Book sorry issuu

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Today, in our lesson, everyone was waiting for Ms.Potato to teach us the new songs which are very good and funny.

In the luch time, we were put on the table and the chairs were lined up.

Incidentally, one of the unforunate happened. Mushroom’s chair has directly hit to Broccoli.

Mushroom rushed to rub the pain of Broccoli and ask if he was ok, but she could not stop crying.

Then Ms. Potato came and said to Mushroom: I know that comforting her is good, but it is not enough dear. You should apologize to her as well.

Because, beside caring the outside, mentally comforting others is also very important. It will make they feel your truly attention, then they will forget all the pain and do not cry anymore.

You see, Mushroom is a very good person for comforting Broccoli, he bravely confess and especially remember to say sorry after knowing that he did something wrong. Apology mean to help us become better little by little.

Pleae help Salad find the way to say “sorry” Mushrooms

SAY I’M SORRY The Wonder Kids When you knock Let your kindness show somebody down I’m sorry, I’m sorry When you push Let your manners someone around grow and grow Always say I’m sorry When you make a big mistake It’s an easy think to say If an awful face you make When you interrupt a guest Always say I’m sorry If you make a great big mess It’s an easy thing to do Always say I’m sorry If you bump a friend of mine It’s an easy think to say If you say a word unkind Always say I’m sorry Chorus It’s an easy thing to say I’m sorry, I’m sorry Let your manners Learn to say I’m sorry grow and grow.

When you make a mistake, be courageous to admit it and apologize. The apology is a miracle even if it just a short sentence. It can help relieve pain, bring consolation and especially those who say the apology was the bravest people.

C VNVA19031993

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