Animal Defender Winter 2009

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Anim l Autumn/Winter 2009

DEFENDER VICTORY: Bolivia ba ns animal circu ses

Great British Circus EXPOSED

● Rescue news ● European lab rules update ● Why drug testing on monkeys must stop ●

Ending the capture of monkeys for vivisection

This has to be one of our busiest years yet, with lobbying about new legislation on animal experiments in Europe, as well as the UK Government, pressing them to live up to their promise to ban the use of exotic animals in circuses. Then in South America, four huge campaigns launched across the continent have brought the animal circus issue to the fore, with Bolivia reaching fruition – our first national ban on all animals in travelling circuses!



ISSN: 2041-3653 published by Animal Defenders International incorporating The Campaigner, published by the

National Anti-Vivisection Society

UK: Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP, U.K. Tel: +44 (0)20 7630 3340 Fax: +44 (0)20 7828 2179 e-mail: web:

The battle in Europe to get a date set to end primate testing has been our hardest-fought campaign in many years. I remember how hard we worked in the early 1980s, during the campaign about the current EU Directive on animal experiments. This time we have the benefit of twenty years of data on the failure of animal research and the developments in sophisticated non-animal techniques. And more and more scientists coming over to our point of view. Still, it never ceases to amaze me when I hear the scaremongering, unsubstantiated and sometimes purile arguments put forward by those who would quite happily see wild primates wiped off the face of the earth, rather than use advanced techniques.

USA: 953 Mission Street, Suite 200,

San Francisco, CA 94103, USA Tel: +1 415 543 2344 Fax: +1 415 543 2343 e-mail: web:

South America:

Apartado Postal 359888 BOGOTÁ, Colombia. e-mail: web:

©2009 ADI. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced for commercial purposes by any means whatsoever without the written permission of ADI/NAVS. ANIMAL DEFENDERS INTERNATIONAL: MISSION Founded 1990. To educate, create awareness, and promote the interest of humanity in the cause of justice, and the suppression of all forms of cruelty to animals; wherever possible, to alleviate suffering, and to conserve and protect animals and their environment. NATIONAL ANTI-VIVISECTION SOCIETY: MISSION Founded 1875; the world’s premier anti-vivisection group. Millions of animals suffer and die in cruel, unscientific, and futile experiments. The NAVS advocates the total prohibition of all animal experiments, and, pending the achievement of this aim, we may support partial measures which would provide steps towards reform..

LORD DOWDING FUND: Founded 1974; a department of the NAVS; sponsors non-animal scientific and medical research.

Use your WILL to save them! We need You

The National Anti-Vivisection Society works to end the suffering of laboratory animals; lobbying governments, funding investigations, technical reports, educational materials, non-animal research. Think of us in your Will. Leave a legacy to save animals by making a bequest to the NAVS.

The Lord Dowding Fund is the non-animal research wing of NAVS/ADI, funding medical and scientific research without the use of animals. If you want to help save animals and fund medical research, please think of us in your WILL.

Animal Defenders International represents the NAVS/LDF at international level, but also has a wider objective – to protect all animals whether in captivity or the wild, and the environment. We are there to fight for a permanent end to their suffering. Leave a legacy to change the world and include ADI in your Will.

The perfe Then you come across a case like Bolivia where politicians review the evidence and take action to protect animals. That is the kind of decisive action we all want to see! With all the animal suffering and waste of the planet that we see every day, though, it is a comfort to see that more and more people are seeing our logic. So let’s just keep going... time to dig in.

How the Bolivian ban on al In June President Morales signed Law 4040 banning wild and domestic animals in travelling circuses throughout Bolivia. This is the first national circus ban in South America and the world’s first ban on all animal acts.

Here, we look back over ADI’s four year operation leading to this historic move. A campaign that began with our field officers investigating the country’s circuses, saw publicity events, reports, city bans, various drafts of legislation, had us fighting off the attempts of a US show to bring in animal acts and saw campaigners lobbying shoulder to shoulder right to the end. A perfect storm of activity that led to this important victory.

Key events on the way to the ban

2005 & 2006

ADI field officers active in Bolivia investigating animal circuses, capturing footage and images of animal abuse including that of a trainer at the Abuhabda Circus, scolding a muzzled bear as it cowers at the entrance of its cage (right).

For a free Guide to Making a Will and helping animals, call us today on 020 7630 33 40.

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The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


© Animal Defenders International

Editors: Creamer/Phillips Design: Creamer/Phillips/Elson Cartoons: Paul Taylor Contributors: Jan Creamer; Tim Phillips; Helder Constantino; Alexandra Cardenas; Christina Dodkin; Jessamy Korotoga; Lisa Mitchinson; Juan Pablos Olmos.

Left: ADI Chief Executive, Jan Creamer, presents the Bolivian Ambassador in the UK, Beatriz Souviron, with the first Toto Award

© Animal Defenders International

© Animal Defenders International

Victory: Bolivia bans animal circuses

Left: ADI and supporters at the Plenary of the Senate.

© Animal Defenders International

ect storm Help us save them: Find out about our mission to take the animals to freedom as the Bolivian circuses close - p20.

ll animal circuses was won Collecting the evidence

In 2005, ADI’s senior field officer for the region stepped wearily off a flight in La Paz on his arrival in Bolivia. What was becoming a remarkable investigation spanning two years, had covered Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Colombia (and was to be followed by Brazil). The man hauling his video cameras down the aircraft steps had been attacked twice, but had infiltrated deep into the heart of the South American circus industry where we filmed a cruel trainer beating his dogs, and poor Indiano the elderly lion being beaten and kicked. Bolivia was to be

Far left: Three of the five lions we are working to save.

followed by Colombia to conclude this investigation. Some cameras were now held together with tape, but within days we were recording life inside Bolivia’s animal circuses. What made these countries important was the movement of animals across their borders. When we filmed three brown bears in Circo Abuhabda we had already encountered them in Peru. The wretched, disturbed bears were living in a beastwagon in metal compartments of just 2.5 by 3 metres. The only exercise these magnificent, intelligent, inquisitive

creatures would get was the walk to and from the ring where they rode a bicycle and were forced to dance and play dead. And so the evidence was gathered: Monkeys in tiny little crates and cages; a lion cub that never once left his small cage; lions living on the backs of lorries; pregnant lionesses forced to keep performing and even jump through rings of fire. These are the things that will be no more in Bolivia. Back in London we began processing the evidence, writing the reports, preparing leaflets and posters, and editing the video. Our South America team were meeting with local campaigners, drawing together the Stop Circus Suffering campaign partner organisations for the launch of the investigation.

Stop Circus Suffering Bolivia

By early 2007, our undercover team were still wrapping up loose ends in Colombia, working inside the circuses – it was here that we filmed the shocking abuse of Karla the chimpanzee, which horrified the whole continent. In March and April we staged a series of back to back launches in one country after another – Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. We were desperately short of funds for the project and were grateful to the Persula Foundation who enabled us to extend our reach and whose commitment to this campaign has been vital.


© Animal Defenders International

ADI launch Stop Circus Suffering in Bolivia with EBA and ADDA. Bans secured in Cochabamba and El Alto. New “Stop Circus Suffering South America” Report published (right). Bolivian Campaigners and volunteers lobby and give media interviews (far right).

© Animal Defenders International


Animal Defenders International

Push for national legislation

Circo Bochincheros, Bolivia.

information poured out. Information was distributed to the relevant authorities and prominent figures in various cities. In Cochabamba, ADI turned up the heat, lobbying and staging demonstrations outside the Mayor’s office. The circus industry fought back, lobbying intensely in the media. Circo Abuhabda attempted to collect signatures supporting the circus. They failed. The Bolivian public were horrified by the conditions the animals were forced to endure, as bans were

Soon after the local bans were enacted, ADI saw an opportunity and drafted a proposal to ban wild animals under a Presidential Decree on biodiversity. Despite almost a year of negotiations the proposal failed to materialise. We picked ourselves up and started again. In August 2008, ADI started working with Congresswoman Ximena Flores, representative of the Department of Potosi, to table an ambitious bill banning ALL animals from circuses. Bill No.1143/2008-2009 was laid down in the Bolivian Congress. For the Bill to become a law it had to pass through both Houses; the Chamber of Deputies (upper house) and the Senate (lower house). Two readings were held in each; the first in the Commission of Sustainable Development and the second in the Plenary. Therefore, the Bill had to be read, debated and voted favourably four times.

Bolivian government discusses a Presidential decree on biodiversity and ADI lobbies to get a ban on wild animals in circuses in the text. ADI Releases “La Ciencia del Sufrimiento” in Spanish (right). The Animal Defender & Campaigner

After several unsuccessful attempts, on 14 January our team in Bolivia and Congresswoman Flores got the Bill on the agenda of the Commission of Sustainable Development in the Chamber of Deputies. However, the annual recess was upon us! This meant that our team had to race against the clock to get the Bill approved in the Commission and in the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies on the same day. The Bill was approved in the Commission with minor amendments. Even Deputies who initially expressed concerns, voted favourably. However, the real challenge would be in the Plenary; the mission was to ensure that the Bill was included on the agenda by getting at least seven Deputies to support it and ensure the attendance of the minimum 124 Deputies. We succeeded. The Bill was approved unanimously. Getting legislation is a marathon, not a sprint, and it was now onto the Senate. After the Chamber of Deputies, ADI led an intense lobby and publicity campaign with a new range of campaigns materials

Attempt by Fercos Brothers from Las Vegas to perform with big cats (right) in Bolivia is blocked Congresswoman Ximena Flores tables legislation to ban all animal circuses.



© Animal Defenders International

secured in Santa Cruz and La Paz. A year after our launch, bans were secured in El Alto, and Cochabamba. In May 2008, these bans faced a major test when a Las Vegas based magic show featuring big cats, The Fercos Brothers, were booked to appear in the main cities in Bolivia – all of which now had animal circus bans. ADI and local animal protection groups worked together to uphold the bans with a blizzard of letters and distribution of information to the authorities and Bolivian entrepreneur Marco Montenegro, one of the organizers of the show. The bans were upheld and no animals featured in the shows.

Autumn/Winter 2009

© Animal Defenders International

Press conferences took place with our campaign partners, Asociación para la Defensa de los Derechos de los Animales (ADDA) and Educación y Bienestar Animal (EBA); our Stop Circus Suffering DVD was screened in the Department of Environment in Cochabamba and in Santa Cruz. The shocking footage was screened on most major television channels and shown in bars and restaurants, as well as newspapers and radio. Campaigners, individuals and campaign groups all over Bolivia joined in and everyone played a part in moving towards the ban as leaflets and

© Animal Defenders International

Right: The Plenary of the Senate debates.

Victory: Bolivia bans animal circuses


Victory: Bolivia bans animal circuses

January: Commission of Sustainable Development approves with minor amendments. Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approves unanimously. April: Commission of Sustainable Development of the Senate approves unanimously. ADI & NAVS

This remarkable achievement now sees new legislation under consideration in Brazil, Colombia, and Peru. This could herald a seismic change for animals. Come on UK and Europe, letʼs see some action!

May: Plenary of Senate approves by majority with minor amendments. Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approves the amendments unanimously. Bolivian Campaigners and volunteers lobby and attend Plenary sessions (right). June 17: President Evo Morales signs & publishes the new law. The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Left: ADI’s Juan Pablo Olmos presents the ADI Award to Congresswoman Ximena Flores.

Animal Defenders International

Abuhabda Circus, Bolivia.

© Animal Defenders International


The ADI field officers who began this remarkable campaign must remain anonymous, but our grateful thanks go to those who campaigned at our side: Focomade, Vida Silvestre, Biosfera, Codac, Zooprama, AnimanaturalisBolivia, Gaia Pacha, Eba-Bolivia, Animales SOS (La Paz and Santa Cruz) amongst others. And above all else, thanks to our individual supporters who enabled us to put field officers into the circuses in Bolivia, to make DVDs, to publish the reports, produce campaign materials, send people to lobby politicians. You make us strong, thank you. Your donations mean that there will be no more bears living in cages on the backs of lorries in Bolivia.

© Animal Defenders International

– a new brochure summarizing the key arguments and text of the Bill, postcards, key rings and door hangers. A new Science on Suffering (La Cienca del Sufrimiento) South America report was hand delivered to Senators at face to face meetings; campaigners wrote letters to their Senators. The Bill was approved unanimously in committee – the Senate’s Commission of Sustainable Development. Now we had to see it through the Plenary; this was tough, with the Bill deferred for four consecutive weeks. However, this was no time for campaign fatigue, but to dig deep and step up the pressure. A team of twenty volunteer lobbyists headed to Congress and personally invited Senators to vote. On 14 May, the Senate’s public gallery was full of supporters wearing ADI T-shirts and holding banners as the Bill was debated and approved, with some minor amendments, including allowing one year for implementation (by comparison with other new laws, a very rapid phase out); also the words “and similar” [shows] were excluded from the prohibition. On 20 May the amendments made by the Senate were approved unanimously

in the Chamber of Deputies. The new law was then sent to President Morales for the presidential assent and Law 4040 was signed on 17 June. This is strong and courageous piece of legislation and it was important to commend the Bolivian Government. ADI Chief Executive, Jan Creamer, presented the Bolivian Ambassador in the UK, Beatriz Souviron, with the first Toto Award for services to animal protection, which acknowledges President Morales and the Bolivian Government’s progressive stand. ADI’s Juan Pablo Olmos also an ADI Award to Congresswoman Ximena Flores commending her initiative and hard work to secure the new Law. ADI Ambassador, CSI actress Jorja Fox, wrote a letter to congratulate President Evo Morales for the new legislation, saying, “The fact that Bolivia will be the first South American country with a national ban on animal circuses, including both wild and domesticated species, is a tremendous credit to the compassion and progressive thinking of yourself and your nation.” During the following weeks the ban was reported extensively in South America and worldwide. ADI continues working with Congresswoman Flores; now drafting regulations to implement the law and with the national environment authority on a census of circus animals and relocation strategies. Already, six lions and a baboon have been handed over to ADI for rehoming – see p 20.

Autumn/Winter 2009


The cruel reality of the UK Government’s failure to end the use of wild animals in travelling circuses was revealed in August when we released the shocking findings of an investigation of the Great British Circus. In March 2006 the Government made a commitment to end the use of wild animals in circuses. The commitment was reiterated as “crystal clear” to the House of Lords. Three years of prevarication and obfuscation have followed.

ADI and other groups presented scientific and other evidence to a Defra Circus Working Group commissioned to look at evidence to inform new regulations under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, but almost all meaningful evidence was excluded from the study. There has been resounding astonishment at Defra’s claim that scientific evidence of the impacts of captivity and confinement in zoos and other industries could not be used to inform regulations for circuses. Studies of these species in the wild were also excluded, with the claim that these could not inform decisions about welfare in circuses. They refused to even look at training and control methods. A farcical and shameful process. As expected, the final report was inconclusive as so much evidence had been disregarded that there was not enough left to make a decision.

Below, left to right: ADI Campaigns Director Tim Phillips on Sky News; ADI Chief Executive Jan Creamer, ITN News; Jan Creamer on BBC1 Six o’clock News; ADI Head of Parliamentary Affairs Helder Constantino on Anglia TV News.

Defra has admitted that it will not employ this strategy again when gathering evidence to inform Animal Welfare Act regulations on other animal issues. Yet disgracefully, Defra continues to allow, indeed encourage by omission, the circus industry in the presentation of these “lack of evidence” findings as a clean bill of health for circuses.

The result has been the appearance of three elephants imported by the Great British Circus this year, two Asian and one African. Four months into the tour ADI installed a camera in the elephant tent and recorded horrific casual violence and critical welfare issues. The investigation revealed that the elephants are chained for up to eleven hours each day and spend hours in their transporter on even the shortest of journeys. This supports the conclusions of previous studies of animal husbandry in travelling circuses. In August the story broke with huge media coverage and the public were once again shown the reality of life behind the scenes for circus animals.

© Animal Defenders International

Suffering behind the scenes in a UK circus During the 2009 tour, the Great British Circus boasted of its high standards of welfare and showcased the elephants in a (relatively barren) outdoor pen. However, our hidden camera revealed that the elephants spent most of their time in a small pen in a tent and every night the animals were chained by a front and a back leg – barely able to take one step back and forwards. Night vision filming showed the elephants able to shuffle a pace forwards or to stand or lie down. Our film shows these chains being removed in the morning and taken away. We also caught on film a staggering level of casual violence. Elephants were brutally hit in the face with a metal elephant hook, a broom and a pitchfork; a worker cruelly twisted an elephant’s tail. The frightened animals backed away and cried out when they were hit, or hooked. When the story broke, the circus claimed they had already sacked the man for abusing the animals when they discovered what he was doing. Yet in our film, the trainer is present and the tent flaps are open with people walking past. When the elephants cried out, no one came to see what was wrong. We have frequently highlighted how circus animals are kept in transporters for extended periods for even short journeys. This is because the circus loads the animals before dismantling the site and rebuilding it at its next location.

© Animal De fenders Intern ational

Right: The story is featured in the Daily Express, 19 August 2009.

Great British Circus Exposed

© Animal Defenders International

In late July, the Great British Circus moved from Watford to Bushey - just five miles. We filmed as the elephants were loaded and trailed them to the next site. The elephants remained in their transporter for seven and a half hours. We also analysed the hours of footage of the elephants in the tent revealing horrific levels of disturbed behaviour in the elephants. Poor Sonja, the African elephant, exhibited repetitive, pointless movements for 40% of the time. These sad animals are being driven out of their minds – in the name of entertainment.

Great British Circus responds

Extracts (in red) from THE CIRCUS BLOG. Circus Director, Martin Lacey. GBC: The recent behaviour of an elephant groom...was totally unacceptable and not to the high standards we demand at the Great British Circus. ADI: This is not an isolated incident, our investigations all over the world show that confinement, deprivation and violence are endemic in circuses with animals. GBC: The incident happened in May of this year and the man was immediately dismissed. ADI: The sacked worker was not the only one abusing the animals. The animal presenter was filmed striking an elephant with a metal elephant hook. These incidents took place when the tent flaps

The investigation hit the headlines in the Daily Express, Daily Mirror, Sky TV News, BBC1 Six o’clock and Ten o’clock News, and ITN News. Most major newspapers ran our video on their websites and the story swept around the world, appearing on TV screens as far away as Australia. Thousands watched the video online. Given the circumstances of constant travel, it is simply not possible to provide wild animals in circuses with the environment they need to remain healthy. Take action today.

These animals need your help. Please send a donation today. Your donation will help us investigate circuses in the UK and Europe and to press for a UK ban.

Send the UK Government a message to Stop Circus Suffering Write to your MP at the House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA. Ask them to watch our DVD and to call on the Government to ban the use of animals in travelling circuses under the Animal Welfare Act. Contact us if you would like a template letter or one of our postcards. Write to Defra Minister Jim Fitzpatrick, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, London W1P 3JR, or email to: . Ask the UK government to live up to its promise of 3 years ago, to ban wild animals in circuses.

were open so could have been seen by other staff. On one occasion the copresenter was also watching in the tent. GBC: Animal Defenders International acquired this film in May and did not report it to us or the relevant authorities. Instead they release the tapes to the media four months later. ADI: Our investigation covered all aspects of the elephant husbandry with filming concluding in late July. Past experience has shown that the only way to show the true nature of activities at circuses is to publicly expose them and encourage the public not to attend. GBC: Then they (ADI) distort the facts to the public by describing a brush on an aluminium pole as a metal hook. ADI: The footage we gained clearly shows both a brush and a metal hook being used to hit the elephants.

GBC: Apart from the short time (about three hours on average, and generally only once a fortnight) they spend in their specially-built transporter when the Circus moves sites(1), the elephants move freely around their roomy accommodation(2). They're kept indoors only at night, or in unsuitable weather(3). ADI: (1) During one move of just five and a half miles the elephants were kept inside the transporters for seven and a half hours. (2) When unchained, and confined to the tent, the elephants were surrounded by electric tapes so could only use about two thirds of the tent area. (3) At night the elephants were chained to a wooden board floor, only able to take one pace forward or backward for ten hours. Earlier this year the circus told members of parliament there were “no chains in the [elephant] stable.

Above: Stills from the ADI undercover footage showing the elephants’ suffering.


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


EU lab rules campaign update F o l lo w i n g i t s v o t e i n 1 st re a d i ng i n t h e Eu r o p ea n Pa r li a m e nt , t h e n e w D i re ct i v e o n a n i ma l ex p er i me n t a t i o n mo v ed t o t he C o u n ci l o f Mi n i st er s, w he re a l l M em be r St a t es o f t h e E U c a n al so have their s ay on the European Commissio n’s draf t.

Before it can be enforced in the EU, any Directive has to be approved by both the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament. This is an opportunity to rollback some of the worst amendments voted by MEPs last May. Indeed some of them dangerously undermine the existing legislation of many countries, including the UK. For instance, the Rapporteur Neil Parish passed an amendment scrapping the need for authorisation for all experiments classified as ‘mild’, and replacing it by a simple administrative notification. About 4 millions animals a year in Europe would fall into the scope of this dreadful amendment. It was adopted by the MEPs despite the fact that the vast majority of Member States do implement a full authorisation system already. This shows that the scaremongering campaign of disinformation as to the

‘regulatory burden’ of animal testing led by pharmaceutical industries like Astra Zeneca, had a strong impact on the elected representatives. If a modification of the Directive such as this one is accepted by the Council of Ministers, there a strong risk that some Member States might start deregulating animal testing, sending Europe back to the dark ages of both science and ethics. It is vital to ensure that Member States defend their standards in the Council against the deregulatory hysteria of lobbyists from the industry with vested interests and a narrow sector of the academia. We are therefore concentrating our efforts to spread the campaign both in Member States and to their representatives in Brussels. We have successfully launched the Save the Primates campaign in Barcelona,

with Spanish group AnimaNaturalis and in Turin, with Italian activist network Agire Ora. Thousands of postcards asking for take a progressive stance for animals and science are now reaching the desks of the Spanish and Italian EU representations in Brussels! More events are being planned for the future. We have also met with officials at the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research and have submitted a response to a consultation on the Directive to the Irish Department of Health and Children. Volunteers also lobbied the Finish and Swedish Ministries directly. We are communicating our requests and proposals to official representatives of each Member State in Brussels. We have met with officials from the Swedish Presidency, who will have a very important role in reaching a consensus amongst Council members. We are confident that Sweden, as a country with high animal welfare standards, will try to reach the best possible compromise. However a lot will depend on the position of the 26 other Member States. We have been extremely active to push the UK Government not to support most of the European Parliament’s amendments. We have responded to an extensive written consultation by the

ADI Petition to Replace Animal Testing in Europe Sign now and join the thousands of others who have signed so far. More than 12 million animals are used in experiments in European laboratories annually. The legislation regulating these experiments is over 20 years old and is being revised. We need your support for our call for progressive measures to protect animals and for a commitment to replace animal experiments with modern, reliable scientific methods. This is your first opportunity in over 20 years to influence the protection of


laboratory animals across Europe. Please sign the petition and circulate to your family and friends! The petition is available online in all EU languages, to sign online please visit our website at and click on the yellow button, or for a paper version please contact us on 020 7630 3340 or The petition will be presented to the Council of Ministers, the European Parliament, and the European Commission.



The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


Above: Rack of caging containing mice. Left: Laboratory rabbit after surgery.

themselves on key issues, some saying that lower animal welfare standards does not attract new business, others that the new Directive will drive research abroad. Another puzzling statement included the one from Dr Karin Blumer of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries who said that the difference between a dog and a primate “may be more in the physical appearance of the animal than in the true capabilities”. A declaration that has probably cast serious doubts in the Peers’ mind as to Dr Blumer’s knowledge of animals! In the end our logic and reason won over the Peers. The Committee, in a letter sent to the Home Office on the 20th July, welcomed “the proposal that a requirement for prior authorisation of animal procedures, including an ethical review process, should apply across the EU”; called “for the proposal to be unambiguous in specifying the necessary limitations on the use of nonhuman primates in research”; recognised “that the proposed care and accommodation standards for animals … are unlikely to affect the competitiveness of the pharmaceutical industry in the EU” and did not “believe that implementation of the Directive will contribute significantly to any diversion of animalbased research out of the EU”.

© Animal Defenders International

Left to right: ADI Campaigner Alexandra Cardenas; Catalan MEP Raul Romeva; Jonathan Torralba, Director of Animanaturalis Spain, all speaking at the Save The Primates launch in Spain.

457,397. The number of animals used has increased for 7 years in a row: a shocking 39% increase since 2001. The annual inspectorate report announces that a lobbying unit has been created at the Home Office to implement the deregulatory programme at the EU level. We must not let the Home Office attempt to take advantage of the lack of transparency of the EU legislative process to implement its agenda behind the back of the British public. It is vital that members of the public get involved and push the UK Government to promote strong regulation both in the UK and the EU. Last summer, the House of Lords EU Committee gathered to hear oral evidence from NGOs, industry, academia and regulators. The NAVS was invited to give evidence and Jan Creamer, Chief Executive, Tim Philips, Campaigns Director and Helder Constantino, Head of Parliamentary Affairs replied to questions from Peers on the proposed new Directive. The issues addressed were varied and covered primates, alternatives, the scientific validity of animal testing, ethical reviews and more. In the previous sessions, representatives of Novartis, Sanofi Aventis, the Association of British Pharmaceutical Industries, the Wellcome Trust among others, gave their own evidence. The pro-vivisection lobbyists contradicted

© Animal Defenders International

Our thanks to all supporters who sent in our special postcards. Our cards have also been distributed in Italy and Spain (see below).

Home Office. So far, the Government has not been clear as to its position on the European proposal, and has been very disappointing as to its intentions in the Council of Ministers, where it appears to be recommending support of the damaging Parrish proposals. Beyond the routine ministerial statement that the UK “support measures to promote high welfare standards for laboratory animals”, the Home Office is actively implementing a deregulatory agenda. Last July, the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Inspectorate annual report 2007 revealed how the Home Office is making it easier for laboratories to experiments on animals. Their target is “a headline 25% reduction in the administrative burden to licensees by 2010 and a number of interim targets.” Measures include “fasttracking certain types of personal licence application”, and simplifying “paperwork”. These developments are very worrying, especially when better regulation is needed more than ever. Figures published by the Home Office in July show that 3.65 million procedures were carried out in 2008 in UK laboratories, up 14% on 2007. The numbers of animals used were 3,583,223, an increase of

© Animal Defenders International

EU Lab Rules Campaign

ADI Chief Executive Jan Creamer, Head of Parliamentary Affairs Helder Constantino, and Campaigns Director Tim Phillips leave Parliament after giving oral evidence to the House of Lords Committee reviewing the new EU rules for lab animals.

Save the Primates launched in Spain On June 24th, ADI and Spanish animal protection group Animanaturalis launched our Save the Primates campaign in Spain with a press conference at the headquarters of the Green Catalonian Party (ICV) in Barcelona. Catalan MEP Raul Romeva chaired the meeting which included a screening of the Spanish version of our Save the Primates DVD, with Mr Romeva presenting our findings and campaign in Catalan and Spanish. ADI’s Alexandra Cardenas and Jonathan Torralba of Animanaturalis also addressed the meeting. Special campaign postcards to Ambassador Carlos Bastarreche, Spain’s Permanent Representative in the Council


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009

of Ministers were launched as part of our campaign to secure protection for primates under the new EU lab rules. A special Spanish Save the Primates website was also unveiled by ADI and Animanaturalis. With Spain representing one of the largest countries voting in Europe and taking over the EU Presidency from Sweden next year, this is a vitally important awareness drive.


Please write to your MEPs (you have several) and to your MP urging them to support measures to end the wild capture of monkeys by laboratory dealers. Please write to: Commissioner Dimas, 200, Rue de la Loi, (BERL 11/112), 1049, Brussels, Belgium. Urge the Commissioner to continue to take a strong line on the wild capture of monkeys for laboratory breeding farms.

© Animal Defenders International

© Animal Defenders International

Eudey, A.A. (2008) “The Crab-eating Macaque (Macaca fascicularis): Widespread and Rapidly Declining”, Primate Conservation¸ vol 23. Pp.129-132


Save the Primates launched in Italy On the 11th September, ADI and Agire Ora launched Save the Primates in Turin, Italy. The press conference took place in a cultural centre in the middle of the city and was open to the public. Speakers included Marina Berati from Agire Ora, Helder Constantino from ADI, Dr. Massimo Tettamanti, expert in alternatives to animal testing and Dr. Elena Baistrocchi, primatologist from the University of Florence. The video ‘Save the Primates’ was screened in Italian to an audience deeply moved by the terrible footage of monkeys at Huntington Life Sciences. ADI & NAVS

Material about primates in experiments was provided in Italian to the participants and the event attracted press attention including national newspapers, and TV such as Channel RAI 3. The Italian public’s response was unprecedented: In the first three days of the launch, Agire Ora distributed 2000 campaign postcards and had to urgently re-print to meet demand! These ADI/Agire Ora postcards, spelling out our demands for a Directive that can replace animal testing, are now flooding the desks of the Italian representation in Brussels, who will probably be vaccinated against the industry’s allegations that anti-vivisection doesn’t have the support of the public.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009



The Home Office Minister is due to be questioned in the autumn, and the Lords plan to send their full report in October. The Government will finally have to clearly spell out what it wants to stand for in the Council of Ministers deliberations. The European Parliament will remain active in the legislative process. The German MEP Elisabeth Jeggle was appointed as the new Rapporteur by the Agriculture Committee, following the retirement of Neil Parish from EU politics. Ms Jeggle tabled very regressive amendments in AGRI Committee during the last round, and she will have the responsibility of negotiating the final text of the Directive with the EU Presidency once the Ministers have agreed on their position. The road will not be easy and we must battle right on to the end of the process, but we are optimistic that, with the active help of supporters, members of the public and sister groups across Europe, we can make progress from the damaging report voted last May in the European Parliament, and obtain a better deal for animals and science in Second Reading.

In May the European Parliament tore up proposals by the European Commission to end the wild capture of monkeys to stock lab breeding farms supplying the EU. They voted to delay the Commission’s 7 year phase out indefinitely. Our investigations have shown that capture entails: violence, stress and fear and the indiscriminate tearing apart of family groups. Environmental impacts include: damage to habitat, damage to the genetic diversity of wild populations and even the eradication of whole populations. 48% of primate species are now endangered (IUCN). A recent research paper cited: “Macaca fascicularis [the most commonly used monkey in the EU] faces the greatest threats from trade, specifically for toxicology studies and pharmaceutical research and development.”1 The Commission’s proposals are now before the EU’s Council of Ministers.

Left to right: ADI Head of Parliamentary Affairs Helder Constantino; Marina Berati from Agire Ora network; speaking at the Save The Primates launch in Italy.


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£25,000!! Would YOU like to be in with a chance to WIN £25,000 every Friday?

This scheme is similar to the National Lottery, but it benefits ADI! The ʻLightning Lotteryʼ, gives YOU a chance to win £25,000 every Friday! At no cost to us, this is a great way to help animals while getting a chance to make bundles of cash! HOW DOES IT WORK? Choose six numbers from 0 to 9 and enter them in the table opposite. Fill in the form and send to The Weather Lottery, Derby House, Retford Road, Mattersey, Doncaster, DN10 5HJ. If your numbers match the last digit of the daily Fahrenheit temperatures in Corfu, Istanbul, Tenerife, Innsbruck, Edinburgh and Stockholm, you win the top prize of £25,000! You can pay by standing order, cheque or credit/debit card. Please make cheques payable to: Prize Provision Services Ltd. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? Each entry line (i.e. each set of 6 numbers) costs £1 per week. There is a draw every Friday. HOW DO I KNOW IF I'VE WON? You can check your numbers in the Daily Mail or at (although all prizes are guaranteed and sent out automatically).

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Co-operation on alternatives

An agreement has been signed by ECVAM (the European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods) and its equivalent bodies in the USA and Japan. Canada’s Environmental Health, Science and Research Bureau to enhance international co-operation and co-ordination for the scientific validation and evaluation of in-vitro toxicity testing methods. It is expected this will mean that “testing methods that undergo scientific validation will be more credible and more rapidly applied by the testing community”.

Pangolins threatened

WWF, the IUCN and wild-life trade watchdog TRAFFIC have reported that the demand for pangolin meat and scales are driving the animal towards extinction. The pangolin is native to the Indian subcontinent, Asia and Africa and has been over-hunted in China, where it is especially coveted. (Photo: Tim Phillips during an ADI investigation of illegal bushmeat discovers a recently killed pangolin.) Pangolins are used in traditional medicine; believers think that dishes such as pangolin-foetus soup increase a man’s virility. 2009/07/photogalleries/pangolin-poaching-soup-pictures/index.html


© Animal De fende

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On 11 August supporter Sue Hughes (right) was on the fourth plinth in London’s Trafalgar Square, as part of Antony Gormley's One & Other living art project. Every hour for 100 days a different person occupies the plinth. Sue held an NAVS Save the Primates placard and gave an anti-vivisection speech. ADI collected signatures for our petition to the European Parliament. ational fenders Intern © Animal De

Title ..................... Initial ............... Surname ................................................................

Help Animals and WIN

On the plinth

Wildlife farms cause harm

Wildlife farms in Vietnam claim to provide sustainable alternatives to hunting wild animals. However an undercover investigation by the Wildlife Conservation Society has revealed that 42% take breeding stock from the wild. Farms can also be used to launder body parts valued in traditional medicine. Animals farmed include snakes, turtles, crocodiles and monkeys. New Scientist, Issue 2710, 30th May 2009

Massive rise in UK animal experiments Home Office cuts animal lab inspections and fast-tracks licences to experiment.

© Animal Defenders International

Seal valve test for human use

The Home Office 2008 figures for animal experimentation in the UK, revealed a massive 3.65 million experiments were performed on animals. This is an increase of 454,000 procedures (14%) on 2007. There has been a steady increase in the number of animals being used in academic experiments (speculative, no application in mind) in Universities, as well as creation of genetically modified animals, which have now reached 1.3 million experiments. Procedures included; 4,598 on primates, 6,105 on dogs, 360 on cats, 355,370 on rats and a massive 2.4 million procedures on mice. We responded with an analysis of the figures nationally and critiques of specific experiments in London, Oxford, Cambridge and Edinburgh. The following day Labour MEP David Martin and Green Party leader Caroline Lucas MEP joined us in condemning the rise. The Annual Report of the Home Office Animals Scientific Procedures Division (ASPD), released simultaneously, revealed that as UK animal experimentation escalates, animal lab inspections have been cut and licences to experiment are now being fasttracked. The number of project licences approved by the Home Office leapt by 17%. A new fast-track system for personal licences to experiment, as well as short-term licences for students and overseas workers has been introduced – approaching 200 personal licences were fast-tracked, taking an average of just three days to process. Earlier this year we revealed how Home Office inspections of overseas monkey suppliers have permitted deplorable conditions whilst it is still claimed that we have the highest standards in the world. We have shown how commercial testing is speedily authorised with no prior scrutiny from the Home Office. Now the figures show that it is easier to use animals than it was ten years ago. The Home Office is operating a deregulation programme at the very time Europe is attempting to improve controls.

Household product tests on animals increase:

These tests are creeping up, despite increasing political consensus that they should stop. In 2008, 132 mice were experimented on to test household products. Almost 30,000 tests were undertaken for industrial products and these products or ingredients may be used in the household – so check our list. Back our Kick Animal Testing out of the House campaign to finally eradicate these tests. ADI & NAVS

Seal heart valves are to be tested by researchers in Quebec, to see if they are suitable for human use. A commercial seal valve market could generate substantial revenue for Canada. Researchers hope to test the seal’s valves in sheep within three years, although human use may be 8 to 10 years away.

2009: UN Year of the Gorilla

The UN declared 2009 the year of the gorilla and plans to save the ever decreasing number of gorillas by focusing on tourism. Gorilla experts disagree, saying that these methods cannot work fast enough to give gorillas any chance of recovery. All four sub-species of gorilla are endangered, three of them critically, and each faces its own combination of risks. Eastern lowland gorillas, for example, are suffering the effects of a war. The danger to western lowland gorillas comes from hunters and extremely high mortality rates from the Ebola virus. The greatest benefit to the largest number of gorillas would come from ending hunting and preventing Ebola outbreaks. fenders Intern © Animal De

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Campaign News


ADI Rescue Street Collections You can help raise funds for animals with a street collection. To find out how, call 020 7630 3340 or email,

The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


Main picture: Behind the scenes at Natal Lion Park.

Below: A sign above the entrance: The Chipperfield family connection.

Natal Zoological Gardens and Lion Park in Cato Ridge, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, has been the centre of controversy due to allegations of low animal welfare standards and public safety incidents. The organisation Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife (EKZNW) carried out an inspection in November 2008, which reported an emaciated chimpanzee with no access to water, a performing chimp kept isolated in a cage, 67 lions kept in damp enclosures designed from disused shipping containers and four Asian elephants chained for 16 hours without access to water and only a bale of hay to eat. Furthermore, last July a family went to visit the park when a group of 10 to 15 lions surrounded their car and began chewing the bumper and the door handles1. The results of the inspection were brought before Judge Ron McLaren in the KwaZuluNatal High Court, in response to an interdict application by the owner of the lion park, Brian Boswell, against EKZNW. Boswell argues that EKZNW is attempting to shut down his business. An application hearing was due in August. A few years ago, ADI visited the Lion Park in Cato Ridge – which had links with the UK’s Chipperfield family – and secured photos behind the scenes of the animals, confirming that lions were being kept in small pens similar in size to shipping containers. Although the Natal Lion Park is technically not a circus, it supplied animals to be used in advertisements. Boswell has argued that “… the financial implications of increasing the sizes of “at least 30” enclosures would be “astronomical” …” and “… that the requirement to upgrade the enclosures pending the construction of new ones becomes “unreasonable and irrational” …” 2. 1.


07-2009%2011-07/Lions_turn_outing_into_nightmare. 2.


We are delighted to bring you more new, innovative, and animal friendly products! This time, we have teamed up with ʻYorkshire Hempʼ the original organic hemp cooking company. Yorkshire Hemp products contain no animal derived ingredients, so are suitable for vegans, perfect for fabulous veggie cooking, and provide a great way of maintaining a healthy wholefood diet. Thanks to our good friends we have hemp oil, flour and sauce to give away! For your chance to indulge in this culinary delight, simply answer this question: ʻWho are we raising funds for during the ADI street collection in October 2009?ʼ Send your answer, including full contact details (name, address, telephone number and email) to ADI, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London, SW1P 4QP, or by email: Entry deadline is 4 December 2009. To find your local Yorkshire Hemp retailer email, or call 01377 272790.


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009

© Refuge de Thiernay

© Animal Defenders International

Behind the scenes at Natal Lion Park

Princess Elizabeth de Croy

We were saddened to learn of the death of a great friend of ADI, Princess Elizabeth de Croy, in May. Princess Elizabeth left a life of wealth and privilege to dedicate herself to animals, and in particular her sanctuary – the Refuge de Thiernay in Nevers, France. She was a longstanding supporter of our work, even assisting with undercover investigations of circuses in France. Together, we famously took a French circus to court to rescue a hippo; we won the case but sadly the circus was given an amnesty. Shortly before her death, she said to a friend “such a nuisance to die when there is so much to do for animals.” Earlier this year, ADI Campaign Director Tim Phillips wrote a section for her forthcoming autobiography. Elizabeth was a great character and supporter of animals who will be sadly missed. Tim will also be speaking at a memorial service Peterborough Cathedral on October 12th at 2pm, as part of a service to celebrate Elizabeth’s long and active life.

Eileen Chambers

Sadly, another great and longstanding friend of animals, Eileen Chambers, passed away in January. Eileen founded the Herne Bay and Whitstable Animal Rights Group in 1983 and ran the group for 25 years. She campaigned tirelessly against all forms of cruelty to animals, and her passion and dedication was an inspiration to all who knew her. With her group she ran action days, street collections and stalls; attended marches and rallies; raised funds and lobbied politicians, both locally and nationally. NAVS & ADI

Mongol Rally

© Animal Defenders International

In July, Goodwood Motor Circuit hosted the English launch of the Festival of Slow, Mongolia Rally 2009. The sixth Mongol Rally saw over 400 teams launch simultaneously from England, Spain and Italy for the finish line in Mongolian capital Ulaan Baatar to raise funds for good causes. participants Steven Manship and Daniel Nielsen nominated ADI as one of their chosen charities. Their remarkable 10,000 mile journey took them through Europe, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Russia to Mongolia and raised funds for our campaigns. After four weeks the team crossed the finish line, having negotiated river crossings, broken suspension, numerous border crossings, jay walking yaks and engine problems. Well done, Steven and Daniel, on this fantastic achievement; we congratulate your ‘extreme’ efforts to raise funds for animals.

Stop Circus Suffering benefit gig

Following the shocking expose of the Great British Circus (p6), a benefit gig was organised to raise funds for the Stop Circus Suffering campaign. ADI supporter, Steven Butler, from the group The Ramjets, organised the gig in Rochford by rallying musicians from The Ramjets, Sinkvenice and Adam Duffill. The evening was hailed a success by revellers, with local media in attendance, interviewing fans for their reaction to the circus exposé. A very big thank you to all who attended, to Steven and the bands who donated their time and talent to help animals.

Two researchers at the University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA, falsified data in 15 publications and two grant progress reports. The research concerned experiments to test immune suppressing drugs. The researchers reported that they had performed double kidney removal in rhesus macaques. In fact one kidney was been left intact in at least 32 animals1. This overstated the effectiveness of the drug, which could have led to further wasted research by others. Both researchers resigned2. 1. 2.

Call for the scientific evaluation of animal testing

A cross party group of MPs recently launched the Safety of Medicines (Evaluation) Bill 2009 calling for an unprecedented comparison of animal tests with human, biology-based methods. Mike Hancock, CBE MP, co-sponsor of the Bill stated “It is astonishing that animal testing has never been scientifically evaluated. The process is long overdue”. Dr Ian Gibson, co-sponsor: “There is a great variety of impressive technologies to assess drugs in humans: the species in question. They deserve to be given a fair trial against animal tests, to find out whether they could do a better job of protecting patients” 1. In 2006, 250 MPs signed an EDM calling on government to “facilitate an independent and transparent scientific evaluation of the use of animals as surrogate humans in drug safety testing and medical research” 2. . 2.

Monkey farm in Puerto Rico

The construction of a lab monkey supply facility is underway in Puerto Rico. The proposed breeding centre in Guayama City will initially be stocked with macaques from Mauritius. news_id=488&start=0&category_id=1


Left: Tim Phillips and Jan Creamer with the Rebecca Award.

ers International © Animal Defend

© Animal Defenders International

The Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS), has presented ADI Chief Executive, Jan Creamer, and Campaigns Director, Tim Phillips, with The Rebecca Award “For their courage, commitment, and international leadership in exposing cruel training and travel practices of circuses through their documentation of the science of animal suffering.” The special award is named after Rebecca, a 48 year old Asian elephant who toured with Circus World and the Blue Unit of Ringling Bros throughout the USA. In September 2001, Rebecca was brought to PAWS where she joined the Asian elephants Tammy and Annie and the wonderful facility in California. Jan said: “We especially appreciate receiving such a prestigious award from PAWS for whom we have so much respect and admiration. The award acknowledges the huge impact that the team we have led at ADI for 20 years, has had on this cruel industry.”

Primate results faked

© Animal Defenders International

Award for Leadership

Campaign News

The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


Left: Steven Manship and Daniel Nielsen with their vehicle, before the Mongol Rally.

Summit for Elephants

Above: Outside the elephants played, whilst inside delegates discussed how to protect all elephants.

In April, the leading elephant experts and campaigners assembled for the Summit for Elephants. Appropriately, the setting for the three day conference was Ark 2000 sanctuary of the Performing Animal Welfare Society, PAWS. As delegates inside one of the elephant barns discussed how to set elephants free, the lucky elephants at PAWS browsed outside in the sunshine.

The Summit opened with PAWS founders, Pat Derby and Ed Stewart outlining why it may be possible to fix zoos, but because of the temporary nature, close control, and constant travelling you could not fix circuses. Eminent field biologist and elephant expert Dr. Joyce Poole – who previously spoke at the launch of our Stop Circus Suffering Norway in Oslo – presented research on elephant communication with examples of acoustic, visual, chemical, tactile and seismic communication. She presented the voice, behaviour and gesture database and the Elephant Charter which provides guiding principles for scientific and ethical management of elephants. PAWS Vets, Dr. Mel Richardson and Dr. Dan Famini and CAHFS Dr. Francisco Uzal provided an expert insight on captive elephant health and diseases such as TB, pancreatitis, joint disease and foot health. USDA officer, Dr. Denise Sofranko, highlighted the problem of zoonotic diseases such as the risk of TB transmission to humans. A workshop on protected contact by Gaile Laule, illustrated the success of the method with rescued elephant Nicholas. Presentations were also given by Dr. Joel Parrott and Colleen Kinzley of Oakland Zoo, Nicole Pacquette of Born Free Foundation USA and Margaret Whittaker of Active Environments. Jan Creamer and Tim Phillips of ADI were due to give a series of


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

presentations but at the last minute were unable to attend. The presentations were made by Alexandra Cardenas, Lisa Mitchinson and Corey Evans from ADI. A shame for Jan and Tim who were presented with an award – see p15. Our first presentation, Legislation and Advocacy, focused on national and local measures to end the use of animals in circuses and the strategies to achieve these. We provided examples from all over the world where ADI had begun at ground level securing evidence behind the scenes of circuses and used this to drive awareness campaigns, publicity, secure local bans and then have national legislation tabled. We outlined the measures and text that can be achieved. As we spoke, Bolivia was on the brink of the final vote to ban animal circuses. We concluded by screening of our Stop Circus Suffering USA DVD with a special introduction by actress Jorja Fox.

Our second presentation, Moving elephants out of circuses: USA and Internationally highlighted the impacts of our campaigns with case studies from the UK, Greece, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia and the different approaches each necessitated. As an example of ensuring materials spoke directly to the audience, we screened a DVD about the Bill made specifically for the Peruvian Congress campaign which featured text in both Spanish and in an Andean people’s language. We concluded that the time is right for progress in the USA. The Summit showed that the evidence and expertise are here. For copies of U.S. campaign leaflets, posters and reports call our US office on +1 415 543 2344, or email

No justice yet for Chrissie and Boo

Our investigation of Bailey Brothers Circus revealed the violent abuse of elephants Chrissie and Boo (right) by trainer Mike Swain . The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) declined to act because Swain handed Chrissie back to his father Bill and disposed of Boo to Will Davenport – yet the Davenport family ran Bailey Brothers when the abuse was filmed. In August, the USDA seized Davenport’s elephants, Tina and Jewel, alleging that the thinnest, Jewel, had improper veterinary care and was losing too much weight. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Department said Davenport failed to acquire necessary permits when he bought Tina and Jewel from a Florida animal trainer. Tina and Jewel were taken to San Diego Zoo, but Boo was left behind for legal reasons. We will not give up our fight to save Chrissie and Boo.

Autumn/Winter 2009


© Animal Defenders International

Political and public will crushed by unelected officials

Stop Circus Suffering

have confirmed that wild animals can indeed be banned under regulation without recourse to “primary” legislation. Not a suprise since prohibitions under AWA regulation were discussed during the Committee stages of the Animal Welfare Bill and as it passed through the Commons and Lords, with Ministers The dismal delaying tactics that confirming this in debate and in answer unelected officials at Defra have to Parliamentary Questions. employed since a ban on wild animals in Constituents writing to MPs are also circuses was promised, continues with a being fed what appears to be wilful “feasibility study”. Intended to inform misinformation on this matter. regulations under the Animal Welfare Act Following the import of the elephants by 2006 (AWA), it was expected to be the Great British Circus, ADI made a completed in 2008. It remains Freedom of Information request to unpublished. Animal Health, Defra. They replied: The Intra Certificate supplied was Given the speed with which the “Please note that Animal Health do not illegible, even electronically. We applied decisions to invade Iraq, or to avert the hold copies of these documents and so for an internal review, based on the financial crisis and bail out the banks cannot supply them to you. These illegibility of the documents held and were made, taking a year to assess the documents remain with the travelling reference to the “Circus Animals Act”. feasibility of banning or phasing out wild animals and are We requested a copy of animals in just four circuses – Great checked en route to this “Act” and a copy of MPs and Ministers British, Mondao, Jolly’s and Bobby ensure compliance with visits by Roberts is a national embarrassment. must hang their heads pre-movement the Circus Animals Act, Animal Health and the … the only documents As previously reported a request in April in shame for allowing CITES permits and any that we have on record for sight of the feasibility study was this to happen on their other documents related relative to this matter, signed by ADI and other groups. to the import of the watch. They promised elephants. the English and French In June, Defra replied: “… it would not be versions of the Parliament and public Animal Health replied possible to make available a copy of a European Community draft feasibility study, as no such that they were not a ban, then turned Intra Certificates. … document exists at present, such a to hold copies These certificates were away and allowed civil required document will only be produced after we of these documents and applied for in the EU, have finished gathering all the necessary servants to derail the that those supplied were not in the UK, and were information. … The primary aim is to proposal. As a direct “documents provided by issued in Belgium, so look at whether or not regulations would staff, using their we have no further consequence, we have Circus be of use in protecting the welfare of photocopier.” correspondence animals. Ministers have previously the grotesque spectacle Concerning the prerelating to them.” indicated that a ban on the use of wild exposed at the Great movement inspection There is no Circus animals in circuses would need primary documents and CITES Animals Act in British Circus. legislation.” permits requested: “I existence. Three independent legal opinions from confirm Animal Health ADI, RSPCA and BFF submitted to Defra do not hold CITES documents for these animals – there is no requirement for these animals travelling within the EU.” As the Government prevaricates, animals suffer. With regard to the “Circus Animal Act”, Animal Health clarified: “this was erroneous; it should have referred to EC Regulation 1739/2005”. ADI complained to the Information Commissioner based on EC regulation No. 865/2006, providing that Member States must issue travelling certificates in respect of each of the specimens which form part of a travelling exhibition and that the customs office shall forward an endorsed copy to the relevant management authority, which is Defra. We await a reply. ADI & NAVS

The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


Order our leaflets to spread the word and help end the suffering. Call 020 7630 3340 or email

Stop Circus Suffering

Once again we supplied Big Cat Rescue and Toto Goes Home DVDs to GAWF’s annual schools writing competiton which this year attracted over 5,500 entries.


ADI and NOAH, partners in Stop Circus Suffering Norway, have kept pressure on the Government to act on animals in circuses. There is now a proposal to ban the use of certain species including zebras, kangaroos, sea lions and other exotic animals in circuses. The use of elephants is being discussed. As a result of the pressure, in March Cirkus Agoras announced that they were now animal free and introduced a new trapeze act from Norway. This leaves just two animal circuses in the country.


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Northern Ireland

In Northern Ireland, Newry and Mourne District Council filed an injunction against Alexander Scholl’s Super Circus Sydney show, after lack of compliance in the licence application process denied a proper consultation on the event, including addressing public safety. This petition was backed by the High Court in Belfast and temporarily stopped the circus setting up in Warrenport. ADI and ARAN wrote to the Council expressing support and requesting a ban on animal circuses on council land. However, the Court confirmed that the injunction would be lifted following a safety inspection.


Senators Jairo Clopatofsky, Elsa Gladys Cifuentes and Hector Eli Rojas have tabled a bill on animal welfare which includes the prohibition of the use of all animals in circuses and will be discussed in the 5th Commission of the Senate. On 26 August, to herald the tabling of the Bill, ADI and Animanaturalis held a demonstration in front of the Colombian Congress in the Plaza de Bolivar.

Autumn/Winter 2009

© Animal Defenders International

ADI campaign partner, ARAN, held a meeting in Limerick City to discuss the next phase of Stop Circus Suffering Ireland. The meeting was attended by the local Limerick Green Party who committed to supporting the ban on animal circuses.

© Animal Defenders International


© Animal Defenders International

© Greek Animal Welfare Fund

In May, a local organisation filmed a circus elephant being repeatedly hit in the head and face and hooked with a bullhook, in Circo Massimo in Florina. As previously reported the video generated a strong reaction. ADI and our Stop Circus Suffering Greece partner, the Greek Animal Welfare Fund (GAWF), responded with letters to the Minister of Agriculture and Foods, Mr. Sotirios Chatzigakis and the Greek Ambassador in the UK, Mr. Vassilis Achilleas Pispinis and emphasising that according to Greek Law (1197/1981), the Minister of Agriculture and the Police are responsible for preventing and taking action against any kind of animal abuse. We have continued to press for a ban on the use of animals in circuses.

© Animal Defenders International


Campaigners painted as animals were locked in cages to highlight the plight of circus animals. The event was attended by the authors of the Bill and key congressmen, including Mr. Armando Benedetti, Mr. Oscar Dario Pérez, Mr. Jorge Morales, Mr. José de Los Santos Negrette, Councillor Roberto Saenz. Stop Circus Suffering Colombia leaflets, the Science on Suffering Report and DVDs were distributed. In July, ADI’s South American Campaigns Coordinator, Juan Pablo Olmos, gave a presentation at the First Animal Protection Summit in Bogotá. ADI continues to press for the release of ex-circus chimpanzees Karla and NAVS & ADI

Left: Scenes from the ADI/Animanaturalis demonstration outside the Colombian Congress. second from top: ADI´s Eduardo Peña discussing the Science on Suffering report with Senator Armando Benedetti. Bottom: Eduardo with Senator Jairo Clopatofsky.

Stop Circus Suffering

Animal Defenders International

© Animal Defenders International

the Constitution. ADI is very pleased with the progress of this Bill and is actively campaigning to support Mr. Tripoli’s report. The next stage is the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies. A ban in Brazil would have massive impact and would be the biggest ever loss of territory to the animal circus industry. Our thanks to cruelty-free cosmetics company Surya who continue to back our Stop Circus Suffering Brazil campaign.


Panchito. Following a meeting with the Director of the Department of Ecosystems of the Ministry of Environment we have been requested to resubmit information, evidence and home offers on both cases.


ADI Head of Parliamentary Affairs, Helder Constantino, joined ADI Brazil representative Antoniana Ottoni to lobby as the Brazilian law to ban all animals in circuses was discussed in the Commission of Education and Culture of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. Our inflatable elephant featured outside the Commission meetings and we distributed a new political briefing in Portuguese to all members of the Commission. We were delighted when Bill No. 7291, presented by the Congressman Antonio Carlos Biffi, was passed, following intense debate. In August the Bill entered the Commission for the Constitution, Justice and Citizenship of the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies. Representative Ricardo Tripoli, who has championed the Bill argued that circuses are cruel to animals and that the use of animals is contrary to

Top: Brazilian Congress Representative Ricardo Tripoli; Main picture: ADI Head of Parliamentary Affairs Helder Constantino with our elephant outside the Commission in Brazil during the debate. Below: Campaigners at a Commission Meeting.


Last year, ADI and Chilean group JUVAN, screened the DVD Stop Circus Suffering South America in Concepción attended by over 150 people with widespread attention in the media and the Congress. Following passage of the Bolivian law, a Bill banning the use of animals in circuses was tabled on August 4th. This emphasises the importance of circus as a form of entertainment, recreation and culture but also addressees the issues of conservation and animal welfare and a lack of educational value for children of using animals. The Bill has received © Animal Defenders International

Top: ADI South America co-ordinator Juan Pablo Olmos outlines our work at the first Animal Protection Summit in Bogota. Below: Local Government and Police officials address Summit in Bogota.

Following passage of the animal circus ban, ADI continues working with Congresswoman Flores on regulations to implement the law and with the national environment authority on relocation of animals – see p2 & p20.

cross party support and has been signed by Deputies Marco Enríquez-Ominami Gumucio, Cristián Monckeberg Bruner, Manuel Monsalve Benavides, Marco Antonio Núñez Lozano, Fulvio Rossi Ciocca, Karla Rubilar Barahona, Marisol Turres Figueroa and Ximena Valcarce Becerra. The Bill is being debated in the Commission of Government in September and ADI has been invited to give a presentation.


Following the acceptance in the Agrarian Commission of the Peruvian Congress, the Bill banning the animals in circuses was debated in the Andean Peoples Commission and approved by majority. ADI lobbied and distributed new materials including postcards, briefings, key rings and door hangers. After approval, ADI met with the leaders of the different groups, requesting the Bill be debated in the Plenary before the circus season began in July. ADI secured the signatures of twelve group leaders and discussions were expected in June. However, following problems in the Amazonian region the debate was deferred until after the summer break to mark Peruvian Independence Day. ADI maintained momentum by sending congresspeople a postcard wishing them happy patriotic holidays and reminding them that the circus Bill will be awaiting debate on their return. When Congress returned our team was ready to meet them, and our inflatable elephant was on its way from Brazil to appear at another Congress!

Above and below: Door hangers, briefings for Congress and campaign postcards _ some of our campaign materials produced in Peru this summer.

Help save the Bolivian Circus Animals

One of the Circo Abuhabda lions behind bars

We’ve secured a ban on ALL animal circuses in Bolivia, now help us save the animals as the circuses go animal-free. Following the ban, the first Bolivian circus has gone animal free and the animals have been handed to ADI. Five lions, three males and two females and a Hamadryas baboon from Circo Abuhadba are on their way to freedom. President Morales gave the circuses one year to go animal free in order to adjust to the new legislation, and in doing so ADI have risen to the challenge of rescuing and relocating those in need. Some of these animals were filmed during our undercover investigation of circuses in Bolivia five years ago, which led to this ban. And we believe we filmed the tragic baboon two years before that, during an investigation of circuses in Chile.

When presented with the opportunity of rescuing these animals, ADI Sud America met with the circus owners. After lengthy negotiations the circus agreed to hand the animals over into our care. We have now moved the animals to a secure location and are building a holding unit where they will be cared for whilst we arrange to move them to a permanent home. The animals will go to the wonderful Performing Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) Sanctuary in California, where we will fund their care for the rest of their lives. These animals have led a terrible life – now let’s give them the future they deserve. It is also important to show Bolivia and other governments that when we campaign for a ban, ADI will follow through and help with any animals that need rehoming.

© Animal Defenders International

© Animal Defenders International

Rescue News

Circo Abuhabda baboon We are currently pressing for legislation in Brazil, Colombia and Peru. Legislation has also been drafted in Greece, following our Stop Circus Suffering campaign there. So, please help us save these circus lions and baboon, and together let’s send a message to the British and international community that we want action to stop circus suffering. We urgently need funds for the Bolivian lions, and the baboon: To feed and look after the animals; for veterinary care; for the new holding facility in Bolivia; the journey to the US and the permanent enclosure where they will run free in California for the remainder of their lives. Together we are making real progress for animals around the world and together, we can give these lions and baboon a wonderful future. Please send a donation.

A lion watches from behind the bars

Help care for rescued animals for the rest of their lives Our adoption scheme is vital for the long term care of our rescue animals, and for helping us save more animals in the future. You can adopt an animal for yourself or give an adoption pack as a gift this Christmas. We also have special signed prints, stunning images with a certificate and the story of how the image was taken. The adoption gift pack and signed prints are available from our Christmas Catalogue. And you can contact us for a FREE Rescued Animal collecting box for your loose change! Thank you. Call 020 7630 3340 for details.


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


Rescue News

Orlandito and his friends could soon be free

© Animal Defenders International

News from South America is that, Orlandito a brown capuchin monkey rescued from the pet trade, has just been issued the necessary permits which will enable him to go back into the Colombian forest.

Work can now finally commence on the ADI funded acclimatisation enclosure which will bring Orlandito and his friends a step closer to freedom. Good luck Orlandito and chums!


A member of the ADI team inspects the proposed site for Orlandito’s release

Toto, Sims and the bee!

Life with Toto has been fairly stable over the last few months. Only troublesome chimp children punctuate the day in this chimpanzee’s life. Recently, relaxation was shattered with hoots of excitement as poor little Sims had been stung by a bee. Our Toto rushed to reassure the baby, like a father to a son. Fortunately, initial inspection by Toto revealed the sting to be none too dangerous, and it wasn’t too long before Sims was back at play.

© Animal Defenders International

Routine checks recently raised concerns about Tarzan’s health. Suspicions grew that the suspected arthritis in his hind legs was worsening due to the onset of winter, an all too familiar ailment for circus animals. It was decided a full medical exam was required, and Tarzan was anesthetized in order to perform a full range of clinical examinations including a dental exam (he lost a tooth a while ago), blood sampling, and ultrasound. Results showed that his kidneys were slightly smaller than anticipated, although this was to be expected of a 17 year old tiger; arthritis was confirmed in both hip joints, which will be treated to minimise his discomfort. Overall, he was prounced in reasonable shape considering his age and these conditions.

© Animal Defenders International

Toto, always on duty, with Sims

© Animal Defenders International

© Animal Defenders International

Orlandito: One step closer to freedom!

Tarzan is prepared for his examination and (inset) back on his feet The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


© Animal Defenders International

Why drug testing on monkeys must stop © Animal Defenders International

All the incidents described here took place at the primate units in the laboratories of Huntingdon Life Sciences, where an ADI/NAVS investigator worked as an animal technician in the primate toxicology units for a year from 2007 to 2008. Our investigator observed 5 studies using between 4 and 72 animals, which cost the lives of 217 monkeys. The details below provide a snapshot – please see our full report Primate Testing in Europe for more detail.

Above: A monkey inside Huntingdon Life Sciences.

What happens?

Two workers hold the animal and a third performs the procedure. This allows procedures including blood sampling, injecting substances and oral (gavage – tube down the throat) dosing to be carried out. For inhalation dosing and blood pressure recording animals are strapped into restraint chairs. One monkey was aggressive towards others, so was housed alone. During removal from his cage for gavage dosing, he vomited faeces (which he’d apparently eaten in his cage), and had a nose bleed. After one dosing session a


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

technician saw him lay down, recovering minutes later1, 2. This rapid recovery suggests that the symptoms were due to stress rather than the test compound. Stress can cause eating of faeces and solitary housing can increase suffering. A fortnight later, this poor monkey was still being used in the study1. Several animals suffered rectal prolapse. One animal prolapsed during dosing, a technician tried to help the animal by trying to re-insert the prolapse using a bottle spout, but failed; the vet was called3, 4. Research on this concludes “subjects often show gross signs of

Autumn/Winter 2009

distress such as acute diarrhoea, rectal prolapse and alarm vocalization” 5 [our emphasis]. During one study, several monkeys repeatedly suffered from vomiting and salivation1. Some had black-stained urine1. One almost chewed off its finger, gnawing into bone. It continued chewing its hand even after it had been dressed by the vet. Others tugged at chest skin, pushed their fists into their mouths, tried to bite through metal food hoppers and pushed large amounts of sawdust into their cheek pouches1. Days later, they NAVS & ADI

appeared to have a “pins and needles” sensation1, 6. Several animals were clearly distressed yet they were dosed as normal and returned to their cages. On an inhalation study, three monkeys died or were killed due to partially collapsed and blocked lungs. Three other animals collapsed but were revived. Necropsied animals were found to have blackened lungs1, 6. One group was dosed daily by oral gavage, for 52 weeks – 365 doses. Some monkeys vomited every time they were dosed1, particularly the control animals1. As control monkeys were vomiting, it appears that the oral gavage procedure itself was causing the problem

This is called the drug’s ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion). Our genes, and other factors, influence the ADME of a drug. Therefore, despite some similarities, small but key genetic differences between ourselves and non-human primates are hugely important in drug development and testing. A review of animal use in drug development concluded “Some species of experimental animals have such unique mechanisms of developing toxicity that extrapolation of such toxicity assessments to the human situation would be fraudulent” 7. Others commented: “The many intrinsic differences in the ADME processes between animals and humans make extrapolation of animal data very difficult”, furthermore, “in the past 30 years, pharmacokineticists have failed to find an animal species in which the ADME processes of drugs are consistently the same as those in humans. In fact, it can be presumed that such an animal species will never be found” 8. The importance of species differences were demonstrated when test drug TGN1412 caused horrific, almost fatal, permanent side effects in human volunteers in the UK. Yet this drug had been given to laboratory monkeys, without side effects, in doses 500 times higher than that given to the volunteers.

Save The Primates

Many now agree that this disaster could have been avoided by using advanced technology. Certain genes (cytochromes) create enzymes which are important in the metabolism of drugs, yet there are also differences between humans and the cynomolgus monkey. “Gene and protein expression of CYP2C76 was confirmed in the liver of cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys but not in humans or the great apes” and “CYP2C76 contributes to overall drug-metabolising activity in the monkey liver” 9. A later paper by the same author concluded “Cynomolgus monkey CYP2C76 does not have a corresponding ortholog in humans, and it is partly responsible for differences in drug metabolism between monkeys and humans” 10 (our emphasis).


In addition to their suffering during experiments, laboratory monkeys are kept in barren conditions. Environmental deprivation, with no means to create interest, causes severe mental distress. At HLS just a few plastic dumbbells, mirrors and metal triangles were the nod to enrichment. There was nothing complex to engage the animals or to challenge them. They received just one toy between 8 animals11, resulting in these being monopolised by dominant animals. The investigator was told that puzzle feeders were “too expensive” 11.


© Animal Defenders International

Species differences

Species differences means that data derived from animal tests is unreliable. All species react differently to drugs and chemicals, due to differences in genetics and biology. Biochemical changes in animals’ bodies due to being used in the laboratory can affect test outcomes. The development and use of advanced non-animal techniques offers improved scientific methods and improved results, more relevant to humans. The rate at which a drug is broken down in the body and the route it takes through the body before being excreted is crucial.

Rows of monkey cages inside HLS experimental unit M16.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS) offers precise analysis of samples from volunteers who have received micro-doses of test compounds.

Cell culture techniques are offering a sophisticated approach to research that providing data of direct relevance to humans.

Save the Primates

One monkey had blood on its face, there was blood on the back of the cage and the ends of its toes were missing. Our investigator concluded that it was likely the animal had trapped its foot in part of its cage, sliced its toes off trying to free itself and then put its foot in its mouth. Missing digits were not considered an uncommon occurrence1. Two females escaped from their cage. One got into a cage with 3 males, was attacked and possibly raped. Her face was bruised and battered, her finger was bitten, her genital area was scratched and bruised and her anus was ripped and covered in mucus1. About four months later, another four animals from the same test broke their cage doors and escaped1. Due to various escapes, one customer requested that chains be placed around the female monkeys’ doors1; but these chains had sharp edges, a female monkey was left unable to eat after one pierced her cheek. She was therefore medicated and force-fed twice a day1.


In 2002 the European Parliament adopted a new policy, “the need for the continued use of non-human primates in research and testing should be critically evaluated in the light of scientific knowledge, with the intention of reducing and eventually ending their use” 12.

The futility and horror of these experiments is magnified, and all the more poignant, when there are reliable, cutting edge technologies which could be used instead of these stressed and frightened creatures. These include Accelerator Mass Spectrometry (AMS), where ultra-low, safe doses of new compounds are given to human volunteers; samples such as blood and urine are analysed by AMS which can count individual atoms of a compound and track its progress through the body.

A monkey, almost certainly destined for pharmaceutical experiments, peers from a cage in a European lab animal dealer.

There are many other alternatives, including toxicogenomics; biochips; computer modelling and human cell, tissue and organ cultures. These techniques do not use animals, so there are no species differences. The revision of EU Directive 86/609 governing animal experiments is a prime opportunity to pave the way to a ban on using primates. The evidence above shows how primates continue to suffer in their thousands. Recent statistics for the EU show that over 10,000 primates were used in the EU in 2005. Report A500387/2002, adopted by the European Parliament on 13 November 2002 states that “the need for the continued use of non-human primates in research and testing should be critically evaluated in the light of scientific knowledge, with the intention of reducing and eventually ending their use”. The revision of 86/609 should ensure this happens now. References: 1. Contemporaneous Notes 07. 2. Contemporaneous Notes 09. 3. Contemporaneous Notes 08. 4. Investigator, Medical Log 07. 5. Reinhardt, V (1994) “Traditional Handling Procedures of Laboratory Non-human Primates are an Intrinsic source of Distress: What can be done?” - accessed 09/07/08. 6. Investigator, welfare log 07. 7. Lin, J.H. & Lu, A.Y.H. (1997) “Role of pharmacokinetics and metabolism in drug discovery and development” Pharmacological Reviews, vol. 49, no.4, pp.403-449). 8. Lin, J.H. (1998) “Applications and limitations of interspecies scaling and in vitro extrapolation in pharmacokinetics” Drug metabolism and Disposition, vol.26, no.12, pp.1202-1212. 9. Uno, Y et al (2006) “CYP2C76, a novel cytochrome P450 in cynomolgus monkey, is a major CYP2C in liver, metabolizing tolbutamide and testosterone”, Molecular Pharmacology, vol.70, no.2, pp. 477-486. 10. Uno, Y. et al (2007) “Characterization of cynomolgus monkey cytochrome P450 (CYP) cDNAs: Is CYP2C76 the only monkey-specific CYP gene responsible for species differences in drug metabolism”, Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, vol.466, pp.98-105. 11. Investigator, written answers 08. 12. Report A5-0387/2002 adopted 13.11.2002


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009



The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


Right: A piece of lens cultured in human serum. Cell growth can be seen in purple.

Research Without Animals

Far right: A technician working on the cartilage tissue construct project.

© Lord Dowding Fund

© Lord Dowding Fund

Far right, inset: Dr. Jamie Harle, who works on the project with Dr. Vehid Salih.

Progress in brain First lens replacement test in fully human system Intra ocular lenses (IOL) are used to replace those removed during cataract operations. One problem which can occur post surgery, sometimes causing secondary blindness, is called Posterior Capsule Opacification (PCO). IOL designs are an important line of investigation in preventing PCO and at present are largely tested on rabbits. An LDF sponsored project at the University of East Anglia is using human “eye bags”, which come from human donors, to carry out such tests. The researcher recently established the optimum levels of human serum in which to place the lens to ensure that cell growth was maximised. This was done by counting cell growth in tissue culture at varying concentrations of serum. Once this was established, the researcher went on to implant the first


The Animal Defender & Campaigner

IOL into an eye capsule, an eye bag without an IOL was used as a control. The observations, to monitor any sign of PCO (indicated by cell re-growth), were made using phase-microscopy. Although the IOL slowed down the development of PCO it did not prevent it; cells still grew, covering the posterior of the capsule. Additionally, wrinkling of the posterior of the capsule also occurred, although not as severely. In the human patient this would have resulted in sight impairment. The IOL testing described above used a round edged IOL. It is known that IOL designs with a square edge are better at preventing PCO. Therefore, the next lens to be tested is a square edged IOL which, if there is seen to be further retardation of cell growth, will provide further evidence for the use of the current model.

Autumn/Winter 2009

With 25% of cancers found in the body spreading to the brain and worsening patient prognosis, it is vital to understand the mechanisms by which cancerous cells metastasise (move) into the brain, thereby spreading the cancer. To reach the brain, tumour cells must pass the blood-brain barrier (BBB), a layer which protects the brain. Most in vitro constructions generally use animal tissues to model the BBB, but these animal models do not reflect the situation in humans. Exciting new progress has been made in the development of the all human tissue model of the BBB at Portsmouth University. Professor Pilkington and his team have been testing various permutations of cell cultures in the Transwell® model, using astrocytes (supporting cells), from two different areas of the brain, endothelial cells, which line the blood vessels, and pericytes. Pericytes are a less well


New tissue graft system

© Lord Dowding Fund

Relying upon donor grafts to alleviate orthopaedic problems is not an ideal solution. Natural tissues, produced artificially with the use of a scaffold to support and guide regeneration, provide a suitable alternative. The efficacy of this strategy for regenerating tissue can be greatly improved by regular treatment with therapeutic ultrasound. This non-invasive technique uses high frequency sound waves to accelerate bone repair, and may be of use in cartilage repair too. Exciting progress has been made with this in vitro model which is being used to investigate ultrasound as a therapy for helping to heal cartilage tissue. The findings from the work of researchers at UCL Eastman Dental Institute and the Open University will be presented at an international Biomaterials conference later this year.

The presentation will promote the use of HA/alginate as an animal-free scaffold for an in vitro model of cartilage. The best scaffold composition will be used in the next stage of the project of the ‘exposure’ work. Modifications to the ultrasound exposure rig are in progress to expand the range of acoustic outputs available for the next ultrasound ‘exposure’ stage of the work. This will enable exposure of pulsed ultrasound signals, rather than the continuous wave form, as used in the work to date. The exposure rig will be modified in order that the ultrasound signals can be amplified. This will allow varying intensities of ultrasound to be delivered to the hMSC-alginate constructs. During the next phase of the work, researchers aim to complete an ‘exposure’ study to investigate the biological responses of hMSCs, made to change into the relevant cell types, to both diagnostic and therapeutic ultrasound exposure. The model will then be used to look for ultrasound-induced effects.

n tumour research

© Lord Dowding Fund

known component of the BBB and are It is hoped the model will identify the thought to regulate multiplication and pathways that malignant cells take differentiation of endothelial cells. across the BBB. Once fully developed the model could be used not only to Recent preliminary results have shown study metastases but also as a tool for that co-cultures of astrocytes and drug companies to discover if and how endothelial cells have shown better therapeutic agents can pass through the formation of ‘tight junctions’ (TJs) than BBB to treat the brain directly. endothelial cell mono-cultures. TJs make the BBB a highly effective biological barrier. Currently, Equipment used to view cells of the BBB the addition of pericytes to create a tri-culture has not further improved tight junction formation. However, this is possibly to be due to the pericytes blocking the endothelial cells, preventing them from producing a monolayer. The team intend to repeat the experiment, with the pericytes at the bottom of the Transwell® so that they are not in direct contact with the endothelial cells. ADI & NAVS

Research Without Animals ADI Bookworm

We have been busy sourcing some of the best animal friendly titles around, so for your chance to win one of these new editions, simply enter our bookworm competitions! Good luck and happy reading! The Elephant’s Secret Sense

This book is a beautiful insight into the naturalist Caitlin O'Connell's memoirs of her 14 years researching the complexities of elephant behavior in Africa. Using a combination of science and soulfulness she explains her theories of how elephants use seismic communication in conjunction with social and ecological conditions. For more information contact: or call 01865 310597. To win a copy: When did the UK Government promise a circus animal ban? Animals, a Children’s

Encyclopedia Deep in the jungle, high up in the mountains, in polar waters or scorching deserts, our glorious planet is teeming with billions of amazing creatures. ‘Animals a children’s encyclopedia’ brings you face to face with the best of them. For more information contact: or call 020 7010 3000. To win a copy: Which UK Government department is supporting pro-vivisection amendments to the European Directive? For all entries please state the book title, your answer and your full contact details, (name, address, telephone number and email). Post: ADI, Millbank Tower, Millbank, London SW1P 4QP. Email: Entry deadline: 15th January 2010.

The Animal Defender & Campaigner

Autumn/Winter 2009


© Animal Defenders International

© Animal Defenders International

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