Discover English Level 4 Workbook

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ironment The Envir My Dictionary


Animals 1

Label the picture.





cat mouse

guinea pig 2 D C L I O N S F L


Find fifteen animals. A H O R S E H M A







3 Write the animals from Exercise 2 in the correct column. wild animals

farm animals



















Look at Exercise 1 and 2 and name …

1 … one animal that hasn’t got legs. 2 … two animals that live in water. 3 … three animals that fly. 4 … four animals that people eat. 5 … five animals that eat plants.

my words Do you know more animal words? Write them here.



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extra words. Go to page 80.


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rt 4 The Game: Part Talking Tips! 1

Circle the correct meaning.

1 honestly 2 Shall I …?

= sadly / truthfully = Would you like me to …? / Do you have to …? 3 it’s no wonder = it’s really beautiful / it isn’t surprising 2

Complete the dialogue with sentences a–c.

5 Joey wants a big dog; his sister Kay wants a small dog. Their mum doesn’t want a dog at all. Read the texts and decide who’s speaking. Joey


a Honestly. I know what I’m doing! b It’s no wonder they are snarling. c Shall I feed them? Greg Those poor dogs haven’t got any space. Jane 1 Greg They look hungry to me. Jane 2 Greg Be careful, they bite! Jane 3


Zero and first conditional 3 1 2 3 4 5 6



If we have a dog, we’ll never go on holiday. It won’t be easy to leave him and it won’t be easy to travel with him. If it’s a big dog, he will cost a lot of money. Dog food is expensive! If we have a dog, we’ll spend a lot of money on vet’s bills. And we’ll probably need a cleaner too!

If we get a big dog, he’ll bark at strangers. We’ll all feel safer. If we take him for walks in the country, other people won’t bother us. We’ll all keep fit too.

Underline the zero conditional sentences. If you want to buy a cat, get a black one. If you don’t like going for walks, a cat will go out alone. If you don’t like mice, buy a cat. If you travel a lot, a cat will be an easy pet. If your house is small, a cat won’t take up much space. If you go away, leave some food for the cat.


If we get a dog, he’ll be company for me. If he’s small, he’ll sleep in my room. He won’t be any trouble. He won’t need much exercise and if he’s small, he won’t eat much.

4 Complete the sentences using the zero conditional. 1 If plants don’t have water, they die. (not have, die) 2 If we down trees, forests . (cut, disappear) 3 If you animals, they away and . (frighten, run, hide) 4 If people documentaries, they about the planet. (watch, learn) 5 If farmers more organic vegetables, they cheaper. (grow, be) 6 If we less energy, we the planet. (use, help) 32

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6 with.

How about you? Write who you agree

9 Now read the article. Does it answer your questions? WILD ANIMAL Magazine, Spring

Parrot Alarm! We often say that a dog is a man’s best friend, but maybe a parrot is even better?

7 Choose an unusual pet: a snake, a spider or a lizard. Write three positive and three negative things about it. If we have a

In the case of Nina Wilson, it was her pet parrot, Greengage, who saved her life, while her dog, Brutus, slept at her feet.

, it will

It won’t

Nina’s parrot, Greengage, is well known for his ability to imitate different sounds. ‘If you walk past Nina’s house, don’t be surprised to hear a chicken or a hippo’, says a neighbour, Sally Biggs. Greengage loves watching nature programmes and then practising the different sounds.

Reading looking for information

Before you read a factual text, think about what you want to find out. Note down some general questions about the subject.

His ability turned out to be very useful when on the night of May 13th a fire broke out in Nina’s kitchen. Nina fell asleep in the living room while watching television, and didn’t realise there was a fire. Brutus was asleep too. Luckily, the sound that Greengage decided on that night was that of a fire alarm. By the time his owner woke up, the fire was already in the living room.

8 Look at the photo and the article headline. What questions would you like the article to answer? WILD ANIMAL Magazine, Spring

Parrot Alarm!

Fortunately, Nina and Brutus got out in time. And Greengage? Because Nina couldn’t take the cage, she opened the door and the bird flew out. So if anyone hears a parrot barking in the trees, please tell the police! Nina is desperate to find her hero!

We often say that a dog is a man’s best friend, but maybe

10 True, false or doesn’t say?

1 2 3

1 2 3 4 5 6

The text talks about three pets. false Greengage is 3 years old. Sally is Nina’s neighbour. Greengage can sing. The fire broke out in the living room. Brutus and Greengage are with Nina now. 33

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d Without Bees rld A Worl Plants 1


Complete the words.

2 fl __ w __ r

1 tr e e

3 tr __ nk

4 r __ __ ts

5 st __ m 7 br __ nch


l __ __ f (l __ __ v __ s) 8 s __ __ ds

Second conditional 2

Order the words to make sentences.


wouldn’t bees have disappeared, If we honey . If bees disappeared, we wouldn’t have honey. 2 new I buy If camera money, had I’d a . 3

in France be if Would happy you lived you ?

Choose the correct words.

1 If I had a problem, tell my parents. a I’d b I’m c I’ll 2 I would be really angry if someone my mobile. a steals b would steal c stole 3 My friends would pass their exams if they more. a study b studied c didn’t study 4 If Sue got bad marks, her parents would worried. a be b been c were 5 I’d be really happy if I go to Australia. a can b could c can’t 6 If Mike bought a new bike, I’d it from him. a borrows b am borrowing c borrow 7 If you were famous, you be in magazines? a when b would c will 8 If I met Brad Pitt, I speak to him. a won’t b wouldn’t c didn’t 9 We would be very happy if we didn’t the test today. a have b had c has 10 If there any bees, what would we do? a wasn’t b didn’t c weren’t 4

Write the sentences.

1 If scientists / stop / using chemicals, bees / live / longer. If scientists stopped using chemicals, bees would live longer. 2 If bees / die, they / not pollinate / flowers. 3 Flowers / not produce / seeds if / bees / not pollinate them. 4 If / be / no seeds, there / be / no new flowers. 5 If / be / no fruit trees, there / be / no fruit.


a If bored, book was read Mark he’d . 6 Animals / die / if there / be / no food.


spider would If a had fly, he my it eat .


I’d help it ask if for couldn’t I do .


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5 Look at the prompts and write sentences in the second conditional. 1 no cars / people walk more If there were no cars, people would walk more. 2 we live on the Moon / we wear spacesuits

8 Read the article and complete the gaps with the expressions in the box. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. There is one extra expression. I believe I think

I doubt

In my opinion

I’m sure

3 people have wings / they fly 4 dogs talk / say ‘Hello!’

What can we do to stop climate change?

6 Match the phrases 1–6 and a–f to make questions.

I believe we need to look carefully at what we are doing to the planet. We are using too much energy and producing a lot of rubbish and not doing enough to stop it. If we want to find a solution, we must make changes in our everyday lives. 1

If you … 1 … won a plane ticket, d 2 … had £1,000, 3 … went to the best restaurant in town, 4 … found a lost dog, 5 … went to London, 6 … met your favourite star, a b c d e f

what would you say to him / her? would you go by train? what would you buy? where would you go? what would you eat? where would you take it?

7 What about you? Answer the questions in Exercise 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Writing expressing opinion

When you write a text in which you give your opinion about something, use these phrases: In my opinion … , I (don’t) think / believe / agree (that) … , I’m (not) sure (that) … , I doubt (that) …

Firstly, 2 that if we stop using cars and start using public transport more, we will save energy. We could even cycle to school or to work! If we took more exercise we would be fitter and healthier. Secondly, 3 that we could all turn down our heating a little bit in winter and not really notice the difference. If you are cold, you can wear an extra jumper. It isn’t really a problem! Finally, let’s take a new look at recycling. Nowadays many of us recycle glass, plastic and paper, but do we really need to produce all this rubbish? 4 , if we didn’t buy so much, we wouldn’t have to recycle so much. So next time you are in a shop, think: do I really need this? If the answer is no, don’t buy it! That way we save energy and money too!

9 Write a paragraph giving your opinion on how to save water. Use the expressions from the ‘expressing opinion’ box. What can we do to save water?


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rt 2 The Show: Part Zero, first and second conditional 1 Change the underlined words, so that the sentences are true for you.

Giving advice 4

Help Kirstie! Match the sentence halves.

1 If I had a pet, it would be a spider. 2 If I went to the cinema, I’d see a romantic film. 3 If I go abroad, I’ll go to England first. 4 If I didn’t have school today, I’d stay in bed. I can never remember my lines.

5 If it’s late when I get up, I run to school. 2

Circle the correct form of the verb.

1 I would walk / walked to school if I didn’t have a bike. 2 If the shops closed at weekends, we would all bought / buy less. 3 If you tell the teacher, she will help / helped you. 4 My parents will come with us if we ask / asked them. 5 If I were you, I will / would finish my work today. 6 He wouldn’t stop / stopped the game if it rained.

1 You shouldn’t 2 You should 3 If I were you,

My costume doesn’t fit me! 4 If I were you, d wear a different one. 5 You should e so much. 6 You shouldn’t worry f I’d shorten it.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.


1 Adam wants to go to a football match but he’s got an exam in the morning. If he didn’t have to (not have to) study, he ’d go (go) to the match. 2 Kirstie is going to an open air concert. They always (cancel) the concerts if it (rain). 3 Mike wants to have the leading role in the show but he can’t sing. If he (can) sing, he (have) the leading role. 4 There’s a trip to the theatre in London on Friday. If they (take) the train, they (not pay) much. 5 I have a lot of pets. If I (not feed) them, they (be) hungry. 6 Chris is in a play at the weekend. If he (remember) his lines on stage, he (be) very happy.

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a I’d record them. b get so nervous. c say them aloud.

I saw a ghost! 7 You should 8 If I were you, 9 You shouldn’t

g I’d forget about it. h tell anybody. i keep calm.

5 Write sentences using if I were you and you should / shouldn’t. take a friend sell the tickets celebrate with the class buy a camera tell anyone go in winter Anna Mum

I’ve won a trip to New Zealand! You should take a friend with you.

1 2


3 4


5 6

. . . . .

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6 Read Ivan’s problems. Give him some advice using if I were you and you should / shouldn’t. 1 I’m not very good at English. If I were you, I’d … You should … 2 I’m often late for school.


1 Wear a scarf; it could get sunny / chilly. 2 The children are staying inside today, it’s freezing cold / cloudy. 3 Is it rainy / warm enough to swim? 4 I don’t cycle to school in foggy / snowy weather. 9

3 I haven’t got many friends.

4 I’m in a school football team and I can’t play football!

5 I’d like to be an actor one day.

6 I want a new mobile but I haven’t got enough money.

Circle the correct words.

Read the text. Did Candy have a good time?

Hi Tom, The concert last night was OK but we were freezing cold at the end. If you decide to go tomorrow, take an extra jumper and a raincoat. I don’t know if you have the tickets yet, but it shouldn’t be too difficult to get them, not with this weather! I didn’t buy the CD, it was too expensive, but if you see it, get it for Vinnie, he’ll pay you on Saturday. Anyway, if I were you, I’d stay at home and see it all on TV. Call me if you have time! Love, Candy

Weather 7

chilly foggy

rainy warm

1 chilly


10 Choose the correct answers.

Match the words with the pictures. cloudy freezing cold sunny stormy snowy windy




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1 Candy was at … a an open air concert. b an indoors concert. c a sports match. 2 The weather was … a chilly. b sunny. c freezing cold. 3 It shouldn’t be too difficult to … a decide to buy a jumper. b buy tickets for the concert. c go when the weather is better. 4 Candy didn’t buy the CD because it was … a not very good. b not cheap enough. c not for sale. 5 Candy thinks that Tom should … a go to the concert with Vinnie. b take sunglasses to the concert. c stay at home and watch the concert on TV.


03/08/2011 11:52

s Revise! Let’ t’s Vocabulary 1 1 2 3 4 5 6

Grammar 4

Circle the odd one out.

1 2 3 4 5 6

budgie sheep parrot duck monkey horse lion giraffe zebra goldfish guinea pig hamster goldfish duck tiger hippo pig cow fly chicken zebra horse cow snake


Complete the puzzle.

1 It grows on a branch and it’s green. l _ _ _ 2 They’re part of a tree that grows under the ground. r _ _ _ _ 3 New plants grow from them. s _ _ _ _ 4 It’s thick, long and brown, but it’s not a branch. t____ 5 The plural of word in number 1. l _ _ _ _ _ 6 Leaves and flowers grow from this. s _ _ _ 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. freezing cold chilly windy stormy warm foggy snowy rainy

Match the sentence halves. If it rains, If we had more money, If you frighten bees, If I didn’t get so nervous, If you are tired, If you pass your test,

a b c d e f

they sting! we’ll go to the cinema. go to bed. we’ll stay inside. I would go on stage. we’d visit New York.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the zero, first or second conditional. 1 If everybody scared of bees, we wouldn’t any honey. (be, have) 2 If all bees , plants will . (die, disappear) 3 If he really a dog, he would one. (want, buy) 4 If I this exam, I’ll a computer course. (pass, start) /14

Functions 6 Order the words in sentences a–c and match them with the situations 1–3.

1 All the leaves fell of the trees on that Saturday. 2 The clouds were black and the night was . 3 There was ice on the windows and the bedroom was . 4 It was too to see the house across the road. 5 It’s really beautiful when it’s – everything’s so white. 6 It’s quite outside – better wear a scarf. 7 Children like to play outside when it’s . 8 I don’t like getting wet, so I always stay at home in weather.

1 It’s freezing cold outside. 2 My computer keeps switching off. 3 I’m so scared of the dark! a

a if I’d buy I new you one were .


at scary you watch night shouldn’t films .


warmer wear a you scarf should . /6

Your score

Your total score /40

/20 31–40




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