaving the dock each morning. Turneffe Island Resort is the second-oldest sport fishing operation in all of Belize. Started by Vic Barothy in 1964, this operation is part of saltwater flats fishing history. Standard packages include seven nights lodging with six fishing days (Saturday to Saturday). Partial week packages may available at certain times of the season, and fishing packages can also easily be combined with dive packages.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com









Ambergris Caye, Belize

Accommodations: Spacious and recently-renovated rooms in the colonial-style main lodge all feature air-conditioning, ceiling fans, private baths and two queen beds. Adjacent one-, two- and three-bedroom lodge villas are ideal for couples, families or intact groups looking for more of a “private home” layout. Ideal For: First-time saltwater anglers, families, couples and groups of all sizes. More experienced anglers have year-round opportunities to focus on the area’s permit and tarpon. One of our very favorite “all-around” flats fishing lodges in the world! Type of Fishing: Anglers can fish for bones on the area’s huge tidal flats, target permit in slightly deeper water, or sight fish resident tarpon in the 20 to 80-pound range on year-round basis. Migratory tarpon in the 100 to 200-pound range arrive in strong numbers in late spring and early summer. It is also possible to find other species such as snook, large jacks, snapper and cuda throughout the season. Special Features: El Pescador Lodge is one of the most established, experienced and wellknown fishing lodges in the Caribbean. Northern Belize is home to the largest “classic” tarpon flats in the world outside of South Florida, and one of the most consistent places in the Caribbean where tarpon, permit and large numbers of bonefish can be sight-fished every month of the year. Lodge amenities include the popular Angler’s Bar, three swimming pools, a workout room, fully stocked fly shop, sea kayaks, paddleboards, and the inclusive use of high-end rods and reels if necessary. Nearby San Pedro is a great beach town with excellent non-angling options and the best nightlife in all of Belize. Itineraries can accommodate any number of nights and guided fishing days, and guests can arrive and depart on any day of the week. Easy and direct flights to Belize City (BZE) followed by a quick 14-minute flight out to Ambergris.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com phone 406.585.8667 •• www.yellowdogflyfishing.com toll free: 888.777.5060



Accommodations: Victoria House is a midsized, exclusive beach resort with dozens of accommodation options, including luxury villas, garden casitas, beachfront rooms and Infinity suites.

Accommodations: The main lodge building houses the kitchen, office, dining room, lounge area and a self-service bar. Room options include the Guest House, Cottage, or the Bungalow.

Accommodations: Exclusive private island accommodations for groups of four to eight anglers. The lodge has four air-conditioned bedrooms, a main dining building, and the over-the-water “Blue Haze” lounge.

Ideal For: Couples, honeymooners and anglers seeking the absolute finest amenities and accommodations in Belize.

Ideal For: A great year-round, fishingfocused destination with legitimate trophy tarpon opportunities during the spring and summer months.

Ideal For: Small groups looking for a private island experience, as well as anglers looking to maximize time on the water and minimize daily boat travel.

Type of Fishing: The lodge offers access to an extremely large area and a wide variety of fishing conditions, species, habitats, and scenery. While permit and bones are available, this is an operation that is perhaps best known for big tarpon.

Type of Fishing: Tarpon and permit are the primary target species, and bonefish, snook, jacks and more are also found in the area.




Special Features: One of Belize’s finest, most high-end luxury resorts. This is an operation that has developed a reputation for exceptional amenities, amazing tropical ambience and an outstanding staff, and guests can easily pair high-end accommodations and services with single day fishing trips or multi-day packages on Ambergris Caye. Fully-customized itineraries can combine a complete vacation program with any number of guided fishing days and area activities. Our number one pick for anglers looking for a “bit more” when it comes to accommodations and amenities.


Type of Fishing: Year-round fishing for bonefish, permit, tarpon and more. Ambergris is the ideal destination for first-time flats fishermen as well as more experienced permit and tarpon anglers.




Ambergris Caye, Belize




Olde Belize River, Belize

Special Features: In business for close to 60 years, Belize River Lodge is conveniently located on the banks of the Olde Belize River – minutes from the international airport in the central part of the country. Well-suited for anglers looking for a quieter, more intimate setting and a fishing-focused atmosphere, the lodge offers fast and easy access to the Belize river, coastal inlet areas, and numerous offshore cayes and flats.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

Central Belize

Special Features: A fairly new lodge operation with a private island setting only twenty minutes off the coast of Belize City. This area is home to one of the most productive tarpon fisheries in the Caribbean, with resident fish that range in size from 20 to 60 pounds and migratory summer tarpon in the 100 to 150-pound range. Typical runs to the most productive fishing areas average 15 minutes or less, which means that you can fish earlier in the morning, come back to the lodge for breakfast or lunch, and head back out for a late afternoon and evening session.

Hopkins, Belize

Punta Gorda, Belize

Accommodations: Belize Permit Club sits on the banks of the Sittee River, minutes from the ocean. Guests stay in comfortable rooms outfitted with air conditioning, two beds, and private baths.

Accommodations: The suites at Copal Tree take in the scenic beauty of the Belizean jungle while you relax in comfort. Choose from a variety of high-end options, all offering breathtaking views of the jungle and full resort amenities.

Ideal For: This is a small, intimate guesthouse specifically for hardcore permit anglers.

Ideal For: Couples, families and anglers looking to combine a permit fishing, various non-angling options, and a luxury jungle resort experience.


Special Features: Permit fanatic and long-time Yellow Dog ambassador Wil Flack created this six-person lodge to provide anglers with the ideal base of operations for fishing the permit-rich waters near Hopkins. Best described as a permit-focused program that delivers long days on the water, BPC offers clean and comfortable accommodations, home-cooked meals and experienced guides. Trips of any length can be accommodated.




Type of Fishing: While tarpon, bonefish and other species are occasionally found throughout this area, it should be understood that the fishing in the Hopkins area focuses heavily on permit.













Type of Fishing: While most of the area fishing focuses on permit, you can also hunt tarpon and snook in coastal rivers or make the trip to the white sand flats of the Sapodilla Cayes for bonefish. Most fishing takes place in protected marine reserves and national parks. Special Features: Arguably the most unique resort operation in all of Central America, Copal Tree is perched at the very top of a jungle hilltop, offering a spectacular view of the southern Belize mountains, Guatemala, and the Caribbean Sea. With an amazing location and an incredible line-up of activities and amenities, Copal Tree combines a highend and well-rounded eco-lodge experience with world-class permit fishing.


Accommodations: Garbutt’s is a small, fishing-focused, oceanfront lodge located in the fishing town of Punta Gorda in southern Belize. Guests stay in private, over-the-water cabanas – each built on stilts overlooking the ocean. The rooms are basic-butcomfortable, with A/C, two beds, a private bath and shower, and plenty of space for gear and equipment. Ideal For: This is a permit focused destination that is best suited for those who understand and appreciate the challenges of this type of fishing. Type of Fishing: In addition to permit, there are some tarpon and snook in the area, as well as solid numbers of bonefish in the nearby Sapodilla Cayes. Special Features: For the past 15 years, this has been one of our favorite permit destinations in the Caribbean, with some of the nicest, “fishiest” and most accomplished permit guides found anywhere in the world. We like to think of Garbutt’s as the perfect base of operations for hardcore permit junkies: a program that is best-described as having been “built by anglers, for anglers.”

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 BELIZE 25
















Long Caye, Belize A small, off-the-grid outpost operation located on the undeveloped island of Long Caye, less than 30 minutes off the mainland of Central Belize. Operated by Belize River Lodge, the Outpost is situated in the heart of an area known for impressive numbers of permit as well as seriously large tarpon. Ideal for intact groups of four-to-six anglers, guests can fish earlier in the morning and much later into the evening without the long boat runs typically associated with the more distant lodges in the region. '6/%4

Caye Caulker, Belize Situated 10 miles south of Ambergris, the small island of Caye Caulker offers a relaxed atmosphere, a no-hurry attitude and a great overall village “scene.” Surrounding waters are home to impressive numbers of tarpon and permit, as well as schools of small- to medium-sized bonefish. The island’s guides are legitimate, and the package prices are the most reasonable in Belize. A small hotel located on the lagoon side of the island is the base of operations for these fishing and lodging packages.


Placencia, Belize A small, private island lodge located eight miles off the coast of Placencia, Whipray is perfectly situated in one of the most productive permit fisheries in the world. While fairly basic and rustic in nature, the lodge is comfortable, laid-back and economical – the ideal destination for hard-core anglers looking to maximize time on the water and fish key tides at the best times of the day. Accommodations are in comfortable waterfront cabanas, and the new owners have made significant improvements to all lodge facilities and buildings.


Central Belize The Rising Tide is a 58-foot, wide-body Hatteras yacht that can accommodate intact groups of up to six anglers in three separate, air-conditioned staterooms. This mothership operation travels as far north as Ambergris Caye and as far south as Placencia, fishing the most productive waters throughout the country. Skiffs launched from the back of the mothership give anglers quick access to some of the best waters in all of Belize, and all of the major flats species can be targeted over the course of a week.


Placencia, Belize Owned by Francis Ford Coppola, Turtle Inn is an incredible, 25-room seafront resort that is consistently ranked among the best boutique hotel operations in Central America. The resort offers two high-end restaurants, an idyllic beachfront setting, a full-service spa, and access to all types of mainland activities. A perfect luxury option for couples and families looking for a great Belizean beach vacation coupled with legitimate flats fishing opportunities.


Hopkins, Belize A southern Belize, private-island operation located off the coast of Dangriga in the heart of the South Water Caye Marine Reserve. Through a partnership with the guides from Blue Horizon (started years ago by well-known Belizean guide Lincoln Westby), this operation delivers world-class fishing opportunities in one of the most productive permit areas in the Caribbean. The Thatch Caye setting also caters to non-anglers, with a wide variety of activities and watersports.


San Ignacio, Belize Located on the banks of the Macal River in the foothills of Belize’s Maya Mountains, Chaa Creek is the perfect base for visiting and exploring the jungle interior of the country. This is a fantastic mainland, eco-lodge add-on option for any Yellow Dog fishing package, and on-site amenities include a natural history center, butterfly farm, river marina, canoe trips, and miles of well-maintained trails for horseback riding, mountain biking and hiking. Two-, three- or four-day packages fit nicely with any of our Belizean fishing packages.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

BANNING GILLNETS IN BELIZE! An official proposal to ban gillnets throughout all Belizean waters was introduced and submitted to Belize’s Prime Minister and the country’s Cabinet in early December of 2019, after years of hard work and several previously unsuccessful attempts. This official submission was a monumental moment – the culmination of years of unlikely collaboration and cooperation between recreational sportfishing groups, commercial fishermen, private individuals, Belizean Government Ministers, NGOs and private organizations. This precedent-setting legislation is the first of its kind anywhere in the world, and the decision that will come out of the Cabinet could mark a truly historic moment for fisheries and resource conservation. For close to 20 years, Yellow Dog has been working in Belize, representing lodges and guides all throughout this small Central American country. Yellow Dog and the Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation (YDCCF) have roots that run deep in Belize, and through the years we have been involved in numerous environmental and conservation campaigns, including the successful effort to enact country-wide catch-and-release regulations for bonefish, permit, and tarpon, the creation of new marine reserves and protected areas, and the implementation of development protocols to preserve important flats habitats. All of these victories have been good for sportfishing and fisheries resources in Belize – establishing and solidifying the country’s reputation as one of the top flats fishing destinations on the planet. Despite the progress and implementation of new policies and protections over the past decade, however, the continued use of gillnets in Belizean waters has the potential to devastate fish populations and negatively impact the businesses, communities, and livelihoods that are linked to the country’s unique saltwater fisheries. The current net-ban proposal that is now in front of the Cabinet is the solution to this problem. Gillnets – both legal and illegal – have been in use by local fisherman for decades, as they are an incredibly effective way to harvest a variety of species. Even when used properly, however, gillnets do not discriminate what they catch and kill. Bonefish, tarpon, and permit easily end up in these nets, often with fatal consequences. These three species alone (bonefish, tarpon and permit) generate over $100 million annually for the Belizean economy, creating and supporting thousands of jobs throughout the country. Unless gillnets are banned in the very near future – and infrastructure is put in place to enforce the ban – the negative impact on Belize’s flats fishing resources and local economies could be significant. Why risk the resource and the economic benefits by continuing a practice that is both indiscriminate and shortsighted? A complete gillnet ban would mean Belize’s fisheries would be protected for generations to come. While we celebrate the fact that a gillnet ban proposal has now been introduced to the Belizean Cabinet, we realize that the work is just beginning. At the time of this article, the final details of the current draft of legislation are still under consideration, and it is still unclear to what extent a ban will be implemented. A path forward and a plan that includes essential job re-training and financial compensation for licensed gillnetters (whose livelihoods may be affected) is also crucial to maintain and enforce a ban. While gillnetting is a complex and emotional subject throughout Belize and other areas in the Caribbean, hard work is required for significant changes to be made in current gillnet regulations. Yellow Dog and YDCCF commends Belize and its citizens for taking the difficult steps forward to protect the country’s amazing natural resources. By doing so, they set an example for many other countries and should be congratulated for actions that have benefits going well beyond the current generation of anglers, lodges, guides, and local communities.




THE YELLOW DOG COMMUNITY AND CONSERVATION FOUNDATION Did you know that when you book your fishing adventure with Yellow Dog, you are supporting and enhancing the places that matter to anglers?


ith most trip packages that are booked through Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures, our company donates a portion of the overall package cost directly to YDCCF (a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization) in your name. In many cases, the lodge you visit will then match this contribution, resulting in a modest, yet meaningful, monetary gift for each trip booked. And while each individual donation may be modest, when you multiply these donations by thousands of trips booked each year, you end up with a collective amount of funding that can indeed move the needle in the places that anglers care about! The full amount of each donation is made by Yellow Dog and the lodges on behalf of each booking, which means that there is never any additional cost or fee added to any trip or invoice. You book your trip through Yellow Dog, you enjoy the world’s best fishing and you help make a positive impact on the communities and areas you visit.


THE MISSION OF YDCCF: The Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation (YDCCF) is helping to define our angling legacy and maintain our fisheries for future generations by providing targeted grants to support conservation needs, community projects, and educational efforts in important fishing destinations around the world. Since so many of these great angling destinations are located in remote, sensitive areas that lack regular access and financial support for community and conservation needs, we’ve created this foundation to deliver resources and support on a direct, grass-roots level. YDCCF reinforces a commitment on behalf of Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures to being a good neighbor and partner, and the foundation is actively working to support the conservation, culture and economies of local communities where Yellow Dog clients visit and fish. The fact that the Yellow Dog team as well as our clients spend so much time in these destinations on a regular and ongoing basis allows us to identify the most meaningful projects, groups and efforts that are truly making a difference for anglers and for fisheries. YDCCF provides direct financial support to these projects and efforts while also giving anglers the ability to have an impact on the places and destinations that they love and care about.


HURRICANE DORIAN 2019 While the past year delivered some amazing project and conservation wins around the world for YDCCFlinked projects, it also brought tragedy to the people of Abaco and Grand Bahama. On September 1, 2019, Dorian made landfall in the Bahamas, where for two days the storm stalled over Abaco and Grand Bahama, unleashing catastrophic flooding and sustained winds of over 185 miles-per-hour. When Hurricane Dorian finally moved on, it left behind a level of devastation the likes of which the Bahamas had never seen.

to consolidate relief and support efforts. To date this coalition has raised more than $400,000 from businesses and individuals: funds that are going to those in the fly fishing community to help rebuild their lives. The lodges that were damaged or destroyed have insurance to rebuild, but many of the affected fishing guides, lodge staffs and their families do not. That is why 100% of the funds raised are going to the people that need it most, and in the aftermath of the hurricane, your support has made a true difference in the lives of those that have lost so much.

Fewer than 72 hours after the storm had passed, YDCCF chartered planes to deliver much-needed water, food, hygiene items, satellite phones, first aid and baby supplies to the fly fishing communities on both islands. Along with jump-starting relief efforts in the immediate aftermath of Dorian, YDCCF was also instrumental in organizing and launching the “Double Haul for Dorian – Anglers for the Bahamas” project that brought the fly fishing industry together

The funds that have been raised through YDCCF and coordinated efforts of Double Haul for Dorian have provided living stipends for out-of-work guides and staff, tools for rebuilding homes, and a mobile clinic to provide free medical assistance to many of the fishing communities. In 2020, YDCCF will continue to fund rebuilding and recovery efforts on both Abaco and Grand Bahama, as there is much work to be done.


Want to do more? Join YDCCF and help sustain the communities and fisheries you care about across the globe. www.ydccf.org/give The Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization (EIN 81-2726410) and donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.












some possibilities for tarpon, permit, with h, efis bon y aril Prim : IES EC SP ET TARG barracuda, snapper and more SEASON: Year-round ama Providence (NAS), Freeport on Grand Bah MAJOR AIR HUB: Nassau on New H) (FPO), and Marsh Harbor on Abaco (MH ntries. passport. No visa required for most cou DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid sau on New Providence LANGUAGE: English CAPITAL: Nas 0 COUNTRY POPULATION: 391,00 (Fixed 1-to-1 with the US Dollar) CURRENCY: Bahamian Dollar (BSD)


he islands of the Bahamas are part of a 100,000-square mile archipelago that is home to a gigantic network of unspoiled flats and some of the finest bonefish habitat found anywhere on the planet. These prime fishing areas are so numerous and expansive that even in a lifetime of fishing, it would be almost impossible to visit and fish everything that the Bahamas has to offer. The majority of the flats in the Bahamas feature hard, white sand bottoms, which is why they rank among the best flats in the world for wade fishing. The shallow waters throughout the Bahamas are almost always gin clear, and the sight fishing opportunities are endless. The fact that the Bahamas are so close to the United States makes this a popular and easy destination for anglers from North America who prefer to maximize fishing time and minimize travel time. Regular, direct air access make many of these islands the perfect destination for a quick weekend escape or longer, multi-day package. And when it comes to both diversity and variety for fishing scenarios, the islands of the Bahamas are indeed tough to beat. With an impressive combination of natural wonders, man-made attractions, modern tourism infrastructure and endless fishing grounds, Grand Bahama is a destination that literally offers something for everyone. No matter where you fish on Grand Bahama, the waters that surround the island are loaded with fish, including strong numbers of permit and some of the largest trophy bonefish in the world. Further to the south, the Abacos are a 120-mile-long chain of islands and cays that cover more than 650 square miles of fishable waters. These waters offer countless numbers of uninhabited cays, pristine beaches and huge expanses of virgin flats teeming with bonefish, seasonal permit, tarpon and numerous other species. And while both Abaco and Grand Bahama were hit hard by Hurricane Dorian in the fall

of 2019, most of the established lodges are open for business and excited to host anglers for the season ahead. Both of these islands are world-class bonefishing destinations and feature a solid line-up of high-end lodges and some of the best guides in the Bahamas. Located further to the south, Andros Island - at 2,300 square miles in size - is the largest, most undeveloped island in the Bahamas. Its shallow waters and fisheries are well known, however, thanks to the island’s proximity to the third-largest barrier reef in the world and a well-earned reputation as the “Bonefishing Capital of the World.” The island is home to approximately 8,000 inhabitants, most who reside on the northern coast. It is also home to some of the most famous bonefishing lodges and best guides found anywhere in the world of saltwater fishing. While Andros has always been one of the least-explored islands in the Bahamas, it is the ideal flats destination for anglers, with thousands of square miles of shallow waters, healthy flats and world-class bonefish habitat. Additional Bahamian out-island destinations that Yellow Dog represents include Crooked Island, Mayaguana and several of the more remote southern locations. These isolated islands are ideal for longer trips or for those who appreciate a more secluded, out-of-the-way setting. The further off-the-grid you travel in the Bahamas, the easier it is to find miles of endless, uncrowded flats. Here at Yellow Dog, we love the Bahamas for anglers who are new to saltwater flats fishing and those looking to have a great first experience with bonefish. It is also our top saltwater destination for anglers looking to target trophy bonefish and sizeable permit in the spring, summer and fall timeframes. And finally, it is a great option for anglers who live in the eastern half of the US, as direct travel and flight access is almost always quick and easy.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 BAHAMAS 31



Accommodations: The small-lodge layout consists of two bedrooms, a main dining room, angler’s lounge, and a wrap-around deck with views of the surrounding waters.

Accommodations: The lodge features four double rooms, air conditioning, spacious decks, and a large social, dining and bar area.

Accommodations: All rooms feature private bathrooms, air conditioning, private porches and one or two beds. The multi-room family suites are perfect for families.

Ideal For: Andy and his guides specialize in huge, trophy Bahamian bonefish, which makes this the ideal option for anglers who are serious about their bonefishing.

Ideal For: While the West Side of Andros is famous for huge bonefish, the flats that surround the lodge are also prime for resident tarpon and large permit during certain months of the year.

Ideal For: One of the finest values in the Bahamas for families and couples as well as anglers traveling with families or non-anglers.








Andros Island, Bahamas

Type of Fishing: Primarily bonefish, with opportunities to fish from the bow of the skiff as well as occasional wade fishing. Permit and tarpon can be found at certain times of the year. Special Features: Owned and operated by well-known Andros guide Captain Andy Smith, Broad Shad is one of the most exclusive and unique small-lodge operations in the entire Caribbean. Catering to only four anglers at a time, this intimate, amazing lodge is built on a private island in a very remote location in Andros’ North Bight. A location that is equidistant between the east and west coasts of the main island means that anglers can fish optimum tides throughout the day with minimal running time in the boat. There are no other lodges or fishing operations within 20 miles of the lodge.


Andros Island, Bahamas

Type of Fishing: A good deal of the fishing on the West Side is done from the skiff, as the bottoms tend to be soft and muddy. Great wade fishing opportunities can be found in ceratin areas and all throughout the Joulters to the north. Special Features: This new lodge operation—located on the renowned western side of Andros—opened in the fall of 2018. Our good friend and legendary Andros guide Benry Smith has constructed this beautiful new lodge in what is hands-down the most unique location on Andros. Anglers access Red Bays by flying in and out of San Andros Airport on North Andros. This prime location means that anglers can fish north-to-south along the entire western side of Andros, as well as in the Joulter Cays, which are only a short 15-minute boat run from the lodge.

Andros Island, Bahamas

Type of Fishing: Most of the focus is on bonefish that average between three and five pounds, and larger, trophy fish can be targeted any time of year. Along with the guided options, there are also great DIY fishing opportunities close to the lodge that can easily be explored on foot or with sea kayaks. Special Features: Established in 1960, Small Hope Bay is a reasonably priced, family owned and operated resort that offers numerous non-angling activities, flats fishing, and one of the top-rated snorkel and scuba programs in the Bahamas. With incredible history and decades of consistent operation, the lodge is located on the northeast coast of Andros Island overlooking a beautiful white sand beach. This location offers direct access to the ocean, a protected shallow bay and an inland creek—all of which are ideal for flats fishing, kayaking, sailing and snorkeling.

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Mangrove Cay - Andros Island, Bahamas

MANGROVE CAY CLUB Mangrove Cay - Andros Island, Bahamas

Accommodations: Accommodation options include ocean-view suites, twin rooms and a three-bedroom apartment for larger groups and families. Situated on one of the nicest beaches found anywhere on Andros.

Accommodations: The Club’s accommodations are well appointed, with comfortable waterfront suites located just steps away from the private dock (where you start your fishing adventure every day).

Ideal For: A small-scale beach resort that is a great base of operations for focused anglers as well as non-anglers, families and couples.

Ideal For: Anglers seeking the best accommodations amenities combined with the highest levels of service found anywhere on Andros.

Type of Fishing: Along with the area’s remarkable bonefish population, anglers can also target barracuda, permit, jacks, snapper and even offshore species. The seasoned guide team at Swain’s is truly outstanding.

Type of Fishing: The full-time guides are well-suited to work with beginner and novice anglers and can target both trophy bonefish or pure numbers of schooling bones, as well as occasional tarpon or permit on the famed West Side.

Special Features: Fishing out of Swain’s Cay, anglers have easy and direct access to the Middle and South Bights of Andros – some of the least-fished areas on the island. There is also a fantastic home flat directly in front of the lodge, which guests can easily access on their own after a full day of guided fishing or on arrival and departure days. The lodge’s Reefside Restaurant & Bar serves up delicious three-course dinners of fresh seafood, ribs and chicken – some of the best food found anywhere on Andros. Trips of any length can be arranged, and there are no specific transfer days, which means that you can arrive and depart on any day of the week. Swain’s Cay offers a quiet, clean beach with soft white sand, lounge chairs, and a bar that is open throughout the day. The waters are calm and shallow here; ideal for wading and swimming. Guests can use the four sea kayaks to access deeper water for swimming, bonefishing, and snorkeling, or use one the lodge’s bikes to explore the rest of Mangrove Cay or visit our favorite bar on the island: Shine’s Conch Stand.

Special Features: Andros Island’s Mangrove Cay Club is a fantastic option for anglers seeking an upscale fishing destination with high-end amenities that is situated in the heart of the “bights” of Andros. The lodge’s prime location means that anglers can fish the north, middle and south bights of this huge island, where guides can position you on optimal tides throughout each fishing day. You can also explore both coasts of the island and cover a phenomenal amount of fishing area, making this one of the most diverse bonefishing destinations in all of the Bahamas. This is a fishing lodge that truly raises the bar for comfort and amenities, with high-end accommodations, excellent food, an attentive staff and hands-on management. Mangrove Cay’s main social area and bar directly overlook the Middle Bight, providing the perfect setting for post-fishing socializing and fishing off the dock at night. We consider this operation to be one of the very best-run lodges in the entire Bahamas.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 BAHAMAS 33


Andros Island, Bahamas This 97-acre private island operation is the perfect retreat for couples and families seeking a totally unique, high-end Caribbean experience that caters to focused anglers and non-anglers alike. With several different lodging and private home options on the island, you can custom-create the perfect amenity and accommodations package for your family or group. Fishing guides leave directly from Kamalame’s marina each morning, or anglers can explore the home flats on their own via golf cart.


Andros Island, Bahamas This small and personable guesthouse operation offers a great location and one of the best overall values in the Bahamas. The fishing program focuses on the expansive Joulter Cays fishing grounds, located on the far northern tip of Andros. Lodging is in a comfortable and private three-bedroom house (ideal for intact groups of four to six anglers) making this the perfect option for those who care more about long days of fishing and less about high-end amenities.


Andros Island, Bahamas While there are dozens of full-service bonefish lodges on Andros, few offer the “do-it-yourself” options, value and economical price-point of Mount Pleasant Lodge. This long-time Yellow Dog operation overlooks the huge flats of White Bight, one of Andros’ most beautiful pieces of bonefish water. With direct wading access to miles of flats, this is a highvalue destination ideal for anglers looking for an inexpensive package that allows for both guided options as well as DIY wade fishing.


Andros Island, Bahamas The Coakley House is a private oceanfront home located at the very point where Andros’ Fresh Creek waterway leads to the tongue of the ocean. This four-bedroom home is ideal for both anglers and non-anglers seeking total privacy, and also makes for an easy add-on fishing option for those staying on nearby Nassau. Yellow Dog handpicks independent area guides for your stay at the Coakley House, and all can trailer skiffs to numerous boat ramps located throughout the northern part of Andros.


Andros Island, Bahamas Ivan Neymour was one of the founding fathers of bonefishing on Andros Island. Ivan’s son, Frankie Neymour, has followed in his father’s legendary footsteps by opening Two Boys Inn in 2010. Located just off the water in the quaint settlement of Andros’ Cargill Creek (directly across the street from Big Charlie’s Lodge), Two Boys is one of the top values found anywhere in the Bahamas. This a “fishing-focused” operation, with simple, clean and comfortable accommodations at a great price.


South Andros Island, Bahamas One of the most reasonably priced options on Andros, the lodge overlooks expansive Mars Bay, the southernmost settlement on Andros. Not only does the lodge offer easy access to the southern tip of the island’s sprawling flats system, but the bay itself is home to a massive, highly productive network of bonefish flats. With home flats adjacent to the lodge, anglers can wade fish late into the evening after a full day of guided fishing or take a relaxing day off to fish on their own.


South Andros Island, Bahamas A well-known and popular lodge located on the southeastern shore of South Andros, this is an area that is home to an amazing number of tidal creeks and inland flats that provide the ideal habitat for bonefish of all sizes. With an experienced and professional guide staff, you can fish this large and diverse habitat in the most effective manner possible throughout the course of a week. All rooms at Andros South are single occupancy.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com







South Andros Island, Bahamas










Andros Island, Bahamas

Accommodations: Each room is equipped with air conditioning, a small refrigerator, television, and a private bathroom. The new dining room and bar area sit adjacent to a large patio, and both offer waterfront views of the creek. Ideal For: A fantastic fishing-focused operation that is ideal for anglers intent on fishing long days for seriously large fish. Charlie’s guide team - some of the most experienced guides in the entire Bahamas specializes in guiding anglers to truly large, trophy bonefish. Type of Fishing: Primarily bonefish, with opportunities to fish from the bow of the skiff as well as occasional wade fishing. Permit and tarpon can be found at certain times of the year. Special Features: Andros Island’s Charlie Neymour is one of the finest, most in-demand guides in the Bahamas. And we can tell you: when you’re fishing the waters of Andros, Charlie and his hand-picked team of seasoned guides are the guys you want to be fishing with! Whether fishing the nearby wilderness of Andros’ North Bight, or the remote West Side waters, where bonefish reach a world-class size, this is a guide team that continuously delivers. Anglers fish from Maverick and Dolphin skiffs, complete with poling platforms, 90 HP Yamaha outboards, long-range VHS radios, and spacious casting decks.


West Side - Andros Island, Bahamas

Accommodations: Bair’s Lodge is an attractive plantation style building overlooking a sparkling white sandbank. Plush sofas line the airy living and dining areas, along with an indoor bar, satellite television and fully-stocked fly tying table for guests’ use. Light and airy, with tiled floors, crisp bedding, and luxurious ensuite bathrooms, most guest rooms open directly to a long ocean-view verandah a quick walk from the beach.

Accommodations: All staterooms are located below the main deck, including a master bedroom with a king or convertible to two twin beds, an aft bedroom with two twin beds, and a third bunkroom for larger groups of six.

Ideal For: Guides can easily accommodate anglers who love to wade fish for bones as well as those who prefer to fish from a boat.

Type of Fishing: Bonefish on the West Side average between three and five pounds, with solid opportunities at trophy fish that can be targeted with consistency. Permit and tarpon are also found on a regular basis.

Type of Fishing: South Andros is a fishery known for strong numbers of fairly naive and aggressive bonefish and with endless wading flats. Special Features: Located on the southern part of Andros midway between the South Bight and Grassy Creek, Bair’s offers access to inland flats, creeks, the South Bight, the West Side and numerous mangrove lagoons. The small and intimate setting of the 12-person lodge enables the staff to provide exceptional and personalized customer service. Gourmet cuisine includes Bahamian specialties and a regular offering of fresh seafood. Bair’s Lodge can accommodate any length of stay. Standard changeover days are Saturdays and Wednesdays.

Ideal For: While mothership situations are not necessarily for everyone, this yacht is perfect for hardcore anglers looking for less running time and access to the pristine fisheries of the West Side.

Special Features: A high-end, 74-foot Hatteras yacht that is ideal for intact groups of four to six anglers, this live-aboard is wellequipped for accommodating small, intimate groups. The boat is moored on the beautiful and uninhabited west coast of Andros – one of the most remote, pristine and productive areas in the entre Bahamas. The boat features an outstanding crew, your own gourmet private chef, and a line-up of some of the very best guides on Andros. All trips aboard this operation are 100% customized to your schedule, and Yellow Dog can assist with direct charter flights from the US or with creating combo trips with other land-based operations on Andros.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 BAHAMAS 35


CROOKED ISLAND LODGE Crooked Island, Bahamas

Accommodations: All guest rooms sit at the tip of Pittstown Point, providing easy access to the ocean. All bedrooms and bathrooms are recently-renovated, giving guests the choice of air-conditioned rooms or cooling rooms with natural breezes and ceiling fans. Ten rooms have two double beds, and two rooms have one king bed. Ideal For: Anglers that are looking for a remote and untouched Bahamian out-island experience, with plenty of wade fishing opportunities and no other anglers in sight. Type of Fishing: The fishing on the south side of Crooked Island provides numerous bonefish opportunities on vast white sand flats, and permit and tarpon can be found during most months of the year. The average bonefish in these waters runs two to four pounds, and anglers will find themselves casting at larger fish on a regular basis. Special Features: Crooked Island is one of the least-visited islands and most productive fisheries in the Bahamas—about as far from the U.S. mainland as one can get and still be in Bahamian waters. The location of Crooked is important when you consider that weather patterns in this area are usually warmer, more consistent and less volatile than the areas further to the north (especially during the winter months). Crooked Island Lodge accommodates a maximum of 12 anglers per week—something the owners believe will ensure the quality of fishing for many years to come.


Long Island, Bahamas Whether you’re looking for a romantic vacation, a family retreat, a location for a corporate function, or a hardcore fishing trip, Stella Maris has the bases covered. Located on 3,000 private acres on Long Island, this is an “elegantly casual” full-service beach resort that caters to serious flats anglers as well as families and non-anglers. While some wade fishing opportunities do exist, the majority of fishing on Long Island is done from the boat.


Long Island, Bahamas If you are looking for a remote, low-profile and super-economical flats destination, Deadman’s Cay on the out-island of Long Island is a great option. Located in the middle of the island, Deadman’s offers great fishing and is one of the best values in the Bahamas. With very little angling pressure, you can experience consistently good fishing on thousands of acres of untouched, uncrowded flats. The guides here are hard-working, and the bonefish are plentiful.


Acklins, Bahamas Great for both do-it-yourself anglers and those looking for an all-inclusive guided package, Chester’s offers a fantastic price point and the perfect location for fishing the flats of Acklins. The fishing on Acklins is typically wade fishing, although a few of the guides do utilize skiffs with poling platforms. Guided fishing can be arranged on an a la carte basis, and there is a huge home flat adjacent to the lodge grounds for DIY fishing before or after a guided day as well as on arrival and departure days.


Ragged Island, Bahamas Located 60 miles north of Cuba, Lost Key Lodge is located on the far edge of the Bahamas in a place that is truly lost in time. There are no other sportfishing operations in the area, and zero angler pressure. Accommodating only four anglers at a time, this is truly one of the most untouched places in the entire Bahamas. Thanks to its forgotten location, the rarely-visited cays are home to schools of bonefish numbering in the thousands, and the expansive white-sand flats, all the fishing is done by wading or poling from a flats skiff.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 BAHAMAS 37



n the fall of 2019, Hurricane Dorian hit the Bahamian Islands of Abaco and Grand Bahama. The storm struck Abaco on September 1, battering the island with Category 5 conditions and sustained winds of over 185 MPH. The next day, Dorian moved on to Grand Bahama, where the largest storm to ever hit the Bahamas stalled over the eastern side of the island for two solid days. The impact was cataclysmic, and many towns and communities were quite literally erased from existence. Damage has been estimated at well over $7 billion, with hundreds dead and hundreds more still listed as missing. While some lodges and fishing operations on Abaco and Grand Bahama were either totally destroyed or badly damaged, most fishing lodges suffered modest amounts of damage and are once again open and operating at full speed. The lodges featured below are 100% open for business, and at this point in time, the best thing that anglers can do to help with long-term recovery efforts is to book a trip to Abaco or Grand Bahama to support our Bahamian friends!


Originally a private club, North Riding Point has for many years been open to the angling public, offering a great location, seasoned and experienced guides, and some of the best bonefishing in this region of the Bahamas. The Club is situated on the southern shore of Grand Bahama on six acres of very private and pristine beachfront property. The Club cottages overlook a productive home flat, and each day the lodge’s guides trailer skiffs to the island’s most productive areas, enabling guests to fish the very best waters regardless of weather or daily conditions. Standard packages include a halfday of guided fishing on arrival or departure days - something unique in the Bahamas! Flights service Grand Bahama International Airport every day of the week from several cities in the Eastern U.S.

A great option for combining an outstanding fishing destination with all the offerings of a high-end, full-service beach resort in the heart of Freeport, Grand Bahama. Great for anglers and nonanglers alike, the Freeport resort area offers a wide selection of restaurants, bars, shopping, golf, nightlife and even a casino. The experienced guides of H2O trailer to different parts of Grand Bahamas, allowing for direct access to the island’s most productive waters and flats based on weather, time of year and overall conditions. This is one of our favorite operations in the Bahamas, and an excellent option for focusing on numbers of bonefish as well as trophy-sized bones and permit. Whether you’re a die-hard angler seeking a legitimate double-digit bone, or someone who needs an vacation spot that also works for non-angling companions and family, this is a great choice.





Grand Bahama, Bahamas






Grand Bahama, Bahamas

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com









Abaco, Bahamas

An upscale, high-end and full-service Bahamian destination that is an excellent option for both anglers and non-anglers alike. Built in 2009, the Club’s unique design and decor focus on the full history of fly fishing, which gives a very unique characteristic to the lodge itself. Anglers can fish the famous Marls area on the east side of the island—an area that offers more than 200 square miles of bonefishing flats—as well as the wadeable, sandy flats of Cherokee Sound. Non-anglers will enjoy the tropical setting of Rolling Harbour, the lodge’s infinity pool and the secluded white sand beach.



The ideal fishing operation for those looking to combine great fishing with a host of other activities, the Abaco Club is arguably one of the nicest overall properties in the Bahamas and the ideal location for those who want the very best in accommodations and amenities. This is a fairly large and very high-end private resort option that is perfect for couples, families and anglers looking to combine bonefishing, sailing, golf and more. The waters surrounding the Abaco Club are teeming with bonefish and can also deliver occasional opportunities for permit.

Galloup’s Lodge offers consistent, enjoyable bonefishing on the southern tip of Abaco. Under new ownership, the lodge has been totally remodeled, and a fleet of new Hells Bay skiffs delivers ultimate comfort when it comes to accessing the flats. The lodge is close to the productive flats that surround Sandy Point as well as Gorda Cay and Mores Island. Ricardo Burrows, the lodge’s head guide and former owner, has fished the waters around Sandy Point for over 40 years. Guests at the lodge can benefit from Ricardo’s years of experience combined with the new infrastructure changes that have recently been introduced by new owner, Kelly Galloup.

Abaco, Bahamas

Abaco, Bahamas




While we are sad to report that East End Lodge in McLean’s Town on Grand Bahama suffered significant damage as a result of Hurricane Dorian, owners Rob and Cecil have committed to rebuilding and reopening, and they hope to be back in business and hosting guests in an enhanced lodge setting (with more single occupancy rooms and a larger main lodge) by mid-2020. Sadly, Grand Bahama’s Deep Water Cay Club was completely destroyed and has subsequently suspended operations indefinitely. There is presently no word as to future plans for this historic Grand Bahama fishing operation. Abaco Lodge on Abaco was also completely destroyed, and the owners have not yet announced a rebuilding schedule or a potential reopening date. We wish all of these operations well for the future and will continue to provide information and details through Yellow Dog.













more mit, snook, barracuda, jacks, snapper and per on, tarp h, efis Bon : IES EC SP ET TARG spring and ing opportunities found throughout the SEASON: Year-round, with the best fishmigratory tarpon) early summer months (especially for the Coco (CCC) aguey (CMW), Cayo Largo (CYO) or Cayo MAJOR AIR HUB: Havana (HAV), Cam well as a Cuban travel visa, with which as rt spo pas id Val D: IRE QU RE S DOCUMENT Yellow Dog can assist TRY POPULATION: 11.5 million UN CO ana Hav : AL PIT CA nish Spa LANGUAGE: C) in Cuba: the Cuban Convertible Peso (CU cy ren cur of es typ two are re The : CY CURREN are increasingly welcomed in Cuba. and the Peso Cubano (CUP). US Dollars


hen it comes to pristine flats and low pressure combined with impressive numbers of tarpon, permit and bonefish, Cuba is still very much at the top of the list when it comes to saltwater flats fishing. And the good news is that despite recent regulatory changes and OFAC policy adjustments, Cuba remains open and accessible for American visitors. The fishing areas that we represent and offer in Cuba — the Jardines de la Reina, Cayo Largo, Isla de la Juventud, Playa Larga, Cayo Cruz and a brand new operation on the far western end of the island — are among the most pristine and protected flats ecosystems found in the Caribbean. During the right times of the year, the fishing can be absolutely fantastic. That said, a trip to Cuba is also about visiting this unusual country and seeing a destination that in many ways has not changed much since the late 1950s. The number one question associated with booking a trip to Cuba remains: “Is it still legal for Americans to travel to Cuba?” We’re happy to tell you that the answer is YES … as long as you do it the right way and adhere to current OFAC and Treasury Department regulations. When you book with Yellow Dog, you can rest assured that your trip is legal and compliant with current US regulations, and that you’re traveling above-board in every way possible. We firmly believe that now is the time to visit the country — a place where you can basically step into a time warp, and where things are much the same as they were more than 60 years ago.

We would also add that as an overall destination, Cuba is not a great fit for everyone. A degree of patience is required to truly enjoy and appreciate Cuba, and a “go-with-the-flow” attitude is critical when spending time in a country that is in many ways very broken and dysfunctional. This patience, however, is almost always rewarded with new experiences, unique memories, and exposure to wonderful people and the warm culture of Cuba. If you’ve been thinking about a trip to Cuba, then we’re happy to help you do your homework and navigate the regulations and logistics involved. We know that there are all types of booking services, on-line travel companies and even fly shops that are trying to jump on the “booking bandwagon” to cash in on the current demand for fishing in Cuba. The fact is, however, that few of these entities have any real experience working in Cuba or fishing these waters. And even more important, they have very little understanding of how to handle the complex and ever-changing logistics involved in traveling to and from Cuba and transferring within the country. This is not an easy place to organize a detailed trip, and to do Cuba the right way and eliminate a long list of potential problems, an agent truly needs to know the ins-and-outs of how Cuba works. If you really want to experience the best of Cuba, then contact Yellow Dog today and ensure your trip is done right! And finally, remember that the key to success in Cuba is booking early, as this destination remains in high demand. The right location, dates and guides can and will make all the difference in the world.

15 41



he Jardines de la Reina (the “Gardens of the Queen”) is a vast marine park and archipelago located off the southern coast of Cuba’s main island. Collectively, it is an area and a fishery larger in size than the entire Florida Keys, with fishing pressure that can be considered extremely light compared to most Caribbean fisheries. This massive area is ideal for fly fishermen in search of remote fishing, a totally pristine and untouched ecosystem, and long days on the water. It is a fishery that is home to large numbers of tarpon in the 40- to 80-pound range, as well as bonefish, permit, jacks, barracuda and numerous other species. The season in the Jardines runs from mid-October through the end of August, and fishing can be excellent year-round (depending on the weather … as is always the case in saltwater!) Rates for the fishery fluctuate throughout the season, with peak rates based on the annual tarpon migration that runs late-March through late-June.








Anglers (and divers) interested in visiting, fishing and exploring this amazing area have the choice of multiple live aboard options, including the motherships Avalon II, Avalon III and La Perola. All fishing programs in Jardines de la Reina include seven nights of accommodations, five and a half full days of fishing, all meals, and roundtrip transportation to Jucaro Port. '6/%4








One of the nicest yachts in Avalon’s operations, Avalon II is ideal for intact groups of 8 to 12 anglers, with comfortable accommodations, an excellent crew, experienced fishing guides, air-conditioned staterooms, delicious seafood and access to some of the finest fishing in the entire region. Anglers can expect long days on the water with more hours of fishing than any other destination. Ten staterooms, an enclosed and air-conditioned dining and bar area, and an outdoor deck and rooftop area allow for plenty of space during your week on the yacht. '6/%4








The newest vessel in the Jardines de la Reina line-up, Avalon III is 160-feet long and boasts 15 deluxe cabins. A total of eight skiffs (up to 16 anglers) per week will be assigned to Avalon III, allowing for single occupancy rooms and plenty of personal space aboard the ship. Meals are served in a fully-enclosed dining room with air conditioning. With a full bar on the uppermost deck, Avalon III is a luxury vessel ideal for large groups of friends or family. Both anglers and divers (or a mix of both!) can be accommodated. '6/%4

The perfect vessel for small groups looking for an intimate live-aboard experience, La Perola is a classic wood yacht that comfortably accommodates up to six anglers at a time. With polished hardwood floors, teak paneling, five air-conditioned cabins and an open-air dining deck, a week aboard the Perola is like taking a step back in time. Like all of Cuba’s live aboard operations, the Perola staff is top-notch, with an experienced captain and a chef that offers up some of the finest cuisine in Cuba.


Guanahacabibes Peninsula – Western Cuba El Faro Lodge is the first and only fishing-focused, beachfront lodge in Cuba: a new operation that is located in the far western part of the country. This is a part of Cuba that is still untouched, wild, and without any sort of fishing pressure. The Guanahacabibes National Park and biosphere reserve is home to more than 200 miles of flats, beaches, channels, mangroves, coral reef and bluewater fisheries — all coming together to create a very unique and diverse fly fishing opportunity. Tarpon, bonefish, snook, triggerfish, jacks, and a wide range of bluewater species are all available in waters that have been largely untouched. The lodge features single occupancy wooden cabins with private bathrooms, a small bar and dining room, and capacity that is limited to only 12 guests per week. El Faro is accessed by flying to Havana and then driving approximately five hours to the western peninsula. The same experienced operators that have the Tsimane programs in Bolivia have recently launched this new offering, and many aspects of this operation are still being explored and developed.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com















Southern Cuba A remote live-aboard operation in one of the least-visited and untouched areas in Cuba, the ship changes moorings and moves throughout the week, basing anglers in the heart of the area’s best fishing. A trip to the Isle of Youth requires a night in Havana both before and after the week of fishing, which means that Havana can be a great addition to the overall Cuban fishing adventure. Abundant residential and migratory tarpon opportunities as well as possibilities for permit and bonefish. '6/%4








Northern Cuba The Cayo Cruz and Cayo Romano fisheries fall within a 280-square mile protected marine area that includes a massive network of flats, lagoons and pristine estuaries. This is a land-based hotel operation that utilizes a new, all-inclusive, five-star resort. The shallow waters of the area offer a combination of hard-packed white sand flats and semi-firm, mottled bottoms – almost all of which are perfect for wading. Large numbers of fish and a high degree of species diversity make this an ideal destination for anglers looking to target primarily bonefish and permit, with tarpon available during the migratory season. '6/%4








Southern Cuba This high-value, land-based option is location in the heart of the famous Bay of Pigs region – a short, three-hour drive from Havana. Trip packages of any length can be arranged, and anglers can arrive and depart on any day of the week. With this operation, anglers can choose from three amazing fishing options: fishing from skiffs on the Las Salinas flats for bonefish and permit, utilizing Bass Tracker boats for tarpon fishing in the Hatiguanico River, or add in guided largemouth bass fishing on Laguna del Tesoro (Treasure Lake). This is our “most local” and authentic option in Cuba – providing guests with a high degree of Cuban culture and a unique non-resort experience. '6/%4








Southern Cuba Cayo Largo (“Long Key”) is one of the finest permit fishing destinations found anywhere in the Caribbean. Previously a land-based hotel program, all Cayo Largo trips are now based off a mothership. The beginning of the season from November to February offers strong opportunities for large bonefish and permit, and the March to June timeframe is considered peak season for permit. The typical package to Cayo Largo is seven (7) nights / six (6) fishing days with additional nights in Havana before and after your week of fishing. Additional days in Havana can be easily be arranged. '6/%4

Southern Cuba Similar in many ways to the Everglades National Park in Florida, the Parque Nacional Ciénaga de Zapata is located on Cuba’s southern coast in the middle of the country – roughly a three-hour drive from Havana. Home to a huge networks of mangrove wilderness and some of the most pristine beaches and flats in the entire region, this area is also home to large numbers of rare birds, crocodiles and fish species that include tarpon, permit, snook and bonefish. Ideal for small groups, the Georgiana live-aboard has six staterooms with ensuite baths and a maximum group size of eight anglers for a full week of fishing.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com phone 406.585.8667 •• www.yellowdogflyfishing.com toll free: 888.777.5060

















, triggerfish, Indo-Pacific permit, bluefin ally trev t gian h, efis Bon : IES EC SP ET TARG fish, wahoo and much more trevally, milkfish, bumphead parrotfish, sail y SEASON: September through late Ma Z) MAJOR AIR HUB: Mahe Island (SE ntries. passport. No visa required for most cou DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid ole and French LANGUAGE: English, Seychellois Cre he CAPITAL: Victoria on the island of Ma CURRENCY: Seychellois Rupee (SCR) 000 95, N: TIO LA PU PO Y TR UN CO


onsidered by many anglers to be the finest saltwater flats fishing destination on the planet, the shallow waters of the Seychelles offer unbelievable wading fishing and amazing access to an astonishing and exotic number of species. When you factor in the sheer diversity of species, the seclusion of the fisheries, the jaw-dropping scenery and the consistently good action, you get a saltwater destination that is truly unlike any other. All of our Seychelles destinations and offerings—both the land-based lodges and the live-aboard mothership operations—are managed and staffed by some of the most experienced and professional guides in the business. Collectively, we consider the guides that work in the Seychelles to be among the very best we’ve encountered anywhere in the world.

Compared to the Caribbean or the Bahamas, this part of the world is by no means a quick or easy place to access. These are also expensive trips that can cost two-to-three times what a standard Caribbean fishing package costs. What you find when you arrive in the Seychelles, however, are incredibly pristine ecosystems that are basically untouched and unaffected by traditional angling pressure. When fishing the outer islands of the Seychelles, you may feel as if you are the first person to set foot on a particular flat, which in this part of the world may in fact be the case! In addition to our land-based operations on Alphonse, Cosmoledo, Farquhar and Astove, we also offer remote, out-island live-aboard operations on Providence and Poivre – two of the most removed and hard-toreach fisheries in the entire Indian Ocean.

The diversity of both species and fishing scenarios is what truly sets the Seychelles apart. Throughout these exotic waters, you can usually find bonefish in extraordinary numbers, several different types of trevally, milkfish, triggerfish, bumphead parrotfish, permit and dozens of other reef and flats species. And when it comes to the incredible giant trevally action that is found in many of the Seychellois fisheries, we can confidently say that there is nothing else in the world of fly fishing that measures up to big “Geets” on the fly. The Seychelles offers what is handsdown the best GT fishing found anywhere.

If you’re considering a trip to the Seychelles for the future, then our number-one piece of advice is book early! Many of these destinations fill up and completely sell out up to two years in advance, and last-minute availability is extremely rare for all Seychelles destinations. Plan your trip as early as possible and contact Yellow Dog right away to line up great dates, ideal tides and the very best overall logistics.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com






Accommodations: Guests base out of the new Cosmoledo Eco-Lodge – a land-based facility that has been creatively constructed on Cosmo’s Wizzard Island. The new lodge features both single and double occupancy rooms, air conditioning, satellite Wi-Fi, incredible food and spacious social areas.

Accommodations: The comfortable guesthouse (fully rebuilt and renovated in 2017) accommodates a maximum of 10 anglers per week, with air-conditioned rooms, delicious food and equipment perfect for fishing-focused visitors.

Ideal For: Anglers looking for a super remote (yet extremely comfortable) destination with a heavy focus on GT’s. Availability is the most difficult in the Seychelles – for good reason! Type of Fishing: Primarily a wade-fishing destination, tides play a big role in which types of species are found throughout the day on Cosmo. It is common to set up several different “sessions” that allow you to fish different species throughout the day, including milkfish in the main lagoon, triggers and bonefish at low water, and GT’s and bluefin on the incoming. Special Features: Cosmoledo has become known as one of the finest giant trevally fisheries in the world, becoming the benchmark for anglers searching for an explosive and actionpacked saltwater flats fishing experience. With a maximum of only 12 anglers per week, there is typically a two-to-one guide-to-client ratio, with a select number of single angler spots available as well. There is also excellent “home waters” fishing on the lagoon-side flats and the front-side beaches – ideal for early morning and evening sessions.


Ideal For: Anglers looking for a strong diversity of species, a comfortable land-based guesthouse scenario, long days on the water, and excellent wade fishing opportunities. Type of Fishing: Overall, Farquhar is best known for its impressive diversity of species. Anglers can wade and sight fish to an impressive variety of species on Farquhar, including bonefish, various trevally species (including giant trevally), Indo-Pacific permit, triggerfish, barracuda and more. Farquhar is also one of only two islands where anglers can specifically target bumphead parrotfish on the flats. Special Features: Farquhar Atoll is the most southernly atoll in the Seychelles chain of islands, lying just over 450 miles to the southwest of the Seychelles main island of Mahe. Guests walk from the lodge directly into skiffs each morning, with fast and immediate access to area flats that are characterized by hard white sand and turtle grass bottoms. The fishing season on Farquhar runs from early October through December and from late February to early May.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com



Accommodations: There are a number of accommodations options on Alphonse, including beachfront bungalows (all single occupancy), larger family or couple’s beach suites, and the all new private four-bedroom villa, which is ideal for families or intact groups. Ideal For: Anglers looking for a strong diversity of species, a comfortable land-based guesthouse scenario, long days on the water, and excellent wade fishing opportunities. Type of Fishing: During a week on Alphonse, anglers have access to a massive network of flats on nearby St. Francois that spans an area of more than 10,000 acres—a private, controlled fishery limited to only 14 rods per week. This fishery is home to incredible numbers of resident bonefish as well as numerous trevally species, triggerfish, permit, milkfish and dozens of other flats and reef species. On regular fishing days, anglers utilize a large catamaran transfer boat that shuttles anglers to St. Francois, making for a comfortable and easy crossing. Anglers typically fish two to a boat, although a large amount of the fishing is done while wading, which means that both anglers can be fishing simultaneously. Alphonse also offers a first-rate bluewater fly fishing program for sailfish, marlin, tuna and wahoo. Special Features: While all of our Seychelles destinations are amazing and unique, our Alphonse Island option is definitely at the top of the list when it comes to combining great fishing with incredible amenities, high-end accommodations and exceptional service. Alphonse is hands down the most high-end, couples and family-friendly destination in the Seychelles, with fantastic amenities, great food, diverse non-angling activities, a full PADI dive program and one of the most beautiful tropical settings in the Indian Ocean. This operation is so good that as a stand-alone, small-scale, beach resort destination, it is one of the best in the world. It just so happens they have world-class flats and bluewater fishing as well!

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 SEYCHELLES 49




Accommodations: Anglers base off of the MV Maya’s Dugong, a former-research vessel that was upgraded and modified into a mother ship that specifically caters to longrange fly fishing expeditions. The Dugong is a rustic yet fully functional expeditionary boat designed to accommodate up to twelve fly fishermen, four guides and twelve crew members at a time.

Accommodations: Because these are remote and distant out-islands fisheries, they can only be fished with the support of the live-aboard mothership A’mani – a 54-foot motor catamaran that provides the ideal platform for four anglers, two guides, and a crew of three.

Seychelles Accommodations: This small land-based operation accommodates only six anglers per week in a comfortable and spacious island guesthouse. Ideal For: The fishing terrain on Astove varies from hostile shore breaks on the windward side, to coral flats on the outside, to snow-white sand flats inside the lagoon. If you’re an angler that loves wading and rugged terrain, then Astove is a great fit. Type of Fishing: With a shallow central lagoon (home to impressive numbers of Indo Pacific permit) and ocean flats surrounded by sheer, deep-water drop-offs that are teeming with fish, this destination easily ranks among the most productive and wildest fishing destinations on the planet. Aside from good numbers of giant trevally, Astove is also home to bonefish, permit, barracuda, milkfish, bluefin trevally, triggerfish, yellowfin tuna, dogtooth tuna, sailfish, marlin and numerous other species. Special Features: A stone’s throw away from Cosmoledo lies the small but highly productive Astove Island – a wild, secluded and remarkably remote destination ideal for anglers seeking an adventurous fishing experience. The main lodge is situated only 500 feet from the famous “Wall” of Astove, where the flat sheers off and immediately drops from just a few feet to well over 3000 feet deep. It’s an ecosystem that is completely frozen in time, where the daily dramas of predator and prey play out in front of your very eyes every single day of the season.


Ideal For: This is not a trip for everyone, as it is an expeditionary, adventurous week spent in one of the most remote and inaccessible places in the Indian Ocean. You can expect long days on the water, hardworking and adventurous guides, a wild and untouched marine environment, and some of the finest flats fishing for giant trevallies, bumpies, triggers and bones in the world. Type of Fishing: The most remote and by far largest fishery in the Seychelles, Providence is legendary for its amazing numbers of giant trevally, trophy bonefish, triggerfish and bumphead parrotfish. Special Features: While there are other fisheries in the Seychelles that are easier to access, less expensive, and perhaps more comfortable with land-based amenities, there is no destination that is more “out there” and wild than Providence Atoll. Because this is a fishery that can only be accessed by a charter flight to Farquhar and then a boat ride to Providence, all packages are fixed at one week in length with seven nights and six full days of guided fishing. The seasons for Providence run early October through late November, and late March through early May.


Ideal For: Anglers that are 100% addicted to permit fishing and are willing to spend a week prioritizing and focusing on IndoPacific permit. Type of Fishing: The permit fishing on Poivre may be the very best in the entire Indian Ocean. And while permit are the focus of this trip, the flats fishing can usually be coupled with bluewater fishing for sailfish, wahoo, and yellowfin tuna, as well as occasional opportunities for giant trevally and bonefish. Special Features: The two fisheries of Poivre and St. Joseph’s (located approximately 13 miles from each other) boast the highest concentrations of permit found anywhere in the Seychelles. These small island fisheries offer the ideal backdrop for chasing permit, and the two-location scenario delivers high degree of diversity over the course of a week. Anglers access these pristine flats through the use of a small but comfortable catamaran live-aboard platform. With only a half dozen trips per year being offered, each permit adventure is limited to only four rods per week, which means that this trip books up well in advance. While these trips typically consist of three days of fishing at St. Joe’s followed by three days of fishing on Poivre (7 nights / 6 days total) itineraries can be customized and adjusted.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


As Yellow Dog celebrates 20 years of fishing,

adventure and exploration in our never-ending quest to bring the world of fly fishing to our customers and clients, we thought it would be fun to look back at some of the goofy experiences, mishaps and occurrences that our team has collectively dealt with while traveling the planet in search of new fishing opportunities. People tell us all the time that we have the greatest job in the world, and the truth is … well … we do. We love fishing and we love to travel, and most of all, we love the places that this job and this sport have taken us. As great as the job is, however, we also deal with our fair share of incidents when it comes to traveling and exploring new destinations. We visit and spend time in these places so that if-and-when we decide to add a new destination or fishery to the Yellow Dog line-up, our customers know that it’s been visited and thoroughly vetted by our team. Along the way, we’ve had some pretty funny things happen. The following numbers represent individual “hazards” and hiccups encountered and experienced by Yellow Dog staff members.

















































*The idea for this piece was “borrowed” from a Photo Society article that collected survey responses from dozens of NatGeo photographers, asking them about some of the hazards encountered while on assignment for National Geographic magazine. (Here at Yellow Dog, these photographers are our heroes, and we strongly feel that NatGeo is the most legendary magazine of all time!)











as an ‘s’; name, locals pronounce the ‘ti’ in ‘Kiribati’ ntry cou the h Wit N: TIO CIA UN ON PR ibati’ is ‘Kiribas’ therefore, the proper way to pronounce ‘Kir den possibilities for giant trevally, triggerfish, gol e som with h, efis Bon : IES EC SP ET TARG trevally, bluefin trevally, milkfish and more SEASON: Year-round al Airport on Kiritimati (CXI) MAJOR AIR HUB: Cassidy Internation ntries. passport. No visa required for most cou DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid I-Kiribati) and English LANGUAGE: Gilbertese (also called Y POPULATION: 5,000 CAPITAL: South Tarawa COUNTR CURRENCY: Australian Dollar (AUD)


alfway between Hawaii and New Zealand in the middle of the South Pacific sits Kiritimati—the world’s largest atoll and a destination that is better known in angling circles as Christmas Island. It takes a bit of time to get here, but once you arrive, you’ll find a massive saltwater wilderness area that is home to staggering numbers of bonefish and solid populations of milkfish, triggerfish, giant trevally, golden trevally and numerous other species. Since first emerging as a destination flats fishery in the mid-1980s, Christmas Island has continued to deliver great flats fishing experiences and solid numbers of fish on a year-round basis. Christmas Island is one of our favorite places for anglers that are fairly new to saltwater fishing, as strong populations of willing bonefish can be found throughout the year. These bonefish are the main target species on Christmas Island, and one-to-threepound fish thrive in the shallow waters of the atoll. The endless interior and exterior flats of Christmas Island offer a mix of hard white sand, coral and turtle grass bottoms, creating the ideal setting for wade fishing and exploring on foot.

Aside from the dependable bonefishing, another thing that we love about fishing Christmas Island is the diversity of species that can be targeted with a fly rod. The atoll is home to three different and unique species of beautiful and hard-fighting triggerfish. These waters also offer opportunities for several species of trevally, including bluefin, golden and giant trevally. Large populations of milkfish are usually found in deeper channels and in the blue waters that surround the atoll. These large schools of “milkies” are typically fished from the boat as they surf the swells in deeper water and feed on algae on the surface. The offshore fishing in the deep waters that surround Christmas Island can also be productive, with strong numbers of barracuda, giant trevally, wahoo, Mahi Mahi, sharks and the occasional marlin. We will mention that Christmas Island may not be the ideal location for everyone, as the accommodations, food and overall setting can be a bit on the basic and “rustic” side. That said, if you’re an angler that appreciates a solid fishing-focused destination with great wade fishing opportunities, long days on the water, and a great overall price point, then Christmas should indeed be on your own personal Christmas list! These trips also pair well with bonefishing trips on Oahu in Hawaii.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


THE VILLAGES Christmas Island – Kiribati

IKARI HOUSE Christmas Island – Kiribati

Accommodations: Built directly on the beach near the small town of London, The Villages features several small, air conditioned cabins outfitted to accommodate two anglers per room. The lodge has a large indoor dining area with A/C as well as a covered outdoor lounge and bar area, where cocktails and appetizers are served after each day on the flats.

Accommodations: Ikari House is one of the nicer, newer operations on the island, offering comfortable air-conditioned accommodations, an experienced guide staff and good food. All of the lodge’s double occupancy bedrooms feature private bathrooms with good water pressure, plenty of storage space, comfortable single beds and ice-cold A/C units.

Ideal For: Overall, this is one of the best values in the entire world of flats fishing: a great first-time saltwater destination that typically delivers consistent action. More experienced anglers can hunt larger bonefish or chase trevally, triggers and milkfish.

Ideal For: This is an excellent destination for beginner saltwater fly anglers due to the sheer numbers of bonefish found all throughout the shallow waters of the atoll. Also ideal for those that love to walk and wade each day!

Type of Fishing: Over the course of each week, anglers can expect to fish the expansive bonefish flats located in close proximity to the lodge as well as the interior lagoons of the atoll, the remote backcountry reserve, the far side of the atoll near the famous “Korean Wreck” flats, and offshore waters for milkfish and tuna.

Type of Fishing: Aside from the dependable bonefishing, the atoll is home to three different and unique species of triggerfish and several species of trevally, including bluefin, golden and giant trevally.

Special Features: One of the most established and proven lodge operations on the entire atoll, The Villages offers an incredible location and a fantastic overall layout. The fishing boats depart from the beach directly in front of the lodge each morning, making everything about this operation easy and close. With a client-to-guide ratio of one-to-one, anglers are assigned their own personal guide each morning. With a friendly staff, good food and an extremely “fishy” atmosphere, The Villages is a terrific place to call home for a week on Christmas Island.

Special Features: Ikari House utilizes several very unique, locally-crafted, outrigger-style transfer boats to access the flats. The boats are very reliable and offer anglers a fun and effective mode of transportation to and from various fisheries. It should be noted that there is only one flight per week to Christmas Island from Honolulu every Tuesday morning. This Fiji Airlines flight is a three hour trip from Honolulu. Christmas Island is definitely not another Tahiti or Hawaii where you can go to relax and have nothing to worry about. It has few visitors, and there is very little infrastructure on the atoll. That said, there aren’t many countries where the people are friendlier, and few places with more bonefish.

54 CHRISTMAS BELIZE info@yellowdogflyfishing.com ISLAND info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


THINGS THAT DON’T 40% stronger than the competition. You don’t have to take it from us. We had a 3rd party lab independently test and prove that our wet knot strength is 29% stronger than our previous material, and 40% stronger than the premium competition.





, tarpon, tuna, dorado, roosterfish, wahoo TARGET SPECIES: Sailfish, marlin, snapper and more destination and target species) SEASON: Year-round (depending on Rica (SJO) MAJOR AIR HUB: San Jose, Costa passport. No visa required. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid LANGUAGE: Spanish CAPITAL: San Jose 000 COUNTRY POPULATION: 5,000, CURRENCY: Costa Rican Colon (CRC)


osta Rica is often referred to as the Switzerland of Central America because of its comfortable lifestyle, peaceful democracy and overwhelming natural beauty. The country’s waters are healthy and full of fish, the scenery is stunning, and the slow-moving pace of life seductive. A peaceful oasis in the middle of an – at times – tumultuous region, this tiny nation draws 1.5 million visitors every year. Since attaining independence in the 19th century, this tiny, backwater country has become one of the most stable, prosperous and progressive nations in all of Latin America. The resources of the country have been fully focused on the environment: protecting the country’s natural resources and safeguarding and enhancing Costa Rica’s fresh and saltwater fisheries.

enormous “ocean eddies” – rich with bait and pelagic fish. Sailfish, dorado, tuna, blue marlin, black marlin, striped marlin and large numbers of other species congregate in this region in great numbers. To add to the excitement, the inshore fishing in the region routinely offers opportunities for roosterfish, jack crevalle and other species.

When it comes to bluewater fishing, the Pacific coast and offshore waters of Costa Rica offer some of the finest billfishing action on the planet. Scientists who have studied the large numbers of sailfish in this specific region have concluded that this coastal zone may be the largest breeding ground for Pacific sailfish in the world: something that translates to exciting and consistent opportunities for fly and light tackle anglers. All along the coast, strong rotating currents create

Costa Rica’s extraordinary natural beauty, beaches, jungles and stable government all combine to create the ideal fishing and vacation destination. The exotic wildlife, the culture, and the overwhelming magnificence of the jungle and offshore waters collectively offer an adventure and travel experience that is one of the most interesting and unique in the entire world of destination fly fishing.


On the opposite end of the spectrum, the lush jungles of Costa Rica are home to some of the largest tarpon in the hemisphere. Dense rainforests and a massive system of inland rivers create the ideal habitat for the silver king in a setting that is filled with schools of baitfish, monkeys, dozens of bird species, and all sorts of jungle wildlife.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com









Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica Located on Costa Rica’s ultra-biodiverse Osa Peninsula, Crocodile Bay offers what may be the finest sportfishing and adventure tour combo package found anywhere in this part of Central America. Anglers can big-game fish for marlin, dorado, sailfish and more, or focus on inshore opportunities for roosterfish, snapper and jack crevalle. With a fleet of more than 40 fishing boats, an arsenal of high-end fishing equipment for both fly and conventional, and easy deep-water access from an 850-foot private pier, Croc Bay is the ideal location for both a bluewater and inshore fishing trip. The resort is situated on 44-acres of manicured gardens and offers anglers accommodations that are a step up from those of a standard fishing lodge, with a pool, swim-up bar, spa, and a complete eco-adventure program. '6/%4

Northern Jungles, Costa Rica Part of the large watershed that includes Lake Nicaragua and Lake Managua in nearby Nicaragua, Costa Rica’s Jungle Tarpon Reserve includes a vast inland system of freshwater rivers, creeks and flooded lagoons: the ideal habitat for seriously large tarpon. Due to the intimate jungle environment, anglers can often get much closer to their quarry than in other global tarpon fisheries. With only 14 weeks of operation per season and a maximum of four anglers per week, this fishery sees little pressure and usually offers plenty of shots. Along with tarpon, gar are abundant and snook are also possible to catch. While fishing, anglers are accompanied by howler and spider monkeys, and incredible bird life. This is a jungle tarpon paradise.


Barra del Colorado, Costa Rica Located on the banks of the Rio Colorado within the second-largest rainforest preserve in Central America, Silver King Lodge has become well known in angling circles for large river and coastal tarpon. While most fishing scenarios at Silver King involve big, jungle waters fished with a variety of sinking lines and heavy rods, the payoff can be huge! Instead of relying solely on seasonal migrating tarpon, the Rio Colorado delta holds both resident and migratory fish ranging from 60 to over 150 pounds. Opportunities also exist for rainbow bass and snook in the jungle, and wahoo, tuna, dorado and sailfish in offshore waters. Guests stay in stilted, air-conditioned cabins connected by walkways to the rest of the lodge complex.


Barra del Colorado, Costa Rica The Caribbean side of Costa Rica is characterized by an abundance of freshwater rivers that feed the Caribbean Sea, providing ideal habitat for tarpon. Both resident and migratory tarpon cling to this coastline, moving in and out of the free-flowing coastal rivers that are fed by the mountainous rainforests. This basic, community-owned lodge operation offers a fly-friendly program that focuses specifically on trophy jungle tarpon. Of all the coastal Costa Rican tarpon lodges, this camp has evolved into one of the most fly-friendly operations, with guides that know both fly and conventional techniques. Located in the small community of Barra del Colorado, this camp is ideal for small groups, with a guesthouse that offers basic rooms, private bathrooms, air conditioning, and a social, open-air dining area.


Savegre River, Costa Rica The jungles of central Costa Rica are home to clear-flowing rivers. Nestled on an 850-acre private reserve on the pristine Savegre River lies Rafiki Safari Lodge. Founded by a family with a background in operating African safari lodges, Rafiki offers anglers and non-anglers a high-end jungle camping experience unlike anything found in Costa Rica. And with over eight species of fish to catch, variety is the key to this program. Area waters are typically fished from either rafts or drift boats, with anglers focusing on machaca in the river and snook, red snapper and roosterfish along the coast. The rainforest ecosystem here is only 19 miles from the Pacific Coast and is a great, family-friendly destination.


phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 COSTA RICA 57




fish, tuna , blue, black and striped marlin, rooster TARGET SPECIES: Sailfish, dorado season from October through mid-June SEASON: Year-round, with the busiest Guatemala (GUA) MAJOR AIR HUB: Guatemala City, passport. No visa required. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid LANGUAGE: Spanish CAPITAL: Guatemala City 000 COUNTRY POPULATION: 17,500, Q) CURRENCY: Guatemalan Quetzal (GT



TARGET SPECIES: Permit, bonefish, tarpon, jacks, snapper, snook, and som bluewater e SEASON: Year-round (depending on destination and target species) MAJOR AIR HUB: Roatan, Hondur as (RTB) DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid passport. No visa required. LANGUAGE: English and Spanish CAPITAL: Tegucigalpa COUNTRY POPULATION: 9,700,0 00 CURRENCY: Lempira (HNL)

n the northern reaches of Central America sit the neighboring countries of Guatemala and Honduras. Home to abundant jungles, active and dormant volcanoes, and amazing saltwater resources, both countries are well-known in angling circles. The ultra-productive waters along Guatemala’s Pacific coast are known as the “Billfish Capital of the World,” while Honduras’ Bay Islands and surrounding cayes deliver incredible shallow-water angling opportunities for bonefish, tarpon and permit. Guatemala is a mountainous and forested country characterized by volcanoes, thick jungles, and a rugged Pacific coastline, and no matter where you are in the country, you will always see mountains – even near the beaches. It has deservedly earned the reputation as the “Billfish Capital of the World” and has gained notoriety because of the close proximity of the Equatorial Counter Current to the coastline. This well-defined, west-to-east ocean flow creates a type of “billfish highway” which gathers huge numbers of billfish immediately off Guatemala’s Pacific coast. With numbers like “85 sailfish released in a single day” and “35 on the fly in one day,” it’s hard for any other fishery in the world to compete with this year-round bite.


Located just to the east of Guatemala, the country of Honduras is filled with natural wonder. Biosphere reserves, national parks, wildlife refuges, pristine coastal waters and huge offshore islands. Of these ecological treasures, the three Bay Islands (Islas de la Bahía) of Roatán, Utila, and Guanaja are the most exceptional. Beneath the clear turquoise waters that surround the Bay Islands lives vibrant coral, massive sponges, multicolored fish and large pelagic species including manta rays, sea turtles and whale sharks. Situated on the southern end of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef (the second-longest coral reef in the world) the waters that surround the Bay Islands also hold large number of permit and bonefish, along with occasional tarpon and snook. With expansive flats and excellent wade fishing, the main angling opportunities are based around the islands of Guanaja, Roatan and a new operation known as the Faraway Cayes. While the mainland of Honduras has plenty of issues and problems these days, the Bay Islands and the Faraway Cayes remain a wonderful place to visit and fish.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


Iztapa, Guatemala Casa Vieja has long been known for its world-class bluewater boats, the best captains and crews in bluewater fishing, and the highest quality accommodations in all of Guatemala. Continual upgrading has made Casa Vieja a great retreat for anglers, with 21 different guest rooms and all the amenities one would expect from a high-end fishing lodge. While larger sailfish (up to 150 pounds) tend to be found during the fall months, the December-through-June timeframe is unbeatable when it comes to pure volume. The lodge is located less than a mile from the fishing fleet’s headquarters at Marina Pez Vela, which means that anglers can easily target sailfish, dorado, blue, black and striped marlin, roosterfish and tuna.









Iztapa, Guatemala The well-appointed Blue Bayou Lodge is located just five minutes from Pez Vela Marina, where all of the area charter captains begin each fishing day. This destination offers an experience similar to many other bluewater destinations and is one of the best values in the entire world of bluewater fishing. The lodge’s fleet consists of 28-to-38-foot Bertrams, Albemarle, and Hatteras yachts that are fully rigged for both fly and conventional fishing: ideally outfitted to target sailfish, marlin, roosterfish and tuna. Blue Bayou offers a great overall value and reasonable package rates, with boats and crews that really know how to get after it. With a maximum capacity of 14 anglers, the lodge features a private pool, access to a beautiful black sand beach, and a well-stocked, all-inclusive bar. '6/%4

Roatan, Honduras With a unique collection of over-the-water cabanas connected by boardwalks, this beautiful eco lodge is built directly over the waters of Port Royal Bay on the far eastern end of Roatan. Unspoiled by development, the east end of Roatán is the ideal destination for those looking to get away from it all. Fishermen can expect great opportunities with plenty of wade fishing while non-anglers have a variety of options for adventure. The lodge is close to many of the island’s most productive bonefish and permit flats, the nearest of which (called the “Breakfast Flat”) is only a short 60-second boat ride from the dock. Anglers can target bonefish and permit on wadeable flats, with possible shots at jacks, triggerfish, tarpon, snapper and barracuda in area waters. This is an ideal destination for anglers and nonanglers looking to combine a fishing and eco-tour adventure itinerary on one of the most beautiful islands in Central America.


160 Miles Off the Honduran Coast As the name implies, these remote cayes and pristine flats are … far away … and the only way to access this amazing fishery is by private helicopter or lobster boat. This newly-opened, extremely remote location lies 160 miles southeast of Guanaja, and until only a few years ago was a location known only to the families of longtime guides, lobster fisherman and Miskito Indians. Once you arrive on the cayes, some of the best guides in the Caribbean await to share this one-of-a-kind permit and bonefish destination. With operations that are limited to only 12 weeks a year, less than 60 lucky anglers can fish here each season, ensuring that this location will remain mysterious and lightly pressured. Lodging is best described as a rustic luxury basecamp, with yurts built on platforms that overlook the surrounding flats. This is one of the most remote, untouched fisheries in the entire Western Hemisphere.


Guanaja, Honduras The Bay Islands of Honduras are home to some of the best diving, snorkeling, and saltwater fishing in the world. Perfectly situated on the northern coast of Guanaja - the most remote and pristine of the Bay Islands – Fly Fish Guanaja Lodge is 30-acre jungle beach resort located near the small fishing village of Mangrove Bight. This small and intimate lodge operation accommodates a maximum of eight anglers per week in clean and comfortable cabanas and yurts. There is direct beachfront access, snorkeling on the protected reef, hikes to nearby waterfalls, nearby flats for wading on your own, and easy access to nearby local communities. This a perfect location for anglers, families, divers and groups looking for a variety of activities.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 GUATEMALA & HONDURAS 59



n addition to our more “mainstream” saltwater offerings in the Bahamas, Belize, the Yucatan and Cuba, we are proud to work with and represent a number of “off the grid” saltwater programs that typically receive less attention and fewer anglers. All of the operations listed in this section offer great fishing, established infrastructure, adventurous locales, and exposure to new and different cultures. From the Arabian desert waters of Dubai and the UAE, to the deep blue of Baja’s Sea of Cortez, to the pristine flats of the Pacific Ocean’s Cook Islands, to the incredibly remote and isolated St. Brandon’s Atoll fishery in the Indian Ocean, the fishing operations listed in this section all offer exciting and unique opportunities for those looking for something new and different.

ST. BRANDON’S ATOLL Mauritius - Indian Ocean

By far one of the most remote and undisturbed saltwater flats fisheries on the planet, St. Brandon’s is a small, shallow-water atoll outcropping in the middle of the Indian Ocean. The claim to fame for this fishery is bonefish that are among the largest found anywhere in the entire world of saltwater fishing. The atoll also offers consistent opportunities for Indo-Pacific permit and trophy giant trevally. While the water transfer to the atoll can be taxing (2428 hours each way) once on the atoll, guests stay in a comfortable, four-bedroom guesthouse strategically located in the northern part of the fishery. We would categorize this as one of the few remaining fishing destinations that is totally untouched, pristine and exactly the way it was hundreds of years ago. The two seasons on St. Brandon’s run October through December and April through May.

FLY FISHING DUBAI United Arab Emirates

This totally unique, fully legitimate program for fly fishing in Dubai is a “must-add” option for anyone traveling through the UAE en route to the Seychelles, Tanzania or anywhere else that is accessed via a transfer in Dubai. Our fishing outfitter in Dubai focuses on queenfish – an exciting species that is strong, aggressive, and almost always willing to take a fly. In most situations, queenfish are targeted with streamers or poppers, and the action is fast, visual and violent! Anglers have the choice of half or full day trips, fishing the waters in and around the city and often-times close to the heart of downtown with the futuristic city skyline as a backdrop. Stand-alone day trips or all-inclusive, multi-day fishing and tour packages can easily be arranged and can include all transfers, hotels, fishing and side tours.

FLY FISHING BAJA Baja Peninsula, Mexico

The Eastern Cape of the Baja Peninsula is known for its unique beach fishing scenarios, exciting shallow water action and impressive roosterfish populations. For years anglers have deserved a world-class lodge to match these exciting opportunities, which is why we are excited to be offering El Bahia de los Suenos – a special lodge destination that is set amongst the spectacular beaches and mountains of an area known as “the Bay of Dreams.” Anglers and their non-angling companions and families can now enjoy first-class accommodations, a great line-up of non-angling activities, beautiful beaches, and legitimate A-level guides. Along with solid populations of roosterfish, anglers can also find jack crevalle, dorado, billfish, tuna and wahoo.

BONEFISH E2’S WAY – COOK ISLANDS Aitutaki, Cook Islands

Often referred to as “the best kept secret” in in the South Pacific when it comes to bonefishing, the Cook Islands offer outstanding opportunities for fishing, non-angling recreation, and full service amenities. Aitutaki is home to some of the most pristine, white-sand beaches in this part of the world, with water the color of Bombay Sapphire gin. This is the ideal destination for anglers who want to focus on legitimate, trophy-sized bonefish paired with customized accommodation packages that range from basic bungalows to five-star luxury villas. Bonefish in the Aitutaki lagoon average 4-to-7 pounds, with 10-pound-plus bones caught on a regular basis. Giant trevally also frequent these waters, as do bluefin trevally, triggerfish, and numerous deep-water species. With weekly, non-stop flights to Rarotonga from Los Angeles on Air New Zealand, this is an excellent option for couples, honeymooners and trophy bonefish hunters alike.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

Real-World Casting Advice

For the Traveling Angler

A crusty, saltwater flats guide once said the best way to practice casting to a tailing permit is to stand on one foot in a lawn chair, casting into twenty mile-per-hour wind with your mother-in-law yelling at you that her daughter could have done better. That may be extreme, but it just might prepare you to make the right cast at the right time without cracking like a dropped egg. The ability to master the “Big Three” elements of presenting a fly — casting the right distance, in the right amount of time, in exactly the right place — is considered an essential skill in our sport. Whether your quarry is a tailing permit, a fast-moving giant trevally, or a huge New Zealand brown trout lazily sipping dries, a journey of thousands of miles can come down to the last 50 feet between you and the fish. A lot can happen in 50 feet, so practice your presentation and be prepared and use this real-world advice.

Know the distance. Once a fish is spotted, trust your guide and your instincts, and gauge the length of the required cast. Anglers who can cast 40 feet will usually catch fewer fish than anglers who can cast 50 feet. Anglers who can cast 60 feet will catch more fish than anglers who can cast 50 feet. You get the point. But even the best distance cast is only aesthetics if presenting the fly quickly isn’t mastered. So…

Be able to cast quickly. Conditions vary all the time. Rarely do the perfect conditions and the perfect shot line-up. A cloud may shade a flat at the last moment, a gust of wind may blow a hatch off the water, or an actively feeding fish may change direction. A fish may appear out of the shadows, rise quickly, or be cruising for food, so the most effective casts often need to happen right away. Learn to limit your false casts and to quickly pick up slack line to effectively make a presentation and cast at the drop of a hat. But … be sure to do it accurately …

Distance and speed are useless without accuracy. Firing a long cast across the casting pond or the front yard may solicit some ooo’s and ahh’s, but on the flats or wading a western river, it is likely to be just you and the fish. Accuracy combines the ability to cast the proper distance and the ability to present the fly quickly in a variety of conditions. Being able to put the fly in exactly the right spot is the marriage of power and finesse: power by using the rod as a tool and finesse by remaining calm in a moment of excitement.

Five Casting Tips To Prepare For Your Next Trip

1. Master the pick-up. Before picking up your line to

make the next cast, ensure your rod is pointed down. Practice picking up 30-to-40 feet of fly line using a double-haul, so that with one false cast, you can make an immediate 60-to-70 foot cast.

2. Practice in the wind: the stronger the better. We

know that wind is commonplace on the saltwater flats, which means that you need to practice casting directly into the wind, with the wind at your back, and with the wind blowing across your shoulder.

3. Stop your backcast… then drift back a little. An abrupt stop of the rod directly behind or nearly straight up will properly load the rod. Once the stop is made, and the rod has been forced into a bend, allow your rod, forearm, elbow, and bicep to slightly drift backwards. Keep the rod tip from dropping or rising by keeping your wrist locked. Drifting your rod back after you stop on a backcast allows you more distance to then apply power on your forward cast. Doing this the right way allows for more line to be added without having to make additional false casts. 4. Tighten up your arm motion. Keep your hand level with your shoulder and don’t reach up too high or too far out to the side with your arm. Keep everything tight and in line with your shoulder. If you were to punch someone, you’d have much more control if your fist starts from the shoulder rather than above your head. 5. Find some headphones and crank up a music genre that puts you on edge – gangsta rap, heavy metal, or some super-shitty Michael Bolton. Then, learn to tune it all out completely. It is rare that the perfect shot comes when the moment is calm and relaxed. You have to stay composed when the pressure is on, so develop a technique to tune out everything except your casting motions and the moving target in front of you. More casts are blown because people freak out, so learn how to stay calm no matter what.



YELLOW DOG DAY TRIP OPTIONS For those in search of quick and easy day trip fishing opportunities independent of our longer, all-inclusive lodge packages, Yellow Dog is pleased to offer a fantastic line up of one- or twoday options in Belize, the Yucatan, the Bahamas, Dubai, Hawaii and in several states throughout the U.S. West. These day trips are fun and enjoyable options that allow you to experience great fishing in a relatively short timeframe — ideal for those that are pressed for time as well as those that are trying to sneak in a day of fishing during a family vacation or business trip. In most cases, all equipment (rods and reels) can be included with these trips, making these options straightforward and simple. Contact Yellow Dog for full details and a complete listing of day trip locations offered.

BELIZE: AMBERGRIS AND CAYE CAULKER For anglers staying on the northern Belizean islands of Ambergris or Caye Caulker, these day trips offer fantastic flexibility for those hoping to partner legitimate flats fishing with a family or beach vacation. Yellow Dog works with a team of solid local guides on both Ambergris and Caye Caulker, offering fully outfitted packages that include equipment, terminal tackle and fly patterns tied specifically for the local fishery. From beginning saltwater anglers looking to find opportunities for bonefish, to more experienced individuals hoping to stalk tarpon or permit, both Ambergris Caye and Caye Caulker provide an excellent home base.

BELIZE: BELIZE CITY Belize City serves as the main stop-over port for multiple cruise lines that operate throughout this part of the Caribbean. For those visiting Belize for a quick stopover or a one day port of call, we offer an easy, all-inclusive day trip option for bones, permit, tarpon and more. This is a fishery that offers consistent action and diversity for anglers of all ability levels, with easy access to flats as well as coastal rivers. All equipment and tackle is included in these packages. Even when weather conditions make it difficult to fish the offshore flats and lagoons, the Sibun and Belize River systems offer solid opportunities for tarpon and snook. These trips can be arranged around cruise ship schedules and itineraries.

BELIZE: HOPKINS AND PLACENCIA The waters of southern Belize have long been a Yellow Dog favorite due to the area’s healthy permit populations and knowledgeable veteran guides. When favorable conditions prevail, anglers can spend a day hunting for tailing and feeding permit on vast, uncrowded flats. These amazing permit flats—some of the best in the world—connect the seemingly endless chain of cayes and islands located just offshore from the coastline of southern Belize. For anglers intent on fishing for these notoriously difficult and fickle fish, this is a solid day trip option.

MEXICO: ISLA HOLBOX Isla Holbox is a small, slender barrier island just north of the Yucatan Peninsula in the Gulf of Mexico. Although only a few hours from Cancun and Playa del Carmen, Holbox’s vibe is way more laid-back, barefoot-on-the-beach than late night clubs and spring break party bars. Holbox is a gorgeous destination, with clear green-blue waters in every direction and one of the largest populations of tarpon found anywhere in the region. The shallow lagoons, creeks and flats that surround the island are home to baby tarpon (5 to 15 pounds) and snook throughout the year. Larger migratory tarpon begin to arrive in April to feed in the clear water of the shallows. During June, July, and August the fishing for large tarpon in the 75- to 190-pound range can be fantastic.

MEXICO: CANCUN AND ISLA BLANCA A solid option for visitors to the Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Isla Blanca areas, this fantastic day trip option provides quick and easy access to the amazing flats and backcountry waters near Isla Blanca. Geographically, you may be close to the heart of Cancun, but when you’re fishing this area with an experienced guide who is poling you across secluded flats in search of bonefish, tarpon, permit and snook, you’ll feel as if you’re fishing the middle of nowhere. The Isla Blanca region harbors a healthy, year-round juvenile tarpon and snook fishery along with occasional opportunities for permit and bonefish—all easily accessed from the hotel zone and area resorts. These packages include pick-ups and transfers from all hotels in the area.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

Travelers to the Tulum, Playa del Carmen and Riviera Maya areas interested in fishing the world famous waters of Ascension Bay can access the area with these full-day fishing and transportation packages. Our outfitter in Ascension Bay offers fully guided one-day packages that include round-trip van transportation from any hotel or resort in the region. These packages provide a great introduction for those new to saltwater angling, as Ascension Bay is home to strong numbers of bonefish and other species. Anglers can also focus on the area’s permit—always a challenge for the more advanced fisherman. All equipment, flies, food and beverages are included with these packages.

MEXICO: CABO SAN LUCAS AND BAJA The Cabo San Lucas area offers a host of bluewater, in-shore and beach options for day trip fishing. Whether you’re basing directly out of Cabo or staying on the eastern side of the Peninsula, these packages offer access to one of the most diverse fisheries on the planet. Depending on the time of year, anglers can target marlin, sailfish, tuna and dorado offshore, or fish the coastline and beaches for roosterfish and jacks. We work with a small number of the area’s most experienced guides and can easily set up boat days as well as guided beach fishing trips.

DUBAI: QUEENFISH AND TREVALLY IN THE UAE We are thrilled to include this program in the Yellow Dog destination line-up, and we consider fishing a day or more in Dubai as a “must-add” option for anyone heading to the Seychelles, Tanzania or anywhere else that requires a transfer through Dubai. Whether you have a short afternoon lay-over that allows for a half day of fishing, or if you prefer to add a number of days on the front end to fish and explore Dubai, this is an option that we highly recommend! This operation specializes in fly fishing, popping, offshore jigging, and spin fishing, and as such they are able to target a wide range of fish, including queenfish and golden trevally.

BAHAMAS: NASSAU AND ANDROS Travelers visiting the popular tourist destination of Nassau can now experience world-class bonefishing on the flats of nearby Andros Island. Hands-down one of the finest fishing destinations found anywhere in the Bahamas, Andros is a quick and easy flight from Nassau. We work with several of the top guides on Andros to deliver legitimate, first-rate fishing experiences where anglers spend the day hunting bonefish in this amazingly prolific fishery. Packages are set up to take advantage of short and easy morning and late-afternoon flights from Nassau to Andros, and itineraries can be arranged for one or two anglers sharing a skiff with all equipment included.

U.S. WEST: MONTANA AND OTHER DESTINATIONS Yellow Dog has assembled a fantastic team of the top outfitters and guides Rocky Mountain region. By working with the best outfitters in the area, drift boat fishing on the most famous rivers in the West to walk-wade from a single-day guided trip, or let us arrange a multi-day “sampler” variety of different fisheries and rivers. We are proud of the angling Bozeman, Montana, and we’re happy to share our connections and



in our home state of Montana and across the we can arrange all types of day trips, from trips on smaller, more isolated waters. Choose itinerary that allows you to experience a opportunities that surround our hometown of knowledge with our valued clients.

CANADA: BRITISH COLUMBIA AND ALBERTA For those headed to western Canada, Yellow Dog has great day trip options in Fernie, British Columbia and on the Bow River in Alberta. The Fernie area offers classic freestone rivers that are home to native Westslope Cutthroat as well as resident bull trout. This is an area that is known for fantastic dry fly fishing, prolific hatches and outstanding float fishing opportunities. Further to the east, Alberta’s legendary Bow River is widely considered to be one of the top three trout streams in the world, home to impressive numbers of large and hard-fighting browns and rainbows. These day trips are a great option for those visiting the Calgary area.

HAWAII: BONEFISHING ON OAHU The flats of Oahu offer anglers the opportunity to chase some of the largest trophy bonefish on the planet. There is no doubt that this is a fishery that is all about challenging, difficult fish, but when it all comes together and you hook into one of these monster Hawaiian bones, you will immediately appreciate the challenge and appeal of this fishery. Whether you’re fishing from the bow of a skiff or wading the flats, sight fishing is the name of the game on Oahu. We work with the top guides on the island, and they’ll work hard to deliver shots for the largest bonefish of your lifetime. Oahu also serves Yellow Dog clients en route to other Pacific destinations such as Christmas Island, allowing for a day or two of “warm up” fishing on the front end of a longer trip. Day trips can also be arranged on the island of Molokai.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 DAY TRIP OPTIONS 63










, blue acific permit, several species of trevally o-P Ind R: ATE TW SAL : IES EC SP ET TARG ramundi and more. FRESHWATER: Trout, bastards, jacks, snapper, sailfish, tuna, bar ss other species. Murray cod, saratoga, carp and countle destination and target species) SEASON: Year-round (depending on lbourne (MEL), Brisbane (BNE) MAJOR AIR HUB: Sydney (SYD), Me passport and an easy electronic visa DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid berra LANGUAGE: English CAPITAL: Can ,000 COUNTRY POPULATION: 25,500 CURRENCY: Australian dollar (AUD)


rom clear highland freshwater lakes, to remote and pristine saltwater flats, to urban angling in Sydney Harbor, the world’s smallest continent is massive when it comes to fishing opportunities. Australia is the earth’s sixthlargest country in land area and is the only nation to govern an entire continent. With tropical waters in the north and a temperate climate in the south, Australia provides an incredibly diverse line-up of unique fly fishing opportunities and a line-up of species that are found nowhere else in the world. Incredible ecosystems – both on land and in the water – support over one million native species: over 80 percent of which are unique to Australia. There are over 4,000 species of fish and counting! Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures has partnered with some of the continent’s most experienced operators in Australia to offer some of the most varied and exciting fishing on the planet. Over the course of any one week in several of our saltwater locations, an angler may catch as many as 25 to 30 new species of fish on the fly, including the highly-prized Indo-Pacific permit or the endemic blue bastard. A wide range of pelagic and inshore species exist in the Aussie salt – including permit, bonefish, multiple species of trevally, sailfish, tuna, barramundi and more. The list of freshwater gamefish found throughout the continent is every bit as diverse, with saratoga, Murray cod, and Tasmanian trout some of the more targeted species. Whether it is a hosted, live-aboard mothership option, a day trip

in Sydney, or an all-inclusive lodge package in a UNESCO World Heritage area, we have a wide array of exciting angling options. In addition, Yellow Dog has collaborated with Tourism Australia to be able to recommend a multitude of non-angling activities, from wine pairings and dining options, to swimming with whales, to horseback tours and other sight-seeing activities. Getting to Australia is easy, with daily flights on several international airlines. Flights normally leave the U.S. in the evening and, after dinner and a movie, passengers drift off to sleep and wake up in the Land Down Under. Once on the ground in Australia, most of our remote destinations can be accessed by daily service to and from several in-country airports. Since so many of Australia’s angling destinations are still being discovered and developed for angling tourism, booking an Australia trip with Yellow Dog ensures you’re working with a team that has been-there-and-done-that. Few other booking agencies can make this claim. We only sell what we know, and our Australia knowledge is in-depth, honest, and accurate. From knowing what flies, rods, and reels to use, to the best place for a meat pie and a Lamington after a day of fishing, we have the insider Australian knowledge. From black marlin, tuna, and Indo-Pacific permit to “Barra” and 3996 other species swimming in Australian waters, Yellow Dog has the experience and passion for everything the “the lucky country” can serve up to the adventurous angler.


AUSTRALIA FRESHWATER LOCATIONS Tasmania’s wild brown trout fishery, established in 1864, is one of the best in the world. With over 3,000 rivers, streams and lagoons, and options that range from easily-accessible areas to remote wilderness, there is something for all anglers. Outside of Tasmania, on the mainland of Australia, there are numerous other freshwater opportunities as well. Australia is home to the fourth largest freshwater fish in the world – the Goo Doo (commonly known as the Murray cod), as well as saratoga and Australian bass.

DRIFTWATER LODGE Deloraine – Tasmania, Australia

Accommodations: Boutique accommodations in a recently-renovated, century-old homestead that accommodates up to six anglers at a time. Ideal For: Beginning to experienced freshwater anglers, non-anglers, couples, families and anyone looking to experience rural Tasmania. Types of Fishing: Trout are the primary quarry in Tasmania, and trout that rise to a dry fly are often the norm. Anglers can expect to fish small dry flies on mountain creeks while wading freestone streams that are characterized by slow-flowing riffles, bubbly pocket water and productive runs. Anglers fish on foot on smaller streams, and float meandering meadow rivers and lakes in the lodge’s handmade wooden drift boats. The season runs September through April, with a variety of hatches found throughout this timeframe. Special Features: The trout of Tasmania are wild, with most of them tracing their genes back to a pure Itchen River strain of browns. Driftwater Lodge hosts Peter and Karen Brooks have travelled the world fly fishing, bringing their years of experience back to Tasmania to create this authentic Australian operation. Karen has represented Australia in fly-fishing competitions, is a gourmet cook, and is a Master Certified Casting Instructor. Guests can enjoy Australian wine matched perfectly with local food along with the company of your hosts and other guests. This is a genuine Australian homestay with fabulous fishing and hospitality.


Launceston – Tasmania, Australia Accommodations: Anglers stay in remote private huts, located in the Tasmanian World Heritage Area. Views from the huts take in the beautiful scenery of this remote and pristine region. RiverFly 1864 is a 2016 Qantas Australian Tourism Award Winner and two-time Tasmanian Tourism Award Winner. Ideal For: All levels of trout anglers and those that love lake fishing and small streams. Types of Fishing: This was Tasmania’s first licensed western lakes guiding operation, and wild brown trout are the mainstay of this fishery. With an altitude of over 3,000 feet and hundreds of area lakes, there is no shortage of productive trout waters. Known for its flats-style sightfishing, stalking the shorelines and wading in shallow waters is the norm, which is why anglers often-times compare this to flats fishing for bonefish. For larger trophy trout, anglers can venture further afield to the 10 or so lakes and “tarns” that are only accessible from RiverFly’s Western Lakes Huts. Special Features: Anglers can experience dozens of rare species of flora and fauna, some of which exist nowhere else on earth. Iconic Tasmanian animals such as wallabies, wombats, owls, and eagles are common, with quolls and Tasmanian devils also endemic. A snowcapped Mount Olympus, the Skullbone Plains, and the gravel-sand beaches of Lake Ina all serve as the backdrop to the Riverfly camp. RiverFly is also the only operator licensed to guide fly fishing trips in the adjacent Walls of Jerusalem National Park.

THOUSAND LAKES WILDERNESS LODGE Highlands – Tasmania, Australia

Accommodations: A former Antarctic training facility that has been converted to a premium alpine lodge with nine rooms, a comfortable lounge, wi-fi, dining area and several ground-floor common areas. This is true luxury in a wild, remote wilderness setting. Ideal For: New and seasoned trout anglers, couples, non-anglers, families, and nature lovers that appreciate wild and remote locations. Types of Fishing: The fishing is superb for hard-fighting, wild brown trout. Options range from small local rivers to stalking lake edges and learning “loch” style techniques. The Australian guides are nothing short of outstanding teachers and anglers. Learn local techniques and experience the shallow-water, “tailing trout of Tasmania.” Fishing is a combination of drift boat fishing on lakes and wading streams, and throughout the course of the week anglers can expect to fish all types of different waters. Special Features: Miles from the nearest town, this boutique lodge serves as a comfortable outpost set in a beautiful but rugged stretch of Tasmania’s Central Highlands. The star attraction of this area is the landscape: an expansive World Heritage site where guests spend their days fly fishing, hiking and exploring. After a long day in the great outdoors, evenings tend to end around the liberally-stocked honesty bar, which showcases the best of Tasmania’s wines, beers and spirits.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


We have a number of outfitters offering trips from the top of the East Cape all the way down the coast to Sydney. From baby black marlin on the flats to Pacific yellowtail king fish and Indo-Pacific permit – Australia has it all. Our passion and local knowledge can help plan an unforgettable trip in an area that is quickly emerging as one of the most exciting in the entire world of sportfishing.

EAST COAST ANGLING Port Douglas, Australia

Accommodations: This mothership and land-based combo operation utilizes a luxury live-aboard vessel along with a private island guesthouse. Ideal For: A great destination for experienced saltwater anglers, adventurers, and those seeking a high degree of species diversity. The ideal location for intact groups of six anglers. Types of Fishing: Remote and wadeable flats, healthy coral reefs, and productive bluewater fishing collectively define this fishery. Anglers can expect great sightfishing on the flats for Blue Bastards, Indo-Pacific permit, giant and golden trevally, and numerous other species. Seasonal offshore action focuses on marlin and several different mackerel species. Special Features: The incredible diversity of the Coral Sea combined with the infrastructure and overall program provided by East Coast Angling allows the intrepid angler access to what is arguably the next great angling frontier. From Indo-Pacific permit to the baby black marlin migration, anglers can catch upwards of 40 species in a week of fishing. An extremely high level of attention to detail by the hosts completes this unique package that gives anglers access to some of the most remote flats and reefs anywhere in the world.

COBOURG COASTAL CAMP Port Essington, Australia

Accommodations: This is a remote “glamping” and wilderness experience in one of the most untouched regions of Australia. Anglers stay in one of eight luxury tents overlooking the picturesque waters of the Cobourg Marine Park. The operation is very eco-friendly and has won numerous tourism awards. Ideal For: Experienced as well as beginning saltwater anglers will delight in the variety of species, while adventurers, non-anglers, and couples will enjoy one of the most pristine environments in northern Australia. Types of Fishing: The waters around Port Essington and the Cobourg Peninsula are literally teeming with fish. The rich mangrove creeks and estuaries offer many native species, including barramundi. There are over 2,000 square kilometers of marine park, which are home to more than 40 species that can be caught on the fly. Fishing for trevally, queenfish, and several different mackerel species during the April through June timeframe and again in August through October. Special Features: Experience the diversity that is Australia—hard pulling species to suit all abilities. Most of the fish are released, but because non-gamefish are plentiful, opportunities exist to experience the fresh flavors of a coral trout or locally caught mud crabs. Abundant wildlife in the area include the native saltwater crocodile, which can (and should!) be observed from a safe distance. The creatures, flora and terrain remind anglers that they are in one of the most remote locations in Australia.


Accommodations: Anglers stay at the Exmouth Escape Resort, a Yellow Dog partner destination. From this ideal base of operations, anglers can explore a variety of different fisheries. Modern and luxurious rooms with plenty of amenities for both anglers and non-anglers. Ideal For: All levels of saltwater anglers, including Indo-Pacific permit junkies, non-anglers, families, and couples. Types of Fishing: From flats fishing for permit to offshore opportunities for bluewater species (often time on the same day), Exmouth offers a strong diversity of fish species as well as a variety of different fishing scenarios to satisfy all anglers and abilities. All fishing is done from the boat. Special Features: Exmouth is a year-round fishery, with November through March bring warmer temperatures and fewer people. April to October is considered the busy season, as whale sharks migrate through the area drawing more tourists. Fishing is generally good yearround, but for non-anglers, April to October offers the widest range of non-angling activities. With amazing snorkeling and surfing available, this is a great destination for the adventurous family. A normal charter is seven days, with five days of scheduled fishing and two “reserve” days to account for changing weather conditions.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 AUSTRALIA 67



pacu and yatorana TARGET SPECIES: Golden dorado, ugh October SEASON: The dry season of June thro tional Airport (VVI) in Santa Cruz, Bolivia MAJOR AIR HUB: Viru Viru Interna longer passport. Beginning in 2020, a visa is no DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid needed! PITAL: Sucre LANGUAGE: Spanish and Tsimane CA 000 CURRENCY: Bolivian Boliviano COUNTRY POPULATION: 11,000,


e can tell you from personal experience that this is one of the most incredible, one-of-a-kind fishing trips in existence. With three different location and program options, Tsimane offers anglers what is hands-down the world’s finest golden dorado fishing: the wildest of fish in the wildest of environments! The theory is that this specific population of fish migrated from the Parana River Basin prior to the last glacial era, eventually finding their way to the headwaters of these Bolivian mountain rivers. The end result is a strain of fish that has been virtually untouched by civilization for eons: a voracious fish that today can be targeted and caught on the fly all throughout Tsimane’s areas of operation. After first launching in 2006, the Tsimane program (a joint development between the operators and the Sécure River Indigenous Association) now features three separate lodge locations, giving anglers a choice between the Secure Lodge, Pluma Lodge and the Agua Negra Lodge. All three are offered as standard weekly packages of seven nights with six days of guided fishing, and all deliver exotic jungle angling action,


comfortable accommodations, and amenities that are definitely unexpected in such remote and isolated locations. With all of these fisheries, dorado and other jungle species such as pacu and yatorana are plentiful, and the fishing throughout the region presents endless opportunities for the adventurous angler. It should be noted that being able to cast 40-to-60 feet of line, minimize false casts, and deliver a large fly in an accurate and delicate manner is a huge advantage when fishing this area. It should also be mentioned that anglers traveling to the Bolivian jungle should be in fairly good shape: able to walk, wade and hike on rocky banks in a jungle environment. With extraordinary natural beauty, Bolivia is one of the most wild and adventurous countries in South America. The remote nature of the fishing in this specific area, the exotic wildlife, the culture of the Tsimane people, and the overwhelming magnificence of the jungle all combine to create an angling and travel experience that is one of the most interesting and unique in the entire world of destination fly fishing.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


Tsimane – Bolivia

Accommodations: The lodge features four double occupancy rooms, a main social area and a huge deck directly overlooking the Pluma River. Remote headwaters out-camps are also an option during the week.

Accommodations: A comfortable camp that accommodates a maximum of four rods per week in safari-style tents that are connected to a main lodge building via a raised, wooden boardwalk.

Accommodations: African safari-style wall tent “cabins,” each featuring private bathrooms, showers with good water pressure, electricity, comfortable beds, a ceiling fan and all furnishings.

Ideal For: The perfect mix of fishing moderately sized, crystal-clear freestone rivers and the larger, debris-filled waters of the lower section of the Secure River.

Ideal For: Agua Negra offers what are arguably the best waters for sightcasting in Tsimane, with big dorados in shallow waters.

Ideal For: One of the biggest draws to fishing this drainage is the sheer numbers of dorado that are found in the immediate area. The Secure is also considered to be the best river to target and catch large pacu.

PLUMA LODGE Tsimane – Bolivia

Tsimane – Bolivia

Type of Fishing: From fishing a popper in the middle of a feeding frenzy to fishing structure on the Secure, to sightcasting to holding fish in clear, skinny waters. Special Features: With this eight-person program, anglers have access to the lower Secure and Pluma rivers as well as the smaller Upper Pluma and Itirizama, which means that anglers can expect to fish new sections each day. The Pluma River is a moderately sized, clear freestone river with pristine and beautiful topography. Fishing on foot or occasionally out of the boat, anglers primarily target trophy dorado (up to 30 pounds or more) as well as pacu and yatorana. The other river in this program—the remote Itirizama—is considered by many to be the “crown jewel” of the Tsimane program, with some of the best sight fishing that Bolivia has to offer.

Type of Fishing: Dorado, pacu and yatorana. Anglers have access to the middle sections of the Secure River between the Aguas Negras mouth and the Pluma River mouth (one of the most prolific big-dorado areas in the world) as well as the Aguas Negras itself. Special Features: The Agua Negra River is an important tributary of the Secure River. This is a stream of clear, shallow waters that run from East to West and offers few wading difficulties. The Lower Agua Negra has features similar to a flood plain river (low gradient) and meanders through a jungle river valley with numerous sandy beaches, deep runs and cover to hold strong populations of dorado and yatoranas. The middle section of the Secure River offers plenty of structure, and the Chimoro Stream is ideal for yatorana and medium-sized dorados on lightweight tackle.


Type of Fishing: Diverse waters and fishing scenarios for dorado, pacu and yatorana. Special Features: With a maximum of six anglers per week, Secure Lodge provides access to the Upper Secure, Middle Secure and several tributary streams including the Maniquicito and Ashahana. Over the course of the week, guests also have the opportunity to travel “out of bounds” to fish the very upper reaches of the Secure. With this option, anglers will overnight at a remote headwaters out-camp, with all equipment brought upriver via canoe. This broad variety of waters and pools allow groups to fish in fresh water every day, and rarely, if ever, repeat the same fishing beat. The lodge features a large social area and dining room, satellite Wi-Fi, and hot water that is generated by a solar system.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com phone 406.585.8667 • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com • toll free: 888.777.5060 BAHAMAS BOLIVIA




, aruana, pacu, wolf fish, piranha, ara pay , ma pai ara s, bas k coc Pea : IES TARGET SPEC bicuda and more depending on location SEASON: Varies throughout the year O) MAJOR AIR HUB: Manaus, Brazil (MA passport DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid s indigenous languages LANGUAGE: Portuguese and variou PULATION: 210,000,000 CAPITAL: Brasilia COUNTRY PO CURRENCY: Brazilian Real


f you’re looking for the wildest, most unique freshwater fishing adventures on the planet, then look no further than the operations listed on the following pages. From the South American wilds of Guyana, to the peacock bass-filled rivers of the Amazonian rainforest, to the primitive jungles fisheries of Brazil, Yellow Dog can set you up with the world’s most exotic freshwater fishing adventures. These trips are ideal for anglers that love outlandish locales and crazy, colorful and often-times bizarre jungle species. Perhaps the best-known jungle fishing destination is the Amazonian region of Brazil, home to the largest rainforest on the planet and the world’s largest freshwater river system. With an incredible variety of plants, animals, birds and more than 3,000 different species of fish, it is one of the most biologically diverse places on the planet. This is an area that is primarily known for peacock bass: An incredibly strong, acrobatic and aggressive gamefish that has captured the imagination of fly anglers for decades.


The topwater strike of peacock bass is often so ferocious that the entire fish will fly several feet out of the water with the fly. Most fish go aerial in a tarpon-like display of leaping and tailwalking: gills rattling as they fly end over end, only to submerge and run again. They are definitely not a fish for the weak of heart. Depending on where in Brazil you fish, other species might include arapaima, payara, aruana, pacu, piranha, wolf fish, bicuda and more. Yellow Dog is also pleased to offer arapaima operations in both Guyana and in Brazil. The prehistoric and massive arapaima are the largest, scaled freshwater fish in the world, and they easily rank among the most exotic and unique gamefish found anywhere. Heavily armored with massive scales and a feeding behavior that relies on ambushing prey, arapaima routinely reach lengths of more than six feet and in some exceptional cases, more than eight feet.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com



Amazonia – Manaus, Brazil

Amazonia – Manaus, Brazil

Accommodations: Spacious individual bungalows that feature A/C, two double beds and a large, private bathroom. The main lodge area includes the dining room, social room, bar area, Wi-Fi and a huge swimming pool that overlooks the river. Ideal For: This is an operation that we love for anglers who want a high-quality, highnumbers Amazon fishing experience with comfortable amenities and a classic, jungle lodge setting. Type of Fishing: Anglers fish two per skiff for three species of peacock bass (Temensis, spotted and butterfly), aruana, piranha, payara, pirarucu and more. Special Features: Situated deep in the jungle, 200 miles northwest of the Brazilian city of Manaus, the Agua Boa River flows through one of the most isolated, protected areas in the region. To date, the Agua Boa is the lone fly-fishing-only designated river in Brazil—something that has created a special environment where large populations of big fish have developed over the years with zero pressure from local netters or gear fishermen. Located on a remote and isolated stretch of the Agua Boa River, the lodge’s private airstrip offers easy and direct access from Manaus. Agua Boa Lodge is arguably the finest fly fishing operation in the Amazon, with great guides, excellent equipment, and the most comfortable amenities and accommodations found anywhere in the jungle!

Accommodations: Accommodations are aboard the “Untamed Amazon” jungle mothership, a large, fully mobile “floating lodge” that is hands-down the nicest in the entire region. The three-level, live-aboard river cruiser comfortably accommodates 12 anglers in deluxe, double occupancy staterooms. Ideal For: Anglers willing to put in long days on the water in search of the largest peacock bass in the entire Amazon. This is a fishery where quality trumps quantity. Type of Fishing: Fishing from boats that feature double casting platforms fore and aft allowing each angler to cover the water with a variety of large flies, floating lines and different sinking heads. Special Features: Referred to by locals as “Rio de Gigantes,” the Rio Marié is an Amazonian operation and a fishery that is home to what may be the largest trophy peacock bass in the world. Recent biological studies suggest that this river is home to more double-digit peacocks than any other river in the Amazon. Anglers reach the Marié fishery via private floatplane transfer that delivers guests directly from Manaus to the houseboat. Located more than 550 miles from Manaus, these fish have seen very little pressure over the years, which in turn has created a fishery that offers legitimate opportunities for 20-pound-plus trophy bass on the fly.


Amazonia – Manaus, Brazil

Accommodations: Utilizing a system of shallow-draft floating cabins, anglers access fishing areas that are completely unreachable by other operations. Each double occupancy cabin features two beds, private bathrooms and air conditioning. Ideal For: Adventurous anglers and those looking to fish for large peacocks and other jungle species in waters that are truly off the beaten path. Type of Fishing: The list of Amazonian freshwater gamefish is as extensive and exotic as the land itself. Depending upon the river or fishery, there are as many as 20 different species that can be caught on a fly or lure – all with fantastic names to match their peculiar appearances. Special Features: Since 1992, River Plate Outfitters has pioneered peacock bass fishing throughout the Amazon, while at the same time setting the standard for customer service, safety, fishing productivity, and an ongoing commitment to exploring new and untapped waters. This operation utilizes an amazing network of floatplane transfers and mobile “floating cabin chains” as platforms to access some of the Amazon’s most remote fishing waters. Anglers can expect to begin each day fishing secluded lagoons and remote areas of the river, as the floating cabins relocate and navigate their way to new and untouched waters each day.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 JUNGLE FISHING





Accommodations: With a maximum capacity of only four anglers per week, the lodge features spacious private cabanas, a main dining and bar area, a dock and deck area, and access to the nearby Amerindian village of Rewa.

Accommodations: A maximum of eight guests per week are accommodated in double occupancy cabins built on a sandy beach overlooking the Iriri River. Each cabin features spring-box beds, private bathrooms, hot water, ceiling fans and electric lights.

Accommodations: A simple and comfortable floating lodge with 10 individual cabins and a main lodge that are connected by wooden walkways over the water.

Ideal For: While this trip is definitely not for everyone, it is ideal for those anglers that love adventure travel combined with technical fishing and the opportunity to catch one of the largest and most exotic fish on the planet.

Ideal For: This trip is best suited for anglers who appreciate and enjoy a true adventure, diverse fishing, and exposure to a fascinating indigenous culture.

Amazonia, Brazil


Type of Fishing: Trophy arapaima, with most fish in the 100- to 250-pound range. Special Features: Arapaima are the largest scaled freshwater fish on the planet, and the South American jungle of Guyana is one of the few places where these dinosaurs can be hooked and landed on a fly. This entire area, totally controlled and operated by the Amerindians of Rewa Village, has been designated fly fishing-only, creating one of the healthiest and most productive arapaima fisheries in the world. The Rewa Eco Lodge accommodates a maximum of only four anglers per week during a fall season (October-November) and a spring season (February-March). Anglers also have the option to spend part of the week at an upriver camp, something that we highly recommend in order to access great water and avoid longer boat rides.


Type of Fishing: This is a clear water fishery known for its spectacular sight fishing opportunities as well as an impressive diversity of species that includes peacock bass, payara, pacu and wolf fish. Special Features: Kendjam is located in one of the most remote, least visited areas of the Brazilian Amazon: the Mekragnoti Indigenous Territory. Most fishing is on foot while wade fishing, and the various beats along the river are accessed with the use of boats that comfortably move anglers from one spot to another. Aside from the incredible dry fly and sight fishing for a large variety of species, what separates this trip from others offered in the Amazon is the Kendjam hosts, the Kayapo tribe – an indigenous community living in five million hectares of pure virgin Amazon forest. Kendjam operates during the low water season from June to the middle part of September.

Amazonia, Brazil

Ideal For: Patient and committed anglers willing to put in the time to hook and land the largest freshwater species on the planet. Type of Fishing: These waters are home to large numbers of arapaima as well as arawana and tambaqui, species that are often sight-fished with dry flies. Special Features: Brazil’s Pirarucu Lodge is located in the middle of the largest arapaima reserves in the world. Arapaima can grow to over 400 pounds and most closely resemble a freshwater tarpon. When hooked, they explode in violent, aerial displays and take off on long runs, usually surrendering only after a lengthy battle. Arapaima are often seen gulping air from the surface, thus offering shots to singles, pairs and at times even schools of fish. Anglers at Piraracu fish from comfortable and modern flat skiffs that are set up to accommodate two anglers per boat. Aside from the fishing, the lodge offers bird safaris and jungle tracking with pro guides, making this the ideal trip for bird enthusiasts, nature lovers and anglers alike. The season at Pirarucu runs from September to the end of November.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

On an overnight float trip with the WorldCast Anglers crew, YETI Ambassador Oliver White trusts the waterproof Panga Backpack and Sidekickâ„¢ Dry to keep his gear dry.












t in brook trout in Patagonia, sea-run brown trou and wn bro , bow Rain : IES EC SP ET TARG thern Argentina Tierra Del Fuego and golden dorado in nor t, and year-round for golden dorado trou for il Apr ugh thro ber em Nov : ON SEAS al Airport in Buenos Aires (EZE) MAJOR AIR HUB: Ezeiza Internation ntries. passport. No visa required for most cou DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid LANGUAGE: Spanish POPULATION: 44 million CAPITAL: Buenos Aires COUNTRY CURRENCY: Argentine Peso (ARS)


ith a mainland area of more than one million square miles, Argentina is the eighth-largest country in the world, the second largest in Latin America, and the largest among Spanish-speaking nations. In fishing circles, it is also a legendary destination. Argentine Patagonia is often referred to as the “Montana of 75 years ago” due to the similar topography, an abundance of productive trout water, and fishing pressure that is considered extremely light by modern standards. Throughout Argentine Patagonia, insect activity and hatches are generally consistent throughout the summer and fall fishing seasons, which means that anglers can almost always chase trout with dries in addition to swinging streamer patterns or fishing nymphs. The vast, mountainous and open landscape of Argentina creates a sharp contrast to the lush temperate rainforest environment that characterizes the majority of neighboring Chile. The Patagonian region of Argentina is a land often compared to the high deserts of the U.S. West: a freshwater destination that, much like Alaska or Montana, should absolutely be at the top of every serious angler’s travel list. The country is noted for its rich culture, friendly people, an abundance of excellent food (the finest steak in the world), amazing Malbec wines, and of course an impressive variety of freshwater gamefish that are wild, strong and eager to take a fly.

Although fly fishing for trout originally put Argentina on the map of global fly fishing destinations, over the years the country has also become world-renowned for impressive southern runs of sea-run browns in Tierra Del Fuego as well as productive golden dorado scenarios in the northern part of the country. Argentina has five primary fishing regions, each with its own characteristics and unique angling opportunities. There are three regions in Patagonia – northern, central and southern – that collectively offer a limitless amount of productive trout water that includes large floatable rivers, intimate wadable spring creeks and lakes loaded with trophy-sized fish. The fourth and southern-most region – Tierra Del Fuego – is home to the famous Rio Grande and the most consistent runs of humongous searun brown trout on the planet. Lastly, the subtropical areas of northern Argentina boast a variety of different waters and fishing scenarios allowing anglers to target voracious golden dorado. With an expansive line-up of fishing options, a strong network of established lodges, and experienced guides and outfitters that know the waters like the back of their hands, Argentina is a great choice for adventurous anglers that appreciate a warm and interesting culture, amazing scenery and world-class fishing.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com






Accommodations: Anglers enjoy first-class accommodations and delicious food – all while staying at different classic estancias and traveling with their guides to fish different waters each day. For those seeking long hours on the water and wilderness solitude, multi-day float and camping trips can also be arranged.

Accommodations: Taking advantage of customized itineraries, guests stay in comfort at several different locations, enjoying a diverse line up of regional fishing, colorful local meals and the best Argentine wines. Overnight, onriver camping is also an option.

Accommodations: Located in a stunning mountain valley, PRG’s lodge in Trevelin features nine well-appointed guest rooms and a separate three-bedroom cabin.

Type of Fishing: Float trips and wade fishing for rainbows, browns and brook trout on some of the very best waters in Patagonia. Special Features: PRG North is a wellestablished, full-service fly fishing outfitter that specializes in designing all-inclusive custom trip itineraries on the northern waters of Patagonia. The estancias and lodges in each custom itinerary can include Arroyo Verde, Tipiliuke, Northern Patagonia Lodge, Tres Rios Lodge, Estancia San Huberto, Estancia Huechahue, Estancia Quemquemtreu, Collon Cura Lodge and Estancia Tres Lagos. PRG’s variety of waters, accommodation options and their overall level of service is second to none, which is why this program comes highly recommended by our staff and clients who’ve had the pleasure of fishing with PRG.





Ideal For: Choose from any number of famous rivers, area spring creeks or trophy lakes, knowing that with PRG, you will be fishing the best waters, at the best times, with the best guides.


San Martin, Argentina





San Martin, Argentina

Ideal For: Anglers who love to focus on technical dry fly fishing, taking full advantage of the area’s prolific hatches throughout the season. Type of Fishing: The waters around the San Martin area are famous among anglers and include legendary rivers like the Traful, Collon Cura, Limay, Filo Hua Hum, Chimehuin, Malleo. Special Features: Chocolate Lab Expeditions, based in San Martin de Los Andes, offers a fantastic combination of exceptional fishing, classic estancia accommodations, private access, nomadic itineraries and a full taste of the authentic culture and hospitality of Patagonia. We have worked with CLE since the early days of Yellow Dog, and we consider this operation to be one of the finest, most professional guide and outfitting services in all of Patagonia. CLE utilizes the very best estancias (ranches) to offer incomparable lodging and fishing packages in the region. Every trip with Chocolate Lab is completely customized, meaning that your itinerary will be structured around your expectations, the time of year, and your budget.

Trevelin, Argentina

Ideal For: Anglers who love a diversity of waters and fishing scenarios and a guide staff that is one of the very best in all of South America. Type of Fishing: Every fishing day features a different river, spring creek, or lake, and PRG utilizes both private and public waters. Trout species, size, and numbers always vary depending on the watershed fished. Special Features: PRG South is arguably the most complete, comprehensive, high-end, and professional fishing operation in all of Patagonia. PRG’s philosophy is simple and straightforward: “To fish the best rivers, at the best times, with the best guides in the business while staying in first class accommodations with excellent gourmet cuisine and all-inclusive services.” Although PRG is a serious fishing-focused program, a unique blend of diverse waters, varied fishing, stunning scenery, personalized service, and lasting friendships rank them among the most desired and coveted trout lodges in Patagonia for all types of anglers. From their main lodge near the small town of Trevelin, PRG’s guests have access to an endless frontier of incredible fly fishing options where anglers fish a different piece of water each day without repeating the same water twice.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


One of our favorite operations in Patagonia for couples and families, Rio Manso is one of the nicest, full-service lodge operations in the entire region. Located in the heart of Argentina’s Nahuel Huapi National Park, the lodge sits on the banks of Lake Hess and the Manso River. Guests have access to the Manso, Quieto, and Pichi Leufu rivers as well as area lakes including Roca, Fonck, and Hess – waters that hold some of the largest rainbow, brook and brown trout in the area. Each of the lodge’s eight rooms offer spectacular views of Lago Hess, the nearby Andes Mountains and majestic Mount Tronador on the Chilean border.


El Encuentro Fly Fishing is a family-owned and operated outfitting company that specializes in arranging unique itineraries in central Argentina. For over 30 years, the Beale Family has developed a strong reputation for providing rich traditional-style Argentine hospitality combined with diverse fly fishing experiences. Anglers fishing with El Encuentro will enjoy unparalleled access to private waters and the opportunity to experience Argentine culture on an intimate, local level. Anglers can expect a strong diversity of species, from big browns on dries to feisty rainbows or large brook trout in the late season.

LAS PAMPAS LODGE Rio Pico, Argentina

Las Pampas Lodge is situated in a beautiful, rugged and remote corner of central Patagonia just outside the small frontier town of Rio Pico. The lodge offers a fantastic, all-around trout fishing program, providing anglers with a diverse collection of wade and float fisheries, intimate spring creeks, and beautiful small to mid-sized freestone rivers. The intimate atmosphere and friendly staff give guests a feeling that they are part of the extended lodge family all throughout the course of their stay. Anglers can choose from a wide variety of fishing scenarios and options for rainbow, brown and brook trout.

CARRILEUFU RIVER LODGE Cholila and Los Alerces National Park

Carrileufu River Lodge is located in the heart of the Carrileufu River Valley near the quaint town of Cholila just outside Los Alerces National Park. This operation is perfectly positioned to take advantage of the terrific fishing in Los Alerces National Park and on area rivers that include the Rivadavia, Arrayanes, Carrileufu and Chubut. Under the careful guidance of owner, head guide and host Pancho Panzer, guests feel immediately at home at this intimate family-run lodge.

TECKA LODGE Estancia Tecka, Argentina

Tecka is a massive working cattle and sheep ranch in central Patagonia, spanning over 435,000 acres in size. With vast holdings of private water and access points, Tecka guests can fish all day and literally never see another soul. The combination of rich history, exclusive access, high-end amenities and Argentine hospitality has earned Tecka a well-deserved reputation as a premier Patagonian destination. Two separate lodge locations – Caridad and Headquarters Lodge – create the opportunity for up to eighteen anglers to enjoy exclusive wade and drift fishing access throughout the region.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 ARGENTINA 77

Ten Questions: Planning a Trip to Patagonia 1. WHERE EXACTLY IS PATAGONIA? The Patagonia region is a vast area of land that stretches more than 260,000 square miles across the bottom third of Chile and Argentina, bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west.


Patagonia offers anglers some of the world’s best freshwater fly fishing along with some of the most beautiful and varied landscapes in the world. The backdrop to the fishing in Patagonia is unbeatable, and through it all you can find countless freshwater rivers, isolated streams and crystal-clear lakes that are teeming with fish. For travelers looking to retreat from the harsh conditions of a northern winter, Patagonia is ideal from November through April, which is summertime in the southern hemisphere. Combine the abundance of productive waters, light fishing pressure, gorgeous scenery, rich culture and fish that are eager to eat, and the draw of Patagonia is as clear as its waters.


6. HOW FAR IN ADVANCE SHOULD I START PLANNING MY TRIP TO PATAGONIA? For the most part, it’s best to start your planning 10 to 12 months in advance to assure great dates and the best guides at the right lodge. If you know that you want to go, then start the planning process as soon as possible! Certain lodges (mainly in Tierra Del Fuego) operate on a “first right of refusal” basis, offering return guests first crack at dates before opening dates to new anglers. With these operations, it may be necessary to join a waiting list to increase your chances at preferred dates. Yellow Dog can assist with this.

7. WHAT WILL THE WEATHER BE LIKE IN PATAGONIA? Due to its extreme southern latitude and complex mountainous terrain, Patagonia delivers ever-changing and diverse weather conditions throughout the season. Regardless of the month, daily conditions can change from rainy and damp, to hot and sunny, to cold and windy. No matter where you fish in Patagonia, be prepared for a wide range of variable and changing conditions.


There are a large number of productive and worthwhile areas to fish in Patagonia, including destinations in both Argentina and Chile. Each region of Patagonia has its own unique characteristics and offerings, and depending on what you are looking for, there is really no wrong answer. Typically, where you should fish is dependent on when you can go, what you want to fish for, your overall budget and what you expect out of the trip.

The general fishing season in Patagonia runs from November through April (summer in the southern hemisphere). Depending on where you go and what species of fish you want to catch, the “best” time to go can vary. That said, the most in-demand and popular times to fish this region aligns with the peak of the austral summer from early January through late March.


With so many different kinds of fishing scenarios and so many fish, anglers of all skill levels can easily be accommodated. The guides are patient and experienced, and Patagonia has something to offer for every type of angler – regardless of ability. Whether you prefer to wade or float, cast dries or swing streamers, fish hard or head in early, you can do it in Patagonia.

Patagonia is home to an impressive line-up and diversity of freshwater fish, including resident brown, rainbow and brook trout, and anadromous species that include sea-run brown trout, steelhead, King salmon and Atlantic salmon.

5. HOW MANY FISH CAN I EXPECT TO CATCH AND HOW BIG DO THEY GET IN PATAGONIA? Catch rates vary greatly between each destination and waters fished. When it comes to resident trout, anglers typically catch more fish in rivers and streams. Larger yet fewer fish are the norm for the region’s lakes and some specific rivers. In most areas, the average trout is in the 15-20-inch range, with solid possibilities for fish in the mid- to upper-20-inch range. In certain fisheries like Argentina’s Jurassic Lake and Tierra del Fuego’s Rio Grande, however, fish can easily exceed 20+ pounds.



10. NOT EVERYONE IN MY GROUP WANTS TO FISH EVERY DAY. ARE THERE OTHER ACTIVITIES IN PATAGONIA? If your traveling companions are less than enthusiastic about fly fishing, or if you’re someone who simply enjoys a day or two off from fishing, there’s no shortage of non-angling activities in Patagonia. Horseback riding, hiking, birding, glacier tours, cycling, spa services, wine tasting and more are all possibilities. Activities vary from region to region and lodge to lodge, and Yellow Dog is happy to arrange options.



Accommodations: The main lodge is a classic Argentine ranch-style house featuring five double bedrooms, a spacious lounge and a traditional dining area.

Accommodations: The property recently a top-to-bottom renovation and remodel that includes ten new guest rooms and an inviting lounge and dining area complete with whiskey and wine bar.

Accommodations: Rather than a traditional lodge setting, Tres Amigos utilizes two different authentic estancias. True Patagonian hospitality in a remote and untouched part of Argentina.

Type of Fishing: The incredibly strong rainbows that reside in the lake average 8-to12 pounds, and fish in excess of 20 pounds are caught on a regular basis. Special Features: The internationally renowned Lake Strobel (also known as “Jurassic Lake”) is a 25-square-mile, crystalclear piece of water that may be the very best trophy rainbow trout fishery on the planet. Located on the southern coast of this huge desolate lake, guests of Laguna Verde have access to the vast southern coast of Lake Strobel’s shoreline, the famous “Monster Bay”, Moro Creek and a productive section of the Barrancoso River. On a week-long trip to Jurassic Lake chances are very good that you will catch the largest trout of your life.



Ideal For: Anglers that love large numbers of huge fish combined with excellent Argentine hospitality – all in one of the most remote and isolated locations in the world.





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Santa Cruz, Argentina









Santa Cruz, Argentina

Ideal For: Big trout enthusiasts looking to target the largest trout in South America. Type of Fishing: Anglers typically fish two per guide and rotate through designated beats along the lakeshore and the lower river to assure equal access and rested water for each guest. Special Features: With an average fish weighing 10 pounds and legitimate chances at fish in the 20-pound class any day of the season, this fishery is something that truly has to be experienced to be believed. The lodge is strategically situated along a protected shoreline where the Barrancoso River feeds directly into the lake – a location that gives guests quick and easy access to the most productive stretches of water without the need to travel far from the main lodge. Round-trip charter flight services directly to the lake (something that allows guests to avoid the eight hour drive from Comodoro Rivadavia) are also available for full week packages.

Santa Cruz, Argentina

Ideal For: Anglers who appreciate small, technical waters and spring creek techniques. Type of Fishing: Big brook trout and wild browns on isolated waters that see very little pressure. Special Features: The Tres Amigos program offers guests the chance to journey along the intimate, isolated and pristine trout streams of southern Argentina. Along the way, anglers follow “the Route of the Spring Creeks” – an itinerary that offers the opportunity to fish four different private spring creeks while staying in homestyle accommodations on two historic estancias and a separate base camp location. After casting dry flies and streamers to trophy brook and brown trout, guests can look forward to evenings filled with great wine, traditional Argentine meals and friendly hospitality. The Route of the Spring Creeks is as much an immersion into the authentic culture of rural Argentine Patagonia as it is an opportunity to fish these lightly pressured and largely unknown waters.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 ARGENTINA 79











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Rio Grande, Argentina Located on the famed Rio Grande in the Tierra del Fuego region of southern Argentina, Estancia Maria Behety is among the most established and well-known sea-run brown trout lodges in the world. The Rio Grande is a river where sea-run brown trout average more than nine pounds, one trout in five is more than 15 pounds, and one in 50 runs 20-to-25 pounds. Estancia Maria Behety has access to 32 miles of controlled access on both sides of the Rio Grande and the freedom to fish more than 100 of the finest pools on the river. The distinctive architecture of the historic turn-of-the-century ranches of Tierra del Fuego is incorporated into the design of this lodge, where a roaring fireplace anchors the main room and the bar is well-stocked with the finest Argentine wines. '6/%4








Rio Grande, Argentina Villa Maria Lodge is located on the lower section of the Rio Grande – a part of the river that is famous for producing massive, chrome-colored sea-run brown trout that are just beginning their journey upriver from the ocean. Villa Maria is positioned perfectly to take advantage of this productive section of the river where you can still smell the salt in the air from the nearby ocean. After a long day of fishing, enjoy relaxing in the classic lodge next to a roaring fire – overlooking the Rio Grande with a cocktail or glass of Argentine Malbec in hand. '6/%4

Rio Grande, Argentina Another classic sea-run brown lodge located on the Rio Grande, Kau Tapen has long been a mainstay for serious sea trout addicts. Translated from “House of Fishing” in the Ona language, Kau Tapen was the first lodge on the river and the first to host fishermen. Anglers can fish most days with the wind at their back and over their shoulder for prime casting angles, and on this section of the river, short walks and easy wading are the norm. Wading this river is incredibly easy, with a pea-gravel bottom and a consistent, even flow. The lodge accommodates up to 10 guests per week, with single rooms a large social room that overlooks the Menendez and Rio Grande valleys, a well-stocked bar, tackle shop, and a full spa with jacuzzi, sauna and Finnish steam bath.









Rio Grande, Argentina Located on the middle section of the Rio Grande, Despedida Lodge is a small, intimate, family-run fishing lodge owned and operated by Danny and Helen Lajous. Despedida is a simple lodge with a hard-core fishing focus. They offer warm hospitality, great food and experienced guides at an exceptional value. Despedida has fast and immediate access to some of the best and most productive pools on the entire river – something that maximizes fishing time throughout the course of the week. Most days, anglers are on the water shortly after 7:30 a.m., returning to the lodge for lunch and an afternoon siesta, before returning to the river for an evening session that typically extends well past dark. The lodge accommodates only six guests in three double occupancy rooms. '6/%4

Rio Grande, Argentina Located on the massive Estancia Maria Behety property, La Villa de Maria Behety is a beautifully restored, historic mansion that offers a very different experience than the property’s larger, more fishing-focused sister lodge. With old world Patagonian charm and elegant, high-end accommodations, this is a fantastic option for smaller intact groups and families. Although the lodge is situated on the lower river, guests staying at La Villa have access to the complete EMB fishing program and share the same waters, with over 32 miles of river and access to more than 100 named pools. La Villa hosts up to six anglers per week in single occupancy rooms.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com
















Entre Rios, Argentina The Golden Dorado River Cruiser is a fantastic, one-of-a-kind mothership program owned and operated by our good friends that operate Estancia Laguna Verde on Jurassic Lake. The River Cruiser concept is something that’s completely new to the golden dorado scene in Northern Argentina, and a complete game changer when it comes to fishing the Parana River and the Entre Rios Delta system. The beautiful and well-appointed mothership travels up and down the Parana River system following the migration and activities of dorado throughout the season. Other areas species include pira pita, pacu and wolfish. Guests staying on the mothership can expect short runs to the fishing zones and constant, fresh access to unpressured fish. With quick and easy access to the mothership from Buenos Aires, trips of any length that begin or end on any day of the week can be arranged. '6/%4








Ita Ibate, Argentina Located near the small fishing village of Ita Ibate in the northern province of Corrientes, Pinti’s Dorado on the Fly program offers exceptional fishing on the Upper Parana river with some of the most talented and experienced dorado guides in the country. The Parana is a large and clear tailwater river that is most effectively fished from boats while casting into structure along thickly vegetated banks. Most dorado in the Parana average five to 10 pounds, with larger trophy-sized fish in the 20- to 25-pound range caught on a regular basis. Pacu and pira pita are also in the system. Guests stay in comfort at the Amokagny Lodge, a traditional Argentine-style operation strategically located on the banks of the river with easy access to the best fishing zones. The ecosystem of the Parana is essentially a jungle environment, complete with monkeys, toucans and an amazing array of other birds and animals. '6/%4

Ibera Marshlands Pira Lodge is tucked away in an isolated corner of northern Argentina’s lush and expansive Ibera Marshlands, the second largest wetland ecosystem in the world and an area that is twice the size of the Florida Everglades. This breathtakingly beautiful environment is rich in flora and fauna and is home to over 350 different species of birds. The marsh is comprised of a network of freshwater creeks, lakes, swamps, and lagoons – all of which provide perfect habitat for solid numbers of golden dorado. The waters in the Ibera Marshland are always clear, making sight fishing possible nearly every day of the season. Guests stay on an gorgeous estate that offers all of the comforts and luxuries of a contemporary fly fishing lodge, including an attentive and dedicated staff, a team of professional bi-lingual guides, top-of-the-line equipment, amazing cuisine, and well-appointed accommodations.


Buenos Aires, Argentina For those who are in Buenos Aires for business or passing through on the way to Patagonia or another Argentine fishing destinations, Urban Dorado Anglers offers fantastic day trip options for dorado, wolf fish and other species – all within close proximity to the city. Depending on your schedule and transportation requirements, UDA will pick you up in the city and bring you to a nearby marina or a private estancia. Fishing options include nearby island chains scattered throughout the Paraná Delta and Rio de la Plata, as well as private access to the best sections of the lower Paraná River and its tributaries. These waters are incredibly unique, giving anglers a wide range of settings, scenarios and habitats to fish. From casting streamers off the bow of a skiff to wet wading rivers, you can be fishing for dorado only 30 minutes from the city. While trips of any length can be arranged, day trips for anglers passing through Buenos Aires are the norm.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 ARGENTINA 81


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wn bow trout, and the occasional sea-run bro rain and ok, bro wn, Bro : IES EC SP ET TARG trout and King salmon SEASON: Late October through April MAJOR AIR HUB: Santiago (SCL) ntries. passport. No visa required for most cou DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid LANGUAGE: Spanish CAPITAL: Santiago lion COUNTRY POPULATION: 18 mil CURRENCY: Chilean Peso (CLP)


hile,” wrote Nobel Prize winner Pablo Neruda, is a country that was “invented by a poet.” Situated south of Peru and west of Bolivia and Argentina, Chile extends for more than 2,880 miles in a narrow, serpentine ribbon that stretches along the western coast of South America. From the parched, mineral-rich Atacama Desert in the North, to the lush coastal rainforests and deep glacial fjords of Patagonia, and further south to the windy and inhospitable lands surrounding the haunting spires of Torres del Paine National Park and Tierra del Fuego, the country is best described as “nature on a colossal scale.” The towering ranges of the Andes cover one-third of Chile, quickly falling away to a coastal landscape that is often compared to the U.S. Pacific Northwest. The angling opportunities in Chile are as diverse as the rivers themselves, with outstanding dry fly fishing for trout found throughout the country, and unique possibilities for King salmon and sea-run browns in certain coastal waters. The Patagonian region of Chile is typically fished from midNovember through late April, when many rivers in North America are still cold or frozen over. Spring conditions can be expected during the months of November and December, summer conditions January through mid-March, and typical fall weather from midMarch through the end of April. As every trout fisherman knows, each season presents something special and distinct from the others. Spring, for example, offers rivers at their highest flows with hungry fish that have not seen flies or anglers in many months. The Patagonian summer offers the most consistent temperatures, the longest days and fantastic terrestrial fishing; without a doubt the finest dry fly fishing of the entire season. Much like July in Montana, this is the most popular time to visit and fish Chilean Patagonia. The fall season offers the beauty of brilliant colors, cooler

temperatures, aggressive trout willing to chase big streamers, and lower, clearer water conditions. All in all, the fishing seasons and associated conditions in Chile are very similar to those found in the American Northern Rockies. Cold springs, warm summers and unpredictable fall months can all offer great fishing with varying weather and water conditions. Chilean Patagonia has three distinct fishing regions – Los Lagos, Aysen and Magallanes – each with its own unique appeal and advantages. The Los Lagos region in northern Patagonia is dominated by a lush, temperate rainforest ecosystem that is home to large lakes and sizable rivers that are most commonly accessed by boat. Central Patagonia, also known as the Aysen region, has a drier landscape that is similar to parts of western Montana and offers diverse waters that range from placid spring creeks to floatable freestone rivers. Farther south, near the bottom tip of the South American continent, the Magallenes region is possibly the most underdeveloped and least explored area of Patagonia: a wade fishing paradise that is home to countless small to mid-sized rivers and technical spring creeks. Here at Yellow Dog, we love the lodges, guides and outfitters in Chile, and we consider the operations that we work with to be among the very best in the entire world of freshwater fishing. Whether you’re someone who is new to trout fishing or a seasoned angler that has fished all over the world, Chile can deliver a freshwater experience unlike any other. Outstanding amenities and accommodations, great food and wine, and a diversity of fishing scenarios and waters all combine to make Chile one of the very best fishing destinations on the planet.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 CHILE 83

MARTIN PESCADOR LODGE Santa Barbara and La Junta, Chile


Accommodations: Martin Pescador’s multi-location program gives anglers the opportunity to fish out of four different lodge and camp sites, with direct access to 12 world class rivers, eight lakes, and numerous streams throughout the region.

Accommodations: The beautiful, custom-built main lodge features six double rooms that can accommodate a maximum of 12 guests per week. The heart of the lodge is the common area situated around the huge, hand-crafted fireplace.

Ideal For: Anglers who appreciate a multi-location trip that allows you to experience a variety of different areas, fish numerous waters, and catch some of the largest fish in Chile.

Ideal For: If you’re looking for a great “first time” Patagonian experience, this is a terrific option, as the family-run lodge is centrally located in close proximity to numerous world-class rivers and lakes.

Type of Fishing: The primary target species are rainbow and brown trout and – depending on the time of season – occasional opportunities for salmon and sea-run brown trout. Special Features: Lodge owner and area pioneer Frans Jansen has used his years of experience in Chilean Patagonia to establish a one-of-a-kind fly fishing program that many consider to be the best – and certainly the most diverse – in all of Patagonia. To fully take advantage of all that this area offers, the lodge’s professional team of experienced guides utilize a combination of 4x4 trucks, jet boats, lake boats and rafts to access remote and untouched waters. A standard week-long itinerary will have you fishing the Lago Yelcho region for three days out of Puerto Cardenas Lodge before transferring to La Junta Lodge on the Rio Rosselot. Longer itineraries can also include the Lago Verde Outpost Lodge, located near the border of Argentina in the Chilean Rio Pico region and the Blueberry House on the coast. For the more adventurous angler, the ultimate package at Martin Pescador is a 10-12 day, three location trip.

Type of Fishing: The trout throughout this area – both browns and rainbows – are wild and aggressive, and you can expect to catch good numbers of fish in the 12-20 inch range with trout in the 20-25 inch range found on a regular basis. Special Features: Situated on the banks of the majestic Rio Palena, the Patagonian BaseCamp Lodge serves as a comfortable “home away from home” for visiting anglers. With so many rivers, streams and lagunas within easy striking distance of the lodge, this is a program that delivers amazing diversity when it comes to fishing scenarios, scenery and water. The American guides at the lodge are seasoned professionals; the same caliber of professionals you typically find at the better lodges in Alaska and throughout the Western United States. As an add-on to a standard week, anglers can also visit BaseCamp’s remote satellite locations, including Temple Camp on the Rio Figueroa and Isla Leon Camp, located on the banks of the Upper Palena.

84 CHILE BELIZE info@yellowdogflyfishing.com info@yellowdogflyfishing.com• •www.yellowdogflyfishing.com www.yellowdogflyfishing.com











Coyhaique, Chile Magic Waters is located in the Asyen region of Chilean Patagonia in a beautiful moun-tain valley that is completely surrounded by glacier-capped peaks. The lodge’s strategic location is within easy reach of the fisheries found in the coastal rainforests as well as those on the arid eastern Patagonian steppe. With a wide variety of public and private access on area freestone rivers, spring creeks and productive lakes, Magic Waters Lodge has one of the best overall fishing line-ups in Chile. The casual and welcoming main lodge, built from locally-sourced wood and stone, boasts a spacious great room, fly tying area, wader room and comfortable accommodations for up to 12 anglers. The fishing season in this part of Chile starts in early October, ending the first week of May.









Coyhaique, Chile Operated by the owners of Magic Waters Lodge, this is a remote outpost camp location that has been set up on one of the wildest and most unexplored rivers in all of Patagonia. The basecamp sits at the confluence of an unnamed spring creek and the Rio Blanco, a location that gives anglers access to over 30 miles of river as well as the spring creek. This is a trip for the adventurous angler keen to explore new waters while chasing large, wild brown trout. Designed for only six anglers and constructed with minimal impact to the surrounding environment, the camp consists of three comfortable wood-framed expedition-style tent-cabins, a dining tent, and two fully equipped bathhouses. With overland access by horseback and no possibility of accessing the area from down-river means exclusive access to this entire fishery. '6/%4

Aysen Region, Chile Estancia de Los Rios is located north of Coyhaique, tucked away on a massive 360,000acre working ranch in the heart of central Chilean Patagonia. With access to more than 60 miles of rivers, spring creeks and numerous lakes that are all located within the boundaries of this private ranch, Estancia de los Rios offers outstanding dry fly fishing for wild brown trout in a very private and isolated setting. With so much water available, guests can count on fishing well-rested water without ever fishing the same water twice or seeing another soul. Classic and authentic estancia accommodations, excellent meals and welcoming Chilean hospitality. We consider this a must-fish destination for dry fly enthusiasts seeking total solitude in the vast and beautiful Patagonian wilderness.


Coyhaique, Chile A one-of-a-kind offering from our friends at Cinco Rios and Estancia del Zorro that is arguably the coolest way to fish the wilds of Patagonia! The fully customized “Game Changer” is a large-scale, all-terrain, off-road 4x4 land vessel designed to comfortably transport and support two anglers, a professional cook, a fishing guide and a guide’s assistant deep into the wilderness in search of unnamed and potentially unfished Chilean waters. If you’re someone who appreciates longer fishing days, less travel time to the water, the ability to fish evening hatches, and base camp locations that are completely off the grid, this is an option that allows you to truly take things to the next level. This Mad Max-like machine was purchased from the Chilean government and completely retrofitted to comfortably accommodate two anglers in total luxury. All trip itineraries are fully customized and will vary depending on the time of year.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

Coyhaique, Chile

















Coyhaique, Chile

Accommodations: The lodge is outstanding and fully renovated as of 2018. Comfortable guest rooms, a huge dining room and common area, open bar, a full tackle shop and large decks that overlook the Simpson River canyon. Ideal For: Anglers who are looking for a diverse, full-service week in one of the most productive fishing areas in Patagonia. Cinco Rios is great for those new to trout fishing as well as experienced anglers who love to hunt big trout. Type of Fishing: Over the course of a standard week-long package, lodge anglers can typically expect to do two jet-boat fishing days on the Paloma and Azul, two raft-float days on the Simpson or Mañihuales, and two wading days on small streams. Special Features: Situated on a high bluff overlooking the Rio Simpson, near the historic Chilean city of Coyhaique, Cinco Rios Lodge offers one of the best locations and most established fishing programs in all of South America. Guests have access to many of the region’s most famous waters, including the Simpson, La Paloma, Mañihuales, Aysen, Megote, Guillermo and De Leon, as well as a number of private rivers and streams that are exclusively owned or leased by Cinco Rios. Anglers are transported daily by four-wheel-drive trucks to rivers and streams on drives that range from 30-60 minutes. Expect seasoned, experienced guides, firstrate equipment, high-end accommodations and some of the best food and wine in all of Chile.

Accommodations: The Estancia is a full service, private lodge and working estancia operation that accommodates up to 12 guests per week. Ideal For: Brown trout and dry fly enthusiasts who loves big fish in small creeks and skinny waters. Totally private, isolated and quiet. Type of Fishing: With exclusive access to two rivers and a 15mile spring creek located on the property, as well as the ability to fish other area rivers, spring creeks and lakes, Estancia del Zorro offers world-class fishing for wild brown trout coupled with unparalleled seclusion. Special Features: Located 23 miles from Coyhaique on the Chilean-Argentine border, Estancia del Zorro is a very remote and totally secluded fishing operation in the heart of the Coyhaique-Alto Mountains. This 15,000-acre working estancia— owned by Cinco Rios Lodge—offers guests the chance to fish and explore isolated, intimate and incredibly productive waters in both Chile and Argentina. Anglers typically alternate fishing locations during the course of the week, fishing one day in Chile and the next crossing the border to fish in Argentina. Peaceful and secluded, this area is also a birdwatcher’s paradise, and the condor watching on the high cliffs of the estancia may be the best in the world.

Guests can enjoy a standard week-long program at either Cinco Rios or Estancia Del Zorro, or Yellow Dog can arrange a customized itinerary that includes both lodge locations and even the “Game Changer” all-terrain, off-road 4x4 camping platform! phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 CHILE 87

Accommodations: Lakutaia is a beautifully built lodge with giant picture windows overlooking the Beagle Channel. The lodge has 24 spacious double occupancy rooms with private bathrooms. Ideal For: Trout fishermen who love seclusion, wade fishing, large numbers of trout, and beautiful, barren and remote landscapes. Type of Fishing: Helicopter access that delivers abundant wade fishing opportunities for browns, brook trout and rainbows, as well as the occasional sea-run brown. Special Features: Operating at the southernmost tip of the Chile, Lakutaia Lodge is a one-of-a-kind, heli-fishing operation located on Navarino Island – a wild, remote and undeveloped wilderness area in the UNESCO Cape Horn Biosphere. Utilizing safe and reliable helicopters, Lakutaia provides anglers with access to some of the most remote and unreachable lakes and rivers in all of South America. In many respects, Navarino Island can be considered one of the last of the great unexplored freshwater trout fisheries on the planet. The lodge itself is located near the small settlement of Puerto Williams – the world’s southernmost town – overlooking the Beagle Channel and the rugged terrain of Argentina’s Tierra del Fuego. After long days of fishing, anglers will enjoy coming back to the lodge and indulging in local and international cuisines that pair terrifically with Chilean wines. After dinner treat yourself to a drink at the full bar before going to bed and prepare for another day of flying in helicopters and exploring other remote fisheries.






Navarina Island, Chile





Puerto Natales, Chile

Accommodations: Remota is an artistically modern, multi-level building with long, uniquely-shaped windows, numerous fire pits and lounging areas, a heated indoor swimming pool, an openair Jacuzzi and a private spa area. All 72 rooms have a view of Ultima Esperanza Bay, the nearby Balmaceda Glacier and the Paine Mountain Range. Ideal For: This is an amazingly unique resort that we highly recommend for couples and families looking to combine great fishing and active outdoor excursions in southern Chile and the beautiful Torres del Paine area. Type of Fishing: The rivers fished by the guides of Remota are pristine, productive and diverse, and most the area fisheries are accessed by walking and wading. The fish in the area are unpressured and usually willing to eat, averaging 14” and sometimes reaching over 22” in size. Special Features: Remota Resort was designed by Germán del Sol, the great Chilean architect who had a hand in several other famous projects in Torres del Paine National Park and the Atacama Desert. From the outside, the resort complex is simply stunning, an experiment in modernism that takes root in local and regional architecture. There is no place like it on the planet. This is an area of Chile and of Patagonia that is rarely visited and almost never fished. Located just north of the wind-swept waters of Tierra del Fuego and south of the more well-known Chilean fishing areas of Coyhaique, Chaiten, and Puerto Montt, this is an area that angling-wise is still very much undiscovered. For anglers looking for someplace new and different, this definitely qualifies!

88 CHILE BELIZE info@yellowdogflyfishing.com info@yellowdogflyfishing.com• •www.yellowdogflyfishing.com www.yellowdogflyfishing.com




here are a lot of variables to consider when planning a fly fishing trip to Patagonia – be it Argentina or Chile. Perhaps the most common – and arguably the most important – is the questions of when to go. With a long fishing season that typically extends from early November all the way through April, there are, of course, a number of seasonal transformations to be aware of when planning a trip. From the eager eats and unpressured characteristics of the early season of November and December, to the abundant hatches that are found during the warm summer months of January to mid-March, all the way through to the fall streamer action of April, Patagonia offers something for every trout angler. While we realize that the “best time to go” can be subjective and largely based on specific schedules and windows of availability, we have nonetheless put together a general summary and reference guide to help you choose the best time for your visit to Argentine or Chilean Patagonia.

Spring: November through December

The early spring months in Patagonia can be a great time to explore the area’s diverse fisheries and beautiful landscapes. As air temperatures rise after the South American winter, runoff from the snowcapped Andes fills the river valleys while the surrounding landscape comes alive with foliage and colorful spring flowers. Although river levels are typically at their highest during this period, water clarity on most rivers remains surprisingly good. During this time anglers should plan on being openminded, flexible and willing to adjust to changing river conditions with different fishing techniques. Any given day in the spring may include such fishing scenarios as twitching large attractor dries, head-hunting rising fish with naturals, stripping streamers or dead-drifting nymphs. And while the holiday season between Thanksgiving and the New Year keeps most North Americans at home, those who do venture to Patagonia during the months of November and December are commonly rewarded with little competition, untouched waters and hungry, aggressive fish.

Summer: January through Mid-March

As the peak of the South American summer (think July and August in the Northern Rockies), this timeframe is considered peak season in both Argentina and Chile: the most popular time to visit Patagonia. Summer weather in Patagonia can be easily compared to that of the American West, with very little precipitation and warm, bluebird days. By January, riparian areas and riverbanks are thickly vegetated and loaded with numerous species of beetles, hoppers, ants, crickets and other juicy terrestrials – a scenario that obviously makes for outstanding dry fly fishing. By early January, river levels also begin to drop, creating easy wading and abundant sight fishing opportunities. Fish have seen a few fly patterns by now in many area fisheries, and as a result, they become a bit more selective. Presentation, drift and fishing the right patterns all become important. Prime dates during these summer months fill quickly, and we always advise booking well in advance.

Fall: Mid-March through April

Fall in Patagonia can be stunning, and the late season has become a favorite time to visit the region for many veteran anglers. As air temperatures start to drop and foliage begins to change, the landscape becomes painted with a rich palette of vibrant, autumn colors. As cool fall rains shower the Andes, water temperatures slowly decrease and fish begin to feed aggressively in preparation for the winter. After a long summer of aggressive feeding, the fish are large, and some of the biggest trout of the season are caught during this time of year. Although dry fly fishing can still be effective in some areas, swinging or pulling streamers becomes the most effective way to find the largest fish in most rivers. By early April, local Argentine vacationers have returned home and international tourist traffic has dropped considerably. Consequently, fishing pressure drops off and anglers can typically enjoy great fishing and a backdrop of beautiful fall colors with few others on the water.












and t on the South Island and a mix of browns TARGET SPECIES: Primarily brown trou rainbows on the North Island. il SEASON: November through late Apr G) Christchurch (CHC) and Wellington (WL MAJOR AIR HUB: Auckland (AKL), ens passport. No visa required for private citiz DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Valid s. from most countries for visits up to 90 day d) and indigenous language of New Zealan cial offi (the ori Ma and lish Eng : GE UA LANG POPULATION: 4.7 million CAPITAL: Wellington COUNTRY D) CURRENCY: New Zealand Dollar (NZ


or every serious trout angler, New Zealand is the Holy Grail – a destination that is home to some of the most famous and storied trout rivers and freshwater fishing scenarios on the planet. Aside from the big, wild fish that are frequently found in clear and skinny waters, one of the things that makes New Zealand such a remarkable destination for fly fishing enthusiasts is the pristine, unspoiled and awe-inspiring wilderness that dominates the country’s landscape. Most backcountry settings could easily be mistaken for film locations from Jurassic Park or Lord of the Ring: lush, temperate and heavy with the smell of clean water, fresh earth and prolific vegetation. While the entire country is fairly small (similar in size to the state of Colorado), there is incredible diversity in terrain, landscape and climate between New Zealand’s South Island and the North Island. While the North Island is somewhat volcanic, with rolling green hills, bubbling geothermal pools and beautiful beaches, the South Island is best described as having a more “rugged” beauty, with glaciers, fiords, waterfalls and the dramatic Southern Alps that serve as the backbone of the island. Both islands are home to fantastic trout fishing opportunities and some of the best fishing lodges and guides found anywhere in the world.

The signature angling experience of New Zealand is most definitely the opportunity to sight fish for trophy brown trout. While the average size of the brown trout found throughout the country is between four and seven pounds, hooking a doubledigit, shovel-headed monster is always a possibility. And while it’s no secret that these are some of the most technical and challenging fish to catch, a well-planned approach, strong teamwork with your guide, and an accurate and delicate presentation can reward an angler with the trout of a lifetime. Because it takes some time and effort to arrive and travel around in New Zealand, it is imperative that a trip is set up, organized and planned in the right way. New Zealand is definitely not a quick weekend getaway or a trip that can be done at the last minute, and because there is so much to do and see on both islands, a visit to this country should be anything but a standard package deal. That is why every trip that Yellow Dog books to New Zealand is fully customized according to each angler’s expectations, needs and abilities, budget, and overall trip goals. The summer fishing season in New Zealand stretches from November to April, with each month presenting different opportunities and challenges for anglers.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com





Accommodations: A large, central lodge is linked to private guest chalets by a series of elevated wooden boardwalks. The spacious, warm and well-decorated chalets all feature king sized beds and plenty of space.

Accommodations: There are only five guest rooms at the lodge, and although the accommodations are modest in comparison to some of the luxury lodges in New Zealand, the warm and welcoming service is truly unbeatable.

Accommodations: With its unique architecture and enormous beams of Douglas fir, the magnificent design of this South Island fishing lodge combines the look and feel of a high-end North American lodge with the character, personality and hospitality of a classic New Zealand operation.

Queenstown Lakes Region – South Island

Ideal For: An adventure destination unlike anything else in New Zealand, Minaret Station Alpine Lodge exemplifies the very best of high-end luxury, rustic mountain comfort and total seclusion. Type of Fishing: With a fleet of helicopters and independent concessions to fish on conservation lands that span nearly four million acres, Minaret offers guests unprecedented exclusivity and access to some of the greatest backcountry trout streams and rivers in the Southern Lakes region. Special Features: Built on a rich tradition of outdoor heritage, Minaret Station was founded by the legendary Wallis family of Wanaka. Situated on a stunning hillside at the head of a beautiful and isolated glacial valley, the lodge can only be accessed via helicopter. Helicopters and heli-fishing are an indelible part of the Minaret Station experience, something that enables guests to enjoy a wide range of unique outdoor activities including hiking, mountain biking, hunting and—of course—backcountry fishing with some of the finest pilots and guides in New Zealand.


Hanmer Springs – South Island

Ideal For: Anglers that love sightfishing for seriously large trout. Sightfishing is the predominant approach here, in which guides and clients work together as a team to locate, decipher, read and (hopefully) feed each fish. Type of Fishing: We consider this to be one of the top destinations in all of New Zealand for legitimate shots at 10-pound-plus brown trout: the type of serious trophies that New Zealand is known for. Special Features: Riverview Lodge is located five miles from the South Island resort town of Hanmer Springs and less than two hours by car from Christchurch, which puts it at the center of the island’s big brown trout territory. If you’ve ever seen a photo of a New Zealand brown trout of jaw-dropping proportions, there is a good chance it may have come from this part of the South Island. With 25 years of experience under their belts at this lodge, the owners of Riverview provide classic kiwi hospitality with an intimate feel. Hanmer Springs is one of New Zealand’s most popular spa resort towns, home to thermal pools, shopping, an 18-hole golf course, several wineries and numerous outdoor activities.

Te Anau – South Island

Ideal For: Anglers and non-anglers alike. Itineraries that combine fishing with countless non-angling activities and treks into Fiordland National Park can easily be arranged. Type of Fishing: With nearly 40 gin-clear rivers and streams within a 1.5-hour drive from the lodge, the fishing options are endless. The lodge provides access (via fourwheel-drive truck, jet boat or helicopter) to dozens of famous rivers as well as countless others that are far off the beaten path. Special Features: Set on a hill overlooking Lake Te Anau with uninterrupted views in all directions, Fiordland Lodge combines hospitality, luxury, comfort, and stunning scenery. Located just outside the South Island township of Te Anau, Fiordland Lodge is considered the gateway to the stunning Fiordland National Park – home to the serene Doubtful Sound and the iconic Milford Sound (which was once described by Rudyard Kipling as the eighth “Wonder of the World”). Day trips into the park are terrific options for non-anglers and for fishermen looking to diversify their trip.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

Nelson Lakes Region – South Island



Accommodations: The gorgeous stone and timber lodge features four comfortable and well-appointed bedrooms, each of which features a king bed and a private balcony overlooking the Motueka River and Mt. Arthur Range in the distance.

Accommodations: The operation consists of the main lodge, six well-appointed guest cottages, a classic dining room, bar area, numerous sitting areas, a retail shop and an impressive stock of top-end rods, boots and waders for guest use.

Accommodations: Situated on the banks of the Makarora River, this understated lodge is located on five acres with one of the most stunning settings in New Zealand. Small and intimate, Cedar Lodge accommodates only eight guests per week.

Ideal For: Anglers looking for a wide diversity of fishing scenarios and great sightfishing opportunities. The lodge can be booked out for exclusive use by small groups or large families.

Ideal For: Anglers looking to access numerous rivers – from small spring creeks to iconic freestones – without the necessity of a helicopter.

Type of Fishing: Most of the area rivers can be accessed either on foot or via four-wheel-drive truck, and helicopters are always an option for those wishing to fish and access remote backcountry waters.

Type of Fishing: Located in the heart of the Owen Valley in the Nelson Lakes district of the South Island, the lodge offers access to more than 25 exceptional freestone rivers and spring creeks, most of which are located less than an hour’s drive away from the lodge.

Ideal For: Since Cedar Lodge is the only owner-operated heli-fishing lodge on the South Island, they can offer a true helifishing experience at a much lower cost than other daily fly-out lodges.


Special Features: The Nelson Lakes Region is arguably the most scenic location in all of New Zealand to build a fishing lodge—exactly the reason why John and Kate Kerr chose it as the place to build Stonefly Lodge. With three major national parks (Abel Tasman, Kahurangi and Nelson Lakes) as well as dozens of amazing brown trout rivers all located within an hour’s drive of the lodge, Stonefly can easily satisfy the needs of both angling and non-angling guests. It is worth noting that the Nelson region records more days of sunshine than any other part of New Zealand, something that creates ideal trout-spotting conditions. Consummate hosts, the Kerrs understand the importance of location and great fishing – and also old-school hospitality, high-end amenities and delicious food.

Murchison – South Island

Special Features: Owen River Lodge is the brainchild of Felix Borenstein, a world-class host, and bona fide fishing fanatic. Every detail of the lodge is centered around fishing, and the lodge itself is situated in one of the finest sight-fishing brown trout regions in New Zealand (and the world). Over the years, Felix has created a New Zealand fly fishing institution, with many guests returning each season to experience amazing Kiwi hospitality and some of the largest brown trout on the South Island. The lodge’s guides are some of the finest and most experienced in all of New Zealand, with most having more than 20 years of guiding under their belts.

Makarora – South Island

Type of Fishing: There are more than 20 rivers within striking distance of the lodge. Cedar also holds a unique concession in Mt. Aspiring National Park, with exclusive access to some of the most spectacular trout waters on the South Island. Special Features: Under new ownership as of 2019, Cedar is a fantastic small-scale, high-end operation with a location that is optimal not only for fishing, but also for hiking, sightseeing, wine touring and golf (there is a five-hole course on the property). The meals at Cedar are influenced by various New Zealand culinary styles, with an emphasis on the farm-to-table concept. Guests enjoy magnificent, three-course meals each evening as well as an awardwinning wine list. Each window in the lodge frames a spectacular view to the Southern Alps. The private helipad is in front of the main lodge, which is the point from which you will take off on your daily helicopter trip.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 NEW ZEALAND 93



Accommodations: Guests can choose to stay in the main lodge, in the exclusive Blake House (ideal for families or intact groups), or on the banks of the river at Poronui’s “Safari Camp.”

Accommodations: Tongariro Lodge offers a range of private accommodation options, including one-bedroom chalets and larger villas that are ideal for families and groups.

Ideal For: Anglers looking to pair the heli-fishing opportunities with luxurious accommodations, incredible food, unbeatable service and a rich fishing heritage. This is a high-end operation built by anglers, for anglers.

Ideal For: Tongariro Lodge is a great choice for anglers who are new to the sport or are planning their first trip to New Zealand. This operation also has the longest season of any operation in the country.

Type of Fishing: Poronui has one of the region’s best helifishing operations, which provides easy access to many of the North Island’s most famous mountain rivers and remote backcountry streams.

Type of Fishing: While the area is known mostly for the trophy rainbows that call the Central Plateau of the North Island home, brown trout in excess of 10 pounds are caught by lodge guests every year.

Special Features: Nestled in the secluded Taharua Valley on New Zealand’s spectacular North Island, Poronui is one the world’s finest luxury wilderness lodges, long known for its incredible fly fishing as well its trophy big game hunting programs. All trips are customized according to angling ability and preference for either “quantity” or “quality” when it comes to fish—something that makes Poronui’s fishing program one of the New Zealand’s most dynamic and flexible. The property is steeped in ancient Maori heritage and is surrounded by vast estates of privately owned Maori lands. There is a strong sense of history and tradition at the lodge, and Poronui is privileged to have access and concessions for much of this area.

Special Features: Situated on 22 acres along the banks of the famous Tongariro River and steeped in a rich history of fly fishing, Tongariro Lodge is strategically situated in an area that is renowned for its robust rainbow trout fishery. Indeed, the very first rainbow trout introduced to New Zealand were first brought to this region in the 1880s, and they’ve been thriving ever since. The atmosphere of the main lodge is everything you would imagine if you were to close your eyes and conjure up an image of a classic fishing lodge: roaring fires in stone fireplaces, rustic finishes, a history of fly fishing covering the walls, and a friendly staff waiting to serve you a glass of New Zealand’s famous Pinot Noir.

Taupo Region – North Island

Turangi – North Island

94 NEW BELIZE ZEALAND info@yellowdogflyfishing.com info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

The podcast program that is 100% dedicated to fishing travel, adventure and exploration. Waypoints is a high-quality podcast production created for those that fish and those that travel to fish – a platform that talks about, explores, and shares relevant and legitimate advice on adventure angling and the world’s finest fishing destinations. The program is hosted by Jim Klug, the founder and director of Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures. With more than 220 different lodge and location options in 28 different countries and offerings that include both freshwater and saltwater adventures, Yellow Dog has become the largest, most diverse and well-known agent in fishing travel. Klug has spent his life working in the fly fishing industry, and has been lucky enough to travel and fish the world, meeting interesting people, experiencing incredible destinations, and collecting amazing stories. Waypoints regularly delivers as incredible line-up of guests, including passionate anglers, hard-core adventurists, legendary guides, wandering fish-heads, outcast ex-pats, and seasoned travel experts. Each episode captures and taps into this knowledge base, creating an authentic and valuable platform that shares instruction, technical advice and first-hand stories that are related in some way to fishing travel. Episodes dive into the what, why, where and how of destination angling, discussing relevant topics and breaking down the issues that matter to those who travel and fish. It is a program with a goal of bringing the world of fly fishing travel to life for the program’s listeners.

Waypoints Podcast https://www.yellowdogflyfishing.com/waypoints-podcast/ http://waypoints.buzzsprout.com/ Waypoints Producer: Bryan Gregson Waypoints is currently available on iTunes, Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google Play, Buzzsprout and Stitcher, as well as on the Yellow Dog website.




t, Atlantic salmon and char TARGET SPECIES: Wild brown trou r SEASON: June through early Octobe k Airport (KEF) MAJOR AIR HUB: Reykjavik–Keflavi ens passport. No visa required for private citiz id Val D: IRE QU RE S NT ME CU DO s. from most countries for visits up to 90 day LANGUAGE: Icelandic and English PULATION: 343,000 CAPITAL: Reykjavik COUNTRY PO CURRENCY: Icelandic Krona (ISK)


ith a population of less than 350,000 people and more miles of pristine water than could realistically be fished in a lifetime, Iceland offers some of the best and most legitimate fly fishing opportunities for trophy brown trout, Arctic char and Atlantic salmon found anywhere in the world. For anglers looking for an incredibly unique fishing experience that combines intimate waters, great wading and world-class scenery, Iceland is a destination that without a doubt should be at the top of the list. With fishing scenarios built around long-term conservation plans and low angling pressure guaranteed through the utilization of the classical European style “beat” system, many of the rivers in Iceland see very few anglers over the course of a season – something that guarantees great action, large and healthy fish, and solitary, secluded fishing. When fishing the rivers that we book and arrange throughout Iceland, anglers can expect to have sections of the river totally to themselves each day,


with some of the most scenic backdrops and landscapes found anywhere in the world of freshwater fishing. As far as trip planning goes, this is a destination where you can pair extraordinary fishing for native brown trout, char and wild salmon with a longer extended stay, where you can visit the major cities like Reykjavik or explore the countryside and the amazing natural attractions of the region. Often referred to as the “land of fire and ice,” the island offers the chance to view incredible landscapes, hike volcanoes, visit local hot springs and waterfalls, tour the coastline, and spend time in the picturesque capital. The Icelandic people are incredibly accommodating, friendly, generous and eager to show foreigners all the amazing features the country has to offer. At Yellow Dog, we really feel that Iceland has something to offer for everyone – from incredible fishing to a diversity of nonangling activities and cultural experiences.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com



Accommodations: Most of the fishing lodges that are a part of the Reykjavik Angling Club (RAC) are well-appointed, offer a complete line up of services, and are situated on the banks of a prime river or in close proximity to outstanding fishing. Ideal For: Anglers who appreciate solitude and having larger sections of rivers all to themselves! With these packages, every fishing itinerary and trip schedule is totally customized, and anglers are paired with the lodges and locations that best suit their needs and preferences. Type of Fishing: Along with some of the best Atlantic salmon fishing in the world, Iceland also has lesser-known, world-class brown trout fishing throughout the summer season. While Iceland is not considered a “numbers-focused” trout fishery, the quality and size of the native browns will have even the most seasoned trout anglers quickly rebooking for a return trip. Arctic Char and sea-run browns are also available on a small number of rivers operated by Reykjavik Angling Club. Special Features: Yellow Dog is pleased to be partnering with and offering Icelandic angling packages and trips through Reykjavik Angling Club, the largest outfitter and license holder in Iceland, with more than two dozen of the most renowned fisheries. For both trout and salmon fishing, anglers fish these rivers utilizing the Europeanstyle “beat system”. This typically means that anglers and their guide are assigned a morning section and a different afternoon section for each guided day of fishing. The size of the beats is substantial, and there is plenty of water to fish during each session.

Accommodations: Accommodations of all types can be arranged, from wilderness camping, to basic countryside guesthouses, to high-end, luxury lodge and hotel stays. Ideal For: Those looking to experience a high degree of diversity when it comes to fishing and exploring the best of Iceland. Options range from single day trips to week-long, highend, all-inclusive itineraries. Type of Fishing: River, stream and lake fishing for wild brown trout, char and Atlantic salmon. Special Features: Fish Partner offers fully-customized, multiday itineraries as well as a number of pre-set adventures that include such trip packages as four days on the famous Big Laxa for trophy browns and Atlantic salmon, five days on Lake Thingvallavatn for monstrous, ice-aged brown trout, or a five day trip to explore the wilderness of the Icelandic Highlands is search of big Arctic char and browns. From the attributes of the fish and the beauty of the landscape, to the quality of the food and the smoothness of the in-country transportation, this is an operation that understands that details are essential to the overall experience. Fish Partner was recently selected as the winner of the prestigious Travel & Hospitality Awards in the category of “Learning Experience of the Year 2020 for Iceland.”

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 ICELAND 97



tic grayling and lenok TARGET SPECIES: Taimen, pike, Arc SEASON: June through October N) MAJOR AIR HUB: Ulaanbaatar (UL required for citizens of most countries. visa No rt. spo pas id Val D: IRE QU RE DOCUMENTS LANGUAGE: Mongolian CAPITAL: Ulaanbaatar (most of which live in Ulaanbaatar) lion mil 3 N: TIO LA PU PO Y TR UN CO g (MNT) CURRENCY: Mongolian Tughrik/Tögrö


journey to Mongolia is without a doubt one of the world’s great fly fishing adventures. The culture is ancient, the landscape is vast, the people are incredibly friendly, and the rivers are home to the largest trout on the planet. This is the land of the Hucho Hucho taimen—a massive freshwater fish known to Mongolians as the “River Wolf.” Taimen are exceptionally fierce and notoriously ferocious hunters that are famous for feeding on ducks, mice, other gamefish and even hefty prairie dogs. If you enjoy hunting large, predatory fish and value the quality of the catch over quantity, then fishing the rivers of Mongolia is something that we highly recommend. The size of these fish, their aggressive behavior, and their heart-stopping eats have made them a favorite with every angler lucky enough to have experienced this trip. More than two and a half times the size of Texas, Mongolia is a mysterious and ancient country. It is best known as the fabled homeland of the fierce nomadic warrior Genghis Khan, the warlord founder of the Mongol Empire who came to power by uniting many of the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia in the early thirteenth century. Located in northern Asia, Mongolia is bordered to the north by Russia and to the south by China—a precarious political position and naturally isolated location that has, for the most part, kept Mongolia out of the Western spotlight for the past 100 years. It was only in the 1990s that the first Western tourists began to trickle into the country to begin


exploring all that Mongolia has to offer. And while the capital city of Ulaanbaatar has experienced a large amount of growth over the past 20 years, most of the rural and wilderness areas outside of the main city remain exactly the same as they’ve always been. On Mongolian rivers, the average taimen caught is around 32 inches and roughly 10 pounds. There is always the possibility for larger fish in the 40- to 50-inch range as well, and each week of the season usually produces a number of these trophy fish. Much like traditional steelhead fishing, taimen fishing in Mongolia is rarely a numbers game, but when a three-, four- or even five-foot river monster violently smashes your fly and your line comes tight, you’ll quickly understand the draw of fishing Mongolia. While taimen are the primary species, Arctic grayling and Amur pike are also found in the area. Depending on which operation you fish with in Mongolia, accommodations vary between fixed Mongolia “Ger” operations and mobile on-river float camps. Anglers often stay in traditional felt Gers (small, low-ceilinged round tents) that are hard-sided and incredibly warm and comfortable. Mongolian culture venerates hospitality, and the camp staff and guides that work with these operations are no exception. Anglers who enjoy fishing and swinging flies for steelhead or targeting musky with large streamers will love taimen fishing in Mongolia.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


The Mongolian river camps in the Eg-Ur Watershed have been operating since 1995 – the first established Taimen fishing programs in the country. While basing out of these fixed-location camps, anglers stay in Gers (small, low-ceilinged round tents) that are hard-sided and incredibly warm and comfortable inside. The upper camp is located on the banks of the Ur River, while the lower camp is situated further downstream on the Eg River (below the confluence of the Eg and the Ur). With a combination of wading and fishing from 18-foot aluminum jet boats, anglers can expect long days on the water, leaving camp after breakfast and returning approximately one hour before dinner, and fishing days run anywhere from eight to 10 hours. The season runs from early August through early October with a maximum of eight anglers per week in each camp.


As with all of our Mongolian trip offerings, this adventure begins and ends in Mongolia’s capital city of Ulaanbaatar (UB). A week of adventure floating through the upper stretch of the world’s first taimen sanctuary. Anglers fish two-to-a-boat from ClackaCraft drift boats – a very dry and comfortable way to float and cover the distance between the network of six on-river ger camps. Gear boats and camp staff transport everything needed for the week. Each evening you float into a stunning camp where the drinks are cold, the fires are warm, and the food is delicious. Each camp has a large dining ger – the traditional round Mongolian structure – where anglers and guides can relax as a group after a full day on the river. The sleeping gers feature comfortable cots, linens, and wood-burning stoves.


A trip designed for those of who don’t mind roughing it a bit … in style, of course. Eight days for floating and fishing the lower waters of the taimen sanctuary, enjoying a new stretch of river each day. As with the upper section, each day’s float covers 10 to 15 miles of water, with a midday break for a shore lunch. Along the way, anglers stay in a unique combination of Nordic tipi-tents and fixed ger camps. This is an option that offers a remote location, incredible fishing, experienced guides, unique nomadic culture, and outstanding wilderness accommodations. This trip can of course be combined with the upper river float trip to create and extended, 14-day float. With both sections on this river, access and fishing is restricted to anglers holding a fishing permit allocated through Mongolia River Outfitters.


Seven full days covering nearly one-hundred and sixty kilometers of epic taimen and trout water. This section of the Delger River is remote and difficult to access, offering pristine and secluded angling that can only be accessed by boat. These trips begin in the forested mountain headwaters, and over the course of a week, the river carves its way through limestone and granite in a canyon that is flanked by spectacular cliffs and rock pinnacles. There are very healthy taimen populations in this section, with most fish measuring 30 to 40 inches, and fish over 50-inches encountered on a regular basis. When floating the Delger Canyon, anglers will fish out of inflatable NRS drift boats.


This is the most adventurous and physically demanding trip in our Mongolian line-up, and one that is ideally suited for those that love to hike, walk and wade. Guests will begin this trip by hiking or riding into the backcountry to reach the headwaters, as the entire camp – boats and all – are packed in on camels. There are three comfortable tipi camps located in the headwaters section, and the week begins with a few days fishing at the top of the stretch. The group then gradually makes their way back downstream for several days to access more spectacular water. On the downstream journey, the group will use rafts to reach new water and move gear to the next tipi camp. The last night on the river is back at the upper ger camp. As with all of these trips, anglers can expect great meals and the support of a hard working, professional camp staff. The total number of anglers is limited to four per expedition.


phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 MONGOLIA 99


ellow Dog is pleased to offer several incredibly unique, off-the-grid fishing adventures that easily rank among the most exotic and extraordinary in the entire world of fly fishing travel. If you’re looking for the wildest, most unique freshwater fishing adventures on the planet, then you may want to consider a trip for Golden Mahseer in India or for savage African tigerfish in the wilds of Tanzania. Tanzania’s Mnyera and Ruhudji Rivers together offer one of the last remaining truly wild frontiers in freshwater fishing—trophy tigerfish on the fly in one of the most remote areas of Africa. Set deep in an untouched corner of the Tanzanian wilderness, this area is home to 20-pound-plus tigers. A trip to Tanzania is without a doubt a journey to the wildest edge of fly fishing, and Yellow Dog is proud to work with a solid group of experienced guides whom we guarantee are the very best in the region. Having fished this operation ourselves, we feel confident that this is a place well worth the time, money and miles to get there. If you love adventure, new waters and crazy species, then fly fishing for trophy tigerfish in Tanzania is a trip you need to make.


We promise you that there is nothing like it in the world! An equally exotic and adventurous trip involves Golden Mahseer fishing in India – specifically on the frontier where India borders Nepal. Golden Mahseer are a heavily armored freshwater fish that live in the fast, moving waters found throughout the mountainous regions of India and southern Asia. Fishing for Mahseer is in many ways similar to fishing for steelhead or Atlantic salmon, and the types of water that Mahseer inhabit range from crystal clear streams to large, offcolored glacial rivers. The outfitter that we work with in India has created a totally unique, nomadic fishing program that utilizes a number of different river camps and multi-day floats. From the African bush to the remote rivers of ancient India, Yellow Dog can help arrange the world’s most exotic fishing adventures. After all, fishing is about much more than just catching fish. It’s about the places that fishing takes us, and the people, cultures and sights that we discover along the way.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


Accommodations: Over the course of a week of fishing with African Waters, you will split your time between two different camp operations on the two different rivers. Both of African Waters’ camp locations—the Mnyera and Ruhudji—are simple, yet comfortable bush camps that offer more amenities and comforts than most people expect in such a remote setting. Ideal For: This is a fairly rugged trip that involves a lot of travel and a fair bit of effort, but if you are serious about catching huge tigers on the fly, this is definitely the operation to book. Type of Fishing: Anglers fish two-to-a-boat, casting streamers to structure and likely holding water with a combination of floating lines and sink tips. Special Features: In one of the most remote areas of Africa, Tanzania’s Mnyera and Ruhudji rivers offer what may be the finest trophy tigerfishing found anywhere on the planet. Set deep in an untouched corner of the Tanzanian wilderness, this area is home to big game, exotic wildlife and monster tigerfish that routinely exceed 20 pounds. If you are serious about catching a trophy tiger on the fly, then this is place to fish. The relatively short season on these two rivers runs from early September to mid-November, when water temperatures, levels and clarity are optimal and the largest tigerfish begin to feed aggressively.

HIMALAYAN OUTBACK Arunachal Pradesh, India

Accommodations: This is an offering that utilizes comfortable tents camps and multi-day floats, focusing on different rivers in the Uttarakhand and Arunachal Predesh regions of India. Ideal For: Adventurous anglers looking to mix exotic fishing with an incredible cultural experience in an ancient and mystical land. Type of Fishing: Fishing for mahseer is, in many ways, similar to fishing for steelhead or Atlantic salmon, and a variety of presentations, including skating dries, dead-drifting nymphs or even swinging spey flies with two-handed rods, are used. Special Features: The Himalayan Outback is not your average fishing trip, just as the golden mahseer is not an ordinary fish. The experienced local guides and staff from The Himalayan Outback have established three different trip options to take advantage of the best overall fishing conditions at different times of the year. The first is their signature program: a fixed safari-style camp on the banks of the Saryu River. The second option is a multi-day float and camp trip that starts on the Saryu and transitions to multiple camp locations on the Mahakali River. Both of these options are available April 15 through June 10, and September 20 through October 30. The third operation – which is still a fairly new offering – is located in north eastern India on the Dibang River, in Arunachal, with a season that runs March 10 through April 20 and November 10 through December 31.

phone 406.585.8667 info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • toll free: 888.777.5060 • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com FRESHWATER EXOTICS BELIZE 101



er ly varden, Arctic char, Arctic grayling, sup TARGET SPECIES: Rainbow trout, dol kundzha, six species of Pacific salmon tember SEASON: Mid-July through early Sep amchatsky Airport (PKC) MAJOR AIR HUB: Petropavlovsk-K assist rt as well as a Russian visa. Yellow Dog can spo pas id Val D: IRE QU RE S NT ME DOCU with this process. ropavlovsk-Kamchatsky LANGUAGE: Russian CAPITAL: Pet 0 COUNTRY POPULATION: 325,00 CURRENCY: Russian Ruble (RUB)


ocated more than 6,000 miles away from the “big city world” of Moscow and the craziness of modern-day Russia, the Kamchatkan Peninsula offers a safe, stable and remote environment that is ideal for the adventurous angler. This volcano- and river-filled region has always been regarded as a land of wonder. The peninsula has more landmass than California, yet only one passable road into its wilderness interior. The west coast and all of the northern regions remain roadless and only accessible by helicopter. If you have ever dreamed of fishing some of the most remote, untouched rivers on earth for large, aggressive, native rainbow trout, then this is the destination. Kamchatka is still a completely wild place, and while most fishing operations on the peninsula can deliver a remote wilderness fishing experience, there are definitely some operations that are more remote, wild and productive than others. Keep in mind that this region is the original domain of wild rainbow trout; the cradle of rainbow civilization that is still home to the largest, most aggressive, most predatory trout in the world. Kamchatka is without a doubt one of the most spectacular geographical locations in all of Russia, if not the world. Occupying more than 470,000 square miles, the Kamchatkan Peninsula is located in the most southeastern part of the Russian continent. Separating the Sea of Okhotsk and the Pacific Ocean,


the Peninsula juts out into the northern Pacific Ocean directly into the path of the warm Japanese Coastal currents. This fortunate positioning helps to provide relatively mild winters compared to those of nearby Siberia. Along with these warm currents comes numerous species from the Pacific Ocean, including salmon, whales and a wonderful array of coastal wildlife. Brown bear, otter, bighorn sheep, caribou and moose flourish amongst the backdrop of a pristine wilderness. In many ways, the setting and character of the Peninsula are reminiscent of British Columbia and the U.S. Pacific Northwest. For anglers looking for a truly remote wilderness fly fishing experience, overnight float and camping trips offer an opportunity to access and fish dozens of miles of some of the best trout fishing in the world. Moving downstream over the course of the week, anglers and guides will utilize rafts to access different stretches of the river each day, spending each night at outpost camps or setting up tents each evening. Fixed base camps and lodges are another great option, giving anglers the opportunity to access dozens of miles of water each day with the use of jet boats. Fixed camps tend to offer the most established and comfortable accommodations in Kamchatka; rustic yet comfortable settings that still provide great access to some of the best trout fishing available.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com



Accommodations: The most established fishing lodge in all of Kamchatka, Zendzur offers comfortable rooms, great food, and excellent customer service. This is a fantastic base of operations where anglers return each evening to enjoy a huge dinner, comfortable overnight accommodations, and on-site, natural hot springs.

Accommodations: Two-person, A-framestyle cabins that are warm, comfortable and dry. Each cabin includes generator-supplied electricity and wood stove heat.

Accommodations: Two Yurt Main Lodge is the base of operations for this program. Located in one of the most scenic valleys in all of Kamchatka, the lodge also has an on-site hot spring that guests are free to use each day after fishing.

Ideal For: Anglers willing to prioritize size over numbers. Most fishing on the Zhupanova involves either large streamers or mouse patterns skated across the surface.

Type of Fishing: The average rainbow is close to 21 inches, with many exceeding 24 inches and weighing in at more than six pounds. In recent seasons, several trout larger than 30 inches have been landed as well. A strong diversity of species including trout, char, grayling and salmon.

ZENDZUR LODGE Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

Type of Fishing: With fish that can reach lengths of 35 inches and weigh more than 10 pounds, anglers will have the opportunity to hook the biggest trout of their lives during a single week of fishing out of Zendzur. Special Features: One of the truly great Kamchatkan fisheries, the mighty Zhupanova is home to what are arguably the largest rainbow trout in the world. Zendzur Lodge has access to more than 30 miles of river right at its doorstep—every mile accessible by the lodge’s jet boats that are operated by seasoned American and Russian guides.

Ideal For: Comfortable cabin accommodations versus camping. With the use of jet boats, anglers have access to more than 50 miles of river.

Special Features: The Ozernaya—known to anglers as the “Oz”—has been called one of the greatest trout streams of all time: a giant, riffled spring creek with unbelievable numbers of large, native rainbows averaging more than 20 inches. This is an aquatic ecosystem loaded with insects, huge sculpins and the most pristine, genetically perfect rainbow trout on earth. With beautiful scenery, diverse wildlife and more than 50 miles of productive and pristine waters to fish and float, this destination offers wilderness fishing the way it was meant to be.

Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

Ideal For: Anglers seeking the highest degree of diversity possible when it comes to different rivers and streams. This is an extremely limited, incredibly unique offering that operates only three to four weeks out of each summer season. Type of Fishing: Strategically based out of a recently renovated private lodge on beautiful Two Yurt Lake, this unique program provides access to dozens of untouched trophy trout streams – all located within a short flight of base camp and all home to Kamchatkan rainbows. Special Features: In a wild land of no roads and endless rivers, there is no better way to fish for trophy rainbows than by accessing these remote, inaccessible rivers via chopper. This “fully air mobile” program gives four anglers per week the ability to fish a different river or stream each day, with daily fly-outs on a private MI-2 helicopter.

phone info@yellowdogflyfishing.com 406.585.8667 • toll • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com free: 888.777.5060 KAMCHATKA BAHAMAS 103


Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia Limited to only six rods per week, the Upper Zhupanova is as close to an untouched fishery as any river in the world, with the action every bit as good as it likely was 100 years ago. Standard six-night packages on the Upper Zhupanova cover more than 60 miles of insanely pristine habitat that is home to some of the largest and wildest rainbow trout on the planet. Anglers spend their days fishing between various camps, moving downstream each day with a different camp location each night. Each camp features permanent cabins, hot showers, flushing toilets and a social fire pit where guests gather to relax, talk about their day on the water and enjoy evening beer, vodka and cocktails.


Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia One of the most highly regarded rivers in all of Kamchatka, the Sedanka is a beautiful, springfed river that is home to a plethora of insects that hatch consistently throughout the summer months. Daily scenarios involve anglers fishing mouse patterns, streamers and dry flies, and casting to large and aggressive rainbows that are often found feeding on the surface. This is one of the few rivers in Kamchatka where dries and mouse patterns are the preferred fly patterns throughout the season. Anglers will stay in three different base camps over the course of six days of fishing. Each camp is similar in design, offering hot showers, flush toilets, a main dining hall and permanent, wood-framed guest cabins.

WILDERNESS EXPLORATORY FLOAT TRIPS Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia While all rivers in Kamchatka deliver pristine wilderness experiences, anglers looking for the next level of true exploration now have the opportunity to explore Kamchatka on numerous untouched rivers. Over the course of 20 years, our outfitters within the area have identified a carefully selected array of watersheds that are rotated throughout the season and floated and fished once—maybe twice—during an entire summer season. Anglers will stay each night in two-person tents that will be set up at designated campsites each evening. Rainbows and salmon are targeted with mouse patterns, dries and streamers, providing anglers with the opportunity to cast to fish that have truly NEVER seen a fly.


Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia The Savan River Float is one of Kamchatka’s more rustic, fishing-focused and adventurous offerings. This nomadic program utilizes high-tech, four-season mountaineering tents and a mobile network of camps that allow anglers to cover 10-15 miles of river each day, fishing the main channel of the Savan and exploring various braided sections and backwaters. The Savan is a smaller river that runs for more than 70 miles, with various springs and small tributaries feeding the main river throughout the float. Almost all fishing is done while wading. Rainbow trout are plentiful throughout the river and typically range from 22 to 26 inches in size with some opportunities at 30-inch fish.


Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia With this fully guided, on-water wilderness float trip, a maximum of four anglers move downstream over the course of a week, fishing between five and 10 miles per day. Overnight accommodations and locations change each night, with each camp featuring two-person, A-frame-style cabins that are warm, comfortable and dry. A rustic wilderness camping and floating experience, this trip is perhaps best suited for those seeking remote waters that are rarely fished and are considered “off the beaten path.” With beautiful scenery, diverse wildlife and more than 50 miles of productive and pristine waters to fish and float, this destination offers wilderness fishing the way it was meant to be.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com





, trout, brown trout, brook trout, northern pike re mo and r TARGET SPECIES: Steelhead, rainbow on, bull trout, Arctic grayling, cha salm t, trou at hro cutt pe tslo wes , sky mu e, walley SEASON: May through November e Calgary (YYC), Thunder Bay (YQT), Terrac MAJOR AIR HUB: Vancouver (YVR), G) (YXT), Yellowknife (YZF), Winnipeg (YW card is U.S. passport, passport card or NEXUS id val A D: IRE QU RE S NT ME CU DO required for all U.S. citizens. LANGUAGE: English, Eh? Y POPULATION: 37 million CAPITAL: Ottawa, Ontario COUNTR CURRENCY: Canadian Dollar (CAD)


f you were to use only one word to describe the fishing in Canada, that adjective would have to be “diverse.” From the legendary steelhead waters of British Columbia to the troutrich rivers of Alberta … from the fabled Atlantic Salmon fisheries of eastern Canada to the pike-filled lakes of Saskatchewan … Canada is a freshwater fishing destination that is second to none. During the summer months, the waters of western Canada and the troutladen rivers of British Columbia and Alberta are celebrated for a number of reasons, including above-average fish sizes, healthy wild trout, a strong diversity of species, consistent dry fly fishing and incredible hatches. This, combined with exceptional scenery and a total lack of crowds, makes western Canada one of the finest trout fisheries found anywhere in North America.

For adventurous anglers looking for something completely different, the rivers and lakes of the Northwest Territories and Ontario attract anglers from all over the world with vast populations of monstrous lake trout, char, pike, walleye and— in certain areas—trophy brook trout. A trip to the wilds of the Northwest Territories is a true backwoods adventure, with spectacular vistas, impressive wildlife viewing and some of the finest freshwater “big fish” action found anywhere. Ontario’s flyout and lodge fishing programs offer anglers access to rivers and lakes that rarely see anyone throughout the season. Fly fishing packages encompass day-long floats or overnight adventures for big brook trout as well as fly-out adventures to backcountry lakes in search of trophy northern pike.

Serious and slightly more experienced anglers may be interested in the challenge of wild steelhead in British Columbia—an area that is home to the world’s most famous steelhead rivers—or Atlantic Salmon in Labrador, Quebec and New Brunswick. While rarely a “numbers” game, the satisfaction of hooking, fighting and landing even a single wild and pure-strain anadromous fish ranks at the very top of the list of great angling accomplishments.

For those looking for the excitement of a new destination without the challenges or time commitments usually associated with more distant international travel, the lodges, guides and outfitters that we work with in Canada are a great option. There are a handful of truly great destinations that—over the course of any angler’s lifetime—simply have to be fished. Canada easily makes that list.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

NICHOLAS DEAN OUTDOORS Terrace, British Columbia

Terrace, British Columbia

Accommodations: The lodge has six double occupancy rooms along with a large lounge, dining room and all other necessary amenities. Although Spey Lodge has the capability to accommodate 12 anglers at a time, they are happy to cater to smaller groups, couples and even single anglers.

Accommodations: Guests are housed in comfortable log cabins at Pioneer Lodge, each cabin set up to accommodate one or two people with private bedrooms. Pioneer also offers the unique “Boat House” option, a loft space that can accommodate a couple or small group.

Accommodations: The rooms in the fourbedroom Terrace guesthouse are warm, comfortable and clean – the perfect place to relax after a day of steelhead fishing.

Ideal For: Die-hard spey fishermen as well as those who are new to the two-handed game and looking to improve their spey fishing skills.

Ideal For: Conveniently located close to the town of Terrace, Nicholas Dean’s Pioneer Lodge is the ideal base of operations for exploring the steelhead fisheries and rivers of the area.

Type of Fishing: The target species and the rivers fished with these programs vary from month to month, but the technique of swinging wet flies with floating lines and light wet-tips is always most effective.

Type of Fishing: While a major focus of this program is steelhead fishing, Nicholas Dean Outdoors has access to dozens of the best rivers and lakes throughout the Skeena River system region, which means guests will always have numerous fishing options to choose from regardless of water conditions, weather and time of year.

Type of Fishing: The lower Skeena River system offers fly anglers the opportunity to fish for all five species of Pacific salmon and some of the wildest, and potentially largest, summer and winter steelhead in the world.




Special Features: Starting in late July and continuing through the fall season, Spey and Boundary lodges collectively offer some of the best steelhead fishing in the world. Built directly on the banks of the Skeena River, Spey Lodge offers unrestricted access to the fly-friendly waters of the lower Skeena watershed—home to the largest runs of wild steelhead in North America. Further to the north lies Spey’s smaller sister operation, Boundary Lodge. A slightly more intimate lodge built on the banks of the Bell-Irving River, Boundary was designed as a remote “out-camp” lodge catering to only four rods per week from September through November.


Skeena Region, British Columbia





Special Features: Nicholas Dean’s staff of professional, experienced guides know the Skeena and its tributaries intimately, ensuring that you have the best possible chance of landing some of the trophy fish that migrate upriver each year. With Nicholas Dean, you will often be fishing in places where there are no roads and no development; areas that are instead home to old-growth forests, northern wildlife, ginclear rivers and large, wild steelhead. The lodge is also happy to arrange daily fly-outs.


Ideal For: This is a year-round operation that focuses on one of the last truly wild fisheries in North America.

Special Features: Located in Terrace, British Columbia, near the mighty Skeena River, this is an operation that pairs full-service fly fishing packages with classic bed-andbreakfast accommodations and offerings. Outfitter Stan Doll has more than 45 years’ experience guiding and fishing the Skeena region, and is locally known as one of the most experienced steelhead and salmon anglers in the game. Stan’s coveted BC outfitting permits allow Skeena Wilderness Fishing Charters to guide anglers on all of the classified waters in the region—be it road-accessed rivers or more remote waters that can only be accessed by helicopter. The Skeena watershed is affected in different ways by weather. Your guide will have licenses to fish all area rivers, which means you always have somewhere to fish.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com phone 406.585.8667 • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com • toll free: 888.777.5060BAHAMAS CANADA



Northwest Territories, Canada In operation for more than 60 years, Plummer’s Lodge is the longest-running fishing operation in the Canadian Arctic. Great Bear Lake Lodge is the crown jewel of the Plummer’s program, boasting numerous all-tackle world records for lake trout and Arctic grayling. Located just above the Arctic Circle, the scenery is absolutely breathtaking, and the fishing is incredible. Anglers can spend the day drift fishing and sight casting to large lake trout or working the shorelines and creek mouths for grayling. Two DeHavilland Otter floatplanes offer daily fly-outs, and packages can be customized to include Arctic char fishing at Plummer’s Tree River sister lodge. Accessed by floatplane, Tree River Outpost is located 232 miles to the northeast of Great Bear Lake Lodge in the Arctic Circle—only four miles from the Arctic Ocean. The Tree River produces the largest Arctic char in the world and is home to the all-tackle world record of 32 pounds.









Northwestern Ontario, Canada With more than 250,000 lakes and 60,000 miles of river teeming with walleye, northern pike and brook trout, Northern Ontario is easily one of the most prolific fishing destinations in North America. With the ability to accommodate 12 anglers at a time, Miminiska Lodge is located directly on the shores of Ontario’s Lake Miminiska. Pike, walleye and brook trout all populate the many tributaries that flow into Lake Miminiska, giving anglers a wide range of fishing scenarios each day. Northern pike in the 50-inch class have been caught on the fly, as well as walleye in the 30-inch range and brook trout more than six pounds. Guests can choose from numerous full-day guided floats, an overnight camping experience or daily fly-outs. Daily meals include the best shore lunches in Canada. '6/%4








Alberta, Canada The Bow River flows from the clean glacial waters of Banff and eventually meets the Old Man River on the prairies of Alberta to form the Saskatchewan River. The Bow River boasts a self-sustaining, wild trout population of 3,000 rainbow and brown trout per mile. Combine that with an average fish size approaching 18 inches and it’s easy to see why the Bow is rated as one of the best big-fish rivers in North America. As one of the first and largest fly fishing outfitters in Alberta, Dave Brown has earned his place in the fly fishing world as the outfitter of choice for those seeking the ultimate Canadian trout fishing experience. In 2019 Dave sold his BC outfitting permits to Fernie head guide Andres Gonzalez to focus solely on his Bow River and southern Alberta programs. Dave will still be offering the same custom-built packages with the same experienced guide team. With a variety of lodging and fishing options covering different price points, DBO is an excellent option for focused anglers, couples, large groups and families. '6/%4

Alberta, Canada Alberta’s Bow River is known throughout the world of fly fishing as one of the truly great North American rainbow and brown trout fisheries. While the sections of the Bow downstream from Calgary are the most popular and heavily fished, there is a less-crowded section of the Bow which flows east through the Siksika-Blackfoot Indian Reservation. Eric Grinnell’s Silvertip Outfitters has pioneered this “Bow-NobodyKnows” section of the river, and after 30 years in operation, is still the only outfitting service regularly guiding and fishing these highly productive waters. Silvertip operates a full-service guesthouse within easy walking distance to the river, near the upstream edge of the reservation. This is the ideal option for anglers looking for a great overall value for accommodations and fishing in a beautiful and productive setting—the perfect combination of comfort, access and country solitude.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


New Brunswick, Canada Gangler’s may be the ultimate Canadian fly-in fishing operation, and from the moment you step off the plane and onto the lodge’s private runway, you’ll quickly sense the difference. Unlike other Canadian lodges that routinely host 30-60 people, the North Seal River Lodge accommodates only 24 guests at a time. That means that aside from staying in deluxe cabins and dining on amazing food throughout the week, you will enjoy personalized attention from the Ganglers and their staff every step of the way. Of course, fishing is the priority with this program, and the main lodge on the shores of Egenolf Lake is the perfect base of operations. You’ll have exclusive access to waters that are home to trophy Northern Pike, huge lake trout, incredible walleye, and beautiful arctic grayling. The epitome of remote, Gangler’s vast, fly-in-only area is located more than 200 miles from Manitoba, Canada’s Northernmost road in a watershed that encompasses over five million acres of beautiful Northern Manitoba wilderness. If your passion is fly fishing, Gangler’s has set the standard in this region for over 20 years.


Fernie, British Columbia - Canada Located in southeast British Columbia, the legendary El River begins at Elk Lakes and flows for 110 miles before entering the Kootenay River. As it cuts through the Canadian Rockies, this mid-sized freestone river picks up nutrients and more volume from countless tributaries, carving a spectacular valley along the way. What draws anglers to the Elk River is non-stop dry fly fishing for big, native Westslope cutthroat trout and the chance to catch indigenous bull trout. Overall, the Elk is a fantastic fishery for anglers of all skill levels. Andres Gonzalez is a well-established guide from Patagonia, Chile who began his guiding career in the early 1990s. In 2010, Andres made the move to British Columbia with his wife and three daughters to guide for Dave Brown Outfitters, quickly working his way up to head guide. In 2019, Andres purchased Dave Brown’s BC outfitting permits and is now offering the same great guide team and fishing packages that guests fishing with Dave Brown have known for years. These packages cater to focused anglers as well as couples and families looking to visit and explore the Elk River Valley area.


Restigouche River Lodge is located on the banks of the worldrenowned Restigouche – a river that is known for gin-clear water and impressively large Atlantic salmon. Between 15,000 and 25,000 salmon enter the Restigouche each year—many that run 20 to 30 pounds or more. The lodge owns the rights to 3.5 miles of private and exclusive waters starting from the junction of the Matapedia River in Quebec across to New Brunswick and then to a point more than three miles upriver encompassing the shores of both New Brunswick and Quebec. While Atlantic salmon in many of the other famous fisheries can be reluctant to strike, the Restigouche variety tend to be more aggressive, and once hooked, they’re incredibly strong and acrobatic. Fly fishing packages at the lodge are managed with split fishing days similar to many Atlantic salmon programs, with anglers on the water during the most productive times of the day.


New Brunswick, Canada Located on the magnificent Miramichi River, the Ledges Inn caters to guests who want great fishing and upland bird hunting with accommodations that are considerably “less rustic” than most other lodges found throughout the New Brunswick region. First opened in 1996, Ledges offers 10 well-appointed guest rooms, a great room that overlooks the river, and a conference room that’s ideal for meetings or small corporate retreats. Salmon anglers who stay at Ledges Inn have access to some of the best salmon pools on the Miramichi—a river that sees an annual return that usually exceeds 100,000 fish. Ledges Inn is owned and operated by the Everett family, and the property where Ledges Inn now sits (as well as the lodge’s home pools) has been in the family for six generations! With a long history in the area, their goal when building the lodge was to offer first-class angling and hunting opportunities coupled with outstanding accommodations, amenities and service.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 CANADA 109










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n January 3, 1959, President Eisenhower signed the official declaration making Alaska the 49th state. For anglers, it was easily one of the great moments in American history. Covering more than 371 million acres, the “Land of the Midnight Sun” contains one-fifth the total landmass of the Lower 48, more than half of America’s national park land, more that 80 percent of America’s national wildlife refuge land, and more world-class water than a person could fish in a lifetime. Even today, a trip to Alaska feels like a journey to a far-off and exotic country—a destination that feels as if it should require a passport!

Once an angler has decided to plan a trip to Alaska to experience all that this amazing region has to offer—the huge rainbows, the grizzlies that are happy to share their waters, the runs of salmon so thick you can almost walk across their backs, and incredibly long fishing days in a land where the sun hardly sets—the most important question becomes: “Where exactly should I go?” A quick search on the web produces a mile-long list of different Alaskan lodge and outfitter options, all claiming to be the best and all showing photos of anglers lifting fat, trophy fish. With so many choices, how do you begin to narrow down the list and ultimately choose the right lodge or fishing operation?

The Bristol Bay region is the epicenter of sportfishing in Alaska, and each summer, the waters found throughout this area provide millions of returning salmon fertile and safe spawning grounds. With all five species of Pacific salmon returning to the region each summer, the angling opportunities are limitless. Dependent on the salmon are the rainbow trout, char and grayling populations—species that would not exist in the Alaskan ecosystem if it were not for the incredible annual salmon returns. Since the Bristol Bay region of Alaska is sparsely inhabited by humans, these fisheries enjoy a high level of protection, and anglers are provided with a truly wild and remote fishing experience.

Here at Yellow Dog, we’ve assembled a solid, proven and wellvetted list of lodge and outfitting options, and we feel strongly that we have the finest overall Alaskan line up in the business. When working with you on planning and researching an trip, our goal is to give you realistic, honest information to help you select the perfect destination. With the experience the Yellow Dog staff has in Alaska, as well as our first-hand knowledge of each and every operation that we work with, we’ll create an itinerary and a trip package that more than lives up to your expectations. From high-end, fly-out lodges, to remote tent camps, to overnight float trips in the Alaskan bush, our Alaskan operations are the very best at delivering great fishing, personalized service and a fantastic overall wilderness experience.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

YUCATAN 111 15









Katmai Region, Alaska

Accommodations: Hosting a maximum of 12 guests per week, the operation features private cabins, a beautiful main lodge with a full bar, two viewing decks, a main dining area and a fully outfitted tackle shop. Each private cabin is equipped with luxurious bedding and mattresses, private bathroom and 24-hour electricity. The grounds also house a wood-burning sauna in which to relax each evening after a day on the water. Ideal For: Anglers looking for the very best accommodations, service, inclusions, and amenities in Alaska – at a lodge that loves to focus on trophy rainbow trout! Type of Fishing: Enchanted Lake’s staff prides itself on being a “trophy-rainbow-focused” fishing destination. By utilizing two beautifully rebuilt DeHavilland Beavers, Wooldridge boats for crossing Nonvianuk Lake, numerous jet boats stationed across Bristol Bay’s most productive streams, and small rafts that are flown in, guests have access to the Kulik, American, Brooks, Battle, Big and Little Ku, Moraine, Funnel, Kvichak and many more area fisheries. Special Features: For more than 50 years, Enchanted Lake Lodge has provided anglers with incredible fishing experiences, exceptional guides and high-end accommodations in one of the most beautiful settings found anywhere in Alaska. Located in the heart of Katmai National Park—one of the most prolific trout and salmon fisheries on the planet—Enchanted Lake has established its reputation over the years for “delivering the very best that Alaska has to offer.” Because the lodge is situated so close to many of these productive rivers, aircraft and flight time is kept to a minimum, with as much time spent on the water as possible.


Katmai National Park, Alaska Accommodations: The historic main lodge at Kulik, originally built in the late 1950s, boasts a large common room with a stone fireplace, a main dining area, and a full bar stocked with cocktails, wine and beer. For accommodations, free-standing guest cabins (many of them new for the 2020 season) are situated on the shores of Nonvianuk Lake. All are equipped with heaters, hot showers and private bathrooms. Ideal For: With every Kulik package, anglers can fish a long day via jet boat on the lodge’s home river (on of the very best fisheries in all of Alaska!), fly out to over a dozen area rivers, or create a combination of the two for a completely customized itinerary. Type of Fishing: A huge variety of species, including rainbows, char, Dolly Varden, lake trout, and all five species of Pacific salmon. Enjoy the great fishing near the Lodge, or opt for daily fly-outs within a 100-mile radius. As an added bonus, the prime location on the Kulik River means that if you are a fish-till-you-drop angler, this is a great location for evening and night fishing after a full day with your guide.








Special Features: Since 1950, Kulik Lodge has been providing anglers with the finest Alaskan freshwater fishing available. Alaska’s very first fly-in sport fishing lodge, Kulik is situated on the banks of the Kulik River—easily one of the top trout rivers in the world. It is the only operation located on the banks of this famous river, which means that “home waters” for the lodge are the same waters that many of the area’s other high-end lodges fly in and out of each day!


Iliamna Region, Alaska

Accommodations: The main lodge features a large dining and social area, stone fireplace, full bar, wader and equipment room, a wood burning hot tub, and expansive decks that overlook the lake. Each guest room features comfortable beds and a private bathroom. Ideal For: Anglers looking for a great fly-out lodge option that also has access to incredible home-water fishing. With a maximum of only 10 rods per week, this is also a small, more intimate lodge setting. Type of Fishing: With a prime location, this program offers anglers daily fly-out fishing options as well as easy jet boat access to Intricate Bay’s “home waters” of the Copper and Gibraltar Rivers – two of the finest rainbow fisheries in the entire state. Special Features: Intricate Bay Lodge is a full service, high-end fishing lodge located on the banks of the world-renowned Iliamna Lake in the heart of the Bristol Bay region of Alaska. Taking a maximum of only 10 guests per week, this program was designed to provide an intimate experience in one of the most productive fishing areas in the entire state. Rebuilt and fully renovated in 2014, this beautiful lodge is ideally located for incredible home-water fishing on the Copper and Gibraltar Rivers, which are without a doubt two of our favorite rivers in all of Alaska. The lodge is also a quick floatplane flight away from some of the most renowned and fabled fisheries in the entire Bristol Bay region. The entire team at Intricate Bay Lodge takes great pride in accommodating all guests, whether it is your first time to Alaska or your tenth.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

NO SEE UM LODGE Kvichak River, Alaska

Accommodations: Located 300 miles southwest of Anchorage in the heart of the Bristol Bay watershed, the lodge complex includes two large guesthouses and several stand-alone cabins. With an excellent view of the river, you can relax in your room after a long day of fishing, enjoy the comfortable main lodge building with a full complimentary bar, or sit streamside in the outdoor hot tub or lodge gazebo. Other amenities include Wi-Fi access, a full line up of demo fishing equipment, hot tub, and 24-hour electricity. Ideal For: Couples, families, anglers who are headed to Alaska for the first time, and seasoned veterans that love to focus on the area’s massive rainbow trout. The fact that the floatplanes stay with anglers each day is something unique, and means that you are always exactly where you want to be and where the fishing is best at any given time during your week. Type of Fishing: With two Beaver floatplanes and a fleet of jet boats, the seasoned professionals that work with No See Um can guide anglers on the Kvichak, Moraine, American, Kulik, Funnel, Brooks, Battle, Ku, Talarik and numerous other waters throughout the summer and fall season for trophy rainbows, char, all five species of Pacific salmon, Dolly Varden, lake trout and more. Special Features: One of Yellow Dog’s all-time favorite operations and top Alaskan picks, No See Um Lodge sits directly on the banks of Alaska’s famous Kvichak River, completely surrounded by thousands of miles of pristine waters, rugged wilderness and world-class fishing. No See Um has definitely earned the reputation as being one of Alaska’s finest fly-out lodges, and we believe that this operation is very much in a league of its own. The key things about this operation is that they utilize two Beaver floatplanes for a small number of guests. That means that, (A) guests have the option of flying every single day as well as spending one or two days fishing the home waters of the Kvichak River, and (B) planes stay with anglers all day long, which allows for rapid movement and the ability to quickly relocate or head to another destination or river if the fishing conditions, fish numbers, weather, etc. call for a change. Simply put, the No See Um guides and pilots will always fly wherever they need to find great fishing, and they’ll do everything they can to keep you on fish all day long, each and every day of your trip. No other lodge we work with utilizes this same pilot-guide program.

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Kvichak River, Alaska

Accommodations: The Lodge can accommodate a maximum of 16 guests per week. All cabins provide hot and cold running water and 24-hour electrical service, and each double-occupancy room is complete with a private bathroom, shower and two beds. Ideal For: Guests that want the very best of Alaska, with the opportunity to experience the flavor of Bristol Bay each and every day. Daily fly-out options combined with excellent home water fishing on the Kvichak. Type of Fishing: The lodge’s home waters of the Kvichak are legendary, where annual salmon runs in the millions create an environment where rainbow trout can grow in excess of 30 inches. The lodge’s location is also an easy float plane flight to many of Alaska’s most famous rivers, and all daily flyouts are included in the package price. Special Features: While there are literally hundreds of fishing lodges scattered throughout Alaska, there are only a handful of truly great ones: the cream of the crop that are the absolute best at everything they do. Brian Kraft’s Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge is easily one of the best – a full-service, fly-out lodge with an amazing location, a world-class team of guides, and a line-up of amenities, accommodations, and equipment that’s as good – if not better – than anything in the region. Nestled high on the riverbank of the world-famous Kvichak River, Alaska Sportsman’s Lodge is ideally situated in the very heart of the Bristol Bay region. Spend a week at Sportsman’s, and the only thing that you’ll worry about is how soon you can re-book for the following year!
















King Salmon, Alaska

Accommodations: The lodge complex consists of a comfortable and inviting main lodge with a large dining room, several social rooms, a full bar area and large decks that overlook the river. Each of the lodge’s private cabins are connected by an expansive boardwalk network elevated 70 feet above the river. Ideal For: Trophy rainbow enthusiasts and those looking to combine great home-water fishing with fly-outs to some of the best rivers in the region. Type of Fishing: Fish for all five species of Pacific salmon, catch arctic char, dolly vardon, grayling on area waters, focus on trophy-sized rainbow trout on the lodge’s home waters of the Naknek, hike through the tundra to remote streams, or raft down remote, fly-in creeks and rivers. Special Features: Bear Trail Lodge, owned by long-time Alaskan outfitters Nanci and Heath Lyon, is located on the banks of the Naknek, a river that was once named the “#1 Rainbow Trout River in Alaska” by Fish Alaska Magazine. Serious big-trout enthusiasts consider the “Nak” to be one of the finest fisheries in the world. The benefit of choosing Bear Trail is that whether you decide to fly out to fish a nearby stream, or stay and experience the wonders of the home river, your day will be filled with adventure and excitement. All fly outs are included in the package price. While the fishing is great throughout the season, mid-August through October is considered the peak of trophy rainbow season. The Naknek holds an abundance of 22–28 inch rainbows with fish in excess of 30 inches.

BRISTOL BAY LODGE Lake Aleknagik, Alaska

Accommodations: A well-appointed facility that offers comfortable elegance in a wilderness setting with a breathtaking view you won’t find at any other Alaska lodge. The main lodge features a professionally equipped kitchen, dining room and a greatroom with a fireplace, bar and library. In addition to the eight spacious bedrooms in the main lodge, there are four comfortable and private cabins set around the grounds. Ideal For: When it comes to luxury Alaskan fishing retreats, Bristol Bay Lodge was recently ranked the fourth best fishing lodge in the world by Forbe’s magazine and the best of all Alaskan lodges. Type of Fishing: During your stay, you will fish a different location each day and have the opportunity to catch every species of fish available during any given week. BBL has six different and spectacular fishing destinations. Four of these fisheries will be utilized in your two overnight camp experiences, and two will be fished from the lodge, as day fisheries. Special Features: Opened in 1972, Bristol Bay Lodge is one of the most famous and well-established lodge operations in all of Alaska. Located in the pristine wilderness of Alaska’s Wood-Tikchik State Park, the lodge overlooks the north end of Lake Aleknagik. The lodge’s proximity to watersheds in both Wood-Tikchik Park and the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge provides guests with extraordinary freshwater angling opportunities, many of which are remote, secluded and largely unpressured.

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Western Alaska The Aniak River Lodge program offers a unique Western Alaska lodging and fishing experience with a lower main lodge location, an upper-river wilderness tent camp, and a brand-new mid-river lodge. Located in the Kuskokwim River drainage, the Aniak is a main tributary to the Kuskokwim and home to 10 different species of fish that – depending on the time of season – can all be caught on the fly. Being the only lodge on the river, this is an operation that has exclusive access to nearly 60 miles of pristine river and tributaries via jet boat. Your day starts when you are ready to get on the water and ends with a marvelous dinner prepared by the chef. There is superb fishing to be had right from camp, and no need to take off the waders to eat!


Lake Creek Area, Alaska Located only 70 air miles northwest of Anchorage at the confluence of the Yentna River and Lake Creek, Riversong is great destination for a one-day fishing trip, a quick weekend excursion, or a multi-day add-on to compliment a longer Alaskan lodge package. Accessed via floatplane, the lodge offers solid home-water fishing for all five species of salmon as well as arctic grayling, pike and prolific numbers of rainbows in the small, clear waters of Lake Creek. Guests can arrive or depart any day of the week and are able to stay as long as they like.

CHROME CHASERS STEELHEAD FISHING Wrangell, Alaska Based out of the southeast Alaskan town of Wrangell, Chrome Chasers offers guests the opportunity to target wild steelhead in one of the most remote areas of Southeast Alaska. This is a fishing program that has been developed over the course of a decade by exploring the various rivers and streams in this region. Utilizing a 33-foot boat called the Chrome Chaser, anglers can expect to fish multiple coastal rivers throughout the week, focusing on areas only accessible by boat or aircraft. This program provides anglers with access to fisheries that are basically untouched and devoid of crowds – an area that is home to large, healthy and very wild steelhead.


Kanektok River, Alaska Long recognized as one of the best overall values in Alaska, this comfortable tent camp operation sits on the banks of the famous Kanektok River. The Kanektok is one of the best places in the world to target King and silver salmon as well as Alaskan “Leopard Bows” – spectacularly colored rainbow trout named for the amazing profusion of spots that cover their body. Over their many years of operation, Alaska West has also become well-known and popular with anglers that love casting spey rods and swinging flies for fresh, aggressive salmon. Accommodations are comfortable Weatherport tents with carpeted floors, heat, electricity and beds with comfortable mattresses.


Katmai National Park, Alaska Located at the gateway to Katmai National Park, the location of Brooks Lodge is ideal for both the do-it-yourself angler and the adventurous, non-angling family looking to do more than simply fish. This historic lodge – famous for its bear viewing at nearby Brooks Falls – sits on the shores of Naknek Lake, adjacent to the productive (and bear-heavy!) fishing waters of the Brooks River. Overall, this may be the best family destination in all of Alaska. Non-anglers can participate in numerous bear viewing activities, area “flight-seeing,” hiking, bird watching, photography, kayaking and guided trips to the nearby “Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes.” Whether you are pursuing hardcore fishing or an all-encompassing outdoor adventure, Brooks Lodge can satisfy the Alaskan expectations of everyone in the family.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com


Southeast Alaska Icy Bay Lodge is located in the southeastern corner of Alaska, roughly 60 miles from the small town of Yakutat. Sitting at the base of the world’s tallest coastal mountain range – the Saint Elias Range – Icy Bay is surrounded not only by incredible beauty, but also hundreds of miles of wilderness that is virtually untouched. The only other anglers you will see on the rivers will be fellow guests staying at the lodge. With a rich saltwater fishery for halibut, rockfish, lingcod, King salmon in the spring and an incredible silver salmon run in the fall, Icy Bay is a great place to escape busy conditions, enjoy the scenic beauty and potentially fill your freezer with halibut, lingcod, and rockfish. The silver salmon fishing in the fall may be the best in Alaska, where anglers can literally fish until they drop.


Aleutian Peninsula, Alaska This modest wilderness lodge, located 600 miles southwest of Anchorage on the end of the Alaska’s Aleutian Peninsula, offers world-class fishing in one of the more remote areas of the state. The Sandy River offers the very best King salmon and steelhead opportunities in the entire region. The lodge sits directly on the banks of the Sandy, allowing for easy and immediate access to the river and incredibly long days of fishing. Weatherport tents are comfortably set up for double occupancy, with bedding, shower facilities and housekeeping included. For spey aficionados, it would be difficult to find a river more suited to swinging flies for fresh Kings and wild steelhead.


While many of our clients who visit Alaska want lodge-based or fly-out fishing packages, others are looking for more remote, on-water, wilderness camping experiences. For that reason, we offer all-inclusive float trip packages through both Alaska Rainbow Adventures and Frontier River Guides – experienced outfitters that operate multi-day, on-water camping excursions on some of the finest rivers in the state.


Bristol Bay, Alaska ARA provides some of the best float trip options in all of Alaska, with multi-day camping adventures on fabled Alaskan waters that include the Goodnews, Alagnak, Togiak, American, Moraine Creek, Lake Creek and Talachulitna. This is a fantastic option for anglers looking to get “off-the-grid” while focusing on fishing and exploring a single watershed over the course of a multi-day trip. Accommodations on the river are in comfortable, high-end tents, and the guides take great pride in delivering a fishing, camping and culinary experience that has been crafted and modified through years of working in the Alaskan wilderness. From deluxe, gearheavy camps with all of the luxuries included, to more scaled-down, high-speed camps on smaller waters, all types of custom packages can be arranged.


Bristol Bay and Katmai, Alaska A fully guided on-river camping option, Frontier River Guides provides wilderness Alaskan float trips that cater to those looking for true wilderness adventure combined with great fishing. FRG’s guide team is comprised of experienced backcountry guides who know their waters well and are happy to accommodate anglers of all experience levels. All trips are 100% customized, and anglers can choose from a large variety of the most productive rivers in Alaska. Groups of all sizes – from two to 12 – can be accommodated with private, intact trips, meaning that you’ll never be paired with strangers or random anglers. Species options include rainbow trout, dolly varden, grayling, char and all five species of Pacific salmon.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 ALASKA 117




ith twenty years of experience sending anglers all over the world to chase fish, Yellow Dog has been a part of more great adventures and successful trips than we can possibly count. At the same time, however, we’ve played witness to a number of scenarios and situations where things have gone wrong – almost all of them due to situations beyond the control of the agent or the angler. Be it hurricanes and storms, flight cancellation issues, transportation strikes, lost bags, medical emergencies … we all know that unpleasant things can occasionally happen when we travel far from home. In fact, the one thing we can always count on is expecting the unexpected. With this theme in mind, we reached out to Kimberly Franke, the owner of travel logistics provider Kanna Travel, to discuss the importance of trip insurance and the best ways for the traveling angler to navigate the options and policy questions related to travel insurance. “I have rarely, if ever, had a client call and tell me, “I am so excited to talk to you about trip insurance!” Kimberly says. “But the truth is, trip insurance is the easiest way to actually protect the investment that you’ve made in your trip package – both the money you’ve spent as well as the time you’ve committed. And while trip insurance is one of those things that you’ll buy and likely never use or take advantage of, if and when things do go wrong and you’re hit with the unexpected, it will prove to be a great investment. You definitely have to ask yourself, when things go wrong, what is the plan?” When we remind our Yellow Dog clients about the importance of covering and protecting their trip plans, we often-times have customers tell us, “Don’t worry … I’m going on this trip … no matter what!” While that may be the goal when it comes to an eagerly-anticipated trip, we specifically asked Kimberly to share a few challenging scenarios that clients recently experienced while traveling the world to fish (all are examples, by the way, of incidents that occurred in 2019 alone). All are great illustrations of how the right kind of travel insurance policy and coverage can help – and sometimes, truly save the day. • A family arriving to their destination country on the first day of a threeand-a-half-week international trip, and their son experiences stomach pain. They take him to a local hospital. The diagnosis: an emergency appendectomy. • Clients travel over 22 hours and some 9,858 miles, land, then immediately are turned around and forced to fly back home due to a freak, out-of-season cyclone causing their trip to be cancelled. • One day into a Belize fly fishing trip of a lifetime, a traveler receives a phone call that his healthy and young father has passed away unexpectedly.


• An angler, a few days before departure on a multi-week trip that he’d been planning for over a year, unexpectedly suffers from a rare infection, causing him to be hospitalized and cancel his trip. • Due to weather causing the local departure airport to delay all flights, a client could not connect to the larger international hub and arrive to his fishing destination in time to make the once-a-week charter flight, causing him to have to cancel his trip. For those that are quick to dismiss the value of trip insurance, it is important to remember that no matter how committed we are to our plans to travel and fish, there are things that can – and do – happen that are completely beyond our control. We never want a trip to be cancelled or interrupted, but when it happens, the right coverage can save a trip investment and in many cases, refund and cover all associated costs. When someone has to cancel a trip a week before their departure dates for work, family or medical reasons, the first questions that are often asked of Yellow Dog is, “What can you do for me? Can you arrange any kind of refund or trip credit?” When a cancellation is last-minute and the lodge has already been paid (turning away other possible bookings, locking in the best guides, etc.) the chances of the lodge refunding anything are slim-to-none. While Yellow Dog always does our best to help, a large percentage of the time our hands are tied and the trip funds are gone. That is why insurance coverage is so important. The benefit of having the right policy means that when a problem arises, you simply pick up the phone and call the team at Kanna. They’ll walk you through the necessary steps to begin the claims process, and work with you every step of the way to make things as easy as possible. When a trip is cancelled or interrupted, you’re inevitably frustrated and upset, but the goal at that point is to take advantage of the protection and collect reimbursement for as much as possible. We send our customers to Kanna Travel because they truly know and understand the intricacies of trip insurance and they have an approach is very different from many providers. They look at the destination, the activities, and the specific trip logistics, and make a recommendation for a product that will be comprehensive and applicable without being unnecessary. Kanna Travel offers numerous intangible benefits including a longstanding relationship with insurers and an in-depth knowledge of the products and logistics involved in world-wide travel. When we hear the question, “I have to cancel my trip. What can you do for me?...” it’s great to have an answer based on coverage.
















Nushagak River – Southwestern Alaska Western Alaska Sport Fishing is a wilderness tent camp operation that has been in continuous operation since 1982. A high-value, no-frills operation that focuses on hard-core fishing in a pristine, isolated wilderness setting. Over the years, camp owners Dave and Kim Egdorf have built a reputation for operating one of the finest wilderness fishing operations in Alaska: a camp and a fishing program that is often referred to as “the real Alaska experience.” Located on the banks of the Nushagak River, the camp has all the essentials for a comfortable Alaskan stay, including a full kitchen and dining area, showers, privy latrines and warm Weatherport tents with mattresses on sleeping cots and electrical outlets. The Nushagak is home to all five species of Pacific salmon (Chinook, sockeye, chum, coho and pink) as well as rainbow trout, grayling and Dolly Varden. Overall, this operation has the best price point in our entire Alaska line-up. '6/%4








Lake Aleknagik, Alaska Sitting prominently on the banks of picturesque Aleknagik Lake near Dillingham, Mission Lodge is one of the nicest, most well-established and best-run operations in Alaska. In a region loaded with fishing options, Mission’s daily fly-out fishing program stands out by covering an area up to 120 miles in every direction utilizing three DeHavilland Beaver floatplanes. Daily fly-outs are included in all weekly packages and are an integral part of Mission’s fishing program. Mission also has permits in the Wood-Tikchik National Refuge Area, making this one of the most diverse and potentially secluded fishing programs in all of Alaska. All guest rooms at Mission Lodge are single or double occupancy, and there is never a supplemental charge for a single room. An excellent option for groups, couples, non-anglers and hardcore anglers alike. '6/%4








Denali Region, Alaska Tordrillo Mountain Lodge is one of our top locations in Alaska for families, couples and kids, with incredible food, beautiful accommodations, great home-water fishing and a large line-up of non-angling activities to compliment the fishing. This beautiful, high-end adventure-lodge operation is a short 45-minute Beaver flight from Anchorage. The lodge is situated at the headwaters of the Talachulitna River, home to solid runs of King, sockeye and silver salmon as well as resident rainbows and char. There are numerous other rivers and creeks in the immediate area that are accessed utilizing a combination of boats, helicopters and float planes. Easily accessed from Anchorage, the lodge offers all types of packages, from short, twoday trips to week-long itineraries. '6/%4

Southeast Alaska While the “C/V Adventurous” mothership provides access to remote and untouched fishing for all five species of salmon, halibut, and a plethora of bottom fish species, it is perhaps best known for its spring-run trophy steelhead program. As this coastal area of Southeast Alaska is home to more than one thousand islands, few roads, and more than 300 rivers and streams, this is a part of Alaska best explored by sea. This 56-foot live-aboard fishing platform was designed and built specifically to fish this region, providing the opportunity to leave behind crowded fishing grounds as you embark on a five day wilderness excursion. With all of the required amenities, a professional crew and gourmet meals, this is a great option for small groups of up to six anglers interested in fishing hard in total seclusion. The ship features three staterooms (each with double beds), a main salon and a full kitchen.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 ALASKA 119











wn, cutthroat) TARGET SPECIES: Trout (rainbow, bro SEASON: Year-round s (BIL) Missoula (MSO), Great Falls (GTF), Billing MAJOR AIR HUB: Bozeman (BZN), ion for airline travel, and a valid state cat ntifi ide to Pho D: IRE QU RE S NT DOCUME fishing license LANGUAGE: English PULATION: 990,000 CAPITAL: Helena COUNTRY PO CURRENCY: US Dollar (USD)


he fly fishing opportunities in the American West are legendary, and anglers from all over the world travel to this part of the United States to fish such storied waters as the Madison, Big Hole, Snake, Deschutes, Henry’s Fork, Yellowstone, Bitterroot, Big Horn and hundreds of other rivers, streams and lakes. Whether you’re searching for trophy-sized wild trout on the wellknown “blue ribbon” waters of Montana or Idaho, seeking solitude on a high mountain stream or alpine lake in Wyoming, or swinging for steelhead in the waters of Oregon or Washington, there is a true abundance of fly fishing opportunities available all throughout the western states. One of the most difficult things about researching, planning and booking a fishing trip to the U.S. West, however, is knowing where to go, when to go and how to connect with the very best guides. Yellow Dog was born and bred in Montana, and our offices are located in

the heart of Big Sky country in historic downtown Bozeman. We’ve traveled and fished this part of the country extensively, and we’re proud to have created a fantastic network of hand-picked lodges, guides and outfitters operating on the finest waters in the region. Over the years, we’ve extended this network to not only include the very best lodges and operations in Montana, but in Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon and Washington as well. Whether you’re looking to plan a high-end corporate outing, a budget solo trip, or a Rocky Mountain family vacation, we can guide you through the process of finding the right western fishing package and arranging the ideal trip itinerary. Yellow Dog’s U.S. West program team is the best in the business, and we’ll do whatever we can to help you coordinate and plan the best trip possible to this amazing part of the country that we proudly call home.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

YUCATAN 121 15


Accommodations: Options include the lodge’s 16 private riverside cabins, which look directly over the Yellowstone River. Gourmet, five-star cuisine is served at the lodge’s Yellowstone Valley Grill. Ideal For: Angler’s looking to experience the best of the Yellowstone region and the beauty of Montana’s Paradise Valley. A great firsttime fly fishing package for those new to the sport as well as those that love the float fishing opportunities and area spring creeks. Type of Fishing: The Yellowstone River is known for its prolific hatches and excellent cutthroat, rainbow and brown trout fishing. The lodge offers guided fishing on all sections of the Yellowstone as well as the Madison, the Boulder River and several area spring creeks, including Armstrong, DePuy and Nelson.








Special Features: Situated in the heart of beautiful Paradise Valley on the banks on the world-famous Yellowstone River, the recently renovated and re-opened Yellowstone Valley Lodge is a true Western lodge operation that offers an amazing location and the best overall amenities in the area. From the main deck area as well as each of the guest cabins, you look directly over the lodge’s “home riffle” – a piece of productive and wadeable water that allows you to fish on your own and late into the evening. Through head guide and outfitter Eric Adams, YVL is committed to offering the best Montana fly fishing experiences on waters that include the Yellowstone, Madison, Boulder and the valley’s spring creeks. Lodge upgrades include new furnishings in the cabins, non-angling activities such as hiking, rafting, and horseback riding, and transportation services to and from Bozeman.


Ennis, Montana

Accommodations: All rooms feature a covered front porch, private bathrooms, and comfortable double and queen-sized beds. Every room offers a view of the surrounding mountain ranges and the ever-changing Montana sky. Ideal For: Focused anglers as well those looking for the perfect western family vacation. Aside from fishing, MVR offers non-angling activities that include horseback riding, touring Yellowstone National Park, hiking and sightseeing. Type of Fishing: Wade and float fishing on the Madison River as well as other area waters that include Jack Creek, the “Channels” section of the Madison, the Big Hole, Beaverhead, Yellowstone and more.








Special Features: Overlooking the Madison River on a large, private ranch, Madison Valley Ranch provides the perfect opportunity to escape from the hectic pace of everyday life and indulge in a high-end, western adventure. With friends, family or colleagues, enjoy a memorable time together while immersed in the much-revered culture of Montana fly fishing and the thrill of floating and fishing some of the most iconic waters in the country. The ranch is located on the banks of the “Channels” section of the Madison River, three miles outside the famous fly fishing town of Ennis. Centrally located in the heart of Southwestern Montana, the Ranch provides excellent access to a variety of blue-ribbon wild trout fisheries as well as all types of non-angling activities. MVR is among the nicest and bestrun operations in all of Montana, with beautiful rooms, great amenities, and a kitchen staff that takes pride in serving gourmet meals.


Bozeman, Montana

Accommodations: With six deluxe guest rooms in the main lodge and six more rooms in the new Trout Cabin Lodge (including a twobedroom suite) GRL can accommodate up to 25 guests at a time. All rooms feature high-end furnishings and large windows that offer superb views of the mountains and surrounding area. Ideal For: Anglers looking to explore the waters of south-central Montana, couples and families. The lodge is also the perfect venue for a group event, family retreat or business gathering. Type of Fishing: Gallatin River Lodge’s team of experienced and professional guides fish all of the “great” waters located in this part of Montana, including the Gallatin, East Gallatin, Madison, Yellowstone and several area springs creeks. Special Features: The beautiful Gallatin River Lodge is located on a 350-acre ranch near the Gallatin River, 10 miles west of Bozeman, Montana. The cedar post-and-beam building offers spectacular views of five mountain ranges, and the landscape is beautiful and unspoiled. The lodge’s private trout pond is just outside the front door, and the Gallatin River is a simple 10-minute walk across hay meadows. GRL is a full-service fishing lodge that offers deluxe accommodations and easy access to the Yellowstone River, the Lower Gallatin, the Upper and Lower Madison, Yellowstone National Park and numerous area spring creeks and lakes.

122 U.S.WEST

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

MADISON DOUBLE R Cameron, Montana

Accommodations: This beautiful riverside property of 1,200 acres includes two miles of the Madison River, a beautiful 3,500 square-foot main building, multiple lounge and social areas, an authentic 1800’s western saloon, and a 1,000-square foot workout facility. There are five spacious Creekside Cabins and two, 1,700-square foot, two-bedroom Mountainview Cabins. Each cabin has its own four-person golf cart as well as a pair of mountain bikes to make getting around the lodge property as easy as possible. Ideal For: Anglers of all ability levels who are looking for the very best option for high-end accommodations, amenities and service. This property is ideal for non-anglers, couples and families as well. Type of Fishing: The guides of Double R will guide all area rivers, including the Madison, Lower Big Hole, Ruby, Jefferson, Hebgen Lake, and other nearby waters in Montana, Idaho and Yellowstone National Park. There is also a spring creek on property, as well as a pond that is stocked and ideal for kids and those who are new to fly fishing. Special Features: An incredible new lodge operation that opened in June of 2019, the Madison Double R is hands-down one of the nicest, most complete and well-designed fishing operations in the United States. John Sampson, the former co-owner and host of the venerable Ruby Springs Lodge, launched this new project with the intent of creating “the ultimate lodge experience that offers superb cuisine, comfortable accommodations and the right balance of sophisticated service and easygoing atmosphere.” All of this, of course, is paired with outstanding guides and a fishing program that is second to none. Nothing beats spending an incredible day on the water – chasing wild trout and taking in the astounding Montana scenery. We do have to admit, however, that coming back tired and hungry to a lodge that understands what comfort and service is all about is pretty awesome as well.

phone info@yellowdogflyfishing.com 406.585.8667 • toll•free: www.yellowdogflyfishing.com 888.777.5060 U.S. BELIZE WEST 123
















Alder, Montana Ruby Springs Lodge has a well-earned reputation as being one of the nicest, most luxurious fishing lodges in the country. Amazing on all levels, this high-end operation consists of two main lodge buildings and a number of luxurious, private “cabins” built directly on the banks of the Ruby River. The accommodations are next-level, the meals are gourmet, and the amenities and setting will satisfy even the most discriminating guest. Several private and meandering miles of the Ruby River and Clear Creek serve as the lodge’s “home waters,” and guests can also opt for guided fishing on the Madison, Big Hole, Jefferson and several other rivers that are close to the lodge. This is one of our favorite destinations for couples and families looking for a great fishing vacation combined with a true, Western lodge experience. '6/%4

Melrose, Montana Located five miles south of Melrose, Great Waters Inn is one of Montana’s most historic and affordable full-service fishing lodges. Utilizing local fir trees and river rock, the Inn was built in the grand tradition of the area’s early hunting and fishing lodges, creating a rich character and lodge environment that complements the area’s outstanding rivers and streams. This lodge operation offers the visiting angler comfortable riverside lodging, hearty dining and professional guiding on Montana’s Big Hole River and other area waters. With accommodations for 18 guests, a classic riverside bar, a lounge area decorated in authentic western fly fishing memorabilia and an expansive guest dining room, the Inn is an ideal option for private groups, corporate gatherings and family retreats.









Twin Bridges, Montana Nestled in heart of Rocky Mountain trout country at the confluence of the Big Hole and Beaverhead rivers is the famous fishing town of Twin Bridges, home to Rooster Leavens’ original fishing operations, the Stonefly Inn. As the sister operation to the new and nearby Stonefly Lodge, the Stonefly Inn is much more laid-back, casual operation with a great price-point –the ideal option for anglers who are looking to combine great accommodations and meals with either DIY or fully guided day-trip fishing in one of Montana’s most productive regions. Guests staying at the Inn can book guided fishing on the Big Hole, Beaverhead, Jefferson, Ruby and Madison Rivers along with a handful of spring creeks and several pieces of private water scattered throughout the area. This small, personable operation has six private cabins and can accommodate a maximum of 12 anglers in a fun, fishing-focused lodge atmosphere '6/%4

Twin Bridges, Montana Nestled in the heart of the small Montana trout town of Twin Bridges, Four Rivers Fishing Company is one of the oldest full-service shop and outfitting operations in the area. With five of Montana’s most famous rivers located within a 40-mile radius of Twin Bridges, this is truly a trout mecca for western fly fishing. Four Rivers is licensed to outfit on every watershed in the immediate area, guiding on the Big Hole, Beaverhead, Madison, Jefferson and Ruby Rivers. From guided day trips to multi-day or full-week fishing packages, this is one of the best values and overall price points in Montana. Four Rivers also offers their clients numerous accommodations and dining options, including various steakhouses and restaurants around town (a fun alternative to the typical “lodge-style” meal program).

124 U.S.WEST

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

THE STONEFLY LODGE Twin Bridges, Montana

SILVER BOW CLUB Divide, Montana

Accommodations: This picturesque operation features six double occupancy rooms, fantastic common rooms and social area, and a fire pit that is perfect for evening cocktails and fishing stories. Ideal For: Seasoned anglers as well as first-timers and those new to fly fishing. Rooster’s guide team has over 85 years of collective experience on area rivers, and their professionalism and instructional abilities are second to none. Type of Fishing: In addition to the “Big Five” fisheries that are a regular part of Stonefly fishing program (the Big Hole, Beaverhead, Jefferson, Madison and the Ruby) the lodge has miles of private spring creek water just a short walk from the cabins. These small creeks have great hatches - especially in the spring - as well as reliable terrestrial fishing as the season progresses. Special Features: Located just outside of Twin Bridges, this recently “remodeled and re-launched” fishing-focused lodge is owned and operated by Dan “Rooster” Leavens, the long-time owner of the well-known Stonefly Inn. With one of the most seasoned guide staffs in the area, Stonefly Outfitters maintains a constant focus on “doing things right” on all levels. As Rooster is fond of saying, the lodge offers “the wildest mountain scenery, the most seasoned guides, the best local food, the cleanest streams and the wiliest trout in the nation. This place is more fun than ought to be had: a combination of high-class and cowboy all rolled into one.” There are over 300 miles of world class Montana fly fishing water within an hour’s drive of the lodge, and because of this choice location, guests rarely see the fishing pressure that some of the other areas of the state have to deal with. In Twin Bridges, you can truly unwind and enjoy your Montana fly fishing vacation along with the solitude and vastness of southwest Montana.

Accommodations: The main lodge at Silver Bow is ideal for intact fishing groups, family reunions and corporate groups. All eight bedrooms are spacious and luxurious. There are also two separate loft-style log cabins: the Salmon Fly Cabin and the Copper John Cabin. Both feature a two-bedroom configuration with fully equipped kitchens and spacious porches and social areas. The lodge also features a private chef, hot tub, stocked trout pond and a massive “great room” complete with a grand stone fireplace. Ideal For: Intact groups, families and corporate retreats looking for a private, high-end setting. Type of Fishing: The property offers more than three miles of private river access on the legendary Big Hole River and is also close to the Beaverhead, Jefferson and Madison Rivers. Special Features: The Silver Bow Club is an incredibly unique, high-end, family-owned Montana guest ranch situated on 1,800 acres near the small town of Divide, Montana. With a very private and secluded location in a quiet valley on the banks of the Big Hole, the lodge offers 3.5 miles of river frontage – easily accessed by a walk across the hay meadows or via golf cart on the lodge’s manicured paths. As an all-inclusive resort, you can choose from additional activities that include trap shooting, ATV tours, horseback riding, and pheasant hunts. Full hot breakfasts will be prepared each morning during your stay. For dinners, there will be a set menu from which guests can choose soups and salads, and then entrees including fish, pork, chicken and beef dishes. You can also look forward to a variety of desserts. All alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages are included as well. Bringing a group? Rent the entire lodge for maximum privacy.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 U.S. WEST 125


Missoula, Montana When it comes to outstanding dry fly fishing, the rivers that surround Missoula, Montana provide some of the best opportunities found anywhere in the west. Centrally located to take full advantage of the diversity of waters found throughout the area, Missoula River Lodge sits on 100 acres on the banks of the Clark Fork River, only 15 minutes from the Missoula Airport. Anglers staying at the lodge can quickly access the Bitterroot, Clark Fork, Blackfoot and nearby Rock Creek throughout the season. All types of itineraries—from single-day trips to week-long, all-inclusive packages—can be accommodated with short drives and transfer times.


Craig, Montana A great lodging option for couples, families and small groups looking for private and secluded riverfront accommodations on Montana’s Missouri River, this operation offers a full line up of comfortable amenities and spacious guest rooms that directly overlook the river. With rising trout and regular hatches, this section of the Missouri is sometimes referred to as a giant spring creek due to consistent water temperature and steady flows from Holter Dam. Guest rooms have various bed configurations to best accommodate couples, fishing buddies, friends and families. The common Great Room—formerly a hay loft for the ranch—is ideal for relaxing after a day of fishing, and the lodge’s Montana-inspired menu is prepared by an outstanding in-house chef.


Blackfoot Valley Montana The North Fork Crossing Lodge, which is owned and operated by PRO Outfitters, sits on the bank of the North Fork of the Blackfoot River – the only full-service fishing lodge in the famed Blackfoot Valley. Unique tent cabins are outfitted with all the comforts of a full-service lodge without losing the intimate connection to nature that camping can provide. Each canvas tent cabin comes equipped with heat, electricity, wood floors and a private bathhouse. The Blackfoot River boasts large populations of native West Slope cutthroat trout, and years of collaborative efforts toward restoration of the Blackfoot River as a fishery means that the fishing keeps getting better and better. Along with the Blackfoot, guests have access to several other rivers, including the mighty Missouri, which is only an hour and a half away.

BACKCOUNTRY HORSEPACK EXPEDITIONS SUNRISE PACK STATION Yellowstone National Park One of the few horseback outfitters licensed to operate in Yellowstone National Park, Sunrise Pack Station offers an authentic backcountry experience, excellent stock and equipment, knowledgeable guides and wranglers, and access to some of the most spectacular scenery and fishing found anywhere in the western United States. There are a number of different angling packages available, from single-day trips to overnight packages into remote backcountry areas that include Slough Creek, Pebble Creek, the Bechler River, Cache Creek and the Thorofare Region of Yellowstone. Wade fishing is the normal practice on these waters, and most of the fish you will catch are Yellowstone native cutthroat: colorful, feisty and almost always willing to take a dry fly.


Greater Yellowstone Area, Montana Located in a remote, isolated wilderness setting eight miles north of Yellowstone Park, Absaroka Beartooth Outfitters—open July through September—offers isolated backwoods fishing based out of a well-established and comfortable backcountry camp. The camp itself is accessed by a day-long horseback ride through some of the most beautiful and remote terrain in the northern Rockies. Once in camp, you’ll have access to a number of high country lakes, small streams and the Hellroaring River (the camp’s home waters) for native cutthroat trout. Camp accommodations consist of roomy wall tents that sleep two to four people, each with cots, sleeping bags and a wood-burning stove.

126 U.S.WEST

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com








Ft. Smith, Montana










Craig, Montana

Accommodations: Every room at the lodge features two full beds, travertine-tiled bathrooms, flat-screen televisions and Wi-Fi. Ideal For: With excellent customer service, gourmet meals, the nicest accommodations on the river and fully customized fishing packages, this is hands down the finest, most high-end option on the Missouri. Type of Fishing: An incredibly fertile tailwater fishery with abundant insect life and a healthy population of rainbow and brown trout, Montana’s Missouri River is a large, easily fished river that is similar to giant spring creek. Choose to pit your skills against the browns and rainbows of the Missouri, take a jet-boat ride to the “Land of the Giants,” wade-fish hoppers on Prickly Pear Creek, or raft down the nearby Dearborn River. Special Features: A full-service, luxury operation, the Lodge at Eagle Rock is the ideal base of operations from which to experience and explore the incredible Missouri River fishery and the surrounding area. The lodge itself is an fully-renovated, 8,000 square-foot historic inn that combines a magnificent setting, rustic elegance, and high-end amenities. The Lodge was designed using local, antique and natural materials to provide a sense of history and harmony with the area. From the 100-year-old barnwood floors to the river-rock fireplace in the Great Room, the lodge feels like Montana. It is an absolutely ideal destination for large groups seeking a private lodge experience.

Accommodations: Guests may choose to stay in one of the lodge’s five main bedrooms or rent the private Caddis Cabin, ideal for groups or families. The lodge is outfitted with the finest and most comfortable furnishings, original pieces of wildlife art, a common area with a native stone fireplace, and expansive decks to enjoy the scenery during the summer months. Ideal For: Anglers and non-anglers alike looking for the best accommodations, the finest food, a high degree of service, and total riverside privacy. Type of Fishing: The Bighorn River boasts an abundance of rainbows and browns ranging in size from 14 to 18 inches, with many exceeding 20 inches. Recent fish counts indicate an fish population of over 5,000 trout per river mile in the upper section of the tailwater. Special Features: This high-end, all-inclusive lodge is situated directly on the banks of the Bighorn, 13 miles downstream of Yellowtail Dam. This location allows guests their very own private river access as well as the exclusive use of a private boat ramp. Aside from a well-established fishing and outfitting program, the lodge also offers fall cast-and-blast trips that combine trout fishing with wingshooting for ducks and geese. Breakfasts are cooked to order, lunches are packed in coolers for your day on the river, and dinners include gourmet menu items such as thick Montana steaks, chops, chicken and fish.


Ft. Smith, Montana Bighorn Angler has offered quality guided fishing packages on the Bighorn River for more than 30 years. The combination of reasonable lodging options, top-notch guides, home-cooked meals, and great package prices makes for the perfect Bighorn River experience with a price point that won’t break the bank. The fishing sections below the Bighorn’s Yellowtail Dam are incredibly productive, displaying unique spring creek characteristics that allow rainbow and brown trout to thrive year round. With some of the most courteous, hardworking and experienced guides in Montana, the Bighorn Angler guide staff is second to none.


Troy, Montana The northwest corner of Montana and the areas that surround the small town of Libby are far less traveled (and less fished) than almost any other place in Montana. This rugged and remote region is home to miles upon miles of productive rivers and streams that receive very little angling pressure compared to other areas of the state. Linehan Outfitting is one of the most established, best-run guide operations in the region, with options that include the Kootenai River, the Clark Fork River and a number of other trout-rich waters throughout the area. Anglers can choose from single-day trips or all-inclusive, multi-day fishing and lodging packages based out of the Kootenai River Lodge.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 U.S. WEST 127









Thermopolis, Wyoming Yellow Dog is proud to represent this incredibly unique, one-of-a-kind lodging and guiding option in the heart of Wyoming’s Wind River country. Long-time Wind River guide and outfitter Darren Calhoun operates what may be the most productive and exciting fishing lodge in the west. Darren and his talented guide team are the only commercial operation allowed to guide the waters of the Wind River Canyon—an amazing tailwater fishery that offers some of the best wild brown trout fishing in the United States complimented by impressive numbers of hot, heavy rainbows. The lodge is located directly on the banks of the Wind River in the middle of the canyon, midway between the upper and lower sections of the canyon float.


Saratoga, Wyoming The Lodge and Spa at Brush Creek Ranch is a super high-end, family-friendly western lodge option that is ideal for families, couples and larger groups. It is considered one of the finest luxury dude ranches in the world, set on 30,000 pristine acres in south-central Wyoming. This is an operation where every amenity, every detail and every moment is custom-tailored to each guest’s stay. Genuine western hospitality, unbridled adventure, exciting fishing and a truly inspiring landscape come together to create one of the world’s finest luxury destinations. Anglers can enjoy access to miles of private water on the North Platte River, Brush Creek, French Creek and the nearby Encampment River.


Upper Columbia River, Washington The Upper Columbia River is one of the better-kept secrets in the Lower 48, and Black Bear Lodge—located directly on the banks of the Columbia River on a remote and isolated stretch near the Canadian border—is the perfect base from which to fish and explore this amazing area. This section of river is home to both wild cutthroat and a wild strain of rainbows believed by many to be a landlocked strain of Columbia River Steelhead. The lodge offers four rooms and the ability to accommodate groups of up to eight anglers in an area that offers large fish, pristine scenery and little pressure.


Olympic Peninsula, Washington Jeff Brazda and the crew at Brazda’s Fly Fishing are the most experienced guides on the Olympic Peninsula, and in the fall and winter months, they literally live and breathe steelhead guiding on the rivers of the peninsula. This operation continuously guides anglers into some of the largest sea-run rainbows in the Lower 48, and over the years they’ve put together an incredibly diverse and productive offering. While there are several area options for accommodations and lodging, Brazda’s “Wild Duc Lodge” on the Sol Duc River can accommodate up to eight anglers and is centrally located for easy access to a large number of OP rivers.


Klickitat River, Washington Washington’s productive Klickitat River is arguably one of the best fisheries in the Pacific Northwest, offering what may be the finest summer-run steelhead action in the region. Located 15 minutes from the town of Klickitat and two hours from Portland, Oregon, the Steelhead Ranch offers guided fishing for strong summer runs of both wild and hatchery steelhead as well as solid fall runs of chinook salmon. Sitting directly on the banks of the Klichkitat on 40 acres, the Ranch can accommodate up to 12 anglers at one time in the gorgeous three-bedroom house that serves as the main lodge and centerpiece of the operation.


Island Park, Idaho Built in the early 1900s, the historic Elk Creek Ranch stands as a symbol of enduring western craftsmanship. The lodge and it’s 9 guest cabins have been remodeled over the years, but each retains the authentic rustic feel of their historic beginnings. You will enjoy refreshing views of Elk Creek’s private lake as you relax on your private cabin porch or join the family after dinner at the fire pit. Located only 30 minutes from Yellowstone National Park, Elk Creek Ranch only accepts 30 guests at one time. Fishing options include numerous sections and areas of the Henry’s Fork, South Fork, Madison, Hegben Lake, Yellowstone Park and many other stillwaters and smaller streams throughout the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. THATCH CAYE

128 U.S.WEST

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com



Swan Valley, Idaho

Swan Valley, Idaho

Accommodations: Henry’s Fork Lodge offers a complete five-star fishing and lodging experience, with the most highend accommodations and amenities found anywhere in the Yellowstone region.

Accommodations: Built on the banks of the world famous South Fork of the Snake River in Idaho’s Swan Valley, the Lodge at Palisades Creek offers nine private cabins and a main lodge that includes the dining room, the “Cowboy Bar” and a fully stocked fly shop.

Accommodations: The lodge offers a number of different room and cabin options, gourmet meals, unique guided fishing experiences, and fully guided, non-angling excursions

Ideal For: The lodge is a beautiful facility that is perfect for groups, couples and families: a great base of operations for fishing the South Fork and numerous other fisheries located throughout the region.

Type of Fishing: The South Fork is regarded as one of the best tailwater, dry-fly fisheries in the United States, with prolific hatches of caddis, mayflies, stoneflies and midges occurring throughout the summer season. The river is home to rainbows, cutthroat and the occasional heavy brown.

Type of Fishing: Fishing options include numerous sections and areas of the Henry’s Fork, South Fork, Madison, Hegben Lake, Yellowstone Park and many other stillwaters and smaller streams throughout the Greater Yellowstone ecosystem. Special Features: Designed by awardwinning architect Joseph Esherick, the Lodge has been nominated for architecture awards for its distinctive combination of elegance and comfort. Located on a high bluff overlooking the Henry’s Fork, the scenery and setting are incredible. Henry’s Fork Lodge is Yellow Dog’s first choice in the region for families, groups, or couples looking for a high-end and elegant lodge setting. The Lodge’s attention to detail and customer service is second-tonone. Henry’s Fork Lodge works with most of the area’s outfitters, so if you have a favorite guide in the area, chances are Yellow Dog can set things up. Fly fishing Idaho’s famous Henry’s Fork should be on every serious trout angler’s bucket list.



Ideal For: With a philosophy focused on the highest levels of customer service and the finest attention to detail at all times, this is the ideal lodge option for those who truly want the very best when it comes to a western fishing experience.


Island Park, Idaho






Type of Fishing: Fishing options include the South Fork, Palisades Creek, and also a private “spring pond” on property that is absolutely loaded with trout and insects. The South Fork is hands-down one of the finest dry fly fishing rivers in North America with 5,200 trout per mile and a daily size average of Yellowstone cutthroat, rainbows, and brown trout in the 14 to 18 inch range. Special Features: The Lodge at Palisades Creek is located a few miles beneath Palisades Dam on the South Fork of the Snake River in Swan Valley, Idaho. The South Fork starts fishing early in the spring, mostly nymphing with some dry fly fishing until late April, when runoff begins. The runoff is usually winding down by the third week of June, and anglers are typically fishing dry fly flies by the end of June. July through September is considered peak dry fly season, while fall offers a productive combination of dry fly and streamer fishing. The lodge has five different sections of the South Fork for guided fishing trips that collectively cover a total of 55 miles of the river.

Ideal For: Anglers of all skill levels, nonanglers, and accompanying family members.

Special Features: This stunning wilderness location offers a perfect blend of rustic elegance, outstanding activities and exceptional hospitality. The unique setting and luxurious amenities provide a truly memorable experience for anglers. One of the advantages you enjoy while staying at the lodge is the head start you have over other anglers in starting your day of fishing on the river. In fact, one of the river’s most important access points is a mere two hundred yards from where you meet your guide in the morning. Other anglers may need to drive for an hour or more to get to the same stretch of water. This advantage not only gives you an edge but also provides for a more relaxed start to your day.
A classic western lodge built directly on a dramatic bend of Idaho’s South Fork of the Snake River, this is an operation that offers the perfect blend of rustic elegance, outstanding activities, highend amenities and some of the best fly fishing in the United States.

phone 406.585.8667 • toll free: 888.777.5060 U.S. WEST 129


Central Montana There is one trip that the entire Yellow Dog team looks forward to every spring; one that many of us who live in Montana consider our favorite adventure of the year. We’re talking about a multi-day camping and float trip on Montana’s Smith River. The Smith adventure is a five-day, fully guided journey down 60 miles of pristine, protected and isolated waters that wind through a scenic and remote canyon over the course of five days. When you arrive in camp at the end of each day, spacious two-person tents are already pitched, camp is set up, dinner is cooking and the drinks are ready. This is surely one of the most special fishing trips available in the western United States – great for hardcore anglers as well as families, kids and groups of friends looking for a totally unique, on-water camping trip.


Frank Church Wilderness, Idaho Idaho’s Frank Church Wilderness area is located in one of the most secluded and rugged areas in the entire Lower 48, and carving through the center of this wilderness area is the legendary Middle Fork of the Salmon River. The class three and four rapids, abundant wildlife and typically crystal-clear waters make this one of the most treasured multi-night camping and float trips available anywhere in the western U.S. On a typical Middle Fork trip you will float for roughly 100 miles through an ancient granite rock canyon utilizing classic wooden McKenzie-style drift boats. This fishery has been managed by the state of Idaho as a catch and release fishery since 1973, making it one of the best fisheries in the northwest for both numbers of fish and for consistently good dry fly action. If you are someone who loves to throw dry flies and are seeking a fully-outfitted, wild, multi-day wilderness float trip, then this trip is a must!


Rogue River, Oregon The Helfrich family name is synonymous with the history of modern drift boat design and running the biggest waters of the Northwest. Jeff Helfrich owns and operates Tight Lines Fishing, a family-owned guiding and outfitting business that first began operation in 1925. Over the years, Jeff has assembled a crew of true river masters, and with these Rogue River operations, Jeff and his team offer three-night trips down a wild and scenic 42mile stretch of the river where you will experience breathtaking class 3 and 4 rapids, beautiful scenery and typically cooperative fish. This is a piece of the river that offers great fishing during the September through November timeframe. You will spend three nights in perfectly situated wilderness lodges and four days camping on the river.


West Glacier, Montana Glacier Anglers has been family owned and operated for 40 years, and is considered Montana’s longest-running river outfitter. With over 500,000 guests taken safely down the river since 1976, they are proud to have the best safety record in northern Montana. This is an area of the Northern Rockies that is legendary for its outstanding fly fishing, and the waters fished by Glacier Anglers are no exception. Glacier offers day trips, overnight float trips on the North and Middle Forks of the Flathead River, and multi-day backcountry trips into the Great Bear Wilderness to fish the acclaimed upper Middle Fork of the Flathead River. These waters are home native West Slope cutthroat trout, rainbow trout and – in certain places – native bull trout. Perhaps the most spectacular of the trips offered is the Great Bear Wilderness Fly Fishing Trip – four to seven days of spectacular fishing on the Upper Middle Fork of the Flathead River. This incredible backcountry trip offers up some of the best dry fly fishing in Montana.


Maupin, Oregon Whether you’re looking for a one-day guided Deschutes River trip, private high desert lake fishing, or a multi-day camping and float trip for fall steelhead, Deschutes Angler offers a variety of world-class fishing and guiding possibilities. Options include fishing for chrome-bright, hard-fighting steelhead with floating lines and light spey rods, or chasing the river’s wild and incredibly strong redside trout. Beginning in late July and running into November, you can choose from an early season steelhead trip on the lower 20 miles of the river or opt for a multi-day float on the upper 50-mile section later in the season. All trips, camping packages and itineraries are completely customized. Fly fishing for steelhead is for the determined and the patient; strong wading skills and the ability to cast a good line are definitely an asset. Deschutes River steelhead range in size from 4 to 15 pounds, with fish in the 20-pound range occasionally found.


THE SUSTAINABLE ANGLER: Travel Tips for the Adventurous Angler BY RICK CRAWFORD

A Picasso triggerfish, some Tahitian poison cru, lush green mountains covered in palm trees, and exotic flowers shooting out of the blue waters of the South Pacific? Sign me up! Tailing bonefish, fresh conch fritters and endless saltwater flats covered in tangled mangroves? I’m there! Fish really do live in the most beautiful places, and as an angler, I am always looking for the next opportunity to explore new fisheries, experience different cultures, and enjoy the natural beauty of our planet. While I appreciate every aspect of destination angling and the quest for adventure, however, I am often left wondering what effect am I having on the environment, and – as a traveling angler – is there a way I can make a positive impact? Travelling around the world chasing fish is “the dream,” but in order to keep living the dream, anglers must take into account their environmental impact in order to protect what we love. As our world-wide population grows, so does our demand for both natural and synthetic resources. For example, poor conservation practices have led to the collapse of many of the planet’s fisheries due to continuous overfishing and harvesting. The sunscreen we wear can result in coral bleaching, the greenhouse gas emissions from flying to these destinations contributes to climate change, and the amount of plastic pollution that ends up in our rivers, lakes and oceans is beyond overwhelming. I am thirty-seven years old with a one-year-old daughter. I would love for her to develop a love for travel and grow up with a sense of adventure and a desire to explore the world (hopefully with a fly rod in-hand). She is one of the key reasons why I care so much about protecting the environment and our fisheries for future generations. While current scientific data and doom-and-gloom predictions can easily lead to pessimism about the future, I remain an optimist because I know there are so many good people and organizations doing amazing work and creating positive change. And guess what? You as an individual can help by taking small steps that are good for the environment: simple measures that can ultimately protect the fish species we love to chase with a fly rod. In doing so you will be ensuring that your children and grandchildren will someday be able to experience our most valued sporting traditions: to spend time on the water, to chase the fish of their dreams, and to witness the awe-inspiring beauty of our planet. With that in mind, here are five easy and sustainable travel tips every angler can take to lessen our personal impact and make this world (and our fisheries!) a better place:

1. Bring a reusable water bottle (and coffee mug if you are a coffee drinker). Did you know that less than 9% of all plastics that have ever been produced have been recycled? It is estimated that by 2050 there will be more plastic (by weight) than fish in the ocean. By bringing reusable containers, you can help stop plastic pollution at the source. Most airports now have reusable bottlefilling stations, and many lodges and fishing outfitters are also “kicking plastic” in an effort to protect their fisheries. (In fact, look for the “Kick Plastic” symbol in this catalog to see which lodges are doing their part.) 2. Don’t forget your reef-safe sunscreen. Most sunscreens contain UV-filtering chemicals such as oxybenzone and octinoxate that have been linked to coral bleaching, which is obviously bad for our fisheries. Look for and use reef-safe sunscreens. (Bonus points for finding brands that don’t have plastic packaging!) 3. Buy Local. Simply buying local can have a direct and positive impact. For instance, buying local produce or souvenirs helps create jobs and also helps support cultural heritage. Nobody wants to travel to Belize to eat at McDonalds, or buy “indigenous art” that can be purchased on Amazon, right? 4. Book with lodges that practice and promote sustainability in their operations. There are many ways lodges can demonstrate and implement sustainable business practices. Examples include conserving energy using LED bulbs, on-site renewable energy systems, the use of rain cisterns to conserve water, and reducing pollution by kicking single-use plastic bottles and packaging. These lodges deserve to be rewarded with your business, and you’ll be sending the message that other lodges and business should be doing more to protect the environment. 5. Donate to Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Fund (YDCCF). The Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation works to enhance communities, build partnerships and support conservation in places where great fishing is found. By providing targeted grants and financial resources to directly support priority conservation needs and vital community projects in international angling destinations, these efforts are having a positive impact in the places where great fishing is found. Supporting YDCCF helps to ensure our favorite places and the fisheries we love will be around for generations to come. There are certainly other ways anglers can further reduce their environmental impact while traveling, but these five sustainable (and easy) travel tips can have a positive environmental impact while we all travel the world to chase the fish and the adventures that we love.

After graduating with an MBA in Sustainable Business from Marylhurst University and spending nearly a decade in the sustainability field doing everything from installing solar panels, manufacturing biodiesel and working in green building consulting, Rick Crawford founded the sustainable business consultancy Emerger Strategies in 2016. Emerger Strategies improves the social, environmental and economic bottom lines of its clients so that they profit sustainably. Rick is also the creator + host of the award-winning podcast, The Sustainable Angler, whose intent is to educate and create more awareness about environmental threats to our fisheries, while also sharing success stories that inspire positive change. To learn more, visit: www.emergerstrategies.com.




t, alligator head, black drum, jacks, speckled trou TARGET SPECIES: Redfish, sheeps gar and numerous offshore species SEASON: Year-round New Orleans International Airport (MSY) MAJOR AIR HUB: Louis Armstrong id identification for airline travel, and a val DOCUMENTS REQUIRED: Photo Louisiana fishing license LANGUAGE: English POPULATION: 4.7 million CAPITAL: Baton Rouge COUNTRY CURRENCY: US Dollar (USD)


ne of the most colorful and festive states in the country, Louisiana is known for Cajun hospitality, great food, amazing music, fascinating people and, of course, the greatest redfishing found anywhere. The coastline, mud flats and massive marsh networks found in Louisiana collectively offer outstanding sight fishing opportunities for the shallow-water fly angler. These areas can be fished year-round and hold an amazingly large and healthy population of redfish. Serious anglers will tell you that this area of the Gulf Coast is home to the largest redfish in the world as well as the largest overall populations of redfish. While big Louisiana redfish can be challenging, they love to eat flies in shallow water and will often do so incredibly close to the boat. When fishing for reds, it’s all about the eat! And while redfish are definitely the “kings of the marsh,” anglers also have opportunities to catch sheepshead, black drum, jacks and alligator gar.


The lodges and guides that we work with in Louisiana focus on both the eastern and western sides of the Mississippi River Delta. For anglers fishing out of the Hopedale area, the legendary Biloxi Marsh is an estuary network of more than 200,000 acres of coastal wetlands. Crisscrossed by bayous and canals and dotted with innumerable lakes, bays, ponds and lagoons, this marsh system provides a variety of habitat that creates some of the best redfishing found anywhere. Further to the south sits the tiny fishing community of Venice, located near the southeastern tip of Louisiana where the Mississippi River flows into the Gulf of Mexico. Venice is the jumping-off point for some of the finest inshore and offshore fishing in the region and home to some of the largest redfish found anywhere—especially during the fall and early winter months. And finally, further to the west is the Dulac area – home to a fishery that sees few anglers and very little pressure. Louisiana’s vast marsh ecosystem is an amazing place and truly one of America’s most impressive saltwater fisheries.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com



Accommodations: Sportsmans is a 110-foot floating lodge strategically located in the southernmost part of Louisiana in the small fishing town of Venice. From the large great room lounge area, to the open kitchen and dining area, to the complimentary bar that is always open, this is the ideal base of operations for fishing an area that many anglers call the “sport fishing capital of the world.”

Accommodations: The lodge features the Mississippi Room lounge, plenty of comfortable social areas, a complimentary bar, and numerous outdoor deck areas perfect for morning coffee or evening cigars. Dogwood offers six private rooms, each with two twin beds and a private bathroom.

Accommodations: A comfortable 61’ Hatteras that takes the live-aboard lifestyle to a new level. With a maximum of 4 anglers, and no mixing of groups – guests will have exclusivity aboard the mothership while having free reign of the surrounding marsh.







Venice, Louisiana










Hopedale, Louisiana

Ideal For: Sportsmans is a great option for longer, multi-day fishing packages as well as quick weekend getaways.

Ideal For: This trip is all about trading the chaos of the big city for incredible redfishing action coupled with views of shrimp boats, alligators and the low country landscape of the Louisiana marsh.

Type of Fishing: In addition to outstanding opportunities for redfish, Venice has legitimate offshore fishing for tuna, dolphin, tripletail, cobia, snapper, wahoo, jacks, and more.

Type of Fishing: While redfish are the primary target species, there are also opportunities to catch black drum, sheepshead, jacks, alligator gar and more.

Special Features: Located approximately two hours south of New Orleans on the edge of the Mississippi River Delta, Venice is surrounded by vast marshes and an incredibly healthy fishery. Due to its close proximity to the open gulf, this is considered by many as the very best place to go to catch seriously large gulf redfish that routinely move into the shallow marsh. One of the most unique aspects of this floating lodge setting is that your guide can literally pick you up in the skiff each morning on the doorstep of the lodge. This is an operation that offers the perfect blend of great accommodations, memorable Cajun cuisine, friendly hospitality and some of the best fly fishing in the entire southeastern United States.

Special Features: Located on the edge of the 210,000-acre Biloxi Marsh, the Dogwood Lodge is a 114-foot floating lodge that is a great option for anglers looking to fish the famous Hopedale area of Louisiana. First opened in 2015, the Dogwood is a historical vessel that was originally built for the U.S. Coast Guard as buoy tender on the upper Mississippi River. It was later converted into a floating lodge, and today comfortably accommodates 12 anglers in one of the most productive sportfishing areas in the entre Southeast. When staying at Dogwood, anglers can literally step off the vessel each morning directly into their guide’s skiff.

Dulac, Louisiana

Ideal For: Intact groups of friends who prioritize location, short runs and long days on the water. Type of Fishing: Primarily redfishing. Black drum, sheepshead, jacks and more are also present in the fishery. Special Features: This live-aboard model allows for the guides and their anglers to quickly access areas of the marsh that are almost unreachable by other anglers. That means hundreds of square miles of untouched redfish, black drum, sheepshead, and more right out your front door. And while literally being able to see the areas you’ll be fishing each day from your cabin window takes top billing, why not relax, eat, drink and sleep in comfort and style? The captain, steward, chef and the guide team will see to your every need. Each day the chef prepares made-to-order breakfasts, packs your Yeti coolers with lunches, snacks and ice cold drinks for fishing, and serves southern and Cajun-style dishes for dinner. And at the end of each day, guests can sip their favorite beverage while watching the sun set from the deck of the live-aboard situated in the heart of the Louisiana marsh.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com phone 406.585.8667 •• toll www.yellowdogflyfishing.com free: 888.777.5060 LOUISIANA BAHAMAS


YELLOW DOG’S TOP FAMILY DESTINATIONS At Yellow Dog Flyfishing, we appreciate how tough it can be for anglers to balance their fishing addiction and cravings with the vacation demands of a family, young kids, or a non-fishing spouse. If you’re trying to plan a trip and looking to combine great fishing with a family adventure that will please everyone involved, we CAN make this happen! We handle hundreds of family trip packages each year, and we promise that win-win trip fishing and family options do, in fact, exist. The lodges and operations listed in this section all offer totally legitimate fishing opportunities, with the ability to cater to non-anglers and family members with a variety of fun activities and options. From babysitting services and kids’ programs to a full line up of side trips and adventure tours, we’re confident that your entire family will enjoy a vacation at any one of the following operations. For more information, or for help in planning your next “family-fishing-multiactivity-vacation,” contact Yellow Dog today and let’s get started.

TOP RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SALTWATER FAMILY DESTINATIONS ALPHONSE ISLAND RESORT (Seychelles) Situated approximately 1,000 miles off the east coast of Africa, Alphonse is a distant and exotic destination offering one of the most beautiful tropical settings on the planet. Beautiful and private chalets, a large freshwater pool, guided eco-tour activities, a full PADI snorkeling and dive center, sailboats, kayaks and some of the most stunning beaches in the world.

OCEAN ACTIVE OUTFITTERS (Dubai, UAE) Aside from the great fishing that is found in the heart of the city, there are literally hundreds of other interesting activities and options that can be experienced with a visit to Dubai. Accommodation options – including the “7 Star” Burj Al Arab Hotel – are among the nicest in the world.

COPAL TREE LODGE (Punta Gorda, Belize) An ideal location for couples, families and anglers looking to combine a fishing trip with great non-angling activities and a luxury jungle resort experience in Central America. The food, service, accommodations, amenities and location are all incredible.

SMALL HOPE BAY LODGE (Andros, Bahamas) Established in 1960, Small Hope Bay is a reasonably priced, family owned and operated resort that offers numerous non-angling activities, flats fishing, and one of the top-rated snorkel and scuba programs in the Bahamas. With incredible history and decades of consistent operation, the lodge is located on the northeast coast of Andros overlooking a beautiful white sand beach.

CROCODILE BAY RESORT (Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica) Crocodile Bay is located in a region that National Geographic Magazine has called “the most biologically intense place on Earth.” The resort offers 29 privately guided adventures and eco-tours including kayaking, canopy tours, snorkeling, surfing, horseback riding and more.

STELLA MARIS RESORT (Long Island, Bahamas) A beautiful oceanfront resort that offers a wide range of tropical vacation accommodations, superb beaches, and numerous on-water activities. Three hotel pools dot the manicured grounds, as do seven hidden beach coves. Long Island is peaceful, uncrowded, and hardly touched by modern tourism.

EL PESCADOR LODGE (Ambergris Caye, Belize) A family-run resort situated on the best beach on Ambergris Caye. Close to the town of San Pedro, you can fish, dive, snorkel, shop, ride bikes, explore the island, and enjoy the best nightlife in Belize. The lodge features three swimming pools and a full line-up of family amenities.

SWAIN’S CAY LODGE (Andros, Bahamas) A full-service bonefishing operation and beach resort designed to cater to anglers, non-anglers, families and couples alike. Located on one of the nicest white sand beaches on Andros, there are a number of different accommodation options, including ocean view suites, garden view twin rooms, and apartments for larger groups and families.

GRAND SLAM LODGE (Punta Allen, Mexico) This full-service Yucatan lodge operation – the nicest in the area – is situated on a beautiful beach in one of the region’s largest protected wild areas, the Sian Ka’an Biosphere Reserve. Beautiful rooms and amenities that far surpass anything in the area.

TURNEFFE ISLAND RESORT (Turneffe Atoll, Belize) This immaculate private island located on the southern tip of Turneffe Atoll is simply stunning - as pristine, private and secluded as anything in the entire Caribbean. Turneffe Island Resort’s location allows easy access to the flats, snorkeling, swimming and more.

H20 BONEFISHING (Grand Bahama, Bahamas) World-class bonefishing with all of the comforts and amenities of a luxury family beach resort, Pelican Bay gives the family access to a wide selection of restaurants, bars, shopping, water sports, and nightlife.

TURTLE INN (Placencia, Belize) Owned by Francis Ford Coppola, this 25-room seafront hideaway combines a great location with a high degree of luxury and service. With the best diving, snorkeling and sea kayaking in the area and a variety of inland excursions and activities, Turtle Inn is a fantastic family vacation option.


info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

TOP RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FRESHWATER FAMILY DESTINATIONS BROOKS LODGE (Katmai National Park, Alaska) Overall, this may be the best family destination in all of Alaska. This historic lodge sits on the shores of Naknek Lake near the world famous Brooks Falls – home to the best brown bear viewing in all of Alaska. Non-anglers can participate in numerous bear viewing activities, area “flight-seeing,” hiking, photography, kayaking and more.

PORONUI LODGE (North Island – New Zealand) Nestled in the Taharua Valley on New Zealand’s North Island, Poronui is one the world’s finest luxury wilderness lodges, longknown for incredible fly fishing and trophy hunting. With elegant accommodations, gourmet food, seasoned guides, and one of the best heli-programs on the island, this is a fantastic high-end lodge option that everyone will love.

BRUSH CREEK RANCH (Saratoga, Wyoming) The Lodge and Spa at Brush Creek Ranch is a super high-end, familyfriendly western lodge option that is ideal for families, couples and larger groups. It is considered one of the finest luxury dude ranches in the world, set on 30,000 pristine acres in south-central Wyoming. Genuine western hospitality, unbridled adventure, exciting fishing and a truly inspiring landscape come together to create one of the world’s finest luxury destinations.

REMOTA RESORT (Puerto Natales, Chile) Far in the southern part of Chile lies a land of raw beauty, majestic mountains, and numerous rivers. Close to Torres del Paine National Park, Remota is one of the most unique resort operations we’ve ever seen and a lodge that is perfect for those looking to diversify a fishing package.

MADISON DOUBLE R (Cameron, Montana) With 1,200 acres on two miles of Madison River frontage close to the trout town of Ennis, Montana, Madison Double R offers luxury accommodations and a relaxing outdoor experience second to none. With a gorgeous main lodge, private cabin accommodations, an 1800’s western saloon, gourmet food and thoughtful wine pairings, this is the ideal couple’s lodge for both fishing and exploring the surrounding area.

The Golden Dorado River Cruiser is a fantastic, one-of-a-kind mothership program that’s completely new to the golden dorado scene in Northern Argentina. The well-appointed mothership travels up and down the Parana River system following the migration and activities of dorado throughout the season. With quick and easy access to the mothership from Buenos Aires, trips of any length can be arranged.

THE HIMALAYAN OUTBACK (India) A journey through the outback of the Himalayas and the frontier area between India and Nepal leaves anglers with memories of more than just a world-class golden mahseer fishing experience. The simplicity of the region, the people encountered, and the incredible landscapes are a sight unto themselves. MADISON VALLEY RANCH (Ennis, Montana) Located on the banks of the world-famous Madison River three miles outside the quintessential fly fishing town of Ennis, M.V.R. is centrally located in the heart of southwestern Montana. For a completely western-style family vacation, the ranch offers non-angling activities, including horseback riding, touring Yellowstone Park, hiking and sightseeing. MIDDLE FORK OF THE SALMON FLOAT TRIP (Frank Church Wilderness, Idaho)

Float for roughly 100 miles through an ancient granite canyon utilizing classic McKenzie-style drift boats in a fully-supported river camping adventure. The Middle Fork of the Salmon is a strong option for beginners, groups of friends, and families with younger anglers.


SMITH RIVER FLOAT TRIPS (Central Montana) The Smith adventure is a five-day, fully guided journey down 60 miles of pristine, protected and isolated waters that wind through a scenic and remote canyon over the course of five days. When you arrive in camp at the end of each day, spacious two-person tents are already pitched, camp is set up, dinner is cooking and the drinks are ready. This is one of the most special fishing trips available in the western United States. SUNRISE PACK STATION HORSEPACKING (Yellowstone National Park)

The best way to see Yellowstone and fish some of the most untouched waters in the country is by horseback. This backcountry experience features excellent stock and equipment, skilled and knowledgeable guides and wranglers, and access to some of the most pristine, spectacular scenery in the world. TORDRILLO MOUNTAIN LODGE (Alaska Range, Alaska) Located at the foothills of the Tordrillo Mountain range on beautiful Judd Lake and the outlet of the Talachulitna River, T.M.L. offers anglers and outdoor enthusiasts numerous options for adventure, including fishing, heli-skiing and whitewater rafting.

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YELLOW DOG’S TOP COUPLE’S DESTINATIONS While there are certainly a large number of fishing lodges that are great for hardcore, no-frills anglers, we are seeing more and more operations stepping up their game in order to cater to and accommodate couples and non-fishing significant others. Frequently, we hear from clients and anglers who are specifically interested in destinations wellsuited for these types of “couple’s-combo trips” – lodges and operations that offer legitimate fishing opportunities coupled with the genuine ability to cater to non-anglers with a variety of fun activities and options. All of the lodges and operations listed below offer a high degree of luxury and a complete line up of fun things to see and do over and above standing in a flats boat or wading a freestone river. And finally, all of the lodges featured in this section offer higher-end amenities, such as beautifully appointed rooms, gourmet food, spa services and a full line up of non-angling programs. Here’s your chance to enjoy great fishing AND be a vacation-planning hero!

TOP RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SALTWATER COUPLE’S DESTINATIONS ABACO CLUB ON WINDING BAY (Abaco, Bahamas) The ideal resort operation for those looking to combine great fishing with a host of other activities including golf, sailing and spending time on the finest beach on Abaco. This is arguably one of the nicest overall properties in the Bahamas and the ideal location for those who want the very best in accommodations and amenities. ALPHONSE ISLAND RESORT (Seychelles) Situated approximately 1000 miles off the east coast of Africa, Alphonse is a distant and exotic destination offering one of the most beautiful tropical settings on the planet. Beautiful and private chalets, a large freshwater pool, snorkeling in the Alphonse lagoon, Scuba diving, sailboats, kayaks and some of the most stunning beaches in the world. BAHIA DE LOS SUENOS (Baja, Mexico) This special lodge destination is set amongst the spectacular beaches and mountains of Bahia de los Suenos – the “Bay of Dreams.” Anglers and their non-angling companions can now enjoy first-class accommodations, skilled guides that know fly fishing, plenty of nonangling activities and beautiful, protected beaches. COOK ISLANDS (South Pacific) Customized fishing packages include a choice of several different luxury accommodation options. Although the island of Aitutaki is small, there are dozens of activities for non-anglers, making this an ideal destination for couples and honeymooners. Air New Zealand offers weekly, non-stop flights to Rarotonga from Los Angeles. COPAL TREE LODGE (Punta Gorda, Belize) An ideal location for couples looking to combine a fishing trip with great eco-tour and jungle-based non-angling activities. This high-end jungle resort experience is among the finest in all of Central America. The food, service, accommodations, amenities and location are all outstanding. CAMPECHE TARPON (Campeche, Mexico) A UNESCO World Heritage site, Campeche is among the most beautiful and unique cities in all of Mexico. Visitors will enjoy strolling the colorful streets of the historic downtown area, checking out shops, museums, art galleries, outdoor restaurants, historic cathedrals and churches. All of this, combined with the best baby tarpon action anywhere in the Caribbean, makes this a top pick for couples.


CAYO CRUZ / CAYO ROMANO (Northern Cuba) This is a land-based fishing program that bases out of a new, all-inclusive, five-star beachfront resort in an area of Cuba known for incredible beaches and crystal-clear waters. This three-story hotel offers 60 rooms, a swimming pool, bar, lounge, a variety of restaurants (including Japanese and Mediterranean themed restaurants), full spa, a rum and cigar store, and salon. KAMALAME CAY RESORT (Andros Island, Bahamas) If you’re looking for a private Caribbean adventure accompanied by world-class accommodations, Kamalame has it all. Amenities include postcard-perfect beaches, a freshwater swimming pool, gourmet dining, a wonderful selection of wines and the finest spa in the Bahamas. OCEAN ACTIVE OUTFITTERS (Dubai, UAE) Dubai constantly dwells in a never-ending effort to magnetize tourists to a world of modern attractions and unheard of luxuries. Aside from the great fishing that is found in the heart of the city, there are literally hundreds of other interesting activities and options that can be experienced with a visit to Dubai. Accommodation options – including the “7 Star” Burj Al Arab Hotel – are among the nicest in the world. PLAYA BLANCA LODGE (Espiritu Santo Bay, Mexico) For anglers looking to combine a premier saltwater fishing experience with a secluded tropical beach vacation, Playa Blanca eco-adventure resort is a great option. Located 130 miles south of Cancun, Playa is located on a secluded private island with great rooms, gourmet food and beautiful grounds. TURTLE INN (Placencia, Belize) Owned by Francis Ford Coppola, this 25-room seafront hideaway combines a great location with a high degree of luxury and service. With the best diving, snorkeling and sea kayaking in the area and a variety of inland excursions and activities, Turtle Inn is a fantastic family vacation option. VICTORIA HOUSE (Ambergris Caye, Belize) One of Belize’s finest, most high-end luxury resorts, Victoria House is a small and exclusive resort long known for offering exceptional amenities, an amazing tropical ambiance, and an outstanding staff and day trips on the waters that surround Ambergris.

info@yellowdogflyfishing.com • www.yellowdogflyfishing.com

TOP RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FRESHWATER FAMILY DESTINATIONS CINCO RIOS LODGE (Coyhaique, Chile) A beautiful, high-end lodge in a town that we think of as the “Bozeman, Montana of Patagonia.” High end food and wine and a host of area activities including Andean condor viewing, trips into town, hiking, horseback riding and much more can be arranged for guests.

MISSION LODGE (Dillingham, Alaska) A first-class luxury experience in the heart of rugged and beautiful Alaska. Large private rooms, gourmet food and wines, sauna, hot tub, full massage services and comfortable lounge areas all make Mission a great option for non-anglers and significant others.

ENCHANTED LAKE LODGE (Katmai Region, Alaska) For more than 50 years, Enchanted Lake has provided guests with incredible fishing experiences, high-end accommodations, superb cuisine and the finest in customer service all in one of the most beautiful settings in Alaska. The lodge staff can arrange a number of activities including sight-seeing tours, bear and wildlife viewing, and boat tours.

PATAGONIA RIVER GUIDES (Trevelin, Argentina) If you’re looking for a high-end fishing lodge in Patagonia that caters to both advanced anglers as well as first-timers, then this is the program. The food is amazing, the Argentine wines are world-class, and the all-inclusive amenities are second to none. All equipment is included, from waders and boots to all tackle, rods, reels and flies.

HENRY’S FORK LODGE (Last Chance, Idaho) Henry’s Fork Lodge is Yellow Dog’s first choice in the region for groups or couples looking for a high-end and elegant lodge setting. The lodge’s attention to detail and customer service is second to none. There are also outstanding opportunities for wildlife viewing in Harriman Park and Yellowstone National Park.

REMOTA RESORT (Puerto Natales, Chile) Close to Torres del Paine National Park, Remota is one of the most unique resort operations we’ve ever seen and a lodge that is perfect for those looking to diversify a fishing package. With a full line-up of guided non-angling trips and eco-activities, this is one of our favorite couples destinations in all of South America.

LODGE AT PALISADES CREEK (Swan Valley, Idaho) A beautiful facility that is well-suited for groups, couples, and families, the lodge is happy to arrange a variety of non-angling activities to complement your stay. Horseback riding, white water rafting, and tours in nearby Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks are just a few of the options available.

RIO MANSO LODGE (Bariloche, Argentina) This is a phenomenal fishing option that also offers deluxe accommodations, delicious food, the finest Argentine wines, incredible culture and rich hospitality. Our favorite Argentine lodge for couples, all fishing days can easily be complemented by a host of non-angling activities and tours.

MADISON DOUBLE R (Cameron, Montana) With 1200 acres on two miles of Madison River frontage close to the trout town of Ennis, Montana, Madison Double R offers luxury accommodations and a relaxing outdoor experience second to none. With a gorgeous main lodge, private cabin accommodations, an 1800’s western saloon, gourmet food and thoughtful wine pairings, this is the ideal couple’s lodge for both fishing and exploring the surrounding area.

RUBY SPRINGS LODGE (Alder, Montana) Beautiful riverside cabins that are truly magnificent are the standard at Ruby Springs. Each cabin features the highest level of amenities, and each evening the staff will turn down your beds and build a fire for you in your room’s stone fireplace. Complement the fishing with horseback rides through the Ruby Valley, golf and sightseeing tours of historic Virginia City.

MINARET STATION (South Island, New Zealand) The first and finest destination of its kind in New Zealand, this is one of the most unique lodges in the world. A trip to this secluded luxury alpine retreat – accessible only by helicopter – will give you a high-end adventure unlike any other, complete with an extensive list of activities for every guest.

SOUTH FORK LODGE (Swan Valley, Idaho) A beautiful, high-end western lodge built directly on a dramatic bend of the world famous South Fork of the Snake River. This stunning wilderness location offers the perfect blend of rustic elegance, diverse activities and exceptional hospitality. The unique setting and luxurious amenities provide a truly memorable experience for both anglers and non-angling guests.

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THE POLITICAL PLATFORM and the POLING PLATFORM It really doesn’t matter how you vote, what cable news network you subscribe to, or which political party you affiliate with; if you’re reading these words, chances are good you consider yourself an angler. And while this piscatorial affiliation might define you as an “interesting person” in the context of cocktail parties or company picnics, it also brings with it the responsibility of speaking out and standing up for the things that matter to our sport. Before you take offense to that assumption, read on. Many of us found our way to fishing because time on the water is peaceful, restorative and stress-free (unless of course you’re stalking permit). Stepping into the water with a rod in hand is something that almost always allows us to unplug, tune-out the clamor, lose the signal, and connect directly with our surroundings: a pastime that delivers solitude, peace and a reprieve from an otherwise crazy and chaotic world. The reality these days for anglers, however, is that “tuning out” and finding a peaceful escape is becoming more and more difficult. So much of what we love – the very things that we identify with and are drawn to as anglers – are increasingly threatened and under attack. If we look down the road and imagine the sport of fly fishing and the places it takes us in 10 or 15 years, the future looks … hazy. Amplified threats to public lands. Deregulated extraction industries and the green-lighting of mining projects in places like Pebble Mine in Alaska and the headwaters of Montana’s Smith River. The continued decline and loss of angler access. Diminished watershed protections. Rollbacks on regulations designed to protect clean water. Rampant gillnetting in crucial marine ecosystems. Concerted efforts by groups like PETA to steer kids away from fishing. The list of looming and legitimate threats is long … and at times overwhelming. The days of carefree, detached participation may sadly be behind us, especially if you’re someone who values a world where your kids and grandkids will be able to find the same type of on-water experiences you’ve enjoyed on your own journey through fly fishing. It’s not enough these days to think of yourself an “engaged” angler just because you own a few rods or occasionally head south to chase bonefish on the flats of Belize or the Bahamas. Fly fishing – and the resources and places our sport depends on – needs a louder voice. And unless we engage and speak up to protect and preserve the things that matter to our sport – the very foundations of this pursuit we care about – we’re going to find ourselves with limited fishing options in the years ahead. The individuals and entities that threaten the very things we love are counting on our complacency as well as inaction on the part of the angling public. That means that we damned-well better be paying attention and finding new ways to fight for our fish. On a positive note, however, one of the things that has always set anglers apart from other sportsmen and general recreationalists is the great lengths to which our community will go to pursue game fish and


– in turn – protect and enhance the fisheries and wild places where fish live. In many of the world’s great sportfishing destinations, fishing access and on-water experiences are enjoyed as a direct result of the efforts of those who are working hard to protect and preserve these rights and resources. Our numbers may be small, but our voices can be loud. It was this mindset and commitment that led to the creation of the Yellow Dog Community and Conservation Foundation (YDCCF) in 2016 – a project created to enhance communities, build partnerships and support conservation in places where great fishing is found. The Yellow Dog team wanted to do more to create a path where significant funds could be raised and resources dedicated to the organizations, projects and individuals that are truly making a difference in the areas and regions in which we work, fish and travel. The Foundation also wanted to provide a mechanism for anglers to directly support these destinations and fishing communities on a grass-roots level: a path forward for individuals to get involved. Since 2016, more than one million dollars has been raised and donated through YDCCF, and these resources are making a difference.

There are ways that we can all be more involved and – collectively – make a difference for the sport that we love. Here are a few simple ideas: 1. Know who you’re doing business with. It is not enough for a company to simply talk the talk, claiming to “care” about conservation and fishing-related resources while limiting their actual involvement and activism to the occasional re-post on social media. It is not enough to simply “claim” that your business gives a damn while your brand buries its head in the sand and avoids difficult conversations or calls to action. The question that must be asked and then answered is, “What is a company doing to roll up their sleeves and dirty their hands with the work and the issues that matter to the sport of fishing?” 2. Give of your time, talent or treasure to organizations that are making a difference. Be it YDCCF or other deserving groups that are focusing on issues that matter to our sport, these entities need your support and your involvement. 3. Talk about and share the issues that matter to you as an angler. Discuss what’s relevant to the future of our sport. Whether you post about it on-line or bring it up with friends (remember the cocktail party?) it’s time to talk about conservation and the important issues linked to angling. 4. Vote. Be an engaged citizen. Enough said. These are not red vs. blue, or left vs. right issues or positions. Outdoor and conservation-driven activism and involvement should not be based on party affiliation or political alignments. For anglers, the only “platform” that should matter when it comes to conservation issues is the poling platform on the back of a skiff.

MILLER RANCH ON THE RUBY RIVER Alder, Montana 304± ACRES | $4,750,000

Invest & Enjoy Fay Ranches supports Bonefish & Tarpon Trust’s efforts to conserve and restore flats fisheries and the habitats that support them. Greg Fay, Founder/Broker, Fay Ranches Board of Directors, Bonefish & Tarpon Trust



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YELLOW DOG’S MISSION STATEMENT: “Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures is committed to delivering the very best customer experience possible. We pair honest, relevant and valuable advice with technical know-how and first-hand knowledge of every destination we book, thereby delivering extraordinary fishing and travel experiences that are custom-tailored to our clients’ specific goals and expectations.”

THE YELLOW DOG TRAVEL WEBSITE www.yellowdogflyfishing.com With over 225 different lodges and destinations (both international and domestic) in 28 different countries, the Yellow Dog website in the most in-depth, informative and detailed online resource for fly fishing travel. The site is home to dozens of trip planning tools, travel resources, research platforms and current trip reports: a resource designed to give anglers the very best information to plan and organize all types of fishing adventures.

FOUR GREAT REASONS TO BOOK YOUR NEXT TRIP WITH YELLOW DOG: WE MATCH EVERY CLIENT WITH THE RIGHT DESTINATION At Yellow Dog, we have a very simple philosophy. We don’t care where you go as long as it’s the right place and the right match for you. We never sell a trip based on exclusive contracts we have with lodges or on beds we’re obligated to fill. Rather — with a full lineup of distinctive locations, accommodations, and price points — we match you and your expectations with the destination that’s just right for you.

YELLOW DOG’S SERVICES ARE ALWAYS FREE TO YOU When you book a trip through Yellow Dog, you never pay more than if you were to book directly with a lodge or outfitter. You get hands-on assistance, valuable insider information, pre-trip planning materials and total support on all levels — all at no additional cost to you. Sometimes clients think, “I’m sure I can save money if I do this on my own.” Not only is that a false assumption, but more often than not, booking a trip on your own ends up costing you more, especially when you factor in your time, headaches, and the very real possibility of booking sub-standard guides or the wrong lodge.

INCREDIBLY DETAILED PRE-TRIP PLANNING MATERIALS Here at Yellow Dog, we’re very proud of the indepth pre-trip planning materials we provide for each and every trip we book. Yes, we love beautiful pictures and colorful graphics, but we also know that savvy travelers appreciate — and expect — relevant and up-to-date information. When booking with Yellow Dog you’ll always receive useful, detailed and up-to-date information specifically written for your exact destination.

WHY WOULDN’T YOU UTILIZE EVERY RESOURCE AVAILABLE TO MAKE YOUR NEXT TRIP EXCEPTIONAL? Most people wouldn’t think of crafting a life insurance policy or selling a home without using an experienced, professional agent. So why should your fishing travel — something that involves both your valuable vacation time and your money — be any different? (Especially when our services cost you nothing?) Working with Yellow Dog results in a better trip — each and every time. As we’re fond of saying, using our services is like having a backstage pass to the world of fly fishing.

WWW.YELLOWDOGFLYFISHING.COM (406) 585-8667 • (888) 777-5060 Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures • 213 South Willson Avenue • Bozeman, Montana 59715 • USA


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