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EPDs are a powerful tool that is available for making genetic progress. EPDs incorporate the performance of the individual along with the performance of all its relatives.
CE: Calving ease - the higher number predicts more calving ease.
BW: Birth. A lower EPD predicts more calving ease.
WW: Weaning. Higher weaning EPDs predict higher weaning weights.
YW: Yearling. Higher yearling EPDs indicate greater expected yearling weights.
Milk: Milk EPD should be used to predict the milking ability of the daughters of the bull in question. Higher milk EPDs project more milk.
REA: Rib Eye Area in sq.in. Describes marbling potential of calves expressed as difference in grade score.
MARB: Marbling. Describes marbling potential of calves expressed as difference in grade score.
CW: Carcass weight in lbs. Predicts differences in hot carcass weight of progeny.
$C: Combined value ($C), expressed in dollars per head, includes Growth, Maternal, Carcass, all 15 traits. It is expressed in terms of dollars and it reflects the expected difference in profits between bulls progeny.
For example: Bull A $C = $250 Bull B $C = $150
On average, progeny from bull A will be $100 more profitable in a Canadian commercial operation than the progeny from Bull B.
Current weights and scrotal measurements will be available sale day.