Longer shifts at workplace can increase your error rates-Survey If you thought that working long hours may help you please your boss, think twice. According to a survey, people who work longer shifts typically make nine per cent more errors than those on shorter shifts.
If you thought that working long hours may help you please your boss, think twice. According to a survey, people who work longer shifts typically make nine per cent more errors than those on shorter shifts.This demonstrates that attention spans drift over a long work day, says a survey by Global software firm Pegasystems Inc, while revealing how ineffective software and poor processes are hindering productivity for many workers.The survey found that workers are saddled with too many of disconnected apps, leading to poor processes, increased errors, and wasted actions that could otherwise be automated.From digital distractions to extraneous activities, there are many events over the course of the day that take workers' attention away from productive tasks.Workers check their email 10 times per hour, or once every six minutes, throughout the course of their day. Employees spend 13 per cent of their time on email, of which only 23 per cent is spent on value-generating work.