Get your skin, hair care tips right this winter While women are very particular about getting that extra care during winter, men nowadays have become equally mindful of their hair and skin.
While women are very particular about getting that extra care during winter, men nowadays have become equally mindful of their hair and skin. So, instead of testing and trying new hacks every now and then, start with the basics.
list tips to help you get through the chilly weather For her: * Boost your skin confidence: Hydration and moisturizing is essential for your skin, especially with the cold air making the skin severely dry. It's a lesser known fact that coconut is great for the skin and has a number of uses. Using a light-weight body lotion enriched with coconut butter will not only keep your skin feeling supple and wellprotected, but also gives your skin a party-ready glow. * Nourish your roots: Your hair is the next in line after your skin that bears the brunt of the chilly air. Be it frizziness of hair or dandruff, the root problem is lack of ample