"Somebunny" is Waiting For You At Animal Friends

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vol. 30 no. 1


Our Mission To ensure the well being of companion animals, while ending overpopulation, abuse and unwarranted euthanasia.

Animal Friends is a non-profit organization serving the needs of pets and people since 1943. Our progressive programs have been nationally recognized and include pet rescue, shelter and adoption services, behavior classes, educational and therapeutic outreach and more. Most importantly, Animal Friends is leading the way towards ending pet overpopulation in western Pennsylvania through comprehensive, community-wide spay/neuter programming. Animal Friends is supported by donors, volunteers and a staff dedicated to ensuring the well being of companion animals, while ending overpopulation, abuse and unwarranted euthanasia. To learn more, visit www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org

Table of Contents Leaving a Lasting Gift.................2 Spay it Forward…….....................3 Soul Mutts……...........................4-5 Homeless Hoppers......................6 Animal Friends University Catalog…….....…... 7-10 Calendar of Events.................... 11 Feline Purrsonals……............12-13 Kids’ Corner………......................14 Re-TAIL Therapy…......................15 Happy Tails.............................. 16

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is waiting for you ...

at Animal Friends!


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About Us


Did you "Hare?"

Press Published Bimonthly c/o Animal Friends 562 Camp Horne Road Pittsburgh, PA 15237

It’s Adopt-aShelter-Rabbit Month!

Editor-in-Chief: Katie Kurylo Managing Editors: Kim Krisciunas and Shannon Tremblay

Did you know that rabbits are the third most-adopted companion animal? And for good reason!

Writers: Cassandra Dixon, Natalie Larocco, Dana Schultz and Carol Whaley

To start, they are quiet and clean creatures making them an excellent roommate for apartment life. They can be litter-trained and roam freely throughout your home (after it’s been bunny-proofed of course!). Classified as lagomorphs, rabbits are incredibly intelligent and social animals.

At Animal Friends, we’re celebrating Adopt-a-ShelterRabbit Month for all of February. Even if you’re not quite ready to add a bunny as your newest furry family member, you can still get your bunny fix by hopping down the bunny trail to Animal Friends this month for our special rabbit-centered events!

Photography: Jeff Geissler, Harry Giglio, Linda Mitzel, Angie Pulice and Carol Radz Animal Handlers: Karen Appman, Karen Drosendahl, Holly Gumbeski, Joe Klein, Natalie Larocco, Elaine Natowich and Phyllis Thorne Design: Kay Braun at Direct Axis President: David Swisher

Breaking Mews

Leaving a

Lasting Gift – In Memory of Jean McElravy Pendleton and Lois Lucas More than 70 years ago, our founders were faced with a need to continually – and compassionately – control the pet overpopulation problem. They vowed to serve as friends to unwanted animals. Thus Animal Friends was born. Our founders dreamed of a bright future and thanks to their vision – and community financial commitment to our mission – our organization stands at the forefront of animal welfare in our region. From volunteering to bequeathing an estate, the continuity of our programs relies on the generosity and support of the public. Our lifesaving work, from providing for the animals in our care to reducing the pet population through aggressive spay and neuter programs and everything in between, has been made possible largely because of financial gifts made to Animal


for many of their aging family members –two- and fourlegged alike. Mrs. Pendleton’s love for animals never faded throughout the course of her life, and the tremendous gift that she left to Animal Friends allows for the daily care and comfort of countless animals at our facility. Because of her thoughtfulness and generosity, many animals will find loving homes and become cherished family members.

Individuals may choose to support our organization through These gifts come from special people one of many ways including who believe in the work that we do bequests, life insurance and on behalf of animals. Since these charitable trusts. Unique to Animal generous individuals included our Friends’ planned-giving options is shelter in their wills, Animal Friends the Life Saver’s Society: a program is able to ensure that their values are by which donors choose to leave upheld for future generations. their cat, dog or rabbit in the care Jean McElravy Pendleton is a shining of Animal Friends. Donors who choose this option make a planned example of this. She chose to honor her lifelong love of animals by leaving gift of $5,000 or more per pet to this special society. For more information a gift to Animal Friends. regarding planned giving at Animal Mrs. Pendleton, who remembered Friends please contact Cassandra Animal Friends in her legacy, was Dixon, Director of Development, inspired by her sister, Lois Lucas, at 412.847.7037 or cdixon@ to do so. Both were incredibly ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org. compassionate individuals that cared Friends.

This paper is not responsible for the conduct, health, temperament or availability of the animals listed. The publisher retains the right to refuse any advertising. COPYING OR REPRODUCING ANY OR ALL OF THIS PUBLICATION IS URGED AND APPRECIATED, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE USE OF THE NAME “PETSBURGH PRESS,” WHICH IS PROTECTED AND IS PROHIBITED IN ANY OTHER FORM, OR BY ANY OTHER MEANS.

Animal Friends Directory Center Main Number: 412.847.7000 Center Main Fax: 412.847.7001 Public Hours of Operation: M-F: 11 am – 7 pm; S & S: 10 am – 5 pm Adoption 412.847.7002 | adoption@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Advertising & Event Sponsorships 412.847.7073 |hwhitfill@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Admissions 412.847.7078 | admissions@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Behavior Classes & Helpline 412.847.7070 | behavior@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Community Programs & Classes 412.847.7035 | dklingelhofer@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Cruelty Investigations 412.847.7066 | vpolka@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Donations 412.847.7051 | erousseau@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Events 412.847.7055 | sgage@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program 412.847.7004 | spayneuter@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Mailing List Changes/Additions 412.847.7051 | erousseau@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Retail Shop 412.847.7022 | retail@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Volunteering 412.847.7040 | arieser@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org

Providing roughage is essential to a rabbit’s good health. Things like apple-tree twigs and hay are great sources that reduce the danger of hairballs and other blockages.

10,000 Spay/Neuter Surgeries for 2014! By Carol Whaley, Low-Cost Spay Neuter Coordinator

Enclosed is my sponsorship of... $50 to underwrite one spay or neuter surgery Please make checks payable to Animal Friends, Inc.

Other $


There’s no question that Pittsburgh’s shelters and rescues are always overflowing with adoptable pets awaiting their forever homes. These organizations – including Animal Friends – are working around the clock to find homes for the pets in their care. However, we know that after years of intense effort, it is not possible to adopt our way out of pet overpopulation. Our focus at Animal Friends’ Low-Cost Spay and Neuter Program is to reduce the homeless pet population through humane and targeted services. We provide low-income pet owners with the vital resources that they need to keep the animals that they love at home. Through our spay and neuter clinics, low-cost vaccine clinics, summer community rabies clinics, mass trapneuter-vaccinate-return projects and our new Pets for Life Program, we are reducing overpopulation and

Address City



Send this form with your donation to Animal Friends, Sponsor-a-Spay Program, 562 Camp Horne Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. All donations are tax-deductible. Or make your donation online at www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/DonateNow

We thank our sponsors…

the number of pets surrendered to shelters. In 2014, our programs provided 10,392 low-cost or free spays and neuters – including 500 in the Homewood neighborhood of Pittsburgh through our Pets for Life Program. In the past three years, 30,377 dogs, cats and rabbits were spayed or neutered through our programs.

Mark and Jeanneen Bellows, Donna and Arthur Berberich, Diane Bowser, Sherry Bradford, Casey Carnahan, Susan DiBattista, Kathleen Donnelly, Mark and Kelley Harley, Clara Harmening, Fonda Hollenbaugh, Kathy Hurst, Bernadette Jatkowski, Dorothy and James E. Joyce Jr., Jo-Ann Kendrick, Mary Anne McCarthy, William McKnight, Barbara Miller, Judith Montibeller, Ingrid Naugle, M.D., Linda Pavlik, Sarah Jane Russo, Kathleen Sandoe, Heather Sawyer, Sean and Amy Sebastian, Kayla Seifert, Christine Stache, Jacinta Synnott, Jarmila Warhola, Cynthia Wessels, Carol Young and Tara Zalewsky-Nease

Please consider becoming a volunteer or making a donation to our programs to ensure that we end overpopulation, suffering and unwarranted euthanasia in our region.

A rabbit’s diet should be made up of good quality pellets, fresh hay and veggies and water. Anything beyond that is a “treat” and should be given in limited quantities!


Soul MuTTs

Petsburgh Press sponsorships are a great way to honor or say thanks to a friend or pet. If you would like to sponsor the adoption fee of an animal, please contact our Adoptions Department at 412.847.7002.

Jake This handsome fellow is working hard on overcoming his shyness and fear of unfamiliar people and situations. Once you get to know him, you’ll quickly discover that Jake is an intelligent guy, a real people pleaser. He walks well on a leash and rides nicely in the car. Jake would be best suited to live in a home with children older than 10 and would prefer to be the only dog in the household. Someone believes in Jake so much, they sponsored his adoption! Jake would like to thank Dr. Eric and Kathleen Snyder who donated in honor of Ty Tut and Zarley.

AvA This gorgeous German Shepherd came to Animal Friends from another shelter where she had been surrendered in a horribly emaciated condition. Ava’s weight is steadily increasing, and she’ll need her new family to help her stay on track by feeding her smaller, regular meals. We recommend that Ava go to an adult-only home. We also recommend experienced Shepherd owners who understand and appreciate this breed’s characteristics. Ava offers a paw of thanks to Jean Moran and her sponsorship in memory of Slinky, “gone too soon.”

HersHey PHoeBe Phoebe is a sweet, 2-year-old Pit Bull mix that is looking for her forever home. She would do wonderfully in a home with children more than 8-years old. She’d prefer a home without cats but might be able to live with another canine sibling. This adorable girl is looking for a family to love. Come meet her today! Phoebe sends licks and kisses to Nancy Kenyon who says, “We are so blessed by canine friends and family.”


Hershey is a lovely lady who is looking for her forever home! She’s a dog who knows what she wants and can be a bit aloof at times, so her new family should plan on making some time for training. Hershey would be okay living in a home with another dog. However, please don’t think that just because she enjoys some alone time that she doesn’t want to spend some time with you! Special thanks to Sally and James Baumgartel, who donated in honor of Jim and Sally Baumgartel.

maGGie This regal German Shepherd beauty will definitely keep you on your toes! Maggie likes to play and play and play, and especially enjoys stuffed toys! She’s looking for a family who will invest time in helping her develop house and leash manners. Maggie would be most comfortable in a home with children older than 10 and would also prefer to be the only dog in the house. Someone believes in Maggie so much, they sponsored her adoption! Maggie is truly priceless! Maggie sends her love to Delaine and John Giecek who gave in honor of Dakota.

Rabbits don’t eat just carrots! Buns love dark, leafy-green veggies, like kale, endive and dandelion greens. They also like snacking on broccoli, celery and brussel sprouts.

Buckey How can anyone resist this handsome face? Buckey is a friendly, high-energy German Shepherd mix who thrives on activity, so don’t expect him to be satisfied with a simple stroll down the street! Buckey is working on developing his house manners. He’d do best in a family where someone is often at home so he can continue to learn successfully. While it’s possible he’d do well in a home with cats, he’ll need a family who is experienced in this regard. Buckey also loves to play with other dogs but wants to be the only dog in your life. Buckey thanks Norman and Aileen Birch for their sponsorship in honor of Brian and Jan Toumey.

MaRie This sweet gal hasn’t experienced much love during her lifetime – she was abandoned by her owner and was found dirty, malnourished and chained outside without food and water. But Marie is the eternal optimist! In spite of her prior maltreatment, she is very friendly and extremely playful. She may do well with another playful dog, but is not able to go home with cats. Come to meet her today! Marie sends a special thanks to Mary Geraci for her donation. Woof!

KNiGHt Knight was a lucky boy who came to Animal Friends during our New Year’s Eve Rescue. Knight is a very friendly guy and loves toys. He also enjoys the company of other dogs but can be a bit of a rough player. Because of that, we recommend he go to a home with children older than six. Come meet this happy-go-lucky guy today! Knight thanks Richard Palmer for his sponsorship in memory of Bebe.

Lacey Joy Lacey Joy is a friendly and social Hound mix. She loves her treats and is very food-motivated. She loves to sniff on long walks outside and would do great in a home with children over the age of eight. Someone believes in Lacey Joy so much, her adoption is sponsored. She is truly priceless! Come visit Lacey Joy today! Lacey Joy thanks Lawrence and Debra Bufalini, who gave in memory of their parents, Joseph Ned and Rose Civello.


cHamP This friendly, spirited guy just can’t wait for his next adventure. Champ is a handsome Pit Bull mix who will need frequent exercise. Because of Champ’s exuberant nature and style of play, he would be best suited for a home with children older than 12. He gets along with other dogs and does enjoy playing with some of them here at the shelter. Come meet Champ today! Champ sends love to Mary Ann and Howard Hammill, who gave in memory of Buttercup.

This gentle wiggle-butt is looking for a family that will welcome him into their hearts and home. Harry is a social guy who loves playing with people and stuffed toys. He also enjoys walks and will sit upon request and demonstrate his retrieval skills with great enthusiasm. Since he interacts well with other dogs, he probably wouldn’t mind sharing his home with a canine companion. We’re just wild about Harry, and we know that you’ll be too once you meet him! Harry says “Woof!” to William Bergin, who gave in memory of Lucy.

Rabbits also love fruit! Apples, cherries (without the pits), kiwi and mango are all delicious for rabbits. Always feed in moderation though! Fruits contain a lot of sugar!



SiGfrieD & Roy


Marshmallow loves people, especially people with treats. She is a very friendly, beautiful girl. Marshmallow has gained quite a fan base after only two of our BunRuns due to her sweet nature. Visitors flock to her and she accepts all of their love and attention quite gracefully. Come say hello to her today! Marshmallow thanks Robert and Caroline Johnson for their gift in memory of Lilabe and Johnson.

Sigfried and Roy are a bonded and charming pair. Both boys are about 2-years old. Sigfried is black in color and Roy is agouti with unique and adorable ears. These bunnies are happy being picked up and petted. They remain relaxed and comfortable in most any setting, making them a good fit for many families who are interested in owning bunnies. Sigfried and Roy send magical thanks to Jeannine Abel for her donation!

Fiona is a very confident girl. She is a bunny who knows what she wants and when she wants it! She always likes to be in the middle of things. We suggest that Fiona go home with an experienced rabbit owner – someone who will understand her wants and needs! All hail, Queen Fiona! Fiona thanks Kristien Marra, who gave in memory of Carla Marie.

Special thanks to all of our Petsburgh Press sponsors!


Spinner & PoseiDoN


Spinner and Poseidon are bonded males that quite enjoy each other’s company. They can be seen grooming each other and frequently spend time relaxing together. The way to a bun’s heart is through his stomach! Both of these boys love barley biscuit treats. Come and meet them today! Spinner and Poseidon thank Virginia Calega, who gave in memory of Lucca and Mo.

Shamrock is quiet and shy, but enjoys a good romp at our BunRuns. Unfortunately, she has spent most of her life being transferred between different foster homes and shelters. We believe that if someone devotes the time and energy to help her come out of her shell, she would make a wonderful companion. Shamrock sends a “thump” of thanks to Mary Ellen Siemianowski, who gave in honor of Maddie Girl.

Dr. Michael Trimmer Janis McWilliams Norman and Aileen Birch William Parker Koren and Gerard Boeh John and Laurie Culbertson Paula Schaukowitch Michael and Deborah Essig Patricia Willoughby Earlene and Arthur Lantz III Joan Thoma Ralston and Katherine Thomas Audrey Rosenthal Dennis and Sharon Lombardo

Did you know that rabbits can be litter trained just like a cat? Rabbits are very neat animals and, when trained, use their litter boxes nearly all the time.

Vol. 30






University Est.


Welcome! Welcome to Animal Friends University, home of the region’s most exciting selection of courses offered for, about and, sometimes, even with your pet. Animal Friends offers a wide range of activities that are bound to interest anyone, whether a preschooler, student, young professional, senior, cat fancier, rabbit wrangler, novice pup or seasoned hound. If you’re looking for fun things to do with your pet, look for our WAG classes. Our WAG series logo will let you know which activities Welcome Animal Guests!

Classes fill quickly! Register online today at Thinking OutsideTheCage.org. Any questions? Please call 412.847.7035 or email dklingelhofer@ThinkingOutside TheCage.org.

Cancellation Policy If a class/event must be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, refunds will be issued. Notice of cancellation by a student must be received no later than three business days prior to the class/event in order for a refund to be issued.

Weather-Related Class Cancellations Please check our website’s homepage, ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org or call 412.847.7035 for class cancellation updates during inclement weather.

Registration We encourage guests to register online at ThinkingOutsideTheCage. org, available 24 /7! If you prefer to register in person, please call ahead to 412.847.7035 to be sure someone is available to assist you.

Animal-Themed Course Selections for People and Their Pets

Register Online!


This edition of the Animal Friends University catalog is generously sponsored by:

Classes for the Adult Pet Lover The Classes for The Adult Pet Lover were made possible by a sponsorship from the

Russell Charitable Foundation Pets are part of the family. Join other pet lovers to discover exciting new ways to bond and interact with your favorite four-legged companion. These classes are tailored to adult students ages 16 and up. Some instructors will consider younger students, so be sure to call if you have questions. To register for any of the adult programs, please go to our website at www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org for online registration. Any questions? Please call 412.847.7035. AF 218 Baby-Ready Pets! The excitement of preparing for the arrival of a baby should not be dampened by concerns about your pets’ reactions. With some planning, preparation and training, introducing your newest family member to your pet can be very successful and rewarding. The Baby-Ready Pets! Workshop will assist you in making the preparations for these introductions. Instructors: Ron and Mary Papik. Please note that this is a people-only class; no pets, please. Seating is limited; advance RSVP is required at www.ThinkingOutsideThe Cage.org. Date: Tuesday, March 17 Time: 7 pm – 9 pm Tuition: Free OR Date: Tuesday, April 14 Time: 7 pm – 9 pm Tuition: Free OR Date: Tuesday, May 12 Time: 7 pm – 9 pm Tuition: Free

Pet CPR and First Aid

This class will teach you the life-saving skills and knowledge that will enable you to be there for your pets when they need you the most! Topics include, but not limited to, rescue breathing, bleeding protocols, choking management, heat/ cold injuries, bites, stings, poisoning, seizures, fractures and limb injuries. Class size limited to 15 students to allow for individualized instruction. Certification provided upon completion of the class. This is a people-only class; please leave your canine companions at home. Instructor: Karen Sable Date: Friday, April 3 (Good Friday holiday) Time: 11 am – 3:30 pm Tuition: $70 per person – includes all training materials, training certificate and light refreshments. A portion of the proceeds benefit our shelter residents. For more dog training classes, please go to www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/ dogtraining

SPECIALTY MINI-COURSES AND WORKSHOPS AF 408 Hiking Hounds Grab a leash and hit the trail! Join us with your canine companion for a Sunday morning hike through one of the area’s beautiful parks. Hiking is a great way to exercise, relieve stress, and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Come out and explore a different park each month with your best friend. Dogs and people must be in condition to hike up to three miles on unpaved trails. You will receive details the week prior to the scheduled hike. Trip Leader: Gayle Bair Please note: Two (2) dogs per handler maximum! DateS: Sunday, March 15 – State Game Lands #203, Wexford, PA Sunday, April 19 – Settler’s Cabin Park, Robinson Township, PA Sunday, May 17 – Townsend Park, Murrysville, PA Time: 10 am – 12 pm Tuition: $10 per dog (humans free!)

Just like cats, rabbits need a clean litterbox. Fresh litter and a clean box are the keys to helping your bun learn how to use his litterbox correctly.


Date: Saturday, March 14 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm OR Date: Saturday, April 25 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm



Puppies Out in the World

This class presents socialization ideas, and manners when interacting outdoors. This will include introduction to loose leash walking, and jumping prevention.



Companion Training Classes for You and Your Pet Animal Friends is dedicated to providing people and their companion animals with the tools they need to develop lasting and successful relationships with one another and their community. All training is accomplished through kind, effective positive reinforcement techniques. You will learn how positive reinforcement is a way to build a relationship with your pet. Edgar Snyder and Associates sponsors scholarships for you and your dog to attend Kinderpuppy, Dog Manners or other obedience training classes held at Animal Friends. To apply for a scholarship, send an email to WeLoveDogs@ edgarsnyder.com, explaining why your dog could benefit from an Animal Friends training program.

Animal Friends’ Therapets Canine Certification Prep Class

This six week class will develop skills needed for you and your dog to conduct therapy dog visits to a variety of facilities including hospitals, nursing homes, residential treatment centers, hospices and more. Dogs should be people- and dogfriendly and have basic obedience training. We will build on those skills to develop a visiting team of dog and handler. Focus will be placed on team compatibility to ensure that dog and handler work well together. The class will include a visit with your dog to a local facility for a therapy visit. This class will prepare you and your dog for the Animal Friends’ Therapets Canine Certification test. An assessment interview is required prior to enrollment in this class. To schedule an appointment or get more details about our program, please call 412.847.7039. TUITION: $90 per dog (humans free!) DATES: Thursdays, March 5, 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 TIME: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm INSTRUCTORS: Barb Grosch & Lori Caruso OR DateS: Sundays, March 15, 22, 29, April 12, 19, 26 Time: 6 pm – 7 pm INSTRUCTORS: Marcy Fenell and Anita DeBiase


Date: Saturday, March 21 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm OR Date: Saturday, May 2 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Puppies Learn to Share

OR DateS: Thursdays, April 23, 30, May 7, 21, 28, June 4 Time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm INSTRUCTORS: Barb Grosch & Lori Caruso OR DateS: Tuesdays, April 28, May 5, 12, 19, 26, June 2 Time: 10 am – 11 am INSTRUCTORS: Marcy Fenell and Anita DeBiase

Animal Friends’ Therapets Canine Certification Test

Test requirements are available on our website at www.ThinkingOutside TheCage.org/afu. Dogs and handlers will be assessed in simulated therapy visit situations to determine the dog’s basic obedience skills, visiting skills and social skills. Animal Friends’ Therapets Canine Certification class is not required for test registration. DATE/TIME: For more details, please call 412.847.7039. Tuition: $10


Group dog training classes are best suited for those canines that are both people- and dog-friendly. To speak to our trainers about suitability for group training (and other options, if necessary), please call 412.847.7035 or email Barb Grosch, CPDT-KA at bgrosch@ ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org. To register online for classes, go to our website www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage. org. Questions? Please email dklingel hofer@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org. All dogs must be current on ageappropriate vaccinations.

Weather-Related Class Cancellations Please check our website’s homepage, www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org or call 412.847.7035 for class cancellation updates during inclement weather.

Puppies may start class at any time, and attend as many classes as you choose within the age range of the class. No waiting for the next class session to begin. Attend classes in any order, skip a class, repeat a class, move to the next level — this program is flexible to meet the training and socialization needs of your puppy. Registration for class must be completed by 5 pm the day PRIOR to the actual class. To register online, go to www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/ dogtraining. Tuition: $12 per pup/per class (humans free!) Instructors: Animal Friends “Puppy Team” includes Christine Flint, Andrea Lamping, CPDT-KA, Lori Caruso, and Barb Grosch, CPDT-KA. AF 301 Kinderpuppy For those pups that have their 2nd DHP vaccination and are 20 weeks of age or younger. Small breed and/ or shy dogs may attend until 24 weeks of age. All classes include puppy playtime and teach foundation cues – “sit,” “down,” “stand,” and “touch.” In addition, each class has a specific theme. Exercises, behavior talks and homework relate to the theme of the class.

Puppies Learn Polite Manners

Puppies learn “come,” pay attention to their people when asked, and we will share ideas to cope with puppy chewing and mouthing. Date: Saturday, March 7 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm OR Date: Saturday, April 18 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Puppies Around the Household

This class includes ideas for puppy management (crating, tethering) and housetraining tips. Puppies learn “sit to say please,” and ways to discourage jumping are practiced.

This class focuses on resource guarding prevention. Puppies learn “drop it,” “leave it” and “wait for the food bowl.” We will discuss ideas to prevent possessive behavior of food and toys. Date: Saturday, March 28 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm OR Date: Saturday, May 9 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Puppies Learn Through Fun

Puppies gain confidence by working on the beginner agility obstacles and learn some fun tricks. We will share some game ideas to exercise your pup mentally and physically. Date: Saturday, April 11 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm OR Date: Saturday, May 16 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm AF 302 Puppy Manners For puppies ages 5 months to 9 months Each class will include foundation behaviors of “sit,” “down,” come when called and loose leash walking. Each class will practice the skills needed in a variety of social situations. Dog-dog skills will be practiced with supervised play in each session. Attend classes in any order, skip a class, repeat a class – this format is flexible to meet the training needs of puppies and their families. Registration for class must be completed by 5 pm the day PRIOR to the actual class. To register online, go to www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org. Tuition: $12 per dog/per class INSTRUCTORS: Animal Friends “Puppy Team, Christine Flint, Andrea Lamping, CPDT-KA, Lori Caruso, Barb Grosch, CPDT-KA

Household Manners

This class focuses on basic cues like “sit,” “down,” “come,” walking nicely on leash and ideas to give your pup both mental and physical exercise. Food bowl manners, chewing prevention, and the “drop it” cue will also be covered.

When first introducing your new bun to your home, it’s best if you keep him in an exercise pen or a bunny-proofed room while you’re not supervising him.

Date: Saturday, March 7 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am OR Date: Saturday, April 18 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am

Park Trip Manners

In addition to basic training cues like “sit,” “down” and “come,” dog body language and dog-dog interactions will be covered in this class. Puppies will practice “leave it” and walking nicely on a leash, skills needed out in the park. Date: Saturday, March 14 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am OR Date: Saturday, April 25 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am

Party Manners

Puppies will practice polite manners with guests, greeting without jumping and waiting at the door. Each week we also practice “come,” leash walking and basic cues. Date: Saturday, March 21 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am OR Date: Saturday, May 2 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am

Vet Visit Manners

This class teaches “sit,” “down,” “walk” and “come” cues, and desensitization for handling. Ideas for minimizing stress at the vet, groomer or other new places are provided as we pretend to visit the vet. Date: Saturday, March 28 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am OR Date: Saturday, May 9 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am

Socialization Manners

Puppies learn about interacting with new people and places, as well as greeting without jumping. Foundation cues such as “come” and leash walking are also covered, as well as information about dog therapy work. Date: Saturday, April 11 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am OR Date: Saturday, May 16 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am AF 304 Companion Dog

Manners – Weekend

For dogs that are both peopleand dog-friendly and 9 months or older. Not recommended for dogs under 25 lbs. This first level class gets your dog started with the cues of “sit,” “down,” “stay,” coming when called and loose-leash walking. Laying a solid foundation with these skills is key to living happily with your four-legged friend. As well as good manners, class discussions will give you an understanding of why dogs do the things they do and how to build a strong relationship with your dog. First class is orientation – humans only, no dogs.

Instructor: Barb Grosch, CPDT-KA DateS: Saturdays, May 2, 9, 16, June 6, 13, 20, 27 Time: 9 am – 10 am TUITION: $99 per dog (humans free!)

SESSION 1 Date: Saturday, March 14 TIME: 3 pm – 5 pm SESSION 2 Date: Saturday, May 2 TIME: 3 pm – 5 pm

AF 304 Companion Dog

Manners – Weekday

For dogs that are both peopleand dog-friendly and 9 months or older. Not recommended for dogs under 25 lbs. This first level class gets your dog started with the cues of “sit,” “down,” “stay,” coming when called and loose-leash walking. Laying a solid foundation with these skills is key to living happily with your four-legged friend. As well as good manners, class discussions will give you an understanding of why dogs do the things they do and how to build a strong relationship with your dog. First class is orientation – humans only, no dogs. Instructor: Carrie Brueckner, CPDT-KA DateS: Wednesdays, March 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22 Time: 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm TUITION: $99 per dog (humans free!) AF 308 Companion Dog

Manners for Small Dogs

For Dogs 35 pounds or less Positive reinforcement techniques are used to teach your dog basic cues like sit, down, stay, come and to walk comfortably on a loose leash. Behavior issues common to smaller breeds will be discussed. Instructor: Lori Caruso DateS: Saturdays, March 7, 14, 21, 28, April 11, 18 Time: 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm OR Date: Saturdays, May 2, 9, 16, June 6, 13, 20 Time: 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm TUITION: $85 per dog (humans free!)

Classes for Young Pet Lovers Online registration is now available! Please go to our website at www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org to register or email dklingelhofer@ ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org. Email any questions about Young Pet Lovers classes (but not registration requests) to Dana Schultz at dschultz@ ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org.

2015 Summer Camp at Animal Friends! Animal Friends’ Summer Camps have been underwritten in part through the generosity of the Butch and Samuel Ash Fund. Details will be at www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/camp on February 3 with online registration opening March 17. Our sessions sell out – don’t miss out on the furry fun! Our offerings include (for students currently enrolled in): Grades K-1: Critter Camp Grades 2-4: Camp Animal Friends Grades 5-6: Pets Plus Ages 13-17: Canine Good Manners Camp AF 128 “Pets” Badge Day for

Brownie Troops

Troops of animal-loving Brownies are invited to Animal Friends to complete steps towards earning the “Pets” Badge. (The troop leaders will provide the actual “Pets” Badge. We will provide an Animal Friends’ fun patch.) To register and for complete event description, reservation guidelines, and details about parking, chaperones, arrival time, event photography, and event refunds, please see www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/kidsclasses. TUITION: (1) $5 per Brownie and (2) at least one troop-made blanket (see website above for instructions) per troop

AF 131 Pets and Vets For students in grades 2-5 Kids who are thinking that they might like to be a veterinarian when they grow up are invited to attend. The lesson will include an overview of the use of the stethoscope and other veterinary equipment, basic anatomy, and the pet exam. It will also include how to safely greet a dog and practice with a humane education visiting dog and his/ her handler. Enrollment is limited to eight students. To register, please see www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/kidsclasses. Date: Friday, April 3 TIME: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm TUITION: $10 RESERVATION DEADLINE: Tuesday, March 31 by 5 pm Date: Saturday, May 9 TIME: 11 am – 12 pm TUITION: $10 RESERVATION DEADLINE: Wednesday, May 6 by 5 pm AF 125 Dogs 101 For kids age 5+ and their grown-ups Children and dogs can be best buddies, with a relationship based on mutual respect and communication. Families with dogs or who are considering adopting a dog are encouraged to attend this class. Interact with a kid-friendly dog and learn how to tell when a dog is annoyed, happy, nervous, ready to play or ready to chase. Learn what to do when your dog jumps on you, what games are okay to play with dogs and when your dog needs privacy. Instructors: Dana Schultz and a friendly Humane Education visiting dog Date: Saturday, May 9 TIME: 2 pm – 2:45 pm TUITION: One can or bag of dog food per person

Cancellation policy for children’s classes: If a class must be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, refunds will be issued. Notice of cancellation must be received no later than three business days prior to the event in order for a refund to be issued.

Bunny-proofing is vital! Electrical cords must be concealed so that the rabbit cannot chew them. Give plenty of appropriate chewing options so she doesn’t feel tempted to chew on your power cords!



University Est.


AF 160 Interactive Videoconference:

Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane

Calling all teachers, librarians, and kids who enjoy good books! Do you love the characters in Cynthia Rylant’s books as much as we do? We’re big fans of the many dogs (Mudge!) and cats (Tabby!) in her books. Join Animal Friends for one of our videoconferences featuring Mr. Putter and Tabby Fly the Plane. We’ll discuss animals’ feelings (especially Tabby’s), what makes Tabby a tabby cat, and kindness towards animals. Plus you’ll get to meet one or more of our residents through the monitor! To register, please see www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/ kidsclasses. Tuition: Free for the 2014-2015 school year! SESSION 1 Date: Thursday, February 19 TIME: 1:30 pm – 2 pm SESSION 2 Date: Thursday, March 12 TIME: 1 pm – 1:30 pm SESSION 3 Date: Thursday, April 9 TIME: 10 am – 10:30 am

Group leader: Marsha Koschik, Veterinary Technician DateS: Wednesdays, March 18, April 15 and May 20 Time: 7 pm LOCATION: Library at Animal Friends

Candlelight Remembrance Services

Companion animals enrich our lives in so many ways. Join others for a candlelight remembrance and celebration ceremony to hear interfaith, spiritual words of comfort and pay tribute to those wonderful animals that will be sorely missed. All are invited to bring pictures and remain afterwards for discussion. Children are welcome when accompanied by a parent. For more information, please call 412.847.7081. Registration required. These ceremonies are facilitated by community religious leaders, but are non-denominational. DateS: Thursdays, March 12, April 9, May 14 Time: 7 pm LOCATION: Library at Animal Friends

Cancer Caring Center

For years, Animal Friends has partnered with the Cancer Caring Center as they continue to offer free Pet Therapy for children coping with cancer in the family. This opportunity lets them interact with different certified therapy animals, participate in engaging activities, enjoy a snack, and share their feelings. For more information or to register, please call Stephanie at 412.622.1212. DateS: Saturdays, March 28, April 25, May 9 Time: 1 pm – 2:30 pm LOCATION: Animal Friends

Spring Sing-a-Long with the Animals!

We’ll have more video conference offerings in the spring of 2015! Topics will include persuasive writing, career explorations, and more! Please see www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/ kidsclasses for details and to register.

Join us for a good old-fashioned PetAssisted Therapy Sing-a-Long! Cuddle up to one of our friendly four-footed companions as you sing heartily to your favorite patriotic tunes during this Memorial Day event. To RSVP, call 412.847.7081. Refreshments served. This event welcomes local veterans groups as well as retirement and nursing home residents. Date: Tuesday, May 19 Time: 2 pm – 3 pm TUITION: Free

For more offerings, please go to www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/kidsclasses

For more offerings, please go to www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org.


To register for Therapeutic Services programs, please call 412.847.7039.

Pet Loss Support Group

The loss of a pet can be heartbreaking and the grief may seem overwhelming. Know that you are not alone. Through our Pet Loss Support services, you can gain a better understanding of your feelings and find comfort in the camaraderie of others who understand. For more information, please call 412.847.7081. Registration required.



No Registration Required – Come on over!

Puppy Playschool

Drop-in socialization sessions for pups 12-20 weeks of age. Small breed and shy pups may attend up to 24 weeks of age. Please bring your pup’s ageappropriate vaccination record. Organized playtime for pups provides much-needed socialization along with mental and physical exercise (and lots of

fun!) Puppy socialization is critical for the development of your puppy’s social skills with dogs and people. The instructor is available to discuss puppy issues such as housetraining, chewing and mouthing. DateS: Mondays, March 9, 23, April 13, 27, May 11 Time: 7 pm – 8 pm Tuition: $5 per dog

Teacup Hour – for dogs 10 pounds or less!

For dogs 4 months or older that are both people- and dog-friendly. Please bring vaccination records. If you have a teacup, toy, mini or pursesized pooch that is struggling to keep up at Small Dog Socials, we have a social hour for dogs weighing 10 pounds or less. Please note: this social is also appropriate for small dogs over 10 lbs who are shy and quiet. DateS: Sundays, March 8, 22, April 12, 26, May 10 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Tuition: $5 per dog

Small Dog Socials – for dogs 35 pounds or less!

For dogs 4 months or older that are both people- and dog-friendly. Please bring vaccination records. Little guy equals high energy! Do you have a small dog that weighs 35 pounds or less? Would you like a place to take your dog where he can socialize with canines his own size? If so, our Small Dog Social is for you. DateS: Sundays, March 8, 22, April 12, 26, May 10 Mondays, March 2, 16, April 6, 20, May 4, 18 Wednesdays, March 4, 11, 18, 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20, 27 TimeS: Sundays: 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm Mondays: 7 pm – 8 pm Wednesdays: 11 am – 12 pm Tuition: $5 per dog

Big Dog Social Hour – All dogs 35 pounds and up are welcome to attend!

For dogs 6 months or older that are both people- and dog-friendly. Please bring vaccination records. This social is one hour of romping and playing in our indoor training center with agility equipment available to have fun and help burn some excess energy. Outdoor play yard available, weatherpermitting. DateS: Sundays, March 8, 22, April 12, 26, May 10 Time: 10 am – 11 am Tuition: $5 per dog


Call 412.847.7055 for details.

Duquesne Light Home & Garden Show Stop by and say “Hello!” Animal Friends’ adoptable pets will be at the Pittsburgh Convention Center for the 34rd annual Home and Garden show. Please visit www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org for more information. DateS: March 6-15 TimeS: Times vary; please check our website for updates! LOCATION: David L. Lawrence Convention Center (1000 Fort Duquesne Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15222)

McBark & Brew

This event is for anyone ages 21+ Bring your pooch and come celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Animal Friends. Taste a variety of micro-brewed beers and Irish treats. While you socialize, your 4-legged guests will romp around our Outreach Center and play with other furry friends. Registration is required as space is limited. Go to www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/events to register online. Dogs that are both peopleand dog-friendly are welcome to attend. Please bring your four-footed friend’s vaccination record. Please, no retractable leashes: only standard 5-6 ft leashes. Date: Friday, March 13 Time: 7 pm – 8:30 pm LOCATION: Animal Friends DONATION: $20 per person For more offerings, please go to www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/events.


Do you have two bunnies at home that just aren’t bonding? This workshop will help to explore the “meet and greet” ritual by discussing body language, how to prevent squabbles and break them up if they do happen. Instructor: Suaz Forsythe TIME AND Date: By appointment (Call 412.847.7035) Tuition: One can of 100% pumpkin (not pie filling) for our resident bunnies

Rabbit Care Workshop

We will cover all aspects of bunny care such as diet and nutrition, litter-box training, grooming, medical topics and managing negative behavior. Please join us for this educational workshop. Your bunny is welcome to attend, but must arrive in a carrier. Instructor: Mary Cvetan Date: Friday, May 1 Time: 7 pm – 9 pm Tuition: Bundle of fresh greens

Rabbits and cats and dogs can all get along! Talk with our Behavior Department or check out great online resources like the House Rabbit Society.

Saturday, February 14

Saturday, February 21

Friday, March 13

Bunny Yoga

(B)ring (Y)our (O)wn (B)unny

McBark & Brew

2:30 – 4:30 p.m. – Animal Friends Join other rabbit lovers and Animal Friends’ bunny alums for this complete rabbit afternoon. Be sure to check out our retail table for some great rabbit merchandise and – best of all – your bunny is invited! It’s sure to be a hoppin’ good time!

7 – 8:30 p.m. – Animal Friends This event is for anyone 21 years of age or older. Bring your pooch and come celebrate St. Patrick’s Day with Animal Friends. Taste a variety of micro-brewed beers and Irish treats. While you socialize, your 4-legged guests will romp around our Outreach Center and play with other furry friends. Go to www.Thinking OutsideTheCage.org/events to register online.

Sunday, March 29

Saturday, April 4

Pet Photos with the Easter Bunny

Breakfast with the Bunnies

10 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Animal Friends Three 4” x 6” photos for $10

9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Animal Friends

3:30 – 4:30 p.m. – Animal Friends Need to relax? Come and treat yourself to a stress-free afternoon with a gentle yoga class! Stretch your muscles while the shelter rabbits stretch theirs. A $10 donation is requested. Check www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/ events for registration details.

Bring your pet to Animal Friends for photos with the Easter Bunny and receive three 4” x 6” prints for just $10! Advanced registration is not required.

Word got out that the Easter Bunny is coming to Animal Friends and our rabbits are throwing their cousin a hopping good breakfast! Join us for a scrumptious breakfast (vegetarian options available) paired with a BunRun for our shelter rabbits. Registration is required by visiting www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/events. Note: For the safety of our resident bunnies, please leave your pet at home for this event.

the Golden Retriever, who co-starred with Paul Rudd in the film “Our Idiot Brother,” and Christina Potter, Hudson’s trainer. Hudson is a life-long animal actor and is the only dog to the result of meticulous preparation have ever “spoken” and professional teamwork. Animal stars have done it all – convinced us to live during the cold open of “Saturday eat more tacos, broken our hearts in war dramas, inspired us with examples Night Live,” where he played Mitt of enduring love and loyalty, mirrored Romney’s dog. He’s human antics to make us roar with been in many TV laughter and stolen the show on the commercials and red carpet. Dr. Ganzert will share catalogs, and has heartwarming stories that showcase graced the covers of the trainers, actors, directors and several magazines. animals in all of their glory. Get the Don’t miss out on scoop on the animal actors with diva what promises to be tendencies and those with inspiring rags-to-riches backstories! And through a tail-wagging good time! it all, animal-safety representatives Event tickets are on sale at www. certified by the American Humane ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org, and Association work diligently, as they “Animal Stars: Behind the Scenes with have for decades, to ensure that no Your Favorite Animal Actors” will be animals are harmed during filming. available for sale and autograph the night of the event. Dr. Ganzert will be joined by Hudson,

American Humane Association’s

Animal Stars Tour We hope you’ll join us in welcoming Dr. Robin Ganzert, President and CEO of the American Humane Association, to Animal Friends for an entertaining, informative program on Friday, March 27, at 7:30 pm. Along with Allen and Linda Anderson, Dr. Ganzert is a co-author of “Animal Stars: Behind the Scenes with Your Favorite Animal Actors,” which offers a rare behindthe-scenes view of animals and their trainers in the film and television industry. When the cameras start to roll and the director calls, “Action!” you can be sure that some of the funniest, most enthusiastic and most dependable actors on four legs are poised to give it their all. From Joey in “War Horse” to the wolves in “Game of Thrones,” everything that we see on the screen is

Rabbits need to visit an “exotic” or “small animal” veterinarian. It’s vital to find a good rabbit veterinarian to keep your bun healthy for life. Check the House Rabbit Society website for a recommended list of vets in your area.


FeLine Purrsonals

Petsburgh Press sponsorships are a great way to honor or say thanks to a friend or pet. If you would like to sponsor the adoption fee of an animal, please contact our Adoptions Department at 412.847.7002.

atHena Tanya If you’re looking for someone sweet and gentle, meet Tanya. Tanya is content to spend her day watching the world go by, and definitely likes people and is very affectionate. She enjoys being petted and combed, and a game with the teaser mouse is a welcome way to have some fun and get some exercise. Come say hello to Tanya today! Tanya sends purrs of thanks to Lois Heilmann, who gave in memory of Tassie.

BoB Bob is a little cutie who needs some love and a home of his own that will encourage him to overcome his shyness. He lives and gets along with the other cats in our special needs room. Our volunteers are working hard to help him gain confidence, but he needs you to take him to his forever home where he can rule your heart. Bob would like to thank James and Barbara Krausslach for their kind words “Everyone needs to not be afraid to adopt black cats! They need love too. Color means nothing.” Bob totally agrees!


Athena is a classic beauty with her gray and white coat and soft green eyes. She loves to have her head and neck petted and isn’t afraid to seek out affection with a gentle headbutt. She kneads her paws to show “happy feet,” and her quirky expression is precious. Athena also has a special fondness for kitty treats. This endearing cat is looking for a quiet home and certainly wouldn’t mind sharing it with another cat. Athena would like to thank Paula Schaukowitch who gave in honor of Leonid.

TriNiTy Trinity is a charming brown Tabby who was found as a stray. Her luck turned for the better when she was brought to Animal Friends. Just under 3-years old, Trinity loves to play and wants nothing more than to chase some toys! When playtime is over, she will very happily sit in your lap for some cuddling. Animal Friends is a great place, but Trinity needs someone to love and a home to call her own. Trinity thanks Frank Jones for his donation!

Frisky This handsome, affectionate tuxedo cat was surrendered to Animal Friends because his owner was moving to a place that did not allow pets. Frisky is shy at first, but warms up quickly and is friendly around children. Because he has a chronic condition, he needs a special diet and a quiet, stress-free environment. Frisky’s idea of heaven is living with an easy-going person in a calm, loving home. Frisky sends loving headbutts to Margaret Domer, who gave in memory of Bunny.

Don’t throw that cardboard box away! Paper bags and cardboard boxes are great (and cheap!) toys for your bun to enjoy.

ZeNITH Zenith came to Animal Friends when her family moved. She’s an active, friendly cat that loves to be the center of attention. She will sprawl out on the floor and beckon for you to pet her, and she’s been known to get quite comfortable in a lap. She’s not a fan of other cats and would prefer a home without them. Sadly, black cats often wait much longer for a forever home, and Zenith is one of those kitties who’s been waiting longer than she expected for her new family to find her. Zenith thanks Michael Wurster for his donation in memory of Hawthorne.

SaMueL Meet Samuel! Samuel loves to watch birds out of the office window and cat naps are his specialty. He’s also wellknown around the shelter as the greeter for the Admissions area. Sam would love to find a home in which he’s the king of the castle and would do best in a home without small children or dogs. Come meet this gentle kitty today! Samuel thanks Jacqueline Wilson, who gave in honor of Taffy, Buffy and Rusty.

MaNGo Mango was rescued from a hoarding situation. She is a petite 1-year-old girl with black fur and deep orange eyes. She is a lap-sitter and also loves to explore and play with lasers, teasers and shoe strings. Mango is a confident cat who has a slight neurological disorder that can sometimes make her unsteady on her feet. It doesn’t slow her down a bit, though! Mango also does well with other cats, so if you’re thinking of adding to your feline family, come to meet Mango. Mango thanks William Boydston for his generous donation.




Vita is quite the fashionista – her coat is a glossy black and her bib is snowy white. She also wears white gloves and has two beauty marks on her chin. She may be dressed for a party, but she’s a laid-back lovely who enjoys relaxing or playing with a string or toy mouse. She seems to like other cats, so if you have a kitty that needs a friend, ask us about Vita! Vita says “Meow!” to William and Margaret Norbutt for their donation.

Jellybean is a favorite among our volunteers who like to play with her as soon as they arrive at the shelter. This sweetie is black with a tiny white bib and enjoys climbing cat trees, chasing toy mice and grabbing at shoelaces! Someone believes in Jellybean so much, they’ve sponsored her adoption – so she’s truly priceless! Jellybean sends kisses to Charles and Maureen Smith who gave in memory of Ichabod Smith.

Poe is one of the lucky pets who got a second chance thanks to Animal Friends’ New Year’s Eve Rescue. Every year, thousands of pets like Poe are lost with no tags, license, microchip, or any way to link them back to a family. When no one claimed him from an animal control facility, he feared the worst, but thankfully, Poe is enjoying his second chance at finding a home. Poe sends kisses to Betty Thomson for her donation.

Dried out pine cones and untreated wood sticks from apple trees also make great toys for rabbits.


Humane Helpers! Thank you to Pine-Richland Middle School students and Ms. Pfeifer for hosting Paws in the Park on national Make a Difference Day. Our animals thank you for hosting this successful fundraising event! Congratulations to Boy Scout Brandon Walker for earning his Dog Care Merit Badge through his work with his dog, Teddy. Teddy enjoyed the training and care! Congratulations to Girl Scout Jessica Smith for earning her Silver Award by celebrating the families who adopt. Jessica sewed pet beds made from recycled materials and designed thank-you cards, which were given as gifts to our adopters.

Book recommendations by Barbara Young The Reader

ated by Amy Hest, illustr llo by Lauren Casti

ISBN # 978-0761461845 “The Reader,” a lovely book about the bond between a child (in this case, the reader) and his dog. The story combines the important themes of friendship and love. The reader, with suitcase in tow, walks

through the snow, heading towards a tall hill (“the top of the world”) where his faithful companion, waits patiently. The reader opens his suitcase, “click, click” to share what’s inside. You’ll have to read the book to find out what’s inside the suitcase! The watercolor illustrations alone are a good reason to read this delightful book. A cozy bedtime story for a cold winter’s night!

It’s not too early to think about summer camp at Animal Friends! Registration opens on March 17, 2015. For details, please see www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/camp.

Congratulations to eighth graders Anna Yaksich and Sydni Henley. Their fall fundraiser sale of baked goods, t-shirts, Entertainment Books and holiday pet photos by Dawn Biery was a big success! Impressively, they have been fundraising for the animals since they were in second grade, and this recent fundraiser helped them to meet their goal of raising $25,000 for Animal Friends before high school graduation. Our animals thank them for their years of dedication, creativity, and Photo by Dawn Biery hard work! Thank you to the families and scout troops who participated in our national Make a Difference Day activities! Our animals appreciated the many gifts! kids Calling all teachers, librarians and ter win this us Join who enjoy good books! the Fly y Tabb and er Putt . or spring for our “Mr tion, rma info e mor For . nce fere con o Plane” vide /kid .org age see www.ThinkingOutsideTheC sclasses.

Join us Sunday, March 1 aserwe Day! celebrate Read Across Am ica ’ll thday (one day early), we To celebrate Dr. Seuss’ bir y rap the h wit orite books be reading some of our fav joy refreshments, a Dr. En ts. pe r animals and shelte and cart rides from Max Seuss-themed photo booth details and to register, see the Malamute. For more eCage.org/kidsclasses. www.ThinkingOutsideTh


Looking Do you love to draw? Love animals? r Ente ? day ter’s to get artsy on a cold win 1-8! es grad for test our 2015 poster con of For rules, prizes, deadline, and photos www. see se plea , ters pos ning win ious prev . ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/BKAW

Rabbits should always be kept indoors as part of your family. Outdoor hutches and cages do not provide enough protection to make it safe to leave the rabbit outdoors 24 hours a day.

By Natalie Larocco, Retail Coordinator

Looking for the best products for your bunny? Look no further!

Not only does Animal Friends’ Retail Store feature Oxbow food and exclusive hand-made toys, but every purchase helps to provide support for the homeless hoppers here at the shelter! We know what you want – so we’ve created a buying club for all of your rabbit needs and more! By becoming a Rabbit Rewards Club member, you will be entitled to monthly deals on the wide variety of bunny-specific products that we carry. One month you might see a discount on all Oxbow products while another could entitle your furry companion to a free bunny-surprise gift bag. To learn more about the Rabbit Rewards Club and the monthly specials that Animal Friends is offering, stop by the retail store or give us a call at 412.847.7022.

• Jolly Pets toys (like the Jolly Egg and the Teaser Ball): Jolly Pet toys move unpredictably (which is great fun!) and are made of hard plastic, making it challenging for the dogs to pick up the toy in their mouths. • Nylabone Dura-Chews and DentalChews: These Nylabones are fun to chew but most importantly are safe for our pups to have in their kennels. • Interactive- and slow-feeder bowls for our dogs. • Bags or cans of cat and dog food (any brand or flavor, smaller bags requested): for our Chow Wagon program, supporting hungry pets through local community food pantries.

• Cat litter (clumping or non-clumping) • Hopper Hideaways and Tunnel Havens from BinkyBunny.com for our resident rabbits and BunRuns.

If you can help by donating or underwriting any of these items, call 412.847.7051.

For more ideas on how to help our shelter residents, please visit


Our Retail Store has a great selection of hay, treats and toys for your bunny. Come in today and check it out!


“Our Girls” By Linda Ruckert, Adopter Lovingly known as “our girls” because they immediately stole the hearts of Animal Friends’ volunteers, Brownie, Shadow and Snowball are bonded sisters who were surrendered by a family who truly loved them but couldn’t keep them. These beautiful Lionhead rabbits are well-socialized, love to be petted and groomed, and are wonderful examples of their breed. But there’s so much more to this special trio of sisters than their beauty. They’re also well-adjusted, loving and funny and truly enjoy each other’s company. The three of them have so much fun running around in their bunny maze (which they were first introduced to at Animal Friends) and finding each other as they explore the maze. When I get off of the couch and leave the room, I love the way that they jump up on the couch right where I’d been sitting and look for me. When we


adopted them, we decided not to change their names, not only because they’d had them for six years but, because their names fit them perfectly. Our girls developed a real family with the volunteers at Animal Friends who worked hard to keep these sisters

happy and healthy. When we met them, we loved how they always looked for each other in the BunRuns and the sisters continue to constantly sit side by side grooming each other. I love to watch them when they eat, too. If there are three pieces of greens (one for each of them), they will insist on sharing the same piece at the same time. At night when I put them in their exercise pen, they all run into it together and sit very closely together, side by side. Animal Friends thanks Linda and her husband for opening their hearts and home to these special bunnies. Who ever said, “Three’s a crowd didn’t know these rabbits!”

Follow Animal Friends on Facebook,YouTube, Twitter, Blogger, Instagram and Pinterest! Meet adoptable pets, play for giveaways, see behind the scenes and more.

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