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Sale Catalogue Frequently Asked Questions

The list below is a quick reference source for members.

1. I want a catalogue with Angus Australia, what do I need to do?

Before any catalogue can be processed by Angus Australia you must first make sure you read and understand the Catalogue Service Agreement and then complete the Catalogue and Advertising Request Form and return it to Angus Australia. You will also need to put your sale lot information (Lot number, animal ident as recorded with Angus Australia and any comments, are all that is required) into the Excel Spreadsheet for Entering Lots and return it to Angus Australia. If the Excel Spreadsheet for Entering Lots is not filled out correctly or extra or alternative information is submitted, members will be asked to resubmit the information in its correct format. Most importantly members should ensure that their animals are fully registered with the correct information with Angus Australia, that all DNA and genomic requests have been made well advance of a sale and that all data relating to the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation have been submitted within a timeframe applicable for a sale. The Catalogue Service Agreement, Catalogue and Advertising request form and Excel Spreadsheet for Entering Lots, are all available form the Marketing Menu on the Angus Australia website. 2. What is a standard catalogue?

A standard catalogue (including private treaty sales), is any catalogue whereby the member only requires (for both lots and reference sires) either a csv extract in order to do their own data merge, added to the AngusSELECT and Catalogue section on the website only, choice of one of the Standard Templates available for sale catalogues, or a combination of these options. It also includes the, display animal photo and YouTube links on angus.tech, online catalogue promoted on Angus Australia social media and a standard Quick Summary EBV Table (including reference sires). 3. What is a customised catalogue?

A customised catalogue is any catalogue whereby the member wishes to use a catalogue template that is not part of the standard template range, which may include EBV removal, change to 2 or 3 gen pedigree, shading of EBVs, specific colour, custom reference sire list or any other request. It also includes, lots added to the AngusSELECT and Catalogue section on the website, display animal photo and YouTube links on angus.tech, online catalogue promoted on Angus Australia social media and a standard Quick Summary EBV Table (including reference sires). 4.I want to add my pdf online with Angus Australia, what do

I need to do?

If you have not already requested a catalogue service with Angus Australia, then you must refer to Question 1 and 2. Only catalogues that meet the requirements as set out in the Catalogue Service Agreement will be loaded online. Catalogues containing unregistered Angus animals or other breeds will not be loaded online. 5. I only want to put a catalogue online with Angus Australia, what do I need to do?

Refer to Question 1 and 2.

6.What is the turnaround time for catalogues?

The turnaround time for standard sale catalogues submitted to Angus Australia is generally between three and seven working days from receipt of all catalogue information, that includes, the completed Catalogue and Advertising Request Form and the completed Excel Spreadsheet for Entering Lots. The turnaround time for customised and full catalogue design is ten working days from receipt of all all catalogue information, that includes, the completed Catalogue and Advertising Request Form and the completed Excel Spreadsheet for Entering Lots. During peak catalogue periods, particularly July and August, the turn around time can be longer. These turn around times are also dependant on whether or not the member has ensured that their animals are fully registered with the correct information Angus Australia, that all DNA and genomic requests have been made well advance of a sale and that all data relating to the TransTasman Angus Cattle Evaluation have been submitted within a timeframe applicable for a sale. 7. How long does it take for my catalogue to be put online?

Refer to question 6. 8.What do I need to do to put images and videos on my sale animals?

In order to load photos of animals to angus.tech, the photos must be provided to Angus Australia with the file name of the photo to be the animal’s full ident as recorded on the database, eg. ABCP23. If photos are provided with alternative file names, eg. Lot 1 or P23, members will be asked to resubmit the images with the full ident. In order to load videos of animals to angus.tech videos must first be loaded to YouTube. It is recommended that the animals’ full ident is included in the video name eg. ABC123 and the playlist or individual video links are emailed through. Alternatively the information can be submitted in an excel spreadsheet with the animals’ full ident in one column and the corresponding video link in the next column. If videos are provided without this information, members will be asked to resubmit the videos.

9. What does it cost to produce a sale catalogue with Angus Australia?

Standard catalogue: $6.60 per lot Customised Catalogue: $6.60 per lot, plus $99 per hour or part thereof for customisation Full Catalogue Design: $6.60 per lot, plus $99 per hour or part thereof for design. Miscellaneous Catalogue Charges: $2.20 per lot (additional to $6.60) - For manual entry of sale lots and lot comments into Excel Spreadsheet or for re-extraction of CSV data extract (inc. reference sires).

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