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Vocabulary Qualities of mind
Discuss the questions in pairs. • What does the photo show? • What kind of information can scientists get from brain scans?
2 a
Read the text about the human brain. Which statements do you think are facts and which are myths? Compare answers in pairs.
3.14 Listen to a radio programme and check. Which statements do scientists disagree on?
3 a
3.15 Check the words in blue. Try to remember who the statements are associated with, men (M), women (W), ‘left-brained’ people (L), ‘right-brained’ people (R), video game-players (V) or teenagers (T). V They are quick-thinking and good at 1 □ multi-tasking. 2 □ They tend to be empathetic and have good verbal skills. 3 □ They are good at processing information and learning languages. 4 □ They tend to be imaginative and artistic. 5 □ They can be badly organised and impulsive. 6 □ They are practical and analytical. 7 □ They are more independent have good spatial skills.
Listen again and check.
Write one sentence about five of the people in the box below, using Words2know. Explain your ideas. teenagers middle-aged people elderly people men women my friend my father my sister artists architects scientists business people politicians
My sister is very artistic - she's always drawing. Architects need good spatial skills because they have to design buildings. 64
Articles Modals of ability Vocabulary Qualities of mind Health Describing people Phrases Giving a speech (2) Answering challenging questions
The human brain: facts and myths Thanks to modern science, we know more about the human brain than ever before. So are these common ideas facts or myths? • • • • •
Men have bigger brains than women. Some people are ‘left-brained’ and some are ‘right-brained’. Video games are bad for the brain. The brain is fully developed by the time we enter our teens. Eating fish makes you brainy.
5 a
Write four sentences about yourself using the Words2know. One sentence should be false but the others should be true. b In pairs, read your sentences to each other. Guess which sentence is false.
I'm very imaginative and artistic, I write a lot of poetry. False - I don't believe that! MINI WORKBOOK exercises 6–7 page 124
Grammar Focus Articles
6 a
3.16 Listen to some sentences about the ideas in the programme. Complete the sentences with the articles you hear or write (ø) if there is no article. 1 Men and women have different brains. a ø Women have better verbal skills but men have better spatial skills. 2 We use both sides of b___ brain but in some people the left side is dominant. In others, the right is dominant. 3 This is an interesting subject. Many people worry that video games are bad for c___ young but d___ latest research into the subject suggests that the opposite is true. The brains of video gamers are actually very sharp. They process information faster than the average person. 4 e___ teenage brain is highly effective in many ways. But the front of the brain develops last and this is the part that is responsible for organisation. 5 Some scientists claim that f___ vitamins that are found in oily fish are good for the elderly because they help stop memory loss.
b Underline eleven more nouns with articles and circle eleven nouns with no article.