Animal Friends Petsburgh Press May 2016

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vol. 31 no. 2


Our Vision To ensure the well being of companion animals, while ending overpopulation, abuse and unwarranted euthanasia.

Animal Friends is a non-profit organization serving the needs of pets and people since 1943. Our progressive programs have been nationally recognized and include pet rescue, shelter and adoption services, behavior classes, educational and therapeutic outreach and more. Most importantly, Animal Friends is leading the way towards ending pet overpopulation in western Pennsylvania through comprehensive, community-wide spay/neuter programming. Animal Friends is supported by donors, volunteers and a staff dedicated to ensuring the well being of companion animals, while ending overpopulation, abuse and unwarranted euthanasia. To learn more, visit

Table of Contents Breaking Mews..........................2 Spay it Forward…….....................3 Soul Mutts……...........................4-5 Homeless Hoppers......................6 Animal Friends University Catalog…….....…... 7-10 Calendar of Events.................... 11 Feline Purrsonals……............12-13 Kids’ Corner………......................14 Re-TAIL Therapy…......................15 Happy Tails.............................. 16

562 Camp Horne Road Pittsburgh, PA 15237 The Petsburgh Press is printed on recycled paper!


At Animal Friends, every day is full of compassion. Through progressive petfocused programming we’re changing and improving the lives of the people and pets of our region. So for the 31 days of May, join us. Even one day of compassion can mean a life saved, an ailing body healed and a pet rescued. It’s about all about working together with compassion and hope. There are so many ways for you to take part … Adopt. Learn. Care. Give.

And, right now your gift will go further! An anonymous donor has presented us with a challenge and will match every donation made 50 cents on the dollar, up to $40,000.


Your gift will save lives. Donate now at ThinkingOutsideThe

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Pittsburgh, PA Permit No. 602


About Us


Breaking Mews

Press Published Bimonthly c/o Animal Friends 562 Camp Horne Road Pittsburgh, PA 15237

Dear Friend,

g the way to our As I watch the bulldozers and back hoes busily transform our campus, pointin myself reflecting on find I Center, s Wellnes future with the construction of The Howard Ash Animal ng our veterans supporti – g foundin our of our past and remembering what was at the very heart hed a new establis have we that ce and their beloved pets. That’s why I’m so proud to announ . Friends Animal at here right chapter of the nationally recognized Pet for Vets Program ations understand the Animal Friends and Pets for Vets is truly a symbiotic partnership. Both organiz people and pets are when happen that s miracle y everyda power of the human-animal bond and the heal to help to together. The Pets for Vets Program works the emotional wounds of military veterans living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) by pairing them with a shelter animal that is specially matched to the veteran based on personality and lifestyle. Once the right pet is selected for the veteran, the animal then spends time in the home of a Pets for Vets trainer to learn basic commands and other valuable behaviors to ensure a successful match. This may include acclimating the animal to wheelchairs and teaching the necessary behaviors to help ease the symptoms of PTSD and TBI. Additionally, an individually designed welcome package of essential supplies from leashes and collars to beds and even a free dog license are sent home to support this new relationship! Pets for Vets Pittsburgh is actively being developed and you may be able to help. Currently, we are searching for professional canine trainers who would be interested in supporting the program. Check our website for more information. And, be sure to make this year’s Animal Friends’ Bark in the Park on Sat., May 28 at North Park for the official launch of this exciting program! Thanks to the efforts of Board Member and USMC Veteran, Bob Fragasso, who brought Pets for Vets to our attention, Animal Friends is able to hold fast to our roots as we reach towards our future.

David J. Swisher President & Chief Executive Officer


Editor-in-Chief: Shannon Tremblay Writers: Natalie Larocco, Dana Schultz and Carol Whaley Photography: Jeff Geissler, Brian Johanson, Linda Mitzel, Angie Pulice and Carol Radz Animal Handlers: Karen Appman, Karen Drosendahl, Holly Gumbeski, Joe Klein, Natalie Larocco, Elaine Natowich and Phyllis Thorne Design: Kay Braun at Direct Axis President: David Swisher This paper is not responsible for the conduct, health, temperament or availability of the animals listed. The publisher retains the right to refuse any advertising. COPYING OR REPRODUCING ANY OR ALL OF THIS PUBLICATION IS URGED AND APPRECIATED, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE USE OF THE NAME “PETSBURGH PRESS,” WHICH IS PROTECTED AND IS PROHIBITED IN ANY OTHER FORM, OR BY ANY OTHER MEANS.

Animal Friends Directory

The Major Ben Follansbee Pets for Vets Memorial Fund We are so grateful to the Follansbee family who generously established The Major Ben Follansbee Pets for Vets Memorial Fund in memory of their son to support the important work of Pets for Vets. The Follansbees, who tragically lost their son, Ben, in 2012, know firsthand the devastating effects that PTSD and TBI can have on a returning veteran and believe in the promise of supportive pet companionship. If you are interested in being a part of this lifesaving program, please consider a gift to this fund. Visit for more information.

Center Main Number: 412.847.7000 Center Main Fax: 412.847.7001 Public Hours of Operation: M-F: 11 am – 7 pm; S & S: 10 am – 5 pm Adoption 412.847.7002 | Advertising & Event Sponsorships 412.847.7037 | Admissions 412.847.7078 | Behavior Classes & Helpline 412.847.7070 | Community Programs & Classes 412.847.7035 | Cruelty Investigations 412.847.7066 | Donations 412.847.7051 | Events 412.847.7037 | Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program 412.847.7004 | Mailing List Changes/Additions 412.847.7051 | Retail Shop 412.847.7022 | Volunteering 412.847.7040 |

Help to stop animal abuse in our area, call 412.847.7066 and leave a detailed message for our humane investigations officers. You could be saving a life!

Outside In

By Melanie Lippert , Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Lead Program Assistant

Tiger Haven: A Feline Fresh Air Retreat We all know that Animal Friends is a special place for our residents. But now our cats have an extra reason to cheer – er, mew! In April, we unveiled a new opportunity for our feline residents to relax, stretch, play or simply enjoy a spot of sunshine. And, the best part ... it’s outside! (Safely contained, of course.) Thanks to the vision and generosity of passionate supporter, Donna Kipp, our original gazebo has been transformed into Tiger Haven – a fresh air enrichment cabin for our cats. With the help of a handful of dedicated construction volunteers, Tiger Haven is a rustic paradise of outside experiences specially designed with the health and safety of our cats in mind. As we know, cats are curious creatures. Having the ability to search, explore and even stalk are so important to their overall physical and mental health. Cats in shelter environments are especially at risk for boredom, lethargy and even depression. But not at Animal Friends! Tiger Haven is now one more creative option in our feline enrichment toolbox. In addition to our indoor socialization room, staff and volunteers now have an outdoor space to which they can bring our cats for a really fun and inventive social experience. Our grateful appreciation to Donna for her generous support. We are so proud to continue our mission to truly “think outside the cage” for our animals.

In the winter of 2014, an elderly woman, Marian, contacted us and needed help. Marian had four cats that were living in her backyard. She would feed them every day and the younger cats would follow her around the yard when she would garden. With help from our compassionate staff, she was able to have each of the cats spayed/ neutered, vaccinated and returned so they could continue to frolic in her yard. Almost a year later, Marian sent us an update on Puff – the youngest cat of the group. He was so friendly and fond of Marian. And so, she attempted to bring him inside. A few weeks later we received a call requesting to bring Puff

to the next Low-Cost Vaccine Clinic. He had been living in the house with Marian and her two other cats! And, since she saw he was going to remain a loving member of the family, she wanted to be sure he was healthy and all of his vaccinations were up to date. Puff and Marian attended the next vaccine clinic. You would never know this cat spent the beginning of his life outside. While nervous being in a new environment, Puff was an excellent patient and Marian was extremely grateful she was able to afford the routine medical care for her newest family member. If your pets are in need of vaccinations, visit Vaccine to view upcoming dates.

Enclosed is my sponsorship of... $50 to underwrite one spay or neuter surgery Please make checks payable to Animal Friends, Inc.

Other $

Name Address City



Send this form with your donation to Animal Friends, Sponsor-a-Spay Program, 562 Camp Horne Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. All donations are tax-deductible. Or make your donation online at

We thank our sponsors… Mrs. Lorraine Barbone, Samuel Benjamin, Ms. Mary Ann Bennett, Ms. Nickole Cantrell, Mr. Thomas Hohn and Mrs. Linda Hohn, Ms. Nancy Law, Ms. Linda Pavlik, Hollie Peterson, Mr. William Schneider and Mrs. Mary Schneider, Ms. Cynthia Wessels, Katherine Wider, Ms. Tara Zalewsky-Nease

Can you or someone you know provide a loving home for one of our animals? Visit to give a pet a second chance!


Soul MuTTs

Petsburgh Press sponsorships are a great way to honor or say thanks to a friend or pet. If you would like to sponsor the adoption fee of an animal, please contact our Adoptions Department at 412.847.7002.



Charlie is a handsome fellow with an extremely loveable personality. He is very social and friendly and would do great in a home with children of all ages. Charlie is from another shelter. There he did well with other dogs -- so he may like a home with other canine companions. Give this sweetheart a loving home to call his own! Charlie give happy tail wags to Mary Dixon for her donation in memory of Rosie.

Elvis has become best friends with our Medical Department during his stay with us at Animal Friends! He is Lyme+ and had to be treated for some pain issues associated with this. He is finally ready to find a loving home! Elvis is handsome, sweet, soft and friendly. He absolutely loves massages and would do wonderfully in an adult-only, calm home. We can’t wait to say, “Elvis has left the building!” Elvis sends licks of love to Joyce WaltnerBarmak for her gift dedicated to Fluff Waltner “in treasured memories” and to Norma Schneider for her generous donation.

BoNNie Bonnie is a sweetheart who was brought to the shelter in December of 2015 from a neglectful situation. Thankfully, she acts like the happiest girl in the world despite her rough past! She is soft and wiggly, eager to play with toys, and loves to go on walks. Bonnie is social, friendly and excitable, so she would do best in a home with children at least 12 years old. Bonnie thanks Joan Webb for her donation honoring her dog Crackers, adopted from Animal Friends.


MilkBone Milkbone came to us in December of 2015 from another shelter. He is a very active hound who really enjoys going on walks. He has shown some initial nervousness with new people, but he warms up nicely! He is sweet and friendly, but cannot live with cats as he has a strong prey drive. Milkbone thanks Thomas Murphy for his gift in memory of Eleanor and Alex. Better than a tummy rub!

amelia Our Humane Investigations Department rescued Amelia from a cruelty situation in June of 2015. Amelia came to us with some deformities in her front legs. This adorable girl went through surgery to alleviate the pain caused by her condition and is healing wonderfully! She is sweet, social and loves people. Amelia is looking for a loving home without cats or small dogs but with someone to cuddle! Amelia would like to thank Dolores DiGiovine for her donation in memory of Rita Kujawa and Dee DiGiovine. Woof!

Spay or neuter your pet! Call 412.847.7004 to find out more information on our high-quality, low-cost services.

speckles AnDy This adorable little guy is Andy. Although he is blind, he gets around well. He can manage steps and long walks. Andy just wants to be loved. He seeks out whatever human is in the house just to be with them. His favorite pastime is snuggling with a loving human body! He would be a wonderful companion in a quiet home with adults only who will care for him with love and patience. Come in and meet Andy. You will fall for him instantly! Andy gives a bark of appreciation to Earlene and Arthur Lantz III for their donation and Amy Adams for her gift in loving memory of Scout.

Speckles is a wiggly and social herding breed mix that is looking for an active family! He enjoys the company of other dogs and people, and especially loves to play! Speckles would do well in a family with children at least 6 years old because of his high energy. Speckles has an adorable wiggle he does when he is super excited – stop in and see him! Speckles can’t stop wiggling over Linda Kolder’s donation honoring her faithful Abby.

RiNGo Ringo came to us from a hoarding situation in September of 2015. He does not have much experience with love and kindness but is learning daily. Ringo will need a patient and understanding family that is willing to put in the time and effort needed to allow Ringo to trust, bond and learn how to be a dog. Once he gets to know you, he’ll become incredibly sweet and cuddly. Ringo sends his love to Lynne Aber for her gift in memory of Tess and MacGregor.

OrchiD This lovely little girl came to Animal Friends as a transfer during our 2015 New Year’s Eve Rescue. Although it takes Orchid time to warm up, she has become very friendly and particularly loves trying to be a lap dog! Orchid needs to be the only furry member of the family, but besides that she is absolutely wonderful. She is very smart and is eager to please. Orchid can’t thank Paula Schaukowitch enough for her gift for Snowflake and Leonid.

LeilanD Leiland is a beautiful hound mix who has had a rough past. We have been working with Leiland to teach him positive reinforcement and love, but we know a home would help him learn how to trust. When he feels comfortable, Leiland gets playful and sweet. If you are interested in meeting this wonderful dog, stop in to Animal Friends today! Leiland sends a big “woof” to Thomas Alvord and Angie Fry for their donation honoring Princess, their girl for 17 years.

Your gift can save a life! And, right now it will be matched 50 cents on the dollar! Visit to make our community a more compassionate place.


Benny anD LilLy


Benny and Lilly were rescued at a very young age by a Good Samaritan. They have lived together all of their lives and are a bonded pair that need to go home together. Benny is the handsome gray bunny and Lilly is the adorable white. Both bunnies are initially shy but when together they are much more confident and social!

Audrina was transferred to Animal Friends from a local rabbit rescue group. She has always lived with rabbits so she would be a great choice if you are looking to add another bunny to your life! She is a very mellow girl who enjoys being petted and loved on. Audrina is a beautiful bunny who would love to become part of your family.

Univers Univers was brought to Animal Friends when our Humane Police Officer found her abandoned by her previous owner. She is a very easy-going bunny who enjoys people. She does not fuss about being petted, picked up or held. Univers would be a great rabbit for a first-time or seasoned owners alike.

Animal Friends would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to our 31 Days of Compassion sponsors!


Give your pup a chance to meet some new buds! At Animal Friends’ Canine Socials, your dog can let out his or her inner social butterfly!

Vol. 31









Welcome! Welcome to Animal Friends University, home of the region’s most exciting selection of courses offered for, about and, sometimes, even with your pet. Animal Friends offers a wide range of activities that are bound to interest anyone, whether a student, young professional, senior, cat fancier, rabbit wrangler, novice pup or seasoned hound. If you’re looking for fun things to do with your pet, look for our WAG classes. Our WAG series logo will let you know which activities Welcome Animal Guests!

Classes fill quickly!

We encourage guests to register online at ThinkingOutsideTheCage. org/AFU, available 24 /7! Any registration questions, please call 412.847.7035 or email dklingelhofer @Thinking

Register Online!

This edition of the Animal Friends University catalog is generously sponsored by:

Companion Dog Training Classes for You and Your Pet Animal Friends is dedicated to providing people and their companion animals with the tools they need to develop lasting and successful relationships with one another and their community. All training is accomplished through kind, effective positive reinforcement techniques. You will learn how positive reinforcement is a way to build a relationship with your pet.

Cancellation Policy

If a class/event must be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, refunds will be issued. Notice of cancellation by a student must be received no later than three business days prior to the class/event in order for a refund to be issued.

Animal-Themed Course Selections for People and Their Pets

Edgar Snyder and Associates sponsors scholarships for you and your dog to attend Kinderpuppy, Dog Manners or other obedience training classes held at Animal Friends. To apply for a scholarship, send an email to WeLoveDogs@edgar, explaining why your dog could benefit from an Animal Friends training program.

Canine Training Group dog training classes are best suited for those canines that are both people- and dog-friendly. To speak to our trainers about suitability for group training (and other options, if necessary), please call 412.847.7035 or email Barb Grosch, CPDT-KA at bgrosch@

To register online for classes, go to our website www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage. org/DogTraining. Questions? Please email dklingelhofer@ThinkingOutside All dogs must be current on ageappropriate vaccinations. AF 301 Kinderpuppy For those pups that have their 2nd DHP vaccination and are 20 weeks of age or younger. Small breed and/or shy dogs may attend until 24 weeks of age. Puppies may start class at any time, and attend as many classes as you choose within the age range of the class. No waiting for the next class session to begin. Attend classes in any order, skip a class or repeat a class. This program is flexible to meet the training and socialization needs of your puppy.

class. To register online, go to Thinking TUITION: $15 per dog/per class INSTRUCTORS: Animal Friends “Puppy Team” Christine Flint, Andrea Lamping, CPDT-KA, Lori Caruso, Barb Grosch, CPDT-KA All classes include puppy playtime and teach foundation cues - “sit,” “down,” “stand,” and “touch.” In addition, each class has a specific theme. Exercises, behavior talks and homework relate to the theme of the class.

Puppies Learn Polite Manners

Puppies learn “come,” pay attention to their people when asked, and we will share ideas to cope with puppy chewing and mouthing. Date: Thursday, July 7 Time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Registration for class must be completed by 5 pm the day PRIOR to the actual

Support Animal Friends through our fun and creative events! Visit for more information.



University Est.



This class includes ideas for puppy management (crating, tethering) and housetraining tips. Puppies learn “sit to say please,” and ways to discourage jumping are practiced. Date: Saturday, June 4 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm OR Date: Thursday, July 14 Time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Puppies Out in the World

This class presents socialization ideas and manners when interacting outdoors. This will include introduction to loose leash walking and jumping prevention. Date: Saturday, June 11 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm OR Date: Thursday, July 21 Time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Puppies Learn to Share

This class focuses on resource guarding prevention. Puppies learn “drop it,” “leave it” and “wait for the food bowl.” We will discuss ideas to prevent possessive behavior of food and toys. Date: Saturday, June 18 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm OR Date: Thursday, July 28 Time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Puppies Learn Through Fun

AF 302 Puppy Manners For puppies ages 5 months to 9 months Basic training for the older puppy will include household manners, manners for interacting with new people and places and playtime to increase dog-dog social skills. Cues to be taught include: “sit,” “down,” “come,” walk nicely on leash, wait politely, “drop it,” and “leave it.” Five week class, bring your pup to all class sessions. Instructors: Christine Flint and Andrea Lamping, CPDT-KA DATES: Saturdays, May 21, June 4, 11, 18, 25 TIME: 10:15 am – 11:15 am OR DateS: Thursdays, July 7, 14, 21, 28, August 4 Time: 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm TUITION: $75 per dog (humans free!) AF 304 Companion Dog

Manners – Weekday

For dogs that are both peopleand dog-friendly and 9 months or older. Not recommended for dogs under 25 lbs. This first level class gets your dog started with the cues of “sit,” “down,” “stay,” coming when called and loose-leash walking. Laying a solid foundation with these skills is key to living happily with your four-legged friend. As well as good manners, class discussions will give you an understanding of why dogs do the things they do and how to build a strong relationship with your dog. First class is orientation – humans only, no dogs. Instructor: Carrie Brueckner, CPDT-KA DateS: Wednesdays, July 6, 13, 20, 27, August 3, 10, 17 Time: 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm Tuition: $105 per dog (humans free!)

AF 309 Fearful Fido Does your dog suffer from anxiety, fear, and/or phobias to the everyday things in the surrounding world? Is he/she especially sensitive to noise, afraid of people, objects and/or other dogs, leaving you feeling powerless without knowing how to help? This 7-week class will teach you the necessary techniques to begin a behavior modification program that will help your “fearful fido” become a “brave buddy” by building their confidence and giving you a better understanding of how to help your dog! First class is orientation – humans only, no dogs. Instructor: Rachel Crown DateS: dogtraining Time: 7:45 pm – 8:45 pm Tuition: $105


To register o to for classes, g g in k www.Thin e h OutsideT dogtraining

Puppies gain confidence by working on the beginner agility obstacles and learn some fun tricks. We will share some game ideas to exercise your pup mentally and physically. Date: Saturday, June 25 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm OR Date: Thursday, August 4 Time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm


Send a toy or a treat to our homeless animals from our wish list on Amazon (search for Animal Friends, Inc.)!

Companion cat classes Cat Massage Therapy

No live cats for this workshop, please. Bring a stuffed kitty to use for training purposes. Class size is limited to 12 students. Who doesn’t love a great massage? Now you can learn to give your little prince or princess the extra pampering they deserve, as well as provide all the wonderful benefits that massage can offer. Not only does massage increase the bond between you and your whiskered friend, but it can also help with relaxation, help your cat to learn to build trust, increase flexibility, make the coat shine and improve your cat’s overall sense of well-being. Grab a stuffed animal and join us for a fun, relaxing class as you learn the basic techniques that will have your favorite feline eating out of your hand! Please leave your feline family member at home. Instructor: Katie Tontala, Certified Massage Therapist Date: Thursday, June 16 Time: 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Tuition: $20

Two new offerings – Kitten Socialization and Cat Enrichment. For more details and schedule, check out ThinkingOutsideTheCage. org/CatClasses.

Pet CPR and First Aid

2016 Summer Camp at Animal Friends! Animal Friends’ summer camps have been underwritten in part through the generosity of the Butch and Samuel Ash Fund. Registration opened in March. For details, please see Camp. Our sessions sell out – don’t miss out on the furry fun!

Classes for the Adult Pet Lover The Classes for The Adult Pet Lover were made possible by a sponsorship from the

Russell Charitable Foundation Pets are part of the family. Join other pet lovers to discover exciting new ways to bond and interact with your favorite four-legged companion. These classes are tailored to adult students ages 16 and up. Some instructors will consider younger students, so be sure to email dklingelhofer@ThinkingOutsideTheCage. org if you have any questions. AF 218 Baby-Ready Pets! The excitement of preparing for the arrival of a baby should not be dampened by concerns about your pets’ reactions. With some planning, preparation and training, introducing your newest family member to your pet can be very successful and rewarding. The Baby-Ready Pets! Workshop will assist you in making the preparations for these introductions. Instructors: Ron and Mary Papik Please note that this is a peopleonly class; no pets, please. Seating is limited, and advance RSVP is required at AdultClasses. Date: Tuesday, July 19 Time: 7 pm – 9 pm Tuition: Free OR Date: Tuesday, August 16 Time: 7 pm – 9 pm Tuition: Free

All are invited to bring pictures and remain afterwards for discussion. Children are welcome when accompanied by a parent. For more information, call 412.847.7081. Registration required. These ceremonies are facilitated by community religious leaders, but are non-denominational.

This class will teach you the life-saving skills and knowledge that will enable you to be there for your pets when they need you the most! Topics include, but are not limited to, rescue breathing, bleeding protocols, choking management, heat/ cold injuries, bites, stings, poisoning, seizures, fractures and limb injuries. Class size limited to 15 students to allow for individualized instruction. Certification provided upon completion of the class. This is a people-only class; please leave your canine companions at home. Instructor: Karen Sable Date: Saturday, July 9 Time: 11 am – 3:30 pm Tuition: $70 per person – includes all training materials, training certificate and light refreshments. A portion of the proceeds benefit our shelter residents.

AF 230 Animal Afternoons Come and enjoy a relaxing break with some of our lovable pooches and felines at Animal Friends! For a suggested donation of $5 per person, your small group can enjoy companionship and oneon-one interaction with a therapy animal. Visit includes a small snack and shelter tour. A great activity for senior groups!


Maximum number of people accommodated: 15. Our Classroom is wheelchair and scooter accessible.

To register for Therapeutic Services programs, please call 412.847.7026.

Pet Loss Support Group

The loss of a pet can be heartbreaking and the grief may seem overwhelming. Know that you are not alone. Through our Pet Loss Support services, you can gain a better understanding of your feelings and find comfort in the camaraderie of others who understand. For more information, please call 412.847.7081. Registration required. Group leader: Marsha Koschik, Veterinary Technician DateS: Wednesdays, June 15, July 20, August 17 Time: 7 pm

DateS: Thursdays, June 9, July 14, August 11 Time: 7 pm

Companion animals enrich our lives in so many ways. Join others for a candlelight remembrance and celebration ceremony to hear interfaith, spiritual words of comfort and pay tribute to those wonderful animals that will be sorely missed.

Small Dog Socials – for dogs 35 pounds or less!

For dogs 4 months or older that are both people- and dog-friendly. Please bring vaccination records. Little guy equals high energy! Would you like a place to take your small dog where he can socialize with canines his own size? If so, our Small Dog Social is for you. DateS: Sundays, June 12, 26, July 10, 24 (no Sunday socials in August) Mondays, June 6, 20, July 18, August 1, 15, 29 Wednesdays, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, July 6, 13, 20, 27, Aug. 3, (no social August 10) 17, 24, 31 TimeS: Sundays: 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm Mondays: 7 pm – 8 pm Wednesdays: 11 am – 12 pm Tuition: $5 per dog

Reservations for this event can be made by calling 412.847.7081.

DROP-IN SESSIONS No registration required – Come on over! Puppy Playschool

Drop-in socialization sessions for pups 12-20 weeks of age. Small breed and shy pups may attend up to 24 weeks of age. Please bring your pup’s age-appropriate vaccination record. Organized playtime for pups provides much-needed socialization along with mental and physical exercise (and lots of fun!) Puppy socialization is critical for the development of your puppy’s social skills with dogs and people. The instructor is available to discuss puppy issues such as housetraining, chewing and mouthing. DateS: Mondays, June 13, 27, July 11, 25, August 8, 22 Time: 7 pm – 8 pm Tuition: $5 per dog

Teacup Hour – for dogs 10 pounds or less!

Candlelight Remembrance Services

Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Tuition: $5 per dog

For dogs 4 months or older that are both people- and dog-friendly. Please bring vaccination records. If you have a teacup, toy, mini or pursesized pooch that is struggling to keep up at Small Dog Socials, we have a social hour for dogs weighing 10 pounds or less. Please note: this social is also appropriate for small dogs over 10 lbs who are shy and quiet. DateS: Sundays, June 12, 26, July 10, 24 (no Sunday socials in August)

Big Dog Social Hour – All dogs 35 pounds and up are welcome to attend!

For dogs 6 months or older that are both people- and dog-friendly. Please bring vaccination records. This social is one hour of romping and playing in our indoor training center with agility equipment available to have fun and help burn some excess energy. Outdoor play yard available; weatherpermitting. DateS: We’ll see you in the fall – no summer socials scheduled Time: 10 am – 11 am Tuition: $5 per dog

Keep your pets happy, healthy and up to date on their vaccinations through our Low-Cost Vaccine Clinics. For more information visit


positive reinforcement training and fun! A dog with basic obedience skills will be comfortable in this class. Obstacles introduced in this beginning course will include jumps, tire jump, tunnel, dog walk, a-frame and pause table. This class will be held in the Animal Friends lower grass fenced play yard. Instructor: Barb Grosch, CPDT-KA DateS: Tuesdays, July 5, 12, 19, 26, August 2, 9 Time: 7 pm – 8 pm Tuition: $105 per dog (humans free!)


University Est.



Do you have two bunnies at home that just aren’t bonding? This workshop will help to explore the meet-and-greet ritual by discussing body language, how to prevent squabbles and break them up if they do happen. Instructor: Suaz Forsyth TIME AND Date: By appointment (Call 412.847.7035) Tuition: One can of 100% pumpkin (not pie filling) for our resident bunnies

Rabbit Care Workshop

We will cover all aspects of bunny care such as diet and nutrition, litter-box training, grooming, medical


AF 412 The Nose Knows


topics and managing negative behavior. Please join us for this educational workshop. Your bunny is welcome to attend, but must arrive in a carrier. Instructor: Mary Cvetan Date: Friday, August 12 TIME: 7 pm – 9 pm Tuition: Bundle of fresh greens


for Fun!

For dogs 1 year or older that are both people and dog friendly. This course will help the dog and handler to build a strong relationship based on

play jump


For dogs 6 months and older who have completed Nose Knows classes and are both people- and dog-friendly. Attention summer sniffers... Let’s take advantage of the warm weather! Have fun and build on your scent work foundation skills with challenging new sniffing activities each week. You and your dog will work as a team doing container, exterior, interior and vehicle searches to locate target scents. Instructor: Gayle Bair DateS: Sundays, June 5, 12, 19, 26 Time: 6:15 pm – 7:15 pm Tuition: $65

Play Yard Rental Program For people and their pooches! Animal Friends’ lower level play yard is available for one-on-one, off-leash fun!

Summer Hours (April-September) Monday through Sunday mornings 6 am - 10 am Friday and Sunday evenings 7 pm - 8:30 pm Winter Hours (October-March) Seven days a week 7:30 am – 10 am Advance rental and confirmation are required by calling 412.847.7035. Tuition is $5 per dog per half hour slot. Limit 2 dogs to one adult, please. 562 Camp Horne Road | Pittsburgh, PA 15237 | 412.847.7000

Through our Summer Camp Program, we’re teaching students the importance of responsible pet care. Sign your student up at

Sat., May 7

Tues., May 17

Fri., May 20

Lawrenceville Cat Crawl 1

Mutt Mob

9 a.m. - 6 p.m. – Participating Businesses in Lawrenceville We invite you to “cat crawl” through Lawrenceville to visit our adorable adoptable cats and kittens, who will be spending their day at the unique shops and eateries. Purchase a $10 shopping pass (on our website or at the PNC Bank Parking lot in Lawrenceville that day) for specials at each participating business. All proceeds benefit Animal Friends! Shop, eat, cuddle – a purrfect Saturday in Pittsburgh!

6 - 8 p.m. – Downtown Pittsburgh: Across the Clemente Bridge It’s not a flash mob – it’s an Animal Friends’ Mutt Mob! Our mob of adoptable canine companions will converge on the Roberto Clemente Bridge as we make our way to the first official PNC Park Pup Night of the year. Join us prior to the start of the Pirates vs. Atlanta Braves on Federal Street as we visit with fans! Then buy a ticket for you and your canine companion to join us on the rooftop for a night of fun and great baseball for dogs and humans -- alike!

Surprise! Pop-Up Event 11 a.m.-2 p.m. – Market Square Puppies and kittens and bunnies, oh my! The cuteness will melt your stress away! Take your lunch break in Market Square for a chance to participate in a truly unique experience. Follow Animal Friends on Facebook for teasers throughout May.

Thur., June 16

Fri., July 1-Sun., July 3

WISH 99.7 6th Annual Purse Party

Choose Your Family Member Adoption Event: Summer Edition

Doors open 5:30 p.m. – Sheraton Station Square Hotel Join WISH 99.7 for their 6th Annual Purse Party fundraiser to benefit Animal Friends! Hosted by morning show personality Cris Winter, our theme this year is purses, pets, and polka dots! Enjoy great food, signature WISHtini’s and cocktails, entertainment, photo booth and an amazing luxury purse and more auction – with proceeds benefiting Animal Friends. The auction includes dozens of must-have handbags, gift baskets, trips and more. Tickets are $25 and include a free WISHtini ticket, door prize ticket and a swag bag filled with goodies! Tickets are available through ShowClix – https://www. For more information, contact Danielle at 412.847.7073.

Know someone that could benefit from some pet therapy? Call 412.847.7026 to schedule a visit with a Therapets team.

F 11 a.m.-7 p.m.|S and S 10 a.m.-5 p.m. – Animal Friends They say you can’t choose your family but Animal Friends says you can! Our highlighted dogs, cats, and rabbits available for adoption will be suitable for families with children of all ages. Join us and prove the old adage wrong by choosing your newest, four-legged family member from Animal Friends.


FeLine Purrsonals

Petsburgh Press sponsorships are a great way to honor or say thanks to a friend or pet. If you would like to sponsor the adoption fee of an animal, please contact our Adoptions Department at 412.847.7002.

Boots AL


Al is a handsome boy who was transferred to Animal Friends from another shelter. He is FIV+ which simply means that he has a weaker immune system than other cats and might need more veterinary care than some. This does not stop him from living a healthy and normal lifestyle! He currently lives with other cats at our shelter who are also FIV+ and love the companionship!

Boots is a robust male who currently resides with other cats at Animal Friends. He is a confident young man and takes his time getting to know people. He does well with other cats and enjoys attention, but lets you know when he has had enough! If you are looking for a buddy to hang out with, Boots might just be the one! Boots is purring over Carol Ambrosia’s gift in memory of Betty.

This sweet little buff tabby recently came to Animal Friends when her family could no longer take care of her. She has lived with other cats in her previous home and may enjoy living with them again. Rose is aptly named. Just like flowers brighten up any environment they are in. We are sure that this Rose would brighten up your life and your home. Rose would like to thank Elizabeth Blair for her generous donation. Thank you!

BurNt UmBer Burnt Umber is one of the cats from our 2015 Year’s Eve Rescue and is such a sweetheart. Burnt Umber has been diagnosed with diabetes and is being treated for it. His new family will need to comfortable giving him his insulin shots twice a day. Burnt Umber loves to play but especially loves to be with people. He is vocal and will tell you how much he loves you! He is a stately and handsome cat, with a loving personality.


Teresa New

This gorgeous cat is Teresa and she has quite the friendly disposition. She was brought to the Animal Friends when her previous owner passed away. She is currently in a foster home since she did not respond well to shelter life. Teresa greets her foster mom at the door, sleeps in bed with her and enjoys being petted and held. Give this wonderful cat a home today!

You can make a difference in our community and in the lives of our homeless pets by volunteering at Animal Friends. Visit




Batman came from a home with several other cats and he would probably enjoy living with cats again. He is a beautiful young, long-haired white male. He has recently arrived and is still a bit overwhelmed with his new surroundings. We know with time and a little patience, Batman will become the outgoing boy we know he can become.

Conga has been at Animal Friends for more than a year due to her extreme mistrust of people. She has been making great progress and is starting to feel better about interacting with people! Conga is very playful which helps her to become comfortable in new situations. She has lived with other cats and would do well living with a confident cat to show her the ropes!

We are coming up on Hester’s one year anniversary at Animal Friends and we would love nothing more than to send her home! She is initially nervous around new people but once she warms up she loves being petted and held. She is playful and sweet, giving head butts and readily accepting treats. Help us get this beautiful tabby a loving home!




Imagine every day of your life being special, because of your cat. That is what Billy will do for you! He cuddles, snuggles and purrs and makes you feel so special. He was born sight-impaired and for his health, he had to have surgery and now is unable to see. He would do best in a quiet home with no other pets and with people offering love and a gentle touch.

Bucatini is a handsome boy whose furrowed brow makes him look perpetually worried – and it is so endearing! He has been at Animal Friends since May of 2015 and was initially shy but has come out of his shell and is a wonderful cat! He loves being pet and enjoys the company of other cats. Bucatini has had some digestive issues but these are managed well with a grainfree diet!

Reuben is such a handsome boy! He is a little shy at first but once he gets comfortable he is very sweet and vocal. He was dropped off at Animal Friends because he did not respond well to changes in the home. He would be a perfect cat for a low key household that is not super active because Reuben gets nervous with sudden movements and loud noises.

You can help pet owners in financial crisis through our Chow Wagon Program. Drop off unopened, dry and canned pet food at Animal Friends.


THANK YOU Humane Helpers! Just a few of this semester’s many fundraisers for the animals included: • “Miracle Minute” at Bethel Park High School’s spirit assembly. • South Fayette Middle School’s Lion Hearts Club campaign. • Wilson Elementary Student Council fundraiser. • Pennies for Pups at Newlonsburg Elementary. • Classroom carnival at Highcliff Elementary. • Animal Enrichment Group’s project at Pittsburgh Carmalt. • Bunny Bingo at Avonworth Primary. • School-wide supply drive at Crafton Elementary. Our animals appreciate the many kids and teens who have helped them this school year with supply drive items and Kind Kid monetary donations. For photos of our Humane Helpers and a list of ways that kids can help the animals, please visit Thinking OutsideThe

Don’t Lick the Dog: Making Friends with Dogs by Wendy Wahman Review by Leah Carlson, Humane Educator and Literacy Services ISBN# 978-0805087338 -- Ages 4-7 Don’t Lick the Dog: Making Friends with Dogs is a funny how-to manual that shows kids how to safely greet dogs that are not their own.

Whimsical, abstract illustrations depict children with dogs in a variety of situations. The playful, rhyming text offers advice about approaching and interacting with unfamiliar dogs. How to handle jumping or grouchy canines is also covered. Instructional and fun, Don’t Lick the Dog is a great way to introduce, and reinforce, dog safety concepts.

e? an Why do some imals arrive at Animal Friends without a nam Sometimes a dog, cat or bunny is lost outside and can’t find his or her way back home. Lost pets are often rescued by a police officer or other kind adult. How will the rescuer know where the pet lives? It should be wearing one of these:

If the pet is not wearing this (the answer below), the rescuer can then check for a microchip. The microchip is the size of a grain of rice. A vet implants it under the pet’s skin. A police officer, vet, or shelter worker can scan the pet to see if it has a microchip. The microchip tells the identity of the pet’s owner. If the rescuer does not know who the pet belongs to,

the pet will need a new family. When the rescued pet Fill in the letters that correspond to the numbers arrives at Animal Friends, we choose one of the names that our Kind Kid student fundraisers have suggested. to solve the phrase.


Summer Camp 2016 Our summer camp season runs June-August. We hope you can join us for the furry fun! Registration opened in March at .

Interested in helping the animals? Did you know that kids can name a homeless pet at Animal Friends? Students can name an animal and sponsor his or her care for every $75 donated through our Kind Kids Program! The donation can be from an individual child/ teen, group of friends, classroom, student council, children’s community group, school, etc. You’ll help to provide the vaccinations, flea preventative, microchip, spay/neuter surgery and/or daily care that an animal needs to be ready to go to a loving home. You’ll get to name the pet and have your group’s name on his or her kennel card and webpage profile. Please see HelpingTheAnimals for more details about the Kind Kids Program and to schedule a donation drop-off appointment for a group of 12 students or less.

Our next Candlelight Remembrance Services are on June 9, July 14 and August 11. Grieving pet owners can RSVP by calling 412.847.7081.

All items were specifically chosen to suit the needs of our shelter residents and are safe, fun and enriching selections for them to interact with both during their time here at the shelter and in their new homes.

By Natalie Larocco, Retail Coordinator This year, Animal Friends will celebrate the many ways that pets enrich our lives during our 31 Days of Compassion campaign. We already know how important our pets are in making our lives happier, healthier and more complete. So throughout the entire month of May, Animal Friends’ on-site Retail Store will be offering specials and promotions to help you return the favor and say thanks to our special furry friends that do so much for us!

Gifts that Give More at Animal Friends Buy any of the following for your canine companion in our Retail Store, and another will be donated to our shelter dogs.

Buy any of the following for your feline friend in our Retail Store, and another will be donated to our shelter cats.

Buy any of the following for your bunny BFF in our Retail Store, and another will be donated to our shelter rabbits.

• $30 – 24-pound sleeve of Rachael Ray’s Nutrish Cat Food • $20 – Bergan Interactive Cat Hurricane Toy • $15 – Inclined Cat Scratching Post • $10 – Kong Treat-Dispensing Cat Toy • $5 – 6-pound bag or Rachael Ray’s Nutrish Cat Food

• $30 – 9-pound Box of Timothy Hay • $20 – Timothy Bungalow Hideaway Toy • $15 – 5-pound Bag of Timothy Pellets • $10 – Oxbow Rabbit Vitamins • $5 – Timothy Carrot Toy

• $30 – 24-pound sleeve of Rachael Ray’s Nutrish Dog Food

This year, the Retail Store at Animal Friends is promoting a large selection of toys, treats, food products and more that will not only bring happiness to your furry family members, but will also directly benefit homeless pets in need. When you buy any of the following items in our Retail store, another will be donated to the shelter resident of your choice.

• $20 – PetSafe Bristle Bone Dog Toy • $15 – Large Kong Toy • $10 – 2 ½-pound Redbarn Roll • $5 – 6-pound bag or Rachael Ray’s Nutrish Dog Food

Animal Friends

Wish List!

We could use... • Extra large Extreme Kongs. We feed our dogs breakfast out of these Kongs in the morning and need quite a supply of them! • New cat, dog or rabbit toys and treats to be used in raffle gift baskets for our events. • Ceramic water dishes for our cats.

• Bags or cans of cat and dog food for our Chow Wagon program (any brand, any flavor, smaller bags requested). • Comfy Cone pet e-collars to keep our dogs comfortable while recovering from surgery. • Hopper Hideaways and Tunnel Havens from for our resident rabbits and BunRuns.

For more ideas on how to help our shelter residents, please visit

Stop by our Retail Store to make a purchase for your furry family member, yourself or an Animal Friends resident – there’s something for everyone!


Stella, A Shining Star At Animal Friends, we love to hear from the families who have opened up their homes to the pets at our shelter and gave them the second chance they deserve. A couple of years ago, Tom and Nicole came to Animal Friends in search of a lovable addition to their family and found Stella (formerly Star). Recently, they wrote to us, “This week marks two years since Stella has come to her forever home. It’s

been two wonderful years! Her personality has really blossomed since she’s arrived. Her favorite things to do are run in circles in the yard, play with her tug toys, chase her Kong and nap in the sunshine. She also loves taking car rides and going to the dog park to race against the other dogs.” Since becoming a member of her new family, Stella has become quite the world traveler. She has accompanied them on trips to Washington D.C., North and South Carolina and even soaked up the sun in Florida! We were so happy to hear that Stella has been winning over the hearts of everyone she meets and serving as a wonderful ambassador for shelter pets on her road trips. This past July, Tom and Nicole welcomed another new member to their family, their baby boy. “At first Stella was fearful of the baby and all the new noises he made, but she was brave and trusting and has adjusted to our new routine. She is starting to show more affection for the little guy, possibly because he has already started to pet her!”


Stella is thriving in her new home and is now receiving all the love she deserves. Stories like this make us so proud to know that we can help families become more complete! Thanks to Stella’s wonderful parents and her tiny, new best buddy, Stella’s story has a very, very happy ending! Will your story be our next Happy Tail? Visit to get started!

Do you have an adoption story to share? Remember to like us on Facebook and tell us your happy “tail”!

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