Your Guide to Fluorite SemiPrecious Jewellery Overview The uniqueness of any category of jewellery makes it even more desirable. Collectors and the curators of fashion jewellery love jewellery which is slightly unusual and different form the kind of jewellery that one generally gets to see in the jewellery market on an everyday basis. Fluorite jewellery is one of the best kind of jewellery that is available in the market. There are many factors that make fluorite jewellery a must have for any jewellery enthusiast or any fashionista to have in their jewellery collection. The sheer range of colors featured in fluorite jewellery is immense. This jewellery also tends to be soft because the mineral makeup that allows fluorite to have multiple colors also makes it soft and delicate and consequently difficult to work with. This jewellery needs to be taken care of and maintained with great caution or else it can potentially end up getting damaged. It is essential to gain a fundamental knowledge of any kind of jewellery before indulging in any kind of sale or purchase involving that jewellery. Gaining a comprehensive knowledge of jewellery before indulging in any purchase regarding the same helps a consumer to ensure that they don’t land themselves into a bad purchase or an unprofitable investment.
Fluorite Gemstones
Fluorite is an immensely popular mineral that is used in making jewellery. There is a wide variety of colors that is featured in fluorite jewellery which is also the reason for its immense fan following. The colors that one gets to see in this jewellery range from purple to orange. The color that is most preferred by jewellery collectors is purple. A purple fluorite bears close resemblance to an amethyst. On being polished, fluorite gems display an extraordinary streak of vibrant colors. Generally the kind of colors that are featured in fluorite gemstones are deep and intense however, there are also some soft and delicate colors that can be seen featured in this jewellery.
Cut and Color Change Being a soft and delicate mineral, fluorite is usually suited for jewellery that has a less chance of being knocked or one that is likely to come in less contact with other objects. However, due to the size of the gems that are mined in fluorite, it becomes an easy task for jewellery designers across the globe to cut it into desired shapes.
Caring for Fluorite The makeup of fluorite means that it requires careful looking after. As a mineral, it has perfect cleavage, which means that if dropped, a piece of jewelry is very likely to break if the gemstone hits a hard surface. Cleaning a soft mineral such as fluorite requires nonabrasive cleaning materials. Abrasive cleaners can damage the polished surface. Jewelry cleaning fluids or simple soap and water can restore the shine to fluorite jewelry if applied with a soft cleaning cloth and gentle handling.
Making Your Own Fluorite Jewelry Fluorite is often available in batches of rough and polished stones, which you can then make into jewelry. Rough stones carefully polished in a rock tumbler can produce highly individual gemstones. After polishing, or if purchased ready polished, a selection of simple tools and materials can create pieces that are as varied as the colors and stones available. Because fluorite is a soft mineral, it is possible to cut and pierce stones easily by using stone setting burs.
Conclusion Fluorite semiprecious jewellery is much famous among the masses. This has a great application in imitation jewellery such as necklace and imitation earrings . It has many features that make it a popular choice of most jewellery manufacturers .