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International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-8, August 2016

Parameter Estimation for the New Weibull–Pareto Distribution under Type II Censored Samples Dr. El-Sayed, A. Elsherpieny, Dr.Yassmen, Y. Abdelall, Abeer, E. Abdelhady  Abstract— In this paper, parameters estimation under type II censored samples and the corresponding variance covariance matrix for the new Weibull–Pareto distribution are obtained. Nasiru and Luguterah (2015) Results may be considered as a special case from present results. An illustrative example is carried out by using a simulated data.

Index Terms— The new Weibull-Pareto distribution, type II censored samples, asymptotic variance covariance matrix.

I. INTRODUCTION Many lifetime data used for statistical analysis follows a particular statistical distribution. Knowledge of the appropriate distribution that any phenomenon follows, greatly improves the sensitivity, power and efficiency of the statistical tests associated with it. Several distributions exist for modeling these lifetime data however, some of these lifetime data do not follow these existing distributions or are inappropriately descripted by them. This therefore creates room for developing new distributions which could better describe some of these phenomena and therefore provide greater flexibility in the modeling of lifetime data. Gupta et al. (1998) developed the exponentiated exponential distribution, Mudholkar et al. (1995) proposed the exponentiated- Weibull distribution, Akinsete et al. (2008) developed the beta-Pareto distribution, Alzaatreh et al. (2012) developed the gamma-Pareto distribution and Alzaatreh al.(2013) developed the Weibull-Pareto distribution. Also, Merovci and Puka (2014) developed the transmuted Pareto distribution while Kareema and Boshi (2013), developed the Exponential Pareto distribution. Nasiru and Luguterah (2015) introduced the probability density and the cumulative distribution functions of the new Weibull – Pareto distribution (NWPD) given as,

f ( x) 

  x     

 1


x     

F ( x)  1  e (2) Where

x     

, 0  x  ,   0,  0,   0,

 is a shape parameter, and  and  are some

scale parameters. If   1 the distribution (1) reduced to Weibull distribution and if   1,   1 , the distribution (1) reduced to Exponential distribution. Nasiru and Luguterah (2015) presented some properties of New Weibull-Pareto Distribution such as Survival, Hazard functions as follows:

S (x )  e

x      



h (x ) 

  x     

 1


Nasiru and Luguterah (2015) introduced moment and moment generating functions, Incomplete moments, Quantile function: Moments If X is a random variable distributed as NWPD, then the r non-central moment is given by: r

E (x )    r


 r   r


 , 


  a    x a 1e  x dx

a  0,


ti i    i M x (t )       i 0 i !   -i

 . 

Incomplete Moment

  x  M r z    x     , 0  x  ,   0,   0,   0, 0 z


 1


x      

dx .

(3) is the lower incomplete gamma and is given by:

(1) and

 r z  ,   ,    r

Dr. El-Sayed, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Institute of Statistical Studies & Research, Cairo University, Egypt A. Elsherpieny, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Institute of Statistical Studies & Research, Cairo University, Egypt Dr.Yassmen, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Institute of Statistical Studies & Research, Cairo University, Egypt Y. Abdelall, Abeer, E. Abdelhady



 r  z  M r z      ,      r

Quantile function


Parameter Estimation for the New Weibull –Pareto Distribution under Type II Censored Samples II. MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATORS FOR TYPE II CENSORED SAMPLE:


 1  1   x    ln    1 - u 

The mode of the NWPD is obtained by finding the first

In a typical life test, n specimens are placed under observation and as each failure occur the time is noted. When a predetermined total number of failures r is reached, the test is terminated. In this case the data collected consist of observations x 1  x  2   ...  x  r  plus the information

derivate of ln

that (n-r) items survived beyond the time of termination x  r  ,

Nasiru and Luguterah (2015) introduced Mode and Mean deviation,

f  x  with respect to x and equating it to

zero. Therefore, the mode at x  x 0 is given by

this censoring scheme is known as type II censoring and also the collected data is said to be censored type II data. Cohen (1965) gave the likelihood function for type II censoring:


   1  x0      

L C

The mean deviation about the mean and the median are useful measures of variation for a population. Let

  E X

and m be the mean and median of the

NWPD respectively. The mean deviation about the mean is 



 2 F( ) - 2  

   1    ,          

, The mean deviation from the median is: 





of x 1 , x 2 ,..., x n  , x  2  denote the second smallest

function of


x   x r

n!   x  r  1 ! n  r !        

 1


x      

x      1  e     

   

 1


 x     

 x      1- e    

and the pdf of the smallest order statistic



x   1

n   x     

 1


x   

   x  e     

   

n r

F ( x  r  ;  ) are the density function and the


 x  i    i 1    r

  

 1


 x i         

   

 nr    x r                1  1  e       

   

   x  e     

r r x   x i   xr  i ln L  r ln   r ln  -r ln  ( -1)  ln          n  r        i 1      i 1       4

n 1

  r  x i    x i     x r    x r    ln L r r  xi      ln        ln     n  r    ln    0,   i 1    i 1             


   

r  x i   x   ln L r   n  r  r    0,       i 1      

x    r

i 1


   n  r   x r  1  

 

   0. 

Then, the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters  ,  and  can be obtained by solving the above system of equations. No explicit form for these parameters, we use a numerical technique using Mathcad 2001 Package to 

obtain  ,  and  . The element of the asymptotic variance covariance matrix can be approximated by Cohen's (1965) result:   2 ln L     2 ln L   E   i  j  i  j     

x 1 is given by   


 ln L r    1         1      

The pdf of the largest order statistic x  n  is therefore

x   n  x  f xn    

f ( xi  ; )



x ( r ) is the observed value of the r th order statistic,

th the r order statistics as r 1 n r n! f x   f x  x  Fx  x  1  Fx  x  , r =1,2,3,...,n x r   r 1! n  r !

r order statistic of the NWPD is r 1


Differentiate (4) with respect to the unknown parameters and equating to zero:

x 1 , x 2 ,..., x n , and similarly x  r  denote the r th smallest of x 1 , x 2 ,..., x n . Then the random


The pdf of the


x 1 denote the smallest

variables x 1 , x 2 ,..., x n , has probability density

n r

(3) Taking the logarithm, (3) becomes

   1 m    ,          

Nasiru and Luguterah assumed

Where C is a constant, r is the number of uncensored

   L C    

D (m )  E  x  m    x  m f (x )dx    2  x g  x  dx   -2  

i 1

(x  i  ; ) 1-F x  r  ;    

cumulative function of the underlying distribution, respectively. For the new Weibull – Pareto distribution (1), the likelihood function will be

D     E  x      x   f(x) dx= 2 F     2  xf (x )dx 0



n 1


The second derivative can be written as follows:



International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences (IJEAS) ISSN: 2394-3661, Volume-3, Issue-8, August 2016

 2 ln L  2

 ˆ ,   ˆ ,  ˆ ,

 2 ln L  

 2 ln L    2 ln L  2  2 ln L  

r  2 ˆ 

 ˆ ,   ˆ ,  ˆ ,

 ˆ ,  ˆ ,  ˆ ,

x    r

1 ˆ  ˆ ˆ

-r  ˆ 2

 ˆ ,  ˆ ,  ˆ ,


i 1


ˆ  n-r  ˆ  1

x   





r x r i    2  ˆ     ˆ  ˆ i 1   

 ˆ ,  ˆ ,  ˆ ,



 x i    x i    x r    x r     ln   n  r  ln  ,     ˆ   ˆ   ˆ   ˆ  i 1          r

and  2 ln L  2


 ˆ   1 ˆ

 ˆ ,  ˆ ,  ˆ ,

When r=n the results reduce to complete case [result of Nasiru and Luguterah (2015) as a special case].



  x i    x r   ln     ˆ  n-r    ˆ  ˆ        




  x r     ln   , ˆ       


 ˆ  x    x i     x   x  ˆ ln  i      n-r     r   1  ˆ ln   r    , 1              ˆ  ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ  i 1                r

 ˆ  1 ˆ 2

ˆ ˆ    1  ˆ   2

x    r

i 1



ˆ ˆ  n-r   ˆ  1     ˆ   2 

x   



 .  

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Again, a numerical technique using Mathcad Package and computer facilities are used to obtain the variance – covariance matrix. III. NUMERICAL ILLUSTRATION: In this section, we present a numerical example to illustrate different maximum likelihood estimators, and their asymptotic variance covariance matrix. To generate random numbers from the new Weibull – Pareto distribution (1) we have: 1

1  1   x    ln    ,  1u    (5) Where u comes from the uniform distribution (0, 1). Using Mathcad package, we generate a sample of 50 observations from (5) with   0.5   1.5 and   1 under type II censored sample, take r=30, 40 and50 respectively. All results are displayed in the following table. Table1: The maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of the new Weibull Pareto distribution, the asymptotic variances and covariance's based on type II censored samples. Sam ple size'' n" 50


30 40 50

2.04 0.4 0.6

0.16 0.08 0.09

2.7 0.7 2.05

Var (  ) V ar (  ) Var ( ) 0.46 5.7E-4 0.27

0.013 1.4E-4 0.03

1.04E5 1.3E-4 1.2E6

According to these simulated data the variances decreases and then increasing with increasing sample size.



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