World Carp Classic 2012 official magazine

Page 1



World Carp Classic welcomes you to Italy Fishing Bolsena..

Emiliano Gabrielli and Sandro Di Cesare reveal the secrets to Lake Bolsena

The honey trap..

Tim Paisley’s 13-year love affair



Magazine Sponsored by Pescalis



4 THE 2012 ORGANISING TEAM Presenting the Team

5 Welcome

From Title Sponsor Pure Fishing JRC

6&7 Andy Chambers:

A brief from your Head Marshal


16 Media MANIA 17 2012 ROUNDUP 20 &21 Section Sponsors 22 THE TEAM EVENT

Sponsored by Carp Connections


Let the battle commence!

24&25 2011 champions How the battle was won

26&27 roll of honour A tribute to past winners

28-31 tim paisley

Looking back on 13 years

32&33 guide to bolsena 34 & 35 STEVE HOWARD Theories on Barometric Pressure


Making a difference



Experienced words from the men in the know:Emiliano Gabrielli & Sandro de Cesare

Welcome to the World Carp Classic 2012

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome everyone to the 14th World Carp Classic, here at the fantastic Lago di Bolsena. We are delighted to be able to stage the event here at this truly magnificent location and I am certain that you will enjoy this wonderful part of the world. It was an extremely busy and yet very exciting year for the World Carp Classic Team as we prepared to take on this new challenge. This will be the first time that the event has been staged outside of France and this provided us with some fresh challenges. There is compelling evidence that Bolsena is the perfect venue for the event and when I visited Bolsena for the first time, I immediately knew that it was a very special place where dreams can be realized. For as long as I live I will always remember that first visit, which was breathtaking in every respect. To witness the sheer magnificence of the area with its fantastic countryside and the vast expanse of water, set in a location steeped in history along with the tremendous culture of the welcoming Italian people, I realized that we had found a new home for the World Carp Classic. It is a massive responsibility running the World Carp Classic and one that I take very seriously. Consider for one moment how many people are involved during the course of a year. The National qualifying events, the hundreds of competitors, the thousands of people who we talk to at international trade shows, the sponsors, the event marshals, the event admin team, the International media both at the event and covering the event year-round, the national, regional and local press and the huge regional support. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the important roles you have in making this event possible. Once again we have had terrific support from a host of fantastic sponsors, and I would like to stress once more just how important that support is and how greatly it is valued and appreciated. 14 years ago I had a vision to have an arena Like lake Bolsena, to have anglers representing countries from all over the world. I am delighted that today it has gone from vision to reality and that we are all here to enjoy the experience. As the Event continues to grow, gaining both in size and reputation, World Carp Classic Qualification Events have become an important feature. This year, National Qualifying events were organized in Romania, Holland, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Hungary, South Africa, Poland and, of course host Nation Italy. I would like to congratulate the anglers who made it through to be here with us at Bolsena and also thank the organizers of the Qualifying Events for their splendid work. The biggest challenge that many of you will face this year is to not fall in love with the Lake and its beguiling nature‌ The location and those superb hard fighting carp, make Lake Bolsena and the region of Viterbo completely irresistible. I hope that you will all enjoy your time here, creating new friends and spending time with old friends and, above all I hope that the fishing is as good as it promises to be and that many of your dreams and aspirations are fulfilled. Of course, there will only be one pair to step up onto the stage as World Carp Classic Champions 2012, but there will ultimately be many winners. Hopefully you are about to create memories that match your dreams and there will be some remarkable and dramatic stories to tell to accompany those trophy shots that you will cherish forever.

42 angling spirit Friends of Bolsena

42 2012 qualifying match results

60&51 2012 and beyond

Wise words.. Advice from Head Marshal, Andy Chambers Pages 6&7


A BIG THANK YOU .. Special thanks goes to the following people who have contributed to the production of this magazine: l Steve Howard as magazine editor l Lucy at Bang the Drum Designs for design & layout l Everybody that provided photographs and articles l Pescalis for Sponsoring the magazine

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


Presenting the Organising Team



I would like to introduce you to the World Carp Classic team and ask you to consider all of the hard work that they do, often unseen, behind the scenes. The dedication and hard work of each team member ensures that the event runs seamlessly on a year round basis, not just for the few short days of the competition. There is a tremendous amount of work put in on a continual




Marianne Andy Chambers EMILIANO GABRIELLI Guillois Head Marshal NATIONAL Event Director COORDINATOR


basis, culminating in a huge effort prior to the competition and again afterwards. I am very grateful for the team that I have, and I would like to present them to you here with my deepest thanks. Speaking on behalf of the World Carp Classic Team; we wish you every success and hope that the experience will be enjoyable and create great memories that will last a lifetime.




MARSHALS Sparsholt Joseph Miller Luke Cox Terence Donaldson Ernest Kiddle Samuel Cooper Lee Hallawell Samuel Marshall Fergus Kelly Jonathan Clifford Shuttleworth: LAUREN O’HALLORAN CHRIS SHANE Richard Allen Joseph Bell Samuel Edmunds Richard Farrow Thomas Godfry Harry Jenkins Jason Mackle Jack McPheat Joshua Nann Ross Tierney Yasmine Ward Paul Wixcey TADGH McCarthy


















Magazine sponsored by Pescalis



Welcome to Lago di Bolsena Sometimes circumstances can create situations that are so special in our minds that we can run out of superlatives to express our feelings adequately, and this year’s World Carp Classic presents such an occasion.

The Lake, the towns and location are simply wonderful and as Title Sponsor, we at Pure Fishing JRC could not be more delighted to welcome you all to Bolsena. We are confident that all competitors will share our views on the selection of Lake Bolsena for the World Carp Classic 2012 and, in our opinion it will provide a magnificent challenge for competitors. With huge amounts of bank never having been fished from before there is certainly a possibility that the event can produce something very special. We consider that the current World Carp Classic records are very likely to be challenged in a big way, and that it will be an exciting few days as the story unfolds. 2012 marks the 8th successive occasion that Pure Fishing JRC has been Title Sponsor and we are very proud to be associated with the World Carp Classic, the biggest and best carp angling competition in the world. The massive global exposure generated by the event is, of course very important to us and we are confident that as the event grows still further, year upon year, so too will the marketing platform the event provides. The local people of the towns around

A warm welcome to you all from JRC, title Sponsor of the World Carp Classic 2012

Lake Bolsena have been terrific in their support of the World Carp Classic and that is very much appreciated. The towns all have an incredible history dating far back before the Roman era and there is evidence of human presence in Palaeolithic times. The history and culture, combined with the outstanding beauty of the region, each contribute to ensure that our visit will be a most wonderful experience. We are delighted to see that Angling Spirit continue to share the ethos with Pure Fishing JRC on environmental issues, and that the Friends of Bolsena project has been created. It is very important to us at Pure Fishing JRC that we maintain our beliefs on fish care and safety and care and protection of the environment. As a company we desire greatly to be known for our outlook and to be seen to act responsibly, projecting the correct image for all to see and appreciate. We can announce that all competitors in the event will be presented with a specially designed commemorative gift to mark the occasion.

The unique JRC carp cradles will be presented directly after the draw so that they will be available for competitors to use in the event and we hope that many fish will grace each of your cradles. There is no doubt that Ross and his team have worked extremely hard to put everything in place for the event and we would therefore like to express our appreciation to Ross and his fantastic team for once again delivering a marvellous event for us all to enjoy. Finally, we at JRC would like to thank the events supporters and sponsors, the local people of the region and, of course, you the competitors for being supportive of the JRC World Carp Classic 2012. The next few days promise to be immensely exciting, and we hope very much that you will all enjoy the experience. For all of the anglers, it is hoped that you will share some time with good friends, make many new friends and catch some of Bolsena’s excellent carp. Fish hard and well, and if effort equals reward, we will meet on stage to make your visit a truly memorable one!


JRC Brand Business Manager

‘We are delighted that, each year, there are more new participants from all over the world’

Head marshal Andy Chambers

A few words of advice..

After four very successful years of the World Carp Classic being staged at Lac Madine, it seems strange writing this about the forthcoming event and it not being about Madine. The competition is changing not only to a new venue but a new country, which is very exciting. Hopefully you the competitors are equally excited about fishing this huge volcanic lake in a stunning part of Italy for some of its huge, beautiful commons. The venue may have changed, but the rules will still be much the same and for those who have competed in previous World Carp Classics, the rules should be well understood by now. Given that it is such a huge lake, and that we have been given permission to use such a large amount of bank space, you will be pleased to know that the pegs are much more spread out, providing a larger area in which to fish your rods. Typically, the space between pegs is about 140-150 metres, with some pegs having even more, so I definitely do not want to see marshals having to deal with any boundary disputes as, this year, there is enough water to fish for everyone. Distance-wise from the bank, it remains the same at 200m. This is the maximum permitted distance as set by the authorities and it is more than is normally allowed for the carp anglers who fish there throughout the year. There will be very large buoys placed at this distance along the fishing areas which cannot be moved or taken out (as some markers have been over the last few years). There will also be no warnings given this year; if you exceed the distance you will get a yellow card and if you do it again disqualification will follow. You have been warned, just as we have by the authorities. Given that so many carp are caught close to the bank, there should not be any need to fish at range in any case.

BOATS AND SWIMS... The boat rules remain the same. A good boat is essential on such a large lake, as the winds can build up quickly at times but, if conditions become too dangerous a temporary ban will be put in place. On the subject of boats, there always seems to be confusion as to whether you can go out in the boat before the event starts to echo sound, put markers out, bait up etc. Why this is I do not know, the rule has always been the same, boat usage is not permitted until the official start of the competition. When competitors first go to their swims to set up, that is not the start of the competition. The firing of a rocket or flare will signal the start of the competition and boats may only be used from that point on. The one and only exception to this rule is if you have to use your boat to get to your swim. The majority of swims are very easily


Although the event is changing to a new venue and a new country, the rules and ethics of the competition remain the same... however Lake Bolsena will offer more space, more attractions and distractions for anglers than ever before, so here are few pointers to guide you

‘Due to the sun and heat in Italy during early September, please make sure that all fish are out of the water for the shortest period of time possible and kept wet with lots of water’ accessible by car but, there will be about 20 swims where it will be necessary for you to park your car and use your boat (from three launch sites) to get along the margins to your peg. You can walk back to your car easily enough during the competition for supplies etc. if required. As always, you must wear a lifejacket when going out in a boat; some competitors forget on the first day and need to be reminded. A friendly warning will be given on the first day only, and if it happens

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis

again after that no further warnings will be given and a yellow card will be issued. If it then happens for a second time, it will result in disqualification. There is one last point on boats, but one which seems to crop up every year. Very few competitors seem to be prepared in regard to the batteries that are needed to power their electric outboards. Some useful advice is not to use the engine for everything i.e. echo sounding, putting markers out, dropping rigs off etc, by rowing instead, you save a huge amount of battery power. Given the amount of sunshine we will hopefully get in Italy it would seem prudent to take a solar panel or two to keep batteries topped up and extend their life.


Every competitor will be given a fantastic JRC mat/retainer before the event, and due to the sun and heat in Italy during early September, please make sure that all fish are out of the water for the shortest period of time possible and kept wet with lots of water. Given the numbers of carp that can be caught, it is advisable that you have enough

In control.. your event marshals

Marshals with know-how

carp sacks with you, as the action may be fast and furious at times.

SHARING THE LAKE... Unlike Madine, which is a fairly closed water, the huge lake Bolsena is public and extremely popular for sunbathing and swimming, especially when the weather is good. With that in mind, some of the beach areas, which can be 2-3km long, there will be others sharing the lake with you, although this shouldn’t affect your fishing. In any case the sight of beautiful Italian girls should be a bonus and not something to complain about. As the lake is a very popular tourist attraction there are many cafes, bars and restaurants located around the perimeter of the lake that you can take advantage of during the competition for cold drinks, ice cream or local delicacies. Although the lake will be closed to other anglers fishing from the bank, it is commercially fished for other smaller species. However, the professional fishermen have been instructed by the local authorities to keep at least one kilometre away from the

banks. If you find that a net has been placed We’re off and running.. No boating activities until the close to your swim then please let your event starts please! marshal know and we will have it removed. On the question of other species of fish, and this crops up each year, competitors should not catch fish to eat, the event has a strict no kill policy. As always, this is just a brief summary of one or two rules, rules which seem to come into question each year. All competitors will be provided with a full set of rules in their packs and it is important to read them in full and understand them. Breaking a rule during the competition and claiming that you didn’t understand is no excuse, as one team found out last year when they were disqualified. We do not want to send anyone home but if you break the rules, be warned, the rules will be enforced. It is a fantastic lake with lots of carp of a very good average size. I’m sure that records will be broken and I hope that each and every one of you has a fantastic time in Italy. Good luck.

In 2003, an agreement with Sparsholt College saw Students presented as Marshals for the first time. This move proved to be highly successful as it enabled on-site, 24-hour marshalling of the event, an element which had been identified as an absolute necessity for the World Carp Classic. With the competition expanding still further in 2006, Shuttleworth College, Bedfordshire, England also provided Marshals for the competition. The Students - young men and women undergoing Fisheries courses at their respective Colleges - along with their Tutors, will play a very important role throughout the event. It is with the greatest of pleasure that we once again welcome the Students and we hope that competitors will assist them in every way possible to ensure that the Event runs smoothly.

Andy Chambers

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


Event Itinerary..

Friday, August 31st

l Competitors begin to arrive at

the lake & set up at Bivvy Camp

l Official registration for Pairs/

Team Runner/Boat Registration

l Feed UP/Diem welcoming

party at Bivvy Camp

Saturday, Sept 1st l Competitors arrive at the lake

& set up at Bivvy Camp

l Official registration for Pairs/

Team Runner/Boat Registration

l Complimentary coach for

competitors from Bolsena Bivvy Camp to Marta l Pasta Party in Marta with entertainment l Flag arrival by boat, parade l Complimentary coach to return competitors back to Bivvy Camp l Competitors arrive at the lake

& set up at Bivvy Camp l Official registration for Pairs/ Team Runner/Boat l Team Gladiator Games l Opening Parade Bolsena Pilgrim’s way l Official photograph - Bolsena Town’s square l Opening Ceremony - Bolsena l Peg Draw

Monday, Sept 3

l 07:00: Competitors free to

go to pegs and prepare for competition at their leisure l 14:00: Start of the competition

Sunday, Sept 8

l 08:00: End of the competition l 13:00: Official Closing Ceremony & Prize Giving Bolsena

Official Prize Tabe

A fantastic Madine carp.. caught by Peter Simonic, pictured with Jaroslav Tesinsky and Ross Honey

Sunday, Sept 2

CHAMPIONS l Title of World Carp Classic 2012 Champions l £10,000 l Winner’s trophies l JRC Products l Golden Reuben Heaton Scales l Rod-Box products l Holiday with Carp Afrique l Flambeau products l 2 sets of ATT alarms l 2 original paintings by Tony Coates l WileyX eye wear to include custom laser work on the front of the lenses

PAIRS l 2nd Overall: Trophies, £2,500 cash. PLUS! JRC products, Rod-Box products, Holiday with Canary Island Carp Fishing Tours, Dolphinsea collapsible boat, Flambeau products, WileyX eye wear to include custom laser work on the front of the lenses l 3rd Overall: Trophies, £1,500 cash. l JRC Products l Rod-Box products l Flambeau products l WileyX eye wear to include custom laser work on the front of the lenses


SECTION WINNERS l Jetfish section prizes worth £1000, trophies, plus £500 l PV TV section prizes worth £1000, trophies, plus £500 l CC Moore section prizes worth £1000, trophies, plus £500 l SBS Tactical Baits section prizes worth £1000, trophies, plus £500 l Richworth section prizes worth £1000, trophies, plus £500 l Rod-Box section prizes worth £1000, trophies, plus £500 l Outdoor International section prizes worth £1000, trophies, plus £500 l ATT section prizes worth £1000, trophies, plus £500 l Carping Club Romania section prizes worth £1000, trophies and £500 l Pescalis section prizes worth £1000, trophies, plus £500. l All section winners will also receive WileyX eye-wear

P All com LUS... petito

rs will receiv edition e a limited Classic World Carp c * Prize fund calculated on 160 prize c mpetitor’s pairs - pro-rata applicable - Rules ourtes y of and Terms & Conditions apply JRC Magazine sponsored by Pescalis

TEAM EVENT Sponsored by Carp Connections


l Title of World Carp Classic 2012 Team Champions. Trophies l Holidays at the Pure fishing Resort Du Der (excluding flights). l 6 sets of Egerfish ROLLO alarms. l Fishouflage clothing.


l Holidays at the Pure Fishing Resort Du Der (excluding flights). l 160kg of Feedup Boilies. l Fishouflage clothing.


l Holidays at the Pure fishing Resort Du Der (excluding flights). l Fishouflage clothing.

BIGGEST FISH l First fish: Sponsors products plus trophy.

Sponsored by Easy2Hook and FeedUp Baits

l Biggest overall fish: Sponsors products plus WileyX customised eye wear and trophy. Sponsored by Banana Rods

l Skarp Baitboat record breaker: Sharp Bait Boat awarded to the competitor breaking the WWC record l Old Ghost Bait day: Sponsors prizes plus trophy. Sponsored by Old Ghost

* Allocation of prizes will apply Section D - Allocation of the prizes in official rules and Terms & Conditions


AUSTRIA CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN SPONSOR WCC12-062 Andreas Slama Peter Muller WCC12-063 Thomas Pirker Karl Pirker WCC12-064 Andreas Papesch Kurt Flieger WCC12-065 Christophe Tuczai Peter Tuczai WCC12-066 Manfred Paar Josef Ruthofer WCC12-067 Ewald Niederl Gunter Scheucher WCC12-113 Hannes Schawarz Schaschl Harald Tarman WCC12-114 Nicolai Kogler Manfred Gutovnik WCC12-115 Gerald Endthaler Horst Wiesinger




Thierry Podevijn Yves de Smedt






Richard van Leeuwen

Corne Zwijnenburg


BULGARIA CAPTAIN WCC12-150 Zhivko Tsankov


CZECH REP CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN SPONSOR WCC12-007 Marcel Hromnik Igor Valko WCC12-014 Milan Svec Michal Sedlacek WCC12-023 Tomas Vanek Peter Hofierk JRC WCC12-082 Jaroslav Tesinsky Peter Simonic WCC12-083 JOSEF DYTRYCH JAKUB KUCERA WCC12-084 Igor Harcar Roman Hosek WCC12-085 Ales Moc Pavel Tulinsky WCC12-086 Petr Moc Ludmila Balazova WCC12-087 Vit Podoubsky Jiri blazek WCC12-088 Gaspar Majer WCC12-089 Antonin Zednicek Stanislav Navratil WCC12-090 Karel Nikl WCC12-110 Tomas Blazek Jarda Suchy WCC12-154 Martin Pavlik Jiri Kral

World Carp Classic ENGLAND CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN SPONSOR WCC12-028 Mark Gardner George Csonka Old Ghost WCC12-002 Colin Gray Dan Moocroft WCC12-015 Thomas Martin Locke Duncan Dunlop WCC12-024 Stewart Downing Rob Nunn JRC WCC12-032 Tom Wright JAT CATER ATT WCC12-033 Paul Goodchild Shaun Harrison ATT WCC12-116 Philip Baker Chris Weekes WCC12-117 Ralph Dennett Paul Millington WCC12-118 Steve Howard Dan Ormiston SBS WCC12-119 Paul Sharman Paul Butler WCC12-120 Lee Jackson Ian Chilcott WCC12-121 Keith Turner Clive Hicks WCC12-122 Tim Paisley Steve Briggs WCC12-123 Chris Thompson Martyn Middleton WCC12-124 Paul Johnson Darren Weatherley WCC12-125 Nick Rowe Jim Williams WCC12-126 Sean Leverett Tom Anderson WCC12-128 Terry Hemmings Martin Dansey WCC12-129 Paul Norman Mark Richardson WCC12-130 Paul Clements Ed Lee Jones WCC12-135 Mick Waller Darren Waller WCC12-140 Kirsten Wiley Alan Johnson WCC12-143 Gary Peet Bruce Ashby WCC12-148 Frank Warwick Jason Cann WCC12-149 Paul Smith Ben Hervey-Murray Easy2Hook

EUROPE CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN SPONSOR WCC12-019 Tomas Vanek Peter Hofierka JRC WCC12-020 Andrea Campanini Filippo Mongrandi JRC WCC12-021 Jan Mertens Heiko Bruning JRC WCC12-029 Ronny de Groote Alan Blair Rod-Box WCC12-094 Radu Morar Josef Acs Nash WCC12-095 Peter Micula Norbert Pongracz Nash WCC12-096 Sorin Rudeanu Cristi Rudeanu Carping Club WCC12-144 Pete Wilson Yohan Lidon Big Fish Richworth WCC12-147 Ardy Veltcamp Richard Simeons

FRANCE CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN SPONSOR WCC12-127 Sylvain Schumacher Katy Henry Big Fish Richworth WCC12-151 Julien Moisan Guillaume Plouviez

GERMANY WCC12-001 WCC12-008 WCC12-131 WCC12-132 WCC12-133 WCC12-134

CAPTAIN Jens Gassen Markus Lotz Steffen Batz Michael Eckl Paul Pschierer Harun Izmitlioglu

VICE CAPTAIN Thomas Muller Dario Landsiedel Dirk Arnold Markus Schnaus Stefan Pschierer Erich Unger


HUNGARY CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN SPONSOR WCC12-097 Tamas Csorgo Gabor Karvas Imperial Bait WCC12-098 Gergely Magyari Bela Bakos Karoly WCC12-099 Koen Koops Gyozo Szekeres PB Baits WCC12-100 Laszlo Pamer Imre Gyongyosi SBS WCC12-101 Toth Csaba Sandor Laszlo WCC12-102 George Tite Gigi Neagu SBS WCC12-103 Gabor Sorin Daniel Tomi WCC12-136 Zoltan Kovacs Andras Szigetfalvi SBS

Participants 2012 ITALY




WCC12-004 Vinicio Osele Massimo Mantovani WCC12-005 Big Bernardo Bruschi Lorenzo Luciani Big FisH Richworth WCC12-010 Daniele Colapicchioni Riccardo Battisti WCC12-016 Giorgio Rigucci Frederico De Sena WCC12-025 Daniele Passeri Michele Bettucci JRC WCC12-034 Andrea Zanchin Mauro Franceschino ATT WCC12-035 Emanuele Benedetti Alberto De Peri WCC12-036 Antonio Monaldi Francesco Capannini WCC12-037 Eugenio Laboni Vincenzo Licocci WCC12-038 Filippo Camilli Alessandro Di Loreto WCC12-039 Andrea Olivetti Maurizio Pelatelli WCC12-040 Fabio Perisse Silvano Mercuri WCC12-041 Tiziano Alessi Lorenzo Cerafolini WCC12-042 Sandro Di Cesare Denis Carboni WCC12-043 Massimiliano De Angelis Paolo Bartolucci WCC12-044 Daniele Merlotti JohanTravanti WCC12-045 Antonio Serani Guido Cappella WCC12-046 Daniele Sciubba Stefano Fainelli WCC12-047 Marco Di Vincenzo Pio Forgione WCC12-048 Mirko Di Rocco Alessio Rossetti WCC12-049 Alessandro Tumidei Giacomo Colcelli WCC12-050 Denis Caneponi Matteo Viglianti WCC12-051 Francesco Quinti Gianni Paolieri WCC12-052 Davide Leonardi Stefano Fedi WCC12-053 Alessandro Bonifazi Diego Di Lorenzi WCC12-155 Simone Martini Matteo Montanari

JAPAN CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN WCC12-022 Shuhei Someya Keisuke Anzai


LATVIA CAPTAIN WCC12-011 Aivars Rudzinzkis





LUXEMBURG CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN WCC12-055 Ron van den Bergh Remco Akkermans WCC12-056 Gert-Jan van de wildenberg

SPONSOR JRC Luxe Remy Klotz

NETHERLANDS CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN WCC12-057 Coen van’t Klooster Bjom de Haan WCC12-058 Maaten Gommers Twan Boekelder WCC12-059 Mark Huizinga Mark vd Ham WCC12-060 Martin Hertogs WCC12-061 Piet Zwaan

SPONSOR Carp Conn Carp Conn Carp Conn

Frank Hertogs Pieter Oliemans

POLAND CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN SPONSOR WCC12-006 Krzystof Sikora Tomasz Gorynski WCC12-012 Pawel Szewc Piotr Wasilczuk WCC12-030 Piotr Janusz Pawel Strzelczyk WCC12-031 Robert Szmidt Andrzej Krawczyk WCC12-068 Pawel Kalbarczyk Karol Olejnik WCC12-069 Przemek Mroczek Zbigniew Hukalowicz WCC12-070 Arkadiusz Zaremba Andrzej Walczak WCC12-071 Leszek Rutecki Marcin Malczewski WCC12-072 Krzysztof Mroz Marcin Mrowinski

POLAND CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN SPONSOR WCC12-073 Robert Suchecki Mariusz Bereza WCC12-074 Andrzej Bartczak Marek Kwiatkowski WCC12-075 Tomasz Bilski Jakub Matys WCC12-076 Marcin Minzera Bartosz Graniczka WCC12-077 Janusch Moll Thomas Deola WCC12-078 Artur Aust David Arlt WCC12-079 JACEK SWIETEK Wlodzimierz Juzwinski WCC12-080 Maciej Wolak Waldemar Czekaj WCC12-081 Dariusz Kups Michal Orlowski WCC12-142 Krzysztof JAROSLAW Dabrowski Charmuszko

ROMANIA WCC12-003 WCC12-009 WCC12-105 WCC12-106 WCC12-107 WCC12-108 WCC12-109 WCC12-111 WCC12-112

CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN Gabriel Popa Ion Nitu Vlad Parfene Radu Iscru Alexe Razvan Victor Apostu Emilian Paraschiv Nelu Capitanu Andrei Oprescu Cristian Oprescu Claudiu Lukacs Ciprian Dochita Vasile Ivan Gabi Tomulescu Andrei Vladeanu Andrei Popescu Mihai Nederi Marius Ionita



RUSSIA CAPTAIN WCC12-027 Andrey Zakharov

VICE CAPTAIN SPONSOR Renaldas Marciukaitis Old Ghost








WCC12-152 Milos Antic WCC12-156 Darko Milicic WCC12-157 Peter Lero

Domenico Ungaro Darko Marin Zvonko Milijkovic

SLOVAKIA WCC12-018 WCC12-091 WCC12-092 WCC12-093 WCC12-104

CAPTAIN Martin Kania Dan Nemec Roman Rozvoda Pitr Pavel Andrej Jangl

VICE CAPTAIN Rostislav Wator Martin Knezik JAN SUS Petr Lisnik Jozef Varjan


VICE CAPTAIN Andries Maree Pieter Erasmus Chris Liebenburg Shane Britton Deepak Desai


VICE CAPTAIN Emilio Alarcon


VICE CAPTAIN Pavlovic Rade


SOUTH AFRICA CAPTAIN WCC12-017 Hennie Du Preez WCC12-137 Zane Schemmer WCC12-138 Kobus Lottering WCC12-139 George Mathee WCC12-145 John Dearden

SPAIN CAPTAIN WCC12-141 Carlos Polo


UKRAINE CAPTAIN VICE CAPTAIN SPONSOR WCC12-159 Paulo Plyusnin Oleksandr Voloshin WCC12-160 Serhii Snihir Serhii Raspopov

USA CAPTAIN WCC12-146 Larysa Switlyk

VICE CAPTAIN Gary Sheridan


Event Support Sponsors 12


We are very pleased to announce that we will be the official Scales and Signage sponsor for the World Carp classic again this year. We have supported the event every year from its inception as we see and appreciate the benefits to us in being associated with a major event of such important standing.


BIGGEST FISH SPONSOR Banana Rods, a business formed by two friends who shared a passion for quality tackle, is a company based on a vision and turned into reality. Banana Rods offers 100% handmade rods constructed from the best components available in the industry.




SUPPORT SPONSOR Fishouflage Support Sponsor - Fishouflage, the first 3D camouflage pattern, combines the high tech elements of today’s most popular camo patterns, while using habitat from your favourite environment, an aquatic one. It isn’t really about hiding anything at all; it is more about showing your true colours!

Carp-Afrique offers anglers the chance to fish at two of the most beautiful venues in South-Africa, the Tzaneen and the Doorndraai Dams. Experience the thrill of catching really big Carp while at the same time enjoying the African bush and its game.



EVENT PARTNER P&O Ferries are our preferred travel Partner and offer reduced cost ferry travel to all Competitors.

Carp fishing holidays on the Island of Gran Canaria. We have been established for 9 years and have fished the lakes here for 21 years. We have an exclusive lakeside resort in the mountains which offers luxury apartments or you can choose to bivvy up on the lakeside.

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


SUPPORT SPONSOR Easy2hook, producers of the groundbreaking and revolutionary hook, join the World Carp Classic as support Partners for the first time in 2012. Easy2hook will have two teams representing the company in this year’s World Carp Classic, one from England and one from USA.


SUPPORT SPONSOR Producers of the Snip and other useful fishing related accessories, Boomerang Tools Join the World Carp Classic as Support Sponsors for the first time in 2012. Boomerang tools –- The tools that come back to you and are there when you need them! www.


SUPPORT SPONSOR The Shipyards of Garda Ltd. (trademark DOLPHINSEA), will be providing a Dolphinsea boat, complete in green, as one of the prizes for this year’s fantastic prize table. Dolphinsea has risen to become the market leader in folding boats and is now sold all over Italy through a network of stores.

The World Carp Classic organisers would like to take this opportunity to introduce all of our Support Sponsors for our 2012 event at Bolsena, and thank them for their continued support


Never Sleep, is the company strap-line of Feed up. The boilies are the flagship of the range of products and are the culmination of our company policy: quality without compromise. We do not follow the logic of the industry market but only and exclusively the taste of carp.


Tony has joined us as a support sponsor for the first time in 2012 and will be providing a very special and unique prize for the World Carp Classic Champions 2012 in the form of an original painting of the winners to commemorate the occasion.


SUPPORT SPONSOR Italy based company Milo, the country’s premier tackle manufacturer, has an extensive product range consisting of top quality items. Milo will be the Official distance marker sponsor and provider for this year’s event.



Czech Rep. based company, Egerfish, producers of the unique ROLLO alarm system are extremely pleased to be a part of the World Carp Classic. We are confident that anglers will appreciate the excellent design features and the supreme functionality of the ROLLO alarm.



Advanced Technology It is impossible to overstate how vitally important Tackle will once again be Support Sponsors, as well as being Section Sponsors. ATT have to the success of the competition these young revolutionised the carp angling alarm industry men and women are. Along with their Tutors with their ever-growing popularity due to ATT’s as team leaders, the students of the Sparsholt College and Shuttleworth College help to ensure innovative functionality and remarkable reliability. that the tournament runs smoothly and efficiently.


We would like to welcome Flambeau to the Event as a support sponsor for the first time in 2012 and we are pleased to inform you that the company will be providing some excellent prizes to boost the evergrowing prize table.


Old Ghost Bait will be running a special one-day competition within the event, a challenge to catch the biggest carp on the day whilst using the Old Ghost Bait provided by the company. Some fantastic prizes will be awarded to the successful anglers.


SUPPORT PARTNER For those who require essential items of tackle or bait, FreeTime Bolsena, in Montefiascone is a fully stocked tackle shop run by seasoned carp angler Paolo Chiovelli. Whether it’s big or small – even boat rental and battery charging services - Paulo has everything you need! www.

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis

Event Support Sponsors



You’d think reinventing the hook would be like trying to reinvent the wheel… but now the impossible has been achieved with the brilliant new...

This radical new pattern allows you to tie a hook in five seconds!

Think about it – you could use 6lb-8lb line with an E2H hook and achieve the exact same BS as with 10lb line tied to a conventional hook.

Loop, whip and exit – it’s that easy and takes just five seconds with no need for a knot. Never before has a hair rig been so simple to make or adjust. Because the hook can be removed from your line with ease, hair length can be adjusted without the need to tie a new rig. Other commonly used rigs such as the pellet band hair, chod and zig can be tied with the E2H too. Mustad, one of the biggest and oldest brands on the planet, manufactures our hooks, adding huge credibility to the product. The company is currently finalizing the first order and the hooks should hit your local tackle shop by early April. If not, ask why not!

How does this help? In general, 6lb line will have a thinner diameter than 10lb line, which will assist presentation and help you bank more fish! Due to its unique and innovative design, E2H will appeal to every angler from pleasure, match, carp, and predator to sea fisherman, with a wide range of sizes and patterns. Each discipline will find its own unique selling points relevant only to its branch of the sport. The E2H is also perfect for newcomers to fishing and angling coaches. After you see this hook tied once, you will be able to do it straight away. This will free up a lot of time for coaches, who are constantly having to tie hooks on for newcomers who have not yet mastered the art, giving them more time to teach watercraft. Anybody who struggles to attach a hook through either a disability, poor knowledge of knots, defective eyesight or simply sitting on the bank in winter with bitterly cold, almost frozen hands will find this product perfect...

With E2H hooks, line breaking strain is reduced by a maximum of three per cent, compared to between 20 per cent and 50 per cent when tying a knot.This can be looked at two ways. If you continue to use the same breaking strain line, you will reduce the chances of being snapped, as you are losing only three per cent. Or you may choose to use this to your advantage! If you were fishing with 10lb line and you tied a hook on, depending on what knot you used you would be reducing line breaking strain by between 20 and 40 per cent on average, therefore reducing the actual BS to between 6lb and 8lb. Think about it – you could use 6lb-8lb line with an E2H hook and achieve the exact same BS as withYou’d think reinventing the hook would like trying to reinvent the wheel… but now the impossible has been achieved with the brilliant new Easy2Hook. This radical new pattern allows you to tie a hook in five seconds!

Loop, whip and exit – it’s that easy and takes just five seconds with no need for a knot ... Never before has a hair rig been so simple to make or adjust. Because the hook can be removed from your line with ease, hair length can be adjusted without the need to tie a new rig. Other rigs such as the pellet band hair, chod and zig can be tied with the E2H too.

Mustad, one of the biggest and oldest brands on the planet, manufactures our hooks, adding huge credibility to the product. The company is currently finalizing the first order and the hooks should hit your local tackle shop by early April. If not, ask why not!

... It should be a must in EVERY ANGLER’S tackle box!

With E2H hooks, line breaking strain is reduced by a maximum of three per cent, compared to between 20 per cent and 50 per cent when tying a knot. This can be looked at two ways. If you continue to use the same breaking strain line, you will reduce the chances of being snapped, as you are losing only three per cent. Or you may choose to use this to your advantage! If you were fishing with 10lb line and you tied a hook on, depending on what knot you used you would be reducing line breaking strain by between 20 and 40 per cent on average, therefore reducing the actual BS to between 6lb and 8lb.

easy2hook are proud sponsors of the World Carp Classic Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


Flag parade..

Please remember to bring your national flags along with you for the flag parade, which will take place just prior to the opening ceremony. Be proud that you are representing your country in an international event! Upon registration at HQ, you will be provided with a wristband to aid event officials to instantly identify you as a competitor. It is important to wear the identification bracelet at all times. You may be denied access to important proceedings unless you are easily identifiable, such as the opening ceremony and draw!

Keep your distance!

Emergency procedures .. In any situation where emergency services are required (See boat rule K01). Anyone who experiences problems of a concerning or emergency nature, either on board or overboard in the water, should immediately use their whistle to alert people on-shore. (See boat rule K02) Anyone on-shore must immediately advise in this order: HQ if marshal(s) not already on-site (dedicated distress phone number provided), Neighbouring swims and relevant Local authorities (emergency phone number provided) For all other, non boat related general emergencies, please phone the HQ and inform them of the nature of the emergency and who is involved, the exact location, i.e. your peg number, and provide your name and contact number.


We have included a few things here that will hopefully be helpful to you. Should you have any enquiries other than emergencies, please refer to your copy of the official rules in the first instance before contacting HQ BOAT & EQUIPMENT CHECK LIST ... To ensure that your boat and safety equipment conforms to the organisers and local authorities requirements, competitors must arrange to present their boat and equipment to be checked at the designated times. After everything has been checked and approved, competitors will receive a form which will enable them to proceed with check-in, please note, you cannot register your team until you are in possession of the form. When taking your boat and equipment to undergo the official boat check, please ensure that you have the following available: Boat (if it is an inflatable it must consist of 2 or more air chambers), oars and rowlocks or paddle (even if you have an electric outboard), anchor or mud weight with no less than 25 metres of rope, bailing equipment, 2 lifejackets complete with whistle and emergency light source, horn and 360° light source (lamp)

PARKING IN AND AROUND BOLSENA ... In Bolsena: To avoid causing congestion when visiting Bolsena Town Square, please be advised that there is minimal parking space for vehicles in and around the square and there is a large ‘pay and display’ car park on the main road, adjacent to the town square that you are advised to use. Around Bolsena: (See Rule M02) The World Carp Classic organisers have

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis

endeavoured to ensure parking as near as possible to the pegs. Competitors must respect all official competition temporary parking signs and park where assigned. Please adhere to all permanent roadside signs and residential signs at all times.

LIFETIME AWARD FOR TIM PAISLEY ... Tim has been a tremendous ambassador for the world of carp angling for many years, and it was fitting that this Lifetime Award was presented to Tim, greeted by a standing ovation, during the 2011 opening ceremony at Madine. Tim, very accustomed to public speaking, was left unusually speechless on this occasion, visibly moved by the gesture. Congratulations, Tim, the world of carp angling may well have turned out quite differently had you not influenced it in such a positive manner.

Wordl Carp Classic Round-up

Top marks to leading Italian company, Milo, who will be providing the event distance marker buoys this year. Milo join us this year for the very first time and it is our pleasure to announce Milo as a support sponsor. Contestants are reminded that there is a 200 metre limit to place lines this year. The distance will be clearly defined by the large marker buoys set all around the fishing zones just beyond this distance so that they do not interfere with your fishing. *Please read, digest and adhere to all event rules, ignorance of the rules is not an acceptable excuse for breaking them. Please be aware!

Media mania!

The World Carp Classic draws an incredible amount of media attention every year, not just during the event, but all throughout the calendar year. Here’s a brief look at this aspect PAPA PAPARAZZI.. We receive a huge amount of requests for on-site presence from press and media teams all over the world, in fact, so many apply that we have been forced to control the number of teams attending. Press & Media passes were put into place to prevent a ‘paparazzi’ situation arising throughout the event. We understand the desire to report on the event live and appreciate the interest, but it cannot be allowed to go unchecked. As responsible event organizers, fish care and safety is of primary importance to us and we will not have this compromised by overzealous media activity. Please report any such incidents to us immediately so that action can be taken.

Event updates

There will be an ongoing catch report update on the event website as fish captures are reported to HQ. Every fish caught will be added as an unofficial result 3 times a day. The results will later be made official when the catch reports, which must be signed by both the angler and marshal, are verified at event HQ. Catch reports and information will also be uploaded to twitter and Facebook throughout the event.

Live webcams

We will be running a trial on webcams to provide a ‘big brother’ opportunity. We intend to have webcams set up at different locations to enable everyone to watch activity live throughout the event. One camera will be set up in the Town square in Bolsena to capture opening parade and ceremony and webcams will be positioned at key locations around the lake to provide views of the anglers. Please note: whilst waving to your mother is considered to be an acceptable practice, other hand gestures may not be!

was an incredible viewing audience of over 90Million who watched the 6 x 30 minute TV A World Carp Classic Film Crew, familiar to series. All crews will be recognizable by past contestants, will be on-site throughout the the official Media and Press passes event capturing VT on all aspects long before on display. the opening ceremony to beyond the closing ceremony and prize giving. Your cooperation IN-HOUSE TEAMS .. A big scre with the team is requested at all times… Around the World set up in B en and PA system w Our own media team will be o ill they are aware of the boundaries and will not the hall for lsena town square, be The footage captured by our webcams on site to cover every aspect n th e e infringe upon any of the set guidance’s. Daily of the event as it happens, the screen will opening ceremon xt to will be shown around the world via livey. The provide vie video reports will be uploaded to the official w not in the team will also upload images streaming and, with good wifi access main build ing for those website and youtube throughout the event. ceremonie in and information onto the possible around the lake, competitors s and also g during the event via va throughou official website. There will also may possibly be able to watch t th rio GLOBAL TV CREWS .. a pleasan us webcams provid e be several other teams on site themselves, surely, that’s a first! t opportun ing ity There will be TV crews on site from the USA, fo as they fre and these will display passes to quent th r visitors China, Hungary, Italy, Poland, the UK and identify them as approved Press cafés and e nearby bars. Czech rep. Last year, in China alone, on and Media. the main stream national TV channel there


Big Screen Livecam!

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


The reliable leader in quality and value in the carp angling market Flambeau Outdoors is proud to sponsor the JRC World Carp Classic 2012. Flambeau is the reliable market leader in quality and service and has been delivering the best value products and innovations that are unique to the fishing industry for over six decades.

Why Flambeau? Flambeau Outdoors has a strong presence within the UK and Europe with a growing network of retailers and distributors stocking our products. We possess an excellent product range suitable for the avid carp angler that provide great storage solutions, but that also maintain and protect your tackle. Flambeau Outdoors continues its tradition in the tackle industry of innovation and quality with no less than 19 new products being brought out for the season 2013, to help anglers of all levels to continue enjoying the sport that they love.

protected against corrosion and rust look no further than fishing tackle storage products from Flambeau Outdoors just look for the Zerust symbol on our products.

Check it out for yourself .. Anti-rust .. anti-corrosion Here at Flambeau Outdoors we are proud of our technological heritage and our patented anti-rust inhibitor Zerust® has proven to be the absolute best way to protect your tackle against rust and corrosion. Moulded into many Flambeau products, this patented polymer emits a harmless vapour, forming a protective layer around metal surfaces. All Zerust® products will maintain their effectiveness for five years of hassle free, long lasting protection – saving you money and giving you long lasting protection to your tackle products. This technology is unique and will not be found elsewhere within the industry so for tackle that lasts and that is

Here at Flambeau Outdoors we are proud of our product range and if you would like to view our current product offering please visit to download or view our interactive catalogue. If you are interested in our products, and would like to know your local stockist or if you are a retailer or distributor and you are interested in purchasing our products, please contact: or Tel: +44 (0)1843 854034 to speak further. We will continue to support your passion for angling, and if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us here at Flambeau Outdoors. Where your tackle products are ..

“Built to Fish.. Built to Last”

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


World Carp Classic 2012 Section Sponsors


For over 30 years, the high quality ingredients and continuous product development have ensured that SBS has been one of the most consistently successful developers in the bait production market. SBS Tactical Baits, now owned by a Hungarian group of companies, continues to go from strength to strength. The SBS Tactical Baits Section is located near Montefiascone (Travel clockwise from Camping Valdisole on the SS2 and SR 143 until you see the section sign.)


Big Fish are distributors for a range of top quality products throughout Italy and will be Section Sponsors under the banner of Big Fish Richworth. The company will be represented in both the Event and Team Event by a combination of Big Fish and Richworth anglers. The Richworth Section is located around Montifiacone/Marta (Travel clockwise from Camping Valdisole on the SS2 and SR 143 until you see the section sign)


SECTION & SUPPORT SPONSOR The UK based company, ATT, will be section sponsors again this year and will also have a Team of 6 participating in the Event and the Team Event to represent the company. ATT products speak for themselves and their reputation for quality, functionality and reliability is second to none. The ATT section is located around the Town of Bolsena (Travel clockwise from Camping Valdisole on the SS2 until you see the section sign)

We are delighted to present the 2012 Section Sponsors, who have each expressed the desire to wish all of this year’s competitors the very best of luck


SECTION & SUPPORT SPONSOR If you think that the fishing trip and the family holiday are an impossible combination, you will have to think again, Pescalis makes this dream accessible! No exhaust fumes, no traffic jams or daily stress, just peace and tranquillity – yourself and the fish. The Pescalis Section is located near Capodimonte (Travel Anti-clockwise from Camping Valdisole)


SECTION SPONSOR For five years now we have been the official Czech Republic World Carp Classic agent. We may not be one of the largest countries in Europe but, steadily, each year we increase the number of Czech anglers fishing and representing our country. The Jetfish Section is located near Gradoli (Travel Anti-clockwise from Camping Valdisole)


SECTION SPONSOR & MEDIA PARTNER We chase the prey relentlessly on land and in water, on our constantly renewing channel. We join forces with masters of their craft, to bring you quality

entertainment. Our years of experience guarantee that your screen will always be full of adventure and excitement. The PV-TV Section is located around Marta /Capodimonte (Travel either direction from Camping Valdisole)


As a major supplier of high quality fishing baits to the U.K and World Carp fishing markets, CC Moore & Co Ltd are proud to once again be associated with such a prestigious event as the World Carp Classic. The CC Moore Section is located around the Gradoli/Borghetto/ Bolsena areas (A short distance in either direction from Camping Valdisole)


Carping Club join the World Carp Classic as Section Sponsors for the first time in 2012. The Carping Club offers a fantastic selection of bait, made in collaboration with Gabi Tomulescu, and other products from leading companies. The Carping Club Romania Section is located near Gradoli /Borghetto (Travel Anti-clockwise from Camping Valdisole)

For all sections, please check on a local map 20

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


A company founded in 2006 as an importer of products for fishing and camping, demand the very best from our suppliers. In this respect, our specialists in every discipline will always select the only the very best items - meaning we only offer high quality products to our customers. The Outdoor International Section is located near Gradoli (Travel Anticlockwise from Camping Valdisole)


UK based company Rod-box join the World Carp Classic as section sponsors for the first time in 2012. The rod box is designed and constructed in the UK and offers the travelling angler the best option to transport their rods safely, and keep them secure long after the journey ends. The Rod-Box Section is located near Montefiascone (Travel clockwise from Camping Valdisole on the SS2 and SR 143 until you see the section sign)

or refer to our Guide to Bolsena on pages 32&33 Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


2012 Team Event

TEAM ATT WCC12-032 Tom Wright WCC12-033 Paul Goodchild WCC12-034 Andrea Zanchin

Jay Cater (ENG) Shaun Harrison (ENG) Mauro Franceschino (IT)


WCC12-005 Big Bernardo Bruschi Lorenzo Luciani (ITA) WCC12-127 Sylvain Schumacher Katy Henry (FRA) WCC12-144 Pete Wilson Yohan Lidon (EU)

TEAM CARP CONNECTIONS WCC12-057 Coen van’t Klooster WCC12-058 Maaten Gommers WCC12-059 Mark Huizinga

Bjom de Haan (NL) Twan Boekelder (NL) Mark vd Ham (NL)


WCC12-138 Kobus Lottering WCC12-139 George Mathee

Chris Liebenburg (SA) Shane Britton (SA)

TEAM DEUTSCHLAND 1 WCC12-001 Jens Gassen WCC12-132 Michael Eckl WCC12-133 Paul Pschierer

Thomas Muller (GER) Markus Schnaus (GER) Stefan Pschierer (GER)

TEAM JRC EUROPE WCC12-019 Tomas Vanek WCC12-020 Andrea Campanini WCC12-024 Stewart Downing

Peter Hofierka (EU) Filippo Mongrandi (EU) Rob Nunn (ENG)


WCC12-022 Shuhei Someya Keisuke Anzai (JA) WCC12-023 Tomas Vanek Peter Hofierk (CZR) WCC12-146 Larysa Switlyk Gary Sheridan (USA)

Sponsored by Carp Connections, The World Carp Classic Team Event provides a platform for sponsors to arrange teams to compete under their banner against other sponsored teams. TEAM OLD GHOST WCC12-026 Yi Zhe WCC12-027 Andrey Zakharov WCC12-028 Mark Gardner

Fang Nan (CH) Renaldas Marciukaitis (RU) George Csonka (ENG)

TEAM PREMIER BAITS WCC12-129 Paul Norman WCC12-128 Terry Hemmings WCC12-130 Paul Clements

Mark Richardson (ENG) Martin Dansey (ENG) Ed Lee Jones (ENG)


WCC12-094 Radu Morar Josef Acs (EU) WCC12-095 Peter Micula Norbert Pongracz (EU) WCC12-096 Sorin Rudeanu Cristi Rudeanu (EU)


WCC12-071 Leszek Rutecki Marcin Malczewski (PO) WCC12-072 Krzysztof Mroz Marcin Mrowinski (PO) WCC12-074 Marek KWiatkowski Andrzej Bartczak (PO)


WCC12-100 Laszlo Pamer Imre Gyongyosi (HU) WCC12-118 Steve Howard Dan Ormiston (ENG) WCC12-136 Zoltan Kovacs Andras Szigetfalvi (HU)


WCC12-017 Hennie Du Preez WCC12-137 Zane Schemmer WCC12-145 John Dearden

Andries Maree (SA) Pieter Erasmus (SA) Deepak Desai (SA)

Let the battle commence

Are your teammates heavyweight haulers, or lightweight losers? There’s only one way to separate the men from the boys and that’s at the Carp Connections Gladiator Games Special significance projects itself this year with the Event being held in Italy. So close to Rome where 42 different Roman Emperors witnessed the carnage at the Roman Colosseum … Consider that for a moment; The first recorded gladiatorial fight was staged in 264AD when three pairs of slaves were selected to fight at the funeral of a prominent Roman. Back then, Gladiator games were seen as a method to appease the Roman gods and avert Rome from disaster. The last known gladiator fight took place in the city of Rome on January 1, 404 AD, 140 years after its inception. Of course, we don’t expect that our gladiators will wish to fight to the death, thumbs down to that! (haha) But we are sure that Hans Sissingh will expect his pound of flesh as he puts competitors through their paces in a typical madcap

array of challenges. This unashamedly wacky event will include all manner of crazy themes and is certainly a spectacle not to be missed even if you don’t want to take part in it as a gladiator. It’s fun to take part in or watch, it’s easy to enter and there will be some great prizes awarded to the victorious combatants. The games are mainly organised for those within the Team Event, the 6-man sponsors teams, but anyone who can get 6 gladiators together can enter, however, there will be a limited number of teams allowed, so please be quick if you want to enter! Please organise your team and go to the Event HQ and register your interest to compete in the gladiator team in reasonable time before the games begin. Please refer to the Event Itinerary for the correct time and place where the games will be held. Carpe diem!… (Sieze the day!)

Heave Ho! Will your team pull their weight, or will they end up with sand kicked in their faces?

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


World Carp Classic Champions 2011

In stunning style, Jens Gassen & Thomas Muller emphatically swept aside even their nearest rivals to claim the title and, in doing so, established a new record for the total weight of fish caught. As we join Jens & Thomas for their story it gives us great pleasure to congratulate them once more on their excellent result. ‘In the run-up to the event we didn’t have the benefit of months of preparation time as usual. For Tom, Yvonne and myself, it was the third time that we had participated but, this time, our team-building began only four weeks prior to the contest and that resulted in a hectic and exciting few weeks. We arrived together in order to prepare on Sunday … We were confident that we had a great team but we knew that all the other teams were experienced fishermen too, and the fact that such great teams from all over the world get together for the contest is what makes the World Carp Classic so exciting. However, it is not easy for us fishermen to be so close to the lake without being allowed to start fishing immediately and we spent the waiting time with friends having barbeques and a few beers. Before going up on stage for the draw we had decided that if we got an end-swim or a successful swim from previous years, we would go for the first draw. Traditionally, our team runner, Yvonne, makes the draw and the first draw was CC Moore 12 - a sectionwinner swim from 2010. Actually, that would have been a YES, but looking at each other we spontaneously decided that as there were obstacles, islands and snags we would go for the re-draw. My partner, Tom, already felt resignation but when Ross read out SBS10 as the second draw for us, we were overwhelmed by our emotions. We heard others reacting to this and the voices in the room got louder, and we realised that we had drawn our sectionwinners swim from 2009. This swim was also the event winners swim from which George Csonka and John Roberts won the event from in 2010. Now, we knew what was awaiting us. In this swim, you can either win or lose everything. We had taken a chance by going for the second draw and it had paid off… This was the reason we went for a second draw, an all or nothing decision.. When we arrived in the swim we noted that a lot of fish came from the left side to feed. Right in front of us, we had a shallow gulley of 15m long at about 3.30m deep and the rest was about 3.10m deep. On the left side, we had huge fields of weed of about 100m2 and the challenge was to find the feeding routes. We decided to go for a central feeding place per side which we would just leave aside to start with. In total, we found many fishable areas with solid ground that seemed to be worthwhile and we wanted to test these places and observe any fish activity. After the first fish, which we caught at about 9pm, our expectations on the left side

Goodnight Madine With the announcement prior to the event that the World Carp Classic would be moving to Lago di Bolsena for 2012, nobody could have predicted that Madine 2011 would be heralded out in such a dramatic way...

increased. We knew that there were many mussels in the weed and decided to go for 0.25mm braid mainline, 0.70mm mono snag leader, safety bolt rigs, 350g grippas and fox hooks size 6 with combi stiff rig and a garlic pop up from FM bait. These together built the set-up. This time, unlike before, we did not want to lose any fish. From previous years we had learned that the fish came in groups from the bay in order to eat and again this was the case. After each fish, we decided to change the place in order not to “burn” it out. After each catch, it took about 2 hours to the next fish, but it helped that we had double takes as well. Daytime did not play any role in regard to captures and mostly, the action started at about 9pm and ended around daylight. We sat out together on our chairs each night and tried to get some sleep and deal with the takes together. After 2 days, we were logged in on twitter and received the news that we were ahead

and, for us, the fishing became even more exciting and we were being updated with SMS, phone calls and e-mail. The boat ban did not affect us much, as we had most of the action during the night and the weather conditions were not a problem for us as we had a sheltered position. We were very lucky to catch only carp, no catfish, no bream, no roach, just carp. The high average weight reflects the high quality of the lake. In total, we lost 2 carp, unfortunately, one due to a line-cut of the 0,70mm snag leader. The carp knew the weed beds exactly and that made playing them tricky. Despite this, I (Jens) managed to improve my personal best up to 24.1kg. Perfect weather conditions had prevailed but then the weather changed. The night before, we got no sleep and it was very tiring but here, teamwork comes in and we had a great understanding among us. By Saturday, we were far ahead and we knew that we would finish far in front. We had a

‘Daytime did not play any role in regard to captures... mostly, the action 24

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis

little champagne party with Rodge the dodge and Tom Wright from ATT tackle, who were great neighbours to us, and a few others joined us as well. Tom, many thanks for the champagne! That evening we caught 2 more carp and later that night, Ross came to interview us with the whole media team to conclude the event in our swim. After the firework signalled the end of the event, Tom jumped into the water with all of his clothes on which meant that we hadn’t managed to keep anything dry at all!... Unfortunately, everything got wet when the rain came. Back at bivvy city we met with our German team colleagues and congratulated each other. We were all very excited and looking forward to the prize giving at the closing ceremony. We were very proud to be the first German fishermen to win the WCC and as we had won the team event also, we were especially happy!

On stage, after the first fish award we received, it was almost like being a film star and being photographed and interviewed by media people was exciting. We had decided to stick together from the beginning to the end and that’s what we did. Today, we are in pole position on the participants list for WCC 2012 and, sometimes, we still cannot believe it, but the many nice pictures and great video help us to keep the memories alive. Tom, Yvonne and myself are very much looking forward to defending the title in Italy. It will certainly not be easy, fishing against 159 other teams! We think that with a new lake and a new challenge, an important step to create a more open competition has been made because Madine has areas that don’t produce many fish. Our first preparations for Italy are up and running already... we would like to take some more time for the preparation period this time! We wish all participants lots of luck, a great time and have fun by the water!


German precision.. A remarkable and a finely engineered result closes proceedings at Madine as Thomas and Jens lift the champions trophy

started at about 9pm and ended around daylight.’ Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


Event Roll of Honour 1998-2011


We pay tribute to some of the Tournament’s previous main prize winners. Once again, congratulations to everyone who has won in all categories, you are among a special group of anglers whose name will be forever linked with the World Carp Classic



2011 RESULTS Champions:

Jens Gassen and Thomas Muller, Germany Weight: 377.6 kg. (*New Record)

Biggest fish:

Aivars Rudzinskis and Varis Lazo, Latvia Weight: 25.3 kg.


Team Event:


Team Deutschland1, Germany Weight: 409.0 kg (*New Record)

2010 RESULTS Champions:

George Csonka and John Roberts, England Weight: 216.2 kg

Biggest fish:


Mikulas Elek and Pavel Snevajs, Slovakia Weight: 27.4kg


Team Event:

Team Renmar, Lithuania Weight: 167.7kg

2009 RESULTS Champions:

Rob Tough & Tom DuncanDunlop, England Weight: 347.50kg

Biggest fish:

(new WCC record) Axel Wacker, Germany Weight: 28.9kg

Team Event:

Team Carpworld, England Weight: 366.60kg

2008 RESULTS Champions:

Andrew Judd & Peter Truckle, England Weight: 140.40kg

Biggest fish:

Pascal Gallion, Luxembourg Weight: 23.7kg

Team Event:

Team Carpworld I, England Weight: 89.60kg


2007 RESULTS Champions:

Jean Pierre Becker & Yves Hauk, France Weight: 22.100kg

Biggest fish:

Jean Pierre Becker, France Weight: 22.1kg Leather Carp

Team Event:

Team Carpworld, England Weight: 20.8kg - 2 carp

2006 RESULTS Champions:

Mariusz Chiach & Jarowslaw Plochoki, Poland Weight: 80.85kg

Biggest fish:

Eddie Matthews & Richard Bradley, England Weight: 23.5kg

Team Event:

SBS, England Weight: 23.5kg

2005 RESULTS Champions:

Keith Terry Turner & Clive Hicks, England Weight: 35.4kg

Biggest fish:

Mavis Unwin, England Weight: 17.4kg

Team Event:

GB Baits, England Total weight: 31.6kg

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis

2004 RESULTS Champions:

Mick Hinson & Tony Kirrage, England Weight: 85.35Kg

Biggest fish:

Brian Warwick & Michael Perry, Wales Weight: 11.85k

Team Event:

Birch Syndicate Carp Team, Wales Weight: 20.85Kg

2003 RESULTS Champions:

Mark Gardner & Jo Gardner, England Weight 67.35kg



Biggest fish:

Hans Sissingh & P Vermeulen, Holland Weight 21.6kg

2001 RESULTS Champions:

T. Stunnenberg & R. Bredenbeek, Holland Weight: 164.4kgs

Biggest fish:

Sam Oakley & Barry Mann, England Weight: 21kgs (46.2lbs)

Team Event:

Fisherman’s World, Holland Weight: 258.9kgs


2000 RESULTS Champions:

Paul Harrison & Paul Watts, England Total Weight: 81.3kgs

Biggest fish:

George Csonka & John Roberts, England Weight: 21.5kgs

Team Event:

Team Cobra/GB Baits, England Weight: 114.3kgs

1999 RESULTS Champions:

Dave Poxon & Mark Redding, England Weight: 188.10 lbs


Biggest fish:



Colin Champion & Martin Cronin, Wales Weight: 46.5 lbs

Team Event:

Carp World, England

1998 RESULTS Champions:

Paul Rayment, England Weight: 127.15 lbs

Biggest fish:

John Craven, England Weight: 49.5 lbs


Cathy Bell, England Weight: 30.3 lbs

Past and present.. Caption into here please for the very first WCC champion, above, and the current WCC Champions top right thanks

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Tim Paisley : 13 years of the World Carp Classic

On the fourth morning of last year’s World Carp Classic at Lac de Madine a strange thing happened: my buzzer sounded and there didn’t seem to be a bream on the other end of the line. In fact, to start with I didn’t know if there was anything on the other end. The end tackle was roughly 200 yards out between two potomageton beds and the only indication was the line tightening, and then staying tight. I wasn’t exactly buzzing with anticipation at the time: I was lying in bed and wondered what was happening – for reasons which I hope will become apparent. Chest waders on, life jacket on and out to the rod to check it out. It was solid, and unmoving. Into the boat

and out into the thick mist, still with little idea that there may be a fish involved: and even if there was one involved potomageton can be very unforgiving. I’d had a heartbreaking ‘pleasure’ session loss to a Madine potomageton bed many years earlier and didn’t feel over-optimistic about the outcome of this occurrence. When I got out over the pot bed there was movement, and powerful movement at that! There was a carp involved in all this. As it was 13 years since I had last been connected to a carp in a World Carp Classic match I felt a twinge of anxiety, which wasn’t exactly helped by the fact that the fish insisted on towing the boat for 50 or 60 yards before it started to tire. I rarely remember the details of scraps with carp but that one is vivid in my mind because it was special; four days and nights in on another no-hoper and now I was in with a chance of a fish on a misty, atmospheric, proper carp morning, made more atmospheric by the fact that I was in an isolated mist capsule in the middle of an inland sea. Eventually the carp decided to

The Honey Trap

Winston Churchill once said: Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm. Or, alternatively – Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results... Albert Einstein

let itself be netted and a wave of relief flowed through me. Briefly it was a private, mist-shrouded moment in a team event, and then ten minutes later it was a euphoric shared moment with partner Jacko and Runner Benji, later to be shared with the entire world via the grapevine and the internet. It says something for this family of carp fishing that everyone else on the lake – and possibly beyond – appeared to enjoy the capture almost as much as Jacko and I did, simply because of what had gone before. We celebrated, of course, and settled back to the reality of waiting for something to happen which may never happen again: but then that’s the ethos of carp fishing! The fish weighed 47lb+ and won the Biggest Fish in Section prize for my long-suffering partner Jacko and me. If this is your first World Carp Classic then beware because these events can become addictive! In all honesty I cannot for the life of me remember how it all started in terms of publicity, although I can remember when. Early in 1998 word was out that a bloke no

one in carp fishing had ever heard of was organising a major match at Lac de Madine in eastern France with a first prize of £10,000. Now there had been one or two false alarms in terms of one-off major carp matches in the 90s but the approaching Classic caught the world of carp fishing’s attention on two counts. One was the prize money: we’re all human! The second was the venue. Lac de Madine was a known big-fish venue and the match would include night fishing, in addition to which the areas to be fished would include banks and islands that weren’t normally open to carp fishing. A number of very influential carp anglers from our shores were up for that first Classic, including Rod Hutchinson and his Dream Team, plus Martin Locke, Steve Briggs, Danny Fairbrass, Frank Warwick and many other high fliers. That first event was a scene-

setter really. It was an individual match and was won by Paul Rayment from Kent. I drew well and caught a fish; and so did Lockey, as did Lee Jackson. But it was the charisma of the event, and fishing a venue of 2,500 acres that captured me far more than the actual fishing. Major international matches are huge carp-family social events and from that moment on my friends and I have been up for every one that has appeared on the scene. That first World Carp Classic was a trap – a Honey trap – and many of us fell into it hook, line and sinker, if you’ll excuse the very mixed metaphor! I’ve fished every one since, and a number of world championships, and

One of my favourite shots from 13 years of World Carp Classics.. Lee Jackson at sunrise on the back of the island at Madine in 2010. We were just camping (again)!

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13 years of the World Carp Classic

Reality check.. making the move back in the direction of civilisation. In seven Madine events my partners and I drew boat-trip swims every single time! At the end of the 2011 event we got drenched on the run back in.

my attitude to them, and our itinerary, are unchanging. Make the plans, get there as early as possible to enjoy the crack with your close – but all-too-rarely met – carp world friends, then brace yourself for the draw prior to going carping or camping for a few days. The fact that I have caught two fish in 13 years of trying is almost immaterial: in fact I thought it was immaterial until I caught that one last year, but that was such a memorable capture that it has whetted my appetite for another fish in a future event. And therein lies the approach to these big matches; the majors they would call them in golf. It is like the pursuit of a target carp but on a massive scale. If you want to win a carp-fishing major then you go, and keep going, irrespective of your luck with

the draw. The forecast from those in the know is that 40% of the Lake Bolsena swims will produce carp, which is probably on a par with the last two Madine Classics. But that is not to say that 40% of the swims are in with a chance of winning, because carp being the creatures they are it will be unusual if there are not areas of Bolsena where they prefer to be, irrespective of pressure and bait availability. The main hope for possible future events at the venue is that the lake comes up with a number of swims which are known to have the potential to produce a winning weight. But the real beauty of this year’s event, beyond the fact that it is in lovely Italy, is that for most of us the lake and its swims are unknown quantities and we will all leave the draw with our dreams and aspirations intact. For many of us reality will set in at a later date! At Madine we had reached a situation where, for better or worse, reality set in immediately after you

had drawn your peg. Each year when this event is approaching I reflect on what has gone before. Three or four years at Lac de Madine; two or three years at Lac Amance; then a couple of events on the mighty Orient; and then back to Madine for the last four years, and now Italy. It’s just as well that the fish and the result are les important than the event itself. Here are the frightening statistics for all those 13 years of involvement: 15,000 miles of motoring; 26 ferry crossings; a number of serious hangovers as a result of the pre-event crack; and over 60 days and nights of fishing for just two carp. On the other hand thanks to our teammates we have won the team title four times, including a threepeat in 2008, 2009 and 2010. And now we are about to add two more ferry crossings, a 3000-mile round road trip and one or two more hangovers to our Classic CV! Bring it on… I think it’s fair to say that the guy the world of carp fishing had never heard of when he arranged the first World Carp Classic in 1998 has followed through to some effect! Ross Honey has a remarkable team around him and since the mid noughties the scale, organisation and professionalism of the Classic has improved year by year. The fact that Ross has been able to persuade the French authorities to let us use major venues like Madine, Amance and the Orient for these events speaks volumes for his diplomacy and persuasiveness, and his enthusiasm for this latest move to Italy is just an extension of every development that has followed down the years. I think you had to be at the first opening ceremony (there wasn’t

one; just a low key draw!) to appreciate how far the event has come in terms of scale and razzmatazz. The World Carp Classic is a celebration of carp fishing like no other carp event that my friends and I have attended, and, simply put, we have one man’s vision to thank for that. Take a bow, Ross. The Carpworld team for this year’s World Carp Classic event at Lake Bolsena in Italy is as follows: yours truly and Steve Briggs; Lee Jackson and Ian Chillcott; Tom Duncan-Dunlop and Martin Locke. We are in the team because we are all good friends, get on very well, all enjoy the social crack, and when it comes to fishing major matches we know what makes them crack. Between us we have five major wins to our credit; two World Championships for me and Steve, a World for Jacko and Chilly, and a Classic for Tom D-D (with Rob Tough); in addition to which Lockey

‘The World Carp Classic is a celebration of carp fishing like no other carp 30

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Confused.. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but there was a carp on the other end of the line. My second Madine Classic Carp, a mere 13 years after the first! 47lb 2oz. Below: with partner Jacko and the irrepressible Ross Honey on stage in 2011

has held the carp world record, and Jacko has held the British carp record, and won the British Championships. (The fact that I’m not fishing with Jacko in this year’s event has nothing to do with our Classic fortunes! Lee teamed up with Chilly when Briggsy and I were down to defend our World title on the St. Lawrence last September, and they only went and won it! The outcome is that they are together at Bolsena and Steve and I are fishing the Classic together this time around.) I’ve explained that we are all proven winners not as an ego trip, but because we all know only too well that our fate will be decided in Sunday night’s draw when reputations and past achievements count for absolutely nothing. If you draw well you are on a high. If you are unlucky you throw things around

for an hour or two, have a couple of drinks too many (nothing new there then!), and then shrug and accept that you are going to have to make the most of your five days of camping. Then, at the end, if it hasn’t worked out as you hoped, you go away, lick your wounds, and reflect that next time, or the time after, or maybe even the time after that, your number may come up in the draw and you may just be good enough to add the World Carp Classic to your CV (For the record my highest finish in 13 years of trying was third place, fishing with John Lilley at Amance many years ago!). What you don’t do is give up. Either you want it, or you don’t. If you want it enough then you are in the Honey trap – and


event ... and simply put we have one man’s vision to thank for that. Take a bow, Ross’ Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


Section guide for Lago Di Bolsena, Italy 44






Refer to these pages for more information

Steve Howard: Food for thought

The effect of barometric pressure upon carp is one which, as far as I’m aware, no scientific study has been conducted and we are therefore left to speculate. As I am sure many others will have done, I have developed my own theories on this aspect and, from my experience I have deduced that during sustained spells of high pressure, carp are very reluctant to spend any great length of time at depth. The irresistible evidence, determined by my observations, results and research, brought me to a conclusion that carp find it at best uncomfortable at depth during these periods. It’s my observation that during periods of sustained high pressure, carp tend to sit in mid water or above, even during the cold, winter months. It is very noticeable that once the first frosts arrive, fish will very quickly vacate the shallow areas of a lake to position themselves over deeper water. However,

‘There is no doubt that both water temperature and barometric pressure play a huge role in regards to comfort zones’ although at one time it was generally thought that the change in their feeding habits was entirely down to low temperatures, in my opinion, water temperature alone has very little bearing on when or where carp will feed. There is perhaps some science that provides a pointer in this matter. In deeper lakes the hypolimnion (the bottom layer of water in a lake) remains at 4C, no matter what the air temperature or upper layers of water is. Summer or winter the hypolimnion remains constant, so there isn’t a link to carps feeding habits there because there is both food and a more agreeable temperature available to them and yet, until the influence of barometric pressure arrives


in the equation, they do not feed. Although low water temperature alters their metabolism and causes them to conserve energy by entering a semi-dormant state, it doesn’t in itself prevent them from feeding. In deeper water during winter, a comfort zone exists where carp can spend considerable time without expending too much energy… whilst shallow water warms up more quickly in the warm rays of winter sunshine, it also it cools off quickly and, as such, it constantly fluctuates, holding only short term interest to carp. If a fish stays in the shallow areas it will mean that, to remain comfortable, it will be required to be constantly on the move from shallow to deep, to and fro. As we all know, movement uses energy and spent energy needs replacing. In the depths of winter, food which was bountiful in the months of summer becomes scarce, and a delicate natural balance is created. It is also worth noting that a very large proportion

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of natural food is to be found in the shallow and marginal areas of all waters and because this food source diminishes drastically when winter arrives, it becomes a far less beneficial area for carp to visit. At the other end of the scale, deeper water possesses more consistent temperatures and an incremental range of temperatures exists throughout the water column. The need for constant lateral movement is not required over deeper water because, to reach a food source on the lakebed, it’s a simple matter of adjusting their swim bladders to enable them to move vertically, up and down. Whereas in summer, when carp can more easily replenish spent energy (utilising stored energy to search for more food), the dearth of winter demands a complete reverse of that process. Now, another factor comes in to the equation, and possibly the most import factor where we are concerned, that of Barometric

Gaining an understanding To continue on from the moon-phase phenomena that I wrote about last year, where I touched upon barometric pressure, I thought it might be good to take a look at that in a bit more depth and also in conjunction with the affects of water temperature.

Pressure. The effect of even a small change in B.P. on the swim bladder of a carp is immense. Picture this scenario: Its winter, a shoal of carp sitting over deep water has just endured two weeks of inactivity due to a sustained high pressure which has meant that it has been uncomfortable for them to visit the depths to feed. Suddenly, a rapid fall in air pressure allows them to descend and rummage around on the bottom. It may only be a short window of opportunity, but even a short term drop in barometric pressure is enough to make it possible for them to feed and they will gorge themselves before any increase in pressure makes it uncomfortable for them to continue. As the pressure rises so must the fish. Once again, a semi dormant state is enforced until the next significant fall in pressure. It is remarkably distinct and precise; and a great time to employ tactics which capitalise on these changes. In summer, the affect of barometric

pressure on the water is exactly the same as it is in winter, but as carp will be fully energised and able to take advantage of natural food gluts, and replacing spent energy should at this point be a very simple matter. Despite this fact, during high barometric pressure, they will often sulk in the surface layers, cruising around in search of fly hatches and other drifting food items that may be rising or dropping through the water column. I’m sure that you will recognise this behaviour, and that you will know that on those summer days of high pressure, it can become almost impossible to catch a carp at depth. but apart from indirect side effects water temperature does not have a direct effect on feeding. Water is an extremely volatile substance that is directly and significantly affected instantly by several factors. Apart from moon-phase, barometric pressure, temperature, wind and oxygen levels play a significant role, as do thermoclines in deeper waters, and at times they will combine

and interlink in one way or another. For the purpose of this article, I have tried to isolate just these two factors but there are many other factors and influences to consider. As the years of my carp angling journey mount, I look back and realise that although I have come a very long way, the more I learn, the more it teaches me how far I still have to go. However, I really wouldn’t have it any other way. Carp are amazing creatures, I enjoy studying and writing about them but, more than anything, I love to cradle them in my arms in the belief that each one is perhaps a reward for my efforts to understand more about them. I hope that you have found my thoughts and theories interesting and if any of the above provokes a thought or helps you to put just one carp on the bank, I would consider that to be a personal triumph.


Pressure situation.. Moody skies signalling a huge drop in Barometric Pressure (main image). A weather front that produced several fish during a significant pressure drop from 1000mb to 930mb (top left).

About Bolsena

Bolsena town is dominated by the fortress Rocca Monaldeschi, a symbol of the powerful family that ruled the area during the 14th century.

Since then the old district has changed very little and is still very much as it was. The lakeside area only began to be developed over the past 100 years or so, when an avenue of plane trees was planted to encourage people to spend more time by the beach.

POTTED HISTORY.. Ruins of a settlement dating back to preRoman times can be found on the hill above the old town. The Romans razed this to the ground and evicted its citizens. Under Roman rule the town flourished again and to mark its importance an amphitheatre was built, which can still be seen today. The most famous citizen was Saint Cristina for whom a church was built to celebrate her martyrdom. The oldest parts date from the 3rd century after which Bolsena became an important place of pilgrimage in its own right.

AROUND TOWN.. The Town of Bolsena will be the focal point for a number of important factors during the World Carp Classic 2012. These functions include the following: l Event HQ: Official Registration will take place here prior to the event, and from then onwards it will become the Event nerve centre. Event HQ is located at The Media Centre


Dominated by a fortress standing proud above the old town, historic Bolsena sits on the North East shore of the lake. This venue will be the nerve centre of the World Carp Classic, including the opening ceremony, flag parade and closing ceremony l The Media Centre: An obvious and important function throughout the entire duration of the event. The Media Centre is located at the Town Square. At the designated times (please refer to the itinerary), Contestants will be directed from the Town Square to the start of the Flag Parade which will conclude outside of the Cinema for the Official Competitors group photo. The Opening Ceremony will then take place within the Cinema and will include the peg draw. When the Event has concluded, the Prize Giving and Closing Ceremony will take place at the Cinema. For all designated times please refer to the Event Itinerary.


Within the province of Bolsena: The Sponsors sections within this zone are; ATT - Bolsena (Travel clockwise from Camping Valdisole) plus a small number of pegs in the CC Moore – Gradoli /Borghetto / Bolsena (A short distance either direction from Camping Valdisole, as shown on the zone map. All Sections will be clearly signposted at relevant junctions along the main routes and from there onwards, any junctions of minor roads en route to the Sponsors section.

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INTERESTING FACTS.. l Strange but true: Lake Bolsena experiences visible (so called) “sesse”, which are unexpected and unpredictable changes of the water level. Sesse are very similar to tides and have been mistaken for such. A sesse is determined by the atmospheric pressure or by the winds; about 50 cm sesse have been registered. It is a phenomenon that occurs in other places also, such as the Venice waterways. l More frequent than sesse, there is the “anomaly wave”. Originally inexplicable, it presents itself very big and quickly increases ‘til breaking down on the shore. The anomaly wave appears to be the product of climatic spikes in areas of high and low altitude, and is more normally associated with coastal areas where land meets the seas and oceans. l The Church of St. Francesco, built in the main piazza of Bolsena, is a Gothic construction of the 12th century. The building has been deconsecrated and is now the unusual home of the town theatre and cinema… this will be the building we will be using for the World Carp Classic Opening and Closing Ceremonies.

About Montefiascone

The ancient city of Montefiascone, set high atop a hillside overlooking Lake Bolsena from a south-eastern prospect, is steeped in history and certainly worth a visit during your stay if you are among the early arrivals.

Many participants in previous years have expressed how little there is to do during those few days prior to the event, and a trip to Montefiascone, to enjoy the fantastic view over the lake, perhaps while enjoying lunch and sampling the local wine is highly recommended!

POTTED HISTORY.. The name of the city is derived from ‘Falisci’ (Mons Faliscorum, “Mountain of the Falisci”). Later, it was controlled by the Etruscans and It is suggested that Montefiascone

If you visit only one place during your stay, make it Montefiascone. Lying to the South East of Lake Bolsena, it is home to an old Papal summer residence and a restored cathedral. You will be awed by the breathtaking views from the hillside occupies the site of the Etruscan Temple called Fanum Voltumnae, at which the representatives of the twelve chief cities of Etruria met in the days of their independence. The first documents to mention Montefiascone are from 853, when it belonged to the bishop of Tuscania. After the 9th century, as a Papal possession, Montefiascone enjoyed its highest period of splendour as, with the Castle often the residence of Popes, it was consequently enlarged and embellished.

MONTEFIASCONE CATHEDRAL.. Dedicated to Saint Margaret (Santa Margherita), the cathedral was a ruin by 1330 and took three centuries to rebuild. The interior was elaborately restored once more in 1893. The church of Santa Maria delle Grazie: The church of San Flaviano was built in 1032 and then enlarged in the Gothic style late in the 14th century. Rocca dei Papi: The remains of the old Papal summer residence. At the top of the hill it provides a tremendous view over Lago Bolsena.

LOCAL AMENETIES.. On top of the world.. the views are simply staggering


For those of you who require essential items of tackle or bait the good news is that you can obtain whatever you need in

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Montefiascone. FreeTime Bolsena is an excellent, fully stocked tackle shop run by seasoned carp angler Paolo Chiovelli, and whether it’s anything from a baiting needle to a bivvy, boat rental to battery charging service, it’s all there, everything you need! Via Teverina, 10 Montefiascone 01027 Viterbo Tel. / Fax. 0761366361 PI 01697450565.

SECTIONS & PEGGING.. Within the province of Montefiascone: The Sponsors sections within this zone are; SBS Tactical Baits– Rod-Box –Big Fish Richworth (Montifiacone /Marta) For all of these sections please travel clockwise from Camping Valdisole, as shown on the zone map. All Sections will be clearly signposted at relevant junctions along the main routes and also at any junctions of minor roads en route to the Sponsors section.

INTERESTING FACT.. In the crypt of the church is the grave of a traveller who succumbed to excessive drinking of the local wine known as Est! Est!! Est!!! The story is that a valet, who preceded his master on his journey, wrote “est” (Latin for “It is”) on the doors of all the inns where good wine was to be had, and that here the inscription was thrice repeated.

About Marta

Located on the southern shore of Lake Bolsena, Marta has a pleasant ‘seaside resort’ feel to it, possibly due the presence of the many colourful boats belonging to the Lake’s professional fishing fleet, who winch them onto the shoreline alongside the promenade. An evening stroll along Marta’s quaint promenade, or indeed its cobbled streets, perhaps after dining out in one of its many restaurants, provides visitors with an opportunity to experience the unique ambience it has to offer.

The town of Marta lies to the South shore of Lake Bolsena and will be the host to the World Carp Classic’s Pasta Party which will be held on the Sunday before the competition kicks off. With cobbled streets, colourful harbour and buzzing bars and restaurants, it’s the perfect place for an evening stroll .. filling the air. It is sure to be a great night, so don’t miss it! Please check for details in the event itinerary.


POTTED HISTORY.. The earliest record of the village’s history dates from 726 when its name appears for the first time in a deed. In the XIII century the Rocca was built by Papa Urbano IV, according to the legend, on the ruins of the ancient Bisenzio, leaving only the octagonal tower that is now the symbol of it. There are some very interesting monuments to visit, in addition to the Clock Tower there is the Renaissance Palace of the Farnese family’s period and the Romanic Madonna del Monte Sanctuary, restored at the end of the fifteenth century, built on the top of a panoramic hill near the historical centre.

EVENT WEEK.. As you will read elsewhere, there will be a Pasta & Cocktail party in Marta to welcome

Impressive.. the clock tower of Marta contestants, with live bands performing to what is anticipated to be an audience of around 1,500 people in total. A flotilla of boats will deliver its precious cargo, the event marshals carrying the national flags of all competitors, to Marta to be received by the local dignitaries and displayed on stage. The promenade will be buzzing all night with the celebrations, with laughter and music

The Marta outlet, which leaves Lake Bolsena to the east of the community, is a river which empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea around 46kms away. After passing through Marta, Tuscania and Tarquinia, it reaches the sea in the area of the lido of Tarquinia. There, between the mouth of Marta and that of Mignone the natural reservoir “Saltworks of Tarquinia” was created.

SECTIONS & PEGGING.. The Sponsors sections within this zone are; Big Fish Richworth (Montifiacone /Marta) and PV-TV. For these sections please travel clockwise from Camping Valdisole, as shown on the zone map. All Sections will be clearly signposted at relevant junctions along the main routes and also at any junctions of minor roads en route to the Sponsors section.

Did you know? Lake Bolsena is nicknamed by locals “Il Lago che si Beve” – “The Lake that you drink”, for its crystal clear waters. 40

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About Capodimonte

Unlike the other communities around Lago Di Bolsena, Capodimonte has a headland with a sheltered harbour and lies to the South West of the Lake. Popular with sunseekers from all over Europe, it also boasts numerous historical monuments and ancient spas

Capodimonte is situated on the south-west shore of Lake Bolsena, partly upon a promontory and partly on the flat plains on the northern side of the peninsula.

Capodimonte is a Town of two parts; the old and the new. Whilst the historic past of this captivating peninsula provides evidence of human presence dating as far back as the Palaeolithic period and further evidence of habitation in the villanovian, Etruscan and Roman ages, the newer section of town dates from medieval times onwards. As such, along with its modern day additions around the beachfront area, Capodimonte has a great deal to offer.

THE BISENTINA ISLE.. The Island covers 0.17 square km. of surface area and provides an interesting excursion with a ferry service and guided tour operating daily. There are delightful views and numerous monuments, for example the church of Santi Giacomo e Cristoforo of Vignola, the Franciscan convent and the valuable Rocchina, Santa Caterina temple. The Malta of the Popes, a prison for clericals accused of heresy, is composed of one miserable and dark cell within a hill with the only light source filtering from a little trap door situated 20 m. high.

POTTED HISTORY.. In the IX century the coastal populations took to it to escape from the Saracens’ raids. In the mid 1200’s, the island became property of the Bisenzio family who then burnt it out because of some disputes, then, in 1261 Pope Urbano IV conquered the isle again. However, in 1333 Ludovico il Bavaro accused of heresy and excommunicated by the Pope - destroyed it again.


Hot spot... Riccardo Battisti (left) and Daniel Colapicchioni with a classic Capodimonte capture. From 1400 it was property of the Farnese family and it had a period of prosperity.

SECTIONS & PEGGING.. Within the province of Capodimonte: The Sponsors sections within this zone are; PV-TV (Marta /Capodimonte), and Pescalis (Capodimonte). Directions to these sponsors sections are; travelling Anti-clockwise from Camping Valdisole, take the SS2 and SP8 South. All Sections will be clearly signposted at relevant junctions along the main routes and, from there onwards at any junctions of minor roads en route to the Sponsors section.

INTERESTING FACTS.. l In the Viterbo region, there are many natural spas’ that produce perfectly warm and stable water temperatures all year round. These spa’s are likely to have been

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used from the dawn of human population in the area, and records show that they were popular with the Etruscans, long before any Roman habitation of the area. l Palazzo Farnese: The fortifications of Capodimonte included a small octagonal castle where the Farnese entertained their guests including Pope Gregory XIII.

Tasty Tip.. Capodimonte has a host of top quality restaurants where you can taste the typical specialities of the region, such as the “coregone”, an important fish in the traditional cooking of Lake Bolsena.

About Gradoli

Steeped in ancient history, Gradoli lies to the North West of the Lake and much of it is built around the few remaining traces of a palace commissioned by Pope Paul III. Known for its fine wines and olive oils, this medieval gem is definitely worth a visit Gradoli is an attractive medieval village situated on the northwest slopes of Lake Bolsena, in a hilly position, from which it slopes gently towards the lowland of the shore of Lake Bolsena.

The fertile lowland has allowed local agriculturists to cultivate grapevines and selected olives from which is produced respectively, the wines Aleatico and Grechetto as well as grappa and the finest extra virgin olive oil.

POTTED HISTORY.. The principal monuments situated in the ancient village are the Church dedicated to Maddalena and the imposing Farnese Palace of the XVI century. The Church, with its Baroque façade, has a beautiful sixteenthcentury fresco representing the Madonna with the Child. Construction of the Palace began in 1515 and was entrusted by the Cardinal Alessandro Farnese (then Paolo III) to Anthony da Sangallo the Younger. It followed the fates of the illustrious family, and when the Dukedom of Castro fell, it gradually deteriorated. Now, after recent restoration, its ancient shrine has been returned and it has become the municipal seat.


A press conference is planned to be held


Gradoli.. A most fascinating town, home to the highly impressive Farnese Palace in the amazing Farnese Palace, where, on display among the ancient artefacts, is a splendid display of antique traditional costumes. Please refer to the media office on site for details.

SECTIONS AND PEGGING.. Within the province of Gradoli: The Sponsors sections within this zone are; Outdoor International – Gradoli (Travel Anti-clockwise

Did you know? Gradoli was named after castle that was built there; the difficult to access castle could only be reached via a series of steps (in Latin, gradus), hence it’s name

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from Camping Valdisole), Jetfish, plus a small number of pegs in the Club Carping – Gradoli /Borghetto area, as shown on the zone map. All Sections will be clearly signposted at relevant junctions along the main routes and then, any junctions of minor roads en route to the Sponsors section.

INTERESTING FACTS.. l Lake Bolsena is a crater lake of volcanic origin, formed 370,000 years ago following the collapse of a caldera of the Vulsini volcanic complex. Roman historic records indicate activity of the Vulsini volcano occurred as recently as 104 BC, since when it has been dormant. l Just a few kilometres from Bolsena is Mezzano lake, in which are preserved the ruins of a semi-submerged town, laying within and protected by the Selva del Lamone Regional Nature Reserve which extends over 2002 ha and is situated between Pitigliano and Gradolì.-

Once you have read the following information, you’ll appreciate that Camping Valdisole provides us with an exceptional site, and with 320 contestants, plus runners, sponsors and other attendees, bivvy city will be a thriving community prior to fishing.


‘Camping Valdisole’ is situated on the northern shore of the lake, 5km from Bolsena to the southeast. Camping Valdisole, 01023 Bolsena, Via Cassia 117 North (Viterbo), Italy. Telephone: +49 (0) 761 797 064 To get to Bolsena from Camping Valdisole: Turn right onto Via Cassia Nord/SS2 and continue towards Bolsena.


On the site there is a large supermarket, a bar with a clubhouse and restaurant, a football and a volleyball court and a jetty which can accommodate all kinds of watercraft. The site, covering 7ha, is divided by a network of tree-lined groves which extend right down to the shore. There are also bungalows to rent. There is an extensive shower block with wash basins, wet room etc.

ON-SITE EVENT ACTIVITIES.. l Boat Check: As always, as part of the registration process there will be a full inspection of all boats and boating equipment. Please refer to the Event Itinerary for times and don’t forget that you must go through the boat check procedure before you go to Bolsena for team registration at Event HQ. l Carp Connections Gladiator Games: On the glorious sands of the beachfront, Hans Sissingh of Carp Connections will once again be the master of ceremonies as entrants are put through their paces. In this highly entertaining not-to-be-missed spectacle, the typically madcap goings on are certain to attract a high number of

Bivvy City..

Camping Valdisole After previous events, Bivvy City 2012 is set to become legendary, and if there was ever any doubt that World Carp Classic contestants know how to enjoy their free time, this year will surely end all speculation! onlookers from around the campsite. Don’t forget to enter this light-hearted and fun competition… with some nice prizes for the victorious Gladiators it’s very much a case of he who dares wins! Please check the Event Itinerary for details.

DIRECTIONS TO SECTIONS.. l ATT: Bolsena (Travel clockwise from Camping Valdisole) l SBS Tactical Baits: Montefiascone (Clockwise from Camping Valdisole) l Rod-Box: Montefiascone (Clockwise from Camping Valdisole) l Richworth: Montefiascone /Marta (Clockwise from Camping Valdisole) l PV-TV: Marta /Capodimonte (Travel either direction from Camping Valdisole) l Pescalis: Capodimonte (Anticlockwise from Camping Valdisole) l Outdoor International: Gradoli (Anticlockwise from Camping Valdisole) l Jetfish: Gradoli (Anti-clockwise from Camping Valdisole) l Club Carping: Gradoli /Borghetto (Anti-clockwise from Camping Valdisole) l CC Moore: Gradoli /Borghetto/ Cool surroundings... Camping Valdisole, where you can Bolsena (A short distance in either relax in the shade with a cold beer after the boat check! direction from Camping Valdisole)

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


History of the 2011 was the first time that this new, revolutionary, electronic bite indicator was displayed, at the World Carp Classic in France at Lac Madine, but before we were in a position to do that, we had a very long way to go. The initial idea, the brainchild of Tomas Andel back in 2005, was to combine a bite indicator and swinger together in one unit, but after many discussions with anglers they said, why don’t you make it completely electronic – with sensitivity, memory, display etc. Tomas listened to these suggestions and then began to develop the product with complete functionality.

During the redevelopment period, Tomas then discovered an absolutely new functionality, the innovative drop off system. The ROLLO now incorporates this line release function which is absolutely safe for line and doesn’t suffer like other line release designs because there isn’t any mechanical restriction. With the ROLLO still under development - but almost ready - we showed the product to Ross Honey in September 2010 at the exhibition ‘Tackle and Guns Show’ in Stoneleigh Park near Warwick in the UK, and we discussed how it would be best to introduce this new product to anglers. The first workable samples were produced and in December 2010 and these were shown to Ross and a small group of carp anglers at the CarpLove show in Budapest. After that, the field testing of our new product began with many anglers, ranging from amateurs to professionals, being supplied with samples to test. At the 2011 ‘Fishing Tackle’ show in Amsterdam, we introduced the prototype of the ROLLO, and it was while we were there that we made the agreement with Ross to launch the Rollo at The World Carp Classic at Lac Madine in France. Tomas and I really did not know what to expect. However, we were very surprised by the size and scale of the competition, and we were also very happy to hear the comments made by competitors on our product. In the competition, Ralph Dennett and Paul Millington used the ROLLO and even up to the time of writing they send reports and notes from their experiences. We listened to suggestions and tried to adjust and develop the product still further. Perfection is not easily achieved, but it is not impossible either!

the company (Sema) was sold and will no longer continue in fishing tackle. It was a very confusing time for me and Tomas. After such long time we should lose our child? We decided to found a new company, EGERFISH. Eger is a trout river in our area which flows a long way through the North West part of our country supporting agriculture with its rich water level. Back from the romantic to business… After a long time, 3 months, of difficult negotiations with new the owner of Sema, we bought all patents for ROLLO and also the brand SEMA along with all of the production tools. We convinced all co-suppliers about our rights to ROLLO and started again to develop. The new company, EGERFISH, other than the ROLLO, has a complete inventory of fishing tackle equipment and represents the brands Suretti, Traper baits, Meiho and Versus boxes, and also our own production of fishing weights. At the 2012 EFTTEX show in Paris we introduced our complete line of products with the joint name ROLLO EDITION. The Electronic bite indicator ROLLO, receiver MAGNETO 2, level indicator/swinger/ and illuminated rod rest holders. At Efttex we once again met with Ross Honey and we made an agreement to be a support partner of World Carp Classic 2012 in Italy. As you can see, the last 7 years for ROLLO were not easy and we have come a very long way to get to this point. We hope that many anglers will like this product and that the ROLLO will become a great addition to their equipment that will help them in their hobby. Petr Minarik

Then, in October 2011, came a very troubled time for Rollo. The complete system was developed for the company SEMA Ltd. from Czech Republic. However, in October 2011

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


Lake Bolsena is located in the center of Italy, in the north of the Lazio region. It is also known as Lake Vulsinio as it lies in a crater basin in the middle of Vulsini mountains.

It is the biggest Italian volcanic lake; in fact, it has a surface area of 114 km2 and a maximum depth of 146 meters. It is located at 305 meters above sea level; it has an oval shape and it is 12 km wide and 14 km long. It probably originated after the fusion of some of the craters in the area, whose walls probably eroded with the passing of the decades. Almost without affluents, the lake is fed by rainfall, a consistent part which is absorbed by the surrounding permeable lands. There is only one discharge, Marta River, which empties into the Tyrrhenian Sea, not far from Tarquinia. The lake is also supplied by bottom aquifers. Generally speaking, the complete water turnover takes about 121 years. The lake is surrounded by hills covered with oaks and chestnuts. Its waters are rich in huge filamentous weeds; hornwort and spirulina weed beds which, in specific areas, extend for hundreds of meters (mainly in summer). In the middle of the lake two small islands rise: the island of Martana (0.10 km2) and the island of Bisentina (0.17 km2), which are probably the remnants of old craters. Because of the presence of those two islands and of many other submerged ridges and depressions, the lake has an irregular bottom: in the North, it descends gradually, in the East it reaches great depths even near to the shores, and, in the South and in the West there is a large plane. Furthermore, if we compare the bottom surrounding the two islands, many differences can be pointed out: the island of Martana has a constant depth of 10 meters, whereas around the island of Bisentina the average depth is 81 meters, but it can also reach 151 meters. The specific microclimate encourages flora to thrive (above all in the islands), and it allows plane trees, eucalyptus, horse chestnuts, umbrella trees, citron trees and palms to grow. Besides those plants, there also are poplars, willows, alders and ash trees as well as plants with submerged roots and aerial stems, among which cane thickets prevail.

LAKE BOTTOM & FISHING.. The bottom of the lake, where mud and organic material are almost absent, is made up of a very good quality of sand, a mix of extremely small lava and volcanic tuff, crystals and iron minerals. There is also widespread hydrothermal activity and many natural gas sources, thermal waters (up to 40°C) and highly scaling mineral waters. The water’s clarity and good oxygenation, which make it drinkable and light, explain the photosynthetic activity which still takes place at a 30-meter depth, where there is a variety of phytoplankton species. For this reason, the water is very transparent and clear,


Common practise.. A superb Bolsena common of over 20kg thus allowing solar rays to reach very great depths. The transparency of the water, above all in summer, gives us the chance, if we use polarized glasses or the bathyscope, to see carp on the bottom of the lake, to check if they have eaten our baits and to verify if the rig has been put in the right position amongst the weed, even beyond a 10-meter depth. There is a rich micro fauna hidden among the weeds, not least small snails and crayfish, which constitute an essential source of nutrition for carp. We need to pay special attention to those specific factors, bearing in mind that it is in those areas where carp will certainly find not only food but also an excellent shelter from predators and humans. This is even more important if we consider that 90% of the bottoms of lakes which are suitable for fishing, often have no obstacles and that there are many professional fishermen who fish with nets as well as poachers who dip into the water to spear carp. One of the few areas of the lake characterized by a rocky bottom is the one which lies between Marta, Capodimonte (the edge) and Bisenzio hill. Even in winter, it remains the most productive part of the lake, because carp can find good shelter here along with a good quantity of food, even when it is cold. Other places not to be underestimated are the ports: Marta, Capodimonte and Bolsena, where carp

love to stay for long periods because those areas are generally free from nets and offer good shelter when there is a strong wind blowing. Many carp choose the ports also for spawning, which begins at the end of May for small carp and lasts until July for the bigger ones. Another area which is often chosen by carp for spawning is about 200 meters away from Bisenzio hill (right side, towards Capodimonte). In spring, there is a thick weed bed there, about one hundred meters long, where big carp shoals gather in the mating season. Yet, in this period, other important spots are located in the western part of the lake where, as already pointed out, the bottom descends gradually and the shores are surrounded by cane thickets. In order to carry out correct and safe fishing, it is advisable to use a rubber dinghy or a sound boat, as well as a lifejacket. When it is very windy, fishing in this lake may become extremely dangerous as very high waves may originate. In such cases, besides a sound boat, what is really needed is an outboard motor. We have had the chance to fish in many big lakes, but be

Bellisimo! Sandro and Emi with a brace of Bolsena beauties

‘When it is very windy, fishing in this lake may become extremely dangerous as very high waves may originate’

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis

The Bolsena experience.. Top Italian anglers, Sandro Di Cesare and business partner Emiliano Gabrielli provide us with the benefit of their experience with a detailed look at Bolsena – an invaluable account of the lake, its nature, the carp and their habits from men who know

The Bolsena experience

sure that when the North wind or the Sirocco is blowing, it is really frightening to fish here. The best thing to do is to consider such a possibility and choose a spot which can be reached even when we fish from the shore; in fact, we have noticed that when the lake is very rough, the water mixes at great depth and it becomes much more productive in terms of captures.

SUGGSTED PERIODS.. The best period to fish in Lake Bolsena is from the end of April to the end of January. In any other period it would be very difficult to find spots where carp lay up, unless you know the lake very well. At the beginning of the season the activity of carp starts later than in other, shallower lakes. Just think about those natural lakes located on a plane with very shallow depth. In fact, through the action of the sun, in spring their water warms up more quickly. All this promotes a higher activity of carp living in such places: their ovulation, the egg laying…all of those phases take place earlier than in those lakes having a very deep water. At the end of the season the situation is exactly reversed and what could be considered as a handicap in spring proves to be a positive factor for our captures. The water of those lakes having deeper water gets colder much more slowly than the shallow lakes and carp stay active until mid-Winter (generally ‘til the end of January). February, March and the first half of April (in anomalous seasons) are the hardest months for our fishing. The summer, differently from those shallower lakes, guarantees great results because the huge amount of water allows a high concentration of oxygen in this season as well. Nevertheless, if we choose this period, we should not forget that Lake Bolsena is very well known throughout Europe, which means that it represents an important tourist destination. This is certainly good for the local economy but not for our discipline: mainly in August, it is really hard to find available places along the shores, as they are generally crowded with bathers and motorboats, which continuously scamper around the lake’s surface. Furthermore, in this period, guards’ control use to increase productivity for professional fishermen who, at this time, practice their activity more regularly in order to meet the restaurants’ demands…etc.

THE LAST METER.. If we fish in summer, when the aquatic

When the wind blows .. In Lake Bolsena the wind greatly affects our fishing activity. Those areas which are mostly exposed to the wind may be really interesting for us. Because of the action of winds such as the north wind and the sirocco, very high waves originate; the waves then move the bottom sediments and many food sources for carp emerge. The different colour of the water near the shore is visible to the naked eye. In this

plants are thriving, or in rocky spots such as the ones described above, we suggest that you use leads linked on a lead clip. When the rig gets stuck on the obstacles on the bottom of the lake, the fish exercises its pressure directly on the linking part: in this way we loose the lead and it makes it easier to pull up the fish. Furthermore, in a case where we might break the line, the carp would have more possibilities to get free from the lead. During our sessions we found the Elevator leads to be very good as they detach very quickly from the bottom, and that makes it easier to pull up a carp from

Some useful info and how to reach the lake .. .. l In Lake Bolsena there are many professional fishermen. Consequently, carp are used to the long nets used by them, although only few of them fish specifically for carp. This causes a limited activity of carp during the night. For this reason, we go where we notice some movement. Those areas where you find the “martavelli” (a kind of net specifically used for eels) are very interesting too: it


eventuality, if we cast the line in the area where the water is light brown, we will have good chances to get good captures. We suggest you use a rubber dinghy for a greater stability, heavy leads, small but resistant hooks and well anchored markers (the use of gps is the best choice); furthermore, it is advisable to prepare a spot to cast to, if strong winds prevent us from using the boat.

the shore. When we fish in areas free from obstacles or during those periods of the year when there are not so many weeds, we generally use inline leads which are never smaller than 160 gr (5.5 ounces); in fact, with lighter ones, we would run the risk of missing our spot if it is very windy. As for the rigs to use during our fishing sessions in this lake, the right choice depends on the period of the year. In winter and spring a rig for bottom baits might be a good choice because there are no weeds. In summer, when the presence of weed reaches its peak, or in autumn, when they start to decompose, it would be better to use

often happens that Atherinae get stuck the few which have been caught were l How to reach the lake: in it, thus becoming a great food source swimming in an area near Capodimonte To reach Lake Bolsena you have to for carp. known as “la mergonara”. drive along the motorway A1 RomeFlorence and turn to the junction of Orte; l The average size is about 14/15 kg l The ichthyofauna of the lake in the period preceding spawning and, then, take the clearway Orte-Viterbo and includes: tench, pike, black bass, turn off to Montefiascone. after spawning, it is about 12 kg. European perch, lake whitefish, l Once there, you can decide whether atherinae, eels, carp and catfish. l The lake record, documented by to go to Marta, Capodimonte (left shore) l Most of the carp population consists pictures, is over 29 kg, but we are or drive along the scenic road bordering confident that in the future the lake will of common carp of a large size, the lake towards Bolsena (right shore). produce some nice surprises. whereas mirror carp are quite rare and

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Suggested rods & braids ..

In order to fish in such a big lake we need very powerful rods (3/3.50 lb) both for long casts – in case we can’t or don’t want to use a rubber dinghy, and to tame big, hard fighting fish – which, at the beginning of the fight, seek shelter in cane thickets on the bottom of the lake. In these cases, using a rubber dinghy might be extremely useful because it allows us to get near to the fish, and so have more possibilities to catch our prey. Another important thing to do is use the braid when fishing because, compared with the nylon, you’ll notice the fish grabbing the bait sooner and be able to establish a direct contact with the fish itself. The plait, thanks to its specific structure, can “cut” the weeds; this way you have a better chance to succeed in the fight. Otherwise, if we want to fish in the area of Bisenzio, Capodimonte and Marta, where there are big rocks and stones, it is advisable to use heavy nylon (0.35/0.40) knotted to a good nylon shock leader (30/50 lb), as it has a greater abrasion resistance for this type of obstacle.

Fishing regulations..

pop-ups or snowman rigs. As for the hook, it should be taken into account that at Bolsena there is quite a good possibility to catch big carp, above all in summer, when they tend to hide among weed and we need robust hooks to encourage them out. Those with a short shank and a slightly bigger gape are the best choice

SUGGESTED BAITS & PRE-BAITING .. When it comes to the choice of bait, among other things, we need to consider the period of the year that we are fishing, bearing in mind that the carp in this lake know boilies very well; this requires that we give even greater attention to the quality of those we decide to use. Fish mix boilies generally give good results throughout the year. In autumn, all creams are a good solution: cajouser cream and scopex, for example, have always proved to be a successful choice. In winter, self-made boilies with spicy mixes or the ready-made boilies made up with flours, like the Tecnispice, generally account for some important captures. In spring, fruit baits are very much appreciated, and the use of tigernuts along with maize can really make the difference in the period preceding spawning. In summer, we would avoid maize and hemp because small cyprinids

are very active; thus, it is better to use only boilies and tigernuts. If we want to fish where the fishing pressure is lower, it is advisable to prebait before starting a fishing session; otherwise, if we intend to fish in the area destined for night fishing or in the area called “spiaggione” (near Bisenzio hill) where the fishing pressure is constant, we can avoid pre-baiting before fishing. During the session, what helps us in the choice of the spot is the number of runs and the movement we perceive in the area of the markers; carp in Bolsena used to reveal their presence with many jumps. There are many shoals moving throughout this water and, when we realise that they are in our fishing sector, if we don’t want them to leave we need to bait a lot, also by using corn (maize, hemp, tiger nuts) in order to cover a big area without satisfying

The knowledge.. “The experience that Sandro and Emiliano have of the lake is immense” – Ross Honey with Emiliano

Foreign anglers can obtain permission to fish the lake that is good for three months, and we recommend that you respect this because the guards’ controls are very strict. It is also possible to use a craft, or an electric motor. In the area under the village of Gradoli and Montefiascone, night fishing is allowed from the 1st of October to the 14th of May. In order to respect the professional fishermen’s activities, we recommend not placing rigs beyond 150 meters. In the rest of the lake, fishing is allowed from one hour before sunrise until one hour after sunset. Don’t be fooled by this limit because most of our captures have taken place during the day. Over the years, carp have learnt to “live side by side” with the nets used in the night by professional fishermen. In the morning, when they are removed, it often happens that you will see carp starting to move and jump. During the spawning period, from the 15th of May to the 30th of June, carp fishing is closed. We suggest that you contact the Province of Viterbo to ask about about any eventual change of carp fishing regulations.

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The Vectrum sets a new standard in the casting tools category: for the first time an extraordinary casting machine which can be compressed by you and me combined with a sweet fish-playing action. During independent tests the Vectrum, compared to the other standards of the market, has performed surprisingly well, even better with good and average casters, with casts measured on the field beyond 160 yards, and up to 200 yards for the best ones. Unlike most of the other casting tools, the Vectrum is very easy to use. There’s no need to be an Olympic Athlete to compress it to attain those extra yards that can help you catch more carp... You know, where none can cast a rig. Thanks to an optimized carbon mix and a new design, the rod itself is extraordinarily light at only 360g when built with a 50mm ring set, this is more than 100g lighter than the closest competitor. The mixing of 4 high modulus carbon ensures that the rod is very soft on the fish: definitely a first in this category. The premium carbon used has just been released from the R&D laboratories and is not even used in Formula 1 yet, ensuring long lasting performance and low weight. The Vectrum is available from us in a unique and optimized 12’6 / 3.5-4.5 oz version, matt or glossy finish. We tested the 12’ - 12’6 and 13’ versions and the 12’6 was by far the best with faster recovery than the 13’, yet more pleasurable to play fish on than the 12’ version.

Of Course, this is a Banana Rod, it is stunning, custom with a world class build, only for €439. Available with abbreviated or full handle with 50mm butt rings as standard.

Angling Spirit

making a difference responsibly

Friends of Bolsena

If you’re aware of Angling Spirit’s initiative ‘Friends of the Ebro’ this will need little introduction. If, however, you are unaware of the 50 tonnes of rubbish that the World Catfish Classic Team cleared from the banks of the River Ebro over the past two years, read on ..

Angling Spirit, owners and organisers of both the World Carp Classic and the World Catfish Classic, believe strongly in environmental issues such as the conservation of flora and fauna, particularly on the banks of the rivers and lakes used in our events.

We cannot do anything other than lead by example, where and when we can, and hope that in the process others will see what can be achieved and follow that principle. Whilst it is appreciated that the large majority of carp anglers act responsibly, and conform wholeheartedly to the ethos of ‘take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints’, some of the litter certainly suggests that not everyone shares that ideal. However simple it might be to take rubbish away when they leave, shamefully, some anglers think nothing of leaving it on the bank and that is disrespectful to the environment and those who own and use it. As with all of our events, there is zero tolerance toward anyone who departs from their swim leaving any form of debris behind. Our strong view on this will ensure that your actions will be met with harsh penalties. Be aware, there is no excuse whatsoever… you bring it, you take it away! The penalties for not doing so may include any or all of the following; the withholding of any prizes that you may have won, a permanent ban from entering all Angling Spirit events, and where possible, fines may be sought for and applied by local authorities. There are ample waste bins in place in many areas around the lake, and there are also several sorting stations for specific waste such as glass. On top of this, large bin bags will be provided by Angling Spirit

Bags of pride.. Your fishing in the future could depend on your actions in the present for general waste. We have taken every step possible to ensure that this is an easy process for competitors and we will be greatly disappointed if anyone fails to cooperate. If you would like to help out with the cleanup operation prior to the event, we would welcome your presence. Please note that gloves will be provided by Mappa, and bin bags provided by Angling Spirit on both days. The local community have also been invited to attend the cleanup which will take place pre event on Friday 31st Aug and post event on Sunday 9th Sept. It has to be said that there isn’t very much litter of any description on the banks of Lake Bolsena. The lake is very well cared for and great pride is displayed on its cleanliness. In fact, the beaches are cleaned and raked on a daily basis, so please bear this in mind! We must also add that we would advise

against taking any thin-walled glass bottles, such as cheap beer bottles to your swim, especially if your swim is situated on the beach areas. Please be mindful that Bolsena is a major tourist attraction and that the beaches are used by many thousands of bathers each year. In closing, we are delighted to say that once again positive things have been brought about due to the presence of an Angling Spirit event. The local communities from each of the villages around the lake, plus the lakes commercial fisherman and carp angling clubs from throughout Italy are uniting for the first time ever and will be involved with Angling Spirits’ Friends of Bolsena initiative.

Angling Spirit .... Making a difference responsibly

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis



Dangerous game.. Not a sight you see every day at a carp event!

The South African qualifier was held at Tzaneen Dam, Limpopo from June 18th - 23rd 2012. A number of pre-qualifying events were held around the country – one close to Cape Town, one in Kwa-Zulu Natal and one in the Southern Free State. In Gauteng & the Greater Johannesburg area we had three events at three different waters. There were also a number of Wild Card entries which were drawn before the final, made up from those who entered the regional events. The contestants who won through from our events to secure a place in the World Carp Classic were: l Zane Schemmer & Pieter Erasmus l Kobus Lottering & Chris Liebenburg l George Mathee & Shane Britton

SLOVAKIAN QUALIFIER .. Congratulations to Rostislav Wator & Martin Kania, Extreme Carping, for winning a place at Bolsena. The pair qualified from the hard fought JetFish Slovakian qualification event with a total of 8 carp for 96.41 kg. Another qualifier took place in Hungary, but unfortunately the details never reached us in time before we went to print. We’re not sure who won, but congratulations go to the eventual winners and we’ll see you here at Bolsena.

CZECH REP QUALIFIER .. The Czech Rep Qualification match was a close-run affair with the teams locked in a tense battle to the very end. However, at its conclusion, one team emerged from the pack victorious, showing a clean pair of heels to all of their challengers. The heaviest fish caught was by Milan Svec with a carp weighing 18.28 kg. Jiri Sevcik and Jiri Komarek were the overall third placed team with 8 carp for a total of 85.19 kg. Ivo and Martin Smid Spinka were overall second place with 8 carp for a total of 88.36 kg. The overall first placed team was Milan Svec and Michal Sedlacek who caught 18 carp for a total of 178.07 kg. This team will participate at Lago di Bolsena. Congratulations and good luck in the World Carp Classic 2012! Thanks to all 4 judges who cooperated well with us and Jaroslav Teschen, who organized the entire event.


National Qualifying Events 2012

SOUTH AFRICAN QUALIFIER .. Caption here.. some copy into here for this pic of biggest fish at Romanian Qualifyers thanks

ROMANIAN QUALIFIER .. Enduring difficult fishing conditions, where the water level had risen by 25cm just prior the competition, 21 teams took part in the Romanian World Carp Classic Qualification Event. The event was held on Lake Raduta between October 3rd-8th, and despite the issues, 20 of the teams managed to catch fish. The team consisting of Iorgos Georgiadis, Dan Constantin, Radu Iscru and Vlad Parfene (all of them with World Carp Classic background) lead the event from start to finish, adding 188.9 kilos to the final catch list and grabbing the big cash prize. The biggest fish of the competition, 19kg exactly, was weighed in by the team LukaczDochita-Ureche-Bucur, winning the 5.000 cash prize. It was a successful, fair and very close competition with only 2kg making the difference between staying home and a ticket to Italy. Congratulations to the teams who qualified and bravo to all of the competitors.

POLISH QUALIFIER .. The Polish qualification event 2012 took place from 23rd to 27th May on Dobro Klasztorne Lake in Pobiedziska (central Poland, near Poznan). In total, 98 carp were caught by the 21 teams competing for a place at Bolsena, with a total weight close to 900kg. The winning team caught 212kg of carp with the biggest fish, caught by Tomasz Sikora, a mirror carp of 16.3 kg. The first carp was caught by Dariusz Buzdygan and the prize for the greatest weight of fish caught in 24-hours went to Tomasz Sikora. The final results were as folows: l Pawel Szewc / Piotr Wasilczuk: 212 kg (22 fish) l Pawel Kmit / Pawel Chojnowski: 150.2 kg (15 fish) l Arkadiusz Zaremba / Roman Kubiak: 109 kg (14 fish) Pawel Szewc and Piotr Wasilczuk will go forward to fish at Bolsena, joining the other 17 Polish teams who are registered to take

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The Qualifying Events are an important factor for the World Carp Classic as they help us to maintain the open nature of the event, ensuring that anyone can enter and that the event does not become exclusive. The following qualifiers provided an opportunity for all who took part in them to win a place in the World Carp Classic, this year at Lake Bolsena. part in the World Carp Classic 2012. The event was organised by Karp Max magazine and the main sponsor was Normark Polska

ITALIAN QUALIFIER .. The Italian World Carp Classic qualifying event took place on Lake Salto in Reiti on the 27th -28th -29th of April 2012. Organised by Emiliano Gabrielli (Italian World Carp Classic representative) Sandro Di Cesare and Riccardo Batisti. The first fish was caught by Baiesi and Grandi. Holders of 2nd place in the Mistral industry (Campolano), won the “jumbo carp” prize offered by lake sports Gabriele and Luca, for a week of free fishing. Dionisi and Alfonsi caught the biggest fish of the event in the last five minutes of the competition, a superb 20.7kg common. Truglia and Truglia caught a total of 46kg to claim 3rd place overall. De Angelis and Pezzotti claimed 2nd place with a total of 49.6kg. Rigucci and De Sena went on to win first

prize and achieved a total weight of 94.5kg to book their place in the World Carp Classic at Lake Bolsena 2012. A truly impressive atmosphere. All of the awards came from the support of various sponsors. These included Outdoor International, Mondo Carpa and Feed-Up, who we thank immensely for your kind cooperation. The prize given for Big Carp was awarded by Sandro Di Cesare, while the prize for “Absolute First”, which includes a direct pass into the World Carp Classic at Bolsena, was awarded by Emiliano Gabrielli. In conclusion, I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to all the participants and to all those who supported and believed in this World Carp Classic qualifying event. Also a very special thanks goes to the friends and trusted collaborators of Carpfishing Rieti. (For information or contacts, email us at Or follow our updates on Facebook – “Carpfihing Rieti” or “Mondo Carpa”.

BENELUX QUALIFIER .. The BeNeLux Qualifying event took place at Pure Fishing Resort Du Der in France. Held between the 8 - 11 March, the match, organized by Hans Sissingh of Carp Connections took place in freezingly cold conditions directly after a thaw; the ice had only just melted. The event took place over 3 days and 3 nights and an impressive prize table approaching 10,000€ was presented to the Dutch participants. Prior to the event, a most welcome and enjoyable disco party took place, where competitors enjoyed some much needed, bone warming hot wine and chocolate rum. In total 230 kg of fish were caught despite night time temperatures of – 5°C, which meant that the action was fairly slow. The biggest fish of the event, a very nice carp of 18.2 kg, fell to the rods of Corne

Zwijnenburg which won him a JRC 3 Alarm set. Corne was also one of the eventual winners of the qualifying match. Claiming their much desired place in the World Carp Classic at Bolsena 2012, were Richard van Leeuwen & Corne Zwijnenburg. 2nd place went to Rens van Oort & Mart Kuipers, winners of a JRC 290 boat + electric motor In 3rd place, Jan Feenstra & Emiel Nijmijer won a JRC 2 man dome bivvy + 2 bedchairs for their efforts. Congratulations go to Richard and Corne and all of the other participants, and a big thank you to our sponsors, Carp Connections / JRC / BERKLEY / PENN, and our event marshals from the Dutch Sportsfishing Academy.

Congratulations.. to all of this year’s qualifying anglers and the respective organisers of the qualifying events. We welcome you all to Bolsena and wish you continued success.

l We would like to express our thanks to all organizers of these events for doing such a splendid job and we would also like to

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


Rod-Box: The perfect solution for your rod transportation and security Over the past decade, anglers across Europe have seen the benefits of using a roof mounted box to transport their rods. Before this, many rod holdalls lost from roof racks were run over by following vehicles. When carrying several hundred pounds worth of rods and equipment, roof boxes are a no-brainer!

and the brackets can be removed. Once removed, you can fit two rod holdalls inside by top and tailing them.

Safety and security..

What makes the Rod-Box different from other long roof boxes? The Rod Box is nowhere near as wide as most of the non-angling roof boxes. It has external measurements of 223cm long x 50cm wide x 34cm high and internal dimensions of 219cm long x 45cm wide x 32cm high. When empty, it weighs around 13 kilos, and is easy enough for most people to move about without any difficulty. The Rod-Box will fit virtually every available set of roof bars on the market. After putting the Rod-Box on and off the car a couple of times, you will find that it takes just under five minutes to fit the box, lock the lid and then remove it again.

Quality and versatility..

The construction of the Rod-Box is of the highest workmanship and quality. The material used is the same as that used for other roof boxes. The lid of the Rod-Box is textured, which helps with aerodynamics, whereas the base of the box is made from a slightly thicker material to take the weight of the contents. The arms to the lid are made from a thick plastic compound and all of the fittings are more than adequate in strength. The inside of the Rod-Box is where

‘designed for purpose’ is most obvious. Open the lid and you are presented with two upright brackets which have three recesses along the top edge. These brackets are for carrying rods in individual sleeves or with just rod bands holding them together. If you top and tail your rods, 6 made-up rods can be secured on these brackets, without the reels touching the base. To secure the rods to the brackets, there are 6 webbing straps with plastic clips which can be tightened easily by pulling on each end of the webbing. As the brackets have a large gap underneath the upper bar, the angler can place items such as landing net heads, umbrella or unhooking mats underneath the rods to save the inside of the car becoming wet or smelly. As the Rod-Box has multiple fixing positions, the unused holes in the base allow for any water to drain out of the box. For the angler who prefers to use a traditional rod holdall, the brackets are removable. Simply swivel the two locking levers on each bracket by 90 degrees

Because security is a big part of the RodBox design, the locking mechanism is first class and the Rod-Box locks in three places. Controlled by a single key, a bar which is located along the inside edge of the box operates three latches which correspond to the locking points located on the lid to secure the box completely. With the Rod-Box, there is no danger of leaving the box unlocked, as the key is not removable unless it is in the locked position. For extra safety, Rod-Box is supplied with two keys, so one can be carried at all times and the other left somewhere safe. The only way that anyone can gain access to the RodBox without a key, is to create a lot of noise using heavy duty cutting tools... a deterrent in itself.

Quick, safe and simple..

Rod-Box can be quickly secured to wall brackets as easily as it can on your car. Fixed to the wall of your garage or outbuilding, the Rod-Box provides instant security for rods and other valued items. The wall mounted bracket option is something that as well as making things much harder for thieves, it also protects the rods and holdalls against rodent damage which, stored in outbuildings, is always likely to occur. The Rod-Box can be bought direct from the Rod-Box website at www.rod-box. or through a network of select retailers including Johnson Ross.

rod-box is a proud sponsor of the World Carp Classic 58

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2012 and beyond

Everyone who has ever taken part or helped in any way with the event, be that as a competitor, a marshal, sponsor or media, has played a role in the success of the event to date.

We are under no illusion that any of this could have been achieved without you and we are extremely grateful for that. The response to the event being held on Bolsena has been immense, and not only by anglers. Media attention, driven by the interest shown worldwide has been huge. The global platform for marketing it generates is now recognized even by companies outside of the trade and several companies choose to time the launch of new products to coincide with the event to maximize exposure. As we continue to build upon what we have, we constantly remind ourselves that teamwork is the key to success. We listen to every suggestion, both the positive and the negative, before making any decisions on how we move forward. Although it is fair to say that mistakes have been made on occasions, generally they have been small and insignificant oversights of no real consequence but, of course, that is all part of the ever-present learning process. Further to that, we are delighted to say that the addition of World Carp Classic Qualifying Events has played a very important role in preserving our ethos of being inclusive not exclusive. The national qualification matches provide an opportunity for all anglers to obtain a place in the event which ensures that there is a fair and even number of participants from as many different countries as possible. It is also very important to us that as an international event, it is not composed only of elite anglers, denying the opportunity for the masses. Indeed, the qualifying events also stand as an example of our desire to push forward, exploring the possibilities and open up new boundaries. We have achieved a great deal with the event since its inception in 1998 when it was a singles only competition and casting from the shore was the order of the day. There was a steep learning curve for us in those

‘The event has become far more than just a competition and is viewed by many of you as a festival of angling’ formative years but the event has progressed year on year. Just what lays in store for the coming years we cannot say, but we can confidently predict that the challenges ahead will be met resourcefully. In more recent years, our ethos toward care and protection of the environment has become more widely known. Previously to that, publicizing our involvement was considered to be unnecessary… for instance; It was a little known fact that we greatly supported stocking programs at Lac Amance, Orient and Madine. Nothing much was said simply because they were situations where we could provide help without a need to involve others. Obviously, where some of the more recent issues are concerned, there was a requirement to publicize our ambitions,


2012 and This year marks the 14th Anniversary of the event and sets it apart from other carp angling events in several ways. The World Carp Classic is the longest running competition in its genre, it’s the biggest in every respect and the most prestigious by far, and that is something we can all be justifiably proud of

as auxiliary help was required to allow us to achieve our goals. Our stance on promoting environmental awareness took us to a new level with the Friends of the Ebro campaign - an initiative that we instigated in Spain. Over the course of just a few days of hard work carried out in the past two years, a total of 50 tonnes of waste was cleared from the riverside. This serves to showcase to the world that angling can and will put its house in order when moved to do so. Angling Spirit sought attention from inside and outside of angling, and promotion of our ideals was necessary to gain as much backing as possible to help us achieve our goals. This year, for one day prior to the opening ceremony and a further day post event, on the th 30 Aug and the 9th Sept respectively, there will be cleanup operations taking place around Lake Bolsena and you are invited to join

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis

us in that exercise. The World Carp Classic Team, local villagers, angling associations and the local professional fishermen will take part in the ‘Friends of Bolsena’ initiative and we would be delighted to be able to say that competitors had helped also. If you feel moved to demonstrate to others that anglers are environmentally aware, gloves will be provided by Mappa and bin bags will be supplied by Angling Spirit. So, having a conscience will cost you nothing more than a small amount of your time. Moving onto the event itself, it will certainly be intriguing to see how it unfolds. Never before will Bolsena have been fished by so many anglers. Bolsena provides us with an aura of mystery akin to many other huge lakes, and yet it is expected to produce a good number of carp. This confidence exudes from local anglers who know and understand the venue, and it is interesting to hear their views on where the competition might be won from. Perhaps surprisingly their opinions vary

beyond ..

little and, with a shrug of the shoulders, the standard response is “anywhere”, which is of course extremely encouraging. The draw for pegs will be unusually interesting this year, as this will be the first occasion that most anglers will have been to Bolsena, let alone fished here. Given that local anglers insist that the event could be won from anywhere, a dilemma presents itself. Those competitors who may feel compelled to ‘walk’ the lake and, if that is the case, it might be prudent to obtain some cream for the blisters you’ll get… Do the math, 34 miles at 3mph plus detours, rest and recon stops? Good luck! The unique and special World Carp Classic atmosphere is something we are particularly proud of, and that is generated by you, the competitors. The event has become far more than just a competition and it perhaps achieves its highest accolade in being viewed by many

of you as a festival of angling. It really is something quite special and dear to us to witness the gambit of emotions competitors go through in the highly charged atmosphere. Full credit must go to each and every competitor for projecting good will and sharing such camaraderie with fellow competitors. Last, but certainly not least: Looking forward one year on, it will be the events 15th Anniversary in 2013 and we will be looking to celebrate the occasion in style. Many of the details will remain undisclosed until much nearer the date, but we would advise everyone to book their places as early as possible to avoid disappointment. All we will say here and now is that you will be amazed at one or two things we have in the pipeline. We are very excited about our plans for 2013 as it will be very special - but it can only be special for you if you are there. Good luck for the 2012 World Carp Classic and we look forward to 2013.

Let the fun begin.. Ross and co toasting – here’s to our 15th anniversary at Lago di Bolsena

Magazine sponsored by Pescalis


Catfish champions Champions.. Congratulations to the World Catfish Classic winners 2012

Angling Spirit’s 2012 World Catfish Classic quickly established itself in only its first two years as the world’s undisputed premier catfish angling event

Drawing competitors from 14 different countries to fish in the event and contest the title, the World Catfish Classic has set a standard that others can only aspire to.

With a Wels Catfish weighing in at 91kgs (over 200lbs) in 2011, and a winning weight total of 594.90kgs (1091.0677lbs) duly registered in 2012 by the champions, you can determine that the event records are very healthy and that the event has been extremely successful. The three-day event has certainly made its mark and the concept has been remarkably well received. Fishing days only, from 08.00 – 18.00 has proven to be a winning formula, and with a daily draw taking place each evening every competitor has an equal opportunity to draw a good peg. Each evening, there is a meal provided by Angling Spirit and

t this event, u o b a re o m rn a to le If you would like .w please visit www

competitors get together to swap and share their tales from the riverbank. Peg draws always produce an exciting moment for competitors, and the World Catfish Classic has three! World Catfish Classic Champions 2012, Netherlands trio Ron Beugelink, Lee Carpenter and Arnout Terlouw, claiming their 2nd successive World Catfish Classic Title. 2nd Placed Alexander Knittel, Huber Andreas and Florian Riedel from Germany with one of the cats that contributed to their total catch weight of 307.25kgs The 3rd placed Team Ebro Crazy Cats (fishing in the Team Event for Team Black Cat, from Germany) consisting of Steve Howard (England), Alina Padurean (Romania) and Tracey Lewis-Wilson (Wales) with Team Runner Barry Wilson (Ireland) and Ross Honey (Scotland) misbehaving in the background. The fantastic spectacle of the flag parade, led by the stirring rhythm of a Spanish drum band, created a most memorable start to the event. The procession wended its way down through the meandering cobbled streets of Chiprana to the Opening Ceremony, creating a truly splendid atmosphere.

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