Pit Bull Awareness Month - Petsburgh Press Fall/Winter 2015

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vol. 30 no. 4


Our Mission To ensure the well being of companion animals, while ending overpopulation, abuse and unwarranted euthanasia.

Animal Friends is a non-profit organization serving the needs of pets and people since 1943. Our progressive programs have been nationally recognized and include pet rescue, shelter and adoption services, behavior classes, educational and therapeutic outreach and more. Most importantly, Animal Friends is leading the way towards ending pet overpopulation in western Pennsylvania through comprehensive, community-wide spay/neuter programming. Animal Friends is supported by donors, volunteers and a staff dedicated to ensuring the well being of companion animals, while ending overpopulation, abuse and unwarranted euthanasia. To learn more, visit www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org

Table of Contents Breaking Mews..........................2 Spay it Forward…….....................3 Soul Mutts……...........................4-5 Homeless Hoppers......................6 Animal Friends University Catalog…….....…... 7-10 Calendar of Events.................... 11 Feline Purrsonals……............12-13 Kids’ Corner………......................14 Re-TAIL Therapy…......................15 Happy Tails.............................. 16

562 Camp Horne Road Pittsburgh, PA 15237 The Petsburgh Press is printed on recycled paper!


Animal Friends’ newspaper is printed and mailed courtesy of our sponsor,

Pit Bull

Awar en es s Month!

October is a time for fall leaves, cooler weather, pumpkin-flavored everything, Halloween celebrations and … dog adoptions? Yes! Not only is October Adopt a Shelter Dog Month but it’s also Pit Bull Awareness Month! This is a great month for our canine companions no matter which way you split it. At Animal Friends, we think every day is a great day to adopt, but October is one of the best times to bring a new canine companion into your life.


Continued on pg. 2

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About Us


Pit Bull

Awa r e n eMosnths!

Continued from cover

Pit Bull Awareness Month was established in 2007 as a nationwide effort to bring positive awareness and attention to the American Pit Bull Terrier. It’s no secret that Pit Bulls and Pit mixes find themselves at the center of breed-specific legislation, discrimination and negative bias all too often. Pit Bull Awareness Month was started to dispel some of

Flip to page 6 to read up on some myths surrounding Pit Bulls and other Pit mixes, then check our Breaking Mews section for information on Comet, our cover girl, and how you can make her a part of your family this October.

Breaking Mews

Mission: Adoptable Program At Animal Friends, we are committed to genuinely knowing the animals in our care. We know which rabbit loves dandelion greens the most or which dog would be a great running partner or which cat will happily climb into your lap for a cuddle. We can also tell you who will take a little bit longer to open up or who’s on a special diet or who is incredibly sweet but, at times, a little sassy. The Mission: Adoptable Program was designed with these unique residents in mind. These are the residents that tend to be overlooked by potential adopters. We know it’s not impossible to adopt these animals into homes. It’s just that the right families may take a bit longer to find them. Your mission, should you choose to accept, will be to make them a loving addition to your family. For more information on Vita, Alexie or Comet or about our Mission: Adoptable Program, please contact our Adoptions Department at 412.847.7002.


the negativity that surrounds these loving, loyal and wonderful dogs.


Comet is inquisitive, athletic and loves to play fetch. She will sit on cue and adores being petted and having her backside scratched. Comet came to Animal Friends in January 2014 as part of a Humane Investigations case. When her rescuers arrived, they found Comet and five other animals without food or water living in quite unsanitary conditions. As a result of Comet’s history, she came to Animal Friends a fearful girl. But today, Comet begs for attention and walks with growing confidence. Comet has been given the tools and foundation for a successful rehabilitation. A forever home is the only missing component of a completed process.


Alexie is a happy girl who can always be seen doing jumps and dances. While she is often overlooked for her black coat, Alexie is an absolutely lovely lady. Alexie is one of our biggest fans when it comes to our BunRuns. Though a little timid with new people, Alexie warms up quickly and then will accept affection from anyone with a willing hand – to give her a little scratch behind the ears. Alexie’s got a big heart and is ready to open it to forever family.


Voluptuous Vita is a curvy girl with a largerthan-life personality to match. She hasn’t met a person she doesn’t like, especially when greeted with under-the-chin scratches. Vita came to Animal Friends in 2012 as an over-nourished but under-loved cat, covered in urine with messy, matted fur. Vita has been put on a new weight-loss program, and is dutifully following her new regimen. Vita seems to enjoy the company of other cats, and may do well with other feline housemates. Vita is working her way to a better self, but the one thing that will truly help her achieve that is finding a home.

Press Published Bimonthly c/o Animal Friends 562 Camp Horne Road Pittsburgh, PA 15237 Editor-in-Chief: Katie Kurylo Managing Editors: Kim Krisciunas and Shannon Tremblay Writers: Erica Keith, Natalie Larocco, Dana Schultz and Carol Whaley Photography: Jeff Geissler, Brian Johanson, Linda Mitzel, Angie Pulice and Carol Radz Animal Handlers: Karen Appman, Karen Drosendahl, Holly Gumbeski, Joe Klein, Natalie Larocco, Elaine Natowich and Phyllis Thorne Design: Kay Braun at Direct Axis President: David Swisher This paper is not responsible for the conduct, health, temperament or availability of the animals listed. The publisher retains the right to refuse any advertising. COPYING OR REPRODUCING ANY OR ALL OF THIS PUBLICATION IS URGED AND APPRECIATED, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE USE OF THE NAME “PETSBURGH PRESS,” WHICH IS PROTECTED AND IS PROHIBITED IN ANY OTHER FORM, OR BY ANY OTHER MEANS.

Animal Friends Directory Center Main Number: 412.847.7000 Center Main Fax: 412.847.7001 Public Hours of Operation: M-F: 11 am – 7 pm; S & S: 10 am – 5 pm Adoption 412.847.7002 | adoptioninfo@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Advertising & Event Sponsorships 412.847.7073 |development@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Admissions 412.847.7078 | admissions@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Behavior Classes & Helpline 412.847.7070 | behavior@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Community Programs & Classes 412.847.7035 | dklingelhofer@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Cruelty Investigations 412.847.7066 | vpolka@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Donations 412.847.7051 | development@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Events 412.847.7055 | sgage@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Low-Cost Spay/Neuter Program 412.847.7004 | spayneuter@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Mailing List Changes/Additions 412.847.7051 | development@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Retail Shop 412.847.7022 | retail@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org Volunteering 412.847.7040 | arieser@ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org

If you see or suspect animal abuse, call 412.847.7066. Leave a detailed message so our officers can take action and investigate.

Celebrate National Feral Cat Day with Animal Friends! By Melanie Lippert, Low-Cost Spay Neuter Animal Friends is strongly dedicated to ending the plight of feral cats— Lead Program Assistant last year, we altered over 1,000 feral Years ago, a family moved and left behind their unspayed cat to fend for herself. With no one to care for her, she soon had a litter of four kittens. Then, she had another litter of five kittens. And before the end of the summer, she had a third litter, adding four more kittens to the world. In just one summer, a single cat contributed 13 kittens to the homeless feline population in the United States—a population that currently stands at 50 to 70 million. If those 13 kittens are not spayed and neutered, they could start producing litters of their own when they’re as young as 4 months of age.

cats, which prevented nearly 5,000 unwanted kittens from being born.

In honor of National Feral Cat Day on Friday, October 16, Animal Friends will host its second “Top Dog Trivia Night: Stray Cat Strut Edition.” Bring your favorite snacks and drinks and test your trivia knowledge against other teams to compete for the title of Top Dog! All funds raised will go directly to helping Animal Friends’ TNVR efforts in our community. Tickets are $15 per person or $100 for a table of eight people. The doors open at 6 pm and the event starts at 7 pm. To purchase tickets, contact Carol Whaley at 412.847.7094 Unfortunately, this is a common story, or cwhaley@thinkingoutsidethecage. and without aggressive spay and neuter org (be sure to mention you want to programs, it will continue to repeat purchase trivia tickets). itself with the same sad outcome of Want to get involved directly in a too many homeless cats. In order TNVR effort in your community? Call to combat the cat overpopulation or visit the Low-Cost Spay and Neuter problem, Animal Friends supports department and learn how to become Trap-Neuter-Vaccinate-Return (TNVR) a trapper or care for a colony of feral programs. Feral cats are trapped with cats in your neighborhood. Celebrate humane traps, spayed or neutered, National Feral Cat Day this year by vaccinated, and returned to their learning how to help feral cats in your communities to live out their lives community. without being able to reproduce.

Enclosed is my sponsorship of... $50 to underwrite one spay or neuter surgery Please make checks payable to Animal Friends, Inc.

Other $

Name Address City



Send this form with your donation to Animal Friends, Sponsor-a-Spay Program, 562 Camp Horne Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15237. All donations are tax-deductible. Or make your donation online at www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/DonateNow

We thank our sponsors… Ms. Diane Bowser, Ms. Dorothy Gillott, Mr. Richard Gluck and Mrs. Beth Gluck, Mr. Thomas Hohn and Mrs. Linda Hohn, Ms. Bernadette Jatkowski, Mrs. Linda McCreary, Ms. Linda Pavlik, Ms. Cynthia Wessels, Ms. Tara Zalewsky-Nease

Visit www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/adopt to view all of our adoptable animals! You can sort pets by age, breed, gender or even date of arrival!


Soul MuTTs

Petsburgh Press sponsorships are a great way to honor or say thanks to a friend or pet. If you would like to sponsor the adoption fee of an animal, please contact our Adoptions Department at 412.847.7002.



Despite his mature age, lovable Bobo still has plenty of energy and enjoys spending time outdoors. A trailblazer no more, Bobo is quite satisfied taking leisurely walks or relaxing on a park bench. This sweet guy is extremely social and greets people with a wag of his tail or a friendly howl. Bobo would be most comfortable in a home with children who will respect his space and age.

This gentle soul never expected to be homeless during her golden years. Lovely Arabella was brought to the shelter when her family could no longer afford to care for her. But she’s one tough cookie and knows better times are ahead. This peopleoriented older gal has few demands and is looking for a retirement home. Arabella has put on a few extra pounds over the years and now needs to focus on counting calories and exercising regularly. Running marathons isn’t in Arabella’s future, but short, frequent walks will help this calm canine regain her former physique. Arabella is hoping to spend her senior years in a settled environment and would make an ideal addition to a family with children over eight. Could it be yours?

Felix Handsome Felix can be seen sitting patiently at his kennel door hoping for an opportunity to meet his forever family. This gentle, people-oriented boy is easily leashed and behaves nicely on walks. On a recent field trip, Felix was a perfect passenger in the car. This well-mannered gentleman sat quietly in the back seat thoroughly enjoying the change of scenery. While on the walk, he wasn’t a bit bothered by passing traffic, pedestrians, or fellow canines. What a laid back guy! Felix is a fairly strong and sizable boy. For that reason he would be best suited for a family with children over eight. Felix would prefer to live without cats. He’s hoping to be the sole recipient of someone’s love and attention!


DoTTie This perky-eared girl can’t wait to pack up her favorite toys and head to her forever home! Dottie is a people-oriented dog who is actively working on developing her manners. Because she is a high-energy dog, she needs a family with kids no younger than 12. She can live with other dogs but isn’t a fan of cats. Although she can be a bit excitable, Dottie absolutely has the potential to be well-behaved girl!

Boom Boom Are you seeking a little man with good looks and a big, booming personality? Boom Boom is confident and friendly with other dogs and can often be seen flying through the air in play group with his shelter dog friends. Though playful, Boom enjoys a relaxing ride in a dog-stroller! Boom is extremely wary of new situations, and therefore needs to go to a cat-free, adult-only home.

Animal Friends’ Canine Socials provide indoor exercise and playtime, turning bored dogs into happy, tired dogs!

Misty Misty is a beautiful dog who is ready to add some love and bouncy energy to her new family. This sweet girl is looking to become part of an active, adult-only family as she enjoys going on hikes and riding in cars. Misty has made tremendous progress in her foster home, but her forever family will have to be experienced dog owners who can help with her resource guarding. Misty sends her thanks to Joyce WaltnerBarmak for her donation in memory of Fluff Waltner.

Kate Lovely Kate found herself at Animal Friends when her family could no longer care for her. She first appeared shy and hesitant in her new environment, but this courageous gal is gradually becoming more comfortable and slowly making new friends. Kate is easily leashed and walks like a lady when accompanied by those she knows. What makes her happiest, however, is playing with all the tennis balls!

JuLiet Juliet’s intelligence exceeds that of any animal who has ever lived at Animal Friends! Juliet has very special needs and must to go to an adult-only home that can meet those needs with love and patience. She enjoys other dogs, especially friendly and social dogs, but we believe she will always be fearful of strangers. She just needs your extra love and care.

Tia SerGeaNT This mature gentleman came to Animal Friends after he was found abandoned in a nearby neighborhood. Sergeant is a relatively friendly guy with just a few special needs. He would be oh so happy with a fluffy bed, regular meals, and, most importantly, the companionship of a trusted adult friend or two. An occasional walk would just make his day!

BreTT This friendly boy is a bundle of energy. Brett is a gentle fellow, but extremely exuberant – get ready for endless play! Brett is easily leashed, can pull some during walks but nothing that positive reinforcement can’t fix. Brett is eager to please and has mastered several commands! Because of his size and energy, we recommend that Brett live with a family with children over 8 and without any cats.

Tia is a beautiful girl with a rough past. She is nervous around new people and isn’t a big fan of other dogs. She does adore car rides and receiving attention from those she has come to know. Typical of the breed, Tia has some guarding habits and therefore needs an adult-only home with a family who is patient and understanding. Things that may seem trivial to us make Tia uncomfortable, but when she warms up she is a lovely dog! Tia sends licks and kisses to Suzanne Rosenberger, who gave in memory of Edgar.

Get your weekly dose of fur sent right to your inbox every Friday with our Furry Friday emails! Register at www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/FurryFriday today to start receiving your FREE emails!


Dr. Jekyll This assertive scientist might take a while to warm up to you, but once she does, she’s sure to share all of her dastardly plans for world domination with you. Plans include: raiding the fridge for her favorite leafy greens like kale and spinach, sitting beside you on the couch while you watch TV and chewing wooden toys and cardboard boxes. If you’ve got a spare evil lair to fill, our Dr. Jekyll could be the perfect fit for you.


Debunking Myths about Pit Bulls By Erica Keith, Event and Satellite Adoption Assistant If you’ve visited an animal shelter, you’ve undoubtedly seen a wide variety of dogs available for adoption, and one such dog is the Pit Bull. Pit Bulls are not only the dogs most commonly found in shelters, but they’re one of the most widely misunderstood breeds as well. October is both Adopt a Shelter Dog Month and Pit Bull Awareness Month, which gives us the perfect opportunity to talk about this misunderstood breed in hopes of finding these dogs loving homes! Let’s take a look at some of the myths about Pit Bulls that negatively affect their chances of finding a home.

Myth Pit Bulls aren’t good family dogs. One of the most sought-after dogs 1 from a shelter is a family-friendly dog, meaning




Courier is an affectionate, loving boy who is quite curious about the world. He is an explorer and is known to hop around! We believe he would make a great first bunny for a loving family. He is quite friendly and enjoys being petted by people of all ages and sizes. He’s an adorable, friendly little guy who is just looking for a home to call his own.

a dog that gets along with people of all ages. A common misconception about Pit Bulls is that they do not make good family dogs because they are not good with all people, especially children. Well-socialized responsiblyowned Pit Bulls can make wonderful family pets. The American Canine Temperament Test Society lists Pit Bulls as having a very stable temperament, right up there with Golden Retrievers (check out the results at atts.org)! Because of their level-headed attitudes, a little bit of play and rough-housing won’t startle them. As always, we recommend that children never be left unsupervised with a dog.

Check out that mane! Shamrock definitely knows how to rock a ‘do! This little lassie is gentle and sweet, but she’s also rather shy. While she likes to be petted and snuggled, she has to get to know you first. If your family has older, respectful kids, then Shamrock may be a perfect fit for you. Shamrock likes to be around other bunnies and an outgoing bun just might help her come out of her shell!


Adopting a Pit Bull is different 2 from adopting other dogs. Many people think that adopting a Pit Bull is different from adopting other dogs, but, in reality, you’re still bringing a four-footed family member home! Pit Bulls have their own breed characteristics that potential adopters need to consider. Pit Bulls are generally high-energy, extremely affectionate, and respond well to mental stimulation. True to their name, they also tend to be a bit “bullheaded” at times, so this means you’ll need to be consistent in behavior training with them. A Pit Bull owner will need to be savvy to their Pitty’s needs and be prepared for play time, walks and behavior classes. There are dozens more myths revolving around this breed, each of which chip away at a Pit Bull’s chances of finding a loving, forever home. Check our blog throughout October at www.animalfriendsinc. blogspot.com to read up on more myths about Pit Bulls. Together, we can change the negative perception of this wonderful breed!

Make sure to join our Tail-a-Friend eblast list to keep up to date on all the special events at Animal Friends! Visit www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/email to sign up now!

Vol. 30






University Est.


Welcome! Welcome to Animal Friends University, home of the region’s most exciting selection of courses offered for, about and, sometimes, even with your pet. Animal Friends offers a wide range of activities that are bound to interest anyone, whether a student, young professional, senior, cat fancier, rabbit wrangler, novice pup or seasoned hound. If you’re looking for fun things to do with your pet, look for our WAG classes. Our WAG series logo will let you know which activities Welcome Animal Guests!

Classes fill quickly!

Animal-Themed Course Selections for People and Their Pets

Register Online!


This edition of the Animal Friends University catalog is generously sponsored by:

Online registration is now available! Please go to our website at www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org to register or email dklingelhofer@ ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org.

Classes for Young Pet Lovers Email any questions about Young Pet Lovers classes (but not registration requests) to Dana Schultz at dschultz@ ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org.

Register online today at Thinking OutsideTheCage.org. Any questions? Please call 412.847.7035 or email dklingelhofer@ThinkingOutside TheCage.org.

Cancellation Policy

If a class/event must be cancelled due to insufficient enrollment, refunds will be issued. Notice of cancellation by a student must be received no later than three business days prior to the class/event in order for a refund to be issued.


We encourage guests to register online at ThinkingOutsideTheCage. org, available 24 /7! If you prefer to register in person, please call ahead to 412.847.7035 to be sure someone is available to assist you.

Join Animal Friends on October 24, 2015, as we celebrate national Make a Difference Day! Please see www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org for more details to make an impact on our homeless residents!

AF 125 Dogs 101 For kids age 5+ and their grown-ups Families with dogs or who are considering adopting a dog are encouraged to attend this class. Learn about dog body language, what to do if your dog jumps on you, and more. Instructors: Dana Schultz and a friendly Humane Education visiting dog Date: By appointment – some time slots available after school or on Saturdays. Time: The class is 45 minutes. TUITION: One can or bag of dog food per person. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Please request an appointment at least two weeks in advance. To request an appointment, please email Dana at dschultz@ ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org.

AF 131 “Pets and Vets” for students in grades 2-5 Are you a student in grades 2-5 who is thinking about becoming a vet in the future? Is so, please join us for a fun, science-based session. Enrollment is limited to eight students per session. For details and to register, visit www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/ kidsclasses. MORNING SESSION: Monday, November 30 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm TUITION: $15 AFTERNOON SESSION: Monday, November 30 Time: 2 pm – 3 pm TUITION: $15

Some of our classes sell out quickly, so head over to www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org to register before you lose your spot!


Companion Dog Training Classes for You and Your Pet



The Classes for The Adult Pet Lover were made possible by a sponsorship from the


Russell Charitable Foundation


Classes for the Adult Pet Lover Pets are part of the family. Join other pet lovers to discover exciting new ways to bond and interact with your favorite four-legged companion. These classes are tailored to adult students ages 16 and up. Some instructors will consider younger students, so be sure to email if you have questions. Any questions? Please email dklingelhofer@ ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org. AF 218 Baby-Ready Pets! AF 2 The excitement of preparing for the arrival of a baby should not be dampened by concerns about your pets’ reactions. With some planning, preparation and training, introducing your newest family member to your pet can be very successful and rewarding. The Baby-Ready Pets! Workshop will assist you in making the preparations for these introductions. Instructors: Ron and Mary Papik Please note that this is a peopleonly class; no pets, please. Seating is limited, and advance RSVP is required at www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/ adultclasses. Date: Tuesday, November 24 Time: 7 pm – 9 pm Tuition: Free OR Date: Tuesday, December 15 Time: 7 pm – 9 pm Tuition: Free


Animal Friends is dedicated to providing people and their companion animals with the tools they need to develop lasting and successful relationships with one another and their community. All training is accomplished through kind, effective positive reinforcement techniques. You will learn how positive reinforcement is a way to build a relationship with your pet.

AF 301 Kinderpuppy For those pups that have their 2nd DHP vaccination and are 20 weeks of age or younger. Small breed and/or shy dogs may attend until 24 weeks of age. All classes include puppy playtime and teach foundation cues – “sit,” “down,” “stand,” and “touch.” In addition, each class has a specific theme. Exercises, behavior talks and homework relate to the theme of the class.

Puppies Learn Polite Manners

Puppies learn “come,” pay attention to their people when asked, and we will share ideas to cope with puppy chewing and mouthing. Date: Saturday, December 12 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Edgar Snyder and Associates sponsors scholarships for you and your dog to attend Kinderpuppy, Dog Manners or other obedience training classes held at Animal Friends. To apply for a scholarship, send an email to WeLoveDogs@edgarsnyder.com, explaining why your dog could benefit from an Animal Friends training program.

Canine Training Group dog training classes are best suited for those canines that are both people- and dog-friendly. To speak to our trainers about suitability for group training (and other options, if necessary), please call 412.847.7035 or email Barb Grosch, CPDT-KA at bgrosch@ ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org. To register online for classes, go to our website www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage. org/dogtraining. Questions? Please email dklingelhofer@ThinkingOutside TheCage.org. All dogs must be current on ageappropriate vaccinations.

Puppy Classes

AF 301 Kinderpuppy and AF 302 Puppy Manners follow the flexible registration format. Puppies may start class at any time, and attend as many classes as you choose within the age range of the class. No waiting for the next class session to begin. Attend classes in any order, skip a class, repeat a class, move to the next level — this program is flexible to meet the training and socialization needs of your puppy. Registration for class must be completed by 5 pm the day PRIOR to the actual class. Tuition: $12 per pup/per class (humans free!) Instructors: Animal Friends “Puppy Team” includes Christine Flint, Andrea Lamping, CPDT-KA, Lori Caruso, and Barb Grosch, CPDT-KA.

Puppies Around the Household

This class includes ideas for puppy management (crating, tethering) and housetraining tips. Puppies learn “sit to say please,” and ways to discourage jumping are practiced. Date: Saturday, December 19 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Puppies Out in the World

This class presents socialization ideas and manners when interacting outdoors. This will include introduction to loose leash walking and jumping prevention. Date: Saturday, November 7 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Puppies Learn to Share

This class focuses on resource guarding prevention. Puppies learn “drop it,” “leave it” and “wait for the food bowl.” We will discuss ideas to prevent possessive behavior of food and toys. Date: Saturday, November 14 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Puppies Learn Through Fun

Puppies gain confidence by working on the beginner agility obstacles and learn some fun tricks. We will share some game ideas to exercise your pup mentally and physically. Date: Saturday, November 21 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

AF 302 Puppy Manners For puppies ages 5 months to 9 months Each class will include foundation behaviors of “sit,” “down,” come when called and loose leash walking. Each class will practice the skills needed in a variety of social situations. Dog-dog skills will be practiced with supervised play in each session.

Household Manners

This class focuses on basic cues like “sit,” “down,” “come,” walking nicely on leash and ideas to give your pup both mental and physical exercise. Food bowl manners, chewing prevention, and the “drop it” cue will also be covered. Date: Saturday, December 12 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am

Animal Friends Presents: Children and Animal Abuse:

What You Need to Know Thursday, October 22 | 9:30 am – 4:30 pm at Animal Friends AniCare Child is the first published treatment approach to focus exclusively on juvenile cruelty to animals. MORNING SESSION This training is intended for professionals from a range of disciplines who work with youth, including social workers, attorneys, probation officers, judges, school counselors, teachers, child care providers, mental health professionals, and community members.

AFTERNOON SESSION The primary audience consists of mental health professionals working with children in a range of settings and circumstances (e.g., schools, private practice, child welfare and juvenile justice systems, domestic violence service providers). The AniCare Child model of treatment will be introduced. Note: Some CE credits/Act 48 hours available! For more details and to register online, please go to www.ThinkingOutside TheCage.org/adultclasses.

Get your daily dose of fur – instantly. Animal Friends is now on Instagram! Follow us @animal_friendsinc.


To register o to for classes, g g in k www.Thin e h OutsideT Cage.org/ dogtraining

prepare you and your dog for the Animal Friends’ Therapets Canine Certification test. An assessment interview is required prior to enrollment in this class. To schedule an appointment or get more details about our program, please contact Amy Martello at 412.847.7039 or email amartello@thinkingoutsidethecage.org. DateS: Thursdays, October 29, November 5, 12, 19, December 3, 10 Time: 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm INSTRUCTORS: Barb Grosch and Lori Caruso OR DateS: Tuesdays, November 3, 10, 17, 24, December 1, 8 Time: 10 am – 11 am INSTRUCTORS: Marcy Fenell and Anita DeBiase TUITION: $90 per dog (humans free!)

Animal Friends’ Therapets Canine Certification Test

Park Trip Manners

In addition to basic training cues like “sit,” “down” and “come,” dog body language and dogdog interactions will be covered in this class. Puppies will practice “leave it” and walking nicely on leash, skills needed out in the park. Date: Saturday, December 19 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am

Party Manners

Puppies will practice polite manners with guests, greeting without jumping and waiting at the door. Each week we also practice “come,” leash walking and basic cues.

Animal Friends’ Therapets Canine Certification Prep Class

This six week class will develop skills needed for you and your dog to conduct therapy dog visits to a variety of facilities including hospitals, nursing homes, residential treatment centers, hospices and more. Dogs should be people and dog friendly and have basic obedience training. We will build on those skills to develop a visiting team of dog and handler. Focus will be placed on team compatibility to ensure that dog and handler work well together. The class will include a visit with your dog to a local facility for a therapy visit. This class will

Test requirements are available on our website at www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org. Dogs and handlers will be assessed in simulated therapy visit situations to determine the dog’s basic obedience skills, visiting skills and social skills. Animal Friends’ Therapets Canine Certification class is not required for test registration.

Date/TIME: For more details, please contact Amy Martello at 412.847.7039 or email amartello@ ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org. TUITION: $10

SPECIALTY MINI-COURSES AND WORKSHOPS AF 408 Hiking Hounds Grab a leash and hit the trail! Join us with your canine companion for a Sunday morning hike through one of the area’s beautiful parks. Hiking is a great way to exercise, relieve stress, and strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Come out and explore a different park each month with your best friend. Dogs and people must be in condition to hike up to three miles on unpaved trails. You will receive details the week prior to the scheduled hike. Trip Leader: Gayle Bair Date: Sunday, November 1, North Park, Allison Park, PA Time: 10 am – 12 pm Tuition: $10 per dog (humans free!) Please note: Two (2) dogs per handler maximum!

Date: Saturday, November 7 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am

Agility Fun

This class teaches “sit,” “down,” “walk” and “come” cues, and de-sensitization for handling. We will use the beginner agility obstacles for fun and confidence building. Date: Saturday, November 14 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am

Socialization Manners

Puppies learn about interacting with new people and places, as well as greeting without jumping. Foundation cues such as “come” and leash walking are also covered, as well as information about dog therapy work. Date: Saturday, November 21 Time: 10:15 am – 11:15 am

Our next Candlelight Remembrance Service is on November 12. Grieving pet owners should RSVP by calling 412.847.7081.


Teacup Hour – for dogs 10 pounds or less!

For dogs 4 months or older that are both people- and dog-friendly. Please bring vaccination records. If you have a teacup, toy, mini or pursesized pooch that is struggling to keep up at Small Dog Socials, we have a social hour for dogs weighing 10 pounds or less. Please note: this social is also appropriate for small dogs over 10 lbs who are shy and quiet. DateS: Sundays, November 8, December 13 Time: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm Tuition: $5 per dog


University Est.



To register for Therapeutic Services programs, please call 412.847.7039.

Pet Loss Support Group

The loss of a pet can be heartbreaking and the grief may seem overwhelming. Know that you are not alone. Through our Pet Loss Support Group, you can gain a better understanding of how you are feeling and find comfort in the camaraderie of others who understand. For more information, please contact Amy Martello at 412.847.7026 or amartello@ThinkingOutsideTheCage. org. Registration required. Group leader: Marsha Koschik, Veterinary Technician

DateS: Wednesdays, November 18, December 16 Time: 7 pm in the Library at Animal Friends

Candlelight Remembrance Services

Companion animals enrich our lives in so many ways, and their loss is deeply felt. Join others for a candlelight remembrance and celebration ceremony to hear words of comfort and pay tribute to those wonderful animals who will be sorely missed. All are invited to bring pictures and remain afterwards for discussion. Children are welcome when accompanied by a parent/guardian. These ceremonies are facilitated by community religious leaders, but are nondenominational. For more information, please contact Amy Martello at 412.847.7026 or amartello@ThinkingOutsideTheCage. org. Registration required.

DateS: Thursdays, November 12, December 10 Time: 7 pm in the Library at Animal Friends

Animal Afternoons

Come and enjoy a relaxing afternoon with some of our lovable therapy pets at Animal Friends! For a suggested donation of $5 per person, your small group can enjoy the companionship and one-onone interaction with an Animal Friends Therapet within the quiet comfort of our Classroom. Your visit also includes a snack and tour of the shelter. Perfect for seniors, students with disabilities, and other small


Small Dog Socials – for dogs 35 pounds or less!

groups. Reservations for this event can be made by calling 412.847.7026. Maximum number of people accommodated: 10 (or 6 in wheelchairs), plus appropriate caregivers. The Classroom is wheelchair and scooter accessible.

Sing-a-Long with the Animals!

Join us for a good old-fashioned PetAssisted Therapy Sing-a-Long! Cuddle up to one of our friendly four-footed companions as you sing heartily to your favorite patriotic tunes during this Veteran’s Day event. To RSVP, call 412.847.7026. Refreshments served. This event welcomes local veterans groups as well as retirement and nursing home residents. Date: Tuesday, November 3 Time: 2 pm Tuition: Free


Do you have two bunnies at home that just aren’t bonding? This workshop will help to explore the “meet and greet” ritual by discussing body language and how to prevent squabbles and break them up if they do happen. Instructor: Suaz Forsythe TIME AND Date: By appointment (Call 412.847.7035) Tuition: One can of 100% pumpkin (not pie filling) for our resident bunnies

Please join us for this educational workshop. Your bunny is welcome to attend, but must arrive in a carrier. Instructor: Mary Cvetan Date: Friday, November 6 TIME: 7 pm – 9 pm Tuition: Bundle of fresh greens


No registration required – Come on over!

Puppy Playschool

Drop-in socialization sessions for pups 12-20 weeks of age. Small breed and shy pups may attend up to 24 weeks of age. Please bring your pup’s ageappropriate vaccination record. Organized playtime for pups provides much-needed socialization along with mental and physical exercise (and lots of fun!) Puppy socialization is critical for the development of your puppy’s social skills with dogs and people. The instructor is available to discuss puppy issues such as housetraining, chewing and mouthing. DateS: Mondays, November 9, 23, December 14 Time: 7 pm – 8 pm Tuition: $5 per dog

For dogs 4 months or older that are both people- and dog-friendly. Please bring vaccination records. Little guy equals high energy! Would you like a place to take your small dog where he can socialize with canines his own size? If so, our Small Dog Social is for you. DateS: Sundays, November 8, December 13 Mondays, November 2, 16, December 7 Wednesdays, November 4, 11, 18, 25, December 2, 9, 16 TimeS: Sundays: 12:45 pm – 1:45 pm Mondays: 7 pm – 8 pm Wednesdays: 11 am – 12 pm Tuition: $5 per dog

Big Dog Social Hour – for dogs over 35 pounds!

For dogs 6 months or older that are both people- and dog-friendly. Please bring vaccination records. This social is one hour of romping and playing in our indoor training center with agility equipment available to have fun and help burn some excess energy. Our outdoor play yard is available, weatherpermitting. DateS: Sundays, November 8, December 13 Time: 10 am – 11 am Tuition: $5 per dog

Rabbit Care Workshop

We will cover all aspects of bunny care such as diet and nutrition, litter-box training, grooming, medical topics and managing negative behavior.

Thanks to our Pets for Vets program, adoption is priceless for pets age 2 and up when you show your military ID!

FRIDAY, OCT. 2 & NOV. 20

Sunday, November 1

Bunny Yoga


6 p.m. – 7 p.m. – Animal Friends Wind down from the week with a relaxing ‘hoppy hour’ of Bunny Yoga! Practice your Sasangasana, or rabbit pose, with the professionals – our very own shelter rabbits! Register at www.ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/ Events

12 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. – Animal Friends Grab your dog and a yoga mat and head to Animal Friends for an afternoon of Doga – yoga with dogs! Enjoy the company of fellow yogis and their four-legged apprentices as you perfect your Downward Dog pose! This event fills quickly, please register at www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/Events

Sunday, November 22 & 29



Pet Photos with Santa

Holidays with Heart- Vendor and Craft Extravaganza

Animal Friends’ Cookie Walk

10 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Animal Friends Bring your pet to Animal Friends Pet Photos with Santa. For only $10, receive three 4”x 6” prints that’ll help decorate your home for the holidays. Ho! Ho! Hopefully you will remember you must arrive with a leash on your pup and with your cats and rabbits in their carriers. No advanced registration required, just stop in!

10 a.m. – 4 p.m. – Animal Friends Join Animal Friends to browse some of the most exquisite handmade treasures that our local vendors and crafters will present at our craft fair! With a variety of items such as pottery, jewelry, photography, and more, you will surely find all of your holiday gift needs!

4 p.m. – 7 p.m. – Animal Friends The scent of sweet homemade cookies is in the air! Come to Animal Friends for our annual Cookie Walk and get a taste of delicious desserts and cookies that our volunteers and staff have baked up for this special occasion. Follow your noses and fill up a box with all of your holiday favorites!

Hundred Acres Manor is Now Open for Another Great Season of Scares! Voted one of America’s Best Haunted Attractions by HauntWorld Magazine and TopHaunts.com, and featured on the Travel Channel, Hundred Acres Manor is sure to supply some serious scares this October! With a mix of animatronics and live actors in six attractions spanning a mile, it is often hard to tell what is real and what is not. Not for the faint-ofheart, this extreme attraction draws thousands of visitors to South Park every fall. The experience evolves and grows every year, and 2015 brings an allnew attraction to Hundred Acres Manor: The Enigma Project! This is Pittsburgh’s first horror-based escape room with two terrifying scenarios that will leave you scared, working together with your friends

and having fun! Each room features many puzzles—if you make a wrong choice, be prepared to get scared. Escape in 45 minutes or be added to Enigma’s “victim list.” One thing that isn’t scary is the incredible support that Hundred Acres Manor provides to Animal Friends every year. Since 2005, this popular haunted house cares as it scares, donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to Animal Friends and the Homeless Children’s Education Fund. Don’t miss your chance to visit this nationally-recognized haunted house and find some comfort knowing that your screams and scares are all worth it as they benefit the homeless animals at Animal Friends.

Animal Friends is proud to host www.LostMyPet.org, a FREE resource to help lost dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals find their way back home.


FeLine Purrsonals

Petsburgh Press sponsorships are a great way to honor or say thanks to a friend or pet. If you would like to sponsor the adoption fee of an animal, please contact our Adoptions Department at 412.847.7002.

PHoeNix Vita Vita is dressed to impress in her black and white “tuxedo” – complete with white bib and two white gloves! She may be dressed for a party, but she’s a laid-back girl who enjoys relaxing or playing with a string and toy mouse! Although children and dogs are not her cup of tea, she seems to like other cats, so if you have a kitty that needs a friend, Vita could be the one!


Phoenix rose from the ashes of his former life and is now a sweet and loving cat with a distinctive purr! He shows his absolute affection for people by head-butting and rolling over to have his belly rubbed. Phoenix is FIV+ and has been very well cared for. This makes him no different than the other kitties and he can live a long, normal life indoors with a loving, committed family.

This handsome fellow, aptly nicknamed Beau, has the sweetest personality a cat could have. He loves being petted all over, especially under his chin and will purr to prove it! Beauregard is a vocal boy with big, beautiful eyes. He is a gentle player, perfect for children and adults alike. Beauregard is a sweetheart and deserves a wonderful home.


KC K.C. is a curious boy who would love a new home to explore! He was adopted in 2008, but returned to Animal Friends in May of this year. He is ready to find a real forever home! K.C. seems to get along fine with other cats and likes people of all ages. He does have a slight heart murmur but this can be managed with proper veterinary care. Come visit K.C. today.


Just one look at her beautiful green eyes and her timid, shy demeanor. Patchouli was adopted from Animal Friends and recently returned when her owner unexpectedly passed away. With time, treats and gentle coaxing, Patchouli is beginning to trust again. This lovely demure 9-year-old little lady still has a lot of love to give and wishes only for a loving hand to pet her and a sunny window to snooze in.

At Animal Friends, dogs ages 5 and over, cats ages 6 and over, and bunnies older than 5 years are Red Collar Society pets. Their adoptions come with special benefits!

Patsy This adorable purr monster is looking for a loving home where she can live being doted on and pampered just like she deserves. Patsy is a curvy girl with a sassy personality who likes her own space but also loves to snuggle. Patsy can be a lazy gal, spending hours lounging in her plush cat bed, but she also loves to play! This fun-loving cat can’t get enough of shoelaces and other interactive toys that keep her engaged. Patsy would make an excellent companion for someone who works during the day but wants to give her attention (and lots of dinner!) when they get home.

HazelNut This petite beauty may be shy at first, but she has come a long way and is now such a sweetheart! Hazelnut was understandably nervous about the shelter environment but has since warmed up and now loves attention. Hazelnut has a cute little face and will melt your heart with her wonderful personality. Come visit her - maybe you are the one she’s been waiting for!

Belamie Belamie is a nice boy who has had some rough patches in his life. Previous owners discovered that Belamie, while initially cat-friendly, has developed a desire to be king of the house and would do best as an only cat. He loves laps and will curl up and purr himself to sleep! He is an adventurer at heart, and would love a new home to explore!

Darci Darci is one of the sweetest kitties around. She may be shy at first, but once she warms up, she’s sure to steal your heart. The unique spot on her nose and her deep yellow eyes make her a true beauty. She is known to be quite the daredevil! She has a lighthearted personality and loves a good scratch behind the ears.

Seamus Seamus is an absolutely stunning cat with Tabby markings that accentuate his handsomeness. He is a total lover and is always interested in being petted. Seamus enjoys sitting by the window while soaking up the sunshine and watching the birds. Seamus is especially friendly with people of all ages, and will let you know that he loves you with a gentle head-butt – a true sign of affection for cats!

RajaH Rajah is just as sweet and loving as his namesake, the tiger in the Disney classic, Aladdin. Before arriving at Animal Friends as a kitten, Rajah lived with several cats, two dogs and humans of all ages. We believe Rajah might do well in a home with no small children this time around. If you are looking for a wonderful cat with a lot of love to give, consider visiting Rajah!

Meet some of our adoptable cats at Petco at 59 Fort Couch Road, Bethel Park, PA, 15241. Visit Monday through Friday from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m., Saturday 12 p.m. – 4 p.m. or Sunday 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.


Congratulations to Girl Scout Sarah Rogan for earning her Gold Award, the highest award in Girl Scouting. Sarah’s project, which she worked on for over 95 hours, promoted cat and kitten adoption, educated about cat overpopulation in the Pittsburgh region, supported our off-site events, and spread the word in the South Hills about Animal Friends’ work. Sarah has been Loving homes needed supporting for kitten season Animal Friends since she was a Brownie, and we thank her and wish her the best of luck as she heads to college this fall.

KokoCat, Inside and Out By Lynda Graham-Barber (author) and Nancy Lane (illustrator) ISBN# 978-0940719125 Ages 5 and up KokoCat lives inside with a loving family. She enjoys spending time chasing sunbeams and gazing through the window. Cats are curious creatures, though, and KokoCat is no exception.

One day when the door opens, KokoCat

races through to explore. She quickly learns that the outside world can be a scary and unsafe place for a cat. As KokoCat tries to survive the dangers of street life, she dreams of the comforts of home. Will her family ever find her? Read KokoCat’s adventure to find out and to learn about ways to keep indoor cats safe. Illustrated by Sarah Rog


Animal Friends is pleased to meet our many kind-hearted scouts who help animals. Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts enrich our animals’ lives with their gifts of supply drive items and Bronze Award, Silver Award, Gold Award, and Eagle Scout projects. For more information about our workshops, tours, and events for scouts, please see our new webpage www.Thinking OutsideTheCage.org/scouts.


The fourth Saturday of October is nati onal Join Animal Friends on Saturday, Oct Make a Difference Day. ober 24, 2015, to make a difference in the lives of our homeless residents. Please see www.Thinking OutsideTheCage.org/ HelpingTheAnimals for a copy of our supply drive form. Please start collecting gifts for the animals to bring on October 24. More details about our October 24 activities can be found at www. ThinkingOutsideTheCage.org/ kidsclasses

We like you; do you like us? Remember to LIKE us on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/AnimalFriends and get your daily dose of fur delivered straight to your news feed!

Hop To It!

Introducing a new way to feed hay! Oxbow Harvest Stacks use special compression technology to transform 100% all-natural, long-strand, hand-sorted Western Timothy Hay into compact, convenient-tofeed portions which produce 80% less airborne dust than loose hay.

By Natalie Larocco, Retail Coordinator With the year racing by quickly, we don’t want you to miss some of our Retail Store’s biggest hits! Here are a few of our most popular items and some customer favorites!

Sink Your Teeth Into This!

By far, one of the most popular items in our store for dogs this year has been the Himalayan Dog Chew treat line. These healthy products are all natural and free of preservatives. They are also fully digestible, long-lasting, and unlike many bones, will not break or splinter. Himalayan chews, this Washington-based organization has put out another new popular item: the Yaky Stick! The Yaky Stick is a combination of two of dog’s favorite treats – the Himalayan Dog Chew wrapped around a Bully Stick.

“This Toy is the Cat’s Meow!”

The Da Bird Feather Teaser wand from Go Cat, though very simple in concept, seems to make every one of our cat clients (and residents) go crazy! This inexpensive toy makes for a great form of exercise and mental stimulation for even the laziest of cats. Perhaps one of the reasons that the Da Bird Feather Teaser is so effective and alluring is due to the fact that it is so lifelike! Given the thin but durable fishing line and the swivel apparatus connecting the string to the feathers, this toy will fly, twist and spin through the air, just as a real bird would.

Did you know that hay should make up at least 75% or your pet rabbit’s diet and should be available for them to eat at all times? Each compact box of Harvest Stacks contains 35oz of premium, all-natural Western Timothy Hay and takes up only 1/4 of the space that loose hay would. Ounce by ounce, often times this ends up to be a more convenient, and inexpensive feeding solution for many rabbit owners. So whatever your pet craves this season, know that our Retail staff is always here to help you make the best choices for you and your pet. Stop by today to see what new and exciting options we have in stock!

We need a new grooming table! Our Grooming Program is in desperate need of a new table! We have half of the cost of the table raised but need a bit of help to raise the rest. Please contact our Retail Store at 412.847.7022 if you would like to help! We could also use... • Soft, light-weight fleece blankets for our dogs to use in their kennels. • Bags or cans of cat and dog food for our Chow Wagon program (any brand, any flavor, smaller bags requested). • Microwavable pet heating pads to keep neonatal kittens warm. • Hopper Hideaways and Tunnel Havens from BinkyBunny.com for our resident rabbits and BunRuns.

For more ideas on how to help our shelter residents, please visit


Animal Friends’ on-site pet supply shop and boutique has the basics and hard-to-find items for pets. Best of all, purchases benefit our shelter residents!



With October being both Adopta-Shelter-Dog Month and Pit-BullAwareness Month, we thought it fitting to highlight a Pit Bull mix named Salinger. Sal, as he’s now known, was transferred to us from a rural shelter after suffering the loss of his leg. A Good Samaritan found Sal on the side of the road with a bullet in his knee and then took him to a veterinarian

who performed Sal’s amputation. He spent a few weeks here at Animal Friends and then … well, we’ll let Christine, Sal’s mom, take up the story from there … “We actually went to Animal Friends that day to visit a different dog. To be honest, [the other dog] was too rambunctious and it was clear that he wasn’t going to be a good fit for us. My daughter was so scared, but still wanted to try and adopt him. “I knew she needed a dog in her life, to help her overcome her fear of animals, but I also knew this was not the dog. We worked with [Animal Friends’ Adoption Team Lead] Nikki, who suggested Sal. We were not worried about the fact that Sal only


had three legs. My husband and I are both physical therapists. Ironically, I frequently work with individuals who have lost a limb to amputation. The meet-and-greet went well and we brought Sal home. “Since his adoption, he has become an integral part of our family. He loves to sleep on the sofa with my husband and tends to stick close to us while we are in the house. When my daughter is sick, he will lay with her in her room or in the bathroom. We started dog behavior classes shortly after Sal came into our family and he has done amazingly well. He has even earned his Canine Good Citizen certification. He’s currently working on becoming a therapy dog and will take his test in the fall. “All and all, Sal has been a great addition to our family and once he passes his therapy dog certification, I plan to take him to my workplace so he can inspire my patients in their journey back to health!”

Follow Animal Friends on Facebook,YouTube, Twitter, Blogger, Instagram and Pinterest! Meet adoptable pets, play for giveaways, see behind the scenes and more.

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