ow does a port become more efficient and productive? How can the supply chain work smarter? According to Fremantle Ports Senior Logistics Officer Dom Thatcher, the port of the future must be smart and digital to remain relevant and sustainable. “Fremantle Ports needs to use the best digital tools to create a seamless flow throughout the supply chain in and around the Fremantle Inner Harbour, so that we can get trucks in and out of the port in the least amount of time. “Most ports in the world are moving this way and Fremantle Ports is exploring and pioneering these technologies.” But that doesn’t mean costs and effort will be borne by the road transport industry. “The road transport industry will receive intrinsic benefits there will be free-flowing traffic through the port, we will minimise or eradicate queueing and we’ll improve truck turnaround times as the digital tools enable us to anticipate potential problems and take mitigating action before they occur.” So how does the Port of Fremantle become a Smart Port? Fremantle Ports has been working on innovative digital initiatives to assist it to advance key strategic and operational opportunities and challenges. “The future smart port will deliver integrated solutions that optimise port and supply chain efficiency, while minimising community and environmental impacts,” Dom said.
“In a logistics context, the term Smart Port refers to a shift from being a traditional port infrastructure provider to also being a provider of digital solutions for the entire port ecosystem, including multimodal supply chain participants, and the nearby port and broader communities. “This means taking on an impartial data governance role to enable the development and management of digital solutions for the benefit of the port ecosystem.” Dom said, from a broad organisational perspective, becoming a Smart Port meant developing solutions to address the current and future challenges faced by seaports, including spatial and physical constraints, pressures on efficiency and productivity, new business opportunities, safety and security risks, and sustainability. “Our exploration of Smart Port digital initiatives started with identifying the key driving features of the port’s landside logistics activities, from which a series of models, tools and concepts were developed. “Finally, a single platform was created to unify the various initiatives.” The series of models, tools and concepts are at varying stages of development, ranging from conceptual through to pilot and finally operational. They include a Landside Logistics Activity Model, WA Supply Chain Data Intelligence Hub, Trade Prediction Model, Trade Data Visualisation Globe, 3D Digital Twin, Truck and Train Video Analytics, Container Tracking Concept, Green Light
3D Digital Twin of Fremantle Inner Harbour: A virtual representation of the physical port, enabling in an unprecedented manner real-time visualisation of the key functional components of the port
WATM • December 2020
Motorcade Concept and Port Carbon Footprint Concept. He said the convergence of these digital initiatives would fundamentally transform the way Fremantle Ports and its supply chain partners do business. “It will allow us to shift from the current reactive nature of our supply chain to being proactive and innovative.” “Real-time information and enhanced visualisation provided by our digital capability will deliver new insights and intelligence that will enable supply chain optimisation.” “Through an understanding of the potential of digital technology, we have defined our digital vision which is to transform our port capability through digitisation and redefine our position as an essential physical and digital node in the supply chain, by developing real-time, living models that drive business outcomes. “Our ability to anticipate and optimise will be markedly enhanced, which will unlock unprecedented potential and opportunity to capitalise on our new capabilities, leading to a significant step change across the organisation. “This is a journey for us all that might take several years to come to fruition and, together with our port partners, we are striving to generate tangible benefits across the supply chain.”
Dom Thatcher