Rotary Bulletin # 34 10th May 2017

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HILLS VIEWS Bulletin No 34

10th May 2017

Bulletin of the Rotary 3lub of Castle Hill ISSN 2203-126X

Rotary Club of Castle Hill Chartered 18th March 1965

PO Box 13, Castle Hill. 1765

Rotary Year 2016-17 District Governor: Bruce Lakin (District 9685 ) Rotary Int’l President: John F Germ

This Week Wednesday May 10th 2017

Next Week Wednesday May 17th 2017 Bruce De Graaf “Why aren't you Guest Speaker in Rotary’ Chair – Mike Hallen Regalia – Ross Hood, Peter Marcer Notes – Sushil Bandodkar

Chair – Ross Hood Regalia – Mike Blair, Bruce Allen Notes – David Brown


Duty Roster NotAvailable

Phil Davis 1st Ed Heyman 5th Peter Marcer 19th Barry Aslop 28th

David & Lyn Bull 4th Phil & Jenny Dunn 16th John & Pauline Barker 18th David & Joan Sommerlad 21st

BBQ Sunday 2nd July 2017 BBQ Bunnings Castle Hill 8am


hanks to all those who expressed an opinion at the meeting last Week. It is clearly a topic of great in-

Castle Hill Rotary.

It saddens me that as my year as President draws to its conclusion that we have not undertaken any major projects, either locally or more broadly. We have of course run our first Cross Country Challenge and we look forward to the next with some optimism that this year will be bigger and better than the last and will terest draw many more participants and make a to everyone good surplus to add to the projects account in the Club. Secur- for the next Rotary year. ing our future as a Club, or moving to join with another club – Assuming we can make a decent surplus we an option which seems on the face of it need to have something we can use those less popular – is one of the most important proceeds for. For those of you with ties into things we can do in the near future. the community – through your religious affiliations, or other charitable, school, sporting This weeks board meeting will further discuss and other affiliations – let’s hear about the the feedback we received from you all and we needs that exist in the community within the Castle Hill area and more broadly that we will continue this discussion with everyone prior to making any firm decisions, to be sure might be able to help with. This could be by that we have strong support from the current raising money – (Cross Country Challenge, BBQs etc.) – or by doing practical work as we membership for whichever route we take. did at Lisa Harnum Cottages and the Green’s Deck. I am still keen on doing something we It is therefore interesting that this week we the guys from Sky Juice – the water sanitising hear from Bruce De Graf who is the District system that is so simple and yet so effective. Membership Director and a long standing Who knows where these needs are that we member of Crows Nest Rotary Club. I know can identify specifically and partner with othfrom personal experience of Crows Nest that ers to deliver clean water in developing counthey have corporate members (or at least one tries. Are there other Green families out – that is how I connected to them through my there with needs, or special schools needing membership of Phoenix House as a Corporate new equipment they can’t afford that we Member of Crows Nest). So they have done could purchase/build for them? some things that Mike Hallen has discussed with us all in recent times. So it will be interI am convinced that this is one way we attract esting to hear from Bruce not only what Crows Nest have done but what other clubs new members. We show them how their have done in the District and what seems to membership and contribution to the Rotary family makes a difference in the community – work and what doesn’t. locally and more broadly. Let’s give Bruce’s Presidency something that we can be proud It is bound to have some bearing on the delib- of, that Peter Marcer can excite the local meerations of our membership as we seek to se- dia to include in their news pages, and we can cure the long term future and relevance of all get involved in. Please see page 04 2


resident welcomed all Rotarians and guest. A reminder that for the bigger events we need final numbers 1 week out.

resident mentioned that there will be no meeting on 31.5.17 as CHCC has a major event. Maybe a Fellowship evening will be organised and will be confirmed next week.


here will be a Board meeting on 8.5.15 at Raymond Danam’s home.

ike Blair reported that the Rotary Cross Country Challenge will be held on 26.8.17 (Saturday) at the Bella Vista Farm during the Orange Blossom Festival. Allen Drew Funeral has agreed to donate $3,000.00. Orion will be re designing the website at not cost to Rotary.

T 1 B

wo course meal including tea and coffee station $45.00pp

x main meal only including tea and coffee station $35.00pp

uffet consisting of 2 x meat wet dishes, 1 x vegetarian wet dish, rice and 1 x salad, tea and coffee station $38.00pp



e also stated that CHCC would have no issue if we decide to meet twice a month. he President put forward the following 3 options regarding future club meetings:


resident led the special meeting by stating that he and Phil Dunn met with CHCC on 5.4.17 and they have stated the following: ednesday night “Normal” meetings will continue with the bistro menu and CHCC will assume 24 for setting and ordering purposes. Please ensure you let us know if it is above this, however we will continue to receive the calls to advise of numbers ideally Tuesday AM. Can you please advise at your earliest convenience, say Mondays if the data projector is required.


1 2 3

. Meet weekly as we are at CHCC . Meet fortnightly at CHCC

. Meet fortnightly at CHCC and potentially fortnightly to monthly at another venue to conduct committee meetings, joint meetings with other clubs, (Rotaract) etc (No cost venue with no formal stuff or required food)


eoff Duffy proposed a 4th option:


. Seek to merge with another club (Geoff Duffy suggested Glenhaven as a vibrant club with high female membership and close by venue).

or the larger events through the year food ll members provided their opinion and sugoptions as per below. For any walk ins on gestions on this matter. The general feeling the night that we cannot accommodate they will was for Option 2 and it will discussed further by need to order from the bistro. Minimum numbers on the below 3 options are 30 people. 30 will the Board. be charged for even if not reached on the night.



Sgt Phil Davis told a joke about a woman in WA suing the hospital after her husband’s operation saying he had lost all interest in sex The hospital said he was treated for cataract surgery…”All we did was to improve his eyesight” !!

He then fined…. Terry O’Mara for being too late to put out regalia. Raymond for not sending notes from last week to bulletin editor in time.

From Page 2 Chris Corner So lots to look forward to next year. But this will only happen if we call get behind it and make it happen. Vibrant clubs are busy clubs, getting stuff done and making a difference. Let’s get busy, building the future of the club and making a difference in the world. Yours in Rotary , President Chris

Pres Chris for his phone going off as he was about to speak. Geoff Duffy for taking up 2 car spaces tonight. Mike Hallen for mowing his lawn with mobile in his pocket resulting in fussy calls to Peter Marcer’s 3 phones Chris Hynes wearing a cap tonight. David Bull broken hearted not winning the lottery this week…….odds are only 10 million to 1 Phil Dunn had to shorten his prize rams horn Terry O’Mara for his bikie gear ie leather jacket !!

Mike Blair for his expression ‘rerouting the route’ at the forthcoming Run for the Hills. David Brown for being so late tonight. Sushal won the Red wine & Chris Hynes won the White 4

Castle Hill Rotary Club Timetable Jan – June 2017 4 January 2017 11 January 2017 18 January 2017 25 January 2017 26 January 2017 1 February 2017

Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Wednesday

No meeting Home meeting - Peter Marcer Fellowship @ Heritage Park Home meeting - Chris Dunwell Australia Day


"Guess my Part Time Occupation" David Wilson



6 February 2017 13 February 2016 15 February 2017 22 February 2017 1 March 2017

Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday

7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm




8 March 2017


Rotary meeting: Club Assembly Board Meeting Youth Night Phil and Jenny Dunn’s home Mike Hallen, ‘Why aren’t you in Rotary’ Bette Lakin (partner of District Governor Bruce) ‘Days for Girls’



11 March 2017


District Conference


Penrith Panthers

13 March 2017 15 March 2017 22 March 2017

Monday Wednesday Wednesday

Board Meeting Pride in Workmanship

7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm


29 March 2017 5 April 2017

Wednesday Wednesday

7.00pm 7.00pm


10 April 2016 12 April 2017 14 April 2016 16 April 2016 17 April 2016 19 April 2017

Monday Wednesday Friday Sunday Monday Wednesday

Excellence In Teaching Mayor of the Hills 'Sanctuary' Domestic Violence. Board Meeting

7.00pm 7.00pm




25 April 2017 26 April 2017 29 April 2017 3 May 2017 8 May 2017 10 May 2017 17 May 2017 24 May 2017 31 May 2017 7 June 2017 12 June 2017 13 June 2017 14 June 2017 21 June 2017

Tuesday Wednesday Saturday Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday



7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm


Bruce de Graaf, "Why aren't you in Rotary" Chair Mike Hallen

Good Friday Easter Sunday Public Holiday International Dinner – Dural @ Billy The Greek Restaurant Anzac Day


Garage sale ?? Board Meeting “Meet and Greet” night

Queen’s Birthday Board Meeting Rotary meeting: Club Assembly ‘What does it means to be educated ‘ Gerard

7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm





17 May

Guest Speaker

24 May

Guest Speaker

31 May

No Meeting at CHCC

6 June

Club Assembly

13 June


20 June


27 June


Chair – Ross Hood Regalia – Mike Blair, Bruce Allen Notes – David Brown Chair – David Bull Regalia – Mike Hallen, Mike Blair Notes – David Bowles Chair – Mike Hallen Regalia – Peter Marcer, Sushil Bandodkar Notes – David Bull Chair – Chris Dunwell Regalia – David Brown, Grace Jota Notes – Peter Marcer Chair – TBA Regalia – Ross Hood, Bob Chary Notes – Mike Blair Chair – TBA Regalia – David Brown, Grace Jota Notes – Peter Marcer Chair – Chris Dunwell Regalia – Mike Hallen, Mike Blair Notes – Grace Jota

Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Club of Castle Hill Rotary Year 2016-2017 President President-Elect (2016-2017) Secretary Treasurer Director Club Administration Director Membership Director Public Relations Director Community Service Director Rotary Foundation Director Outreach Projects

Chris Dunwell Paul Robinson Raymond Danam Phil Dunn Chris Dunwell Mike Hallen Peter Marcer Mike Blair Bruce Allen Terry O’Mara

Non-executive Club Officers Bulletin Editor Sergeant at Arms Guest Speaker Program International Chairman Youth Chairman Vocational Chairman Welfare Officer Webmaster

Anil de Silva Phil Davis/Hannibal Shabaz Ross Hood Phil Davis Ross Hood Hannibal Shabaz Terry O’Mara Paul Robinson 6


1965-66Gerald Engel Prov & Charter President 1966-67 John Wells 1967-68 Roley McClintock 1968-69 Don Wright 1969-70 Ray Wells 1970-71 Tony Dehlsen 1971-72 Roy Martin 1972-73 Frank Crooke 1973-74 Allan Buckingham 1974-75 Ken Binns 1975-76 Colin Lawford 1976-77 Roger Wood 1977-78 Brian Stacey 1978-79 Warren Bowden 1979-80 Ern Death 1980-81 Peter Gilbank 1981-82 Graeme Brangwin 1982-83 Stan Fulker 1983-84 Phillip Dunn 1984-85 Bill Robinson 1985-86 John Barker PSM 1986-87 Norm Roach 1987-88 Milton Colburt 1988-89 Ron Marcus OAM 1989-90 Bill Tait 1990-91 Peter Wood 1991-92 Bruce Allen 1992-93 Ray White 1993-94 Ron Miller

1994-95 Gerry Larkin 1995-96 Hannibal Shabaz 1996-97 George McDonald 1997-98 Peter McBean 1998-99 John Stuart 1999-00 Geoff Duffy 2000-01 John Cooper 2001-02 Mike Hallen 2002-03 Judy Ford 2003-04 Jeff Whyte 2004-05 Peter Ford 2005-06 Mike Blair 2006-07 Terry O’Mara AM 2007-08 David Waterhouse 2008-09 Peter Marcer 2009-10 Rod Williamson 2010-11 Terry O’Mara AM 2011-12 Stephen Macquarie 2012 –2013 Paul Robinson 2013-2014 Bev Cooney OAM 2014 - 2015 Mike Blair 2015—2016 Mike Hallen PAST PRESIDENTS OTHER CLUBS David Sommerlad AM , Bruce Jenkin MBE Neil Todd, Phil Davis Raymond Danam SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD Ron Marcus OAM

Rotaract Club of The Hills Meets: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month Location: Room 3, Turner Building, Balcombe Heights Estate, 92 Seven Hills Road, Baulkham Hills.


Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Club of Castle Hill Rotary Year 2017-2018 Board Members

Non-Executive Positions

President Elect for 2017-2018 - Bruce Allen His President Elect and Secretary - Ray Danam (2018-2019) Treasurer – Phil Dunn Admin and IPP – Chris Dunwell PR – Peter Marcer Outreach – Terry O’Marra Community – Mike Blair Foundation – Sushil Bandodkar

Bulletin Editor– Anil De Silva Youth Chairman– Ross Hood Pride in Workmanship – Bob Chary Excellence in Teaching – David Bull Excellence in Policing – Terry O’Marra International Chairman – Phil Davis Sergeant – TBA


Anil De Silva (from Cobar, Outback NSW) Deadline Friday 8:00 pm This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit 20/5 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill 2154 Ph: 96801858

We meet at

Castle Hill Country Club every WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153) Apologies, Please inform Ray Danam NO LATER than Noon Tuesday before the next meeting so numbers can be confirmed for Dinner You can text, call, email or use WhatsApp.


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