New Success Pre-Intermediate Workbook

Page 1


It’s me!


Present Simple I/We/You/They He/She/It Do Does

Spelling for third person s



speak English. speaks English.

do not (don’t) does not (doesn’t)

speak English.

Yes/No questions

Short answers

I/we/you/they he/she/it

Yes, I/we/you/they do. No, he/she/it does not (doesn’t).

speak English?

We use the Present Simple for: • facts which are always true: The sun rises in the east. • routines and habits: I often walk to school. Adverbs, e.g. always, sometimes, often, never show the frequency of an activity.

• For most verbs, add s : I smile ➝ she smiles • After -s, -x, -z, -ch, -sh, go and do, add es : we watch ➝ he watches they go ➝ it goes • After consonant + y, change y to i, add es : you fly ➝ it flies • After vowel + y, add s : we play ➝ she plays • Remember have becomes has.

Present Continuous Affirmative I am (’m) We/You/They are (’re) He/She/It is (’s)

Negative am not (’m not) are not (aren’t) is not (isn’t)

Yes/No questions Am I Are we/you/they

eating dinner now?

Is he/she/it

Spelling eating dinner now.

Short answers Yes, I am. No, I am (’m) not. Yes, we/you/they are. No, we/you/they are not (aren’t). Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it is not (isn’t).

• After most verbs, add -ing : go ➝ going, sleep ➝ sleeping • After one vowel + one consonant, double the consonant and add -ing : sit ➝ sitting • Verbs ending with consonant + e, remove the e and add -ing : leave ➝ leaving • Verbs ending with ie, change ie to y and add -ing, e.g. die ➝ dying

We use the Present Continuous for: • temporary situations: I’m working in Paris at the moment. • changing situations: My English is getting better. • things which are happening now: I’m reading a book. Time expressions like now, these days, at the moment show the activity is happening now or around now. 1 Choose the correct answer: a, b or c. We ___ hard at the moment. a are working b work c works 1 My mother usually ___ in the morning. a is working b work c works 2 I ___ a lot of science fiction this year. a read b reading c ’m reading 3 We ___ more time in the library this term. a ’re spending b spend c ’s spending

4 ___ they ___ in that big house? Yes, they do. a Are / living b Do / live c Does / live 5 I ___ to school this week. a ’m not going b don’t go c doesn’t go 6 It’s very late. ___ tired? a Do you get b Are you getting c Do you getting 7 They always ___ to the cinema on Saturday. a go b goes c ’re going

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It’s me!

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

5 There are five more sentences with grammar mistakes. Find and correct them.

Our cat always sleeps in the kitchen. (sleep) My sister _________ the piano a lot these days. (play) My brother _________ his car on Sundays. (not wash) I watch football on TV but I _________ to matches. (not go) Our neighbour _________ to work this week. His car is at the garage. (not drive) These days, my three-year-old sister _________ very talkative. (get) We often _________ our homework in the library after school. (do) I _________ today because I’m ill. (not get up) _________ you _________ a good book at the moment? (read) _________ she usually _________ the bus to work? (get)

3 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 do / live? / you / Where ________________________________________ 2 does / football / she / team / support? / Which ________________________________________ 3 studying / they / are / this year? / What ________________________________________ 4 nationality? / is / What / her ________________________________________ 5 send / he / lots / of / texts? / Does ________________________________________ 6 I / annoying / Am / you? ________________________________________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

We study for our exams at the moment. ✗ We are study¡ng for our exams at the moment. Do you like Arsenal or Manchester United? It always is getting dark at night. Please be quiet. I listen to the news. My sister never is reading science fiction. Do you sometimes walking to school? More girls are playing football these days. My uncle regularly speaks French for his job. My aunt stays with us this week. My cousins visit us every summer.

__________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ __________________________________________ 6 Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.

4 Complete the email with the correct form of the verbs in the box. be do (x2) not live not spend stay visit work (x2) write  NEW MESSAGE



Hi Sally! Thanks for your email! I ’m wr¡t¡ng this on Danny’s laptop because he isn’t here this week. Here’s all the family news: Danny 1__________ with our grandparents this week. He often 2 __________ them because he loves Grandma’s food and she usually 3__________ his homework! I 4__________ a lot of time with them at the moment because I 5__________ exams this term. Mum 6__________ busy – she always 7__________ very hard. Dad 8__________ at home this year – he 9__________ in New York. He always 10__________ lots of texts and emails when he’s not at home so we know all his news. Write soon, Love, Carrie SEND

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Parents and teachers often say (say) that young people 1_________ (not read) enough. 2 _________ (be) this true? These days, children and teenagers 3_________ (read) lots of books by authors like Stephenie Meyer, JK Rowling and Philip Pullman. Ben, a teenager, says, ‘I 4_________ (read) a great book at the moment. It 5_________ (be) by a crime writer called Henning Mankel.’ His friend Sam adds, ‘My favourite books 6_________ (be) by fantasy writers. I 7_________ (read) lots of Stephenie Meyer and Philip Pullman but I never 8 _________ (buy) books, I 9_________ (get) them from the library.’ Sam’s sister says, ‘My parents usually 10_________ (give) me books for my birthday and this year, I 11_________ (read) lots of short stories.’ Librarians say, ‘It’s great. These days, more and more young people 12_________ (use) libraries. They usually 13_________ (start) with JK Rowling’s books when they are nine or ten years old but then they 14_________ (try) different authors.’


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ERASMUS About Erasmus




Case Studies


Are you interested in other cultures, meeting new friends, learning another language? Do you want to live and study abroad? If your answers are yes, then ERASMUS is what you are looking for! 3

Danielle I’m studying engineering in Rome for nine months. I’m having a fantastic time: I’m learning Italian, continuing my engineering studies and making new friends. There are Italian, French, Spanish, Polish and Swedish nationals on my course and everyone is friendly.

ERASMUS is the European 1 Union’s education programme for university students. It helps students from more than thirty European countries to study at foreign universities. Students live and study abroad for between three months and a year. The time is part of their degree course, it isn’t a gap year.

ERASMUS 2 ★ is fun and a great thing to have on your CV ★ helps you become more confident and independent ★ teaches you about life – and yourself ★ improves your language skills ★ introduces you to people from different countries (10% of students meet their lifelong partner!)




Read the webpage quickly. Choose the main

1 Global education 2 Studying in Europe 3 International student exchanges 2 Match the headings A–E with the sections 1–4. There is one extra heading. A B C D E

Do you want to find out more? How much does it cost? What is ERASMUS? What’s it like studying abroad? Why take part?

3 Complete the definitions with the correct underlined words from the webpage.


1 _________ (n) what you study for at a university 2 _________ (adj) [a place] with people from many parts of the world 3 _________ (adj) believing you can do things well 4 _________ (n) a set of planned actions and activities 5 _________ (n) a list of your education and work experience 6 _________ (adj) believing you can do things without needing help 7 _________ (n) a one-year holiday from studying

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Pablo I’m studying in Leeds and it’s a brilliant experience! I’m lucky because I’m bilingual in Spanish and English so I don’t have any language problems. Leeds is a cosmopolitan city but some foreign students can’t understand the local accent! To find out more, visit the international student office at your home university or you can find information on the Internet.


4 Complete the sentences with five of the words from Exercise 3. 1 When you write your _________ , try to get all the information on two pages. 2 Most young people want to be _________ of their parents before they are twenty-five. 3 Successful people are usually _________ . 4 There is a government _________ to make public transport better. 5 London is a very _________ city. You can see people from all over the world there. 5 Read the webpage again. Are the statements true (T), false (F) or is there no information (NI)? 1 Australian and Canadian students can study with the programme. 2 ERASMUS students are on a working holiday. 3 Doing ERASMUS can help you get a job. 4 ERASMUS students work harder than other students. 5 Danielle is having a good time in Italy. 6 Pablo went to Leeds because he can speak English. 7 There aren’t a lot of foreigners in Leeds. 8 To get information about ERASMUS students must write to the foreign university.

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It’s me!

GRAMMAR State and action verbs Most verbs refer to actions or processes. We can use them in the simple and continuous form. I often work on Saturdays but I’m not working today. Some verbs refer to states. We use these verbs only in the simple form. For example: Senses (often with can ) feel I feel cold. hear I can hear the main road from my flat. smell Can you smell petrol? see I can’t see the river from my house. taste Does this milk taste bad? Thoughts agree believe forget know promise remember think understand

I agree with you. We believe the world is round. I always forget his name. We know London very well. I promise to write to you. I remember my grandfather very clearly. She thinks her answers are right. He doesn’t understand German.

Feelings hate like love prefer need want

I hate working on Saturday. They like chocolate cake. He loves crime novels. She prefers jazz to soul music. We need a holiday. I want a cup of coffee.

1 Read the short conversations and choose the correct forms. 1 A Can you see / Are you seeing the children? B No, but I can hear / I’m hearing them. They play / They’re playing in the garden. 2 A I look / I’m looking for a CD for my grandfather. B What sort of music does he like? A I think / I’m thinking he likes jazz and rock. 3 A Do you know / Are you knowing Tom and his sister? B I know / I’m knowing Tom but I don’t remember / I’m not remembering his sister. 4 A I don’t believe / I’m not believing the world’s climate is changing. B I don’t understand / I’m not understanding you! The polar ice caps melt / are melting! 5 A Do you enjoy / Are you enjoying your meal? B Yes, thank you. I love / I’m loving pasta. And I like / I am liking pizza too.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 2 3 4 5

My teacher wants (want) me to work harder. I _________ (not like) soul music. Can we listen to rock instead? I can’t talk now. I _________ (make) dinner. This coffee _________ (taste) great. Look! Julia _________ (run) for the bus! _________ you _________ (promise) to be home at 10.30?

3 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

feel know look need not forget read not like not understand prefer want Rose Alex Rose Alex


Alex Rose Assistant Rose Assistant Rose Assistant Rose Assistant

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What are you looking for? I need something to read on the train. What about that detective story? It 1 _________ interesting. No, I 2_________ detective stories. I 3_________ science fiction. What about you? I don’t like science fiction – I 4 _________ it! 5_________ you _________ this crime author, Robert B Parker? No, I don’t. Ask the assistant about him. Excuse me. Is Robert B Parker a good writer? Yes, he’s brilliant! I 6_________ one of his books at the moment. That sounds good! 7 _________ you _________ the book? Yes, please. And a bottle of water – I 8_________ thirsty. OK, that’s £7.50. Thank you. Goodbye. 9 _________ your bag!


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T3 Read the conversation. Write the echo questions. Then listen to check.

Helen What do you do, Ed? Ed I work for a travel company. Helen 1_________ ? That sounds great. Do you like travelling? Ed Yes, I love it. What sort of holidays do you enjoy? Helen I love cycling holidays. I’m a very enthusiastic cyclist. 2 Ed _________ ? How far do you go? Helen Usually no more than fifty miles. The countryside near my home is beautiful. 3 Ed _________ ? It sounds great. I’ve got a bike too. Helen 4_________ ? Let’s meet up one weekend. Ed That sounds good but I always work on Saturday. 5 Helen _________ ? I can go next Sunday. 6 Ed _________ ? Great! Let’s meet up.

2 Choose the best expression for an interested answer. 1 A I’ve won €1,000,000! B What an interesting thing to do! / Wow! / Are you? 2 A I don’t think my boss likes me. B Really? Why do you think that? / Brilliant. I like her too. / That sounds cool. What’s your job? 3 A We can meet outside the cinema. B Can you? / That sounds good. 7.30? / How interesting! 4 A I’m getting tickets for the concert. Do you want to come? B Am I? / Really? / I’d love to. 5 A It’s my birthday today! B What an interesting thing to do. / That’s brilliant! Thanks. / Is it? Congratulations!

WORD LIST Identity belong to bilingual border (n) foreign home town international nation national anthem nationality neighbourhood Personality adjectives big-headed boring bossy caring cheerful clever confident friendly funny generous hard-working helpful laid-back lazy lively loud mean modest optimistic outgoing passionate pessimistic polite popular proud quiet reserved romantic rude selfish serious shy stupid talkative tolerant Time expressions always at the moment never now nowadays often rarely regularly sometimes these days this term/year usually

Countries and nationalities Brazil Scotland Scottish Sweden Swedish Types of books classic novels crime fantasy horror science fiction short stories Types of music classical folk hip-hop indie jazz metal pop reggae rock soul techno Free time chat online dance (v) do puzzles draw (v) go to the gym keep fit make clothes paint (v) play board/computer/ role games play/listen to music play sports read sing Other brilliant bring together chef difference do well (at school) enjoy get on (with) get to know sense of humour subject take part in

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It’s me!


4 Complete the sentences with the correct words. The number of letters is given.

1 Complete the adjectives. Noun 1 cleverness 2 generosity 3 laziness 4 modesty 5 passion 6 politeness 7 romance 8 selfishness 9 shyness 10 stupidity

Adjective _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

2 Complete the advertisements with five of the words from Exercise 1.

★ Are you shy? ★ Do you hate meeting new people? ★ You can stop your 1_________ with our self-help books and CDs.

Our charity supplies clean, healthy water to the world’s poorest people. This year, we want to raise a million Euros so please be 2__________ . Remember, with your 3__________ we can help thousands of people.

1 My mum speaks fluent English and French – she’s _________ (9). 2 Our home is in a quiet _________ (13) outside the city. I like it because I know everyone. 3 I live in Britain but my _________ (11) isn’t British; I’m Spanish. 4 At the start of an international football match, the teams sing their _________ _________ (8, 6). 5 My grandfather speaks two languages because he lives very near the _________ (6) between France and Germany. 5 Choose the correct personality words. 1 Ella’s got a fantastic sense of humour – she’s very ___ . a tolerant b serious c funny d caring 2 Ana is very ___ . She never pays for anything! a mean b loud c cheerful d proud 3 Mario is too ___ in class so his marks are bad. a hard-working b helpful c talkative d clever 4 My best friend is very ___ . She never worries about anything. a bossy b laid-back c boring d lively 5 You must stop being ___ and think about other people! a confident b friendly c serious d selfish 6 Tomas is very ___ about the future. He doesn’t think he’ll pass his exams or get a job. a optimistic b outgoing c pessimistic d reserved

Extend your vocabulary 1 Study the verbs and the examples. Then complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. homework

Are you looking for _________ on 14th February? Enjoy a 5_________ dinner with the person you love at



do an action or activity


a meal

Valentine’s Restaurant with roses and champagne.


make something


chess 3 Choose the music words. classic novel classical crime fantasy folk hip-hop horror jazz pop reggae rock science fiction soul techno

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play a game or sport


1 2 3 4

Close the door. We _________ a surprise birthday cake for Mum. Don’t speak to us! We _________ chess. I _________ a dance class on Thursday evenings. My brother and I _________ board games because we always argue. 5 I like working with my hands so I often _________ presents for my family. 6 Can you help me, please? I _________ a difficult crossword.

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