Casual men fashion magazine

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WRITEN BY Cường Vũ ( Image Typewriter )


Minimal Studio


Cường Vũ (Founder )

PRODUCE Mininal,Inc

Copyright © 2020 A beatitiful presenting curated fashion collection by Cường Vũ Big Seasonal & Exceptional ideasfor your styles Spring / Summer Trend



Editor’s Letter If you wear a T-shirt and jeans every day, your perspective on what it means to put on a suit and tie might be different. Even dressing up in a shirt and slacks in a businesscasual setting could bring up thoughts about how you’re perceived, especially if you’re uncertain about that dress code.

for me,” shift your thinking to “this new outfit is appropriate for the setting.” It’s a happy medium to settle in until you can come to accept the way you look. Try sharing the way you feel with people you can trust. It’s not awkward to admit to a friend that you think you’re overdressed or even pretentious, but it might be a weight off your chest to hear them commiserate. This process can validate that what you’re feeling is normal and has nothing to do with how others are perceiving you.

Practice is one of the best ways to resolve feelings of awkwardness in social situations, but there are other steps you can take. Most of them involve your confidence. If you feel that you’re not out of place wearing a certain outfit, the nerves will go away.

You can have this same interaction with a journal if you’re not comfortable speaking to a friend. Journaling can also be a good exercise to observe what works and what doesn’t so you can continue your progress toward feeling more confident in formal settings. Over time, those style pointers will start to add up. You might even notice your taste in clothes beginning to evolve and change. Many people grow into different styles as they mature, and a great outcome from the work you’ve done to feel more confident in nice clothes would be for you to begin incorporating them in your own wardrobe.

You can start by adjusting your internal dialogue. Instead of using words and thoughts like “these clothes are too good

To shed the nervous feeling this might cause, you’ll need to put aside the idea that how you see yourself is the wa ssume.

To shed the nervous feeling this might cause, you’ll need to put aside the idea that how you see yourself is the way others also see you. Chances are, people aren’t critical of you in the way you assume.

Cường Vũ Founder


A Little

Welcome How you dress says a lot about who you are. It’s the way you present yourself to the world, and you likely have a standard way you typically dress and a style you’re comfortable with. So why is it that you sometimes feel uncomfortable in new or nice clothing? Just owning a piece of clothing doesn’t mean that you necessarily wear it well. To help with your confidence, do a little homework about how to pair a suit jacket and slacks, or what types of shoes are appropriate for a semi-formal setting.


Consider how an investment banker feels in a black-tie setting. For him, dressing up is nothing out of the ordinary. As someone in a high-profile, lucrative career, his confidence level probably complements the clothes he wears both at work and in social settings. What if you’re not someone who’s regularly exposed to that kind of attention? A substantial number of careers don’t involve public-facing roles or don’t reward you for wearing fine clothes. If you’re someone in one of these roles, how might you think of the people who dress up every day? What might that make you do when suddenly, you’re asked to don the uniform of the white-collar crowd? You can start by adjusting your internal dialogue. Instead of using words and thoughts like “these clothes are too good for me,” shift your thinking to “this new outfit is appropriate for the setting.” It’s a happy medium to settle in until you can come to accept the way you look. Try sharing the way you feel with people you can trust. It’s not awkward to admit to a friend that you think you’re overdressed or even pretentious, but it might be a weight off your chest to hear them commiserate. This process can validate that what you’re feeling is normal.


Not about fashion is about your styles of passion.

Trendetter Fashion Style

Wear It Well Just owning a piece of clothing doesn’t mean that you necessarily wear it well. To help with your confidence, do a little homework about how to pair a suit jacket and slacks, or what types of shoes are appropriate for a semi-formal setting.


Not about fashion is about your style of passion Never assume your planned occasion can connect with your designer outfit just because you love it. Appearing wearing something off the occasion will display you as ignorant and out of touch with the others. Wearing to fit the occasion is a basic fashion diktat that you should keep in mind. In fact, when you dress to honor the occasion you are attending, not only will others appreciate your look, but they take you seriously and respect.

Art of fashion can reflects who and how you are. Over time, those style pointers will start to add up. You might even notice your taste in clothes beginning to evolve and change. Many people grow into different styles as they mature.


It would be awkward to go with a casual look that fits a clubbing setting to an office. The same applies the same if you have been invited to attend your friend’s wedding, make sure you stick to the dressing code. .


When you are invited to a wedding event, you should know it is a white tie or black-tie event. Not unless the bride and the groom agree to customize their theme differently. Women love fashion, and most of the time, take this moment to show off their latest trends. Well, for this case you should save this moment for another day.




You will agree the interview is an important part of everyone’s life and you have to prepare for it. The first impression matters and it can break or make your special moment. The suit is the most preferred attire as it reflects professionalism, commitment, and discipline. Prior to the interview date, you can contact the HR department to learn more about the company and their attire preference. Doing that shows your keen interest in respecting what the company looks for in their candidates. If you are an accessory person, on this day, you can avoid any pieces of jewelry as that can be distracting times. Make sure you capture the moment by dressing presentably and something that shows you are ready for the interview It is not easy to look stylish and at the same time, to get things right for an occasion. It is only important to organize your wardrobe and be extra careful about the clothes you buy. When you balance your outfits and learn a couple of things about what is expected in an event, the process will look easy.


When you are invited to a wedding event, you should know it is a white tie or black-tie event. Not unless the bride and the groom agree to customize their theme differently. Women love fashion, and most of the time, take this moment to show off their latest trends. Well, for this case you should save this moment for another day. It would be best if you never looked too shiny or wear white color as that may compete with the bride. The white color or extra shiny color should be left to the bride alone. The best thing you can do is to flow with the preferred dressing code of the wedding without breaking the etiquette rules.

As mentioned earlier, if you have an idea about what is required for a dinner party, it is wiser to ask the advice of your host. The last thing to do is offending your host when their guests are present. Therefore, prevent wearing the wrong colors or overdressing as that may not augur well with your companions. If the dinner party is a formal one, you can choose a cocktail outfit though it doesn’t hurt doing some research by talking to the host to learn more about their choice or preference. Also, the event, of course, is to be happy with others and avoid making a big deal about it. Above all, wear something that makes you comfortable for you and others as well.


Fashion for love and works is a part of life



t would be awkward to go with a casual look that fits a clubbing setting to an office. The same applies the same if you have been invited to attend your friend’s wedding, make sure you stick to the dressing code. In case you are not sure what to wear for an occasion, you can enquire from the person who invited you to avoid embarrassing yourself or spoiling other’s events with your special look. Following a simple dressing code of the occasion will help you prevent fashion drama that many people avoid. It is always an honor to get an invite extended to you and on your end should respond positively by respecting the flow others are using. If it is a black-tie occasion, make sure you dress in something formal and saucy. When you get it right about the dressing code, you look presentable and attract the right attention from the people who matter. If the dinner party is a formal one, you can choose a cocktail outfit though it doesn’t hurt doing some research by talking to the host to learn more about their choice or preference. Also, the event, of course, is to be happy with others and avoid making a big deal about it. Above all, wear you comfortable for you and others as well.

You will agree the interview is an important part of everyone’s life and you have to prepare for it. The first impression matters and it can break or make your special moment. The suit is the most preferred attire as it reflects professionalism, commitment, and discipline. Prior to the interview date, you can contact the HR department to learn more about the company and their attire preference. Doing that shows your keen interest in respecting what the company looks for in their candidates. If you are an accessory person, on this day, you can avoid any pieces of jewelry as that can be distracting times.





If you feel limited when it comes to what to wear for any occasion, you should know there is much more to dressing than you might imagine. The way you dress influences the kinds of impressions you portray. Many people, including the ones seeing you for the first time, make the judgment of you based on the clothes you wear. That’s why it is very important to take time to decide the clothes to wear as people conclude your personality from how you look. If you have zero ideas about the best fashion ideas, you can get that in the most unlikely places, and it’s all about combining various elements to come up with a perfect outcome. If you feel Gucci shoes blend well with light looking dress for a coffee date, go for it. But to look readily stylish, you need to organize your wardrobe to avoid last-minute choices that may blunder your important occasion. Never assume your planned occasion can connect with your designer outfit just because you love it. Appearing wearing something off the occasion will display you as ignorant and out of touch with the others. Wearing to fit the occasion is a basic fashion diktat that you should keep in mind.


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