A Sport and Physical Activity Framework for Angus

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Outcome 3: We develop physical competence & confidence from the earliest age Current Context: Developing physical competence and confidence from the earliest age is essential for young people to stay active throughout life. In Angus it is achieved through our approach to quality physical education, physical activity and sport (PEPAS) experiences. Instilling this as early as possible enables us to have the best chance of staying active throughout life. By providing an extensive professional learning programme to support all teachers/early years practitioners, physical literacy is developed from an early age and our young people are equipped with the ‘tools’ to participate in physical education, physical activity and sport throughout their lives. Angus schools are committed to deliver 2 hours/2 periods

per week of physical education to all children and young people and leadership programmes exist across upper primary and secondary stages, developing transferable coaching, officiating, and organising skills. Within Angus’ higher and further education, there are extensive industry relevant qualifications enabling our students to further grow and develop. Physical education consistently drives attainment within Angus Secondary Schools, with insight analysis demonstrating this trend. Over the last 3 years an average A-C pass rate of 94.19% has been achieved at National 5. Rates of 87.42% at Higher and 83.52 at Advanced Higher has also been achieved over this period. Throughout the covid-19 pandemic, our young people did not receive the same levels of provision to develop their physical confidence and competence as they normally would. Establishing equity, access for all learners and safeguarding our resource for quality physical education delivery are all challenges we will need to overcome.

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