O u t An d Ab o u t ▼
Discover Words 1
transport verbs 1.20 Match
Hi! This week on Discovery 101 we’re looking at transport. What type of transport do you use every day?
the words with the pictures. Then listen, check and repeat.
pick up 1 drop off depart from arrive at get off miss catch take off land
get in
get out of
get on
4 5
7 11 12
10 8 9
2 Find six different types of transport in the pictures. Write the word under the correct verb. get in / get out of get on / get off car
catch / miss
3 Work with a friend. Ask and answer. 1 How do you usually get from one place to another? 2 Which is your favourite type of transport? Discover
extra words. Go to the inside back cover.
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in this unit: • • • • • •
transport verbs present continuous for the future inviting will word building: verb to noun going to 17
3/30/11 1:45 PM