British Heart Foundation & Cancer Research UK animal cruelty fund
What else do these charities have in common? A ÂŁ600 million income & the holding back of medical advancement!
# CuresNotCruelty
Dogs’ cardiac systems are inherently dif ferent to ours; their hearts a poor model for human research Dr A ndr e Menache, Animal Justice Projec t Sc ienc e Advisor
B ritish Heart Foundation
Cancer Researc h UK .. missing a trick?
Injecting faeces via tubes into rats with the intent of causing death at London universities. Confining rats to ‘hypoxia chambers’ for weeks and then killing them at Cambridge University. Cutting open the stomachs of pregnant sheep, placing tubes and monitors into the legs of their babies, and deprived the animals of oxygen. In 2014, British Heart Foundation came under fire for surgically implanting 39 labrador dogs with pacemakers at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. A study set to go on until 2018!
Cancer Research UK says it’s necessary to use animals in UHsearch, but consistently fails to advertise that lifestyle, for example eating animal products, is a major cause of cancer, heart disease and diabetes! Cancer is increasing worldwide so Cancer Research UK why are you not – spending your £600 million to educate on prevention and a healthier lifestyle? but instead you are injecting mice with cancer cells into their hearts and giving them bone cancer at Sheffield University. Bone research that has been going on for years!
Breaking animals’ hearts for years! The British Heart Foundation spends much of its £600 million income experimenting on ferrets, rats, mice, dogs, sheep, guinea pigs, rabbits and goats. In nasty experiments animals have their hearts ripped out, are poisoned, and are given heart attacks by researchers.
visit our website to take action for animals
We have cured mice of cancer for decades, it simply didn’t work in humans
Dr. Ric har d Klausner, for mer Direc tor of the National Can cer Institu te
Cures not Cruelty