Disability makes justice even harder for victims of sexual abuse
Women and girls with disabilities who survived sexual violence continue to face high barriers to the justice system, according to a recent report, despite legal reforms five years ago to laws against sexual violence.The report, “Invisible Victims of Sexual Violence: Access to Justice for Women and Girls with Disabilities in India”, was released on April 4, 2018, by Human Rights Watch (HRW), an international nonprofit.Women and girls who survive rape and other kinds of sexual violence often suffer humiliation at police stations and hospitals, said the report, which investigated 17 rapes and gang rapes in eight states–Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand, and West Bengal–where survivors live with a spectrum of disabilities, including physical, sensory, intellectual and psychosocial disability.The study included family, lawyers, officials of mental health institutions and shelter facilities, police, government officials, disability rights activists and special educators. The report detailed the challenges many women and girls with disabilities face throughout the justice process: Filing a police report, obtaining appropriate medical care, having complaints investigated, navigating the court system, and getting adequate compensation.