Territorize! [leuphana #1]

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—A Personal View on Today´s Cities (#339)—

Institution: Leuphana Digital School Think Tank — Ideal City of the 21st Century Supervision: Daniel Libeskind, B.Arch. M.A. BDA AIA Tutor: Mariam Assignment: 01 Start Date: January 23, 2013 team code: 339 author: Jan Hauters co-author: Nedyalko Terziev

[ Credit details: Singapore photography submitted by NT. Beijing photography by JH. Main concept & text by JH. Singapore related text by NT, edited by JH. Basis for Singapore photography captions by NT, edited & augmented by JH. Beijing photography captions by JH.]

"TERRITORIZE!" A Personal View on Today´s Cities

Content: 1. A Theoretical Framework (inferred from daily experiences) 2. Two Case Studies 2.1. Case Study One —Singapore— (Introduction and images + caption) 2.2. Case Study Two —Beijing— (Introduction and images + caption) 3. Epilogue 4. References

1. A THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK (inferred from daily experiences)

For the occasion of this essay we opted for a less conform verb and title: "TERRITORIZE!" It symbolizes the (lack of) dynamics observed within the two case studies supporting this text. Within the two following case studies, any reference to this essay shall mainly be made by two mutually accompanying formats: photography and its caption. These two shall be explored below this introductory essay. Both case studies, Singapore and Beijing, are similar and yet tremendously different, especially by means of the specific attributes the co-authors decided to point their lenses and attention to. Although this text is planned, produced and constructed around two intricately folded focuses, yet it shall aim to hint in a direction of far more complex considerations in regards to an idealization of a near-future city. A noticeable major tension lies in how seemingly, in both case studies, territories have been allocated and fixed by means of centralized planning. However each differ in how these territories are sustained or claimed by others. Hence—in a somewhat superficial ode to Deleuze and Guattari (1972)—one could speak of dynamics related to the action of terrritorialization, namely: deterritorialization and reterritorialization. These create complex mechanisms where areas— themselves territories—are stuck in-between other territories, have been seemingly fixated in spacetime by means of regulation, social consideration, form and fixtures—or contrary to this—are gradually in struggle with other territories. All these dynamics create processes that could be, if artificially seen as a moment in-between function, community, culture, form, and other (note: here as a textual reduction of a non-demarcated, non-linear and multidimensional fluidity of moments into moments). The idea of 'in-between-ness' is lightly borrowed from Bhabha's 1994 work entitled The Location of Culture. With 'in-between spaces' we shall poetically (cf. Bachelard, 1958) refer to those spaces between nexuses of habitation or labor. As these are poetic references to space, these spaces do not simply refer to physical spaces nor to their reduced forms of infrastructural constructs or public spaces (i.e. roads, bridges, parks, strips of land, etc). Hence, 'in-between spaces' are not a critique on landscape architecture nor structural engineering. 'In-between' shall secondly, and more specifically, also refer to being and becoming 'in-between' or being mid-struggle for occupation of space. Thirdly, in further detailed connotation and as previously hinted, 'in-between' shall refer to a mechanism of unsettled territorial functionality (proprietary, aesthetic, social, cultural, political, etc). As it was decided to associate these concepts with the texts as provided within this assignment it is aimed to work around the following citation from Lemann : "There is something delightfully counter intuitive...: you would have thought it was dull Babbitts who made a city commercially successful, but no—it's kids with scruffy beards and tattoos... What is the connection between them and prosperity?" (Lemann, 2011, p.77) We would like to explore, expand on, support or contradict this image and consider the 'in-between spaces' not only from a point of view of "commercial success" but also add-on 'social success' (or lack thereof) and the dynamics as implied in the citation of struggles or uncanny communities (i.e. scruffy bearded men with tattoos) (or lack thereof; or variations thereon). These considerations would then ideally be trans-coded into the visions of this assignment's team as well as the conceptualizations concerning an ideal twenty-first century city. In an ideal city of the twenty-first century, city planning would consciously consider 'in-between space' (tangible and intangible; and both in infinite flux) as spaces not simply as disconnected structures supporting facilities (such as for transitional transportation) or such as desolate landscape architecture. The consideration would occur from several angles such as:

1/ the socio-political and the multi-sensorial aesthetic, 2/ the formal and functional, 3/ the interactive or immersive and psychological, and 4/ the business and infrastructural. The convoluted consideration of these (and possible others) would aim to maximize the in-between as essential and inherent breathing parts of the whole; equally important as one or other composer supposedly claimed composite silences to be equally if not more important than sound. However, currently, in our today's cities some of these in-between territories are stuck others are in flux. Some have settled and created more desirable conditions and while others do not seem maximized some are still too much in flux to realize their full potential. Combining both case studies we noticed that some (imposed) territories terrorize. That is to say, they poetically terrorize form, function, aesthetic, ideal, community (or the potential thereof), commercial viability, sustainability, and so on while others seem to support (cultural, economic, social, aesthetic, functional or other types of) poetic nourishment. Thus, "TERRITORIZE!" is an outcry (opposing the terror) as well as a call-for-action; promoting the fluid and dynamic maximization (as mentioned, and more: cultural, ecological, aesthetic, communal manners of maximization) of urban(ized) spaces.

2. CASE STUDIES While high-levels of central urban planning are prevalent in both Singapore and Beijing, we see two cities of contrast. On one side we have the modern, clinically-clean yet tropically green Singapore which has largely solved the infrastructure and environment issues stemming from its dense population with in-between spaces virtually non-existent. Juxtaposed, we see Beijing rapidly growing but struggling to transition from its communist past with many urban development problems still to be resolved. The two contributors for this assignment also took a divergent approach to examining the cities to show alternative ways that an urban setting can be viewed and experienced. Whereas, the view on Singapore is more of a high-level, city-wide perspective the way a foreigner touring the city might experience it, the approach with Beijing takes a specific path through the city, a path not too different from the one an ordinary Beijing citizen would take on a regular day. Singapore’s case offers an urban panorama providing the reader with a broad view of how territory and in-between space can be observed and experienced. In contrast, Beijing’s case hyper-focuses on a single trajectory. 2.1 Case Study One —Singapore— For his participation in the team-driven first assignment, one resident of Singapore took a broad look at Singapore, visiting some distinct destinations indicative of Singapore's character. Geographically, several of the photographs were taken at the central business area. The ones focusing on infrastructure (port, subway, cameras, etc) were made in various, more distant locations. However, in all cases, the contributor has tried his best to pinpoint the salient features of this highly-developed nation. Some of the photos were taken for this assignment specifically, while others were taken earlier, some time during the year before. The order of the photos follows thematic order rather than geographical or chronological order.

Title: Pragmatic Singapore Caption: The Parliament of Singapore- a building where important decisions are made every day, yet a building void of any pompousness and imposing stature. While cameras videotaping passers-by are of course abundant, lacking any kind of fence or military guards nearby, the Parliament has the demeanor of a very open and accessible building. In fact, probably one of the most noticeable features of the Singapore Parliament building is its lack of notice-ability- one never sees crowds of tourists taking pictures of themselves in front of the Parliament. Open, pragmatic, yet well-fortified, the Parliament of Singapore exemplifies Singaporeans and Singapore itself. Although differences shall be evident when viewing the Beijing photography, one similarity can be identified: hardly any one frequents the areas in-between the nexuses of activity such as the Singapore parliament and the surrounding architectural structures. Similarities between two cities in regards to a lack of dynamics among some territories can be found. The parliament is such an example. The examples given for Beijing shall speak for themselves as well. Such spaces seem to be fixed in space-time (sustained either by means of technology, such as cameras, white metal fences, or watch-groups). Although one might hide it behind pleasantries and blue skies while the other one (and its chosen imagery) might appear far more crude, each in their own right seems to lack a certain organic or communal feel.

Title: It started with a port Caption: Devoid of almost any natural resources, the naturally deep port of Singapore located key geographically in the Straits of Malacca is about the only natural endowment Singapore inherited. Today, it is the world's busiest port. The port and the closely related shipping and logistics industry, have been the fundamental driver which raised Singapore's economy from the post-WWII shambles to the world's most competitive economy in the span of 50 years. In addition to its economic importance, the magnitude of the port, the efficiency with which it operates, as well as how well defined and specialized the different parts of the port are is also symbolic for Singapore in general. Thanks to the port and thanks to the qualities which the port represents, Singapore has become the poster child, the shining exception that proved developed countries can also emerge in the hot, subtropical regions of the world (Sachs, 2001). Yet, such economic success has not come without some sacrifices as hopefully, the later photos would prove.

Title: Big Brother Caption: In Singapore, cameras are literally everywhere. Every bus stop, every metro station and any larger building or street boasts a handful of cameras videotaping. One simply cannot go outside their home without being videotaped by at least a few cameras. Fines for misbehavior are heavy and as a result, law is followed strictly by everyone. Crime is virtually non-existent at the expense of Big Brother constantly 'watching over' Singaporeans. We leave it up to the reader to decide whether Singapore today is a heaven of safety or an Orwellian 1984 city.

Title: Singapore is a FINE city Caption: Singaporeans like to joke that Singapore is a 'fine' city. Shown above are signs about what one is not allowed to do while in the subway (no chewing gum either, please). In addition to the signs, many subway stations play voice recordings and play short TV clips reinforcing some of the

same messages about food and drinks not being allowed. The result of all the cameras and the heavy fines, Singapore is probably the cleanliest big city in the world not just inside the metro but also city-wide. P.S. Durian is a type of tropical fruit noted for its strong taste and smell.

Caption: Control and safety Caption:The subway station photographed in this picture is among the many that people use to commute to work. A safety glass prevents people from accidentally falling over or intentionally jumping on subway tracks. The yellow arrows on the photo are directions as to how to enter and how to exit the subway in order to achieve maximum efficiency. Additionally, TV screens instruct people at the station how to spot terrorists who might have boarded on a train and to prevent disasters from happening. Noted for its cleanliness, Singapore's metro is also known for its convenience- most Singaporeans live within a walking distance from the train station allowing majority of population to live and work without having a car. The fewer cars driven by Singaporeans is the major reason why air pollution is very low and traffic jams are significantly smaller than those in most mega cities.

Title: 'Underground' Singapore Caption: In a small, densely populated and pragmatically ruled island such as Singapore, in-between spaces are virtually non-existent. On the contrary, lacking enough space on the ground, the city state has developed a maze of underground passageways not just for the subway but also for shopping. Numerous shiny shops inside can sell you from a high fashion clothing to a household good. With some of these underground shopping centers hosting as many as six underground floors of shops one easily gets lost in the shopping frenzy of the locals. Indeed, for many people visiting Singapore, the island seems like a giant shopping mall both above the ground and under.

Title: Green Singapore Caption: In spite of being the second most densely populated country and boasting numerous high-rise residential and office buildings, Singapore is unmistakably green. Both in-between areas of the city as well as the specially designated parks and gardens, are home for many evergreen trees. This photo is taken in Eastern Singapore, close to the East Coast Park, but it could have well been taken in any other part of Singapore. With its 15 kilometers length, East Coast is the longest park in Singapore stretching all the way from the city center to the Changi airport. To further lengthen the parks available, a recent initiative has connected different parks via park connectors for Singaporeans to enjoy an uninterrupted tropical greenery experience.

Title: Pockets of ethnicity Caption: Little India. Together with Chinatown and Arab Street, Little India is among the three distinct ethnic areas in the city state. Whereas the country has been known for its order and cleanliness, the little ethnic neighborhoods allow Singaporeans and tourists to still experience the Asian culture in the otherwise very modernistic, efficient, clinically-clean city state.

Title: A nexus of cuisines and traditions Caption: Cohabiting variation within one territory: the hawker centers. Singaporeans like good deals and love food. Food courts which in Singapore are referred to as hawker centers are a popular hang-out place as they offer affordable food from various cuisines and vendors. In fact, one

frequently finds food stalls called 'Economic rice'. There is at least one hawker center in every neighborhood and they are a vibrant part of the community. Photographed here is Lau Pa Sat, Singapore's most iconic hawker center. Singapore's food courts are also an interesting juxtaposition to the rest of the city. Whereas, Singapore's cleanliness and efficiency is well-known, the inevitable messiness of the street food providing a quick escape from Singapore's glitter and modernity to our cultural past. It is also a great opportunity to dive into the food cultures of various cuisines. Located right in the middle of the business center, Lau Pa Sat is probably the best study of compare and contrast between Singapore's 21st century modernism and its cultural past.

Title: Attracting tourists Caption: Land deterritorializing sea. Welcome to the Sentosa Island! An artificial island which the Singaporean government decided to create out of the blue ocean waters as a way to attract more tourists to the country as well as to offer Singaporeans a popular weekend destination for relaxation and enjoyment.

Title: Building a city icon Caption: This nexus does not simply stay isolated within itself; its aura or its features (light, color, social status) radiate outwards into other areas. An icon is in battle with those city elements that have to give way for a far reaching status of the iconic. Thanks to its signature three skyscrapers connected via a ship-resembling structure at the top, Marina Bay Sands is perhaps the most recognizable view of Singapore. Just like Sentosa Island, Marina Bay Sands attracts millions of tourists to Singapore every year and adds a visual image to the name Singapore. The Singapore's Formula 1 race is the only night race and runs around Marina Bay Sands allowing million of sport fans around the globe to see Singapore's most iconic building, further enhancing the image of the city-state.

Title: A hub of innovation Caption: Attributes seen as important within spaces and their accompanying territories are evaluated, devaluated and reevaluated over and over again. Green buildings is one such collective of attributes that has been evaluated replacing those attributes that no longer are considered desirable. Fusionopolis is the first green building in Singapore showing government's desire to support sustainable buildings. Fusionopolis is also designed to become the hub for IT, data management and communication technology companies in Singapore. In the immediate proximity, Biopolis and Mediapolis are currently being built with which the area is planned to become a vibrant cluster for innovative companies from IT, R&D, life sciences and media sectors. A number of universities are also close by to further strengthen the connection between the academia and real-world applications.

Title: Attracting universities Caption: Territorialization crosses borders and crosses industries. Among the top business schools in Europe, INSEAD was the first major foreign university to establish a campus in Singapore. Singapore's Economic Development Board is actively looking to attract top universities to come and further enhance the quality of Singapore's workforce. So far, INSEAD, Duke, University of Chicago, NYU and MIT among others have established presence in the country. Yale University will be opening its first campus outside of US, this coming Fall as well. Do these institutions alter the dynamics within communities; if so how? Do they replace users/communities, reshuffle them? What happens?

Case Study Two —Beijing—

For his participation in the team-driven first assignment, one citizen of Beijing offers a case study hyper-focusing on a pedestrian trajectory between the 'Pingguo Shequ Beiqu' residential/cultural business area —located in the southern part or south of 'Beijing's CBD' area (Central/China Business district)— and leading via the 'Tong Hui He canal' along and under the 'Guomao bridge' to the buildings (and one of the publicly accessible rooftops) of 'Guomao' (all the while contextualizing such background architectural structures as Koolhaas' CCTV tower; which after all these years has still not been occupied). Adopting a few words from Bachelard: although several of the spaces shown here as photographic highlights have "no vital necessity" they do have a "bracing effect on our lives." (Bachelard, xxvi) This co-author chose to walk the distance based on a believe that an urban setting should be enjoyable not simply from aerial photography or comfortably observed from top-floor based

boardroom windows, but rather also on the single human's active and participatory scale. The walking distance between the two parts takes about 30 minutes and constitutes a conglomeration of virtual urban islands, perhaps insufficiently radiating their influence into the in-between spaces. These "islands" struggle with various types of physical (i.e. formal and functional) as well as cultural (i.e. social, political, historical, sub-cultural) in-between areas and dynamics of (de-) or (re-)territorializations. Several such similar 'clouds' have been identified within Beijing yet are not included due to textual, project and temporal constraints. As supportive examples: the 'dramatic' area including and surrounding Steven Holl's MOMA complex—with numerous empty apartment units; the post-Olympic sport facility area and its larger surroundings; the supposedly hundreds of thousands of square meter of empty spaces in Beijing; and so on). This photographer/writer plays with the thesis that such in-between spaces and their dynamics can be found across the globe and across time.

Associated photography and comments can be found here or in-line (including captions) here below:

Title: Team #339 01 IMG_2224 (in-between area; a starting point) Caption: This is the starting-point of an urban excursion. Its location and trajectory covers parts of Beijing's CBD area (on a commonly smoggy/polluted day). It show-cases a large "in-between area" as a starting point of one of the ways a city can be experienced.

Title: Team #339 02 IMG_2329 (in-between mediation) Caption: This photograph is entitled "In-between Mediation." It shows a space of tension between two types of architectural media. At one hundred or so meters north from the starting point of this excursion (Beijing's Baiziwan lu north of the Pingguo Shequ Beiqu building complex) one can find an in-between space contrasting established and streamlined media/messaging in the style of out-of-home (static/paper) signage on one side and free-style copy of graffiti on the other/superimposed by the signage (possibly minus any gang-related connotation). This underpass (underneath the railroad) is hardly ever frequented. Once and a while a car might pass. The pedestrians possibly passing are most likely those living in a nearby small and impoverished nook of a few house-like constructs cramped between the railroad tracks and a train terminal. The road gives the impression it comes from nowhere (a dead-end into a little frequented building's area) and seemingly leading to newer constructs that are yet unoccupied. Due to the absence of an actual citizen-base/audience-base, the outdoor communication here seems to be, as well as not be (as the sound of a falling tree in a jungle where no one is available to hear the sound).

Title: Team #339 03 IMG_2332 (circular in-between perpetually unfinished scapes) Caption: A few meters further north a railroad track (as part of a circular format) lies in-between unfinished urbanized landscape of poor housing and derelict soft-industry or warehouses (not to spend too much words on the odd-one out; a large-scale signage post in the background of this images might be tailored towards those in transit across the river? ... at about 500 or so meters away?. The track itself (being a circle goes to nowhere and comes from nowhere; it is every so often used by a single locomotive waking up the surrounding inhabitants by means of its obtrusively soundscaping horn. This in-between area and its structures strengthen the tides keeping apart the islands of "cultured" dwellings—The Pingguo Art Street on its southern end—and the CBD (Central/China Business District)t with its BTV tower (Beijing TV) and Koolhaas' CCTV tower to the north.

Title: Team #339 04 IMG_2333 (kilometers-long in-between space) Caption: A park-canal strip stretching a few kilometers from east to west has deterritorialized the previously existing markets and inhabitants a few years ago, creating this no-man's land of artificial order and enforced peace. In this city containing about 20 million people hardly anyone can be found here (even during summer it is relatively lacking any maximization).

Title: Team #339 05 IMG_2337 (kilometers-long in-between space) Caption: a detailed view of the location as shown in image Team #339 04 IMG_2333

Title: Team #339 06 IMG_2344 (in-between broadcasting spaces-01) Caption: A structure as found within the area partly captured in images "Team #339 04 IMG_2333" and image "Team #339 05 IMG_2337". This structure is particularly challenging to me as I can not see how its function—as its form seems to hint to me— or as it is possibly intended, coincides with the location it is found nor with the way it is actually used (or not). This podium-like structure might be intended as a place to address a crowd (the crowd would be where the photographer was positioned) and the narrator/demagogue would be either on the lower curved part or the upper straight part (see next photos for different angles). However: 1/ no one is (almost ever) there; 2/ from the "stage" areas one looks out onto a less then exciting defunct canal or across it to less-then appealing cityscape (if one looks far enough Koolhaas can be detected from it). It could also have been intended as non-traditionally iteration of a Chinese pavilion. Such pavilions are positioned on mountain tops overlooking a breath-taking panorama. However, for the latter both the traditional architectural form as well as the traditional or any worthwhile panorama is missing. To me this symbolizes a confused convolution of possibly (and I am guessing) state-run building guidelines with a confused view on territorialization of enforced functionality without any noteworthy social nor communal responds that might be in-line with the semiotics I sense from the structure. For those who can see in such detail, there is 1 person underneath performing T'ai chi ch'uan; she temporarily claimed the territory as her own. Hence the structure, on a social or semiotic level occupies to me an in-between state: it is there as well as not there; it means as well as does not mean. It confuses me yet attracts me for non-aesthetic reasons. What will become of it? Is it, based on the intentions behind it, ideal?

Title: Team #339 09 IMG_2353 (territorial-broadcasting) Caption: Same as image "Team #339 06 IMG_2344" but rather from an eastern standpoint to a westward vantage point (in Team #339 06 IMG_2344 the point of view is north to south).

Title: Team #339 08 IMG_2348 (in-between broadcasting spaces-03). Caption: Same as image "Team #339 06 IMG_2344" but rather from a somewhat south-eastern position to north-west vantage point. In the distance one can see the aimed direction of this little excursion. I have not observed skateboarding here... yet... (note: there are guards, and social watch groups with red arm-bands possibly limiting such territorializations).

Title: Team #339 07 IMG_2346 (in-between broadcasting spaces-02). Caption: Same as image "Team #339 06 IMG_2344" but rather from a southern position (with one's back against the structure) to north vantage point showing what one can see from the foot of the odd structure. I am not impressed by the "panorama"...

Title: Team #339 10 IMG_2354 (territorial-broadcasting) Caption: Same as image "Team #339 06 IMG_2344" but rather from a southern position on the upper part of the structure looking across to the north showing the BTV (Beijing's TV broadcasting building) on the left, some unremarkable structures on the right almost masking (or perhaps protecting) Koolhaas' CCTV building (China Central TV broadcasting building). These three points (BTV, CCTV and this 'oratorical-mix-pavilion-like' structure) seem to triangulate and clench their broadcast territory for their (here-absent) audience/community. It makes me feel odd; and, I am still not too impressed by the "panorama" (nor by the possibilities of the structure to function as a stage). What are its functionalities—potential or intended; does it answer any (political or other) ideals?

Title: Team #339 11 IMG_2357 (state vs sub-cultural territorialization-01) Caption: walking further west one reaches the structures of (and surrounding) the Guomao Bridge; an important nexus of traffic from and to the Beijing's CBD. While standing on the first and lower bridging part (along the north-south part of the Third-Ring Road), over the Tong Hui He canal, looking across to its northern bank, one can observe a (minimal) state versus sub-cultural (de-) and (re-)territorialization. These media battle for ground on real estate mostly ignored by traffic in transit above. Who do these brown-gray banks of the canal speak to?

Title: Team #339 12 IMG_2358 (state vs sub-cultural territorialization-02) Caption: A close-up of image "Team #339 11 IMG_2357"

Title: Team #339 13 IMG_2359 (in the middle of in-between; looking back) Caption: from the same location as the image entitled "Team #339 11 IMG_2357" one can turn around and look back at (or south-eastwards) where this excursion started. Across the canal, the excursion started on the top of the highest building furthest to the left (or furthest east: Pingguo Shequ, Beiqu Building #1). The previous images were shot towards the canal. The southern bank of this canal is where some of the previous images were shot (including the odd structure discussed previously).

Title: Team #339 14 IMG_2360 (territorialization; de-centralized recycling initatives) Caption: This scene can be seen from afar in photograph "Team #339 11 IMG_2357 (state vs sub-cultural territorialization-01)". Crossing the bridge, on the northern bank of the canal (Tong Hui He, in Beijing's CBD) southeast from the Guomao bridge, one can observe non-regulated

decentralized initiative of collection/recycling of several resources (i.e. cardboard, etc). To me it is an example how individuals or fluid communities of similar-minded (or of those with similar intentions/possibilities) territorialize areas in the city. It is my impression that this dynamic is not always constant nor visible and was more readily visible before the 2008 Olympic Games. Can/Should these labor-based communities be (better) supported (infra-)structurally?

Title: Team #339 15 IMG_2362 (territorialization; deregulated service industries) Caption: This scene can be seen from afar in photograph "Team #339 11 IMG_2357 (state vs sub-cultural territorialization-01)." At the same location a few steps back to the bridge over the Tong Hui He Canal (see earlier description)and similar as described in image "Team #339 14 IMG_2360" one can see a bicycle repair man. The question remains: can/should these initiatives be supported architecturally/structurally/socially? These individuals/fluid communities/labor groups create a dynamic, a kind of organic hint of down-to-earth human activity in a vast city (of between 14 to 22 million of more-or-less officially registered city dwellers). Currently it seems to me these individuals occupy an in-between space (the space is not there for them yet is there for them) as well as an in-between communal status. They are there yet are not serviced to be there (they serviced themselves perhaps?)

Title: Team #339 16 IMG_2364 (vertical & horizontal in-between space) Caption: Here we arrive under the southern part of the Guomao bridge complex. One can observe a vertical and horizontal in-between space. The vertical east-west bridged space creates an empty sensation. It territorializes with emptiness. It simply supports vehicles in transit and very little on the scale of human pedestrians in-between yet in-location (besides not being crushed by vehicles if the bridging structures were to magically disappear). Besides a more radical consideration whether structures supporting combustion-based transportation is the way to sustain transition, could such

spaces as depicted here be re-territorialized; such as by a bicycle repair person or other and more communal facilities/services/immersive systems instead of anti-crushing systems (i.e. a bridge simply as a bridge)?

Title: Team #339 18 IMG_2367 (Marilyn Monroe-feel & past glamor) Caption: At any moment now... Marilyn Monroe will parade off these grandiose stairs... any second now. Yet, no such idolizing event is to happen. Even though the idols of a past do parade this open space in-between buildings. Virtual shrines without any worshiping in sight; without bystanders; without its followers. Or am I too absent here? It is a space stuck in-between time: a past—knowing its larger context—can not be let go of; a present showing the absence of community, activity, interaction, immersion in to the story being told or the story that could be told. I have my story there, which other paragraphs could my story sit in-between?

Title: Team #339 17 IMG_2366 (in-between space stuck in time) Caption: No, not Marilyn Monroe. The idols of a past, besides a bust, a busted branding of a defenseless force. Virtual shrines without any worshiping in sight; without bystanders; without its followers. Or am I too absent here as well? It is a space stuck in-between time: a past—knowing its larger context—can not be let go of; a present showing the absence of community, activity, interaction, immersion in to the story being told or the story that could be told. I have my story there, which other paragraphs could my story sit in-between?

Title: Team #339 19 IMG_2368 [in-between territorialization) Caption: This is the center of the business in Beijing. This prime in-between real estate is territorialized by sleeping buses. Simply sitting there. The space, under the immensely large bridging complex do not cater to the local residence or citizens. It does not even cater towards those in transit. The standing buses (Besides the subway, it symbolizes to be THE tool for the public and for transportation) accentuate a not being: they are not moving, there is no public; they do not transport. They occupy without being occupied. In the background is 'Jianwai Soho;' a post-hip

business and consumer area. Behind the photographer are several high-end office buildings (i.e. the Metropolis, Beijing Exchange, the Motorola building, etc). The space in-between does not cater towards the participants of the area. Why must its function be as it is?

Title: Team #339 20 IMG_2372[in-between territorialization) Caption: A different angle of "Team #339 19 IMG_2368 [in-between territorialization)." This is taken on the Jianwai Soho side (the western side of the north to south part of the third ring road; up above). In the upper left corner one can see the destination of this excursion (the Guomao buildings).

Title: Team #339 22 IMG_2376 (islands seen from in-between) Caption: A different angle of "Team #339 19 IMG_2368 [in-between territorialization)." This is taken on the Jianwai Soho side (the western side of the north to south part of the third ring road; up above). It shows road structures on either side up ahead. On the left one can see a part of the Jintai building (supposedly one of the more expensive office and residential real estate in the Beijing center). Up ahead one can see the destination of this excursion (the Guomao buildings)

Title: Team #339 21 IMG_2374 (horizontal in-between reterritorialization) Caption: These structures are as to facilitate not being there (i.e. be there, wait, get on the bus, be gone). This strip is in-between Jianwai Soho and the third ring road (as shown in earlier photographs from an opposite point of view). People stream onto the street as if the structures push them to do so (i.e. they are too small to hold them all). These citizens are and they are not: they probably have no intention to be there; rather they most likely have all intention to be at their destination. They are in an in-between state. They reterritorialize the pedestrian area as well as parts of the road. Every day, an extreme number of people wait here (in this image one can see relatively few). Although they are there every day, these bus stops at which they wait offer them no comfort.

Title: Team #339 25 IMG_2381 (in-between landscape for whom?) Caption: This landscape is at the foot of the Jintai building; north of Jianwai Soho (West from the 3rd ring road). It is an in-between space seemingly catering towards no one. For whom is this? The lower one-level structure on the right side behind the thin trees is a subway station entrance. On the front stage of the photograph one can see the entrance road into the Jintai complex. At the end of this no-man's land one can see a hint of a McDonald's logo. The landscape architectural artifacts (those cubes) seem to lure me towards it.

Title: Team #339 26 IMG_2384 (in-between bunker-type consumer goods) Caption: An in-between bunker-type consumer goods location. Down the stairs one can find a McDonalds. This is located on a strip of pavement between the road complex and besides the Guomao bridge structure. This is fast food taken rather literally (stuck between roads for fast moving vehicles).

Title: Team #339 28 IMG_2392 (below-bridge in-between infinity) Caption: The Guomao bridge's core at pedestrian scale; a below-bridge in-between infinity. Where does it lead me? Is it here for me or for my fellow pedestrians? Are those white fences holding me physically back or only psychologically? Does this showcase a maximization of in-between territory; if so who's territory?

Title: Team #339 29 IMG_2393 (is this in-between function and form?) Caption: is this in-between function and form? This is a close up of the image captured in "Team #339 28 IMG_2392 (below-bridge in-between infinity)"

Title: Team #339 27 IMG_2386 (anachronistic royal gate to nowhere) Caption: "Team #339 28 IMG_2392 (below-bridge in-between infinity)" showed the structure seen towards the west. Here I turned around 180 degrees looking westwards. I find an anachronistic royal gate to nowhere. Royalty under the bridge. Who is it for? Why here? Why this aesthetic? This gate is stuck in-between concrete, in-between no-where; in-between being out of place. It accentuates the absence of community; an absence of consideration and thoughtfulness.

Title: Team #339 30 IMG_2394 (re- & de- territorialization shot#01) Caption: Still at the same in-between location as where "Team #339 28 IMG_2392 (below-bridge in-between infinity)" was shot, I look northwards and witness a typical Beijing detail scene. I find this urban poetry. Some people print/write/paint one or other "service" number on walls, on pillars, on sidewalks. Other people follow with out-of-tone and watered-down paint to quasi-cover up these same numbers. Instead of masking them, they are actually highlighted into an abstract mural patchwork. It highlights the idiosyncrasies of a defunct totalitarian dismissiveness creating the

opposite of the intended. Indeed, I do find this a beautiful urban poetry of reterritorialization and deterritorialization.

Title: Team #339 31 IMG_2396 (re- & de- territorialization shot#02) Caption: a close up of the image captured in "Team #339 30 IMG_2394 (re- & de- territorialization shot#01)"

Title: Team #339 32 IMG_2400 (Koolhaas from in-between context) Caption: From in-between; a Koolhaas.

Title: Team #339 24 IMG_2380 (sky-line seen from in-between) Caption: sky-line seen from in-between. Still at the Guomao bridge. Closer to our destination.

Title: Team #339 23 IMG_2379 (in-between no-mans land with out mines) Caption: Here we can find an in-between no-mans land... Is this what the space between North and South Korea might feel like? Here hopefully without land-mines. Location: next to (east from) the Jintai 'garden'; the Third ring-road (left top: Guomao towers; right a small part of Koolhaas' CCTV tower and one of the older buildings in the area; a cylinder type of architecture)

Title: Team #339 33 IMG_2405 (structural & semiotic tension) Caption: structural & semiotic tension: The conditions of this plot of in-between land are appalling yet in stark contrast with the aesthetically displeasing signage 'furniture' showcasing even more contrasting imagery of what seems to be the exchange of wedding bands with the promise of real estate (traditional Chinese men do not get to marry their beloved unless they have a car, a job and 'own' a place to live) all the while with the Koolhaas as backdrop. This too is Beijing's CBD. Are we here in the presence of a phenomenon of urban consciousness? (Bachelard, p. xxvii, v) Where do I not see a 'human touch' here? What is missing, is not touch but rather communal spark.

Title: Team #339 34 IMG_2408 (Guomao roof top; a vertical in-between) Caption: I moved in-between start and goal. Here I arrived at my destination: the Guomao roof top; a vertical in-between. This rooftop is publicly accessible yet has virtually nothing to offer (though could). This area hides the vents from the kitchens below. It is winter now but with the high-temperature food odors oozing from the vents I could sit here with my t-shirt while feeling like an ingredient of a dead-zone urban fact: Beijing CBD's rooftops (as seen from top floor restaurants or offices) are not maximized. They are absent. They are in-between being (at least socially,

culturally, communally, or aesthetically). They territorialize without leaving anything of purpose.

Title: Team #339 35 IMG_2413 (empty space; an in-between state) Caption: On my way back, I walked into Jianwai Soho. Here is one of the many empty spaces in Beijing; an architectural structure in an in-between state.

Title: Team #339 36 IMG_2419 (in-between the all-seeing) Caption: in-between we are being watched; There where nothing happens; there where space is yet is not lived; voyeurism without content. They might see me, they might not; Good morning Foucault (i.e. panopticon). Yet, they can not see this city is my home.


Singapore's views, amongst others, showcase ethnic groups. although unique in nature and different from what one might consider (as a bias) to be "Singapore," yet their territory (spacial and probably also economic) is clearly framed within the larger city. The framing one might possibly speak of, in regards to ethnicity , is in useable tension with the de- or re-teritorrialization. One could speak of where one territory battles with another (i.e. The Beijing photography showing graffiti vs out-door signage; the badly masked phone numbers on the bridge pillar; the bicycle repair man on an in-between patch of land; etc ). In Beijing areas labelled 'dead-zones' or 'no-man's land' were showcased. The reason why those small plots of Beijing land were labelled 'dead-zones' is intended to be made obvious from the drab feel one gets when viewing the images. Similar to Singapore's ethnic districts these 'dead-zone and in-between areas' too are clearly framed (i.e. the white or other fences around areas that have no activity). In stark contrast, Singapore's well-framed ethnic areas are social, human, with spirit and with economic potential. Additionally, if under the condition the framing of Singaporean ethnic neighborhoods is sufficiently inclusive, one could argue those are islands of centralized activity. This is in contrast with what is shown here in an otherwise highly centralized-controlled city as Beijing. A few Beijing photographs highlighted decentralized 'economic' activity, for instance, the image showing recycling efforts as well as the bicycle repair man (two activities that return at several seemingly random locations around Beijing). These activities, the associated artifacts and their coordinating individuals have taken over areas that were initially not intended for such functionality; they territorialized these spaces. One might argue which economic model would create most social or economic success (see Lemann's quote above); Singapore's or this particular highlighted one in Beijing? It seems, in the Singaporean setting, as shown above, any struggle is absent in regards to the ethnic neighborhoods (or those places where these Singaporean ethnic areas might transition into/ be stuck in-between other areas); or any other image captured above. Is this factually so, can this be extrapolated across the urban space, or, is this urban imagery patient and editorial in nature and potentially idealizing what is truly happening at the territorial/cultural/or other (intangible) fault-lines? Additionally, might Beijing have very different examples showcasing a rather opposite dynamic as portrayed in the constructed storyline here above? An overarching question floats to the surface: which filtering lenses shall be used to construct, promote and sustain the 'ideal' actualities of a near-future city?


Bachelard, G. (1958). The Poetics Of Space. Boston: Beacon Press. Bhabha. H. K. (1994). The Location of Culture. New York: Routledge. Deleuze, G. & Felix Guattari. (1972, 2000). Anti-Oedipus - Capitalism and Schizophrenia. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Foucault, M. (1995). Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. New York: Vintage Books. Hauters, J. (2013). Beijing, P.R. China photography Lemann, N. (2011). A Critique At Large. Get Out Of Town. Has The Celebration of Cities Gone Too Far? in The New Yorker (June 27, 2011). Orwell, George (1949). Nineteen Eighty-Four. A novel. London: Secker & Warburg. Sachs, Jeffrey (2001). Tropical Underdevelopment. National Bureau of Economic Research Terziev, N. (2013). Singapore photography

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