Rotary Bulletin # 38 21st June 2017

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HILLS VIEWS Bulletin No 38 21st June 2017 Bulletin of the Rotary 3lub of Castle Hill ISSN 2203-126X

Rotary Club of Castle Hill Chartered 18th March 1965

PO Box 13, Castle Hill. 1765

Rotary Year 2016-17 District Governor: Bruce Lakin (District 9685 ) Rotary Int’l President: John F Germ

This Week Wednesday 21st June 2017

Next Week Wednesday 28th June 2017

What does it means to be educated’ Gerard Chair – TBA Regalia – Ross Hood, Bob Chary Notes – Mike Blair

Changeover Dinner Chair – TBA Regalia – Ross Hood, Bob Chary Notes – Mike Blair

June Bruce & Robyn Jenkin 10th

BBQ Sunday 2nd July 2017 BBQ Bunnings Castle Hill 8am

This Bulletin contains meeting reports for 7th June 2017 done by Peter Marcer and Last week Meeting report done by Chris Dunwell.

Also includes some bulletin statistics (page 14)

PP Mike Blair OAM



ell this is pretty much my last epistle for the year so therefore this is clearly the right time to make the very many thanks I need to make to the many people who have helped me and encouraged me and generally made the Club run well.


o every member of my Board a big thank you for your support and understanding as I held my first year as President of the Club. If you every invite me back to do it again I am sure I will do it better. But give me a break for a while please. Bruce is going to do a fabulous job.

To David Bowles thanks for the sterling work on the raffle. To Anil whose last edition this will appear in. Anil, all the best and come and see us soon. We love to have you back among us.


would like to thank Joanne, who has been very supportive of me behind the scenes and has also given Phil Dunn a fair bit of help in setting up the finances on the new computer and the new version of MYOB. Thanks Jojo, you’re the best.


would also like to thank our Friends of Rotary for their support at the various activities we have held during the year. Your contributions to the Club are greatly appreciated.


f course we need to thank Castle Hill Country Club for their ongoing support.

do not want to go over a lot of the ground I have traversed lately. It has been a challenging year and t will be an inhank you therefore to Bruce, Phil, Rayteresting year ahead. mond, Peter, Mike B, Mike H, Terry his year we said good bye to two great O’M and Paul who all helped me no end. I friends of Rotary. Firstly to John am grateful to you all. Thanks in particular to Bruce for stepping in as Paul was regret- Cooper who was a stalwart of this club and much loved by us all. We also lost Neil Todd tably unable to assume the Presidency for who was similarly a Great Rotarian and a the coming year. We look forward to welgreat friend of the Rotary Club of Castle Hill. coming you back into the fold in an active The attendance numbers at their farewell role when circumstances allow. services showed clear testament to the eseyond these gentlemen I must also teem in which they were both held. thank Ross Hood, Sergeants Hannibal od moved away to be near his grandand Phil Davis, and Phil for his work on the children and It is always a great pleasinternational events, to David Bull, Bob ure to welcome him back from time to time. Chary and Terry O’M for their excellent orAs the year closes we will also say farewell ganising of our key annual recognition events, Teaching, Workmanship and Policing. Please see Next Page ————>







he Meeting was dedicated to an Assembly and therefore the business of the meeting was one of reporting back to the members from the Board on the activities of the club over recent time and also looking forward to the future.


Community Hub on 28 July, also coincidentally at a cost of $55 per person including wine. The proceeds from this event will go to the Sanctuary and the Lisa Harnum Foundation and a Project in the Philippines to support local women, I conjunction with the local Rotary Club.


s each member of the Board will publish embers were encouraged if they have their individual reports for the Changeover time to pay a visit to Marie Ford who meeting these notes are short and sweet. finds herself in hospital at this time in Blacktown. Please call her daughter Jenny beforehand to resident Chris reminded everyone to attend the Changeover meeting on the 28th make sure it is ok to visit. Those needing Jenny’s for which the price will be $45 per person. Part- number can ask Chris D, Terry O’M or Mike Blair. Please also remember Lynn Bull who is unwell at ners are encourage to attend. Hopefully there the present time and wish her a speedy recovery. will be external guests also.


istrict Changeover is also taking place at the same time and those who can are encouraged to attend the Hornsby RSL for the event happening on 1 July from 6 till about 10 pm. The cost is $55 per person for a two course dinner and coffee etc. We will have an opportunity to thank the outgoing District Governor Bruce Lakin and welcome the new Governor Peter Ward and his team.


ergeant Phil was his usual self, taking our hard earned from us with his usual good humour.

emember that the Changeover numbers must be to the club no later than a week before the event so please make sure you are signed up. Please note also that we will be charged for last minute cancellations so please make sure you do show up if you signed up to do lso a reminder to sign up for the Christmas so. Your cooperation is appreciated. in July Event co-hosted by us and Women he meeting closed in the usual way with Compassion which will be held at the Glenwood the singing of our National Anthem.



to Hannibal who will remain a Friend of the club ably a lot more interesting as well! and much as Rod has done, I hope that we see hanks once again to every one of you. If I Hannibal from time to time back for a visit and left anybody out I apologise. to share some fellowship with us all. lways remember, as I try to do, the Four hat’s about all I wanted to say at this Way Test and the Objects of Rotary. If we time. Your next contribution in this slot do that we cant go wrong! will come from President Elect Bruce who will Yours in Rotary , no doubt be much more eloquent than I. ProbPresident Chris






“I am delighted to share with you all that our esteemed colleague Mike Blair has been honoured in the Queen’s Birthday honours with an Order of Australia.

David Brown

“Fantastic news. Congratulations Mike as you thoroughly deserve the honour. Our society is a much better place as a result of your work with Rotary and all the other volunteer work you have done”.


Chris Dunwell

I am sure you join with me in congratulating Mike and what is a well deserved accolade to add to the many others he has received in the past�.

Castle Hill Rotary Club Timetable Jan – June 2017 4 January 2017


No meeting

11 January 2017 18 January 2017

Wednesday Wednesday

Home meeting - Peter Marcer Fellowship @ Heritage Park

25 January 2017


Home meeting - Chris Dunwell

26 January 2017 1 February 2017

Thursday Wednesday

Australia Day "Guess my Part Time Occupation" David Wilson



6 February 2017


Rotary meeting: Club Assembly



13 February 2016


Board Meeting


15 February 2017


Youth Night



22 February 2017


Phil and Jenny Dunn’s home

1 March 2017


Mike Hallen, ‘Why aren’t you in



8 March 2017


Bette Lakin (partner of District Governor Bruce) ‘Days for Girls’



11 March 2017


District Conference


Penrith Panthers

13 March 2017


Board Meeting


15 March 2017


Pride in Workmanship



22 March 2017


Bruce de Graaf, "Why aren't you in Rotary" Chair Mike Hallen



29 March 2017


Excellence In Teaching



5 April 2017


Mayor of the Hills 'Sanctuary' Domestic Violence.



10 April 2016


Board Meeting


12 April 2017


14 April 2016


Good Friday

16 April 2016


Easter Sunday

17 April 2016


Public Holiday

19 April 2017


25 April 2017


26 April 2017


29 April 2017


3 May 2017


8 May 2017


10 May 2017



International Dinner – Dural @ Billy The Greek Restaurant









Anzac Day Garage sale ?? Board Meeting



“Meet and Greet” night



17 May 2017


Cape to Cape - John Haywood



24 May 2017 31 May 2017

Wednesday Wednesday

Fact or Fiction - Ross Hood No meeting

7.00pm 7.00pm


7 June 2017 12 June 2017 13 June 2017 14 June 2017 21 June 2017

Wednesday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday

TBA Queen’s Birthday Board Meeting



7.00pm 7.00pm 7.00pm


28 June 2018




Rotary meeting: Club Assembly ‘What does it means to be educated ‘ Gerard Changeover Dinner


by Lorraine Clifford There would only be a handful of Hills’ residents who have contributed as much to the community as Mike Blair. His lounge room walls are filled with award photos of all types, from organisations including schools, the Hills Shire Council, sporting groups and Rotary.

they married in their early twenties. They lived in Auburn, in some old stables at Rosehill, Northmead, and then built the house in Baulkham Hills that they are in today.

“It was good at Rosehill, it was misty in the mornings across the whole racecourse and we used to hear the clop of the horses’ hooves as they were taken out for their morning ride,” Mike says fondly. They went on to have three daughters, Nicole, Michelle and Natalie, and have six grandchildren. I asked Mike what made him start getting involved in the community and giving so much of his time and energy to others.

“I became involved in P&C and sports activities when my daughters started school. I wanted them to feel totally supported as children, The first thing that and give them something that I had never had. A big learning from strikes you is the sheer ordinariness of Mike and I my life experience was to never underestimate the value of children,” says Mike. mean that in the nicest possible way! Public recognition has certainly not gone to his head. Involvement in local politics and the wider community followed. When I caught up with him recently he was dressed in his work gear Mike served as Deputy Mayor for two years and a councillor and but hadn’t made it to work that day as he was down with a cold from Chairman of the Australia Day Management Committee for 10 years. the Hills Cross Country Challenge the Sunday before. He also committed to other council initiatives such as its Audit ComHe made me a good strong cup of tea, his wife Sue was weeding out the back and their big boxer, Blossom, was slobbering on the deck as she wasn’t allowed inside! Bella the cat was on a mouse mission and was nowhere to be seen.

mittee, Community Care Management Committee, Orange Blossom, Centenary of Federation Committee, and local Business Awards. “I joined Castle Hill Rotary Club when you had to be invited in by another member, quite different to what it is today,” Mike laughs.

Like all good stories, Mike started at the very beginning.

Mike has held almost every position in the club during his 20 years, and has championed the much-loved and popular fundraising event, “I was born in Bristol, England, and Mum had difficulty keeping me so she put me in an orphanage when I was seven. It was supposed to be the Tour de Hills Bicycle Classic. This event has raised more than temporary but I never saw her again. The government and the Cath- $700,000 for the community and the latest ride had more than 1,000 olic Church arranged for me and thousands of other kids from all over entrants. England to be shipped out to Australia,” Mike tells me with an impec- “The tragedy last year has caused us to put the race on hold for now. cable memory for detail. It will need to be completely rethought and redesigned if we start it “The nuns in the Bristol orphanage asked us to put our hands up if we up again. Our inaugural Cross Country Challenge last month in Bella wanted to go on a holiday on a big ship – what seven year old would Vista Park Farm went really well for a first. It will get better every year!” smiles an optimistic Mike. keep their hand down?” says Mike with a hint of bitterness. Mike and the other boys from Bristol docked in Sydney in the middle You may find it hard to believe that there is more to Mike than giving himself selflessly to his local community. His journey to Australia of the night and caught the first train to Newcastle. They arrived at was as a child migrant, which led to his passionate involvement in the their new ‘holiday’ home, an orphanage run by the Daughters of Child Migrant Trust (CMT). Charity. Local residents called the nuns the Aeroplane Sisters’ because of the distinctive wide white cornets they wore. Margaret Humphreys CBE, OAM is as a social worker from the Midlands town of Nottingham, England. She established the CMT to “There were some happy times there and I made good friends. Friends become the family you relied on. I’m not sure when I realised help former child migrants research their families. The trust is a registered charity in England and Australia. Thousands of British chilthat I was never going back to England and my Mum,” Mike muses. dren in the post-war period were deported to colonies including AusMike’s next orphanage was the Westmead Boys Home managed by tralia, New Zealand, Canada and the former Rhodesia. the Marist Brothers. He was there from the age of 11 to when he “You get to a point in your life where you seriously start to wonder started his carpentry apprenticeship at 16. where you really came from, and all you want is the truth,” says Mike “I loved drawing things and wanted to be an architect but you had to sadly. do a leaving certificate and my date of birth was mixed up on my “The movie Oranges & Sunshine came out in 2011 and was taken birth certificate and I wasn’t the right age,” Mike tells me. from a book on child migration produced by the trust. It is a really “I moved out of the home and shared a place with another guy with emotional movie that takes a long hard look at what we all went no family who was working at the same place as me.” through as kids.” Mike met his wife, Sue, at a dance when they were in their teens and Mike’s family encouraged him to contact Margaret Humphreys, and 7

Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Club of Castle Hill Rotary Year 2016-2017 President President-Elect (2016-2017) Secretary Treasurer Director Club Administration Director Membership Director Public Relations Director Community Service Director Rotary Foundation Director Outreach Projects

Chris Dunwell Paul Robinson Raymond Danam Phil Dunn Chris Dunwell Mike Hallen Peter Marcer Mike Blair Bruce Allen Terry O’Mara

Non-executive Club Officers Bulletin Editor Sergeant at Arms Guest Speaker Program International Chairman Youth Chairman Vocational Chairman Welfare Officer Webmaster

Anil de Silva Phil Davis/Hannibal Shabaz Ross Hood Phil Davis Ross Hood Hannibal Shabaz Terry O’Mara Paul Robinson

in just three months she had traced the whereabouts of his mother. “Three months later mum passed away and I never got the chance to see her again. Me and Sue did go over there and meet my aunts and cousins and find out much as we could about my family. We also have a few photos now and some small trinkets that belonged to her,” says Mike.


Mike was guest speaker at a political event in Canberra focussed on child migrants, and was also a member of the committee managing the design of a migrant memorial wall at the National Maritime Museum in Sydney. In 2014 Mike was awarded the Senior Citizen of the Year Award for his commitment to the Hills community. I find it hard to imagine that one man has managed to do all these things whilst working as a builder and bringing up a family. In between his community work he spends quality time with Sue, his three daughters and six grandchildren.

“We are a very close knit family and I cherish that. My circumstances have led me to always wanting to be there for my family,” smiles this humble man. “He is never around!” laughs Sue, shaking her head at Mike. Through the dedication and commitment of Mike the Hills and the community at large is a much better place to live and learn.



gt Hannibal Shabaz called the meeting to order and proposed a toast to Rotary International; he then introduced Pres. Chris Dunwell who welcomed all Members, Guests Graeme Murphy, friend of George Biegalke and guest speaker Peter Kirkwood from the Hornsby and District Rotary Club. President Chris proceeded to inform all present with the following announcements; The Club changeover meeting will be held on 28thJune at the Castle Hill Country Club, an attendance list will be circulated at next week’s meeting, and the cost will be $50 per head. A two course dinner will be served. Pres Chris spoke of the forthcoming Christmas in July event (28th July) at the Glenwood Community Hub, Glenwood Park Drive, Glenwood and urged all members to seek friends to join in what will be a great night. Flyers were handed to the members for distribution in their community. Bookings can be made on line further information on Thanks were extended to Terry Ireland for completing the Bowel Care program this year, over 3000 kits were purchased by residents in Terry’s designated area. Thanks Terry for a job well done.

Sgt. Hannibal advised the members that he would be resigning from Rotary at the end of this Rotary year, Hannibal was inducted into Rotary in July 1988 and has been heavily involved during his 29 years of service, his pet project being organising members for the Christmas Day visit to our local Hospital. Hannibal spoke of the long distance he now travels to meetings each week from Terrigal, unfortunately he no longer has the home/ office in Baulkham Hills which was handy for the night’s sleep after meetings. Hannibal called for a volunteer to take over the Hospital visit program and Phil Davis quickly agreed to take over this event, thanks Phil. Being no further reports by members, Pres. Chris asked Sgt Hannibal to conduct the fine session.

Sergeant’s fine session PP Hannibal started fining himself for leaving his dinner badge at home. PDG Bruce Allen addressed the meeting to ad- He then proceeded to tell vise members about our meeting on 6thJuly, two (2) simple jokes, Bruce has arranged for a speaker from the groans were heard comSydney Metro Norwest Rail link to tell us all ing from members and sounds of “bring back about this monstrous project, bring partners George” could be heard. He then and friends. Dinner will be from the Bistro at fined all members for not laughing at his $25 per head. jokes!!!!! PTO 9

Bruce Jenkin was fined for his beloved NZ crick- ent parts of Australia; also a few not so authenet team’s poor effort in being defeated by Eng- tic didgeridoos including a didgeribone and a land. slidedidge. Peter Marcer was presented with a photograph Peter highlighted the three words that come to mind when he thinks of the didgeridoo: taken in May 2016, for this he had to pay. “ancient, unique and interesting”. He then Raffle winners: Raymond Danam walked away went on to say how his “son says the same with 1st prize and a nice bottle of about him, but tends to dwell red. on the ancient”. Peter showed 2nd prize went to Sushil Banan extensive knowledge of dodkar. the history of the didgeridoo; Chairman for the night Terry an instrument which traces O’Mara introduced our Guest back 2000 years to the NorthSpeaker Peter Kirkwood, a well East Arnhem Land. It was playknown Rotarian from the Hornsby fully said the uniqueness of and District Rotary Club. Peter is the didgeridoo is evident in its known for his love of playing his natural creation, where terDidgeridoo and he brought along mites eat the inside of hardseveral to play and tell us all about wood tree trunks. Peter went these unique instruments. on to elaborate that this is Peter is a very busy community minded person perhaps the only natural instrument besides a with interest in not only his Rotary Club and our twig that may fall from a tree to be beaten District, but he is also involved in the Hornsby/ against a tree trunk like a drum. Ku-ring-gai PCYC, Hornsby Community Safety The presentation was perfectly complemented Precinct Committee, Ku-ring-gai Police and with musical demonstrations on a few tradiCommunity Safety Committee, St Paul’s Angli- tional and non-traditional Didgeridoos. I woncan Church etc. He is a Justice of the Peace, der how many Rotarians pulled apart their vacand has an interest in people of all cultures and uum cleaner to test their musical prowess. Pea concern for the well being of children and ter’s ability to change the way he made the didyouth in our community. geridoo produce different sounds was captivating for all those present. Several years ago whilst on a business trip in Peter is an accomplished didgeridooist and has Alice Springs, Peter acquired his first didgeriplayed with different bands including an Abodoo. It took a couple of years before he decid- riginal reconciliation group at Uluru, and has ed to learn how to play the instrument and is played the didgeridoo in the USA, Canada and self taught from a cassette tape! Over the years Singapore. he has been a student of the instrument includ- PP Terry thanked Peter for his presentation in ing its cultural significance, and has acquired a collection of authentic didgeridoos from differPlease see Page 11 10

From page * our normal manner with the Club making a donation to Rotary Health in Peter’s name.. The meeting concluded for another night with the singing of our National song

Editor’s Note; I I enjoyed Peter Marcers comprehensive meeting note contributions immensely during last four years as a bulletin editor. Thanks Peter 11


Mr Blair described his work with the Department of Education to introduce integration units at Jasper Road Public School and Crestwood High School, and his involvement with Hear the Children, among his personal highlights. He also enjoyed his youth work with a Rotary Club. Mr Blair has also supported The Sanctuary and Lisa Harnum Foundation, which provides support to victims of domestic violence. “I just get a sense of achievement working and MIKE Blair credits his good upbringing for inspiroffering help to people in the community,” Mr ing him to help out the community. Blair said. Mr Blair has been awarded a Medal of the Order “I know that they are going to get something of Australia (OAM) for his service to the Baulkfrom it.” ham Hills community and to local government. Mr Blair served the community as a Baulkham Blair lived in orphanages after moving to AusHills councillor from 1995 to 2004, and was deptralia on his own as a child, and appreciates the uty mayor during his final four years on council. opportunities the country offered him. He is still involved in Rotary and is the volunteer “When I was seven years old, I was a child michairman of Hills Community Car 355 managegrant from England and I spent my younger ment committee. years in an orphanage and did an apprentice“I am a very humbled recipient. I’m overship,” he said. whelmed with it,” Mr Blair said. “I thought this country has been very good to me “There are lots of people who deserve it more and I thought of what I could do to give back, than I do. which is to help people in any way possible.” He has spent thousands of hours volunteering in “This is something that I don’t go out to achieve, The Hills region, serving on parents and citizens I just want to help people.” associations, working on projects with Rotary and founding Tour de Hills in 1995. 13

I thank every one who had contributed and provided feedback Dear All, This is my last bulletin of the Rotary to me. They are in my mind though individualClub of Castle Hill having compiled and edited ly not named. for last four consecutive years. I did the bulle- And please do not forget ants and grass tin mainly from Outback Cobar, NSW but some (Nature) editions were done from exotic locations here Few interesting statistics. and overseas. I paid more attention to make it readable, reachable and attractive by way of Web publishing started since October, 2015 layout and colour use whilst paying less atten- and so far it got 21,470 impressions from all over the world. The web edition of the bulletin tion to proofread as I respected the native is read 75% using desktop, 12 % using Tablet English speakers’ language ability. You may have noticed some of the changes such as use and 13% using mobile phones. The most popuof minimum 14 font size and publishing in web lar page is ‘Presidents Column’ and least popusince Oct. 2015. I am grateful for trusting and lar is the ‘last page’ irrespective of any having confidence on me to do the Bulletin. I graphics or not. Average reading time is around 3 minutes. More than 10 countries rephope I delivered the expected outcomes to the membership. Now it is time to pass the ba- resenting all ton. However, I am always here to assist. I will continents had be transferring the Rotary membership to Co- read the bullebar RC and would like to be a friend of Rotary tin at least in Castle Hill as one day I will be back in the civ- once during last 3 month alone.

From the Editor

ilisation! E mail from a veteran Journalist Rtn David Sommerlad AM 27 June 2013 Good afternoon Anil Congratulations on your first bulletin. You are a real professional! The layout and presentation is engaging and the segments easy to read. It is a great credit to you and to the club. I trust you have the time to last the distance as 12 months as bulletin editor is a really big commitment. Very well done and all the best. David S



1965-66Gerald Engel Prov & Charter President 1966-67 John Wells 1967-68 Roley McClintock 1968-69 Don Wright 1969-70 Ray Wells 1970-71 Tony Dehlsen 1971-72 Roy Martin 1972-73 Frank Crooke 1973-74 Allan Buckingham 1974-75 Ken Binns 1975-76 Colin Lawford 1976-77 Roger Wood 1977-78 Brian Stacey 1978-79 Warren Bowden 1979-80 Ern Death 1980-81 Peter Gilbank 1981-82 Graeme Brangwin 1982-83 Stan Fulker 1983-84 Phillip Dunn 1984-85 Bill Robinson 1985-86 John Barker PSM 1986-87 Norm Roach 1987-88 Milton Colburt 1988-89 Ron Marcus OAM 1989-90 Bill Tait 1990-91 Peter Wood 1991-92 Bruce Allen 1992-93 Ray White 1993-94 Ron Miller

1994-95 Gerry Larkin 1995-96 Hannibal Shabaz 1996-97 George McDonald 1997-98 Peter McBean 1998-99 John Stuart 1999-00 Geoff Duffy 2000-01 John Cooper 2001-02 Mike Hallen 2002-03 Judy Ford 2003-04 Jeff Whyte 2004-05 Peter Ford 2005-06 Mike Blair 2006-07 Terry O’Mara AM 2007-08 David Waterhouse 2008-09 Peter Marcer 2009-10 Rod Williamson 2010-11 Terry O’Mara AM 2011-12 Stephen Macquarie 2012 –2013 Paul Robinson 2013-2014 Bev Cooney OAM 2014 - 2015 Mike Blair 2015—2016 Mike Hallen PAST PRESIDENTS OTHER CLUBS David Sommerlad AM , Bruce Jenkin MBE Neil Todd, Phil Davis Raymond Danam SERVICE ABOVE SELF AWARD Ron Marcus OAM

Rotaract Club of The Hills Meets: 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month Location: Room 3, Turner Building, Balcombe Heights Estate, 92 Seven Hills Road, Baulkham Hills. 15

Club Officers and Non-Executive Positions Rotary Club of Castle Hill Rotary Year 2017-2018 Board Members

Non-Executive Positions

President Elect for 2017-2018 - Bruce Allen President Elect and Secretary - Ray Danam (2018-2019) Treasurer – Phil Dunn Admin and IPP – Chris Dunwell PR – Peter Marcer Outreach – Terry O’Marra Community – Mike Blair Foundation – Sushil Bandodkar

Bulletin Editor– TBA Youth Chairman– Ross Hood Pride in Workmanship – Bob Chary Excellence in Teaching – David Bull Excellence in Policing – Terry O’Marra International Chairman – Phil Davis Sergeant – TBA


Anil De Silva (from Cobar, NSW)

We meet at

Deadline Friday 8:00 pm

Castle Hill Country Club

This Bulletin is kindly printed by Snap Printing. Unit 20/5 Hudson Ave. Castle Hill 2154 Ph: 96801858

every WEDNESDAY at 6:30 pm for 7:00 pm (Spurway Drive, Baulkham Hills NSW 2153) Apologies, Please inform Ray Danam NO LATER than Noon Tuesday before the next meeting so numbers can be confirmed for Dinner You can text, call, email or use WhatsApp.


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