OxygenOS makes OnePlus 5T faster, smarter: An Android Oreo on steroids
Sometimes, the best things are hidden from plain view. But in the background, they work their magic while making your life easier. But just sometimes, they may give you a panic attack.This is what happened after I upgraded to Oreo on the OnePlus 5T. After the update, the phone booted up blazing fast; then even before I could understand what was happening, the phone was unlocked. Was this a failed update? What happened to face recognition? Hope my data’s safe? Such perplexing questions gave me a sleepless night and I worked to get to the bottom of this. First, I checked the version of Android the phone was running; it was indeed Android Oreo. My data was safe, but still the phone unlocked immediately. Had face recognition gone kaput? On the iPhone X, face recognition works while you look at the screen. Thus, I moved away from the screen, and sure enough the phone stayed locked.