Performing arts 1A
Reading and Use of English 1: Multiple
choice (Part 5); Word formation (Part 3); Open cloze (Part 2) Listening 1: Sentence completion (Part 2) Language development 1: Present and past review: State verbs; Time words Writing 1: Discursive essay (Part 1): Summarising and evaluating
l language we ‘Music is the most universa n on the planet humans have … every perso nd great music.’ has the abilit y to understa
2: Multiple matching (Part 4) and entertainment (Parts 1 & 2) Reading and Use of English 2–3: Key word transformations (Part 4); Multiple-choice cloze (Part 1) Language development 2: Future tense review Writing 2: Discursive essay (Part 1): Summarising and evaluating
Speaking: Music
‘There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good.’
‘I love acting. It is so much more real than real life.’
‘There are no limits. There are plateaus, but you must not stay there, you must go beyond them.’
Lead-in 1
Discuss the quotations. Which do you like best? Why?
What different types of performing arts can you think of? Brainstorm your ideas and draw up a list. Which ones do you prefer?
How important are the following factors in becoming a successful performing artist? training a mentor upbringing arts family background a lucky break participation in talent contests
innate talent
Who do you think are some of the best performers around today? How do you think they achieved excellence in their particular field?
Which type of performing arts do you think has the most secure future? Which are the most accessible to young people?
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