Bidi smoking costs India Rs 800 bn
every year in ill health, early deaths However, the tax revenue derived from bidi smoking came to just Rs 4.17 billion in 2016-17
Bidi smoking costs India over Rs 800 bilion in ill health and early deaths every year which is equivalent to 0.5 per cent of the goods and services (GDP) the country produces and more than two per cent of its total health spend, says a study. Direct costs - tests, drugs, doctors' fees, hospital stays, and transport - make up around a fifth of this total with the remainder made up of indirect costs - accommodation for relatives/carers and loss of household income, showed the findings published in the journal Tobacco Control.The findings, based on National Sample Survey data on healthcare expenditures, data on bidi smoking prevalence from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey and relative risks of all-cause mortality from bidi smoking, were for the year 2017.However, the tax revenue derived from bidi smoking came to just Rs 4.17 billion in 2016-17, said the study.