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Roughrider Bulls... Ellingson Roughrider
Excellent feet with depth of Heal...
Peak Dot Reference Sire
Ellingson Roughrider is a bull we have been very impressed with from the first time we seen him. He sold for $70,000. He carries much body depth and offers as much base width and thickness as any sire we have ever used. He stands on four big, solid, stout legs and has excellent feet with lots of heal. He sired an outstanding pen of 95 big, thick, husky performance bulls in the spring 2020 bull sale that were very well received averaging just over $8000. His daughters are regarded as some of the best females Ellingsons and Peak Dot have ever calved. Roughriders dam and grandam are both embryo donors and two of the greatest contributors to the Ellingson cowherd today.
EPDs Top 20% or better for:
1% Hoof Angle..............Top 1%
Marbling..................Top 20%
Top selling ROUGHRIDER sons from the past Peak Dot Bull Sale...