World Catfish Classic 2012 Official magazine

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From dream to reality... the Catfish Classic 2011 makes its mark on Ebro

Competitors registration open Competitors registration Flag parade through Chiprana Opening Ceremony Peg Draw Opening fiesta provided

Return to HQ Announcements of days results Presentation of daily prizes Draw Evening meal provided

Return to HQ Announcements of days results Presentation of daily prizes Draw Evening meal provided

Return to HQ Announcements and presentation of prizes Inaugural World Catfish Classic Champions crowned Champions fiesta provided Closing ceremony

Competitors depart



sors n o p s d u o r Black Cat porld Catfish Classic! the 2012 W




A high-performance Catfish line for all methods of demanding Catfish sport. The orange colour provides perfect visibility in adverse weather conditions, and in the beam of a head-torch at night. Extreme durability and a tight round braid with no water absorption are the hallmarks of this line endorsed by Stefan SeuĂ&#x;.


When it comes to landing truly giant fish, delicate reels are not the order of the day. The Fin-Nor Offshore is the fighting machine that ticks all the boxes. This is no fashion accessory, it is a no-frills powerhouse.


The leader is the connection between the Catfish and the angler. Only the strongest and most friction resistant materials will result in a successful fight. Black Cat Power Leader is the optimal leader for all Catfish angling methods. Stefan‘s first choice when it comes to braided leaders.




designed Exklusivelyn Seuß! by Stefa

STEFAN SEUSS: »I will be around during the WCC. Who wants to meet with me, could contact me there or visit me on Facebook (Stefan Seuß/1814037868).«

Ingo Kuprian

Uwe Barthel

DF CAT BUSTER II No fewer than nine Catfish over 100 kilos have fallen to the Cat Buster in recent years. Stefan Seuß regards it as perfection in rod design. No other rod has yet managed to achieve the same balance of power and parabolic action.


The matching dip for Black Cat Chunks, with a base of strong smelling extracts with aromas of blood, meat and liver – perfect for giving Black Cat Chunks or catfish pellets an additional boost.


BIG BAITER II 3,20M With a casting weight of 400g and a length of 3.20 metres, the Big Baiter 2 is a buoy rod par excellence.


Highly attractive catfish boilie. Thanks to its huge dimensions the boilie is highly distinctive and stays on the rig for long periods while pellets, for example, need replacing more often.


The Black Cat 680 FDX offers precisely what is required of a top catfish reel: indestructible shaft, deep spool for high line capacity, twist-free transmission, drag discs and a powerful handle.




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Welcome.. to the 2011 World Catfish Classic You will have no idea just how pleased I am to be able to say this; Welcome to the World Catfish Classic ... those few words really do mean so much to me! It has been a very long time in the making but finally, after many trials and tribulations, here we all are - about to enjoy what should prove to be a fantastic event in a stunning region of Spain. From an embryonic concept in my mind to the incredible reality, it has been a journey not without its problems. However, in saying that, there are no such things as problems, there are only challenges. Problems can become insurmountable in your mind if you allow them to, whereas challenges can be overcome. When the idea of creating the World Catfish Classic was conceived I could never have imagined just how challenging it would be, but I’m delighted to say that each challenge has been met and that’s what makes it even more rewarding. From the outset to the event launch in 2011, I was truly overwhelmed by the excitement it generated and I was determined that the world of angling would have this exciting new event. As clichéd as it may be, there is no ‘I’ in Team... so, with that firmly in mind I set out to build a team who could take the project forward. In early discussions with Pascal Grillot, European Marketing Director of Pure Fishing, it became very clear that the concept had inspired interest from a true giant in Angling. The foundations were soon laid and the process of building upon them began from there with the massive boost of Berkley backing the event as partners and Title sponsor. An enormous challenge lay ahead, but we could confidently predict that it would have every chance of success. Indeed, we now have a fantastic selection of sponsors on board and none of this would be possible without their combined and greatly valued support. You may already be aware that Angling Spirit - which forms the umbrella company for the World Carp Classic, The World Catfish Classic and Golfing Frontiers - launched a campaign called Friends of the Ebro. The intention of this project was to resolve a serious litter problem in the area where the event is to take place. The first stage of the cleanup was arranged to be carried out in the few days leading up to the event, and hopefully that will now have gone some way to resolving the issue in the short term. However, the initiative seeks to find a long term solution and establish an ongoing program of care, and for that we are constantly trying to drum up support from all quarters, so if you would like to be involved or can help in some way, please join our social network discussion group for Angling Spirit on facebook or contact me directly. In closing, I would like to express my gratitude to my team, who have worked very hard to ensure that this event is a great success for everyone involved. To our Title Sponsor Berkley, the support sponsors and partners, the media, and finally the competitors who have travelled from all over the world to be here, without you there would have been no event. Enjoy the clean, raw and rugged beauty of the area and, with the trek to some areas being reminiscent of a safari, hopefully you will all capture some trophy shots of a very different form of big cat. I very much look forward to meeting you all at Chiprana and witnessing history being made as the champions are presented with their trophy, and the fantastic Berkley boat is presented to the captor of the biggest catfish. Importantly, please remember to always take your rubbish away with you, leaving only footsteps and keeping the bank-side clean. In doing so, you will help to make a difference to the environment responsibly.

Catfish Classic Team.. Introducing the people who made this event happen

Assistant Director

Transport co-ordinator Media Co-ordinator Design Stage presence Cameraman

Photography & Sales

Radio Editor communications

Photography Cameraman Editor Cameraman Audio

Signor Marshall Signor Marshall co-ordinator co-ordinator

World Catfish Classic..

some points on

the rules Marshals and their colleges - another day at the office?

Angling Spirit.. leaving only footprints, tak

Spirit in the sky

ing only photographs

World Catfish Classic

c list of competitors Prizes..

Biting talk

Guide to the Ebro ... Areas to be fished from during competition

La Sarda Torre de Banas

El E bro


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El Ebro equinenza M e s se al Plana del Pellรณn

Games for a laug


OfficialAbbreviated rules.. & condensed version

Fair game

Angler versus the ultimate predator

WCFC sponsors The organisers of the World Catfish Classic would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our sponsors for supporting this fantastic event, and we hope, with your help, to make it a memorable occasion for everyone.

A message from the Mayor of Chiprana Buenas tardes a todos ustedes. Sean bienvenidos al Concurso clásico de Siluro mundial que para nosotros, el Ayuntamiento de Chiprana y para mí, como alcalde del mismo, tiene un significado especial, puesto que es el primero y esperamos que no sea el último. Ante todo, quiero transmitiros nuestra gran satisfacción por la buena respuesta que ha tenido este concurso, tanto por el número de inscripciones como por la buena acogida que ha tenido tanto a nivel local como comarcal y provincial, es por eso que en primer lugar debemos agradecer a los participantes de este concurso su presencia la cual nos estimula y anima a seguir promocionando este tipo de eventos. En ese sentido deseamos también agradecer la colaboración de todos/as los que han hecho posible la realización de “World Catfish Classic”, así como a los medios de comunicación tanto nacionales como internacionales que han conseguido con su trabajo poner a Chiprana en el mapa. Creemos que durante este año hemos conseguido trabajar como un verdadero equipo a pesar de las dificultades que nos han podido surgir y que, sin duda, nos han reforzado y convencido aún más de que la situación que tenemos actualmente en las orillas del río Ebro debe cambiar, por el bien nuestro y principalmente por el bien del medio ambiente, de este entorno privilegiado en el que nosotros vivimos y del que todos deberíamos poder disfrutar siempre con el respeto y las buenas costumbres que se merece. Es por tanto oportuno reconocer la labor del Sr. Ross Honey, organizador de este concurso y promotor de la asociación de “Amigos del Ebro”, que junto a su equipo ha puesto de relieve el valor de nuestro entorno natural y la gran la preocupación que existe entre los aficionados a la pesca y a la naturaleza ante la creciente degradación de la misma y el no poder controlar la abundante afluencia de gente con distintos valores a los que aquí en este concurso se quiere resaltar. Por último, desearles a todos los aquí presentes disfruten de su estancia en Chiprana, esperando que no sea esta la última vez que se encuentren en nuestro municipio.

Good Afternoon to you all. Welcome to the World Catfish Classic contest here in the town of Chiprana. For me, as mayor, this event has a special meaning, since it is the first and hopefully not the last. First of all, I want to convey our great satisfaction with the response that this contest has had, both with the number of entries and the good reception given to both local, county and provincial levels, which is why we must first thank the participants of this contest. Your presence encourages us to continue promoting these events. In this regard, we also wish to acknowledge the cooperation of all those who made the realisation of the World Catfish Classic possible and the media both nationally and internationally who have managed to put Chiprana on the map. We believe that this year we have managed to work as a team despite the difficulties that have arisen and, without doubt, we have been strengthened and further convinced that the situation we have today on the banks of the river Ebro must change for our good and especially for the sake of the environment in which we live. As with the people who are privileged to live in it, the environment should always enjoy the respect and decency it deserves. It is therefore appropriate to recognize the work of Mr Ross Honey, contest organiser and promoter of the association “Friends of the Ebro”, who together with his team has highlighted the value of our natural environment and the great concern shared by anglers for nature and the increasing degradation of it. Also to highlight the difficulties arising from not being able to control the heavy influx of people with different values to those here in this competition. Finally, I hope everyone enjoys their stay at Chiprana and that it will not be the last time you visit our municipality.


Handle with


For those not familiar with the event, The World Carp Classic, under the umbrella company of Angling Spirit, is an annual competition that was launched in 1998 and has since grown to become the most important date in many anglers’ diaries. Founded and organised by Ross Honey, the World Carp Classic is renowned for its unique atmosphere; said by many to be a festival of angling, it generates and enjoys all of the pageantry and excitement associated with a true world class sporting event. Over the years, the event has welcomed participating anglers from 36 countries and four continents to its field of around 260 competitors.

The World Carp Classic is held only on top class venues and has regularly moved location to venues such as Lac Amance, Lac D’Orient and Lac de Madine. Each of these fantastic venues has played host to the event which is traditionally attended by a large number of the world’s finest exponents of carp angling. As such, this draws great interest from a worldwide audience and International media presence is assured. The organisers of the event never rest upon their laurels and the event steadily evolves year on year. It has never been allowed to become stale and it never will.

Making a difference Presenting Angling Spirit’s projects, ‘Friends of the Ebro’ and ‘Angling Foundation (Spain)’ supported by Berkley

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