Outcome 4: We Improve our Active Infrastructure: Our People and Places Current Context: Currently across Angus there are over 1400 volunteers, coaches and deliverers enabling Angus residents to be active across more than 190 facilities. All Angus sport and physical activity organisations put people at the heart of what they do, developing the individual, within both education and community settings. We aim to have a consistent and collaborative approach to the development of our coaches, volunteers, and deliverers through this Framework. There will be a strategic approach to the development of sport and physical activity facilities, with club and community organisations empowered to achieve their own facility aspirations.
The COVID-19 pandemic and associated protective measures resulted in people spending more time outside with 48% of Scots accessing local green space to help them cope with stress. Many community club spaces were adversely affected for over a year due to the restrictions in place to reduce the spread of the virus. There is a greater need to look at how our excellent natural resources and outdoor spaces are used, ensuring they are maximised to their full potential now and into the future The pandemic highlighted the importance of providing the right training and guidance to our coaches, volunteers and deliverers across club and community organisations to ensure the needs of the participants are met. This continues to be a key priority to ensure we take a participant centred approach to the delivery of quality sport and physical activity opportunities for the people of Angus.